Items where Year is 1999

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Fiorentino, P.M., B.E. Cairns and J.W. Hu (1999) Development of inflammation upon application of mustard oil or glutamate to the rat temporomandibular joint. [Publication]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) National register of medicinal plants. [Publication]

Abdel-Latif, H. and I.A. Sadek (1999) Curcumin and its effect on cytochrome P450 and GST in toad liver tumor induced by DMBA. [Publication]

Abdel-Rehman, H.A. et al. (1999) The effect of the aqueous extract of Cynomorium coccineum on the epididymal sperm pattern of the rat. [Publication]

Abdul-Mohib, M. (1999) Isolation of lupine triterpenoid from Maerua oblongifolia. [Publication]

Abo, K.A., A.A. Adeyemi and I.A. Jegede (1999) Evaluation of Cassia sieberiana, Cassia alata and Cassia occidentalis for anthraquinone content and antimicrobial activity. [Publication]

Abo, K.A. and J.S. Ashidi (1999) Antimicrobial screening for Bridelia micrantha, Aichhornea cordifolia and Boerhavia diffusa. [Publication]

Abramovitz, D., S. Gavri, D. Harats, H. Levkovitz, D. Mirelman, T. Miron, S. Eilat-Adar, A. Rabinkov, M. Wilchek, M. Eldar and Z. Vered (1999) Allicin-induced decrease in formation of fatty streaks (atherosclerosis) in mice fed a cholesterol-rich diet. [Publication]

Acal, Ayodhy\={a} Pras\={a}d (1999) Sv\={a}sthyarak\d{s}\={a} me\d{m} \={a}yurved k\={\i} bh\={u}mik\={a}. [Publication]

Adam, S.E.I. (1999) Effects of various levels of dietary Lepidium sativum L. seeds in rats. [Publication]

Adam, S.E.I., K.N. Al-Redhaiman and A.A. Al-Qarawi (1999) Toxicity of Chrozophora obliqua in rats. [Publication]

Adedayo, O., W.A. Anderson, M. Moo-Young and D.O. Kolawole (1999) Antifungal properties of some components of Senna alata flower. [Publication]

Aderibigbe, A.O., T.S. Emudianughe and B.A. Lawal (1999) Antihyperglycaemic effect of Mangifera indica in rats. [Publication]

Adhikary, N., S. Joshi, I. Mohanty and S.K. Gupta (1999) Studies on anticataract activity of Ocimum sanctum in experimental models of cataractogenesis. [Publication]

Afaq, S.H. (1999) A comparative introduction of the Unani and Tibetan medical traditions. [Publication]

Agarkar, S.V. and D.R. Jadge (1999) Phytochemical and pharmacological investigation of genus Cassia: a review. [Publication]

Agarkar, S.V. and D.R. Jadge (1999) Phytochemical and pharmacological investigations of genus Cassia: a review. [Publication]

Agarwal, Anil (1999) Human-nature interactions in a third world country. [Publication]

Agarwal, A. (1999) Therapeutic efficacy of AV/LTP/15 in hepatic dysfunction in dogs. [Publication]

Agarwal, Ramesh, Sham Diwanay, Pralhad Patki and Bhushan Patwardhan (1999) Studies on immunomodulatory activity of Withania somnifera (ashwagandha) extracts in experimental immune inflammation. [Publication]

Agarwal, S.C., J.S. Tripathi and R.H. Singh (1999) Clinical correlates of mental retardation in Ayurveda. [Publication]

Agarwal, S.K., S. Verma, S.S. Singh, S. Kumar and G. Keshri (1999) Antifertility chromene from Blepharispermum subsessile. [Publication]

Agarwal, S.S. and V.K. Singh (1999) Immunomodulators: a review of studies on Indian medicinal plants and synthetic peptides. [Publication]

Agarwal, Sudhir, Deepa Agarwal and R.H. Singh (1999) National heritage protection vs patent laws and intellectual property rights with special reference to Ayurvedic remedies and concepts. [Publication]

Agnihotr\={\i}, R.J. (1999) Graha\d{n}\={\i} do\d{s}. [Publication]

Agrawal, A. (1999) Greener pastures: politics, markets, and community among a migrant pastoral people. [Publication]

Agrawal, Arun (1999) Community-in-conservation: Tracing the outlines of an enchanting concept. [Publication]

Agrawal, Aruna, Rahul Agrawal and G.P. Dubey (1999) Application of social-feedback in the prevention of coronary heart disease. [Publication]

Agrawal, D.P. (1999) Early Indian iron technology, Himalayan contacts and Gangetic urbanisation. [Publication]

Agrawal, D.P. (1999) The role of Central Himalayas in Indian archaeo-metallurgy. [Publication]

Agrawal, O.P. (1999) Dyes and pigments in India: historical, social and material perspectives. [Publication]

Agtmael, M.A. van, T.A. Eggelte and C.J. van Boxtel (1999) Artemisinin drugs in the treatment of malaria; from Chinese herb to registered medication. [Publication]

Aguiyi, J.C., A.C. Igweh, U.G. Egesie and R. Leoncini (1999) Studies on possible protection against snake venom using Mucuna pruriens protein immunization. [Publication]

Agunbiade, S.O. and O.G. Longe (1999) The physico-functional characteristics of starches from cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) and yambean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa). [Publication]

Ahmad, Z. (1999) Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho. Life of the fifth Dalai Lama. [Publication]

Ahmad, Aftab, K.K. Pillai, Shibli Jameel Ahmed, D.K. Balani, A.K. Najmi, Renuka Marwah and Abdul Hameed (1999) Evaluation of the hepatoprotective potential of jigrine pre-treatment on thioacetamide induced liver damage in rats. [Publication]

Ahmad, N., M.R. Hassan, H. Halder and K.S. Bennoor (1999) Effect of Momordica charantia (Karolla) extracts on fasting and postprandial serum glucose levels in NIDDM (non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus) patients. [Publication]

Ahmed, I., I. Chandranath, A.K. Sharma, E. Adeghate, D.J. Pallot and J. Singh (1999) Mechanism of hypoglycemic action of Momordica charantia fruit juice in normal and diabetic rats. [Publication]

Ahmed, Kuram Ali, B.V. Venkataraman and S.K. Mitra (1999) Assessment of a polyherbal Ayurvedic medicine for sexual activity in rats. [Publication]

Ahmed, R.U. (1999) Quality control needs of Ayurvedic drugs: review of efforts. [Publication]

Ahmed, S. (1999) Coronary heart disease: the Indian Asian diet. [Publication]

Ahmed, S., S.D. Parveen and A. Islam (1999) Infant feeding practices in rural Bangladesh: policy implication. [Publication]

Ajaiyeoba, E.O. (1999) Comparative phytochemical and antimicrobial studies of Solanum macrocarpum and S. Torvum leaves. [Publication]

Akgül, A. and M. Özcan (1999) Some compositional characteristics of capers (Capparis ssp.) seed and oil. [Publication]

Akhila, A. and K. Rani (1999) Chemistry of the neem tree (Azadirachta indica A.Juss.). [Publication]

Akhtar, M.S. (1999) Hypoglycaemic effect of dried (sukhchain) Pongamia pinnata flowers in normal volunteers and non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus patients. [Publication]

Akram Khan, M. (1999) Chemical composition and medicinal properties of Nigella sativa Linn. [Publication]

Al-Qattan, K.K., M.A. Alnaqeeb and M. Ali (1999) The antihypertensive effect of garlic (Allium sativum) in the rat two-kidney one-clip Goldblatt model. [Publication]

Al-Sadhan and K. Almas (1999) Miswak (chewing stick): a cultural and scientific heritage. [Publication]

Aladakatti, R.H. and R. Nazeer Ahamed (1999) Effect of Azadirachta indica leaves on rat spermatozoa. [Publication]

Alagesaboopathi, C. and S. Balu (1999) Ethnobotany of Indian Andrographis Wallich ex Nees. [Publication]

Alagesaboopathi, C., P. Dwarakan and V.S. Ramachandran (1999) Andrographis paniculata Nees in tribal medicine of Tamilnadu. [Publication]

Alborn, Timothy L. (1999) Age and Empire in the Indian Census, 1871--1931. [Publication]

Ali, Sálim (1999) Flamingo city. [Publication]

Ali, Sálim (1999) Stopping by the woods on a sunday morning. [Publication]

Ali, Daud (Ed.) (1999) Invoking the past: the uses of history in South Asia. [Publication]

Ali, G., P.S. Srivastava and M. Iqbal (1999) Some physicochemical responses of Bacopa monniera (L.) Wettst. cultures to copper toxicity. [Publication]

Ali, M.S., I. Azhar, Z. Amtul, V.U. Ahmad and K. Usmanghani (1999) Antimicrobial screening of some Caesalpiniaceae. [Publication]

Ali, Mohamed I.A., Nagwa M.M. Shalaby, Mohamed H.A. Elgamal and Ahmed S.M. Mousa (1999) Antifungal effects of different plant extracts and their major components of selected Aloe species. [Publication]

Ali, Z.A. (1999) Folk veterinary medicine in Moradabad District (Uttar Pradesh), India. [Publication]

Ali-Shtayeh, M.S. and Suheil I. Abu Ghdeib (1999) Antifungal activity of plant extracts against dermatophytes. [Publication]

Allgulander, Christer (1999) Anti-anxiety agents: a pharmacoepidemiological review. [Publication]

Almas, K. (1999) Th effect of storage condition on the antimicrobial properties of miswak (Salvadora persica) used in Saudi Arabia. [Publication]

Almas, K. (1999) The antimicrobial effects of extracts of Azadirachta indica (neem) and Salvadora persica (arak) chewing sticks. [Publication]

Almas, K. and B.N.H. Al (1999) The antimicrobial effect of bark and pulp extracts of miswak, Salvadora persica. [Publication]

Alter, Joseph S. (1999) Heaps of health, metaphysical fitness: Ayurveda and the ontology of good health in medical anthropology. [Publication]

Alter, Joseph S. (1999) Knowing Dil Das: stories of a Himalayan hunter. [Publication]

Alves, Joao Pedro Galhano (1999) Men and tigers in Sariska Tiger Reserve, India. [Publication]

Alves, Joao Pedro Galhano (1999) Of large carnivores and humans. [Publication]

Amorin, Alziro de, Helcio R. Borba, Jorge P.P. Carauta, Daise Lopes and Maria A.C. Kaplan (1999) Anthelmintic activity of the latex of Ficus species. [Publication]

Amos, S., P.A. Akah, C.J. Odukwe, K.S. Gamaniel and C. Wambebe (1999) The pharmacological effects of an aqueous extract from Acacia nilotica seeds. [Publication]

Amroyan, E., E. Gabrielian, A. Panossian, G. Wikman and H. Wagner (1999) Inhibitory effect of andrographolide from Andrographis paniculata on PAF-induced platelet aggregation. [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, G.S. (1999) Rase\'{s}var dar\'{s}an (ek sa\d{m}k\d{s}ipt paricaya). [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (1999) \={A}sekya klaibya. [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (1999) \={A}yurvedokta str\={\i} -- sahaja yaun vik\d{r}tiy\={a}\d{m}. [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (1999) J\={\i}r\d{n}a jvar -- cikits\={a} vivara\d{n}. [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (1999) M\={u}tr\={a}gh\={a}t -- ek vic\={a}r. [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (1999) Vi\d{s}am\={a}bhinive\'{s} y\={a} buddhibhra\d{m}\'{s} -- ek manovik\={a}r. [Publication]

Anand, R., R. Shukla and B.N. Dhawan (1999) Evaluation of antistress activity of some Indian medicinal plants. [Publication]

Anandan, R. and T. Devaki (1999) Hepatoprotective effect of Picrorrhiza kurroa on tissue defense systemin d-galactosamine-induced hepatitis in rats. [Publication]

Anandan, R., M. Prabhakaran and T. Devaki (1999) Biochemical studies on the hepatoprotective effect of Picrorrhiza kurroa on changes in liver mirochondrial respiration and oxidative phosphorylation in D-galactosamine induced hepatitis in rats. [Publication]

Anandan, R., R. Deepa Rekha and T. Devaki (1999) Protective effect of Picrorhiza kurroa on mitochondrial glutathione antioxidant system in D-galactosamine-induced hepatitis in rats. [Publication]

Anandan, Rangasamy, Ravikumar Deepa Rekha, Natarajan Saravanan and Thiruvengadam Devalu (1999) Protective effect of Picrorrhiza kurroa against HCl/ethanol-induced ulceration in rats. [Publication]

Anantharaman, T.R. (1999) The iron pillar at Kodachadri in Karnataka. [Publication]

Anderson, Kenneth (1999) The big bull bison of Gedesal. [Publication]

Andrade, Chittaranjan (1999) Psychiatruc illness and the lunar synodic cycle. [Publication]

Anis, K.V., G. Kuttan and R. Kuttan (1999) Role of berberine as an adjuvant response modifier during tumour therapy in mice. [Publication]

Anis, K.V., G. Kuttan and R. Kuttan (1999) Role of berberine as an adjuvant response modifier during tumour therapy in mice. [Publication]

Ankri, S. and D. Mirelman (1999) Antimicrobial properties of allicin from garlic. [Publication]

Annapurna, J., U.T. Bhalerao and D.S. Iyengar (1999) Antimicrobial activity of Saraca asoca leaves. [Publication]

Anonymous (1999) Role of sigru patra pindasweda in sandhi gata vata -- A clinical study. [Publication]

Ansari, S.H. and M. Ali (1999) Phytochemical and pharmacological investigations on Calotropis procera (Ait.) R.Br. [Publication]

Arabab, A.G. et al. (1999) Hypoglycaemic activity of Eugenia jambolana leaves. [Publication]

Arambewela, Lakshmi and Ruvina Silva (1999) Sri Lankan medicinal plant monographs and analysis, vol. 5: Cassia angustifolia. [Publication]

Archana, R. and A. Namasivayam (1999) Antistressor effect of Withania somnifera. [Publication]

Aririatu, L.E. and T.O. Gwadia (1999) Comparative study of the effects of natural and chemical coagulants on the treatment of domestic effluents. [Publication]

Arnold, David (1999) Hunger in the garden of plenty: the Bengal famine of 1770. [Publication]

Arnold, D. (1999) A time for science: past and present in the reconstruction of Hindu science 1860-1920. [Publication]

Arnold, David (1999) "An ancient race outworn'': malaria and race in colonial India 1860--1930. [Publication]

Arora, D., M. Kumar and S.D. Dubey (1999) Kakolyadigana. [Publication]

Arora, D., S.D. Dubey and J.K. Ojha (1999) Role of rasayana in preventing the complications of diabetes melllitus. [Publication]

Aror\={a}, Nitin Kum\={a}r and Jagad\={\i}\'{s} Kum\={a}r Aror\={a} (1999) Rasa \'{s}\={a}stra pr\={a}c\={\i}n eva\d{m} \={a}dhunik vivecan. [Publication]

Arul, V., S. Kumaraguru and R. Dhananjayan (1999) Effects of aegeline and lupeol - the two cardioactive principles isolated from the leaves of Aegle marmelos Corr. [Publication]

Arya, K.R., P.C. Pande and Ved Prakash (1999) Ethnobotanical study on tribal areas of Almora District -- II. [Publication]

Arya,VK AK Jaiswal, PN Singh and S . Bhattacharya (1999) Antidepressant activity of Indian Hypericum perforatum Linn. [Publication]

Ascione, Frank R. and Phil Arkow (1999) Child abuse, domestic violence, and animal abuse: Linking the circles of compassion for prevention and intervention. [Publication]

Asha, V.V. and P. Pushpangadan (1999) Antipyretic activity of Cardiospermum halicacabum. [Publication]

Ashraf, M. Zahid, M.S.Y. Khan, Hakeem Abdul Hameed, M. Ejaz Hussain and M. Fahim (1999) Endothelium modulated vasorelaxant response of a polypharmaceutical herbal drug (lipotab) and its individual constituents. [Publication]

Assayag, Jackie (1999) Épilogue: La fabrique de la possession: sens et agir. [Publication]

Assayag, Jackie (1999) But they do move... Religion, illness and therapeutics in Southern India. [Publication]

Assayag, Jackie and Gilles Tarabout (Eds.) (1999) La possession en Asie du Sud -- Parole, corps, territoire. [Publication]

A\'{s}vin\={\i} Kum\={a}r \'{S}\={a}str\={\i}, Ve\d{n}\={\i}m\={a}dhava (1999) Vartam\={a}n pariprek\d{s}ya me\d{m} rasau\d{s}adhiyo\d{m} ke sandarbha me\d{m} utpanna bhr\={a}mak prac\={a}r eva\d{m} unk\={\i} sam\={\i}k\d{s}\={a}. [Publication]

Athar, A.K. (1999) Some common ethnomedicinal uses of plants among the Gonds of Chhindwara district (MP), India. [Publication]

\={A}\d{t}hnere, P.R. (1999) Ya\'{s}ad dh\={a}tu -- aitih\={a}sik paricaya -- mahatva eva\d{m} upayog. [Publication]

Atreya (1999) The compendium of Ayurvedic medicine -- Principles and practice. [Publication]

Austin, Anoop and M. Jegadeesan (1999) Standardisation of "lingha chendooram" -- number 1, a Siddha drug. [Publication]

Austin, Anoop, M. Jagadeesan and S. Subramanian (1999) Pharmacological studies on lingha chendooram no. 1, a Siddha drug. [Publication]

Avasth\={\i}, A\'{s}ok Kum\={a}r (1999) Adhy\={a}pan antargat `v\={a}t vik\={a}r' vi\d{s}ayagat katipay samasy\={a}ye\d{m} eva\d{m} unk\={a} sambh\={a}vit nir\={a}kara\d{n}. [Publication]

Awasthi, A., G.S. Rawat and A. Rajvanshi (1999) Assessment of human use and ethnobiological values in Tehri Dam submersible area. [Publication]

Awasthi, K. and A. K. Goel (1999) Ethnobotanical studies on the tribe Onge from Little Andaman island. [Publication]

Awasthy, K.S., O.P. Chaurasia and S.P. Sinha (1999) Prolonged murine genotoxic effects of crude extract from neem. [Publication]

Aziba, P.I., D. Bass and Y. Elegbe (1999) Pharmacological investigation of Ocimum gratissimum in rodents. [Publication]

Azmi, H.K. (1999) Use of poikilothermic vertebrates as traditional drugs in certain tribes of eastern Uttar Pradesh. [Publication]

B\={a}bariy\={a}, S\={\i}m\={a} L. (1999) \'{S}a\.{n}khabhasma k\={a} nirm\={a}\d{n}\={a}tmak eva\d{m} cikits\={a}tmak upayog tath\={a} m\={a}nak\={\i}kara\d{n}. [Publication]

Babay, N. and K. Almas (1999) Effect of miswak extract on healthy human dentin: an in vitro study. [Publication]

Badmaev, Vladimir, Piotr B. Kozlowski, Georgia B. Schuller-Levis and Henry M. Wisniewski (1999) The therapeutic effect of an herbal formula Badmaev 28 on experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) in SJL/J mice. [Publication]

Bae, Eun-Ah, Myung-Joo Han and Dong-Hyun Kim (1999) In vitro anti-Helicobacter pylori activity of some flavonoids and their metabolites. [Publication]

Bagchi, D.D., Amita Singh, S.P.S. Khanuja, R.P. Bansal, S.C. Singh and Sushil Kumar (1999) Wide spectrum antibacterial and antifungal activities in the seeds of some coprophilous plants of North Indian plains. [Publication]

Baghel, Meenakshi, S. Kshetrapal and C.P. Singhvi (1999) Magico religiou beliefs about plants in Meena tribe of Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan. [Publication]

Bailey Klepser, Teresa and Michael E. Klepser (1999) Unsafe and potentially safe herbal therapies. [Publication]

Bajaj, S. (1999) Neuropsychopharmacological and immunomodulatory studies on gold preparations used in Indian systems of medicine. [Publication]

Bajaj, Sonia and B.P. Srinivasan (1999) Investigations into the anti-diabetic activity of Azadirachta indica. [Publication]

Baker, Samuel (1999) A temperamental elephant. [Publication]

Baker, Samuel White (1999) Brothers in arms against the game of Ceylon. [Publication]

Baker, Samuel White (1999) The king of beasts. [Publication]

Balasenthil, S., S. Arivazhagan, C.R. Ramachandran, V. Ramachandran and S. Nagini (1999) Chemopreventive potential of neem (Azadirachta indica) on 7-2-dimethyl-benz anthracene (DMBA) induced hamster buccal pouch carcinogenesis,. [Publication]

Balasubramaniam, R (1999) Delhi iron pillar rust characterization by X-ray diffraction analysis. [Publication]

Balasubramaniam, R. (1999) Elucidation of the manufacturing technology employed to construct the body of the Delhi iron pillar. [Publication]

Balasubramaniam, R. (1999) Some aspects of presence of lead in the Delhi iron pillar. [Publication]

Balkundi, H.V. (1999) A meteorological glance at Surapala's Vrikshayurveda. [Publication]

B\={a}lp\={a}\d{n}\d{d}e, N.C. (1999) Rasa\'{s}\={a}stra k\={a} v\={a}\.{n}maya eva\d{m} itih\={a}s. [Publication]

Bandyopadhyay, Nitya Gopal (1999) Nimba and its importance in Ayurvedic medicine in a modern perspective. [Publication]

Banerjee, Rita, Alok Kumar Paul, Syed Nazrul Kabir and Anita Pakrashi (1999) Antiovulatory faculty of the flower of Malvaviscus conzattii. [Publication]

Banerjee, S.K., R. Kumari, R. Mondal, M. Maulik and S.K. Maulik (1999) Cardioprotective role of Allium cepa (onion) on ischemic reperfusion injury in isolated rat heart. [Publication]

Bansal, Vishi and P.K. Prajapati (1999) Diversified actions of abhrak bhasma with different anupanas. [Publication]

Banthia, J. and T. Dyson (1999) Smallpox in nineteenth-century India. [Publication]

Barros, Claudio S.L., Maarcia Regina Silva Ilha, Pedro Soares Bezerra Junior et al. (1999) Intoxicacâo por Senna occidentalis, Ceg. Caesalpinoideae, em bovinos em pastoreio. [Publication]

Baru, R.V. (1999) The structure and utilisation of health services: an inter-state analysis. [Publication]

Baru, Rama (1999) Missionaries in medical care. [Publication]

Barua, K.N., I.C. Barua and M. Das (1999) Ethnobotany of Rajbanshis of Assam. [Publication]

Baruah, Sanjib (1999) India against itself: �ssam and the politics of nationality. [Publication]

Baruah, C.C. (1999) Further studies on the immune response of Albizzia lebbeck, an indigenous drug. [Publication]

Baskaran, S. Theodore (1999) Chennai's patch of green. [Publication]

Baskaran, S. Theodore (1999) The dance of the sarus: essays of a wandering naturalist. [Publication]

Basnet, Dewan B. (1999) Edgeworthia gardneri Meissn. -- A source of raw material of eco-friendly traditional hand-made paper of Eastern Himalaya. [Publication]

Basu, A.R. (1999) Girindrasekhar Bose and the coming of psychology in colonial India. [Publication]

Basu, Amit Ranjan (1999) Discourse on homosexual identity: focus group exploration of a group of men who have sex with men in Calcutta. [Publication]

Basu, Ramsankar and Prasanta Kumar Mukherjee (1999) Plants used for lac culture by the tribals of Purulia in Wst Bengal. [Publication]

Basu, R. and P.K. Mukherjee (1999) Plants used for lac culture by the tribals of Purulia in West Bengal. [Publication]

Baviskar, A. (1999) Nature at stake. [Publication]

Baviskar, Amita (1999) Vanishing forests, sacred trees: a Hindu perspective on eco-consciousness. [Publication]

Bawaskar, H.S. (1999) Scorpion sting: clinical manifestations, management and literature. [Publication]

Bayly, Susan (1999) Caste, society and politics in India from the eighteenth century to the modern age. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (1999) B\={a}\d{m}s aur va\d{m}\'{s}alocan. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (1999) P\={\i}pal. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (1999) Saty\={a}n\={a}\'{s}\={\i} (Argemone mexicana Linn.). [Publication]

Beevi, Nessimunnissa (1999) An evaluation of family welfare programme in Kerala, India. [Publication]

Bellina, Bérénice (1999) La formation des réseaux d'échanges reliant l'Asie du Sud et l'Asie du Sud-Est à travers le matériel archéologique (VIe siècle av. J.-C. -- VIe siècle apr. J.-C.). Un état de la question. Le cas de la péninsule Malaise. [Publication]

Benencia, F. and M.C. Courrèges (1999) Antiviral activity of sandalwood oil against herpes simplex viruses-1 and -2. [Publication]

Bensita, M.B., P. Nilani and S. Sandhya (1999) Studies on the adaptogenic and antibacterial properties of Polyscias fruticosa (L.) Harms. [Publication]

Berti, Daniela (1999) Un dieu maître-chanteur: la résolution d'un conflit villageois dans la vallée de Kullu (Himachal Pradesh). [Publication]

Bertrand, Didier (1999) The healing practices of mediums living and working on the River of Perfumes (Huê, Viêtnam), and the symbolic representations of the person. [Publication]

Bewell, Allan (1999) Romanticism and colonial disease. [Publication]

Bhakta, T., Pulok K. Mukherjee, Kakali Mukherjee, S. Banerjee, Subhash C. Mandal, Tapan K. Maity, M. Pal and B.P. Saha (1999) Evaluation of hepatoprotective activity of Cassia fistula leaf extract. [Publication]

Bhandari, U. and J.N. Sharma (1999) Effect of petroleum ether extract of guar gum in steptozotocin-induced hyperglycemic rats. [Publication]

Bh\={a}radv\={a}j, Vi\d{s}\d{n}udatta (1999) Rasa\'{s}\={a}stra k\={a} sa\d{m}k\d{s}ipt itih\={a}s. [Publication]

Bharat, Shalini (1999) HIV/AIDS related discrimination, stigmatisation and denial in India: A study in Mumbai and Bangalore. [Publication]

Bhargava, Meena (1999) State, society and ecology: Gorakhpur in transition, 1750--1830. [Publication]

Bharti, V.K. Shahi and S. Gupta (1999) The effect of arjuna vacadi yoga in vyana bala vaishamya -- A clinical study. [Publication]

Bhasin, Veena (1999) Tribals of Ladakh: ecology, human settlement and health. [Publication]

Bhasin, Veena (1999) Religious and cultural perspectives of a sacred site -- Sitabari in Rajasthan. [Publication]

Bhaskar Rao, M. (1999) Comparative clinical evaluation of "kshara injection technique" in the management of internal hemorrhoids. [Publication]

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Sharma, P.P. and N.P. Singh (1999) Less known etnobotanical uses of plants in Dadra and Nagar Haveli (U.T.), part I (A--K), part 2. [Publication]

Sharma, P. and J.D. Sharma (1999) Evaluation of in vitro schizontocidal activity of plant parts of Calotropis procera -- an ethnobotanical approach. [Publication]

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Singh, Sushma and D.K. Singh (1999) Effect of molluscicidal components of Abrus precatorius, Argemone mexicana and Nerium indicum on certain biochemical parameters of Lymnaea acuminata. [Publication]

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