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Abd El Latif, Hekma A., Sawsan S. Mahmoud, Gihan F. Asaad, Marwa El-Hussiny (2012) Pharmacological study of the effect of curcumin, diclofenac sodium alone and in combination against hepatotoxicity-induced experimentally in rats. [Publication]

Abd El Latif, Hekma A., Sawsan S. Mahmoud, Gilan F. Asaad, Marwa El-Hussiny (2012) Pharmacological study of the effect of curcumin, diclofenac sodium alone and in combination against hepatotoxicity-induced experimentally in rats. [Publication]

Abd El-Kaream, Ghada Farouk (2012) Role of Cyperus rotundus oil in decreasing hair growth. [Publication]

Abdelkhalek, Oussama, Samira Charafi, A. Hafid, Mohammed Berkani (2012) Study of Ammi visnaga Lam plant on oxalocalcic crystallization. [Publication]

Abraham, Leena (2012) Medicine as culture: indigenous medicine in cosmopolitan Mumbai. [Publication]

Abu Bakar, Ruzilawati, Imran Ahmad, Shaida Fariza Sulaiman (2012) Effect of Pithecellobium jiringa as antimicrobial agent. [Publication]

Acharya, Dipsikha (2012) Review of the pre-industrial iron smelting activities of Eastern India: A case study on the Asur-Birjhia tribes of Bishunpur Ranchi. [Publication]

Acharya, Rabinarayan, Riddhish H. Padiya, Eisha D. Patel, Harisha C. Rudrapa, Vinaya J. Shukla, Malati G. Chauhan (2012) Pharmacognostical evaluation of leaf of Bada Rasna [Nelsonia canescens (Lam.) Spreng.; Acanthaceae]. [Publication]

Acharya, Rabinarayan, Swarnendu Mitra (2012) A comprehensive review on therapeutic utilities and purificatory procedures of Strychnos nux-vomica Linn. (Kupeelu) as described in Indian system of medicine. [Publication]

Adams, Andrew Leith (2012) Wanderings of a naturalist in India: the Western Himalayas, and Cashmere. [Publication]

Adkar, Prafulla Prakash, Shelke Tushar, Ambavade Shirishkumar, Renke Sneha, Bhaskar Vaidhun, M.H. Shoja (2012) Effect of ethanol extract of Crataea nurvala Buch-Ham on the some physiological parameters of reproduction in female rats. [Publication]

Adnan, Muhammad, Dirk H\"{o}lscher (2012) Diversity of medicinal plants among different forest-use types of the Pakistani Himalaya. [Publication]

Agarwal, Bina (2012) Gender, environment, and poverty interlinks -- Regional variations and temporal shifts in rural India, 1971--1991. [Publication]

Agarwal, Bina (2012) The gender and environment debate: lessons from India. [Publication]

Agarwal, Vishnu Dutta (2012) Ayurvedic principles of preventing diseases through life style regulation. [Publication]

Agarwal, Vishnu Dutta (2012) Ayurvedic principles of preventing diseases through life style regulation. [Publication]

Aggarwal, Shagun, Vijay Raju Bogula, Kausik Mandal, Rashmi Kumar, Shubha R. Phadke (2012) Aetiologic spectrum of mental retardation and dvelopmental delay in India. [Publication]

Aggleton, Peter, Paul Boyce, Henrietta Moore, and Richard Parker (Eds.) (2012) Understanding global sexualties. [Publication]

Agnihotri, Priyanka, Harsh Singh, Tariq Husain (2012) Patalbhuvneshwar: a new sacred grove from Kumaon Himalaya. [Publication]

Agrawal, Arun and Vasant Saberwal (2012) South Asian pastoralism: the environmental question. [Publication]

Agrawal, K., Shivani Ghildiyal, M.K. Gautam, V.K. Joshi, R.K. Goel (2012) Studies on laxative effect of extract of dried fuit pulp of Cassia fistula. [Publication]

Ahmad, Aijazuddin (2012) Social geography of India. [Publication]

Ahmad, Faizan, Anup Raj (2012) Buckwheat: a legacy on the verge of extinction in Ladakh. [Publication]

Ahmad, Hafsa, Sakshi Sehgal, Anurag Mishra, Rajiv Gupta (2012) Mimosa pudica L. (laajvanti): An overview. [Publication]

Ahmad, M., Nazia Ghafoor, M.N. Aamir (2012) Antibacterial activity of mother tinctures of Cholistan desert plants in Pakistan. [Publication]

Ahmadi, Marzieh, Abolfazl Khajavi Rad, Ziba Rajaei, Mousa-Al-Reza Hadjzadeh, Nema Mohammadian, Nafiseh Sadat Tabasi (2012) Alcea rosea root extract as a preventive and curative agent in ethylene glycol-induced urolithiasis in rats. [Publication]

Ahmed, Faiyaz, N.S. Siddaraju, M. Harish, Asna Urooj (2012) Effect of Butea monosperma Lam. leaves and bark extracts on blood glucose in streptozotocin-induced severely diabetic rats. [Publication]

Ahuja, S.C. and Uma Ahuja (2012) Betel leaf and betel nut in folklore on cultivation. [Publication]

Ajanal, Manjunath, Avinash Kadam, Shradda U. Nayak (2012) Skin rash on site of application of Dashanga Lepa (polyherbal formulation): a rare and unexpected drug reaction. [Publication]

Ajanal, Manjunath, Mahadev B. Gundkalle, Shradda U. Nayak (2012) Estimation of total alkaloid in Chitrakadivati by UV-Spectrophotometer. [Publication]

Ajay, J.Y., Pradeep Kumar Gajula, K. Kalaimagal, B.N. Vedha Hari (2012) Chronopharmacognosy. [Publication]

Ajazuddin, Shailendra Saraf (2012) Legal regulations of complimentary and alternative medicines in different countries. [Publication]

Ajibade, A.J., P.B. Fakunie, L.O. Ehigie and A.O. Akinrinmade (2012) Sub-chronic hepatotoxicity in adult Wistar rats following administration of Ocimum gratissimum aqueous extract. [Publication]

Akhtara Ruhi Jagmohan S Negib and Rekha Naithania (2012) Determination of dyeing property of some medicinally important plant species of Uttarakhand Himalayas. [Publication]

Akram, Usama, Misbahuddin Azhar, Jamal Akthar, Pawan Kumar, Mohd Fazil, Shamshad Ahmed (2012) Narcissus tazetta -- a case study of biopiracy. [Publication]

Al-Azzawi, Amad M., Ekbal Al-Khateeb, Kulood Al-Sameraei, Alyaa G. Al-Juboori (2012) Antibacterial activity and the histopathological study of crude extracts and isolated tecomine from Tecoma stans Bignoniaceae in Iraq. [Publication]

Al-Dhubiab, Bandar E. (2012) Therapeutical applications and phytochemical profile of Cinnamomum burmannii. [Publication]

Alagesaboopathi, C. (2012) Ethnobotanical studies on useful plants of Sirumalai Hills of Eastern Ghats, Dindigul District of Tamilnadu, Southern India. [Publication]

Ali, Daud (2012) Gardens in early Indian court life. [Publication]

Ali, Daud et al. (2012) Garden and landscape practices in pre-colonial India: history from the Deccan. [Publication]

Ali, Mohd and Kamran J. Naquvi (2012) Aliphatic alcohols and salicylaldehyde tetraglucosidic geranilane from the seeds of Trigonella foenum-graecum L. [Publication]

Ali, Rashid, Raisuddin Ali, Abhinav Jaimini, Dhruv Kumar Nishad, Gaurav Mittal, Om Prakash Chaurasia, Raj Kumar, Aseem Bhatnagar, Shashi Bala Singh (2012) Acute and subacute toxicity and efficacy studies of Hippophae rhamnoides based herbal antioxidant supplement. [Publication]

Ali, Zulfikar, Ashish Yadav, Tsering Stobdan and Shashi Bala Singh (2012) Traditional methods for storage of vegetables in cold arid region of Ladakh, India. [Publication]

Alwis, Malathi de (2012) 'Girl still burning inside my head': Reflections on suicide in Sri Lanka. [Publication]

Alwis, Malathi de (2012) 'Girl still burning inside my head': reflections on suicide in Sri Lanka. [Publication]

Amanullah, Haji, Mohd Anwar, Abdul Nasir Ansari, Ghulamuddin Sofi and Altaf Hussain Shah (2012) Efficacy of massage with roghan seer in motor recovery in hemiplegia secondary to ischaemic stroke. [Publication]

Amar Dev, M.J., N. Rajarajeshwari, S. Ganapaty, B. Parixi, R. Brun (2012) Antiprotozoal and anthelmintic naphthoquinones from three unexplored species of Diospyros. [Publication]

Ambos, Eva (2012) Emotion and healing rituals in Sri Lanka: Bruce Kapferer reconsidered. [Publication]

Amini, Mahnaz, Reza Afshari, Hamid Khosrojerdi (2012) Acute Datura Stramonium poisoning in East ofIran -- a case series. [Publication]

Amir, Mohd, Mohd Mujeeb, Ahsanullah Khan, Kamran Ashraf, Deepak Sharma, Mohammad Aqil (2012) Phytochemical analysis and in vitro antioxidant activity of Uncaria gambir. [Publication]

Anand Kumar, M.P. and G. Kanchana Laxmi (2012) Kayyadeva's claim of apkva kadal\={\i}phala in madhumeha -- A clinical study. [Publication]

Anand, Vishal, Minkle Gulati, Pavitra Rastogi, Jaya Dixit, Mohammad Akhlaq Khan, Nand Lal (2012) 'Curcumin' -- A therapeutic approach: A review. [Publication]

Anand, Vishal, Minkle Gulati, Pavitra Rastogi, Jaya Dixit, Mohammad Akhlaq Khan, Nand Lal (2012) 'Curcumin' A therapeutic apporoach: A review. [Publication]

Ananth, Pradeep Hulikare, Saleemulla Khan, Raghu Chandrasekhar and Mohammed Ibrahim (2012) Development of validated HPTLC method for simultaneous quantification of rutin and quercetin from bark of Anogeissus latifolia. [Publication]

Andola, Harish C., Vijay K. Purohit (2012) Is Berberis asiatica a good substitute for Berberis aristata in preparation of hepatoprotective drugs ? [Publication]

Andola, Harish Chandra, Sanjay Gairola, Arvind Bhatt (2012) Popularization of Himalayan Berberis species as a source of nutraceuticals. [Publication]

Andrade, Chittaranjan, Ingrid Monteiro, Ravi Prabhakar Hegde, J. Suresh Chandra (2012) Investigation of the posible role of Shankapushpi in the attenuation of ECT induced amnestic deficits. [Publication]

Angadi, Ravindra (2012) Vaidyaka Paribh\=a\d{s}\=a Prad\={\i}pa. [Publication]

Annadurai, Gayathri, Benish Rose Pious Masilla, Saranya Jothiramshekar, Eganathan Palanisami, Sujanapal Puthiyapurayil, Ajay Kumar Parida (2012) Antimicrobial, antioxidant, anticancer activities of Syzygium caryophyllatum (L.) Alston. [Publication]

Anonymous (2012) Fauna of Maharashtra, Parts I and II. [Publication]

Anonymous (2012) Nelumbo: Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India, vol. 54. [Publication]

Ansari, Abdul Haseeb, Mohd Zulkifle, Manchala Ramesh (2012) Prevalence of URTI and growth retardation in Government Primary School children of Bangalore. [Publication]

Ansari, Abdul Haseeb, Mohd Zulkifle, Zahid Kamal (2012) Effect of tareeq (sweating) to control the progress of samane mufrat (overweight obesity) -- A study. [Publication]

Antala, Bhaveshkumar V., Manishkumar S. Patel, Satish V. Bhuva, Shiv Gupta, Samir Rabadiya, Mangala Lahkar (2012) Protective effect of methanolic extract of Garcinia indica fruits in 6-OHDA rat model of Parkinson's disease. [Publication]

Arivalagan, M., T.V. Prasad and M.K. Bag (2012) Role of underutilized crops for combating iron deficiency in Indian population. [Publication]

Arnold, David (2012) Disease, resistance, and India's ecological frontier, 1770--1947. [Publication]

Arora, Bharti, Preeti Bhadauria, Deepak Tripathi, Alok Sharma (2012) Sapindus emarginatus : Phytochemistry and various biological activities. [Publication]

Arora Chugh, Charu, Dipti Bharti (2012) Phytochemical analysis and screening of antibacterial activity of some selected Indian medicinal plants. [Publication]

Arshad, Usman, Khalid Hussain Janbaz, Samra Bashir, Najeeb-ur-Rehman, Malik Hassan Mehmood, Anwar Hassan Gilani (2012) Ethnopharmacological studies on Chrozophora prostrata in perspective of its folkloric repuatation as purgative. [Publication]

Arshi, Anjum, Vipul Upadhyay, Brijpal Singh and Bahadur Singh Kalakoti (2012) Development of HPLC method for quantitative detemination of boerhavinone B in different extracts of Boerhaavia diffusa Linn. [Publication]

Arun Kumar, A.N., Geeta Joshi, H.Y. Mohan Ram (2012) Sandalwood: history, uses, present status and the future. [Publication]

Arun Kumar, Ainary and J. Sowmyya (2012) The assessment of marketing strategies in Ayush Ayurvedic hospitals with reference to Andhra Pradesh. [Publication]

Arutselvi, R., T. Balasaravanan, P. Ponmurugan, P. Suresh and N. Ramachandran (2012) Comparative studies of anti-microbial activity of turmeric and selected medicinal plant leaf extracts used in Indian traditional medicine. [Publication]

Arya, Vikrant, Narender Thakur, C.P. Kashyap (2012) Preliminary phytochemical analysis of the extracts of Psidium leaves. [Publication]

Ashraf, Hossein, Reza Heidari, Vahid Nejati, Minoo Ilkhanipoor (2012) Aqueous extract of Berberis integerrima root improves renal dysfunction in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. [Publication]

Asif, Mohammad (2012) General information and some pharmacological activities of Alseodaphne andersonii. [Publication]

Asif, Mohammad (2012) Phytochemical study of polyphenols in Perilla Frutescens as an antioxidant. [Publication]

Asirvatham, Raju and Josphin Maria Christina Arockiasamy (2012) Drosera indica L: potential effecct on liver enzyme, lipid profile and hormone change in Dalton's lymphoma ascites (DLA) bearing mice. [Publication]

Aswar, Manoj K., Abhijeet K. Bidkar, Kishore N. Gujar, Tanay G. Athawale (2012) Anxiolytic like effects of leaves extract of Vitex negundo (L.) (Fam: - Verbenaceae) in elevated plus maze test. [Publication]

Aswar, Urmila M., V. Mohan, Subhash L. Bodhankar (2012) Antiosteoporotic activity of phytoestrogen-rich fraction separated from ethanol extract of aerial parts of Cissus quadrangularis in ovariectomized rats. [Publication]

Aswatha Ram, H.N., Neeraj K. Sriwastava, Inder K. Makhija and C.S. Shreedhara (2012) Anti-inflammatory activity of ajmodadi churna extract against acute inflammation in rats. [Publication]

Azad Thakur, N.S., D.M. Firake (2012) Ochrophora montana (Distant): a precious dietary supplement during famine in northeastern Himalaya. [Publication]

Azam, Asma, Tehmina Anjum, Wajiha Irum (2012) Trichoderma harzianum: A new fungal source for the production of cyclosporin A. [Publication]


Babazadeh, Beheshteh, Hamid Reza Sadeghnia, Elham Safarpour Kapurchal, Heydar Parsaee, Sima Nasri, Zahra Tayarani-Najaran (2012) Protective effect of Nigella sativa and thymoquinone on serum/glucose deprivation-induced DNA damage in PC12 cells. [Publication]

Badrinathan, S., T.M. Shiju, A. Suneeva Sharon Christa, R. Arya, V. Pragasam (2012) Purification and structural characterization of sulfated polysaccharide from Sargassum myriocystum and its efficacy in scavenging free radicals. [Publication]

Badruddeen, Sheeba Fareed, Hezafat Hussain Siddiqui and Syed Ehtaishamul Haque (2012) Psychoimmunomodulatory activity of Salvadora persica L. (Miswak) extract on stress model in rats. [Publication]

Baer, Hans A., Cheryl Beale, Rachel Canaway and Greg Connolly (2012) A dialogue between naturopathy and critical medical anthropology: What constitutes holistic health? [Publication]

Baer, Hans A. (2012) Rejoinder: A long and convoluted journey: Medical pluralism, naturopathy, and critical medical anthropology. [Publication]

Bagchi, Barnita (Ed.) (2012) The politics of the (im)possible: Utopia and dystopia reconsidered. [Publication]

Baghel, M.S. (2012) Ethical prescription writing in Ayurveda. [Publication]

Baghiani, A., M. Djarmouni, S. Boumerfeg, H. Trabsa, N. Charef, S. Khennouf and L. Arrar (2012) Xanthine oxidase inhibition and antioxidant effects of Peaganum harmala seed extracts. [Publication]

Bairwa, Ranjan, R.S. Sodha, B.S. Rajawat (2012) Trachyspermum ammi. [Publication]

Bajal, V. (2012) India weighs providing free drugs at state-run hospitals. [Publication]

Baker, Ian A. (2012) Embodying enlightenment: Physical culture in Dzogchen as revealed in Tibet's Lukhang murals. [Publication]

Bala, Poonam (2012) Contesting colonial authority: medicine and indigenous responses in nineteenth and twentieth-century India. [Publication]

Bala, Poonam (2012) Introduction. [Publication]

Bala, Poonam (2012) "Nationalizing" medicine - The changing paradigm of Ayurveda in British India. [Publication]

Balakrishnan, Dr. N., A. Mishra (2012) The hepatoprotective activity of pharmacognostically authenticated Feronia elephantum Correa stem bark and root. [Publication]

Balakrishnan, N.P. et al. (Eds.) (2012) Flora of India, vol. 23: Loranthaceae -- Daphniphyllaceae. [Publication]

Baldissera, Fabrizia (2012) Emotions in Indian drama and dances. [Publication]

Balikai, Fareeda A., A.R. Gorkal, Dr. Shantaram (2012) Comparative study of effect of nadi-shodhan, pranayama and suryanamaskar on pulmonary functions. [Publication]

Banerjee, Madhuchhanda, Shabana Siddique, Anindita Dutta, Bidisha Mukherjee, Manas Ranjan Ray (2012) Cooking with biomass increases the risk of depression in pre-menopausal women in India. [Publication]

Banerjee, Madhulika (2012) Ayurvedic pharmaceuticals - Contesting economic hegemony. [Publication]

Banerjee, Manubendu (2012) Kautilya's Artha\'s\=astra on forestry. [Publication]

Bangou, Mindiédiba Jean, N. Almaraz-Abarca, N.T.R. Méda, B. Zeba, M. Kiendrebéogo, J. Millogo-Rasolodimby, O.G. Nacoulma (2012) Polyphenolic composition of Lantana camara and Lippia chevalieri, and their antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. [Publication]

Bansode, Varsha J. (2012) A review on pharmacological activities of Cinnamomum cassia Blume. [Publication]

Baragi, Umapati C., Mahesh K. Vyas (2012) Clinical evaluation of the efficacy of dashanga kwatha ghana vati in the management of urdhwaga amlapitta (non-ulcer dyspepsia). [Publication]

Barman, Sarajita, Swarnamoni Das (2012) Hypoglycemic effect of ethanolic extract of bark of Terminalia arjuna Linn. in normal and alloxan-induced noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus albino rats. [Publication]

Barua, Chandana C., Archana Talukdar, Shameem Ara Begum, Prabodh Borah, Mangala Lahkar (2012) Anxiolytic activity of methanol leaf extract of Achyranthes aspera Linn. in mice using experimental models of anxiety. [Publication]

Basha, S.K., G. Sudarsanam (2012) Traditional use of plants against snakebite in Sugali tribes of Yerramalais of Kurnool district, Andhra Pradesh, India. [Publication]

Bastos, Cristiana (2012) Teaching European medicine in nineteenth-century Goa - Local and colonial agendas. [Publication]

Bastos, Cristiana (2012) Together and apart: Catholic hospitals in plural Goa. [Publication]

Basu, Amit Ranjan (2012) My life as a psychiatrist: Memoirs and essays. [Publication]

Basu, Soma and R.K. Saha (2012) Concept of agni in the \d{R}gveda in the light of the physical sciences. [Publication]

Bauer Petrovska, Biljana (2012) Historical review of medicinal plants' usage. [Publication]

Baviskar, Amita (2012) Written on the body, written on the land -- Violence and environmental struggles in Central India. [Publication]

Beaujard, Philippe (2012) Les mondes de l'Océan Indien. [Publication]

Beaujard, Philippe (2012) Les mondes de l'Océan Indien, Tome I. [Publication]

Bechler, Silke (2012) The performance of contemporary Vedic sacrifices in private and public spheres of India. [Publication]

Begum, Zinnat Ara, Sayeeda Sultana, Badar Uddin Umar, A.H. Ferdous, Md. Kamal Uddin, S.M. Hasibul Islam (2012) Study of adverse drug reactions in out-patient depertments of a teaching hospital. [Publication]

Behera, Jayanti P., Bisweswar Mohanty, Y. Roja Ramani, Bandana Rath, Supriya Peadhan (2012) Effect of aqueous extract of Aegle marmelos unripe fruit on inflammatory bowel disease. [Publication]

Benarba, Bachir, Gorbatchev Ambroise, Abdelkader Aoues, Boumedienne Meddah, Aimé Vazquez (2012) Aristolochia longa aqueous extract triggers the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis in BL41 Burkitt's lymphoma cells. [Publication]

Berrougui, H., E. Marhuenda, W. Haddad, M. Hmamouchi, A. Khalil, A. El-Bouadili, M.D. Herrera (2012) Comparative study on the vasorelaxant effects of three alkaloids-rich extracts from seeds of Peganum harmala L. [Publication]

Bhadani, B.L. (2012) Water harvesting, conservation and irrigation in Mewar (AD 800--1700). [Publication]

Bhadauria, Preeti, Bharti Arora, Birendra Vimal, Akanksha Kulshrestha (2012) In vitro antioxidant activity of Coccinia grandis root extracts. [Publication]

Bhagat, Pradnya J., Subhash Y. Raut, Arun M. Lakhapati (2012) Clinical efficacy of jalaukawacharana (leech application) in thrombosed piles. [Publication]

Bhalodia, N.R., P.B. Nariya, R.N. Acharya, V.J. Shukla (2012) In vitro antibacterial and antifungal activities of Cassia fistula Linn. fruit pulp extracts. [Publication]

Bhandari, A.K., J.S. Negi, V.K. Bisht, Narayan Singh, R.C. Sundriyal (2012) Cordyceps sinensis: fungus inhabiting the Himalayas and a source of income. [Publication]

Bhandari, Partha (2012) Ayurveda, Jainism and medical tourism -- A study in interrelationship. [Publication]

Bhandari, Prasan R., Mohammad Ameeruddin Kamdod (2012) Emblica officinalis (Amla): A review of potential therapeutic applications. [Publication]

Bhandari, Prasan R. (2012) Garlic (Allium sativum L.): A review of potential therapeutic applications. [Publication]

Bhansali, R. Raj (2012) Scientific wisdom of Jain saint Grandguru Shri Dharma Vijayji for vegetative propagation of neem tree. [Publication]

Bharali, Sanjeeb, Mahomed Latif Khan (2012) Religious taboo among the tribes of West Kameng -- an excellent traditional system of conserving biodiversity. [Publication]

Bharati, Abinash C., Alakh N. Sahu (2012) Ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Biophytum sensitivum DC. [Publication]

Bharati, Kumar Avinash, B.L. Sharma (2012) Plants used as ethnoveterinary medicines in Sikkim Himalayas. [Publication]

Bhardwaj, Amit, Shalu Verma Bhardwaj (2012) Role of medicinal herbs in prevention and treatment of dental diseases. [Publication]

Bhargava, S.C., K.R.C. Reddy, G.V.S. Sastry (2012) Identifications studies of lauha bhasma by X-ray diffractioin and X-ray fluorescence. [Publication]

Bhaskar, Anusha, V. Nithya (2012) Evaluation of the wound-healing activity of Hibiscus rosa sinensis L (Malvaceae) in Wistar albino rats. [Publication]

Bhat, N.P. et al. (Eds.) (2012) Culinary traditions of medieval Karnataka: the Soopa Shastra of Mangarasa III. [Publication]

Bhat, Savitha D., B.K. Ashok, R.N. Acharya, B. Ravishankar (2012) Anticonvulsant activity of raw and classically processed vacha (Acorus calamus Linn.) rhizomes. [Publication]

Bhati, Rajesh, Anupama Singh, Vikas Anand Saharan, Veerma Ram, Anil Bhandari (2012) Strychnos nux-vomica seeds: pharmacognostical standardization, extraction, and antidiabetic activity. [Publication]

Bhatia, Babita S., Purushottam G. Kale, Jayashree V. Daoo, Pranali P. Panchal (2012) Abhraka bhasma treatment ameliorates proliferation of germinal epithelium after heat exposure in rats. [Publication]

Bhattacharjee, Anuruddha, A.K. Chandra, Tabarak Malik (2012) Goitrogenic content of common vegetables in sub-Himalayan Tarai region of Eastern Uttar Pradesh. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, Neeladri (2012) Pastoralists in a colonial world. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, Ramkrishna (2012) Svabh\=avav\=ada and the C\=arv\=aka/Lok\=ayata: a historical overview. [Publication]

Bhatti, Manisha, Anjoo Kamboj, Ajay Kumar Saluja, Upendra K. Jain (2012) In vitro evaluation and comparison of antioxidant activities of various extracts of leaves and stems of Kalanchoe pinnatum. [Publication]

Bhojashettar, Santhosh, P.G. Jadar, V. Nageswara Rao (2012) Pharmaceutical study of Yashadabhasma. [Publication]

Bhosale, Rahul A., Jayashree Rout, Bhupal Baburao Chaugule (2012) The ethnobotanical study of an edible freshwater red alga, Lemanea fluviatilis (L.) C.Aq. from Manipur, India. [Publication]

Bhosale, Uma A., Radha Yegnanarayan, Prachi Pophale, Rahul Somani (2012) Effect of aqueous extracts of Achyranthes aspera Linn. on experimental animal model for inflammation. [Publication]

Bhowmik, Debjit, K.P. Sampath Kumar, Akhilesh Yadav, Shweta Srivastava, Shravan Paswan, Amit Sankar Dutta (2012) Recent trends in Indian traditional herbs -- Syzygium aromaticum and its health benefits. [Publication]

Bhowmik, Debjit, K.P. Sampath Kumar, Shravan Paswan, Shweta Srivastava, Akhilesh Pd. Yadav, Amitsankar Dutta (2012) Traditional Indian herbs Convolvulus pluricaulis and its medicinal importance. [Publication]

Bhowmik, Debjit, K.P. Sampath Kumar, Shweta Srivastava, Shravan Paswan, Amit Sankar Dutta (2012) Traditional Indian herbs - Punarnava and its medicinal importance. [Publication]

Bhuvaneswari, Palanisamy, Shanmugasundaram Krishnakumari (2012) Nephroprotective effects of ethanolic extract of Sesamum indicum seeds (Linn.) in streptozotocin induced diabetic male albino rats. [Publication]

Bibi, Y., S. Nisa, M. Zia, A. Waheed, S. Ahmed, M.F. Chaudhary (2012) The study of anticancer and antifungal activities of Pistacia integerrima extract in vitro. [Publication]

Biernacki, Loriliai (2012) The absent mother and bodied speech: Psychology and gender in late medieval Tantra. [Publication]

Bihaqi, Syed Waseem, Avninder Pal Singh, Manisha Tiwari (2012) Supplementation of Convolvulus pluricaulis attenuates scopolamine-induced increased tau and amyloid precursor protein (A$\beta$PP) expression in rat. [Publication]

Bindi, Serena (2012) 'When there were only gods, then there was no disease, no need for doctors': forsaken deities and weakened bodies in the Indian Himalayas. [Publication]

Bindu, Hima, P. Suvarnalathadevi, K. Rukmini and M.A. Singara Charya (2012) Phytochemical screening and antibacterial activity of Hemionitis arifolia (Burm) Moore. [Publication]

Binorkar, Sandeep Vishnu, Dilip Khemji Jani (2012) Traditional medicinal usage of tobacco -- A review. [Publication]

Bishoyi, Ashok Kumar, K.A. Geetha (2012) Polymorphism in flower colour and petal type in Aparajita (Clitoria ternatea). [Publication]

Biswal, Sadasiva (2012) Relevance of Vedic physics in the contemporary society. [Publication]

Bjornstad, Asmund (2012) Our daily bread: A history of cereals. [Publication]

Bode, Maarten (2012) Ayurveda in the twenty-first century: logic, practice and ethics. [Publication]

Boesi, Alessandro (2012) Preliminary report on the art of representing Tibetan Materia Medica. [Publication]

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Kumar, Gajendra, Amita Srivastava, Surinder Kumar Sharma, Yogendra Kumar Gupta (2012) Safety and efficacy evaluation of Ayurvedic treatment (Arjuna powder and Arogyavardhini Vati) in dyslipidemia patients: A pilot prospective cohort clinical study. [Publication]

Kumar, Gaurav, Loganathan Karthik, Bhaskara Rao Kokati Venkata, Arivarasan Vishnu Kirthi, Chidambaram Jayaseelan, Abdul Abdul Rahuman (2012) Phytochemical composition, mosquito larvicidal, ovicidal and repellent activity of Calotropis procera against Culex tritaeniorhynchus and Culex gelidus. [Publication]

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Madagundi, Smita Daniel, Manjunath Karibassapa Pawadshetter, Prasanna Habbu and Siddaruda Malleshappa Biradar (2012) A comparative study of isolated flavonoid and different extracts of Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) Sw. for in vitro immunomodulatory effects on human neutrophils. [Publication]

Madeswaran, Arumugam, Muthuswamy Umamaheswari, Kuppusamy Asokkumar, Thirumalaisamy Sivashanmugam, Varadharajan Subhadradevi, Puliyath Jagannath (2012) Docking studies: In silico phosphodiesterase inhibitory activity of commercially available flavonoids. [Publication]

Madeswaran, Arumugam, Muthuswamy Umamaheswari, Kuppusamy Asokkumar, Thirumalaisamy Sivashanmugam, Varadharajan Subhadradevi, Puliyath Jagannath (2012) In silico docking studies of aldose reductase inhibitory activity of commercially available flavonoids. [Publication]

Madeswaran, Arumugam, Muthuswamy Umamaheswari, Kuppuswamy Asokkumar, Thirumalaisamy Sivashanmugam, Varadharajan Subhadradevi, Puliyath Jagannath (2012) Discovery of potential cyclooxygenase inhibitors using in silico docking studies. [Publication]

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Madhavan, Varadharajan, Azharali Mulla Khan, Sunkam Yoganarasimhan, Magadi Gurudeva and Deveswaran Rajamanickam (2012) Pharmacognostical studies on the root and rhizome of Cryptocoryne spiralis (Retz.) Fisch. ex Wydl. (Araceae) -- Alternate source for Tagara. [Publication]

Madhavan, Varadharajan, Sunkam Yoganarasimhan, Magadi Gurudeva, Ajay Shankar Pandey and Deveswaran Rajamanickam (2012) Pharmacognostical studies of the root of Capparis sepiaria L. (Himsra) -- an ayurvedic drug. [Publication]

Madhavan, Varadharajan, Sunkam Yoganarasimhan, Poonam Shah, Magadi Gurudeva and Rajamanickam Deveswaran (2012) Pharmacognostical studies on the root of Toddalia asiatica (L.) Lam. (Rutaceae). [Publication]

Madhavan, Varadharajan, Usha Munisamy, Sunkam Yoganarasimhan, Magadi Gurudeva, Deveswaran Rajamanickam, Sundara Saravanan and Rajendran Mythreyi (2012) Pharmacognostical studies on the roots of Maerua oblongifolia (Forsk.) A. Rich. (Capparaceae). [Publication]

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Mahalle, Namita P., Mohan V. Kulkarni, Narendra M. Pendse, Sadanand S. Naik (2012) Association of constitutional type of Ayurveda with cardiovascular risk factors, inflammatory markers and insulin resistance. [Publication]

Mahanta, Ratul and Daisy Das (2012) Common property resources degradation and migration: A case study of Assam. [Publication]

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Maity, Niladri, Neelesh K. Nema, Birendra K. Sarkar, Pulok K. Mukherjee (2012) Standardized Clitoria ternatea leaf extract as hyaluronidase, elastase and matrix-metalloproteinase-1 inhibitor. [Publication]

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Malekinejad, Hassan, Behnaz Bazargani-Gilani, Amir Tukmechi, Hadi Ebrahimi (2012) A cytotoxicity and comparative antibacterial study on the effect of Zataria multiflora Boiss, Trachyspermum copticum essential oils, and Enrofloxacin on Aeromonas hydrophila. [Publication]

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Malik, Afaq Ahmad, Javed Ahmad, Sanghmitra Suryapani, M.Z. Abdin and Mohammed Ali (2012) Effect of inorganic and biological fertilizer treatments on essential oil composition of Ruta graveolens L. [Publication]

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Mallick, Arindam, Amrinder Kaur, Mrinmoyee Das (2012) Shelf life period of Ayurvedic medicine in context to ancient and modern literature. [Publication]

Mamta Kumari, B.K. Ashok, B. Ravishankar, Tarulata N. Pandya, Rabinarayan Acharya (2012) Anti-inflammatory activity of two varieties of Pippali (Piper longum Linn.). [Publication]

Mandal, Shibajee, Gurugadahalli P. Rajani, Rajesh Kumar Sharma, Nakul Gupta (2012) In vitro antioxidant and ant-inflammatory potential of Polyalthia longifolia in rats. [Publication]

Mangal, Gunjan, Gopesh Mangal, Radhey Shyam Sharma (2012) Clinical efficacy of shodhana karma and shamana karma in mandala kushtha (psoriasis). [Publication]

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Mangulkar, Manisha P., Madhushree M. Routh, Ravikumar B. Shinde and S. Mohan Karuppayil (2012) Ethnic uses of medicinal plants from thirty eight villages in India for gynecological care. [Publication]

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Maniyar, Yasmeen, Prabhu Bhixavatimath (2012) Antihyperglycemic and hypolipidemic activities of aqueous extract of Carica papaya Linn. leaves in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. [Publication]

Manjunatha, L. Geetha, Prabhuraj Baluragi and Baldev Kumar (2012) Virecanakarma with m\=a\d{n}ibhadragu\d{d}a in the management of vicarcika with special reference to eczema - A randamised study. [Publication]

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Rahimi-Dehgolan, Ramin, Zeinolabedin Tahmasebi Sarvestani, Shams Ali Rezazadeh and Aria Dolatabadian (2012) Morphological and physiological characters of Aloe vera subjected to saline water irrigation. [Publication]

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Ramakrishna, S., P.V.V.S. Gopal Bhaskar, K. Reddy Srikantha, P. Kumar Ranjit, K.S. Kumar, I.L.N. Kumar (2012) Evaluation of hepatoprotective activity of fruits of Sesbania grandiflora L. Pers. against thiocetamide and ranitidine induced hepatotoxicity in rats. [Publication]

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Raman, Anantanarayanan (2012) Malaria management in the 18th and 19th century India: role played by Madras Presidency. [Publication]

Ramana, Gangireddy, Siva Reddy Challa, Ch.V. Rao (2012) Comparative and combined studies on anti-ulcer effect of two plant extracts in experimental models of gastric ulcer in SD rats. [Publication]

Rana, C.S., J.K. Tiwari, L.R. Dangwal and R.C. Sundriyal (2012) Herbal remedies for sexual capability. [Publication]

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Rani, C.N. and M.V. Jadhav (2012) Enhancing filtrate quality of turbid water incorporating seeds of Strychnos potatorum, pads of Cactus opuntia and mucilage extracted from the fruits of Coccinia indica as coagulants. [Publication]

Rani, Champa, Sunaina Chawla, Manisha Mangal, A.K. Mangal, Subhash Kajla and A.K. Dhawan (2012) Nyctanthes arbor-tristis Linn. (night jasmine): a sacred ornamental plant with immense medicinal potentials. [Publication]

Rani, Neerja, Surendra Kumar Sharma, Neeru Vasudeva (2012) Quality assessment of Achyranthes aspera Linn. seed. [Publication]

Rani, Rita, Vinod K. Kansal (2012) Effects of cow ghee (clarified butter oil) and soybean oil on carcinogen-metabolizing enzymes in rats. [Publication]

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Rao, B.C.S., S. Sahoo and D. Sudhakar (2012) Effect of vyo\d{s}\=adi guggulu in borderline high hypercholesterolemia/hyperlipidemia -- An open clinical trial. [Publication]

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Rashid, Sabina Faiz (2012) Quality of care and pregnancy terminations for adolescent women in urban slums, Bangla Desh. [Publication]

Rastogi, Pavitra, Vishal Anand, Minkle Gulati, Nand Lal, Jaya Dixit, Rameshwari Singhal (2012) A review of Curcumin in reference to its use in oral diseases. [Publication]

Rastogi, Rajiv (2012) Naturopathy in India: Current status and future challenges. [Publication]

Rastogi, Sanjeev (2012) Counting the strengths and countering the weaknesses: Applying SWOT analysis into Ayush for its better appreciation and application. [Publication]

Rastogi, Sanjeev (2012) Counting the strengths and countering the weaknesses: applying SWOT analysis into AYUSH for its better appreciation and application. [Publication]

Rastogi, Sanjeev (2012) Development and validation of a prototype prakriti analysis tool (PPAT): inferences from a pilot study. [Publication]

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Rasul, Azhar, Saima Parveen, Tonghui Ma (2012) Costunolide: A novel anti-cancer sesquiterpene lactone. [Publication]

Rathore, S.S., N. Krose, Moa Naro, Kapila Shekhawat and B.P. Bhatt (2012) Wood management through salt application: an indigenous method from shifting cultivation areas, Eastern Himalaya, India. [Publication]

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Raut, Ashwini Kumar, Nirmala N. Rege, Firuz M. Tadvi, Punita V. Solanki, Kirti R. Kene, Sudatta G. Shirolkar, Shefali N. Pandey, Rama A. Vaidya, Ashok B. Vaidya (2012) Exploratory study to evaluate tolerability, safety, and activity of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) in healthy volunteers. [Publication]

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Sachdev, Devender O., Devesh D. Gosavi, Kartik J. Salwe (2012) Evaluation of antidiabetic, antioxidant effect and safety profile of gomutra ark in Wistar albino rats. [Publication]

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Saeed, Samarghandian, Hajzadeh Mos-Al-Reza, Amin Nya Fatemrh, Davoodi Saeideh (2012) Antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic effects of guar gum on streptozotocin-induced diabetes in male rats. [Publication]

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Sampath Kumar, K.P., Debjit Bhowmik, Amitsankar Dutta, Akhilesh Pd. Yadav, Shravan Paswan, Shweta Srivastava, Lokesh Deb (2012) Recent trends in potential traditional Indian herbs - Emblica officinalis and its medicinal importance. [Publication]

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Sulaiman, C.T., Indira Balachandran (2012) Total phenolics and total flavonoids in selected Indian medicinal plants. [Publication]

Sultan, Rafi Akhtar, Zafar Alam Mahmood, Iqbal Azhar, Muhammad Mohtasheem ul Hassan, Salman Ahmed (2012) Pharmacognostic and preliminary phytochemical ivestigation of aerial parts of Centella asiatica linn. [Publication]

Sultana, Irin, Md. Abdun Noor, Joy Barua, Ayesha Mahmood, Mishon Cihandra Das, Md. Torequl Islam, Mohammed Ibrahim, M. Mohi Uddin Chowdhury (2012) In-vitro anti-atherothrombosis activity of four Bangladesh plants. [Publication]

Sumanth, Meera, Anusha and S. Swetha (2012) Elucidation of mechanism of anti-arthritic action of Arthosansar -- a polyherbal formulation. [Publication]

Sundaram, E.N., K.P. Singh and P. Umamaheswara Reddy (2012) Hypoglycaemic activity of Indian medicinal plants in streptozotocin diabetic rats. [Publication]

Sundaram, Rajagopal Shanmuga, Lakshminarayanan Gowtham (2012) Microglia and regulation of inflammation-mediated neurodegeneration: Prevention and treatment by phytochemicals and metabolic nutrients. [Publication]

Sundarasekar, Jeevandran, Geethaa Sahgal, Sreeramanan Subramaniam (2012) Anti-candida activity by Hymenocallis littoralis extracts for opportunistic oral and genital infection Candida albicans. [Publication]

Sunil Kumar, Meenu Saini, Vipin Kumar, Om Prakash, Renu Arya, Monika Rana and Dinesh Kumar (2012) Traditional medicinal plants curing diabetes: A promise for today and tomorrow. [Publication]

Sureesh Kumar, M., A.J.A. Ranjit Singh and G. Alagumuthu (2012) Traditional beekeeping of stingless bee (Trigona sp) by Kani tribes of Western Ghats, Tamil Nadu, India. [Publication]

Suresh Babu, A.R. and S.S. Karki (2012) Wound healing activity of Calotropis gigantea leaves in albino Wistar rats. [Publication]

Suresh Kumar, P., A. Chezhian, P. Senthil Raja, J. Sathiyapriya (2012) Computational selections of terpenes present in the plant Calotropis gigantea as mosquito larvicide's by blocking the sterol carrying protein, AeSCP-2. [Publication]

Suthar, Nidhi and Vandana Kaushik (2012) Traditional medicines for treatment of musculoskeletal problems. [Publication]

Swain, S., T. Ray, and N.R. Parida (2012) Plants used in tribal agricultural festival of Koraput district, Orissa. [Publication]

Swaminathan, M.S. (2012) Agriculture on spaceship earth. [Publication]

Swamy, B.G.L. (2012) Sources for a history of plant sciences in India: the maritime trade of ancient Tamils in plant products -- A critique. [Publication]

Swapana, N., Th. JyotinKumar, Ch. Bijayalakshmi Devi, M. Sumarjit Singh, S. Brojendro Singh and C.B. Singh (2012) Total phenolic, total flavonoid contents and antioxidant activity of a few indigenous fruits grown in Manipur. [Publication]


Taiwo, Adefunmilayo E., Franco B. Leite, Greice M. Lucena, Marilia Barros, D\^{a}maris Silveira, M\^{o}nica V. Silva, Vania M. Ferreira (2012) Anxiolytic and antidepressant-like effects of Melissa officinalis (lemon balm) extract in rats: influence of administration and gender. [Publication]

Takawale, Rahul V., Vishal R. Mali, Chintmay U. Kapase, Subhash L. Bodhankar (2012) Effect of Lagenaria siceraria fruit powder on sodium oxalate induced urolithiasis in Wistar rats. [Publication]

Talebi, Taravat, Pegah Namian, Karimollah Gasemi, Fahmideh Shabani, Armin Talebi, Syed Reza Mirhafez (2012) Antitumor, antioxidant and antibacterial evaluation of new ligand of cinnemaldehyde and its Fe (III) and Mn (II) complexes. [Publication]

Talreja, Tamanna, Lalita Yadav, Kalpana Sharma and Asha Goswami (2012) Flavonoids from some medicinal plants in vivo in vitro. [Publication]

Tamaddonfard, Esmaeal, Amir Abbas Farshid, Leila Hosseini (2012) Crocin alleviates the local paw edema induced by histamine in rats. [Publication]

Tamaddonfard, Esmaeal, Amir Erfanparast, Nasrin Hamzeh-Gooshchi, Shahnaz Yousofizadeh (2012) Effect of curcumin, the active constituent of turmeric, on penicillin-induced epileptiform activity in rats. [Publication]

Tamang, Jyoti Prakash, Namrata Tamang, Saroj Thapa, Sailendra Dewan, Buddhiman Tamang, Hannah Yonzan, Arun Kumar Rai, Rajen Chettri, Jayasree Chakrabarty and Niki Kharel (2012) Microorganisms and nutritional value of ethnic fermented foods and alcoholic beverages of North East India. [Publication]

Tamilenthi, S., K. Mohanasundaram and V. Padmini (2012) A study of society's perception on divine healing miracles. [Publication]

Tamta, Mahendra, Ashok Kumar, Nivedita Shukla and Devendra Negi (2012) Effects of crude extracts of Premna barbata Wall. and Clerodendrum viscosum Vent. (Verbenaceae) on different pathogenic bacteria. [Publication]

Tandon, Neeraj and Parul Sharma (Eds.) (2012) Phytochemical reference standards of selected Indian medicinal plants, vol. 2. [Publication]

Tandon, Neeraj, Parul Sharma (Eds.) (2012) Quality standards of Indian medicinal plants, volume 10. [Publication]

Tanna, Ila R., Hetal B. Aghera, B.K. Ashok, H.M. Chandola (2012) Protective role of ashwagandharishta and flax seed oil against maximal electroshock induced seizures in albino rats. [Publication]

Tanna, Samir P., Biswajyoti Patgiri, Vinay J. Shukla, Pradeep Kumar Prajapati (2012) Pharmaceutical standardization og mamajjaka (Enicostemma littorale auct. non Bl) ghana. [Publication]

Targais, Konchok, Tsering Stobdan, Sunil Mundra, Zulfikar Ali, Ashish Yadav, Girish Korekar and Shashi Bala Singh (2012) Chhang -- A barley based alcoholic beverage of Ladakh, India. [Publication]

Teron, R. and S.K. Borthakur (2012) Traditional knowledge of herbal dyes and cultural significance of colors among the Karbis ethnic tribe in Northeast India. [Publication]

Teron, Robindra, S.K. Borthakur (2012) Traditional knowledge on herbal dyes and cultural significance of colours among the Karbis, an ethnic tribe in Northeast India. [Publication]

Teron, Robindra and S.K. Borthakur (2012) Biological motifs and designs on traditional costumes among Karbis of Assam. [Publication]

Thakkar, Himanshu (2012) Water pollution control: role of community and public action. [Publication]

Thanki, Krishna, Nilesh Bhatt, V.D. Shukla (2012) Effect of kshara basti and nirgundi ghana vati on amavata (rheumatoid arthritis). [Publication]

Thapar, Romila (2012) Perceiving the forest -- Early India. [Publication]

Thapar, Valmik (2012) Tigers in the emerald forest: Ranthambhore after the monsoon. [Publication]

Thirumurthi, Selvi, David Y. Graham (2012) Helicobacter pylori infection in India from a western perspective. [Publication]

Thirunavukarasu, M., Sathya D. Cherukuri, Kothai Divya Pragatheeshwar, Pragatheeshwar Thirunavukarasu (2012) Public perception of psychiatry in India: A changing landscape. [Publication]

Thokchom, D.S. and G.J. Sharma (2012) Free radical scavenging activity of some therapeutic plants and protection of radiation-induced DNA damage by Zingiber montanum extract. [Publication]

Tijani, Adeniyi Yahaya, Oluwakanyinsola Adeola Salawu, Good-luck Jaiyeoba, Joseph Akponso Anuka, Isah Marte Hussaini (2012) Neuro-pharmacological effects of Crinum zeylanicum in mice. [Publication]

Timalsina, Sthaneshwar (2012) Embodiment and self-realisation: The interface between \'Sa\.nkara's transcendentalism and shamanic and Tantric experiences. [Publication]

Timalsina, Sthaneshwar (2012) Reconstructing the Tantric body: Elements of the symbolism of body in the monistic Kaula and Trika Tantric traditions. [Publication]

Tippens, Kimberly Michelle, Erica Oberg and Ryan Bradley (2012) A dialogue between naturopathy and critical medical anthropology: Toward a broadened conception of holistic health. [Publication]

Tiv\=ar\={\i}, Vi\d{s}\d{n}u N\=ar\=aya\d{n} (2012) V\=alm\={\i}ki R\=am\=aya\d{n} vaij\~{n}\=anik up\=adeyat\=a. [Publication]

Tiwari, Sugandha and I.B. Pandey (2012) Traditional herbal remedies for gynaecological problems practised in Kanpur division of Uttar Pradesh (UP), India. [Publication]

Tiwari, S.C., Nisha M. Pandey (2012) Status and requirements of geriatric mental health services in India: An evidence-based commentary. [Publication]

Tiwari, Shashi (2012) Environmental science -- Vedic perspective. [Publication]

Toliopoulos, Ioannis, Yannis Simos, Ioannis Verginadis, Stergios Oikonomidis, Spyros Karkabounas (2012) NK cell stimulation by administration of vitamin C and Aloe vera juice in vitro and in vivo: A pilot study. [Publication]

Tomar, Girendra Singh (2012) A review of Ayurvedic hepatology and inferences from a pilot study on kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata) intervention in hepatic disorders of variable etiology. [Publication]

Tomar, Girendra Singh (2012) A review of Ayurvedic hepatology and inferences from a pilot study on kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata) intervention in hepatic disorders of variable etiology. [Publication]

Torequl Islam, Md., Md. Abdun Noor, Bijoy Karon, Rivelilson Mendes de Freitas (2012) In vitro antimicrobial and brine shrimp lethality of Allophylus cobbe L. [Publication]

Torri, Davide (2012) Siquidem sunt dii multi, et domini multi: ciò que seguì all'introduzione del Cristianismo nelle colline di Darjeeling. [Publication]

Trautmann, Thomas R. (2012) Elephants and the Mauryas. [Publication]

Tripathi, Jaynarayan, Reena Kumari, Vrish Dhwaj Ashwlayan, Parveen Bansal and Ranjit Singh (2012) Anti-diabetic activity of Diplocyclos palmatus Linn. in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice. [Publication]

Tripathi, Jyoti Shankar (2012) Dimensions of sattvavajaya chikitsa (Ayurvedic psychotherapy) and their clinical applications. [Publication]

Tripathi, Jyoti Shankar (2012) Dimensions of sattvavajaya chikitsa (Ayurvedic-psychotherapy) and their clinical applications. [Publication]

Tripathi, Yamini Bhushan (2012) \=Ayurvedic medicines -- ancient roots and scientific validation. [Publication]

Tsunashima, Hiroyuki (2012) An alternative way of agricultural development by the Koya prople in Andhra Pradesh, India. [Publication]

Ttatiya, Anil U., Sanjay J. Surana, Manisha P. Sutar, Nehal H. Gamit (2012) Hepatoprotective effect of poly herbal formulation against various toxic agents in rats. [Publication]

Tucker, Richard P. (2012) A forest history of India. [Publication]

Tucker, Richard P. (2012) Introduction. [Publication]

Tynsong, H., B.K. Tiwari, M. Dkhar (2012) Bird hunting techniques practised by War Khasi community of Meghalaya. [Publication]


Uberoi, Patricia (2012) The family in India. [Publication]

Udani, Jayashree, D.B. Vaghela, Manjusha Rajagopala, P.D. Matalia (2012) A comparative study of bilvadi yoga ashchyotana and eye drops in vataja abhishyanda (simple allergic conjunctivitis). [Publication]

Ulbricht, Catherine (2012) Liver toxicity: An integrative approach: A natural standard monograph. [Publication]

Umadevi, M., R. Pushpa (2012) Rice -- Traditional medicinal plant in India. [Publication]

Umamaheswari, G., T. Ramanathan and T. Balasubramanian (2012) Ethnobotanical studies on coastal villages of Cuddalore District. [Publication]

Umamaheswari, Muthuswamy, C.S. Aji, Kuppuswamy Asokkumar, Thirumalaisamy Sivashanmugam, Varadharajan Subhadradevi, Puliyath Jagannath, Arumugam Madeswaran (2012) Docking studies: In silico aldose reductase inhibitory activity of commercially available flavonoids. [Publication]

Upadhye, Anuradha S., Anagha A. Rajopadhye, Bhagyashri B. Kumbhalkar (2012) Pharmacognostic standardization to diminish unvoluntary adulteration and substitution in Ayurvedic herbs. [Publication]

Upadhye, Kanchan P., Vinod D. Rangari, Vijay B. Mathur (2012) Antimigraine activity study of Moringa oleifera leaf juice. [Publication]

Upendrar\=ava, C. (2012) Somalat\=ay\=a\d{h} vaij\~{n}\=anika\d{m} svar\=upam. [Publication]

Usha, V.N.K. (2012) Pras\=uti Tantra: A text book of obstetrics. [Publication]

Uttarwar, Vijay (2012) Adoption of Vrikshayurveda methods -- Awareness of kunapajala. [Publication]


Vador, N., Aarti G. Jagtap, Archana Damle (2012) Vulnerability of gastric mucosa in diabetic rats, its pathogenesis and amelioration by Cuminum cyminum. [Publication]

Vador, N., B. Vador, Rupali Hole (2012) Simple spectrophotometric methods for standardizing ayurvedic formulation. [Publication]

Vallely, Anne (2012) Animal matters -- Human/animal and the contemporary West. [Publication]

Vallely, Anne (2012) Animal others - Theorizing animal/human. [Publication]

Vallely, Anne (2012) Other animals - Animals across cultures. [Publication]

Vanita, Ruth (2012) Gender, sex, and the city: Urdu Rekhti poetry in India, 1780--1870. [Publication]

Vanzan, Anna (2012) Hamdard, how to share pain in a Muslim way. [Publication]

Varpe, Saroj S., Archana R. Juvekar, Mukta P. Bidikar, Parikshit R. Juvekar (2012) Evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of Typha angustifolia pollen grains extracts in experimental animals. [Publication]

Varshneya, M.C., V.B. Vaidya, Vyas Pandey, A.M. Shekh, L.D. Chimote, and K.S. Damle (2012) Rainfall forecast for Gujarat for 2012. [Publication]

Vedhagiri, S. Joseph, K. Ganesan and P.C. Jobe Parabakar (2012) Spectroscopic investigations of palakarai (cowrie shell) parpam. [Publication]

Velayudhan, K.C., N. Dikshit and M. Abdul Nizar (2012) Ethnobotany of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.). [Publication]

Velho-Pereira, Reelma, A. Kumar, B.N. Pandey, K.P. Mishra, Aarti G. Jagtap (2012) Radioprotection by macerated extract of Nigella sativa in normal tissues of fibrosarcoma bearing mice. [Publication]

Vengurlekar, Sudha, Rajesh Sharma, Piyush Trivedi (2012) Efficacy of some natural compounds as antifungal agents. [Publication]

Venil, N. Sumantran and Girish Tillu (2012) Ayurvedic pharmaceutics and insights on personalized medicine. [Publication]

Venkata, Suresh J., S. Ganapaty and N. Venkat Rao (2012) Hypoglycemic and antidiabetic activity of tuberous roots of Decalepis hamiltonii in normal and streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. [Publication]

Venkatesh, Sama, R. Kusuma, V. Sateesh, B. Madhava Reddy and Ramesh Mullangi (2012) Antidiabetic activity of Pandanus odoratissimus root extract. [Publication]

Vidyasagar, Ishvarchandra (translator) and Brian A. Hatcher (2012) Hindu widow marriage. [Publication]

Vijayalakshmi, Shalini Adiga, Priyanka Bhat, Abhishek Chaturvedi, K.L. Bairy, Shobha Kamath (2012) Evaluation of the effect of Ferula asafoetida Linn. gum extract on learning and memory in Wistar rats. [Publication]

Vijayalakshmi, P., A. Rajarajeswari and A. Mahomed Sadiq (2012) Cardioprotective effect of Nigella sativa seed and oil on isoproterenol induced myocardial infarction in rats. [Publication]

Vimala, N. and K.P. Sajith Kumar (2012) Efficacy of a nutraceutical developed from an \=Ayurvedic formulation in the growth and development of infants -- A randomized controlled trial. [Publication]

Vimala, T. and S. Gopalakrishnan (2012) Inhibitory effect of the root of Sida acuta Burm.f. on calcium oxalate crystal growth. [Publication]

Visaria, Pravin and Leela (2012) India's population. [Publication]

Vishwanath, Prashant, Devegowda, Devananda, Akila Prashant, Narendra Nayak, Vivian D'Souza, Thuppil Venkatesh, Clark Scott (2012) Environmental lead levels in a coastal city of India: The lead burden continues. [Publication]

Viswanatha Swamy, A.H.M., Rucha V. Kulkarni, B.C. Koti, P.C. Gadad, A.H.M. Thippeswamy, Aparna Gore (2012) Hepatoprotective effect of Cissus quadrangularis stem extract against rifampicin-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. [Publication]

Viswanatha Swamy, Agadihiremath, Sumeet Gulliaya, Agadihiremath Thippeswamy, Basavaraj C. Koti, Donnahalli V. Manjula (2012) Cardioprotective effect of curcumin against doxorubicin-induced myocardial toxicity in albino rats. [Publication]

Vuyyuru, Arun Babu, M. Govindarao, D. Ravi Chandra Sekhara Reddy, B. Harish, J. Vishwanath and G. Amarnath Reddy (2012) Antidiabetic activity of hydroalcoholic extract of Ananas comosus L. leaves in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. [Publication]

Vyas, Kavita M., R.R. Dwivedi (2012) Role of sattvavajaya chikitsa (trance therapy) in the management of manasa-dosha ajeerna. [Publication]

Vyas, Purvi, H.M. Chandola, Firoz Ghanchi, Shivprakash Ranthem (2012) Clinical evaluation of Rasayana compound as an adjuvant in the management of tuberculosis with anti-Koch's treatment. [Publication]


Wadher, Rupesh, Rambabu R. Dwivedi (2012) Applicability and importance of Caraka's concept of aaturaparijnana hetawah in understanding a patient. [Publication]

Wagh, V.D., F.N. Patil, S.J. Surana, K.V. Wagh (2012) Forskolin: Upcoming antiglaucoma molecule. [Publication]

Walters, Willaim H. (2012) New light on enlightenment: a convergence of recent scholarship and emerging neuroscience. [Publication]

Wangyal, Jigme Tshelthrim (2012) Ethnobotanical knowledge of local communities of Bumdeling Wildlife Sanctuary, Trashiyangtse, Bhutan. [Publication]

Wani, Tariq Ahmad, Dhirendra Kumar, Raju Prasad, Pawan Kumar Verma, Kaustuk S. Sardar, Surendra Kumar Tandan, Dinesh Kumar (2012) Analgesic activity of the ethanolic extract of Shorea robusta resin in experimental animals. [Publication]

Warrier, Dr.P.K. (2012) Vision, wisdom, healing -- Clinical experiences of Dr.P.K. Warrier. [Publication]

Watanabe, Chikafumi, Michele Desmarais and Yoshichika Honda (Eds.) (2012) Sa\.{m}sk\d{r}ta-s\=adhut\=a -- Goodness of Sanskrit -- Studies in honour of Professor Ashok N. Aklujkar. [Publication]

Whitaker, Romulus and Samir Whitaker (2012) Venom, antivenom production and the medically important snakes of India. [Publication]

White, David Gordon (2012) Netra Tantra at the crossroads of the demonological cosmopolis. [Publication]

Whittaker, Andrea (2012) Abortion in Asia: an overview. [Publication]

Whittaker, Andrea (Ed.) (2012) Abortion in Asia: Local dilemmas, global politics. [Publication]

Widger, Tom (2012) Suffering, frustration, and anger: class, gender and history in Sri Lankan suicide stories. [Publication]

Widger, Tom (2012) Suicide and the morality of kinship in Sri Lanka. [Publication]

Wilke, Annette (2012) Recoding the natural and animating the imaginary. Kaula body-practices in the Parasurama-Kalpasutra, ritual transfers, and the politics of representation. [Publication]

Wiwanitkit, Somsri, Viroj Wiwanitkit (2012) Pomegranate juice on dental plaque microorganisms. [Publication]

Wiwanitkit, Somsri, Viroj Wiwanitkit (2012) Water purification. [Publication]

Wiwanitkit, Viroj (2012) Leech therapy. [Publication]

Wojtilla, Gyula (2012) Agricultural knowledge as it is reflected in the \'Saunak\={\i}ya Atharvaveda: a reappraisal. [Publication]

Wu, Wen-Tung (2012) Evaluation of anti-inflammatory effects of Broussonetia papyrifera stem bark. [Publication]

Wujastyk, Dagmar (2012) Well-mannered medicine. Medical ethics and etiquette in classical Ayurveda. [Publication]

Wulf, Christoph (2012) Memory, mimesis and the circulation of emotions in rituals. [Publication]


Yadav, Chhaju Ram, Vinay Bhardwaj (2012) Physiological study of asthivaha srotas w.s.r. efficacy of vatari rasa in sandhigata vata (osteoarthritis). [Publication]

Yadav, Esha, Munesh Mani, Phool Chandra, Neetu Sachan, A.K. Ghosh (2012) A review on therapeutic potential of Lygodium flexuosum Linn. [Publication]

Yadav, Pramod, C.R. Harisha, P.K. Prajapati (2012) Validation of pharmacopeial characters of Bhringaraja (Eclipta alba Linn. Hassk. [Publication]

Yadav, Pramod, Pradeep Kumar Prajapati (2012) A comparative in-vitro study to evaluate the antibacterial and antifungal activity of raw and processed Gandhaka. [Publication]

Yadav, Pramod R., Galib and P.K. Prajapati (2012) Utility of \'sodhana procedure in rasa\'s\=astra with special reference to gandhaka \'sodhana. [Publication]

Yadav, Priyanka, Aditya Ganeshpurkar, Gopal Rai (2012) In vitro H+-K+ ATPase inhibitory potential of methanolic extract of Cissus quadrangularis Linn. [Publication]

Yadav, Virendra, Soma Jayalakshmi, Rajeev K. Singla, Arjun Patra (2012) Ex vivo screening of stem extracts of Callicarpa frutescens Vahl for antifungal activity. [Publication]

Yadav Shyamlal Singh Galib Biswajyoti Patgiri Pradeep Kumar Prajapati (2012) Clinical efficacy of two different samples of shirishavaleha in tamaka shwasa (bronchial asthma). [Publication]

Yamashita, Tsutomu, P. Ram Manohar (2012) Memoirs of Vaidyas - The lives and practices of traditional medical doctors in Kerala, India (6). [Publication]

Yamaura, Katsunori, Noriyuki Nakayama, Maki Shimada, Yuanyuan Bi, Hideki Fukata, Koichi Ueno (2012) Antidepressant-like effects of young green barley leaf (Hordeum vulgare L.) in the mouse forced swimming test. [Publication]

Yan, Feng, Yan Zhang, Beibei Wang (2012) Effects of polysaccharides from Cordyceps sinensis mycelium on physical fatigue in mice. [Publication]

Yaqoob, Ishrat, Asif H. Sofi and Sarfaraz (2012) Pashmina shawl -- A traditional way of making in Kashmir. [Publication]

Yarnell, Eric, Kathy Abascal (2012) Botanical medicines and ionizing radiation: Part 2 - Radiosensitizing herbs. [Publication]

Yarnell, Eric, Kathy Abascal (2012) Potential of herbs as clinical photosensitizers. [Publication]

Yi, Lei, Jianjun Feng, Haiwang Ji, Xuechong Zhang (2012) Effect of Aralia chinesis on serum TNF-a, IL-4 and IL-10 level in rats with adjuvant-induced arthritis. [Publication]

Yoeli-Tlalim, Ronit (2012) Revisiting 'Galen in Tibet'. [Publication]

Yogesh Kumar, R.G. and K. Krishnaswamy (2012) Documentation of ethno-medicinal plants utilized by traditional healers of Narasimha Rajapura Taluk in Chikmagalore district, Karnataka. [Publication]

Yompakdee, C., S. Thunyaharn, T. Paechamud (2012) Bactericidal activity of methanol extracts of crabapple mangrove (Sonneratia caseolaris Linn.) against multi-drug resistant pathogens. [Publication]

Yue, Tianli, Xuelian Bai, Huawei Zhang, Yahong Yuan (2012) Fractionation and anti-inflammatory effects of polyphenol-enriched extracts from apple pomace. [Publication]

Yumnam, J.Y., O.P. Tripathi (2012) A unique way of using washcloth dyed with bixin by the Meiteis of Manipur. [Publication]

Yumnam, J.Y. and O.P. Tripathi (2012) Traditional knowledge of eating raw plants by the Meitei of Manipur as medicine/nutrient supplement in their diet. [Publication]


Zabihollahi, Rezvan, Rahele Namazi, Seyed Mehdi Sadat, Mohammad Reze Aghasadeghi, Azar Farhang Esfahani, Seyed Mehdi Sadat, Mohammad Hossein Modarressi (2012) The in vitro anti-viral potential of Setarud (IMODtm), a commercial herbal medicine with protective activity against acquired immune deficiency syndrome in clinical trials. [Publication]

Zarnigar and Abdul Rahaman (2012) Role of dalak (massage) and riyazat (exercise) in the rehabilitation of patients with post stroke hemiplegia. [Publication]

Zeiler, Xenia (2012) Transformations in the textual tradition of Dh\=um\=avat\={\i}: Changes of the Tantric Mah\=avidy\=a goddess in concept, ritual, function and iconography. [Publication]

Zhao, Wei, Yueping Ma and Zhong Yuan (2012) Optimization of extraction method for the polyphenols from twigs of Cinnamomum cassia. [Publication]

Zhao, Wei, Yueping Ma and Zhong Yuan (2012) Optimization of extraction method for the polyphenols from twigs of Cinnamomum cassia. [Publication]

Zhu, Xintian (2012) The fantastic beings of ancient India from 2500 BC to the VIth century AD, vol. 1. [Publication]

Zook, Darren C. (2012) Famine in the landscape -- Imagining hunger in South Asian history, 1860--1990. [Publication]

Zulkifle, Mohammad, Abdul Hasseb Ansari, Mohammad Sajid (2012) Prevalence of genetic predisposition in patients of diabetes mellitus type-2. [Publication]

Zumbroich, Thomas J. (2012) From mouth fresheners to erotic perfumes: The evolving socio-cultural significance of nutmeg, mace and cloves in South Asia. [Publication]

$\check{Z}$upanov, Ines G. (2012) "I am a great sinner": Jesuit missionary dialogues in southern India (sixteenth century). [Publication]

This list was generated on Sat Feb 15 02:10:20 2025 CET.