Items where Year is 1971

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Number of items: 525.

(Ionescu) Tongyonk, John (1971) Depressions in Thailand in the perspective of comparative transcultural psychiatry. [Publication]

Abe, Masao (1971) Man and nature in Christianity and Buddhism. [Publication]

Adisheshuvu, Hari (1971) Alchemy in relation to medicine. [Publication]

Afaq, S.H. (1971) The identity of hirankhuri. [Publication]

Afaq, S.H. and M. Rizwan (1971) Pharmacognostic study of the flower buds of Ochrocarpus longifolius Benth. et Hook.f. [Publication]

Agarwal, D.K., R.J. Chandra, T.V. Raju (1971) Clinical studies of Euphorbia acaulis Roxb. in cases of eczema -- a preliminary report. [Publication]

Agarwal, N.D., Y. Gureja, A.C. Khosla and J.R. Agarwal (1971) Rumalaya in rheumatoid arthritis and osteo arthritis (a double-blind trial). [Publication]

Agarwal, R.S. (1971) Secrets of Indian medicine. [Publication]

Agarwal, Rishi Kumar (1971) Origin of spectacles in India. [Publication]

Agarwal, V.K., M.K. Raina and N.C. Neogi (1971) Preliminary pharmacological investigations of the water soluble portion of the alcoholic extract of the seed kernels of Abrus precatorius Linn. [Publication]

Agrawal, D.P. (1971) The copper bronze age in India. [Publication]

Agrawal, O.P. (1971) A study of Indian polychrome wooden sculpture. [Publication]

Agrawal, V.K., M.K. Raina and N.C. Neogi (1971) Preliminary pharmacological investigations of the water soluble portion of the alcoholic extract of the seed kernels of Abrus precatorius Linn. [Publication]

Alexander, C.A. and M.K. Shivaswamy (1971) Traditional healers in a region of Mysore. [Publication]

Allchin, F.R. (1971) Early cultivated plants in India and Pakistan. [Publication]

Allchin, F. R. (1971) Early domestic animals in India and Pakistan. [Publication]

Amonkar, S.V. and A. Banerjee (1971) Isolation and characterization of larvicidal principle of garlic. [Publication]

Angunawela, R.M. and H.A. Fernando (1971) Acute ascending polyneuropathy and dermatitis following poisoning by tubers of Gloriosa superba. [Publication]

Anonymous (1971) Souvenir Seminar on Minor Forest Produces. [Publication]

Ansari, M.S. and R.C. Gupta (1971) Pharmacognostical studies of Capparis zeylanica Linn. [Publication]

Ansari, M.S., R.C. Gupta and S. Prasad (1971) Pharmacognostical studies on Solanum surattense Burm.f. (kantakari). [Publication]

Ansari, M.Y. (1971) Ceropegia vincaefolia Hook. (Asclepiadaceae) from Maharashtra, India: its history and identity. [Publication]

Arora, R.K. (1971) The Magas sun-worship and the Bhavi\d{s}ya-pur\=a\d{n}a. [Publication]

Arora, A.B., N. Basu, A. Kapoor and Jain (1971) Anti-inflammatory studies on Curcuma longa. [Publication]

Arora, R.B., B. Canjoo, S.C. Mehta, R.C. Sharma, S.C. Kapoor (1971) Chemical and pharmacological approach of a pure steroid from an indigenous herb Commiphora (gum guggulu) with special reference to its hypolipidemic activity. [Publication]

Arora, R.B., N. Basu, V. Kapoor and A.P. Jain (1971) Anti-inflammatory studies on Curcuma longa (turmeric). [Publication]

Arora, R.B., N. Ghatak and S.P. Gupta (1971) Antifertility effect of Embelia ribes. [Publication]

Arora, R.B., S.D.S. Seth and P.R. Sundaresan (1971) Effectiveness of some indigenous drugs against Echis carinatus and Naja naja snake venoms. [Publication]

Arora, R.B., V. Kapoor, S.K. Gupta and R.C. Sharma (1971) Isolation of a crystalline steroidal compound from Commiphora mukul and its anti-inflammatory action. [Publication]

Arseculeratne, S.N., R.G. Panabokke, G.E. Tennekoon and C.H. Bandunatha (1971) Toxic effects of Borassus flabellifer (palmyrah palm) in rats. [Publication]

Aykroyd, W.R. (1971) Conquest of deficiency disease. [Publication]

Azeez Pasha, M. (1971) Meezan-ut-Teba-a-Qutub Shahi. [Publication]

Azeez Pasha, M. (1971) Mujerrebat-a-Jemali -- Unani manuscript on therapeutics. [Publication]

Azeez Pasha, M. (1971) Shifa-ul-Khani. [Publication]

Azeez Pasha, M. (1971) Tibb-a-Giyasia -- Unani manuscript on hygiene. [Publication]

Azeez Pasha, M. (1971) Unani medical literature in India. [Publication]

Bahadur, F. and D.K. Sharma (1971) Murias of Bastar -- consumption pattern. [Publication]

Bahl, C.P., T.R. Seshadri and T.N.C. Vedantham (1971) Preparation of bixin and methyl bixin from Indian seeds of Bixa orellana. [Publication]

Bajpai, H.S., J.K. Ojha, R.S. Singh, R.K. Gupta and J.P. Gupta (1971) Study of an indigenous compound as a hypoglycaemic agent. [Publication]

Balaraman, Shakuntala (1971) Rapid screening of the behavioural effects of Celastrus paniculatus and sodium pentobarbital with fixed interval schedules of reinforcement. [Publication]

Ballabhadas, Binnani (1971) Pr\={a}c\={\i}n \={a}yurvedik cikits\={a} me\d{m} \'{s}alyatantra. [Publication]

Banerji, D. and S. Anderson (1971) Tuberculosis: a problem of social planning in India. [Publication]

Basu, A.P. (1971) Anti-bacterial activity of Curcuma longa. [Publication]

Basu, A.P. (1971) Antibacterial activity of Curcuma longa. [Publication]

Basu, K., B. Das Gupta, S.K. Bhattacharya and P.K. Debnath (1971) Chemistry and pharmacology of apocynin, isolated from Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth. [Publication]

Basu, K., B. Dasgupta, S.K. Bhattacharya, R. Lal and P.K. Das (1971) Anti-inflammatory principles of Vanda roxburghii. [Publication]

Batta, S.K. and G. Santhakumari (1971) The antifertility effect of Ocimum sanctum and Hibiscus rosa sinensis. [Publication]

Bector, N.P. and A.S. Puri (1971) Solanum xanthocarpum (kantakari) in chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma and non-specific unproductive cough (An experimental and clinical correlation). [Publication]

Bector, N.P. and Ajit S. Puri (1971) A study of Withania somnifera (ashwagandha) in various types of arthropathies (analysis of 118 cases). [Publication]

Bector, N.P. et al. (1971) New approach to the treatment of some respiratory diseases. [Publication]

Bedi, S.S. (1971) Folklore of Punjab. [Publication]

Bennet, S.S.R. (1971) The taxonomic status of the genus Pongamia Vent. [Publication]

Beri, R.M. and S.C. Pharasi (1971) Studies on the bulbs of Urginea indica. [Publication]

Bhagwan Dash, Vaidya (1971) Concept of Agni in \={A}yurveda with special reference to agnibala par\={\i}k\d{s}\={a}. [Publication]

Bhakuni, D.S., M.L. Dhar, M.M. Dhar, B.N. Dhawan, B. Gupta and R.C. Srimal (1971) Screening of Indian plants for biological activity, part III. [Publication]

Bhalla, T.N., M.B. Gupta and K.P. Bhargava (1971) Anti-inflammatory and biochemical study of Boerhaavia diffusa. [Publication]

Bhalla, T.N., M.B. Gupta and M.P. Bhargava (1971) Antipyretic and analgesic activity of some natural products. [Publication]

Bhasin, S., R.S. Rathor, A.K. Wahi and S.K. Kapooria (1971) Hypotensive activity of an isolated alkaloid of Stephania glabra Miers -- A preliminary study. [Publication]

Bhatia, S.L. (1971) The medical heritage of India. [Publication]

Bhatnagar, J.K. and A.K. Beri (1971) Pharmacognostic studies on Tecomella undulata Seem. [Publication]

Bhatnagar, J.K. and A.S. Mann (1971) Pharmacognostic investigation on Croton sparsiflorus and C. bonplandianus. [Publication]

Bhatnagar, J.K. and S. Kailash (1971) Pharmacognostic studies of indigenous drugs. III -- Comparative studies on some species of the genus Swertia. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, Bholanath (1971) A note on Vaisakhi Dharma Gajan of Bengal. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, Bholanath (1971) The spring time fair of Makar Chandi of Makardah. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, S.K., P.K. Debnath, V.B. Pandey and A.K. Sanyal (1971) Pharmacological studies on the alkaloids of Erythrina variegata (mandar). [Publication]

Bhattacharya, S.K., A.K. Parikh, N.C. Neogy, R. Lal, P.K. Debnath and V.B. Pandey (1971) Investigations on the anti-inflammatory activities and anti-arthritic activities of saponin isolated from Costus speciosus. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, S.K., A.K. Sanyal and S. Ghosal (1971) Investigation of the hallucinogenic activity of indole alkylamines isolated from Mucuna pruriens DC. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, S.K., R. Lal, V.B. Pandey and P.K. Das (1971) Preliminary pharmacological investigation on the glycosides of Tecomella undulata (rugtrora). [Publication]

Bhide, M.B., S.T. Nigam and S.R. Chavan (1971) Effects of seeds of sagarghota (Caesalpinia bonducella) on some aspects of reproductive system. [Publication]

Bh\d{r}gun\={a}thasi\d{m}ha and Priyavrata \'{S}arm\={a} (1971) Ucca\d{t}\={a}. [Publication]

Bisset, N.G. and D. Philcox (1971) Identification and clarification of Strychnos colubrina L. (Loganiaceae). [Publication]

Biswas, D.K. (1971) Pediatrics at the period of the Caraka Samhita. [Publication]

Brough, John (1971) 'Soma and Amanita muscaria'. [Publication]

Buck, Harry M. (1971) Two krau\~{n}ca birds: a phenomenological and form critical study of the opening \'slokas of the V\=alm\={\i}kir\=am\=aya\d{n}a. [Publication]

Burton-Page, J. (1971) The problem of the introduction of Adansonia digitata into India. [Publication]

Cannon, Garland (1971) Sir William Jones's Indian Studies. [Publication]

Chakraborty, Ajita (1971) Cargo cult in Calcutta -- reappearance of a myth: a phenomenological interpretation of myths. [Publication]

Chakravorty, R.C. (1971) Head and neck diseases in an ancient Indian surgical text (the Su\'{s}ruta Sa\d{m}hit\={a}). [Publication]

Chandorkar, A.G. (1971) Contribution to the pharmacological studies of Vinca rosea. [Publication]

Chandra, Satish and Ajay Singh (1971) A lichen crude drug (chharila) from India. [Publication]

Chandra, V. and L.D. Kapoor (1971) Medicinal and aromatic plants used in pharmaceutical industry. [Publication]

Chandra, V. and S.N. Srivastava (1971) Studies on Cataranthus roseus G.Don (Vinca rosea Linn.). [Publication]

Chandrasekaran, P.V., S. Venkataraghavan, M.V.R. Appa Rao, T. Gurunatham and T. Koteswara Rao (1971) Prakriti (constitution and temperament) as an aid to the prediction of peptic ulcer (parinamashoola). [Publication]

Chaturvedi, Gorakh Nath (1971) A study of panchakarma therapy vis-a-vis its physio-pathological basis (a monograph). [Publication]

Chaudhari, P.N. and V.G. Hatwalne (1971) Effect of Acacia catechu on niacin biosynthesis and on niacin requirement in rats. [Publication]

Chaudhuri, D.K., S.R. Maitra and B.N. Ghosh (1971) Pharmacology and toxicology of the venoms of Asiatic snakes. [Publication]

Cherian, Z. and K.P.D. Nair (1971) Trials with selected indigenous plant materials and liver extract on liver damage induced by carbon tetrachloride. [Publication]

Chintamani, B.M. (1971) Notices of thirteen MSS. in Pr\={a}k\d{r}t with special reference to their scientific and technological contents. [Publication]

Chintamani, B.M. and B.V. Subbarayappa (1971) History of sciences in India: Pali sources. [Publication]

Choubey, Kailash (1971) Diseases of Sagar City in the light of environment and nutritional deficiency diseases: a case study in medical geography. [Publication]

Chunekar, K.C. and V.K. Agrawal (1971) Identification of jaharm\={a}ra seed and its preliminary chemical studies. [Publication]

Clarke, E.G. and D.J. Humphreys (1971) The detection of abrin. [Publication]

Colabawalla, B.N. (1971) Incidence of urolithiasis in India. [Publication]

Dandekar, V.M. and R. Rath (1971) Poverty in India. [Publication]

Dasgupta, M. and A.B. Mukerjee (1971) Chronic active hepatitis (a preliminary observation of 10 cases). [Publication]

Debnath, P.C. (1971) Experimental and clinical studies on balarasayana. [Publication]

Debnath, P.K. and V.B. Pandey (1971) Investigation on the anti-inflammatory activities and anti-arthritic activities of saponin isolated from Costus speciosus. [Publication]

Debnath, P.K., G.N. Chaturvedi, S.K. Bhattacharya and Y.N. Upadhyaya (1971) A comparative study of the anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic effects of crude and shodhita cobra venom in albino rats. [Publication]

Deoras, P.J. (1971) The story of some Indian poisonous snakes. [Publication]

Desai, P. (1971) Western science of psychiatry and the Hindu mind. [Publication]

Desai, A.B., K.M. Shah and D.M. Shah (1971) Berberine in treatment of diarrhoea. [Publication]

Desai, V.B. (1971) Antimicrobial activity of Vallaris heynei Spreng. [Publication]

Desai, V.B., M. Sirsi, M. Shankarappa and A.R. Kasturibai (1971) Chemical and pharmacological investigations on the seeds of Abrus precatorius Linn., II. [Publication]

Desai, V.P., M. Sirsi, M. Shankarappa and A.R. Kasturibai (1971) Chemical and pharmacological investigations on the seeds of Abrus precatorius Linn. II. Effect of seeds on mitosis and meiosis in grasshopper Poekilocera picta and some ciliates. [Publication]

Deshpande, M.N. (1971) Archaeological sources for the reconstruction of the history of sciences of India. [Publication]

Deshpande, P.J. (1971) Critical study and evaluation of Sushruta's surgical contributions. [Publication]

Deshpande, P.J. and L.M. Singh (1971) Urine formation and urinary disorders in Ayurveda (surgical aspects). [Publication]

Devaraj, T.L. (1971) Studies on the effect of panchakarma therapy with special reference to vastikarma in colitis. [Publication]

Dhar, M.L. et al. (1971) Screening of Indian plants for biological activity. [Publication]

Dharampal (1971) Indian science and technology in the 18th century -- Some contemporary European accounts. [Publication]

Digby, S. (1971) War-horse and elephant in the Delhi Sultanate: a study of military supplies. [Publication]

Dixit, S.P. (1971) Effect of certain indigenous drugs in convulsions in children. [Publication]

Dutta, D. and R.L. Khare (1971) Antiamoebic activity of anacardic acid and its sodium salts. [Publication]

Dvived\={\i}, Lak\d{s}m\={\i}kar and L.V. Guru (1971) \={I}s\={a} p\={u}rva \={a}yurved\={\i}ya pari\d{s}ad eva\d{m} sa\d{m}go\d{s}\d{t}hiy\={a}\d{m}. [Publication]

Dvived\={\i}, Vi\'{s}van\={a}th (1971) Uttarprade\'{s} ke \d{r}\d{s}i mahar\d{s}i (Saints and sages of \={A}yurveda). [Publication]

Dwarakanath, C. (1971) Medicine in ancient India. [Publication]

Dwarakanath, C. (1971) Medicine in ancient India -- I, II, III. [Publication]

Dwivedi, R.N. (1971) Urine formation and urinary disorders in Ayurveda (physiological aspects). [Publication]

Eisenberg, J., G.M. McKay, and M.R. Jainudeen (1971) Reproductive vehaviour of the Asiatic elephant (Elephas maximus maximus L.). [Publication]

El Sherbeiny, A.E.A., N.A.M. Saleh and H.I. El Sissi (1971) Local plants as potential sources of tannins in Egypt. Part V (Lauraceae to Meliaceae). [Publication]

Eliade, Mircea (1971) Spirit, light, and seed. [Publication]

Elnagar, M.N., Promila Maitra and M.N. Rao (1971) Mental health in an Indian rural community. [Publication]

Emmerick, R. E. (1971) On Ravigupta's ga\d{n}as. [Publication]

Emmerick, R.E. (1971) The Sanskrit text of the Siddhas\={a}ra. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1971) Le complexe d'Oedipe dans un tantra bouddhique. [Publication]

Fischer, Roland (1971) A cartography of the ecstatic and meditative states -- The experimental and experiential features of a perception hallucination continuum considered. [Publication]

Fonseka, R.N. de and S. Vinasithamby (1971) A provisional index to the local names of the flowering plants of Ceylon. [Publication]

Ganthavorn, S. (1971) A case of king cobra bite. [Publication]

Garg, S.K. (1971) Effect of Curcuma longa Linn. on fertility in female albino rats. [Publication]

Garg, S.K. and G.P. Garg (1971) Antifertility effects of Areca catechu Linn. and Carica papaya Linn. in female albino rats. [Publication]

Garg, S.K. and G.P. Garg (1971) Antifertility screening of plants, part VII -- Effect of five indigenous plants on early pregnancy in female albino rats. [Publication]

Gau\d{r}, D\={a}modar \'{S}arm\={a} (1971) M\={u}tra ke nirm\={a}\d{n} tath\={a} tadgat rogo\d{m} ke vi\d{s}ay me\d{m} \={a}yurved k\={a} siddh\={a}nt (\'{s}\={a}r\={\i}r pak\d{s}a). [Publication]

Genest, K., A. Lavalle and E. Nera (1971) Comparative acute toxicity of Abrus precatorius and Ormosia seeds in animals. [Publication]

Gh\={a}\d{n}ekar, B.G. (1971) A comparative survey of the Ayurvedic nosology. [Publication]

Gh\={a}\d{n}ekar, B.G. (1971) Ancient conception and observations about sleep. [Publication]

Gh\={a}\d{n}ekar, B.G. (1971) Ayurvedic conception about urine formation in the human body. [Publication]

Gh\={a}\d{n}ekar, B.G. (1971) Germ theory and its place in Indian medicine. [Publication]

Gh\={a}\d{n}ekar, V\={a}sudev Bh\={a}skar (Ed.) (1971) \d{D}\={a}. Bh\={a}skar Govind Gh\={a}\d{n}ekar bh\={a}\d{s}a\d{n} lekh sa\d{m}graha (A collection of lectures and articles of Dr.B.G. Gh\={a}\d{n}ekara). [Publication]

Ghosal, M., U. Mazumder and S.K. Bhattacharya (1971) Chemical and pharmacological evaluation of Banistereopsis argentea. [Publication]

Ghosal, S., S. Singh and S.K. Bhattacharya (1971) Alkaloids of Mucuna pruriens -- chemistry and pharmacology. [Publication]

Ghosh, A.K. and S.N. Sen (1971) Botany: The Vedic and post-Vedic period. [Publication]

Goel, T.S. and S.C. Misra (1971) Role of `ratanjyot' in surgical infection -- a preliminary study. [Publication]

Gokhale, D.C., J.D. Lopez, A.P. Jain and S.K. Gupta (1971) Chemical and pharmacognostical characters of Parthenium hysterophorus. [Publication]

Gokhale, V.V. (1971) The traditional system of Indian medicine (Ayurveda) -- the background. [Publication]

Gombrich, R. (1971) Precept and practice. [Publication]

Goonaratna, C. de F.W. (1971) Some historical aspects of leprosy in Ceylon during the Dutch period, 1658--1796. [Publication]

Gopalan, C. and K. Vijaya Raghavan (1971) Nutrition atlas of India. [Publication]

Gopalan, C., B.V. Rama Sastri and S.C. Balasubramaniam (1971) Nutritive values of Indian foods. [Publication]

Gopinatha Rao, T.A. (1971) Elements of Hindu iconography. [Publication]

Gothoskar, S.V. and K.J. Ranadive (1971) Anticancer screening of SAN-AB extract of marking nut, Semecarpus anacardium. [Publication]

Gothoskar, S.V., M.P. Chitnis, M.K. Adwankar, K.J. Ranadive (1971) Antitumour activity of SAN-AB: an extract of marking nut, Semecarpus anacardium. [Publication]

Gupta, Basu Dass and Bhattacharya (1971) Kutki. [Publication]

Gupta, M.B., T.K. Palit, N. Singh and K.P. Bhargava (1971) Pharmacological studies to isolate the active constituents from Cyperus rotundus possessing anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic and analgesic activities. [Publication]

Gupta, M.L., T.K. Gupta and K.P. Bhargava (1971) A study of antifertility effects of some indigenous drugs. [Publication]

Gupta, O.P., C.K. Atal and S.H. Afaq (1971) Annual Report. [Publication]

Gupta, R.C. and L.D. Kapoor (1971) Pharmacognostical studies on jivanti, part II: Leptadenia reticulata Wight and Arn. (syn. Gymnema aurantiacum Wall. ex Hook f. and Aclepias tuberosa Roxb.). [Publication]

Gupta, R.C., M.S. Ansari and L.D. Kapoor (1971) Pharmacognostical studies on Paederia foetida Linn. [Publication]

Gupta, R.C., P.C. Sharma and L.D. Kapoor (1971) Pharmacognostic study of the leaf of Calotropis procera (Ait.) R.Br. (arka). [Publication]

Gupta, S.S. (1971) Indigenous drugs in experimental bronchial asthma. [Publication]

Guruswamy, M.N. and E.A. Bhaskar (1971) Preliminary report on the pharmacological effects of Solanum trilobatum. [Publication]

Halstead, Bruce W. (1971) Venomous fishes. [Publication]

Halverson, John (1971) Dynamics of exorcism: the Sinhalese Sanniyakuma. [Publication]

Hanggi, Hubert (1971) Vi\'{s}v\={a}mitra et Vasi\d{s}\d{t}ha dans la littérature épique et puranique: étude de mythologie hindoue. [Publication]

Harlan, J.R. (1971) Agricultural origin: centres and non-centres. [Publication]

Hasan, Khwaja A. (1971) The Hindu dietary practices and culinary rituals in a North Indian village: an ethnomedical and structural analysis. [Publication]

Henry, G.M. (1971) A guide to the birds of Ceylon. [Publication]

Heston, Alan (1971) An approach to the sacred cow of India. [Publication]

Hinüber, Oskar von (1971) Zur Technologie der Zuckerherstellung im alten Indien. [Publication]

Hossain, A.S.M.T. (1971) Sexual behaviour of male Pakistanis attending venereal disease clinics in Great Britain. [Publication]

Huard, P. and M. Wong (1971) Soins et techniques du corps en Chine, au Japon et en Inde. [Publication]

Ijara, Indrakumar (1971) \={A}yurveda Vij\~{n}\={a}na. [Publication]

Indira, P.U., M. Sirsi and N. Krishnamurthy (1971) A preliminary survey of dermatomycosis in Bangalore. [Publication]

Ingalls, Daniel H.H. (1971) Remarks on Mr. Wasson's Soma. [Publication]

Israili, A.H. (1971) Standardisation of jawarish jalinoos: an Unani medicine. [Publication]

Jadhav, Shivraj S. and H.S. Bahga (1971) Effect of Tentex forte and Speman individually and in combination on gonadal structure in rats. [Publication]

Jah, U.K., R.H. Singh and Y.N. Upadhyay (1971) Panch karma therapy in Indian medicine. [Publication]

Jain, R.C. (1971) Effect of butter fat and onion on coagulability of blood. [Publication]

Jain, S.K. (1971) Some magico-religious beliefs about plants among Adivasi of Orissa. [Publication]

Jain, S.R. and A. Kar (1971) Antibacterial activity of some essential oils and their combinations. [Publication]

Jha, U.K. (1971) Studies on panch karma therapy with special reference to the management of rheumatic diseases. [Publication]

Jha, U.K., R.H. Singh and Y.N. Upadhyay (1971) Panch karma therapy in Indian medicine. [Publication]

Joseph, Thangam and Santhakumari, G. (1971) Central nervous system effects of Sida retusa root. [Publication]

Juneja, T.R., K.N. Gaind, A.K. Jaer and K.S. Gandhi (1971) Investigations on Capparis grandis. [Publication]

Jyotir Mitra (1971) Medical education in ancient India. [Publication]

Kakar, S. (1971) The theme of authority in social relations in India. [Publication]

Kakar, S. and K. Chowdhury (1971) Conflict and choice: Indian youth in a changing society. [Publication]

Kalsang, Jampa and Klaus Sagaster (1971) Bericht über eine Reise zur Untersuchung des Phänomens der tibetischen Orakelpriester im Jahre 1970 in Indien. [Publication]

Kameswaran, Lalitha (1971) A study of references to medicine in literature in Tamilnad. [Publication]

Kammathy, R.V., H.N. Chaudhary Rai and R.N. Kayal (1971) Pharmacognostical studies of the genus Solanum Linn. [Publication]

Kanai, H. (1971) "Bir Nighantu", a Nepalese herbal encyclopedia. [Publication]

Kapadia, B. (1971) Vi\'{s}v\={a}mitra in the Vedic, epic and Pur\={a}\d{n}ic literature. [Publication]

Kapoor, L.D., P.C. Sharma and S.L. Kapoor (1971) Medicinal plant wealth around religious shrines of India - 1. Badrinath area. [Publication]

Kapoor, L.D., P.C. Sharma and S.L. Kapoor (1971) Medicinal plant wealth around religious shrines of India 1. Bhadrinath area. [Publication]

Kapoor, L.D., S.L. Kapoor, S.N. Srivastava, A. Singh and P.C. Sharma (1971) Survey of Indian plants for saponins, alkaloids and flavonoids, II. [Publication]

Kapoor, N.K. and S. Nityanand (1971) Hypocholestremic effect of the fraction isolated from Commiphora mukul (guggul). [Publication]

Kapoor, V. (1971) Anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activity of Curcuma longa, Moschus moschiferus (musk), hydrocortisone and phenylbutazone with special reference to their mechanism of action. [Publication]

Kar, A. and S.R. Jain (1971) Investigation on the antibacterial activity of some Indian indigenous aromatic plants. [Publication]

Kar, A. and S.R. Jain (1971) Antibacterial evaluation of some indigenous medicinal volatile oils. [Publication]

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Khosa, R.L. and S.N. Dixit (1971) A preliminary study on the root of Piper betel (Linn). [Publication]

Khosa, R.L. and S.N. Dixit (1971) Studies on Ayurvedic zinc preparation (jasad bhasma). [Publication]

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Kulshrestha, V.K., N. Singh, R.K. Srivastava, S.K. Rastogi and R.P. Kohli (1971) Analysis of central stimulant activity of Piper longum. [Publication]

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Leshnik, Lawrence S. (1971) Some early Indian horse-bits and other bridle equipment. [Publication]

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Mahadeva, K., G.W. Perera and W. Alwis (1971) Evaluation of the effect of Ayurvedic drugs on renal calculi. [Publication]

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Mallik, Madhusudan (1971) The cult of the tree. [Publication]

Manandhar, N.P. (1971) Some medicinal plants of Eastern Nepal. [Publication]

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Mehta, S.H. (1971) Rumalaya in chronic rheumatoid arthritis. [Publication]

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Mishra, S.B. (1971) Studies on the effect of kutaki compound on malaranjaka pitta (stercobilin) in hepatobiliary disorders. [Publication]

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Misra, S.S., R.S. Tewari and Bhola Nath (1971) Chemical investigation of Mimusops hexandra (Roxb.): isolation of a new triterpene ketone (hexandrone). [Publication]

Mitra, R. and L.D. Kapoor (1971) Comparative pharmacognostic study of commercial samples of the {"}varuna{"} bark. [Publication]

Mitra, R. and L.D. Kapoor (1971) Pharmacognostic study of the root of varuna, Crataeva nurvala. [Publication]

Mitra, R. and L.D. Kapoor (1971) Pharmacognostical studies of varuna leaves. [Publication]

Mitra, R. and L.D. Kapoor (1971) Pharmacognostical study of mehndi. [Publication]

Mitra, R. and S. Prasad (1971) Further studies on the pharmacognosy of Picrorhiza kurroa Linn (kutki). [Publication]

Mitra, R. and S. Prasad (1971) Pharmacognostic study of ulatkambal (Abroma augusta Linn.). [Publication]

Mittal, B.M. and G. Sacharias (1971) Gel forming properties of Plantago ovata seed husk. [Publication]

Mukerjee, A.B. and M. Dasgupta (1971) Cirrhosis of liver -- Results of treatment with an indigenous drug: Liv.52. [Publication]

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Nagaraja Rao, M.S. (1971) Protohistoric cultures of the Tungabhadra Valley. [Publication]

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Natarajan, P.N. and S. Prasad (1971) Pharmacognostical studies on Swertia alata. [Publication]

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Needham, Joseph (1971) Refiner's fire: the enigma of alchemy in East and West. [Publication]

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Nilakanta Sastri, K.A. (1971) A history of South India from prehistoric times to the fall of Vijayanagar. [Publication]

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Oza, G.M. (1971) On the occurrence of Gossypium herbaceum L. in India. [Publication]

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Palit, T.K., N. Singh, M.B. Gupta, S.K. Rastogi and R.P. Kohli (1971) Pharmacological study of Diospyros cordifolia. [Publication]

Pandey, V.B., B. Dasgupta, S.K. Bhattacharyya, R. Lal and P.K. Das (1971) Chemistry and pharmacology of the major alkaloid of Fumaria indica (Hassk.) Pugsley. [Publication]

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Prasad, S., H.N. Sapru and R.K. Goel (1971) Pharmacognostical studies on Paederia foetida Linn. [Publication]

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Puri, H.S. (1971) Anatomical studies on Indian medicinal plants. [Publication]

Puri, H.S. (1971) Anatomical studies on Indian medicinal plants (review). [Publication]

Puri, H.S. (1971) Macro- and micromorphology of leaf and seed of Cleome viscosa. [Publication]

Puri, H.S. (1971) Macro- and micromorphology of the leaf and seed of Gynandropsis pentaphylla L. [Publication]

Puri, H.S. (1971) Phytochemical survey of some plants for steroids, saponin and tannin. [Publication]

Puri, H.S. (1971) A comparative study of folklore vegetable drugs of Europe and India. [Publication]

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Rama Rao, B. (1971) Sanskrit manuscripts as source material for history of Ayurveda. [Publication]

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Reddy, D.V. Subba (1971) Ancient Indian medicine -- Philosophical and ethical basis, educational and scientific methodology. [Publication]

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Shah, C. S. and Nila S. Shah (1971) Pharmacognostic study of Baliospermum montanum Muell-Arg. [Publication]

Shah, C. S., J. S. Quadry and B. K. Shah (1971) Evaluation of market samples of benzoin. [Publication]

Shah, C. S., S. M. J. S. Quadry and B. K. Shah (1971) Evaluation of market samples of benzoin. [Publication]

Shah, M.J. (1971) Epidemic dropsy as a social and medical problem. [Publication]

Shah, N.C. (1971) Medico-botany of Dronagiri, the mythic hill of Kumaon (Uttar Pradesh). [Publication]

Shah, N.C. and L.D. Kapoor (1971) Botany of Embelia ribes Burm.f. -- the vidanga from Meghalaya. [Publication]

Shah, N. C. and M. C. Joshi (1971) An ethnobotanical study of the Kumaon region of India. [Publication]

Shah, N.C. and M.C. Joshi (1971) An ethnobotanical study of the Kumaon region of India. [Publication]

Shah, N.K. (1971) A study of an indigenous drug: maswin as an oral contraceptive. [Publication]

Sharma, B.N. (1971) Revanta in literature and art. [Publication]

Sharma, B.S. (1971) An experimental and clinical study of karirmula (Capparis aphylla Roth) on rheumatic diseases. [Publication]

Sharma, Baldev (1971) Philosophy of the ancient Indian medicine. [Publication]

Sharma, G.P. and P.V. Sharma (1971) Effect of dugdhika on shwasa roga (bronchial asthma) -- A clinical study. [Publication]

Sharma, G.P. and P.V. Sharma (1971) \'{S}ivad\={a}sasen - A scholar commentator on Indian medicine of later medieval period (15th cent. A.D.). [Publication]

Sharma, K.R. and P.J. Deshpande (1971) Sushruta's management of accidental haemorrhage. [Publication]

Sharma, Keerti, Ajit S. Puri and B.N. Sannd (1971) Role of kantkari (Solanum xanthocarpum) in shwas and kas -- bronchial asthma and non-specific cough. [Publication]

Sharma, L.D., H.S. Bhaga and P.S. Srivastava (1971) In vitro anthelmintic screening of indigenous medicinal plants against Haemonchus contortus (Rudolphi, 1803) Cobbold, 1898 of sheep and goats. [Publication]

Sharma, P.C., R.C. Gupta and L.D. Kapoor (1971) Pharmacognostic study of sirisha (Albizzia lebbeck Benth) I: root-bark. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1971) A rare manuscript of M\={a}dhava's Dravyagu\d{n}a. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1971) Ap\={u}rva\d{h} sa\d{m}sk\d{r}tonn\={a}yaka\d{h}. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1971) \={A}yurved k\={a} v\={a}\.{n}maya. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1971) R\={a}mcaritm\={a}nas me\d{m} vanaspatiy\={a}\d{m}. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1971) Son's commentary on father's work. I. The Prak\={a}\'{s}a commentary of Bopadeva on Ke\'{s}ava's Siddhamantra, a forgotten work on Indian Materia Medica. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1971) Svarg\={\i}ya Pa\d{n}\d{d}it R\={a}m\={a}vat\={a}r Mi\'{s}raj\={\i} k\={a} anubh\={u}t bhall\={a}takp\={a}k. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1971) The authorship and date of Yogaratn\={a}kara. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1971) Trimalla Bha\d{t}\d{t}a: his date and works with special reference to his materia medica in one hundred verses. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1971) Vaidikav\={a}\.{n}maye \'{s}\={a}l\={a}kyavi\d{s}ay\={a}\d{h}. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V., Singh and Dikshit (1971) Ka\.{n}ku\d{s}\d{t}ha. [Publication]

Sharma, Shiv (1971) Ayurvedic medicine -- Past and present. [Publication]

Sharma, V.N. (1971) A study of pharmacological actions of Bergenia spp. (pashanabheda). [Publication]

Shohat, B. and H. Joshua (1971) Effect of withaferin A on Ehrlich ascites tumor cells, II -- target tumor cell destruction in vivo by immune activity. [Publication]

Shukla, H.C. (1971) An outline of the basic concepts of \={A}yurveda from the point of view of experimental research. [Publication]

Shukla, M.P. (1971) The Ayurvedic concept of Rasayana therapy in Indian medicine and a comprehensive approach to its evaluation. [Publication]

Siddiqi, M.Z. (1971) A concise history of science in India. [Publication]

Siddiqi, M.Z. (1971) The Unani Tibb (Greek medicine) in India. [Publication]

Siddiqi, Mohammed Farooq (1971) Concentration of deficiency diseases in Uttar Pradesh. [Publication]

Simoons, Frederick J. (1971) The antiquity of dairying in Asia and Africa. [Publication]

Simpson, Charles F., B.L. Damron and R.H. Harms (1971) Toxic myopathhy of chicks fed Cassia occidentalis seeds. [Publication]

Singh, R. (1971) An inventory from Mahabharata. [Publication]

Singh, B.N. and P.V. Sharma (1971) Effect of \={a}malaki on amlapitta. [Publication]

Singh, G.D. (1971) A study on indigenous anticoagulants with reference to arterial thrombosis. [Publication]

Singh, Harkrishna and A.S. Chawla (1971) Investigations of Erythrina spp. V -- Study of Erythrina suberosa Roxb. leaves. [Publication]

Singh, N., S.K. Rastogi, M.B. Gupta, T.K. Palit and R.P. Kohli (1971) A study of pharmacological activity of Diospyros cardifolia. [Publication]

Singh, R.A. and Gauri Shankar (1971) Some parasitic fungi on Piper betle L. in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. [Publication]

Singh, R.C.P. and G.S. Sesodia (1971) Effect of Tribulus terrestris fruit extracts on chloride and creatinine renal clearances in dogs. [Publication]

Sircar, D.C. (1971) Gems for the propitiation of planets. [Publication]

Sircar, D.C. (1971) Mah\={a}m\={a}y\={u}r\={\i} list of yak\d{s}as. [Publication]

Sircar, D.C. (1971) Studies in the religious life of ancient and medieval India. [Publication]

Sitholey, R.V. (1971) Distinguishing characters of the species known as gaozaban. [Publication]

Skinsnes, O.K. (1971) Leprosy in Tibetan art and religion. [Publication]

Smith, Jonathan Z. (1971) Adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit. [Publication]

Sri Kanta Murthy, K.R. (1971) Indian medicine through the ages. [Publication]

Srikanta Murthy, K.R. (1971) Refusal of patients for therapy in ancient India. [Publication]

Srimal, R.C., N.M. Khanna and B.N. Dhawan (1971) A preliminary report on anti-inflammatory activity of curcumin. [Publication]

Srimal, R.C., N.M. Khanna and B.N. Dhawan (1971) A preliminary report on anti-inflammatory activity of curcumin. [Publication]

Srivastava, J.G. (1971) Pashanbhed. [Publication]

Srivastava, J.G. (1971) The botanical identity of vacha (bach) of the Ayurvedic literature. [Publication]

Srivastava, S.C., M.S.Y. Khan and S.B. Vohora (1971) Pharmacological and haemostatic investigations on Sphaeranthus indicus Linn. [Publication]

Srivastwa, S.C., M.S. Khan and S.B. Vohora (1971) Pharmacological and haemostatic investigations on Sphaeranthus indicus Linn. [Publication]

Stafleu, F.A. (1971) Linnaeus and the linnaeans: the spreading of their ideas in systematic botany 1735--1789. [Publication]

Stein, Sir Aurel (1971) On ancient Central-Asian tracks: brief narrative of three expeditions in innermost Asia and North-Western China. [Publication]

Storey, C.A. (1971) Persian literature -- A bio-bibliographic survey, volume II, part 2: E. Medicine; volume II, part 3: F. Encyclopaedias and miscellanies, G. Arts and crafts, H. Science, J. Occult arts. [Publication]

Subbarayappa, B.V. (1971) Chemical practices and alchemy. [Publication]

Subramanian, S. Sankara and A.G.R. Nair (1971) Flavonoids of Thunbergia grandiflora and Asystasia travancorica. [Publication]

Subramanian, S. Shankar and P.D. Sethi (1971) Bitter principles of Physalis minima and Physalis peruviana. [Publication]

Surange, S.R. and G.S. Pendse (1971) Pharmacognostic study of leaf of Nyctanthes arbortristis Linn. (p\={a}rij\={a}ta). [Publication]

Swan, C.H.J. and W.T. Cooke (1971) Nutritional osteomalacia in immigrants in an urban community. [Publication]

Teall, John L. (1971) The Byzantine agricultural tradition. [Publication]

Teja, J.S., R.L. Narang and A.K. Aggarwal (1971) Depression across cultures. [Publication]

Tewari, P.V. (1971) Urine formation and urinary disorders in Ayurveda -- obstetrical and gynaecological aspects. [Publication]

Tewari, P.V. and C. Chaturvedi (1971) Clinical trial of an indigenous drug compound as oral contraceptive agent. [Publication]

Tewari, P.V., P.V. Sharma and D.N. Prasad (1971) Effect of water soluble portion of alcoholic extract of Costus speciosus on isolated uterine musculature. [Publication]

Tewari, P.V., P.V. Sharma, D.N. Prasad and V.B. Pandey (1971) Preliminary phytochemical and pharmacological investigation on Costus speciosus Sm. [Publication]

Thacore, V.R., S.C. Gupta and M. Suraiya (1971) Psychiatric clinic at the Urban Health Centre, Alambagh, Lucknow. [Publication]

Thangam, Joseph and G. Santhakumari (1971) Central nervous sytem effects of Sida retusa root. [Publication]

Thankur, C.P. (1971) Study on 250 cases of tropical pulmonary eosinophilia. [Publication]

Thapa, R.K., V.N. Vashist, C.K. Atal and R. Gupta (1971) Essential oil of Pogostemon plectranthoides. [Publication]

Thieme, Paul (1971) Der Lachs in Indien. [Publication]

Thomas, Paul (1971) Festivals and holidays of India. [Publication]

Thomas, Edward J. (1971) The history of Buddhist thought. [Publication]

Thorley, J. (1971) The silk trade between China and the Roman Empire at its height ca. 90--130 AD. [Publication]

Tiwari, P.V. and C. Chaturvedi (1971) Clinical trial of an indigenous drug compound as oral contraceptive agent. [Publication]

Tiwari, Priyamvada (1971) Observations on Styplon in gynaecological practice. [Publication]

Trautmann, Thomas R. (1971) Kau\d{t}ilya and the Artha\'{s}\={a}stra: a statistical investigation of the authorship and evolution of the text. [Publication]

Trip\={a}\d{t}h\={\i}, Dhun\={\i}r\={a}m (1971) Pr\={a}cyabh\={a}rat\={\i}ya\d{m} \d{r}tuvij\~{n}\={a}nam (Ancient Indian science of climatology and weather-forecasting). [Publication]

Trivedi, C.P., S.P. Saxena and J. Emmanuel (1971) Preliminary phytochemical and pharmacological studies on Artabotrys odoratissimus (champa). [Publication]

Trivedi, J.J. (1971) Studies on the heartwood of Pterocarpus marsupium. [Publication]

Tucci, G. (1971) Linee di una storia del materialismo indiano. [Publication]

Tucci, G. (1971) Opera Minora, parte I, parte II. [Publication]

Ucko, Peter J. and G.W. Dimbleby (Eds.) (1971) The domestication and exploitation of plants and animals. [Publication]

Uniyal, M.R. and N.S. Chauhan (1971) Medicinal plants of Uhal valley in Kangra Forest Division, Himachal Pradesh. [Publication]

Vaidya, B.G. (1971) Some controversial drugs of Indian medicine. II. [Publication]

Vaishnava, H.P. and S.N.A. Rizvi (1971) Nutritional osteomalacia in immigrants in an urban community. [Publication]

Varenne, J. (1971) Anges, démons et génies dans l'Inde. [Publication]

Varm\=a, K.C. (1971) Ancient ophthalmology. [Publication]

Varma, Vijoy K. (1971) Classification of psychiatric disorders for use in India (neuroses). [Publication]

Vasanth, Mrs. Saradha, Mrs. R.B. Bharathi, K.K. Purushothaman and V. Narayanaswami (1971) Chemical analysis of talaka bhasma. [Publication]

Vasanth, Mrs. Saradha, Mrs. R.B. Bharathi, Miss S. Saradambal, K.K. Purushothaman and V. Narayanaswami (1971) Chemical examination of abhraka. [Publication]

Vasanth, Saradha, R.B. Bharathi, K.K. Purushothaman and V. Narayanaswami (1971) Analytical studies of naga bhasma. [Publication]

Vasanth, Saradha, R.B. Bharathi, K.K. Purushothaman and V. Narayanaswami (1971) Chemical examination of vanga (tin). [Publication]

Vasudevan Nair, K., S.N. Yoganarasimhan, K.R. Keshava Murthy, and (Miss) T.R. Shantha (1971) Studies on some South Indian market samples of Ayurvedic drugs -- II. [Publication]

Vasudevan Nair, K., S.N. Yoganarasimhan, K.R. Keshavamurthy and (Mrs.) Z. Mary (1971) Studies on some South Indian market samples of Ayurvedic drugs -- I. [Publication]

Venkoba Rao, A. (1971) Homeostasis -- some Indian philosophical and psychological concepts. [Publication]

Venkoba Rao, A. (1971) The seat of mind -- some ancient concepts. [Publication]

Vidyabhusana, Satis Chandra (1971) A history of Indian logic (Ancient, mediaeval and modern schools). [Publication]

Vijver, L.M. van der et al. (1971) The constituents in the roots of Plumbago auriculata Lam. and Plumbago zeylanica L. responsible for antibacterial activity. [Publication]

Vishnu-Mittre (1971) Ancient plant economy at Hallur. [Publication]

Vishva Bandhu (1971) Vedic textuo-linguistic studies 8 -- An Atharvan hymn to lac (l\={a}k\d{s}\={a})-- AV.V.5. [Publication]

Vogel, C. (1971) Die Jahreszeiten im Spiegel der altindischen Literatur. [Publication]

Vohora, S. B. and I. Kumar (1971) Studies on Taxus baccata. [Publication]

Vohora, S. B. and Ishwar Kumar (1971) Phytochemical and behavioural investigations on Taxus baccata Linn. [Publication]

Wadia, R.S., G.S. Relwani, R.K. Batra, R.N. Khaporia and K.B. Grant (1971) Epidemic dropsy in Poona 1969: clinical features and 1-year follow-up. [Publication]

Wahi, S.P., M.S. Ansari and S. Prasad (1971) Pharmacognostical investigation on Indian sarsaparilla, part II: root of Ichnocarpus frutescens R.Br. [Publication]

Wahi, S.P., M.S. Ansari and S. Prasad (1971) Pharmacognostical investigations on Indian sarsaparilla, part III: root of Cryptolepis buchanani Roem. and Schult. [Publication]

Walther, H., K. Lehmann and K. Andreas (1971) Theta rhythm in the hippocampus and changes in motor activity and vegetative symptoms following administration of arecolin in rats. [Publication]

Walther, H., K. Lehmann and K. Andreas (1971) /beginAdd{SD}/ Add Short Description: in German /endAdd{SD}/. [Publication]

Warriyar, N.S. (1971) Monograph on Cassia fistula. [Publication]

Wasson, R. Gordon (1971) The Soma of the \d{R}gveda: what was it ? [Publication]

West, M.E., G.H. Sidrak and S.P. Street (1971) The anti-growth properties of extracts from Momordica charantia L. [Publication]

West, M. E., G. H. Sidrak and S. P. Street (1971) The anti-growth properties of extracts from Momordica charantia {L}. [Publication]

Wezler, Albrecht (1971) Zum Verständnis des K\={a}mas\={u}tra. [Publication]

Wezler, Albrecht (1971) Zur Verst\"{a}ndnis des {K}\={a}mas\={u}tra. [Publication]

Wilkins, J.L. and J.D. Hardcastle (1971) Action of sennosides and related compounds on the human colon. [Publication]

Wilson, D.C. (1971) Docteur Ida; cinquante ans comme médecin de mission aux Indes -- Dr. Ida Scudder, 1870--1961. [Publication]

Yasoda, V. (1971) Medical lore -- a few references in medieval Sanskrit literature. [Publication]

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