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Abdel-Barry, J.A., I.A. Abdel-Hassan and A.M. Jawad et al. (2000) Hypoglycaemic effect of aqueous extract of the leaves of Trigonella foenum-graecum in healthy volunteers. [Publication]

Abdel-Barry, Jamal Ahmed and Mohammad H.H. Al-Hakiem (2000) Acute intraperitoneal and oral toxicity of the leaf glycosidic extract of Trigonella foenum-graecum in mice. [Publication]

Abdel-Hassan, Issa Abed, Jamal Ahmed Abdel-Barry and Sarah Tariq Mohammeda (2000) The hypoglycaemic and antihyperglycaemic effect of Citrullus colocynthis fruit aqueous extract in normal and alloxan diabetic rabbits. [Publication]

Abdul Rahuman, A., Geetha Gopalakrishnan, B. Saleem Ghouse, S. Arumugam and B. Himalayan (2000) Effect of Feronia limonia on mosquito larvae. [Publication]

Abdur Rahman, Md. Aziz, A.T.M. Zafrul Azam and M.A. Ghafur (2000) In vitro antibacterial pronciples of extracts and two flavonoids from Clerodendrum indicum Linn. [Publication]

Aboutabl, E.A., F.S. El-Sakhawy, M.M. Fathy and R.M.A. Megid (2000) Composition and antimicrobial activity of the leaf and fruit oils of Amoora rohituka Wight et Arn. [Publication]

Abraham, Itty (2000) Landscape and postcolonial science. [Publication]

Acharya, K.P., J.B. Lilleso and P.R. Tamarakar (Eds.) (2000) Thesis abstracts on topics related to forestry: a compendium. [Publication]

Adaikan, P.G., K. Gauthaman, R.N. Prasad and S.G. Ng (2000) Proerectile pharmacological effects of Tribulus terrestris extract on the rabbit corpus cavernosum. [Publication]

Adams, Vincanne and D. Dovchin (2000) Women's health in Tibetan medicine and Tibet's "first" female doctor. [Publication]

Adhikari, D. (2000) Utilisation pattern of forest resources in Nepal: a case study of Khoplang VDC of Gorkha, West Nepal. [Publication]

Adhikari, M.K. (2000) Mushrooms of Nepal. [Publication]

Adhikary, N., I. Mohanty, S. Joshi, R.B. Vajpayee and S.K. Gupta (2000) Ocimum sanctum: an indigenous plant with anticataract potential. [Publication]

Adimoelja, A. (2000) Phytochemicals and the breakthrough of traditional herbs in the management of sexual dysfunctions. [Publication]

Adinathan, C. (2000) Status Report on Pharmacological Research in India 1994--1998. [Publication]

Adler, Kraig, Hobart M. Smith, Susan H. Prince, Patrich David and David Chiszar (2000) Russell's viper: Daboia russelii, not Daboia russellii, due to classical Latin rules. [Publication]

Afsana, K. and S.F. Rashid (2000) Discoursing birthing care: experiences from Bangladesh. [Publication]

Afzal, M., M. Ali, M. Thomson and D. Armstrong (2000) Garlic and its medicinal potential. [Publication]

Agarwal, Anil (2000) Can Hindu beliefs and values help India meet its ecological crisis? [Publication]

Agarwal, C.M. (Ed.) (2000) 'Sikhar' Salutation to the Himalaya. [Publication]

Agarwal, K.N., A. Gupta, R. Pushkarna, S.K. Bhargava, M.M. Faridi and M.K. Prabhu (2000) Effects of massage and use of oil on growth, blood flow and sleep pattern in infants. [Publication]

Agarwal, D.P. (2000) Ancient metal technology and archaeology of South Asia. [Publication]

Agarwal, Deepa, Sudhir Agarwal and D.N. Mishra (2000) A critical analysis of jataharini related to gynaecological disorders. [Publication]

Agarwal, S.K., S. Verma, S.S. Singh, A.K. Tripathi, Z.K. Khan and S. Kumar (2000) Antifeedant and antifungal activity of chromene compounds isolated from Blepharispermum subsessile. [Publication]

Agarwal, S.K., Sudhir S. Singh, Sushma Verma and Sushil Kumar (2000) Antifungal activity of anthraquinone derivatives from Rheum emodi. [Publication]

Agha, Sohail (2000) The determinants of infant mortality in Pakistan. [Publication]

Agnihotri, J.P. (2000) Status of agriculture in the Vedic period. [Publication]

Agnihotri, J.P. (2000) Status of agriculture in the Vedic period. [Publication]

Agrav\={a}l, \'{S}\={a}lin\={\i} and Candrabh\={u}\d{s}a\d{n} Jh\={a} (2000) N\={a}g\={a}rjun k\={a} vyaktitva aur k\d{r}titva. [Publication]

Agrawal, Arun and K. Sivaramakrishnan (Eds.) (2000) Agrarian environments: Resources, representations, and rule in India. [Publication]

Agrawal, D.P. (2000) Ancient metal technology and archaeology of South Asia. [Publication]

Agrawal, A.K., C.V. Rao, K. Sairam, V.K. Joshi and R.K. Goel (2000) Effect of Piper longum Linn., Zingiber officinalis Linn. and Ferula species on gastric ulceration and secretion in rats,. [Publication]

Aguiyi, J.C., C.I. Obi, S.S. Gang and A.C. Igweh (2000) Hypoglycaemic activity of Ocimum gratissimum in rats. [Publication]

Ahmad, Javed, A.H. Farooqui and Sageer Ahmad (2000) Trianthema portulacastrum L., an herbal drug for the cure of edema. [Publication]

Ahmad, J., A.H. Farooqui and S. Ahmad (2000) Trianthema portulacastrum L. - an herbal drug for the cure of edema. [Publication]

Ahmad, M., M.S. Akhtar, T. Malik and A.H. Gilani (2000) Hypoglycemic action of the flavonoid fraction of Cuminum nigrum seeds. [Publication]

Ahmadiani, A., J. Hosseiny, S. Semnanian, M. Javan, F. Saeedi, M. Kamalinejad and S. Saremi (2000) Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of Elaeagnus angustifolia fruit extract. [Publication]

Ahmed, Aftab, M. Iqbal Choudhary, Afgan Farooq, Bet\"{u}l Demirci, Fatih Demirci and K. H\"{u}sn\"{u} Can Ba\c{s}er (2000) Essential oil constituents of the spice Cinnamomum tamala (Ham.) Nees et Eberm. [Publication]

Ahmed, M., S. Amin, M. Islam, M. Takahashi, E. Okuyama and C.F. Hossain (2000) Analgesic principle from Abutilon indicum. [Publication]

Ahmed, Miyan Rukunuddin and Jan G. Laarman (2000) Gender equity in social forestry programs in Bangladesh. [Publication]

Ahmed, R.S., V. Seth and B.D. Banerjee (2000) Influemce of dietary ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) on antioxidant defense system in rat: comparison with ascorbic acid. [Publication]

Ahmed, S., A. Rahman, A. Alam, M. Saleem, M. Athar and S. Sultana (2000) Evaluation of the efficacy of Lawsonia alba in the alleviation of carbon tetrachloride-induced oxidative stress. [Publication]

Ahmed, Syed Masud, Alayne M. Adams, Mushtaque Chowdhury and Abbas Bhuiya (2000) Gender, socioeconomic development and health-seeking behaviour in Bangladesh. [Publication]

Ahmedullah, M. (2000) Endemism in the Indian flora. [Publication]

Ahsan, Monira, Tahmina Akter Zaman, Choudhury M. Hasan, Chihiro Ito and S.K. Nazrul Islam (2000) Constituents and cytotoxicity of Zanthoxylum rhetsa stem bark. [Publication]

Ahuja, Uma, Rashmi Thakrar and S.C. Ahuja (2000) Fairs and festivals associated with rice cultivation. [Publication]

Aigle, Denise, Bénédicte Brac de la Perrière and Jean-Pierre Chaumeil (2000) La politique des esprits. Chamanisme et religions universalistes. [Publication]

Ajaiyeoba, E.O. (2000) Phytochemical and antimicrobial studies of Gynandropsis gynandra and Buchholzia coriaceae extracts. [Publication]

Akbar, Razia (2000) Nushka Dar Fanni-Falahat (The art of agriculture). [Publication]

Akhtar, M.S., Z. Iqbal, M.N. Khan and M. Lateef (2000) Anthelmintic activity of medicinal plants with particular reference to their use in animals in the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent. [Publication]

Akhtar, Mohammad (2000) Nematicidal potential of the neem tree Azadirachta indica (A.Juss.). [Publication]

Akinloye, O.A. abd B.R. Olorede (2000) Effect of Amaranthus spinosus leaf extract on hematology and serum chemistry of rats. [Publication]

Akiremi, A.A., O.R. Omobuwajo and A.A. Elujoba (2000) Pharmacopoeial standards for the fruits of Cassia fistula and Cassia podocarpa. [Publication]

Aklujkar, Vidyut (2000) Anas\=uy\=a: a pativrat\=a with panache. [Publication]

Al-Mustafa, Zaki H. and Abdullah A. Dafallah (2000) A study on the toxicology of Acacia nilotica. [Publication]

Al-Qarawi, A.A. et al. (2000) The effect of extracts of Cynomorium coccineum and Withania somnifera on gonadotrophins and ovarian follicles of immature Wistar rats. [Publication]

Al-Rehaily, Adnan J. (2000) Pharmacognostic studies on the leaf of Anisotes trisulcus (Forsk.) Nees. [Publication]

Al-Yahya, M.A., A.H. Al-Farhan and S.E.I. Adam (2000) Preliminary toxicity study on the individual and combined effects of Citrullus colocynthis and Nerium oleander in rats. [Publication]

Al-douri, Nedhal A. (2000) A survey of medicinal plants and their traditional uses in Iraq. [Publication]

Alagesaboopathi, C. (2000) Andrographis spp.: a source of bitter compounds for medicinal use. [Publication]

Alastair, M. and M.D. Sammon (2000) Protease inhibitors and carcinoma of the esophagus. [Publication]

Alfred, J.R.B. et al. (2000) A bibliography of the Zoological Survey of India publications in the twentieth century 1916--1999. [Publication]

Ali, M., A. Chaudhary and R. Ramachandram (2000) Phytochemical investigation of the aerial parts of Tribulus terrestris Linn. [Publication]

Ali, M., K.K. Al-Qattan, F. Al-Enezi, R.M. Khanafer and T. Mustafa (2000) Effect of allicin from garlic powder on serum lipids and blood pressure in rats fed with high cholesterol diet. [Publication]

Ali, B.H., M.O.M. Tanira, A.K. Bashir and A.A. Al-Qarawi (2000) Effect of Rhazya stricta Decne on monoamine oxidase and cholinesterase activity and brain biogenic amine levels in rats. [Publication]

Ali, M., M. Thomson and M. Afzal (2000) Garlic and onions: their effect on eicosanoid metabolism and its clinical relevance. [Publication]

Alley, Kelly D. (2000) Separate domains: Hinduism, politics, and environmental pollution. [Publication]

Almas, K. and J.E. Stakiw (2000) The effect of miswak extract from Salvadora persica stored for 18 years on microbes in vitro. [Publication]

Almas, K., K. Al-Bahair and A. Al-Ragabah (2000) A comparative pilot study of oral health status among toothbrush and miswak users. [Publication]

Alter, Joseph S. (2000) Gandhi's body -- Sex, diet, and the politics of nationalism. [Publication]

Alter, Joseph S. (2000) Subaltern bodies and nationalist physiques: Gama the Great and the heroics of Indian wrestling. [Publication]

Alter, Joseph S. (2000) Gandhi's body -- Sex, diet, and the politics of nationalism. [Publication]

Amadi, A. (Ed.) (2000) Il sangue nel mito: il sangue purificatore nel sacrificio del bufalo nell' Asia meridionale. [Publication]

Amagase, Harunobu, Brenda L. Petesch, Hiromichi Matsuura, Shigeo Kasuga and Yoichi Itakura (2000) Intake of garlic and its bioactive components. [Publication]

Amenta, R. et al. (2000) Traditional medicine as a source of new therapeutic agents against psoriasis. [Publication]

Amirghofran, Zahra, Mohammed Azadbakht and Mohammed H. Karimi (2000) Evaluation of immunomodulatory effects of five herbal plants. [Publication]

Amos, S., K. Gamaniel, M. Adamu, B. Bukar, P. Akah and C. Wambebe (2000) Pharmacological effects of aqueous extract of the Chrysanthellum indicum on gastrointestinal smooth muscles. [Publication]

Amrithalingam, M. (2000) Indian butter tree: ethnobotanical and environmental aspects. [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P. S (2000) Jalodar -- ek sa\d{m}k\d{s}ipt cikits\={a} vivara\d{n}. [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (2000) K\d{s}ayaja \'{s}o\d{s}. [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (2000) Oj visra\d{m}s -- ek vic\={a}r. [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (2000) Sm\d{r}tibhra\d{m}\'{s} -- ek vic\={a}r. [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (2000) V\={a}t vasti (retention of urine). [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (2000) Viruddh\={a}h\={a}r janya rogo\d{m} k\={\i} cikits\={a}. [Publication]

Andallu, B. and B. Radhika (2000) Hypoglycemic, diuretic and hypocholesterolemic effect of winter cherry (Withania somnifera Dunal) root. [Publication]

Andrade, Chittaranjan, Anitha Aswath, S.K. Chaturvedi, M. Srinivasa and R. Raguram (2000) A double-blind, placebo-controlled evaluation of the anxiolytic efficacy of an ethanolic extract of Withania somnifera. [Publication]

Andrade, Chittaranjan, S. Sudha and B.V. Venkataraman (2000) Herbal treatments for ECS-induced memory deficits: a review of research and a discussion on animal models. [Publication]

Anila Kumai, B. and P. Rajyalakshmi (2000) Qualitative aspects, product suitability and in vitro starch digestibility of Caryota palm sago -- An uncommon food of tribals. [Publication]

Anila, L. and N.R. Vijayalakshmi (2000) Beneficial effects of flavonoids from Sesamum indicum, Emblica officinalis and Momordica charantia. [Publication]

Anis, Mohammad, M.P. Sharma and Muhammad Iqbal (2000) Herbal ethnomedicine of the Gwalior forest division in Madhya Pradesh, India. [Publication]

Anonymous (2000) History of Ayurveda. [Publication]

Anonymous (2000) Human development in South Asia, 2000: The gender question. [Publication]

Ans\={a}r\={\i}, J. and Ra\d{n}j\={\i}t Si\d{m}ha (2000) Cikits\={a} me\d{m} anup\={a}n k\={a} mahatva. [Publication]

Antonio, J., J. Uelmen, R. Rodriguez and C. Earnest (2000) The effects of Tribulus terrestris on body composition and exercise performance in resistance-trained males. [Publication]

Anuradha, R.V. (2000) Sharing the benefits of biodiversity: the Kani-TBGRI deal in Kerala. [Publication]

Anwar, Z., N. Ayub and A.G. Khan (2000) Antibacterial ability of extracts from arbuscular mycorrhizal roots of Allium sativum L. and Momordica charantia. [Publication]

Archana, R. and A. Namasivayam (2000) Effect of Ocimum sanctum on noise-induced changes in immune parameters. [Publication]

Archana, R. and A. Namasivayam (2000) Effect of Ocimum sanctum on noise induced changes in neutrophil functions. [Publication]

Archana, R. and A. Namasivayam (2000) Effect of Ocimum sanctum on noise-induced changes in immune parameters. [Publication]

Arifkhodzhaev, A.O. (2000) Galactans and galactan-containing polysaccharides of higher plants. [Publication]

Aritajat, S., K. Kaweewat, J. Manosroi and A. Manosroi (2000) Dominant lethal test in rats treated with some plant extracts. [Publication]

Arivukkarasu, R., P. Moorthy and V. Venkatapiah (2000) A study on the antipyretic activity of Rungia repens (L.) Nees in rats. [Publication]

Arnold, David (2000) Disease, resistance and India's ecological frontier, 1770--1947. [Publication]

Arnold, David (2000) Illusory riches: representations of the tropical world, 1840--1950. [Publication]

Arnold, David (2000) Science, technology and medicine in colonial India. [Publication]

Arnold, D. (2000) Science, technology and medicine in colonial India, vol. III.5 of The New Cambridge History of India. [Publication]

Arora, Deepa and M. Kumar (2000) Concept of chronopharmacology in \={A}yurveda. [Publication]

Arora, R.K. (2000) Wild relatives of cultivated plants. [Publication]

Arora, S., I.S. Grover and S. Kur (2000) Phenolic and polyphenolic compounds in some medicinal plants as natural antimutagens. [Publication]

Arshad, Muhammad and Qurrat Ul Ain Khan (2000) Ethnobotanical study of some medicinal plants of Rawal Town. [Publication]

Arslan, M.I. and M. Chulavatnatol (2000) Characterisation of jack fruit lectin. [Publication]

Aslan, M., E.Y. Sezik and E. Yesilada (2000) Anti-hyperglycemic effect of Cannabis sativa L. fruits. [Publication]

Asshauer, Egbert (2000) The present state of Tibetan medicine in Germany and Switzerland. [Publication]

Athavale, V.B. (2000) Pulse. [Publication]

Atreya (2000) Ayurvedic healing for women -- Herbal gynaecology. [Publication]

Atreya (2000) Secrets of Ayurvedic massage. [Publication]

Austin, Anoop (2000) Antiulcer activities of some selected medicinal plants. [Publication]

Austin, Daniel F. (2000) The search for "kaladana" (Ipomoea, Convolvulaceae). [Publication]

Awasthi, L.P. (2000) Protection of crop plants against virus diseases through root extract of Boerhaavia diffusa. [Publication]

Awasthy, K.S., O.P. Chaurasia, S.P. Sinha and P.K. Khan (2000) Differential genotoxicitty of the crude leaf extract of a medicinal plant, Casearia tomentosa. [Publication]

Aziz, E., B. Nathan and J. McKeever (2000) Anesthetic and analgesic practices in Avicenna's Canon of Medicine. [Publication]


Rao, B.T., B.B. Lakshmi, L.M. Rao, K. Ramaneshwari and V. Hymavathi (2000) Medicinal plants of Paderu forest division in the Eastern Ghats of Visakhapatnam. [Publication]

Baal, Ellen (2000) "They ask us if we eat frogs." Social boundaries, ethnic categorisation, and the Garo people of Bangladesh. [Publication]

Baartmans, F. (2000) The holy waters: A primordial symbol in Hindu myths. [Publication]

Babu, A. Sankar (2000) The role of pizhichil in nocturnal leg cramps (NLC) vis-a-vis mamsagatavata -- a clinical study. [Publication]

Badmaev, V. and M. Nowokewski (2000) Protection of epithelial cells against influenza A virus by a plant derived biological response modifier Ladretan-96. [Publication]

Badmaev, Vladimir (2000) The continuation of the Badmaev family tradition in its 5th generation. [Publication]

Baek, N.I., S.G. Jeon E.M. Ahn, J.T. Hahn, J.H. Bahn, J.S. Jang, S.W. Cho, J.K. Park and S.Y. Choi (2000) Anticonvulsant compounds from the wood of Caesalpinia sappan. [Publication]

Baek, N.I. et al. (2000) Anticonvulsant compounds from the wood of Caesalpinia sappan L. [Publication]

Bagchi, K.N. (2000) Poison-damsel or poison-girl (bishkanya). [Publication]

Bailly, C. (2000) Topoisomerase I poisons and suppressors as anticancer drugs. [Publication]

Bajaj, Sonia and S.B. Vohora (2000) Anti-cataleptic, anti-anxiety and anti-depressant activity of gold preparations used in Indian system of medicine. [Publication]

Bajawa, R.M.S., Parveen Bansal, Rajesh Sannd, M.V. Acharya (2000) Anti asthmatic plants -- folk medicines of Patiala. [Publication]

Bajpai, Aradhana and J.K. Ojha (2000) Comparative studies of Boerhaavia diffusa L. and Boerhaavia verticillata Poir. (Nyctaginaceae). [Publication]

Bajpai, Aradhana and Jhar Khande Ojha (2000) Evaluation of the diuretic activity of Boerhaavia verticillata. [Publication]

Bakshi, S.R. et al. (2000) Education in ancient India. [Publication]

Balakrishnan, Veena, Saaket Varma and Dipankar Chatterji (2000) Piperine augments transcription inhibitory activity of rifampicin by severalfold in Mycobacterium smegmatis. [Publication]

Balasenthil, S., S. Arivazhagan and S. Nagini (2000) Garlic enhances circulatory antioxidants during 7-2-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene-induced hamster buccal pouch carcinogenesis. [Publication]

Balasubramaniam, R. (2000) Identity of Chandra and Vishnupadagiri of the Delhi iron pillar inscription: numismatic, archaeological and literary evidence. [Publication]

Balasubramaniam, R (2000) On the corrosion resistance of the Delhi iron pillar. [Publication]

Balasubramaniam, R. and A.V. Ramesh Kumar (2000) Characterization of Delhi iron pillar rust by X-ray diffraction, Fourier infrared spectroscopy and Mössbauer spectroscopy. [Publication]

Balasubramanian, A.V. (2000) Scientific basis of Indian systems of medicine. [Publication]

Balcerowicz, Piotr and Marek Mejor (Eds.) (2000) On the understanding of other cultures -- Proceedings of the International Conference on Sanskrit and Related Studies to Commemorate the Centenary of the Birth of Stanislaw Schayer (1899--1941), Warsaw University, October 7--10, 1999. [Publication]

Baldissera, Fabrizia (2000) Naturalistic descriptions and vegetable metaphors: plants in some satires of K\d{s}emendra. [Publication]

Balkundi, H.V. (2000) Placing the period of Krishi-Parashara. [Publication]

Ballal, M., D. Sreejan, K.K. Bhat, A. Shirwaikar and P.G. Shivananda (2000) Antibacterial activity of Holarrhena antidysenterica against the enteric pathogens. [Publication]

Bandyopadhyay, Sandip K., Satyesh C. Pakrashi and Anita Pakrashi (2000) The role of antioxidant activity of Phyllanthus emblica fruits on prevention from indomethacin induced gastric ulcer. [Publication]

Banerjee, Mukulika (2000) The Pathan unarmed. [Publication]

Banerjee, A. (2000) Ethnobotany of a few plant species in the eroded soil of Birbhum, West Bengal. [Publication]

Banerjee, B.D., Vandana Seth, B.C. Koner, Rafat S. Ahmed, Meenakshi Sharma, S.S. Grover, R.S. Rautala, A. Avasthi and S.T. Pasha (2000) Evaluation of oxidative stress in some cases of argemone oil poisoning during a recent outbreak of epidemic dropsy in India. [Publication]

Banerjee, M. (2000) Ecology from the standpoint of Kautilyas's Arthasastra. [Publication]

Banerjee, S., T.P. Sur, P.C. Das and S. Sikdar (2000) Assessment of the antiinflammatory effects of Swertia chirata in acute and chronic experimental models in male albino rats. [Publication]

Bani, S., A. Kaul, B.S. Jaggi, K.A. Suri, O.P. Suri and O.P. Sharma (2000) Anti-inflammatory activity of the hydrosoluble fraction of Euphorbia royleana latex. [Publication]

Bano, S., K. Javed and M.A. Jafri (2000) Effect of a new Unani formulation `DZ' on blood sugar of normal and alloxan-induced diabetic rats. [Publication]

Banthia, Jayant and Tim Dyson (2000) Smallpox and the impact of vaccination among the Parsees of Bombay. [Publication]

Barrelli, Francesca and Angelo A. Izzo (2000) The plant kingdom as a source of anti-ulcer remedies. [Publication]

Barua, C.C., P.P. Gupta, G.K. Patnaik, S. Misra-Bhattacharya, D.K. Kulshrestha, M.P. Dubey, R.K. Goel and B.N. Dhawan (2000) Immunomodulatory activity of Albizzia lebbeck. [Publication]

Barua, C.C., P.P. Gupta, G.K. Patnaik, S. Misra-Bhattacharya, D.K. Kulshrestha, M.P. Dubey, R.K. Goel and B.N. Dhawan (2000) Immunomodulatory activity of Albizzia lebbeck. [Publication]

Barua, C.C., P.P. Gupta, G.K. Patnaik, Shailja Misra-Bhattacharya, R.K. Goel, D.K. Kulshrestha, M.P. Bubey and B.N. Dhawan (2000) Immunomodulatory effect of Albizzia lebbeck. [Publication]

Basu, A.R. (2000) Cannabis and madness: Evidence from the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, Bengal 1894. [Publication]

Basu, Pratyusha and Jael Silliman (2000) Green and red, not saffron: gender and the politics of resistance in the Narmada valley. [Publication]

Bauer, James Ladd (2000) Through the Tibetan looking glass. [Publication]

Baya, D.S. (2000) Agriculture and animal husbandry in ancient India: the Jaina view. [Publication]

Beatty, E.R., J.D. O'Reilly, T.G. England, G.T. McAnlis, I.S. Young, B.H.C.A. Geissler, T.A.B. Sanders and H. Wiseman (2000) Effect of dietary quercetin on oxidative DNA damage in healthy human subjects. [Publication]

Beaubrun, G. and G.E. Gray (2000) A review of herbal medicines for psychiatric disorders. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (2000) \={A}m -- Mangifera indica Linn. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (2000) Bhojpatra. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (2000) Garbha k\={\i} pu\d{s}\d{t}i ke lie s\={a}\d{m}bhar k\={a} m\={a}\d{m}s. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (2000) Kauve ko bh\={\i} kadrad\={a}\d{m} mil j\={a}te hai\d{m}. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (2000) Lobiy\={a}. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (2000) Sarpagandh\={a} -- Rauwolfia serpentina Bentham ex Kurz. [Publication]

Beggiora, Stefano (2000) Il sacrificio del bufalo nei rituali funebri e di fertilità presso alcuni gruppi tribali dell'Orissa. [Publication]

Begum, Dilara and Subhan C. Nath (2000) Ethnobotanical review of medicinal plants used for skin diseases and related problems in Northeastern India. [Publication]

Begum, Dilara and Sunil B. Nath (2000) Ethnobotanical review of medicinal plants used for skin diseases and related problems in Northeastern India. [Publication]

Begum, D. and S.C. Nath (2000) Ethnobotanical review of medicinal plants used for skin diseases and related problems in northeastern India. [Publication]

Berglie, Per-Arne (2000) The \=ave\'sa ritual in Tantric Buddhism and ritual possession in Tibet. [Publication]

Bhagat, Meenakshi and Ashok Purohit (2000) Combined contraceptive efficacy of different plant product extracts in male albino rats: a comparative study. [Publication]

Bhagwat, V., S.K. Mitra and T. Suryanarayana (2000) [on the influence of Ocimum sanctum Linn. and Acorum calamus Linn. on wound healing]. [Publication]

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Rai, L.K., P. Prasad and E. Sharma (2000) Conservation threats to some important medicinal plants of the Sikkim Himalaya. [Publication]

Rai, M.K. and D. Acharya (2000) Indian Asteraceous plants in beauty aids and therapy. [Publication]

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Rajan, S., D.S. Baburaj and M. Sethuraman (2000) Indigenous folk practices among Paniyas of Nilgiri district of Tamil Nadu in India. [Publication]

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Raju, S., A. Leonard (Eds.) (2000) Men as supportive partners in reproductive health: moving from myth to reality. [Publication]

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Rambabu, Mallavarapu (2000) Ethnomedicinal practices of the Koyas of Bhadrachalam: a case study of Boddugudem village, Khammam district, Andhra Pradesh. [Publication]

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Rana, T.S., K.K. Singh and R.R. Rao (2000) Studies on indigenous herbal remedies for diabetes mellitus in India. [Publication]

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Rao, B.T., B.B. Lakshmi, L.M. Rao, K. Ramamaheshwari and V. Hymavathi (2000) Medicinal plants of Paderu forest Division in the Eastern Ghats of Visakhapatnam. [Publication]

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Rashd, Samia, Qaiser Iftikhar, Muhammad Arshad and Javed Iqbal (2000) Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of Suaeda fruticosa Forsk. from Cholistan, Pakistan. [Publication]

Rashid, Samia, Muhammad Ashraf, Rubeen Anjum and Shahida Bibi (2000) Insecticidal and cytotoxic activities of Launaea nudicaulis (Roxb.) and Launaea resedifolia (Linn.). [Publication]

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Raza, Haider, Ijaz Ahmed, Annie John and Ashutosh K. Sharma (2000) Modulation of xenobiotic metabolism and oxidative stress in chronic streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats fed with Momordica charantia fruit extract. [Publication]

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Safayhi, Hasan, Sven E. Boden, Stephan Schweizer and Hermann P.T. Ammon (2000) Concentration-dependent potentiating and inhibitory effects of Boswellia extracts on 5-lipoxygenase product formation in stimulated PMNL. [Publication]

Sagar, B.P. and R. Zafar (2000) Hepatoprotective and cardiac inhibitory activities of ethanolic extracts from plant leaves and leaf callus of Eclipta alba. [Publication]

Saha, Kakali, Pulok K. Mukherjee, Subhash C. Mandal, T. Bhakta, M. Pal and B.P. Saha (2000) Studies on some pharmacognostical profiles of Leucas lavandulaefolia Ress. (Family Labiatae). [Publication]

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Samuel, K. Karunyal, B. Andrews and H. Shyla Jebashree (2000) In vitro evaluation of the antifungal activity of Allium sativum bulb extract against Trichophyton rubrum, a human skin pathogen. [Publication]

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\'{S}arm\={a}, A\'{s}vin\={\i} Kum\={a}r (2000) Sv\={a}sthya prahar\={\i} -- h\={\i}\.{n}g: sa\d{m}graha vidhi va gu\d{n} prayog. [Publication]

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\'{S}arm\={a}, A\'{s}vin\={\i} Kum\={a}r and Kanak Pras\={a}d (2000) Aids rog k\={a} ojak\d{s}aya ke pariprek\d{s}ya me\d{m} naid\={a}nik adhyayan eva\d{m} ras\={a}yan prayog -- ek vic\={a}r. [Publication]

\'{S}arm\={a}, A\'{s}vin\={\i} Kum\={a}r and Kanak Pras\={a}d (2000) Aids rog k\={a} ojak\d{s}aya ke pariprek\d{s}ya me\d{m} naid\={a}nik adhyayan eva\d{m} ras\={a}yan prayog -- ek vic\={a}r. [Publication]

\'{S}arm\={a}, A\'{s}vin\={\i} Kum\={a}r and Mahe\'{s} Cand \'{S}arm\={a} (2000) Prav\={a}hik\={a} rog ke pariprek\d{s}ya me\d{m} ku\d{t}aja k\={a} prayog\={a}tmak adhyayan. [Publication]

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Wanchoo, P.N. (2000) Horticulture in Himalayas: principles and practices. [Publication]

Wang, H.X. and T.B. Ng (2000) Lagenin -- a novel ribosome inactivating orotein with ribonucleolytic activity from bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) seeds. [Publication]

Wang, C.J., J.M. Wang, W.L. Lin, C.Y. Chu, F.P. Chou and T.H. Tseng (2000) Protective effect of Hibiscus anthocyanins against tert-butyl-hydroperoxide-induced hepatic toxicity in rats. [Publication]

Wang, H., T.B. Ng, V.E. Ooi and W.K. Liu (2000) Effects of lectins with different carbohydrate-binding specificities on hepatoma, choriocarcinoma, melanoma and osteosarcoma cell lines. [Publication]

Wang, H.-K. (2000) The therapeutic potential of flavonoids. [Publication]

Wanjari, Y.S., C.R. Jangade, G.B. Shrikhande and S.C. Vora (2000) Efficacy of aqueous extract of Embelia ribes seeds against Ascaridia galli in White Leghorn chicks. [Publication]

Wares, D.F., T.D. Sadutshang, N.J. Beeching and P. Davies (2000) Control of tuberculosis amongst the Tibetan Refugee Community in Northern India. [Publication]

Warth, Hermann (2000) Problems of natural resources management. The Udayapur-district in Nepal as an example. [Publication]

Watanabe, T., Z.K. Shinwari, K.J. Malla and B.K. Basnet (2000) Medicinal and edible plants used in the Himalayas and their cultures. [Publication]

Wealth of India, The (2000) A dictionary of Indian raw materials and industrial products. [Publication]

Weidner, Morten Sloth and Katrin Sigwart (2000) The safety of a ginger extract in the rat. [Publication]

Weidner, Morten Sloth and Katrin Sigwart (2000) The safety of a ginger extract in the rat. [Publication]

Weiss, Rudolf Fritz (2000) Herbal medicine. [Publication]

Weiss, Rudolf Fritz (2000) Herbal medicine. [Publication]

Wetprasit, N., W. Threesangsri, N. Klamklai and M. Chulavatnatol (2000) Jackfruit lectin: properties of mitagenicity and the inhibition of herpesvirus infection. [Publication]

Wetprasit, N., W. Threesangsri, N. Klamklai and M. Chulavatnatol (2000) Jackfruit lectin: properties of mitagenicity and the inhibition of herpesvirus infection. [Publication]

Whitaker, Jarrod L. (2000) Divine weapons and tejas in the two Indian epics. [Publication]

Whitaker, Jarrod L. (2000) Divine weapons and tejas in the two Indian epics. [Publication]

White, David Gordon (2000) Introduction -- Tantra in practice: mapping a tradition. [Publication]

White, David Gordon (Ed.) (2000) Tantra in practice. [Publication]

Wilce, James M. (2000) The poetics of {"}madness{"}: shifting codes and styles in the linguistic construction of identity in Matlab. [Publication]

Wilce, James M. (2000) The poetics of "madness": shifting codes and styles in the linguistic construction of identity in Matlab, Bangladesh. [Publication]

Winking, M., S. Sarikaya, A. Rahmanian, A. Jödicke and D.K. Böker (2000) Boswellic acids inhibit glioma growth: a new treatment option? [Publication]

Winking, M., S. Sarikaya, A. Rahmanian, A. J\"{o}dicke and D. K. B\"{o}ker (2000) Boswellic acids inhibit glioma growth: a new treatment option? [Publication]

Winkwist, Anna and Humaira Zareen Akhtar (2000) God should give daughters to rich families only: attitudes towards childbearing among low-income women in Punjab. [Publication]

Winkwist, Anna and Humaira Zareen Akhtar (2000) God should give daughters to rich families only: attitudes towards childbearing among low-income women in Punjab, Pakistan. [Publication]

Winner, Ellen and Mohan Rai (2000) The shaman of Domkha conquers the Bokshies. [Publication]

Winocur, E., A. Gavish, M. Halachmi, I. Eli and E. Gazit (2000) Topical application of capsaicin for the treatment of localized pain in the temporomandibular joint area. [Publication]

Winstock, A. R., C. R. Trivedy, K. A. A. S. Warnakulasuriya and T. J. Peters (2000) A dependency syndrome related to areca nut use: some medical and psychological aspects among areca nut users in the Gujarat community in the {UK}. [Publication]

Winstock, A.R., C.R. Trivedy, K.A.A.S. Warnakulasuriya and T.J. Peters (2000) A dependency syndrome related to areca nut use: some medical and psychological aspects among areca nut users in the Gujarat community in the UK. [Publication]

Wiser, W., C. Wiser and N. Wadley (2000) Behind mud walls: Seventy-five years in a North Indian village. [Publication]

Witting, N., P. Svensson, H. Gottrup, L. Arendt-Nielsen and T.S. Jensen (2000) Intramuscular and intradermal injection of capsaicin: a comparison of local and referred pain. [Publication]

Wujastyk, Dominik (2000) The combinatories of tastes and humours in classical Indian medicine and mathematics. [Publication]

Wujastyk, Dominik (2000) Sources on senna in traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine. [Publication]

Wujastyk, Dominik (2000) The combinatorics of tastes and humours in classical Indian medicine and mathematics. [Publication]


Xie, Y.W., D.S. Ming, H.X. Xu, H. Dong and P.P. But (2000) Vasorelaxing effects of Caesalpinia sappan: involvement of endogenous nitric oxide. [Publication]

Xu, Q., J. Cao, F. Wu, T. Chen and J. Jiang (2000) Aqueous extract from rhizoma Smilacis glabrae alleviates immunological liver damage by selectively facilitating the dysfunction of liver-infiltrating lymphocytes. [Publication]

Xu, Ze-Qi, Earl R. Kern, Louise Westbrook, Lois B. Allen, Robert W. Buckheir Jr., Christopher K-H Tseng, Tuah Jenta and Michael T. Flavin (2000) Plant-derived and semi-synthetic calanolide compounds with in vitro activity against both human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and human cytomegalovirus. [Publication]


Yadav, B.S. (2000) Nematology in India: an insight. [Publication]

Yadav, C.L. (2000) A concept of aids and rasayana -- based on Ayurvedic samhitas. [Publication]

Yadav, C.S. (2000) Indian medicinal plants in children diseases. [Publication]

Yadav, R.K.P. (2000) Medicinal plants and traditional medical practice in the eastern part of Parsa District, Nepal. [Publication]

Yadav, S.B., V. Tripathi, R.K. Singh and H.P. Pandey (2000) Antioxidant activity of Cuscuta reflexa stems. [Publication]

Yang, Y.-R., K.-C. Chang, C.-L. Chen and T.-H. Chiu (2000) Arecoline excites rat locus coeruleus neurons by activating the M2-muscarinic receptor. [Publication]

Yarnell, Eric and Kathy Abascal (2000) An herbal formula for treating intractable epilepsy: a review of the literature. [Publication]

Yeh, E. (2000) Forest claims, conflicts, and commodification: The political ecology of Tibetan mushroom-harvesting villages in Yunnan province, China. [Publication]

Yoganarasimhan, S.N., assisted by V. Chelladurai (2000) Medicinal plants of India, volume 2 -- Tamil Nadu. [Publication]

Yonzon, P. and D. Bhuju (Eds.) (2000) Ecology of the Nepal Churiya, part 1: Mechi-Saptakoshi. [Publication]

Yoosook, C. et al. (2000) Anti-herpes simplex virus activity of crude matter extract of Thai medicinal plants. [Publication]

Yu, Jing Quan, Sen Yan Shou, Ya Rong Qian, Zhu Yun Zhu and Wn Hai Hu (2000) Antitoxic potential of cucurbit crops. [Publication]


Zhang, Hangjun, Yoshihiro Sugiura and Yukio Goto (2000) Aconiti tuber (Bushi) improves microcirculatory disturbances induced by endotoxins in rats. [Publication]

Zhang, X.F. and B.K. Tan (2000) Anti-diabetic property of ethanolic extract of Andrographis paniculata in streptozotocin-diabetic rats. [Publication]

Zhang, Xiang-Fan and Benny Kwong-Huat Tan (2000) Antihyperglycaemic and anti-oxidant properties of Andrographis paniculata in normal and diabetic rats. [Publication]

Zhou, Haiyan and Satoru Mineshita (2000) The effect of berberine chloride on experimental colitis in rats in vivo and in vitro. [Publication]

Zwilling, Leonard and Michael J. Sweet (2000) The evolution of third-sex constructs in ancient India: a study in ambiguity. [Publication]

Zysk, Kenneth G. (2000) Does ancient Indian medicine have a theory of contagion? [Publication]

This list was generated on Mon Feb 17 16:44:49 2025 CET.