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UNSPECIFIED (1987) Crimes against women. [Publication]
Seal, S.C. (1987) Plague: Conquest and eradication in India. [Publication]
Guha, R. (Ed.) (1987) Subaltern Studies V: Writings on South Asian History and Society. [Publication]
Abdel-Wahab, S.M., G.M. Wassel, N.M. Ammar and T. Hanna (1987) Flavonoid constituents in the different organs of selected Bauhinia species and their effect on blood glucose. [Publication]
Abdul Hameed, Hakim (1987) Exchanges between India and Central Asia in the field of medicine. [Publication]
Abdul Hameed, R.B. Arora, S. Roy, S. Tamanna, S.U. Khan, E.A. Khan, T.A.V. Subramaniam, S. Shah, D.K. Balani and R. Jain (1987) Long term clinical trial of ajmaloon: a cadmium-lowering antihypertensive Unani drug. [Publication]
Abhang, R.Y. (1987) Medhya rasayana: past, present and future. [Publication]
Abramets, I.I., I.V. Komissarov and I.M. Samoilovich (1987) Cholinergic modulation of the synaptic transmission in the frog spinal cord. [Publication]
Agarwal, Anil, Darryl D'Monte and Ujwala Samarth (Eds.) (1987) The fight for survival. [Publication]
Agarwal, Anil, Daryll D'Monte, and Ujwala Samarth (Eds.) (1987) The fight for survival: People's action for environment. [Publication]
Agarwal, D.K., K.N.Agarwal and A.M.Tripathi (1987) Nutritional status in rural pregnant women in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. [Publication]
Ageel, A.M., J.S. Mossa, M. Tariq, M.A. al-Yahya and M.S. al-Said (1987) Plants used in Saudi folk medicine. [Publication]
Agnihotri, V.K., S.D. Srivastava, S.K. Srivastava and K. Rusia (1987) Constituents from the seeds of Cordia obliqua as potential anti-inflammatory agents. [Publication]
Agnihotri, V.K., S.D. Srivastava and S.K. Srivastava (1987) A new limonoid, amoorinin, from the stem bark of Amoora rohituka. [Publication]
Aguwa, C.N. (1987) Uterotonic activity of Cassytha filiformis. [Publication]
Ahmad, Y., A.M. Hamid and M. Ahmad (1987) Plants that hea -- lpart 1: Adhatoda vasica Nees. [Publication]
Ahmedullah, M. and M.P. Nayar (1987) Endemic plants of the Indian region, vol. 1: Peninsular India. [Publication]
Akhtar, M. and S. Riffat (1987) Effect of Cassia fistula Linn. [amaltas] on blood glucose levels in normal and hyperglycemic rabbits. [Publication]
Akhtar, M.S. and S. Riffat (1987) Evaluation of anticestodal activity of Lagenaria siceraria (Kaddoo) seeds in sheep. [Publication]
Al-Awadi, F.M. and K.A. Gumaa (1987) Studies on the activity of individual plants of an antidiabetic plant mixture. [Publication]
Al-Said, Mansoor S., K.I. Al-Khamis, Mohammad W. Islam, N.S. Parmar, M. Tariq and A.M. Ageel (1987) Post-coital antifertility activity of the seeds of Coriandrum sativum in rats. [Publication]
Alam, M. Mashkoor and Mohammad Anis (1987) Ethno-medicinal uses of plants growing in Bulandshahr district of Northern India. [Publication]
Alam, S., G. Kabir, M.N. Amin and M. Islam (1987) Mitotic effect of leaf extracts of Ipomoea carnea on Allium cepa. [Publication]
Ali, Salim (1987) The fall of a sparrow. [Publication]
Ali, B.H. (1987) The toxicity of Azadirachta indica leaves in goats and guinea pigs. [Publication]
Alloula, Malek (1987) The colonial harem. [Publication]
Amann, R. and F. Lembeck (1987) Stress induced ACTH release in capsaicin treated rats. [Publication]
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Anderson Jr., E.N. (1987) Why is humoral medicine so popular? [Publication]
Anonymous (1987) Clinical and experimental studies on the efficacy of 777 oil -- Siddha preparation in the treatment of kalanjagapadai (psoriasis). [Publication]
Anonymous (1987) Role of fenugreek seeds in diabetes mellitus. [Publication]
Apparanantham, T., V. Chelladurai and V. Subramanian (1987) Some tribal folk medicines of point Calimere (Kodikkarai) in Tamil Nadu. [Publication]
Arnold, David (1987) Touching the body: perspectives on the Indian plague 1896--1900. [Publication]
Aronin, N., S.E. Leeman and R.S. Clements Jr. (1987) Diminished flare response in neuropathic diabetic patients. [Publication]
Arora, R.B. (1987) Development of safe and clinically efficacious drugs for cardiac arrhythmias from medicinal plants and herbs. [Publication]
Arora, R.B. (1987) Medicinal plants and herbs as potential source of drugs for cardiovascular diseases. [Publication]
Arora, R.B., D.K. Kesar, S.K. Saigal, J. Ahmed, S. Roy, T. Ali and I.Z. Qadri (1987) Development of a drug ajmaloon, from Rauwolfia serpentina for hypertension,. [Publication]
Arora, R.K. (1987) Ethnobotany and its role in domestication and conservation of native plant genetic resources. [Publication]
Ashraf, J. (1987) Smoking traditions of the Indus Valley civilization: the structural argument. [Publication]
Assayg, Jackie (1987) Le cadavre divin -- Célébration de la mort chex les Li\.{n}g\={a}yat-V\={\i}ra\'{s}aiva (Inde du Sud). [Publication]
Aswal, B.S. and B.N. Mehrotra (1987) Ethnobotanical studies on the flora of Lahul valley (North-West Himalayas). [Publication]
Athavale, Padmakar Ganesh (1987) \'{S}ar\={\i}ra racan\={a} vij\~{n}\={a}na, part I. [Publication]
Athneria, P.R., K.R. Sharma and J.S. Mathur (1987) Role of traditional medicine (mulethi, daruharidra and haridra) in the management of allergic conjunctivitis. [Publication]
Atique, A. and S. Khair (1987) Folk herbal contraceptives from Uttar Pradesh -- A preliminary clinical account. [Publication]
Atre, Shubangana (1987) Many seeded apple: The fruit of fertility. [Publication]
Aucouturier, P., E. Mihaesco, C. Mihaesco and J.-L. Preud'Homme (1987) Characterization of jacalin, the human IgA and IgD binding lectin from jackfruit. [Publication]
Awang, M. Noor (1987) Quantitative analysis of Areca catechu (betel) nut flavanols (tannins) in relation to oral submucous fibrosis. [Publication]
Awasthi, A.K. (1987) Folklore medico-botany of the aboriginal inhabitants of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. [Publication]
Baba, M. and S. Shigeta (1987) Antiviral activity of glycyrrhizin against varicella-zoster virus in vitro. [Publication]
Badam, L., R.P. Deolankar, M.M. Kulkarni, B.A. Nagsampgi and U.V. Wagh (1987) In vitro antimalarial activity of neem (Azadirachta indica A.Juss.) leaf and seed extracts. [Publication]
Badam, L., T.L.G. Rao, U.V. Wagh and A.D. Antarkar (1987) Antimicrobial activity of fresh leaf juice of Nyctanthes arbor-tristis Linn. [Publication]
Badhe, P.D. and B.N. Sharma (1987) Ethno medical methods of Korku tribes of West Melghat. [Publication]
Badoni, A.K. (1987) Ethnobotany of the hill tribes of Uttarkashi: plants used in rituals and psycho-medicinal practices. [Publication]
Bah\={a}dur, M\={a}he\'{s}var Um\={a}n\={a}th (1987) Bh\={u}ta Vidy\={a}. [Publication]
Bahl, L. and R.K. Kaushal (1987) Infant rearing practices and beliefs in rural inhabitants of Himachal Pradesh. [Publication]
Bahuguna, Sunderlal (1987) The Chipko: A people's movement. [Publication]
Bahuguna, Sunderlal (1987) The crisis of civilization and the message of culture in the context of environment. [Publication]
Bahulkar, Shrikant (1987) Atharvanic element in the Ayurveda. [Publication]
Bajracharya, M.B. (1987) The Ayurvedic records of cancer treatment. [Publication]
Balapure, K.M., J.K. Maheshwari and R.K. Tandon (1987) Plants of Ramayana. [Publication]
Bali, A.S. and S.S. Sagwal (1987) Saffron -- a cash crop of Kashmir. [Publication]
Bandyopadhyay, Jayanta and Vandana Shiva (1987) Chipko. [Publication]
Bandyopadhyay, Jayanta and Vandana Shiva (1987) Chipko: Rekindling India's forest culture. [Publication]
Bano, G., V. Amla, R.K. Raina, U. Zutshi and C.L. Chopra (1987) The effect of piperine on pharmacokinetics of phenytoin in healthy volunteers. [Publication]
Barabino, G.F. (1987) My experiences of rasayana treatment -- a patient. [Publication]
Barron, Thomas J. (1987) Science and the nineteenth-century Ceylon coffee planters. [Publication]
Baruah, P. and G.C. Sarma (1987) Studies on the medicinal uses of plants by the North-East tribals -- III. [Publication]
Baruah, Parukutty and G.C. Sarma (1987) Studies on the medicinal uses of plants by the Northeast tribes -- 3. [Publication]
Bashir, A.K., S.M. Sulaiman, S.H. El Sheikh and Y.M. El Kheir (1987) Molluscicidal, cercaricidal and miracidicidal activities of Acacia nilotica ssp. nilotica and adansonii. [Publication]
Baxi, A.J. (1987) Perspectives in pharmaceutical aspects of Indian medicinal plants. [Publication]
Baxi, A. J. (1987) Perspectives in pharmaceutical aspects of Indian medicinal plants. [Publication]
Bedi, Ramesh (1987) Corbett National Park. [Publication]
Benge, M. (Ed.) (1987) Moringa: A multipurpose vegetable and tree that purifies water. [Publication]
Bennet, S.S.R. (1987) Name changes in flowering plants of India and adjacent regions. [Publication]
Berndt, Hagen (1987) Rettet die B\"{a}ume im Himalaya: Dir Cipko-Bewegung im Spiegel der indischen Presse. [Publication]
Bhagwan Dash, Vaidya (1987) Illustrated Materia Medica of Indo-Tibetan medicine. [Publication]
Bhakuni, R.S., Y.N. Shukla and R.S. Thakur (1987) Chemical constituents of Ajuga bracteosa. [Publication]
Bhargava. A.K. (1987) Neem oil as a synergist to anti-diabetic drugs for management of secondary hyperglycemia. [Publication]
Bhargava, A.K. (1987) Neem oil as a synergist to antidiabetic drugs for management of secondary hyperglycaemia. [Publication]
Bhargava, S.K. (1987) Estrogenic and anticonceptive activity of a petroleum ether soluble fraction of Malvaviscus conzattii Greenum flowers in female rats. [Publication]
Bhat, B. (1987) Effect of katibasti in gridhrasi (sciatica). [Publication]
Bhat, B.G. and N. Chandrasekhara (1987) Effect of black pepper and piperine on bile secretion and composition in rats. [Publication]
Bhatt, Chandi Prasad (1987) The Chipko andolan: forest conservation based on people's power. [Publication]
Bhatt, R.P., S.D. Sabnis (1987) Contribution of the ethnobotany of Khedbrahma region of north Gujarat. [Publication]
Bhatt, R.P. and S.D. Sabins (1987) Contribution to the ethnobotany of Khedbrahma region of north Gujarat. [Publication]
Bhattacharya, S.K., R.K. Goel and S. Ghoshal (1987) Antistress, antianxiety and CNS inhibitory properties of Withania somnifera. [Publication]
Bhattacharya, S.K., R.K. Goel, R. Kaur and S. Ghosal (1987) Anti-stress activity of sitoindosides VII and VIII, new acylsteryl glycosides from Withania somnifera. [Publication]
Bhattacharya, S. and A.K. Nag Chaudhuri (1987) Preliminary studies on the anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of Mikania cordata (Burm.) B.L.Robins. root extract. [Publication]
Bhattacharya, Salil K., Meeta Mukhopadhyay, Patchala J. R. Mohan Rao, Anjana Bagchi and Anil B. Ray (1987) Pharmacological investigation on sodium salt and acetyl derivative of anacardic acid. [Publication]
Bhattarai, N.K. (1987) Traditional pharmaceutical practice in Central Nepal. [Publication]
Bhillore, K.V., K.C. Audichya and B. Dhar (1987) Conservation of medicinal plants in Rajasthan with special reference to conservation and propagation of guggulu. [Publication]
Bhutani, K.K., Virender Kumar, Ravinder Kaur and A.N. Sarin (1987) Potential antidysenteric drugs from Indian plants. [Publication]
Bianchi, U. (1987) Twins. [Publication]
Bidwai, P.P., D. Wangoo and N.K. Bhullar (1987) Effect of Celastrus paniculatus seed extract on the brain of albino rats. [Publication]
Bidwai, P.P., D. Wangoo and N.K. Bhullar (1987) Effect of Celastrus paniculatus seed extract on the brain of albino rats. [Publication]
Billore, K.V., K.C. Audichya and Bishnupriya Dhar (1987) Conservation of medicinal plants in Rajasthan with special reference to conservation and propagation of 'guggulu'. [Publication]
Billore, K.V., Ratan Mishra and Bishnupriya Dhar (1987) Role of medicinal plants in social forestry/afforestation in Rajasthan. [Publication]
Biswas, Arun Kumar (1987) Rasa-ratna-samuccaya and mineral processing state-of-art in the 13th century A.D. India. [Publication]
Biswas, S. and A. Ahmed (1987) Ethnobotanical studies on some plants of Burmihat valley, Assam/Meghalaya. [Publication]
Biswas, Suhas K. (Ed.) (1987) Aging in contemporary India. [Publication]
Biswas, U.N. (1987) Crime and detective sciences in selected ancient Indian literature. [Publication]
Biswas, A.K. (1987) `Rasa-ratna-samuccaya' and the mineral processing state-of-art in the 13th century A.D., India. [Publication]
Biswas, S. and A. Ahmed (1987) Ethnobotanical studies on some plants of Burnihat valley, Assam/Meghalaya. [Publication]
Bittmann, Claus (1987) Lexikon der Rausch- und Genuszgifte. [Publication]
Blaikie, Piers and Harold Brookfield (1987) Land degradation and society. [Publication]
Blanchet, Thérèse (1987) Women, pollution and marginality; meanings and rituals of birth in rural Bangladesh. [Publication]
Bodewitz, H.W. (1987) The black spot in the moon, salt, seed and the devayajana. [Publication]
Bohra, N.K., R.B. Arora, S. Roy, E.A. Khan and H.K. Abdul Hameed (1987) Effectiveness of cinkara a zinc rich herbal tonic on intellectual functioning of mentally subnormal children. [Publication]
Booth, M. (1987) Carpet Sahib: a life of Jim Corbett. [Publication]
Bord, H. (Ed.) (1987) The making of masculinities: the new men's studies. [Publication]
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Bose, S., A.K. Singh, A. Datta and S. Gangopadhyay (1987) Changing patterns of land use among the Baigas of Madhya Pradesh. [Publication]
Boyce, Mary (1987) Priests, cattle and men. [Publication]
Brückner, Heidrun (1987) Bh\={u}ta-worship in coastal Kar\d{n}\={a}\d{t}aka: an oral Tu\d{l}u myth and festival ritual of Jum\={a}di. [Publication]
Bravo da Costa, Lourdes (1987) Medical conditions in Goa of 16th and 17th centuries: A study of foreign travelogues. [Publication]
Briani, G., D. Brutomesso, G. Bilardo, C. Giorato, E. Duner, E. Iori, E. Sgnaolin, P. Pedrini and A. Tiengo (1987) Guar-enriched pasta and guar gum in the dietary treatment of type II diabetes. [Publication]
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Brouwer, Jan (1987) A matter of liminalities: a study of women and crafts in South India. [Publication]
Brun, Viggo and Trond Schumacher (1987) Traditional herbal medicine in Northern Thailand; Appendix: A list of medicinal plants and ethnobotanical data, compiled by Terje Bjornland and Trond Schumacher. [Publication]
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Buddhad\=asa Bhikkhu (1987) A notion of Buddhist ecology. [Publication]
Burghart, Richard (1987) The practice of injek\'{s}an therapy in Ayurveda. [Publication]
Burkhart, Geoffrey (1987) Family deity temples and spatial variance among Udayars of Northern Tamil Nadu. [Publication]
Burrow, Thomas (1987) Four contributions to Sanskrit etymology. [Publication]
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Caillat, Colette (1987) Some idiosyncrasies of language and style in Asoka's rock edicts at Girnar. [Publication]
Caldwell, J., K. Gominiratne, P. Caldwell, S. de Silva, B. Caldwell, N. Weeraratne and P. Silva (1987) The role of traditional fertility regulation in Sri Lanka. [Publication]
Caplan, P. (Ed.) (1987) The cultural construction of sexuality. [Publication]
Caplan, Pat (1987) Celibacy as a solution? Mahatma Gandhi and brahmacharya. [Publication]
Caplan, Pat (Ed.) (1987) The cultural construction of sexuality. [Publication]
Cardona, George and Norman H. Zide (Eds.) (1987) Festschrift for Henry Hoenigswald on the occasion of his seventieth birthday. [Publication]
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Chandoke, N. (1987) Vasicine, the alkaloid of Adhatoda vasica Nees, a novel abortifacient. [Publication]
Chandra, K., P. Pandey and B.N. Pandey (1987) Ethnobotany of Santhal Pargana District Dumka (Bihar). [Publication]
Chandra, Satish (Ed.) (1987) The Indian Ocean: Explorations in history, commerce and politics. [Publication]
Chandra, K., B.N. Pandey, G.N. Singh and P. Pandey (1987) Medicinal plant wealth of Rajgir, Bihar. [Publication]
Chandra, T. and J. Sadique (1987) A new recipe for liver injury. [Publication]
Chandra, T., J. Sadique and S. Somasundaram (1987) Effect of Eclipta alba on inflammation and liver injury. [Publication]
Chandra, Umesh (1987) Evaluation of medico-ethnobotanical studies on Indian medicinal plants. [Publication]
Chandrasekhar, D.M., B.V. Krishnamurthy and S.R. Ramaswamy (1987) Social forestry in Karnataka: an impact analysis. [Publication]
Chandrashekar, D.M., B.V. Krishna Murti and S.R. Ramaswamy (1987) Social forestry in Karnataka: an impact analysis. [Publication]
Charurvedi, D.D., B.B.L. Yadava and K.P. Mishra (1987) Cultivation/extraction of gum-oleo resin of Commiphora wightii (Arn.) Bhand at Guggulu Herbal Farm Mangliawas -- Problems and prospects. [Publication]
Chatterjee D.K., N. Iyer and B.N. Ganguli (1987) Antiamoebic activity of chonemorphine, a steroidal alkaloid, in experimental models. [Publication]
Chattopadhyay, R.R., R.N. Chattopadhyay, A.K. Nandy, G. Podder and S.K. Maitra (1987) Anti-inflammatory activity of a fraction of fresh leaves of Azadirachta indica (Beng. Neem). [Publication]
Chattopadhyay, R.R., R.N. Chattopadhyay, A.K. Nandy, G. Podder and S.K. Maitra (1987) Preliminary report on antihyperglycemic activity of a fraction of fresh leaves of Azadirachta indica (Beng. Neem). [Publication]
Chaturvedi, A.N. (1987) The livelihood of tribals vis-a-vis forest management. [Publication]
Chaturvedi, D.D.M., B.B.L. Yadava and K.P. Mishra (1987) Cultivation and extraction of gum-oleo resin of Commiphora wightii (Arn.) Bhand. at Guggulu Herbal Farm Mangliawas -- Problems and prospects. [Publication]
Chaturvedi, S.K., V.K.S. Bhadouriya and K,R. Naidu (1987) Antifungal activity of the volatile oil of Anogeissus latifolia leaves. [Publication]
Chaudhry, Mahinder D. (1987) Transition from natural to semi-controlled birth rate in India. [Publication]
Chaudhury, R.R. and M. Mishra (1987) Coccinia indica in type II diabetes mellitus. [Publication]
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Chawla, Y.K., P. Dubey, R. Singh, S. Nundy and B.N. Tandon (1987) Treatment of dyspepsia with amalaki (Emblica officinalis Linn.), an Ayurvedic drug. [Publication]
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Cohn, Bernard (1987) Representing authority in Victorian India. [Publication]
Cohn, Bernard (1987) The census, social structure and objectification in South Asia. [Publication]
Cohn, Bernard S. (1987) An anthropologist among historians and other essays. [Publication]
Cohn, Bernard S. (1987) The Census, social structure, and objectification in South Asia. [Publication]
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Craddock, P.T. (1987) The early history of zinc. [Publication]
Crapanzano, Vincent (1987) Spirit possession. [Publication]
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Da Costa, Lourdes Bravo (1987) Medical conditions in Goa of 16th and 17th centuries: a study of foreign travelogues. [Publication]
Dagar, J.C. and H.S. Dagar (1987) Ethnobotanical and other uses of some Gymnosperms found in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. [Publication]
Dagar, J.C. and H.S. Dagar (1987) Some useful pteridophytes of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. [Publication]
Dahot, M.U. and A.R. Memon (1987) Properties of Moringa oleifera seed lipase. [Publication]
Daivajña, Mukunda (1987) \={A}yurnir\d{n}aya\d{h}, abhinava hind\={\i} bh\={a}\d{s}yasameta\d{h}. [Publication]
Dalal, K.C. (1987) Potential of medicinal plants in Gujrat. [Publication]
Damir, H.A., S.E.I. Adam and G. Tartour (1987) The effects of Ipomoea carnea on goats and sheep. [Publication]
Dandekar, R.N. (1987) The theory of puru\d{s}\={a}rthas: a rethinking. [Publication]
Dange, S.V., P.S. Patki, S.S. Pawar, S.A. Phadke and D.S. Shrotri (1987) Efficacy of arogyavardhini, an indigenous compound formulation, in acute viral hepatitis -- a double-blind study. [Publication]
Daniélou, Alain (1987) The way to the labyrinth: Memories of East and West. [Publication]
Das Gupta, Ashis and M.N. Pearson (1987) India and the Indian Ocean, 1500--1800. [Publication]
Das Gupta, Monica (1987) Selective discrimination against female children in rural Punjab, India. [Publication]
Das, Rahul Peter (1987) More remarks on the Bengali deity Dharma: its cult and study. [Publication]
Das, A.K. (1987) A look at the possibilities of commercial exploitation of medicinal and aromatic plants in the State of Orissa. [Publication]
Das, A.K. and M.K. Mishra (1987) Some medicinal plants used by the tribals of Deomali and adjacent areas of Koraput District (Orissa). [Publication]
Das, P.C., A.K. Sarkar and S. Thakur (1987) Studies on animals of a herbo-mineral compound for long acting contraception. [Publication]
Das, P.K. and M.K. Misra (1987) Some medicinal plants used by the tribals of Deomali and adjacent areas of Koraput district, Orissa. [Publication]
Das, Rahul Peter (1987) On the identification of a Vedic plant. [Publication]
Das, Santosh (1987) The economic history of ancient India. [Publication]
Das, Veena (1987) On female body and sexuality. [Publication]
Dasgupta, Surendranath (1987) Natural science of the ancient Hindus. [Publication]
Dass, R.C. (1987) The Gita typology of personality: an inventory. [Publication]
Date, A., R. Raghavan, T.J. John, J. Richard, M.G. Kirubakaran and J.C. Sastry (1987) Renal disease in adult Indians: a clinicopathological study of 227 patients. [Publication]
Datta, A. and N.C. Sukul (1987) Antifilarial effect of Zingiber officinale on Dirofilaria immitis. [Publication]
Davaraj, T.L. (1987) The effect of dashamoola panchakola kashaya on jalodara cases. [Publication]
Davies, Shann (Ed.) (1987) Tree of Life: Buddhism and the protection of nature. [Publication]
Davis, R.H. et al. (1987) Aloe vera and wound healing. [Publication]
Davis, R.H. et al. (1987) Topical anti-inflammatory activity of Aloe vera as measured by ear swelling. [Publication]
Davis, T.A. and Dennis V. Johnson (1987) Current utilization and further development of the Palmyra palm (Borassus flabellifer L. (Arecaceae) in Tamil Nadu State. [Publication]
Dawre, M.S., D. Suresh Baburaj, S.S. Nain and S. Rajan (1987) Some interesting and common medicinal plants of Nilgiris district used in homoeopathy. [Publication]
De Silva, Lily (1987) The Buddhist attitude towards nature. [Publication]
Deans, S.G. and G. Ritchie (1987) Antibacterial properties of plant essential oils. [Publication]
Debnath, A. and V. Singh (1987) Bhimal: the wonder tree of Himalaya. [Publication]
Delaveau, P. (1987) Les épices -- Histoire, description et usage des différents épices, aromates et condiments. [Publication]
Desai, K.G. (1987) Situation of the aged in India. [Publication]
Deshpande, Vijaya (1987) Medieval transmission of alchemical and chemical ideas between India and China. [Publication]
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Prakash, Dan, P.N. Misra and P.S. Misra (1987) Amino acid profile of winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC.: a rich source of vegetable protein. [Publication]
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Pushpangadan, P., Jyoti Sharma and Jeet Kaur (1987) Environmental health and hygiene in ancient India: an appraisal. [Publication]
Rabbani, G.H., T. Butler, J. Knight, S.C. Sanyal and K. Alam (1987) Randomized controlled trial of berberine sulfate therapy for diarrhea due to enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli and Vibrio cholerae. [Publication]
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Raja Reddy, K. and G. Sudarshanam (1987) Plants used as veterinary medicine in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, India. [Publication]
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Rajeshwari, R.H. and G.G. Hiremath (1987) Kitibha and its management with special references to jalaukavacharana. [Publication]
Raju, R.V.S., C.N. Raao and U. Satyanarayana (1987) Chemical analysis of urinary calculi in coastal Andhra Pradesh. [Publication]
Rama Rao, B. (1987) Some aspects of medicine and health in medieval Andhra. [Publication]
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Rao, B. Janardhan (1987) Land alienation in tribal areas. [Publication]
Rao, M.V. (1987) Antifertility effects of alcoholic seed extract of Abrus precatorius Linn. in male albino rats. [Publication]
Rao, M.V. (1987) Antifertility effects of alcoholic seed extract of Abrus precatorius Linn. in male albino rats. [Publication]
Rao, R.R. and P.K. Hajra (1987) Methods of research in ethnobotany. [Publication]
Rao, Y.B., Dewi, J.P. Singh and V.B. Panday (1987) Antinociceptive, anticonvulsant and anti-inflammatory activities of Zizyphus xylopyra. [Publication]
Rathore, H.S. and Rita Verma (1987) Protection of mice liver with Liv.52 against cadmium intoxication. [Publication]
Rathore, H.S. (1987) Can Liv.52 protect mammalian kidney against toxic substances? -- Results and possibilities. [Publication]
Rathore, A. and N. Misra (1987) Antifungal properties of some plant extracts. [Publication]
Rathore, H.S. and Reeta Verma (1987) Histology of cadmium intoxicated mice liver following Speman therapy. [Publication]
Ravishankar, B., R. Bhaskaran Nair, N.P. Vijayan, P.T. Pankajavally, C.K. Sasikala and S. Sulochana (1987) Analgesic, anti-inflammatory and immuno-suppressant effect of Strobilanthes heyneanus Nees stem. [Publication]
Rawat, A.K. S., Usha Shome and V.R. Balasubrahmanyam (1987) Analysis of the volatile constituents of Piper betle L. cultivars -- a chemosystematic approach. [Publication]
Rawat, G.S. and Y.P.S. Pangtey (1987) A contribution to the ethnobotany of Alpine regions of Kumaon. [Publication]
Razzack, H.M. (1987) Hakim Ajmal Khan -- The versatile genius. [Publication]
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Reddy, D.V.S. (1987) Glimpses into the practice and principles of medicine in Buddhistic India in the 7th century A.D., gleaned from "The records of Buddhist religion" by the Chinese monk I-tsing. [Publication]
Reddy, K. Raja and G. Sudarsanam (1987) Plants used as veterinary medicine in Chittoor Disrict of Andhra Pradesh, India. [Publication]
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Richards, John F. (1987) Environmental changes in Dehra Dun valley, India, 1880--1990. [Publication]
Richards, J.F. (1987) Environmental changes in Dehra Dun Valley, India, 1880--1990. [Publication]
Ridley, R.M., H.F. Baker and B. Drewett (1987) Effects of arecoline and pilocarpine on learning ability in marmosets pretreated with hemicholinium-3. [Publication]
Robbins, Kenneth X. (1987) Siddha medicine. [Publication]
Robbins, Kenneth X. (1987) The Indian and Nepalese collections of the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine. [Publication]
Robbins, Kenneth X. and Joyce Robbins (1987) India: a festival of science. [Publication]
Rogers, John D. (1987) Crime, justice and society in colonial Sri Lanka. [Publication]
Rolston, Holmes (1987) Can the East help the West to value nature? [Publication]
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Ro\c{s}u, Arion (1987) The giraffe in Indian art. [Publication]
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Roy Choudhury, B., S.J. Haque and M.K. Poddar (1987) In vivo and in vitro effects of kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata) extract and andrographolide on hepatic microsomal drug metabolizing enzymes. [Publication]
Roy, G.P. and K.K. Chaturvedi (1987) Less known medicinal uses of rare and endangered plants of Abujh Marh Reserve area, Bastar (Madhya Pradesh). [Publication]
Sabharwal, R.K., P.C. Sanchetee, P.K. Sethi and S.K. Gaudi (1987) Sudden bilateral deafness following snake bite. [Publication]
Sachan, J.N., B.B. Das, S.K. Gangwar, K.A. Pathak and J.N. Katiyar (1987) Insects as human food in North Eastern Hills Region of India. [Publication]
Sachdev, M.S., N.N. Sood, M. Mohan, H.P. Sachdev and S.K. Gupta (1987) Optic disc vasculitis in epidemic dropsy. [Publication]
Sadique, J., T. Chandra, V. Thenmozhi and V. Elango (1987) Biochemical modes of action of Cassisa occidentalis and Cardiospermum halicacabum in inflammation. [Publication]
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Sahoo, P.C. (1987) Marman in Vedic literature. [Publication]
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Saklani, Atul (1987) The history of a Himalayan Princely State: Change, conflicts and awakening. An interpretative history of Princely State Tehri Garhwal, U.P., A.D. 1815 to 1949 A.D. [Publication]
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Salkar, R.G., H.R. Salkar and P.Y. Deshmukh (1987) Role of Abana in hypertension. [Publication]
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Sandu, Damodar Vasudeo (1987) Indian therapeutics, dealing with the comparative diagnosis, Ayurvedic materia medica, dietetics, prescriptions, etc. [Publication]
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Saraswathi, T.S. and R. Dutta (1987) Developmental psychology in India 1975--1986: an annotated bibliography. [Publication]
Sarkar, Tanika (1987) Nationalist iconography: Images of women in nineteenth-century Bengali literature. [Publication]
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Satyavati, G.V., Ashok K. Gupta and Neeraj Tandon (Eds.) (1987) Medicinal plants of India, vol. 2. [Publication]
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Sharma, J.D., R.K. Jha, Ira Gupta, Prabha Jain and V.P. Dixit (1987) Antiandrogenic properties of neem seed oil (Azadirachta indica) in male rat and rabbit. [Publication]
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Sharma, M.R. and B.K. Gupta (Eds.) (1987) Recent advances in plant sciences. [Publication]
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Sharma, P.V. (1987) Man ke arth eva\d{m} anarth. [Publication]
Sharma, P.V. (1987) Nomenclature of medicinal plants in Bihar. [Publication]
Sharma, P.V. (1987) On drug therapy. [Publication]
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Sharma, P.V. (1987) Some new information about Ni\'{s}cala's commentary on the Cakradatta. [Publication]
Sharma, P.V. and V.P. Singh (1987) Standardization of an Ayurvedic drug: trivanga bhasma. [Publication]
Sharma, R.D. (1987) Effect of fenugreek seeds on blood glucose and serum insulin responses in human subjects. [Publication]
Sharma, R., C. Chaturvedi and P.V. Tewari (1987) Efficacy of Bacopa monnieri in revitalising intellectual functions in children. [Publication]
Sharma, R., C. Chaturvedi and P.V. Tewari (1987) Management of tropical pulmonary eosinophilia in children with Ayurvedic drugs. [Publication]
Sharma, R., C. Chaturvedi and P.V. Tiwari (1987) Intestinal parasites: an ayurvedic approach. [Publication]
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Sharma, V.K. (1987) Scope of study of veterinary science literature in ancient India. [Publication]
Shetty, B.V. and V. Singh (Eds.) (1987) Flora of Rajasthan. [Publication]
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Shiva, Vandana (1987) Ecology movements in India. [Publication]
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Shrinivas, C. and K.U.S. Prabhakaran (1987) Clinical bacteriology study of Curcuma longa on conjunctivitis. [Publication]
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Shukla, Sangeeta, R. Mathur and A.O. Prakash (1987) Effect of butanolic extract of Pueraria tuberosa {DC}. on the oestrous cycle of adult rats. [Publication]
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Singh, K.P. and R.H. Singh (1987) Pulses more protevtive against peptic ulcer: an experimental study investigating the role of certain indigenous diets on peptic ulcer and gastric secretion. [Publication]
Singh, A.K., R.N. Singh and S.K. Singh (1987) Some ethnobotanical plants of Tarai region of Gorakhpur district -- I. [Publication]
Singh, Anuradha (1987) Theoretical foundations of ancient Indian medicine. [Publication]
Singh, K.K., S. Saha and J.K. Maheshwari (1987) Observations on the ethnobotany of Bhoxa tribe of Bajpur Block of Nainital district, U.P. [Publication]
Singh, L.M., J.P. Shukla and P.J. Deshpande (1987) Management of mutrasmari by three Ayurvedic drugs: varuna, kulattha and goksuru. [Publication]
Singh, M.P. (1987) Tribal medicinal plants used in animal diseases of Chhotanagpur. [Publication]
Singh, N. (1987) Study of anti-stress effect of plant drugs. [Publication]
Singh, N.P. and V.K. Singh (1987) Streblus asper Lour. -- An ancient Indian drug for the cure of filariasis. [Publication]
Singh, P.P., A.Y. Junnarkar, G.S. Reddi and K.V. Singh (1987) Azadirachta indica: neuro-psychopharmacological and antimicrobial studies. [Publication]
Singh, P.P., P. Hada, I.M.S. Narula and S.K. Gupta (1987) In vivo effect of tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) on urolith inhibitory activity in urine. [Publication]
Singh, S.P. (1987) Regulation of fertility in male through an indigenous plant Semecarpus anacardium Linn. [Publication]
Sinha, S.C. (1987) Ethnobotany of Manipur medicinal plants. [Publication]
Sivarajan, V.V. and Indu Balachandran (1987) Botanical notes on the identity of certain herbs used in Ayurvedic medicines in Kerala, IV. Sooranam. [Publication]
Sivarajan, V.V. and Indu Balachandran (1987) In pursuit of new herbal sources for Indian medicine. [Publication]
Skalmowski, Wojciech and Alois van Tongerloo (Eds.) (1987) Middle Iranian Studies -- Proceedings of the International Symposium organized by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven from the 17th to the 20th of May, 1982. [Publication]
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Srinivas, C.R., S.B. Kulkarni, S.K. Menon, D.S. Krupashankar, M.A. Iyengar, K.K. Singh, R.P. Sequeira and K.R. Holla (1987) Dermatitis from Holigarna ferruginea. [Publication]
Srinivas, C. and K.V.S. Prabhakaran (1987) Clinical bacteriological study of Curcuma longa in conjunctivitis. [Publication]
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Steiner, R. Prasaad (1987) Tibetan medicine, part II: Pulse diagnosis in Tibetan medicine: translated from the first chapter of the Fourth Tantra (rGyud-bzi). [Publication]
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Vayda, Andrew P. (1987) Reply to Harris. [Publication]
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Wadhwa, B.M. and P.K. Hajra (1987) Medicinal plant resources in North Western and Central Himalayas and their conservation. [Publication]
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