Items where Year is 1992

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Number of items: 1279.

Misra, P., N.L. Pal, P.Y. Guru, J.C. Katiyar, V. Srivastava and J.C. Tandon (1992) Antimalarial activity of Andrographis paniculata (kalmegh) against Plasmodium berghei NK 65 in Mastomys natalensis. [Publication]

Hermann-Pfandt, Adelheid (1992) \d{D}\={a}kin\={\i}s: zur Stellung und Symbolik des weiblichen im tantrischen Buddhismus. [Publication]

Abd el Nabi, Osman M., Emil C. Reisinger, Franz F. Reinthaler, Franz Still, Ute Eibel and Guenter J. Krejs (1992) Antimicrobial activity of Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. ex Del. var. nilotica (Mimosaceae). [Publication]

Abdul, A. and M. Iqbal (1992) Traditional single drug administration for the psychosomatic dermal diseases. [Publication]

Abe, F., T. Yamauchi and A.S.C. Wan (1992) Cardiac glycosides from the leaves of Thevetia neriifolia. [Publication]

Abebe, W. (1992) Adverse effects of traditional drug preparations. [Publication]

Adams, Vincanne (1992) The production of self and body in Sherpa-Tibetan society. [Publication]

Adiseshuvu, Hari (1992) Chemistry of our ancient sages. [Publication]

Adyatma (1992) Development of traditional medicine in Indonesia. [Publication]

Agarwal, B. (1992) The gender and environment debate: lessons from India. [Publication]

Agarwal, A.K., Chittaranjan Andrade and M. Venkataswamy Reddy (1992) The practice of ECT in India: issues relating to the administration of ECT. [Publication]

Agarwal, K., H. Dhir, A. Sharma and G. Talukder (1992) The efficacy of two species of Phyllanthus in counteracting nickel clastogenicity. [Publication]

Agarwalla, S.K. (1992) A multi approach comprehensive therapy model for HIV infection and Aids. [Publication]

Aggarwal, M. and B.L. Kaul (1992) The radio-protective effects of piperine in plants. [Publication]

Agnihotri, P.K., R.K. Singh, S. Srivastava and N. Sethi (1992) Foetotoxic effects of crude alcoholic Cannabis sativa extracts in rats. [Publication]

Agrav\={a}l, Kamal Prak\={a}\'{s} (1992) Coleus aromaticus -- Hind\={\i} n\={a}m: pattharc\={u}r. [Publication]

Agrav\={a}l, Kamal Prak\={a}\'{s} (1992) Cynodon dactylon (Hind\={\i} n\={a}m -- d\={u}rv\={a}, d\=ub. [Publication]

Agrawal, C.M. (1992) Gol\=u Devat\=a. The god of justice of Kumaun Himalayas. [Publication]

Agrawal, D.P. (1992) Man and environment in India through ages: an interdisciplinary study of the Indian quaternary with focus on north-west. [Publication]

Agrawal, H.S.K., K.N. Udupa, R.D. Sharma and J.P.N. Chansouria (1992) Role of yasada bhasma in testicular regeneration. [Publication]

Ahmad, Fayyaz, Rafeeq A. Khan and Shahid Rasheed (1992) Study of analgesic and anti inflammatory activity from plant extracts of Lactuca scariola and Artemisia absinthium. [Publication]

Ahmad, Jamal, Zeba S. Siddiqui and Asif Zaman (1992) Physico-chemical standardization of habb-e-mumsik. [Publication]

Akah, P.A., V.N. Offiah and E. Onuogu (1992) Hepatotoxic effect of Azadirachta indica leaf extracts in rabbits. [Publication]

Akerele, O. (1992) WHO guideline for assessment of herbal medicines. [Publication]

Akhtar Husain, O.P. Virmani, S.P. Popli, L.N. Misra, M.M. Gupta, G.N. Srivastava, Z. Abraham, A.K. Singh (1992) Dictionary of Indian medicinal plants. [Publication]

Akhtar, Muhammad Shoaib, Abdul Hameed Akhtar and Muhammad Afzal Khan (1992) Antiulcerogenic effects of Ocimum basilicum extracts, volatile oils and flavonoid glycosides in albino rats. [Publication]

Akhtar, M.S. and I. Ahmad (1992) Comparative efficacy of Mallotus philippinensis fruit (Kamala) or Nilzan drug against gastrointestinal cestodes in Beetal goats. [Publication]

Akojie, F.O.B. and L. W.-M. Fung (1992) Antisickling activity of hydroxybenzoic acids in Cajanus cajan. [Publication]

Al-Bekairi, A.M., S. Qureshi, M.M. Ahmed, N.S. Qazi, Z.A. Khan and A.H. Shah (1992) Effect of Caralluma tuberculata on the cytological and biochemical changes induced by cyclophosphamide in mice. [Publication]

Al-Hindawi, Muhamed K., Saadia H. Al-Khafaji and May H. Abdul-Nabi (1992) Antigranuloma activity of Iraqi Withania somnifera. [Publication]

Alam, M.K. (1992) Medical ethnobotany of the Marma tribe of Bangladesh. [Publication]

Aleem, H.M. (1992) Gloriosa superba poisoning. [Publication]

Ali, A. (1992) Nutrition. [Publication]

Ali, M. (1992) Unani drugs in Ayurvedic materia medica. [Publication]

Ali, Momin (1992) Introduction to M\={a}dhavanid\={a}na. [Publication]

Allahbadia, G.N. and N. Shah (1992) India: begging eunuchs of Bombay. [Publication]

Alter, Joseph S. (1992) The sannyasi and the Indian wrestler: the anatomy of a relationship. [Publication]

Alter, Joseph S. (1992) The wrestler's body: identity and ideology in North India. [Publication]

Altermatt, R. and A. von Felten (1992) In-vitro-Untersuchungen mit Padma-28: Hemmung der Thrombozytenfunktion. [Publication]

Amalraj, V.A. (1992) Ethnobotanical notes on banana in India. [Publication]

Aminuddin, R.D. Girach and S.A. Khan (1992) Ethnomedicinal uses of Achyranthes aspera Linn. in Orissa (India). [Publication]

Ammar, N., S. Al-Okbi, G. Wassel, M. Shabana and M. Shabana (1992) Hypoglycaemic activity of Xanthium pungens, Compositae. [Publication]

Amoros, M. (1992) Recherche des propriétés antivirales des extraits d'origine naturelle. [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (1992) Hikk\={a} -- ek sa\d{m}k\d{s}ipt r\={u}prekh\={a}. [Publication]

Anagol-McGinn, Padma (1992) The Age of Consent Act (1891) reconsidered: Women's perspectives and participation in the child-marriage controversy in India. [Publication]

Anand, K.K., B. Singh, D. Chand and B.K. Chandan (1992) An evaluation of Lawsonia alba extract as hepatoprotective agent. [Publication]

Anderson, Robert (1992) The efficacy of ethnomedicine: research methods in trouble. [Publication]

Anderson, Warwick (1992) Laboratory medicine as colonial discourse. [Publication]

Ang, Chouléan (1992) Apports indiens à la médecine traditionnelle khmère -- Considérations préliminaires. [Publication]

Anonymous (1992) Ethnobotany in India: A status report. [Publication]

Antani, J.A., R.D. Kulkarni and N.J. Antani (1992) Evaluation of the role of Abana in congestive heart failure -- a double-blind study. [Publication]

Antze, Paul (1992) Possession trance and multiple personality: psychiatric disorders or idioms of distress? [Publication]

Apitz-Castro, R., J.J. Badimon and L. Badimon (1992) Effect of ajoene, the major antiplatelet compound from garlic, on platelet thrombus formation. [Publication]

Ara, S. and A.R. Naqshi (1992) Ethnobotanical studies in Gurais Valley, Kashmir. [Publication]

Arti, D., B.M. Chauhan and D. Punia (1992) Nutritional value of some non-conventional plant foods of India. [Publication]

Arulmozhi, M. and K. Janardhanan (1992) The biochemical composition and nutritional potential of the tribal pulse Mucuna monosperma DC. ex Wight. [Publication]

Aruna, K. and V.M. Sivaramakrishnan (1992) Anticarcinogenic effects of some Indian plant products. [Publication]

Aruna, K. and V.M. Sivaramakrishnan (1992) Anticarcinogenic effects of some Indian plant products. [Publication]

Arya, S., O.P. Toky, P.J.C. Harris and S.M. Harris (1992) Prosopis cineraria and Azadirachta indica: a surprising association. [Publication]

Asalkar, L.V. et al. (1992) Glossary of Indian medicinal plants with active principles, part I. [Publication]

Asha, V.V., S. Rajasekharan, C.R. Jawahar, K. Radhakrishnan, C.P.R. Nair, N. Lakshmi, L. Sarada Amma and P. Pushpangadan (1992) Ethno medical and pharmacognostical investigation of Drynaria quercifolia (L) J Smith (Polypodiaceae). [Publication]

Asolkar, L.V., K.K. Kakkar and O.J. Chakre (1992) Glossary of Indian medicinal plants with active principles, part I (1963--183). [Publication]

Asolkar, L.V., K.K. Kakkar, O.J. Chakre (1992) Second supplement to Glossary of Indian medicinal plants with active principles, part I (A--K) (1965--1981). [Publication]

Assayag, J. (1992) La colère de la déesse décapitée -- Traditions, cultes et pouvoir dans le Sud de l'Inde. [Publication]

Assayag, Jackie (1992) Invulnérables au fer et au feu -- Soufisme et fakirisme dans le sud de l'Inde (Karnataka). [Publication]

Aswal, B.S. (1992) Less known medicinal uses of three plants from Kumaon Himalayas. [Publication]

Atique, Abdul and Muhammad Iqbal (1992) Traditional single drug administration for psychosomatic dermal diseases. [Publication]

Atkinson, Jane Monnig (1992) Shamanisms today. [Publication]

Ayouba, Ahidjo, Henry Debray and Pierre Rougé (1992) Fine sugar specificity of the Butea frondosa seed lectin. [Publication]

Ayres, A.C. (1992) A scandalous breach of public decency: defining the decent -- Indian Hijras in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. [Publication]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) Ayurveda News. [Publication]

Babu, D. Ramesh and R.H. Singh (1992) Reiter's disease -- promising therapy through Ayurveda: a case report. [Publication]

Badhe, P.D., B.N. Sharma and V.K. Pande (1992) Important tribal folk medicines of East and West Melghat. [Publication]

Bagchi, G.D., G.N. Srivastava and S.C. Singh (1992) Distinguishing features of medicinal herbaceous species of Phyllanthus occurring in Lucknow district (U.P.), India. [Publication]

Bagchi, G.D., G.N. Srivastava and S.C. Singh (1992) Distinguishing features of medicinal herbaceous species of Phyllanthus occurring in Lucknow District (U.P.), India. [Publication]

Bahadur, Rai Pati Ram (1992) Garhwal: Ancient and modern. [Publication]

Bahri, S., Y. Sani and P.T. Hooper (1992) Myodegeneration in rats fed Melia azedarach. [Publication]

Bailey, H.W. (1992) P\={a}li s\={u}kara-maddava. [Publication]

Bajaj, Lakshman (1992) H\={a}r\={\i}ta Sa\d{m}hit\={a} k\={a} paricaya: usk\={\i} am\={u}lya au\d{s}adhiyo\d{m} k\={a} satprayog. [Publication]

Baj\={a}j, Lak\d{s}ma\d{n} (1992) \={A}yurved s\={a}hitya k\={\i} \'{s}re\d{s}\d{t}hatam au\d{s}adhi: punarnav\={a}. [Publication]

Balali-Mood, M., M.E. Mirhossaini and S. Daneshwar (1992) Pattern of human intoxications by poisonous animals in north-east Iran. [Publication]

Balasubramaniam, P. (1992) Observations on the utilisation of forest plants by the tribals of Point Calimare Wildlife Sanctuary, Tamil Nadu. [Publication]

Balasubramanian, P. (1992) Observations on the utilization of forest plants by the tribals of Point Calimere Wildlife Sanctuary, Tamil Nadu. [Publication]

Balbir, Nalini (1992) La fascination jaina pour l'alchimie. [Publication]

Balmer, Heinz and Beat Glaus (1992) Die Blütezeit der arabischen Wissenschaft. [Publication]

Banarjee, S. and H. Rembold (1992) Azadirachtin A intereferes with control of serotonin pools in the neuroendocrine system of locusts. [Publication]

Bandyopadhyay, Arun (1992) The agrarian economy of Tamil Nadu, 1820--1855. [Publication]

Banerji, D. (1992) Health policies and programmes in India in the eighties. [Publication]

Banerji, Sures Chandra (1992) Flora and fauna in Sanskrit literature. [Publication]

Banerji, Suresh Chandra (1992) New light on Tantra (Account of some Tantras, both Hindu and Buddhist, alchemy in Tantra, Tantric therapy, list of unpublished Tantras, etc.). [Publication]

Bang, R. and A. Bang (1992) Why women hide them: rural women's viewpoints on reproductive tract infections. [Publication]

Banga, Indu (Ed.) (1992) Ports and their hinterland in India, 1700--1950. [Publication]

Banwari (1992) Pancavati: Indian approach to the environment. [Publication]

Bapat, Jyotsana (1992) Social forestry in India: a perpetuation of dependency. [Publication]

Barbieri, L., J.M. Ferreras, A. Barraco, P. Ricci and F. Stirpe (1992) Some ribosome-inactivating proteins depurinate ribosomal RNA at multiple sites. [Publication]

Basak, B. et al. (1992) Effect of different fractions of methanolic extract of the seeds of Dolichos biflorus on some microorganisms. [Publication]

Basu, A.M. (1992) The status of women and the quality of life among the poor. [Publication]

Basu, Alaka (1992) Culture, the status of women and demographic behaviour: illustrated with the case of India. [Publication]

Basu, A.M. (1992) Culture, the status of women and demographic behaviour: illustrated with the case of India. [Publication]

Basu, A. et al. (1992) Hepatoprotective effects of Calotropis procera extracts on experimental liver damage in animals. [Publication]

Basu, S.K. (1992) Rattans (canes) in India -- A monographic revision. [Publication]

Batchelor, Martine and Kerry Brown (Eds.) (1992) Buddhism and ecology. [Publication]

Batchelor, Stephen (1992) The sands of the Ganges: notes towards a Buddhist ecological philosophy. [Publication]

Bäumer, Bettina (Ed.) (1992) Concepts of space and time. [Publication]

Baweja, H. and A. Katiyar (1992) The Indian face of AIDS. [Publication]

Bayly, Susan (1992) Saints, goddesses and kings: Muslims and Christians in South Indian society 1700--1900. [Publication]

Bedekar, V.V. (Ed.) (1992) Agriculture in ancient India: Papers presented at the Seminar conducted on 25 April 1992 under the auspices of the Institute for Oriental Study, Thane. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (1992) \'{S}ero\d{m} ke upayog. [Publication]

Been, A. (1992) Aconitum: genus of powerful and sensational plants. [Publication]

Belal, Khaled (Ed.) (1992) The Chittagong Hill Tracts. Falconry in the hills. [Publication]

Benencia, F. et al. (1992) Effect of Melia azedarach fresh leaf aqueous extract on mice hematological parameters. [Publication]

Benjamin, Claudia F., Celia R. Carlini and Christina Barja-Fidalgo (1992) Pharmacological characterization of rat paw edema caused by canatoxin, the toxic protein from Canavalia ensiformis (jack bean) seeds. [Publication]

Berlin, Brent (1992) Ethnobiological classification: principles of categorization of plants and animals in traditional societies. [Publication]

Berlin, B. (1992) Ethnobiological classification: Principles of categorization of plants and animals in traditional societies. [Publication]

Berman, P. and P. Dave (1992) Financing health care. [Publication]

Bernáth, J., and D. Földesi (1992) Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.): a promising medicinal and food crop. [Publication]

Berry, J.W., Y.H. Poortinga, M.H. Segall and P.R. Dasen (1992) Cross-cultural psychology: research and applications. [Publication]

Bhagwan Dash (1992) Tibetan medicine. [Publication]

Bhagwan Dash, Vaidya (1992) Massage therapy in Ayurveda. [Publication]

Bhalla, S., J.R. Patel and N.P. Bhalla (1992) Ethnobotanical herbal legumes of Bundelkhand region, Madhya Pradesh. [Publication]

Bhalla, S., J.R. Patel and N.P. Bhalla (1992) Ethnomedicinal studies on genus Indigofera from Bundelkhand region, Madhya Pradesh. [Publication]

Bhandari, N., M. Bhan and S. Sazawal (1992) Mortality associated with acute watery diarrhea, dysentery and persistent diarrhea in rural north India. [Publication]

Bhardwaj, Saroj (1992) The concept of `daiva' in the Mah\={a}bh\={a}rata. [Publication]

Bhasin, Veena and M.K. Bhasin (1992) Sikkim: cultural ecology and development. [Publication]

Bhaskar, R., P. Varalakshmi and R. Amsarini (1992) Changes in tissue enzymes produced by Coleus aromaticus in experimental urolithiasis. [Publication]

Bhat, A.V. and S. Nesamany (1992) Botanical sources of gajapippali in Kerala. [Publication]

Bhate, Saroja (1992) K\d{s}a\d{n}a. [Publication]

Bhatnagar, Rajendra Prakash (1992) T\={\i}sa\d{t}a and Candra\d{t}a. [Publication]

Bhatt, K.C. and R.D. Gaur (1992) A contribution to the ethnobotany of Rajis in Pithoragarh district. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, Neeladri (1992) Colonial state and agrarian society. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, S.K. and S. Ghosal (1992) Effect of shilajit on rat brain monoamines. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, S., S. Pal and A.K. Nag Chaudhuri (1992) Pharmacological studies of the antiinflammatory profile of Mikania cordata (Burm.) B.L. Robinson root extract in rodents. [Publication]

Bhattacharyya, B., D.C. Das, H. Mukherjee and A.K. Hati (1992) A reproductive study on scorpion sting in the paediatric age group in a hospital in Calcutta. [Publication]

Bhattarai, N.K. (1992) Folk anthelmintic drugs of Central Nepal. [Publication]

Bhattarai, N.K. (1992) Folk herbal remedies of Sindhupal Chok district, Central Nepal. [Publication]

Bhattarai, N.K. (1992) Folk uses of plants in veterinary medicine in central Nepal. [Publication]

Bhattarai, N.K. (1992) Medicinal ethnobotany in the Karnali Zone, Nepal. [Publication]

Bhatti, D.S. and R.K. Walia (Eds.) (1992) Nematode pests of crops. [Publication]

Bhugra, Dinesh (1992) Psychiatry in ancient Indian texts: a review. [Publication]

Bhugra, Dinesh (1992) Psychopathology in ancient Indian texts: a review. [Publication]

Bhugra, D. (1992) Psychopathology in ancient Indian texts: a review. [Publication]

Bilimoria, P. (1992) The Jaina ethic of voluntary death. [Publication]

Billore, K.V. and Ratan Mishra (1992) Important medicinal plants of mount Abu and need for their conservation. [Publication]

Binu, S., T.S. Nayar and P. Pushpangadan (1992) An outline of ethnobotanical research in India. [Publication]

Bird-David, N. (1992) Beyond 'The hunting and gathering mode of subsistence': Culture-sensitive observations on the Nayaka nd other modern hunter-gatherers. [Publication]

Bird-David, N. (1992) Beyond "The original affluent society": A culturalist reformulation. [Publication]

Bird-David, Nurit (1992) Beyond the hunting and gathering mode of subsistence: Culture-sensitive observations on the Nayaka and other modern hunter-gatherers. [Publication]

Biswas, S. and S. Kurketi (1992) Carpological studies -- An aid to the identification of the Indian tree Terminalia Linn. [Publication]

Blezer, H.W.A. (1992) Pr\={a}\d{n}a. Aspects of theory and evidence for practice in late-Br\={a}hma\d{n}ical and early Upani\d{s}adic thought. [Publication]

Boddy, Janice (1992) Comment on the proposed Dsm-IV criteria for trance and possession disorder. [Publication]

Bodewitz, H.W. (1992) Belly, pelvis, buttocks or cheeks? Vedic kuk\d{s}\={\i} (dual). [Publication]

Bodewitz, H.W. (1992) King pr\={a}\d{n}a. [Publication]

Bohora, S.B. and P.C. Dandiya (1992) [on Abutilon indicum (Linn.) Sweet]. [Publication]

Borthakur, S. K. (1992) Native phytotherapy for child and women diseases from Assam in north eastern India. [Publication]

Bos, R., H.J. Woerdenbag, H. Hendriks and Th.M. Malingr\'{e} (1992) Der indische oder pakistanische Baldrian Valeriana wallichii DC. (= Valeriana jatamansi Jones). [Publication]

Bosworth, C.E. (1992) The early use of iron in India. [Publication]

Bottéro, A. (1992) La consomption par déperdition séminale en Inde et ailleurs. [Publication]

Bourke, C.A., G.R. Stevents and M.J. Carrigan (1992) Locomotor effects in sheep of alkaloids identified in Australian Tribulus terrrestris. [Publication]

Bova, S., R. Padrini, W.F. Goldman, D.M. Berman and G. Cargnelli (1992) On the mechanism of vasodilating action of berberine: possible role of inositol lipid signaling system. [Publication]

Bradbury, J. Howard, B.C. Hammer and I. Sugani (1992) Heat stability of trypsin inhibitors in tropical root crops and its significance for nutrition. [Publication]

Brara, Rita (1992) Are grazing lands "wastelands"? Some evidence from Rajasthan. [Publication]

Bray, I. (1992) Christian missionaries on the Tibetan border: the Moravian Church in Poo (Kinnaur), 1865--1924. [Publication]

Bressani, R., E.C.M. De Martell and C.M. De Godínez (1992) Protein quality evaluation of amaranth in adult humans. [Publication]

Broekaert, W.F., W. Marien, F.R. Terras, M.F. De Bolle, P. Proost, J. Van Damme, L.J. Dillen, M. Claeys, S.B. Rees, J. Vanderleyden et al. (1992) Antimicrobial peptides from Amaranthus caudatus seeds with sequence homology to the cysteine/glycine-rich domain of chitin-binding proteins. [Publication]

Brouwer, Jan (1992) The latecomers -- A case study of caste and sub-caste of goldsmiths in Karnataka, South Insia. [Publication]

Brummitt, K.R. and C.E. Powell (Eds.) (1992) Authors of plant names. [Publication]

Brummitt, K.R. and C.E. Powell (1992) Authors of plant names. [Publication]

Bruun, Ole and Arne Kalland (Eds.) (1992) Asian perceptions of nature. [Publication]

Cabezón, José Ignacio (Ed.) (1992) Buddhism, sexuality, and gender. [Publication]

Cáceres, Armando, Amarillis Saravia, Sofia Rizzo, Lorena Zabala, Edy De Leon and Federico Nave (1992) Pharmacological properties of Moringa oleifera, 2: screening for antispasmodic, antiinflammatory and diuretic activity. [Publication]

Caldwell, S.H., L.J. Jeffers, O.S. Narula, E.A. Lang, K.R. Reddy and E.R. Schiff (1992) Ancient remedies revisited: does Allium sativum (garlic) palliate the hepatopulmonary syndrome? [Publication]

Caragay, A.B. (1992) Cancer-preventive foods and ingredients. [Publication]

Cardeña, Etzel (1992) Trance and possession as dissociative disorders. [Publication]

Carey, G.J., B. Costall, A.M. Domeney, P.A. Gerrard, D.N.C. Jones, R.J. Naylor and M.B. Tyers (1992) Ondansetron and arecoline prevent scopolamine-induced cognitive deficits in the marmoset. [Publication]

Castillo, Richard J. (1992) Cultural considerations for trance and possession disorder in Dsm-IV. [Publication]

Ca\d{t}\d{t}op\={a}dhy\={a}y, K\={a}lid\={a}s (1992) \'{S}v\={a}s rog aur \'{s}v\={a}s yantra k\={\i} p\={\i}\d{d}\={a}. [Publication]

Caturved\={\i}, G.K. (1992) \={A}yurved me\d{m} \={a}tyayik cikits\={a} srot. [Publication]

Caturved\={\i}, Sure\'{s} (1992) \={A}yurved me\d{m} ras\={a}yan k\={a} mahatva. [Publication]

Cesarone, M.R., G. Laurora, M.T. De Sanctis and G. Belcaro (1992) Activity of Centella asiatica in venous insufficiency. [Publication]

Chaitanya Yati, Guru Nitya (1992) Ayurveda -- A holistic science. [Publication]

Chakrabarti, D.K. (1992) India -- An archaeological history. [Publication]

Chakrabarti, Dilip K. (1992) The early use of iron in India. [Publication]

Chakraborty, Ajita (1992) Cultural perspective in Indian psychiatry. [Publication]

Chakraborty, K. (1992) Man-eating tigers of the Sundarbans. [Publication]

Chandel, B.S., N.M. Shah and R.M. Tripathi (1992) In vitro antibacterial activity of Acacia arabica bark. [Publication]

Chander, Ramesh, Narinder K. Kapoor and B.N. Dhawan (1992) Picroliv, picroside-I and kutkoside from Picrorhiza kurroa are scavengers of superoxide anions. [Publication]

Chandra, Bipan (1992) Communalism in modern India. [Publication]

Chandravarkar, Rajnarayan (1992) Plague panic and epidemics policy in India, 1896--1914. [Publication]

Changkija, S. and Y. Kumar (1992) Panax schinseng Nees (Araliaceae): a new distributional record for India. [Publication]

Channabasavanna, S.M. (1992) Indian psychiatry at the crossroads: what can we do with what we have. [Publication]

Charles, D.J., J.E. Simon and N.K. Singh (1992) The essential oil of Alpinia galanga Willd. [Publication]

Charles, V. and S.X. Charles (1992) The use and efficacy of Azadirachta indica (`neem') and Curcuma longa (`turmeric') in scabies -- a pilot study. [Publication]

Charpin, Dominique and Francis Joannes (Eds.) (1992) La circulation des biens, des personnes et des idées dans le Proche-Orient classique. [Publication]

Chatterjee, T.K., A. Chakraborty, M. Pathak and G.C. Sengupta (1992) Effect of plant extract Centella asiatica (Linn.) on cold restraint stress ulcer in rats. [Publication]

Chattopadhyay, R.R., S.K. Sarkar, S. Ganguly and R.N. Banerjee (1992) Active effects of Azadirachta indica leaves on some biochemical constituents of blood in rats. [Publication]

Chattopadhyay, R.R., S.K. Sarkar, S. Ganguly, R.N. Banerjee, T.K. Basu and A. Mukherjee (1992) Hepatoprotective activity of Azadirachta indica leaves against paracetamol induced hepatic damage in rats. [Publication]

Chattopadhyay, S. (1992) K\={a}la - divisions of time. [Publication]

Chattopadhyaya, Debiprasad (Ed.) (1992) Studies in Indian culture, vol. 1. [Publication]

Chaturvedi, C. (1992) Kaum\={a}rabh\d{r}tya (Pediatrics). [Publication]

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Krishna Mohan, R. and P.V. Bhirava Murthy (1992) Plants used in traditional medicine by tribals of Prakasam district, Andhra Pradesh. [Publication]

Krishna, Nanditha (1992) Arts and crafts of Tamilnadu. [Publication]

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Krishnamurthy, K.H. (1992) Banyan and peepul. [Publication]

Krishnamurthy, K.H. (1992) Gourds and pumpkins. [Publication]

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Krisnamurthy, Radha (1992) Gemmology in ancient India. [Publication]

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Kulkarni, D.K. and M.S. Kumbhojkar (1992) Ethnobotanical studies on Mahadeokoli tribe in Western Maharashtra, part I -- Cordage plants. [Publication]

Kulkarni, D.K. and M.S. Kumbhojkar (1992) Ethnobotanical studies on Mahadeokoli tribe in Western Maharashtra, part II -- Fodder plants. [Publication]

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Rajaram, N. and K. Janardhanan (1992) The chemical composition and nutritional potential of the tribal pulse Abrus precatorius L. [Publication]

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Rana, A.C. and Y. Avadhoot (1992) Experimental evaluation of hepatoprotective activity of Gymnema sylvestre and Curcuma zedoaria. [Publication]

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Ranger, Terence and Paul Slack (Eds.) (1992) Epidemics and ideas: essays on the historical perception of pestilence. [Publication]

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Wadood, Noreen, Abdul Wadood and Syed Abdul Wahid Shah (1992) Effect of Tinospora cordifolia on blood glucose and total lipid levels of normal and alloxan-diabetic rabbits. [Publication]

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