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Abrams, G.A. and M.B. Fallon (1998) Treatment of hepatopulmonary syndrome with Allium sativum (garlic): a pilot trial. [Publication]

Abuereish, G.M. (1998) Pepsin inhibitor from roots of Anchusa strigosa. [Publication]

Acharya, K.T. (1998) A historical dictionary of Indian food. [Publication]

Acharya, S.H. (1998) Science of marma (in Ayurvedic diagnosis and treatment). [Publication]

Achola, K.J. and R.W. Munenge (1998) Bronchodilating and uterine activities of Ageratum conyzoides extract. [Publication]

Adams, Vincanne (1998) Doctors for democracy: health professionals in the Nepal revolution. [Publication]

Adams, Vincanne (1998) Suffering rhe winds of Lhasa: politicized bodies, human rights, cultural difference, and humanism in Tibet. [Publication]

Adebayo, A.S. and O.A. Itiola (1998) Properties of starches obtained from Colocasia esculenta and Artocarpus communis. [Publication]

Adhikari, L. and R.P. Chaudhary (1998) Indigenous plant resources used by tribal people in Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve and adjoining areas, Eastern Nepal. [Publication]

Afsharypour, S., K. Jeiran and A.A. Jazy (1998) First investigation of the flavour profiles of the leaf, ripe fruit and root of Capparis spinosa var. mucronifolia from Iran. [Publication]

Agarwal,D.K., K.N. Agarwal, K. Satya and S. Agarwal (1998) Weight gain during pregnancy - A key factor in perinatal and infant mortality. [Publication]

Agarwal, Bina (1998) Environmental management, equity and ecofeminism: debating India's experinece. [Publication]

Agarwal, Bina (1998) Widows versus daughters or widows as daughters? Property, land and economic security in rural India. [Publication]

Agarwal, S.P., A. Prakash and K. Kohli (1998) Pharmacological studies of a "kushta just" suspension formulation. [Publication]

Agra, Y. et al. (1998) Efficacy of senna versus lactulose in terminal cancer patients treated with opioids. [Publication]

Agrav\={a}l, Caitanya Svar\={u}p (1998) K\d{s}aya rog n\={a}\'{s}ak vanau\d{s}adhi -- r\={u}dant\={\i}. [Publication]

Agrav\={a}l, Caitanya Svar\={u}p (1998) L\={u} b\={\i}m\={a}r\={\i} hai par sa\d{m}kr\={a}mak nah\={\i}\d{m}. [Publication]

Agrawal, S.C. and R.H. Singh (1998) Effect of medhya rasayana drug mandukaparni on cognitive functions and social adaptability of mentally retarded children. [Publication]

Aguiyi, J.C. and C.I. Obi (1998) Diuretic profile of Allium cepa in albino rats. [Publication]

Ahmad, G., K.M.Y. Amin, N.A. Khan and Tajuddin (1998) The anti-stress activity of a gem-containing Unani formulation against diverse stressors. [Publication]

Ahmad, I., Z. Mehmood and F. Mohammad (1998) Screening of some Indian medicinal plants for their antimicrobial properties. [Publication]

Ahmad, Iqbal, Zafar Mehmood and Faiz Mohammed (1998) Screening of some Indian medicinal plants for their antimicrobial properties. [Publication]

Ahmad, J. and A. Qadeer (1998) Unani. The science of Greco-Arabic medicine. [Publication]

Ahmad, S.H. and R.P. Srivastava (1998) Iodine deficiency: a tale of misery of Gallongs of village Ragi Doke, Siang Division, Arunachal Pradesh. [Publication]

Ahmed, B. (1998) Medicinal properties of various species of Phyllanthus. [Publication]

Ahmed, I., E. Adeghate, A.K. Sharma, D.J. Pallot and J. Singh (1998) Effects of Momordica charantia fruit juice on islet morphology in the pancreas of the streptozotocin-diabetic rat. [Publication]

Ahmed, Jamil and Hakim Ashhar Qadeer (1998) Unani: the science of Graeco-Arab medicine. [Publication]

Ahn, B.Z., Y.D. Yoon, Y.H. Lee, B.H. Kim and D.E. Sok (1998) Inhibitory effect of bupleuri radix saponins on adhesion of some solid tumor cells and relation to hemolytic action: screening of 232 herbal drugs for anti-cell adhesion. [Publication]

Aiyar, V.V.S. (1998) Agricultural maxims of the poet Tiruvalluvar. [Publication]

Akagi, A., N. Sano, H. Uehara, T. Minami, H. Otsuka and K. Izumi (1998) Non-carcinogenicity of capsaicinoids in B6C3F$_{1}$ mice. [Publication]

Akah, P.A., A. Samson, K. Gamaniel and C. Wambebe (1998) Effect of coconut water on the activity of centrally acting drugs. [Publication]

Akerele, O. and B.A. Ayinde (1998) Antibacterial activities of the volatile oil and aqueous extract of Murraya koenigii leaves. [Publication]

Akhtar, M.S. and M. Aslam (1998) Anthelmintic efficacies of ot total alkaloids and glycosides isolated from Punica granatum fruit rinds. [Publication]

Akhter, R., A.K. Duttt, and V. Wadhwa (1998) Health planning and the resurgence of malaria in urban India. [Publication]

Al-George, Sergiu (1998) Selected papers on Indian studies. [Publication]

Al-Habori, M., A.M. Al-Aghbari and M. Al-Mamary (1998) Effects of fenugreek seeds and its extracts on plasma lipid profile -- a study on rabbits. [Publication]

Al-Habori, Molham and Amala Raman (1998) Antidiabetic and hypocholesterolaemic effects of fenugreek. [Publication]

Al-Yahya, Mohammed A., Ilias Muhammad, Humayun H. Mirza and Farouk S. El-Feraly (1998) Antibacterial constituents from the rhizomes of Ferula communis. [Publication]

Alam, M.I., B. Auddy and A. Gomes (1998) Adjuvant effects and antiserum action potentiation by a (herbal) compound 2-hydroxy-4-methoxy-benzoic acid isolated from the root extract of the Indian medicinal plant sarsaparilla (Hemidesmus indicus R.Br.). [Publication]

Alam, M.M. and B. Rama Rao (1998) Religious practices in South India to cure diseases. [Publication]

Alarcon-Aguilara, F.J., R. Roman-Ramos, S. Perez-Gutierrez, A. Aguilar-Contreras, C.C. Contreras-Weber and J.L. Flores-Saenz (1998) Study of the antihyperglycemic effect of plants used as antidiabetics. [Publication]

Ali, Daud (1998) Technologies of the self: Courtly artifice and monastic discipline in early India. [Publication]

Ali, H., V. Srivastava and M.P. Sharma (1998) Phytochemical investigation of Cocculus pendulus stem. [Publication]

Ali, M. and V. Srivastava (1998) Characterization of phytoconstituents of the fruits of Momordica dioica. [Publication]

Ali, M.S. et al. (1998) Some medicinally important plants and their uses. [Publication]

Ali, M.S., V.U. Ahmad, I. Azhar and K. Usmanghani (1998) Chemotropism and antimicrobial activity of Tamarindus indica. [Publication]

Ali, M. and H. Ansari (1998) Studies on some herbal drugs used as hair tonic. [Publication]

Ali, Momin (1998) Indian Institute of History of Medicine. [Publication]

Allchin, Bridget (1998) Early man and environment in South Asia 1000 BC--AD 500. [Publication]

Alley, Kelly D. (1998) Idioms of degeneracy: assessing Ga\.ng\=a's purity and pollution. [Publication]

Alley, Kelly D. (1998) Idioms of degeneracy: assessing Ganga's purity. [Publication]

Alphen, Jan van (Ed.) (1998) Schamanismus in Tuva. [Publication]

Alves, Joao Pedro Galhano (1998) Tigers and people: strategies for tiger conservation in Sariska Tiger Reserve, India. [Publication]

Amalraj, T. and S. Ignacimuthu (1998) Hypoglycemic activity of Cajanus cajan (seeds) in mice. [Publication]

Amatya, S.M. and P. Sayami (1998) Present status of non-timber forest products at Baitadi district, Nepal. [Publication]

Ameri, A. (1998) The effects of Aconitum alkaloids on the central nervous system. [Publication]

Ames, Roger T., Thomas P. Kasulis and Wimal Dissanayake (1998) Self as image in Asian theory and praxis. [Publication]

Amirthalingam, M. (1998) The sacred trees of Tamilnadu. [Publication]

Ammon, H.P.T. (1998) Salay guggal-(Indischer Weihrauch)Gummiharz aus Boswellia serrata. [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (1998) Aids: \={a}yurved\={\i}ya cikits\={a}: kuch rog\={\i}. [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (1998) \={A}mv\={a}t -- ek sa\d{m}k\d{s}ipt cikits\={a} vivara\d{n}. [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (1998) Annanalik\={a} eva\d{m} atr\={a}\'{s}rit diverticulum: kuch rog\={\i}. [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (1998) Satvavajaya upayog\={\i} Bh\={a}vaprak\={a}\'{s}okta kuch vanaspati dravya. [Publication]

Anaghan, C., L.G. Radhika and A. Thankamma (1998) Standardisation of nisakatakadi kasaya. [Publication]

Anand, B. (1998) Maha triphaladya ghrita: "a remedy for glaucoma". [Publication]

Anandhi, S. (1998) Reproductive bodies and regulated sexuality: birth control debates in early twentieth century Tamilnadu. [Publication]

Anglani, C. (1998) Sorghum for human food -- A review. [Publication]

Ankarfjärd, R. and M. Kegl (1998) Tapping oleoresin from Dipterocarpus alatus (Dipterocarpaceae) in a Lao village. [Publication]

Anonymous (1998) Effect of takradhara in menorrhagia. [Publication]

Anonymous (1998) Flexible dose open trial of vijayasar in cases of newly diagnosed non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. [Publication]

Anonymous (1998) Indian Herbal Pharmacopoeia, vol. I. [Publication]

Anonymous (1998) Rêver. [Publication]

Ansari, A. A. (1998) Wild edible plants of Madhaulia forest, Gorakhpur, U.P. [Publication]

Ansari, R.A., B.S. Aswal, R. Chander, B.N. Dhawan, N.K. Garg, N.K. Kapoor, D.K. Kulshreshtha, H. Mehdi, B.N. Mehrotra, G.K. Patnaik and S.K. Sharma (1998) Hepatoprotective activity of Kutkin, the iridoid glycoside mixture of Picrorrhiza kurroa. [Publication]

Aphale, A.A. et al. (1998) Subacute toxicity study of the combination of ginseng (Panax ginseng) and ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) in rats: a safety assessment. [Publication]

Arcasoy, H.B. et al. (1998) Effect of Tribulus terrestris on some smooth muscle preparations: a preliminary study. [Publication]

Argilés, Josep M., Neus Carbó, Paola Costelli and Francisco J. López-Soriano (1998) Prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases: a common startegy? [Publication]

Arnold, David (1998) India's place in the tropical world 1770--1930. [Publication]

Arora, D., M. Kumar and S.D. Dubey (1998) Centella asiatica -- A review of its medicinal uses and pharmacological effects. [Publication]

Arora, Vimal Kumar and K. Shankar Rao (1998) Role of free radicals in the shelf life of medicated oils and fats. [Publication]

Aruoma, O.L. (1998) Free radicals, oxidative stress and antioxidants in human health and disease. [Publication]

Asad, Mohammed and M.S. Harish (1998) Effect of eumil, a herbal immunomodulatory product on granulocyte phagocytosis. [Publication]

Asha, V.V. and P. Pushpangadan (1998) Preliminary evaluation of the antihepatotoxic activity of Phyllanthus kozhikodianus, Phyllanthus maderaspatensis and Solanum indicum. [Publication]

Asha, V. and P. Pushpangadan (1998) Ethnomedical and pharmacognostic investigations on Rhaphidophora pertusa Schott. [Publication]

Ashorobi, R.B. (1998) Antipyretic effect of Azadirachta indica in bacteria endotoxin induced fever in the rat. [Publication]

Ashorobi, R.B. and A.O. Joda (1998) Positive inotropic effect of the extract of Adansonia digitata (Linn.) on isolated atrial muscle of the rat. [Publication]

Ashraf, J. (1998) On the identification of baldor in Avicenna. [Publication]

Asshauer, Egbert (1998) Emerging challenges with Tibetan medicine in German-speaking countries. [Publication]

Atillasoy, E.O., A. Kapetanakis, S.H. Itzkowitz and P.R. Holt (1998) Amaranthin lectin binding in the rat colon: response to dietary manipulation. [Publication]

Atran, S. (1998) Folk biology and the anthropology of science: cognitive universals and cultural particulars. [Publication]

Atta, A.H. and A. Alkofahi (1998) Anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of some Jordanian medicinal plant extracts. [Publication]

Avedon, John F., Fernand Meyer, N.D. Bolsokhoeva, K.M. Gerasimova and Tamdin Sither Bradley (1998) The Buddha's art of healing -- Tibetan paintings rediscovered. [Publication]

Awe, S.O., O.A. Olajide and J.M. Makinde (1998) Effects of Allium sativum and Vernonia amygdalina on thrombosis in mice. [Publication]

Awe, S.O., O.A. Olajide, O.O. Oladiran and J.M. Makinde (1998) Antiplasmodial and antipyretic screening of Mangifera indica extract. [Publication]

Axarlis, S., A. Mentis, C. Demetzos, S. Mitaku, A.L. Skatsounis, M. Marcelos and M. Malamas (1998) Antiviral in vitro action of Hypericum perforatum L. extract on the human cytomegalovirus (HCMV). [Publication]

Azad Chowdhury, A.K., Md. Amirul Islam, Md. Abdur Rashid and Abu Jamil Ferdous (1998) Therapeutic potential of the volatile oil of Nigella sativa seeds in monkey model with experimental Shigellosis. [Publication]

Azam, Afzal et al. (1998) Preliminary phytochemical study on leaves and stems of Brachylepis nervosa Wight et Arnot. [Publication]

Azariah, Jayapaul, Hilda Azariah, Darryl R.J. Macer (Eds.) (1998) Bioethics in India -- Proceedings of the International Bioethics Workshop in Madras, Bio-ethical Management of Biogeo-resources, 16--19 Jan. 1997, University of Madras. [Publication]

Aziz, Nagy Halim, Youssef A. Youssef, Moheie Z. El-Fouly and Lotfy A. Moussa (1998) Contamination of some common medicinal plant samples and spices by fungi and their mycotoxins. [Publication]


Baber, Zaheer (1998) The science of empire: scientific knowledge, civilization, and colonial rule in India. [Publication]

Babu, T.M. (1998) Diamonds in India. [Publication]

Badave, S.V. and S.G. Phadake (1998) To assess the role of amalaki (Emblica officinalis) in katuraspradhan tikshna ushna ahar janeet amlapitta. [Publication]

Badola, R. (1998) Attitudes of local people towards conservation and alternatives to forest resources: a case study from the lower Himalayas. [Publication]

Badshah, L., F. Hussain and Z. Mohammad (1998) Floristic and ethnoecological studies of some plants of Pirghar hills, S. Weziristan, Pakistan. [Publication]

Baghel, M.S. (1998) 3-Month training courses in Ayurveda for foreign medical practitioners. [Publication]

Bajaj, S. and S.B. Vohora (1998) Analgesic activity of gold preparations used in Ayurveda and Unani-Tibb. [Publication]

Bajaj, S. and S.B. Vohora (1998) Gold preparations in Ayurveda and Unani-TIBB: therapeutic rationale and safety aspect. [Publication]

Bajaj, Sonia and S.B. Vohora (1998) Neuropsychopharmacological profile of gold preparations used in Indian system of medicine. [Publication]

Balagopalan, E.R. (1998) Clinical observation -- a case of nadivrana. [Publication]

Balagopalan, E.R. (1998) Clinical observation -- a case of paksaghata. [Publication]

Balasubramaniam, P., L. Pari and Venugopal P. Menon (1998) Protective effect of carrot (Daucus carota L.) against lindane-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. [Publication]

Balasubramaniam, R. (1998) Decorative bell capital of the Delhi ron pillar. [Publication]

Balasubramaniam, R. (1998) On the presence of lead in the Delhi iron pillar. [Publication]

Baldazzi, C., M.G. Leone, M.L. Casini and B. Tita (1998) Effects of the major alkaloid of Hydrastis canadensis L., berberine, on rabbit prostate strips. [Publication]

Balfour-Paul, Jenny (1998) Indigo. [Publication]

Balkundi, H.V. (1998) Famines and droughts in the Indian subcontinent during the 5th century BC to 18th century AD. [Publication]

Balkundi, H.V. (1998) Measurement of rainfall in ancient India. [Publication]

Bandaranayake, W.M. (1998) Traditional and medicinal uses of mangroves. [Publication]

Bandhyopadhyay, Nitya Gopal (1998) A profile tribute to late Kaviraj Bam Deo Tripathi. [Publication]

Banerjee, S. (1998) The parlour and the streets. Elite and popular culture in nineteenth century Calcutta. [Publication]

Banerjee, Sumanta (1998) The parlour and the streets: Elite and popular culture in nineteenth-century Kolkata. [Publication]

Banerjee, S., J. Bhattacharya, M.K. Chakrabarti and Mukherjee (1998) Investigations of IHN-300, a multiherbal product as an antidiarrhoeal agent in different animal models. [Publication]

Banerjee, Sumanta (1998) Dangerous outcaste: the prostitute in nineteenth century Bengal. [Publication]

Bansat-Boudon, L. (Ed.) (1998) Théâtres indiens. [Publication]

Barendse, R.J. (1998) The Arabian Seas: The Indian Ocean world of the seventeenth century. [Publication]

Barrow, Sasha C. (1998) A monograph of Phoenix L. (Palmae; Coryphoideae). [Publication]

Bartholomew, Robert E. (1998) The medicalization of exotic deviance: a sociological perspective on epidemic koro. [Publication]

Baru, Rama V. (1998) Private health care in India: social characteristics and trends. [Publication]

Barua, C.C., P.P. Gupta, S. Misra-Bhattacharya, D.K. Kulshrestha, M.P. Dubey and B.N. Dhawan (1998) Effect of Albizzia lebbeck on immune responses of host. [Publication]

Barua, C.C., P.P. Gupta, S. Misra-Bhattacharya, D.K. Kulshrestha, M.P. Dubey and B.N. Dhawan (1998) Effect of Albizzia lebbeck on immune responses of host. [Publication]

Barua, Paran, R.K. Adhikary, Pabitra Kalita, Dalima Bordoloi, P. Gogoi, R.S. Singh and A.C. Ghosh (1998) Wild edible mushrooms of Meghalaya. [Publication]

Baruah, C.C., P.P. Gupta, A. Nath et al. (1998) Anti-allergic and anti-anaphylactic activity of picroliv - a standardized iridoid glycoside fraction of Picrorrhiza kurroa. [Publication]

Basha, S.C. (1998) Conservation and management of sacred groves in Kerala. [Publication]

Bastos, Cristiana (1998) Germ theories in a colonial setting: Medical theories and military practices in a late nineteenth-century Goa, India. [Publication]

Battinelli, L. et al. (1998) Zingiber officinale essential oil: screening for antimicrobial activity. [Publication]

Baumgarten, A.I., J. Assmann and G.G. Stroumsa (Eds.) (1998) Self, soul and body in religious experience. [Publication]

Bawaskar, H.S. and P.H. Bawaskar (1998) Indian red scorpion envenoming. [Publication]

Bawaskar, H.S. and P.H. Bawaskar (1998) Scorpion sting. [Publication]

Bayly, C.A. (1998) The origins of nationality in South Asia: Patriotism and ethical government in the making of modern India. [Publication]

Beckwith, Jan V. (1998) Herbal medications and nutraceuticals used to treat rheumatoid or osteoarthritis. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (1998) Bahe\d{r}\={a}. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (1998) Bahur\={u}piy\={a} eka\d{r}iy\={a} lahsun. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}mes (1998) Bak\={a}yan. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (1998) Era\d{n}\d{d}. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (1998) Ghiy\={a}tor\={\i} -- Luffa cylindrica (Linn.) M.J. Roemer (Cucurbitaceae). [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (1998) Gokhar\={u} aur ba\d{r}\={a} gokhar\={u}. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (1998) Kh\={\i}r\={a} (Cucumis sativus Linn., Cucurbitaceae). [Publication]

Bedigian, D. (1998) Early history of sesame cultivation in the Near East and beyond. [Publication]

Beg, M., S. Afzal and N. Akhter (1998) Hypolipidemic and cardioprotective effectiveness of guglip in patients of nephrotic syndrome. [Publication]

Benencia, Fabián, Maria C. Courrèges, Celia E. Coto and Félix C. Coulombié (1998) Immunomodulatory activities of Melia azedarach L. leaf extracts on human monocytes. [Publication]

Bensita, Mary Bernard, Nilani Pakianathan and Madhu C. Divakar (1998) On the antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and molluscicidal properties of Polyscias fruticosa (L.) Harms. [Publication]

Bensita, Mary Bernard, Nilani Pakianathan, R. Venkataswamy and Madhu C. Divakar (1998) A pharmacognostic report on the leaf and root of Polyscias fruticosa (L.) Harms. [Publication]

Berglie, Per-Arne (1998) The gods appear. From vision to possession: remarks on visualization and visibility in Tibetan religion. [Publication]

Berkes, F. and C. Folke (Eds.) (1998) Linking social and ecological systems. [Publication]

Berthold, Heiner K., Thomas Sudhop and Klaus von Bergmann (1998) Effect of a garlic oil preparation on serum lipoproteins and cholesterol metabolism -- a randomized controlled trial. [Publication]

Berti, Daniela (1998) Una litugia controllata. Riti brahmanici e possessione in Himachal Pradesh (India Settentrionale). [Publication]

Béteille, André (1998) The idea of indigenous people. [Publication]

Bhagwan Dash, Vaidya and Suhasini Ramaswamy (1998) Ayurveda: the science of traditional Indian medicine. [Publication]

Bhakta, T., P.K. Mukherjee, K. Mukherjee, M. Pal et al. (1998) Studies om in vivo wound healing activity of Cassia fistula Linn. leaves (Leguminosae) in rats. [Publication]

Bhakta, T. et al. (1998) Studies on in vitro wound healing activity of Cassia fistula Linn. leaves (Leguminosae) in rats. [Publication]

Bhakta, T., Pulok K. Mukherjee, Kakali Saha, M. Pal and B.P. Saha (1998) Studies on antitussive activity of Cassia fistula (Leguminosae) leaf extract. [Publication]

Bhanadari, U. and J.K. Grover (1998) A reappraisal of clinical studies on the comparative influences of three indigenous plant rdrugs in diabetes mellitus. [Publication]

Bhandari, U. and J.K. Grover (1998) A reappraisal of clinical studies on the comparative influences of three indigenous plant drugs in diabetes mellitus. [Publication]

Bhandari, U., J.K. Grover and J.N. Sharma (1998) Effect of indigenous drugs on changes in morphology and cholesterol level of aorta in early atherosclerotic progression: a comparative experimental study. [Publication]

Bhandari, U., J.N. Sharma and R. Zafar (1998) The protective action of ethanolic ginger (Zingiber officinale) extract in cholesterol fed rabbits. [Publication]

Bharati, J.P.M. Chansouria and R.H. Singh (1998) Studies on hypoglycaemic activity of shilajatu and yashada bhasma. [Publication]

Bhardwaj, A. and J. Sokhey (1998) Snake bites in the hills of North India. [Publication]

Bhardwaj, U. (1998) Therapeutic efficacy of herbal anti-tympanitic agents for recurrent tympany in buffaloes. [Publication]

Bhasin, M.K. and S.L. Malik (Eds.) (1998) Contemporary studies in human ecology. [Publication]

Bhasin, M.K. and H. Walter (1998) Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency and abnormal haemoglobins ({S} and {E}) in people of India. [Publication]

Bhaskaran Nair, P.G. alias Venuswamy (1998) A book on Ayyappa Mahatmyam and Vana Yatra. [Publication]

Bhatia, J. (1998) Study of the possible cardioprotective role of Terminalia arjuna in experimental animals and its clinical usefulness in coronary artery disease. [Publication]

Bhatia, J., S.K. Bhattacharya, P. Mahajan and S. Dwivedi (1998) Effect of Terminalia arjuna on coronary flow -- an experimental study. [Publication]

Bhatnagar, V.K. and M. Ali (1998) A review of medoroga vis-a-vis obesity. [Publication]

Bha\d{t}n\={a}gar, Manoj (1998) Gu\d{n}k\={a}r\={\i} g\={a}jar. [Publication]

Bhatt, Seema (1998) Conservation through community enterprise. [Publication]

Bhatt, J.D., U.D. Panchakshari, K.G. Hemavathi and O.D. Gulati (1998) Effect of Abana238 p., ill.,. [Publication]

Bha\d{t}\d{t}\={a}c\={a}rya, Sukum\={a}r\={\i} (1998) Beder yuge k\d{s}udh\={a} o kh\={a}dya (On hunger and food in the Vedic age). [Publication]

Bhattacharjee, Supriya Kumar (1998) Handbook of medicinal plants. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, S. (1998) Re-devising Jennerian vaccines?: European technologies, Indian innovation and the control of smallpox in South Asia, 1850--1950. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, Sanjoy, Mark Harrison and Michael Worboys (1998) A very peculiar triumph: the control and eradication of smallpox in India. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, S.K. (1998) Effect of trasina, an Ayurvedic herbal formulation, on experimental models of Alzheimer's disease and central cholinergic markers in rats. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, S.K. and S. Ghosal (1998) Anxiolytic activity of standardised extracts of Bacopa monnieri: an experimental study. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, Sanjoy (1998) Re-devising Jennerian vaccines?: European technologies, Indian innovation and the control of smallpox in South Asia, 1850--1950. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, Sukanya and Malay Chatterjee (1998) Protective role of Trianthema portulacastrum against diethylnitrosoamine-induced experimental hepatocarcinogenesis. [Publication]

Bhattarai, N.K. (1998) Traditional medicine, medicinal plants and biodiversity. Conservation in the global and Nepalese contexts. [Publication]

Bhattarai, K.R. and N. Acharya (1998) Swertia species (chiraito) of commerce in Nepal. [Publication]

Bhattarai, N.K. (1998) Traditional medicine, medicinal plants and biodiversity conservation in the global and Nepalese contexts. [Publication]

Bhattarai, N.K. (1998) Traditional medicines: role of medicinal plants in present and future healthcare. [Publication]

Bhetwal, B.B., M.O'Shea and D.A. Warrell (1998) Snakes and snake bite in Nepal. [Publication]

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Lissoni, Paolo, Luisa Giani, Sanislao Zerbini, Patrizia Trabattoni and Franco Rovelli (1998) Biotherapy with the pineal immunomodulating hormone melatonin versus melatonin plus A vera in untreatable advanced solid neoplasms. [Publication]

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Maity, Tapan Kumar, Subhash C. Mandal, Pulok K. Mukherjee, K. Saha, J. Das, M. Pal and B. P. Saha (1998) Studies of antiinflammatory effect of Cassia tora leaf extract (Fam. Leguminosae). [Publication]

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Meyer, Eric (1998) Forests, chena cultivation, plantations and the colonial state in Ceylon 1840--1940. [Publication]

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Mitra, S.K., S. Gopumadhavan, M.V. Venkataranganna and R. Sundaram (1998) Effect of cystone, a herbal formulation, on glycolic acid-induced urolithiasis in rats. [Publication]

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Mohammad, A., Y. Rahana and A. Anees (1998) Adsorption behaviour of Cd, Zn, Ni and Pb from aquatic solutions by Mangifera indica seed shell. [Publication]

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Nagase, Hisamitsu, Kazuhiko Sasaki, Hideaki Kito, Arayo Haga and Takahiko Sato (1998) Inhibitory effect of delphinidin from Solanum melongena on human fibrosarcoma HT-1080 invasiveness in vitro. [Publication]

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Nalini, N., K. Sabitha, P. Viswanathan and V.P. Menon (1998) Influence of spices on the bacterial (enzyme) activity in experimental colon cancer. [Publication]

Nambiar, V.P. Krishnan, A. Jayanthi, T.K. Sabu and K. Rajendrakumar (1998) Pharmacognostical studies on Saraca asoca (Roxb.) de Wilde. [Publication]

Nambiar, V.P. Krishnan, A. Jayanthi, T.K. Sabu and K. Rajendrakumar (1998) Pharmacognostical studies on patola (Trichosanthes lobata Roxb.). [Publication]

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Nanda, G.C., M.M. Padhi and K.K. Chopra (1998) Effect of trayodasanga guggulu and vishatinduka vati alongwith abhyanga and swedan on the management of gridharasi (sciatica). [Publication]

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Udupa, S.L., A.L. Udupa and D.R. Kulkarni (1998) A comparative study on the effect of some indigenous drugs on normal and steroid-depressed healing. [Publication]

Uki'{c} (1998) Study on antioxidant enzymes of Allium cepa L. and Allium fistulosum L. [Publication]

Uma Devi, K. and Asha Swarup (1998) Efficacy of PD-959 gel in abnormal vaginal discharge. [Publication]

Uma Devi, P., K.S. Bisht and M. Vinitha (1998) A comparative study of radioprotection by Ocimum flavonoids and synthetic aminothiol protectors in the mouse. [Publication]

Uniy\=al, M\=ay\=ar\=am (1998) Lokaparampar\=agat \=ayurvedik au\d{s}adha dravyo\d{m} k\={\i} pahic\=an eva\d{m} au\d{s}adh\={\i}ya p\=adapo\d{m} k\=a dravyagu\d{n} \'s\=astra me\d{m} sam\=ave\'s. [Publication]

Uniy\={a}l, M. and M. Uniy\={a}l (1998) Agriculturization of medicinal plants in India. [Publication]

Uniy\={a}l, M\={a}y\={a}r\={a}m (1998) \={A}yurvedik au\d{s}adhiyo\d{m} eva\d{m} ja\d{r}\={\i}-b\={u}\d{t}iyo\d{m} ke patent ke sandarbha me\d{m} sujh\={a}v eva\d{m} pari\d{n}\={a}m. [Publication]

Uniy\={a}l, M\={a}y\={a}r\={a}m (1998) Jamm\={u}-Ka\'{s}m\={\i}r Rajya sthit Pa\d{t}n\={\i} \'{s}ikhar k\={\i} ja\d{r}\={\i}-b\={u}\d{t}iy\={a}\d{m}. [Publication]

Uniy\={a}l, M\={a}y\={a}r\={a}m (1998) Navagraho\d{m} aur nak\d{s}atro\d{m} ke \={a}dh\={a}r par yaj\~{n}asamidh\={a} eva\d{m} pary\={a}vara\d{n}-sa\d{m}rak\d{s}a\d{n}. [Publication]

Uniy\={a}l, M\={a}y\={a}r\={a}m (1998) Patent k\={a}n\={u}n ke bh\={a}v\={\i} du\d{s}pari\d{n}\={a}m eva\d{m} au\d{s}adhi -- vij\~{n}\={a}n ke kramabaddha \={a}lekh taiy\={a}r karne hetu prast\={a}v. [Publication]

Uniy\={a}l, M\={a}y\={a}r\={a}m and Mahe\'{s} Kau\'{s}al (1998) V\={a}t-vy\={a}dhiyo\d{m} me\d{m} \={a}mv\={a}t k\={\i} cikits\={a}. [Publication]

Unnikrishnan, T.M. (1998) Clinical observation -- Meniere's disease. [Publication]

Untawale, A.G., S. Wafar and M. Wafar (1998) Sacred mangroves in India. [Publication]

Up\={a}dhy\={a}y, Govind Pras\={a}d (1998) Ari\d{s}\d{t}a vij\~{n}\={a}n. [Publication]

Upadhyay, O.P., Kaushal Kumar and R.K. Tiwari (1998) Ethnobotanical study of skin treatment uses of medicinal plants of Bihar. [Publication]

Upadhyaya, O.P., K. Kumar and R.K. Tiwari (1998) Ethnobotanical study of skin treatment uses of medicinal plants of Bihar. [Publication]

Upadhye, Anuradha and M.S. Kumbhojkar (1998) Schleichera oleosa (Lour.) Oken: a boon for tribals. [Publication]

Uplekar, M. et al. (1998) Tuberculosis patients and practitioners in private clinics in India. [Publication]


Vacek, Jaroslav and Jan Dvo\u{r}\'{a}k (Eds.) (1998) Trends in Indian Studies -- Proceedings of the ESIS. [Publication]

Vaidya, Asha Ram (1998) The ancient Indian system of rejuvenation and longevity. [Publication]

Valiathan, M.S. (1998) Healing plants. [Publication]

Varghese, E., P.P. Hembrom and S. Mallokunnel (1998) An ethnomedical alternative in treatment of kala-azar. [Publication]

V\={a}riyar, P.R. (1998) \={A}yurved ko kera\d{l} k\={a} yogd\-an. [Publication]

V\={a}riyar, P.R. (1998) Ky\={a} prabh\={a}v socan\={\i}ya nah\={\i}\d{m} hai? [Publication]

V\={a}riyar, P.R. (1998) Prak\d{r}tiy\={a}\d{m}. [Publication]

V\={a}riyar, P.R. (1998) \'{S}ar\={\i}r param\={a}\d{n}u aur trido\d{s}. [Publication]

V\={a}riyar, P.S. (1998) Dravya parim\={a}\d{n}. [Publication]

V\={a}riyar, P.S. (1998) N\={a}\d{d}\={\i} \'{s}abd k\={a} artha. [Publication]

V\={a}riyar, P.S. (1998) Vaidya aur sa\d{m}gati. [Publication]

Varshney, J.P. (1998) Traditional therapeutic resources for the management of gastrointestinal disorders and their clinical evaluation. [Publication]

V\={a}r\d{s}\d{n}ey, Atul B\={a}b\={u} and P.S. \'{S}r\={\i}v\={a}stava (1998) \={A}yurved me\d{m} n\={a}\d{d}\={\i} par\={\i}k\d{s}\={a}. [Publication]

V\={a}r\d{s}\d{n}ey, Atul B\={a}b\={u} and P.S. \'{S}r\={\i}v\={a}stava (1998) N\={a}\d{d}\={\i} ban\={a}m nabj. [Publication]

Vedavathy, S. (1998) Status of plant genetic resources and ethnobotanical information in Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh. [Publication]

Vedavathy, S., V. Mrudula, A. Sudhakar and T. Siddhamma (1998) Tribal medicine of Andhra Pradesh. [Publication]

Veit, Eilsabeth (1998) Das Ayurveda-Heilkundebuch: Selbstbehandlung nach der indischen Naturmedizin. [Publication]

Velpandian, T., P. Mathur, S. Sengupta and S.K. Gupta (1998) Preventive effect of chyavanprash against steroid induced cataract in the developing chick embryo. [Publication]

Velpandian, T., P. Mathur, S. Sengupta, P. Tyagi and S.K. Gupta (1998) Preventive effect of chyavanprash against steroid induced cataract in developing chick embryo. [Publication]

Venkata Rama Raju, K. and Momin Ali (1998) Dawn of Ayurveda during the reign of Nizam VII of Hyderabad. [Publication]

Venkata Rama Raju, K. and Vinod Kumar Bhatnagar (1998) Sown a seed of Ayurveda in the Nizam dominion. [Publication]

Venkataranganna, M.V., S. Gopumadhavan and S.D. Anturlikar (1998) Antiasthmatic and anti-anaphylactic effect of E-721 B, a herbal formulation, in various experimental models. [Publication]

Venkataranganna, M.V., S. Gopumadhavan, R. Sundaram and S.K. Mitra (1998) Evaluation of possible mechanism of anti-ulcerogenic activity of UL-409, a herbal preparation. [Publication]

Venkataswamy Reddy, M. and C.R. Chandrashekar (1998) Prevalence of mental and behavioral disorders in India: a meta-analysis. [Publication]

Venkateswaran, S., L. Pari and P. Viswanathan (1998) Antiperoxidative effect of Livex, a herbal formulation against erythromycin estolate induced lipid peroxidation in rats. [Publication]

Venugopal Rao, S., N. Singh, M.R. Uniyal and D. Ghosh (1998) Some experiences on extraction of musk from live musk deer. [Publication]

Venugopal, S. (1998) Effect of Eve care in oligomenorrhoea. [Publication]

Verma, D.K., V.J. Tripathi, V. Taneja and B.K. Rana (1998) Antifungal activity of the seed coat extract of Azadirachta indica. [Publication]

Verma, K.K., B.K. Khaitan, O.P. Singh (1998) The frequency of sexual dysfunctions in patients attending a sex therapy clinic in North India. [Publication]

Verma, M., Y.N. Shukla, S.P. Jain and Sushilkumar (1998) Chemistry and biology of the Indian dhak tree Butea monosperma. [Publication]

Verma, R. (1998) Traditional veterinary medicines used in the management of bacterial diseases of animals and their laboratory evaluation. [Publication]

Vetrichelvan, T., S. Kavimani, J.K. Gupta, C. Lakshmi Narasimhan and L.C. Narasimhan (1998) Effect of rifampicin on Trigonella foenumgraecum (fenugreek)-induced hypoglycemia in rats. [Publication]

Vicziany, Marika (1998) Ecological perspectives on the development of the Piparwar coal mine in Bihar 1954--1994. [Publication]

Vijaya Padma, V., V. Suja, C.S. Shyamala Devi (1998) Hepatoprotective effect of Liv.52 on antitubercular drug-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. [Publication]

Vijayakumar, R. and T. Pullaiah (1998) An ethno-medico-botanical study of Prakasam district, Andhra Pradesh, India. [Publication]

Vijayakumar, R. and T. Pullaiah (1998) Medicinal plants used by the tribals of Prakasam district, Andhra Pradesh. [Publication]

Vijayalakshmi, B., B.V. Kumara Swamy and T.R. Shantha (1998) Ayurvedic rationale of the Southern Indian vegetable soup saaru or rasam. [Publication]

Vijayalakshmi, T., P. Jayaprakash Narayanan and P. Sachidanandam (1998) Changes in glucose metabolizing enzymes in adjuvant arthritis and its treatment with a Siddha drug: Serankottai nei. [Publication]

Vinekar, A.S., C. Andrade, V.T. Sriprada et al. (1998) Attenuation of ECS-induced retrograde amnesia by using an herbal formulation. [Publication]

Visalyaputra, S. et al. (1998) The efficacy of ginger root in the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting after outpatient gynaecological laparoscopy. [Publication]

Visen, P.K.S., Binduja Saraswat, Kanwal Raj, A.P. Bhaduri and M.P. Dubey (1998) Prevention of galactosamine-induced hepatic damage by the natural product loganin from the plant Strychnos nux-vomica: studies on isolated hepatocytes and bile flow in rat. [Publication]

Vitebski, Piers (1998) A farewell to ancestors? -- Deforestation and the changing spiritual environment of the Sora. [Publication]

Vlietinck, A. J., T. De Bruyne, S. Apers and L. A. Pieters (1998) Plant-derived leading compounds for chemotherapy of human immunodeficiency virus ({HIV}) infection. [Publication]

Vohora, S.B. and G.V. Mishra (1998) A compilation - rational basis of the use of medicinal plants in skin diseases. [Publication]

Vohora, S. B. and G. V. Mishra (1998) Rational basis for the use of medicinal plants in skin diseases. [Publication]

Voroshilov, Maxim (1998) Revival of Tibetan medicine in Russia -- Interview with Seraphim {A}. Sidorov. [Publication]


Wachasundar, N.P. and N.N. Wachasundar (1998) The effect of takradhara in atyartava (dysfunctional uterine bleeding). [Publication]

Wagle, N.K. (1998) Women in the Kotw\={a}l's Papers, Pune, 1767--1791. [Publication]

Wakimura, Kohei (1998) Mortality and public health under the colonial rule: India and Taiwan. [Publication]

Wang, L.F., H. Luo, M. Miyoshi et al. (1998) Inhibitory effect of gymnemic acid on intestinal absorption of oleic acid in rats. [Publication]

Warrier, P.K. and K. Muraleedharan (1998) Clinical observation -- Pyrexia of unknown origin. [Publication]

Warrier, P.K. and T.S. Murali (1998) A pragmatic approach to the updating of Ayurveda. [Publication]

Wassenberg, Siegfried, Gertraud Herborn, Oliver Sander and Rolf Rau (1998) Salai-Guggal-(indischer Weihrauch-)Gummiharz aus Boswellia serrata: Wirkung nicht erwiesen. [Publication]

Watts, Susan (1998) An ancient scourge: the end of dracunculiasis in Egypt. [Publication]

Wautischer, Helmut (Ed.) (1998) Tribal epistemologies. [Publication]

Wezler, Albrecht (1998) "Dowry death" -- Bemerkungen zu einer neuen Form von Gewalt in Indien. [Publication]

Wezler, Albrecht (1998) {"}Dowry death{"} -- Bemerkungen zu einer neuen Form von Gewalt in Indien. [Publication]

Wezler, Albrecht (1998) Sanskrit pa\d{n}\d{d}\'{a}-/p\'{a}\d{n}\d{d}aka-. [Publication]

Wezler, Albrecht (1998) Sanskrit pa\d{n}\d{d}\'{a}-/p\'{a}\d{n}\d{d}aka-. [Publication]

Wezler, Albrecht and Shujun Motegi (Eds.) (1998) Yuktid\={\i}pik\={a}: the most significant commentary on the S\={a}\d{m}khyak\={a}rik\={a}, critically edited. [Publication]

White, David Gordon (1998) Transformations in the art of love: {K}\={a}makal\={a} practices in Hindu Tantric and Kaula traditions. [Publication]

Wildfeuer, A., I.S. Neu, H. Safayhi, G. Metzger, M. Wehrmann, U. Vogel and H.P. Ammon (1998) Effects of boswellic acids extracted from a herbal medicine on the biosynthesis of leukotrienes and the course of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. [Publication]

Wildfeuer, A., I. S. Neu, H. Safayhi, G. Metzger, M. Wehrmann, U. Vogel and H. P. Ammon (1998) Effects of boswellic acids extracted from a herbalmedicine on the biosynthesis of leukotrienes and the course of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. [Publication]

Wiley, Andrea S. and Solomon H. Katz (1998) Geophagy in pregnancy: A test of a hypothesis. [Publication]

Williams, Rory, William Wright and Kate Hunt (1998) Social class and health: the puzzling counter-example of British South Asians. [Publication]

Williams, Rory, William Wright and Kate Hunt (1998) Social class and health: the puzzling counter-example of British South Asians. [Publication]

Williams-Blangero, S., J. Subedi, R.P. Upadhyay, D.B. Manral, K. Khadka, S. Jirel, E.S. Robinson and J. Blangero (1998) Attitudes rowards helminthic infections in the Jirel population of eastern Nepal. [Publication]

Williams-Blangero, S., J. Subedi, R. P. Upadhyay, D. B. Manral, K. Khadka, S. Jirel, E. S. Robinson and J. Blangero (1998) Attitudes rowards helminthic infections in the Jirel population of eastern Nepal. [Publication]

Wojtilla, Gyula (1998) K\={a}ma\'{s}\={a}stra -- A short report on stand, methods and tasks of research. [Publication]

Wojtilla, Gyula (1998) K\={a}ma\'{s}\={a}stra -- A short report on stand, methods and tasks of research. [Publication]

Wong, Kai K. (1998) Mechanism of the aortic relaxation induced by low concentrations of berberine. [Publication]

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Wujastyk, Dominik (1998) Medical demonology in the Kasyapasamhita. [Publication]

Wujastyk, Dominik (1998) Medical demonology in the Kasyapasamhita. [Publication]

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Yadav, B.B.L., T.G. Joseph, K.V. Billore and D.D. Chaturvedi (1998) Some observations on the tapping trials on Commiphora wightii (Arn.) Bhand. using ethephon. [Publication]

Yadav, M.P. and Sanjay Gupta (1998) Scope of ethnoveterinary practices in equine medicine. [Publication]

Yadava, R.N. and Deepak Barsainya (1998) Chemistry and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil from Anisomeles indica (L). [Publication]

Yadava, R.N. and K.I. Reddy (1998) A new bio-active flavonol glycoside from the stems of Butea superba Roxb. [Publication]

Yamazaki, R., R. Aiyama, T. Matsuzaki, S. Hashimoto and T. Yokokura (1998) Anti-inflammatory effect of YPE-01, a novel diarylheptanoid derivative, on dermal inflammation in mice. [Publication]

Yannai, S., A.J. Day, G. Williamson and M.J.C. Rhodes (1998) Characterization of flavonoids as monofunctional and bifunctional inducers of quinone reductase in murine hepatoma cell lines. [Publication]

Yin, Mei-chin and Wen-shen Cheng (1998) Antioxidant activity of several Allium members. [Publication]

Yonten Arya, Pasang (1998) Dictionary of Tibetan materia medica. [Publication]


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Zanoli, P., R. Avallone and M. Baraldi (1998) Sedative and hypothermic effects induced by $\beta$-asarone, a main component of Acorus calamus. [Publication]

Zarrilli, Phillip B. (1998) When the body becomes all eyes: paradigms, discourses, and practices of power in kalarippayattu, a South Indian martial art. [Publication]

Zavala, S. Miguel A., Salud Pérez and G. Rosa M. Pérez (1998) Antimicrobial activity of some medicinal plants. [Publication]

Zimmermann, Francis (1998) Le corps mis en scène -À propos du mariage en Inde. [Publication]

Zobairi, S.E., M.L. Freitas, and S.A. Wasti (1998) Diet and nutrition: A knowledge, attitude and practice study of pregnant women in Karachi. [Publication]

Zoysa, Isabelle de, Nita Bhandari, Naseema Akhtari and Maharaj K. Bhan (1998) Careseeking for illness in young infants in an urban slum in India. [Publication]

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