Items where Year is 1957

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Ramprasad C and M Sirsi (1957) Observations on the pharmacology of Curcuma longa Linn. -- Pharmacodynamic and toxicological studies of sodium cucurminate. [Publication]

Anderson, K. (1957) Man-eaters and jungle killers. [Publication]

Anonymous (1957) The abolition of opium smoking in India. [Publication]

Anonymous (1957) Tin ore deposits in Bihar. [Publication]

Arora, R.B. and P.C. Dandiya (1957) A phytochemical and pharmacological study of Onosma bracteatum Wall. [Publication]

Askari, S.H. (1957) Medicines and hospitals in Muslim India. [Publication]

Ayer, A.A. (1957) A historical note on somatometric measurements as given in Su\'{s}ruta Sa\d{m}hit\={a}. [Publication]

Ayer, A.A. and A. Girija (1957) Anticipation in the Rigveda of the trihumoral pathology of ancient medicine. [Publication]

Bailey, F.G. (1957) Caste and the economic frontier: a village in highland Orissa. [Publication]

Baker, S.J. (1957) Idiopathic tropical steatorrhea: a report of sixty cases. [Publication]

Banerjee, B., R.N. Chakravarti and R.N. Chaudhuri (1957) Seeds of Dolichos biflorus as diuretic. [Publication]

Bapat, P.V. (1957) Change of sex in Buddhist literature. [Publication]

Basu, N.K. and S. Rakhit (1957) Pharmaceutical studies of Asteracantha longifolia Nees. [Publication]

Bedekar, V.M. (1957) Studies in S\=a\d{m}khya: Pa\~{n}ca\'sikha and Caraka. [Publication]

Bedekar, V.M. (1957) Studies in S\=a\d{m}khya: The teachings of Pa\~ {n}ca\'sikha in the Mah\=abh\=arata. [Publication]

Bedekar, V.M. (1957) Studies in S\={a}\d{m}khya: Pa\~{n}ca\'{s}ikha and Caraka. [Publication]

Bhatt, R.H. and M.L. Khorana (1957) Studies on Luffa echinata. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, Benoytosh (1957) The cult of the harvest deities of Bengal. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, B. (1957) The six rasas in \={A}yurveda. [Publication]

Bhave, S.S. (1957) The Soma-Hymns of the \d{R}gveda -- Parts 1 (RV 9.1--15), 2 (RV 9.16--50), 3 (RV 9.51--70). [Publication]

Bhende, Y.M., N.B. Vasudeva and N.M. Gandhi (1957) Epidemic dropsy (Nadiad epidemic): pathogenesis of oedema. [Publication]

Bhide, N.K. and U.K. Seth (1957) Diuretic property of Cassia occidentalis. [Publication]

Bodker, L. (1957) Indian animal tales: a preliminary survey. [Publication]

Bose, B.C. and R. Vijayavargiya (1957) Observations on the depressant action of Rauvolfia alkaloids on the tissue respiration in rats. [Publication]

Bose, B.C., C.P. Trivedi and S.N. Bose (1957) Research on indigenous drugs, their scope and limitations. [Publication]

Bose, B.C., S.S. Gupta, R. Vijayavargiya, A.Q. Saifi and J.N. Bhatnagar (1957) Preliminary observations on the pharmacological actions of various fractions of Nardostachys jatamansi DC. [Publication]

Brown, W. Norman (1957) The sanctity of the cow in Hinduism. [Publication]

Brown, Truesdell S. (1957) The merits and weaknesses of Megasthenes. [Publication]

Buitenen, J.A.B. van (1957) Studies in S\=a\d{m}khya (II). [Publication]

Buitenen, J.A.B. van (1957) Studies in S\=a\d{m}khya (III). [Publication]

Burkill, I.H. (1957) Chapters on the history of botany in India: 4. Royal Gardens at Kew begin to guide the direction of botany in India. [Publication]

Carstairs, G. Morris (1957) The twice-born: a study of a community of high-caste Hindus. [Publication]

Chakravarti, T.N. (1957) Certain social rites and some flora in the early Sanskrit literature and inscriptions of Bengal. [Publication]

Chakravarti, Taponath (1957) Some information regarding dwelling houses, household utensils and furniture in ancient Bengal. [Publication]

Chandra, V. (1957) Occurrence of Rauvolfia serpentina Benth. in the Western Circle of U.P. [Publication]

Chatterjee, M.L., M.S. De and D. Seth (1957) Preliminary observations on the effect of total alkaloids of Rauvolfia serpentina and reserpine on blood sugar in cats. [Publication]

Chaudhary, S.S., Het Singh and K.L. Handa (1957) Chemical composition of Ipomoea palmata and pharmacology of its extracts. [Publication]

Chaudhri, I.I. (1957) Pakistani Ephedra. [Publication]

Chopra, I.C., K.S. Jamwal, P.P. Pillay and T.N. Santhakumari (1957) Pharmacological action of Lochnera rosea Linn. (rattanjot). [Publication]

Chopra, I.C. and R.N. Chopra (1957) The use of Cannabis drugs in India. [Publication]

Chopra, I.C., B.N. Khajuria and C.L. Chopra (1957) Antibacterial properties of volatile principles from Alpinia galanga and Acorus calamus. [Publication]

Chopra, Ram Nath and I.C. Chopra (1957) Treatment of drug addiction -- Experience in India. [Publication]

Costa, P.J.P. (Ed.) (1957) Escola Médico-Cirúrgica de Goa (11842--1957). [Publication]

Costa, Pedro Joaquim Pregrino da (1957) A Escola Médica de Goa e sua projec\c{c}\~{a}o na India portuguesa e no Ultramar. [Publication]

Danaraj, T. J. (1957) Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia. [Publication]

Dandiya, P.C. and R.B. Arora (1957) Phytochemical and pharmacological study of Onosma bracteatum Wall. [Publication]

Das, B.R., P.A. Kurup and P.L. Narasimha Rao (1957) Antibiotic principle from Moringa pterygosperma, VII -- Antibacterial activity and chemical structure of compounds related to pterygospermin. [Publication]

Das, B.R., P.A. Kurup, P.L. Narasimha Rao and A.S. Ramaswamy (1957) Antibiotic principle from Moringa pterygosperma, VIII -- Some pharmacological properties and in vivo action of pterygospermin and related compounds. [Publication]

Deshmukh, V.K., S.R. Godbole and T.S. Mahabale (1957) Studies on pharmacognosy of some Indian medicinal plants. [Publication]

Dumont, P.E. (1957) The meaning of pr\={a}\d{n}a and ap\={a}na in the Taittir\={\i}ya-Br\={a}hma\d{n}a. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1957) Classement des couleurs et des lumières en sanskrit. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1957) La science indienne antique. [Publication]

Frank, Ludwig L. (1957) Diabetes mellitus in the texts of old Hindu medicine (Charaka, Susruta, Vagbhata). [Publication]

Fulling, Edmund H. (1957) Guar. [Publication]

Gaitonde, B.B., K.P. Raiker, F.N. Shroff and J.R. Patel (1957) Pharmacological studies with malakanguni, an indigenous tranquillizing drug (preliminary report). [Publication]

Gamble, J.S. and C.E.C. Fischer (1957) Flora of the Presidency of Madras. [Publication]

Gangolly, S.R., R. Singh, S.L. Katyal et al. (1957) The mango. [Publication]

UNSPECIFIED (1957) Gazetteer of Bombay State, Volume A: Botany, Part II, Timbers, revised series. [Publication]

Gentry, Howard Scott (1957) Gum tragacanth in Iran. [Publication]

Gershevitch, Ilya (1957) Sissoo at Susa (Opers. yak\=a = Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.). [Publication]

Ghosal, P. (1957) Hindu pr\={a}\d{n}ivij\~{n}\={a}n. [Publication]

Ghosh, R. (1957) Pharmacology, materia medica and therapeutics, part I. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1957) Some evidence from datable sources about the practice of committing religious suicide at the confluemce of the Ganges and the Jamna. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1957) A reference to tobacco in the poems of Sen\={a} Nh\={a}vi and its bearing on his date (later than c. A.D. 1550). [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1957) History of Indian technical sciences: a plea for its systematic study and reconstruction. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1957) Instructions regarding the construction and maintenance of the horse-stables as laid down by Kau\d{t}ilya, V\={a}gbha\d{t}a, Jayadatta and Nakula. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1957) Studies in the history of t\={a}mb\={u}la -- Use of lime (c\={u}r\d{n}a) and catechu (khadira) in t\={a}mb\={u}la and its antiquity -- c.A.D. 100--1900. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1957) The history of the ak\d{s}ayava\d{t}a (undecaying banyan tree) at Pray\={a}ga and Gay\={a} as revealed by some Sanskrit texts -- Between the first century A.D. and 1900. [Publication]

Gogate, A.N. (1957) Treatment of rheumatic and allied conditions with indigenous drug combinations. [Publication]

Gonda, J. (1957) Some observations on the relation between "gods{"} and "powers{"} in the Veda a propos of the phrase s\={u}nu\d{h} sahasa\d{h}. [Publication]

Gould, Harold A. (1957) The implications of technological change for folk and scientific medicine. [Publication]

Gowda, M.H. Mari (1957) Lalbagh Botanical Gardens, Bangalore, India, 1856--1956. [Publication]

Guha, P.K. (1957) History and progress of the Indian Medical Association. [Publication]

Gunasinghe, Siri (1957) La technique de la peinture indienne d'après les textes du \'{S}ilpa. [Publication]

Gupta, C.S. (1957) Zoology in ancient India: The pigeons of K\={a}lid\={a}sa. [Publication]

Gupta, G.N. and Ganesh Chandra (1957) Indian jasmine. [Publication]

Handa, K.L., H. Singh and M.K. Malhotra (1957) A modified method of assay of kurchi. [Publication]

Handa, K.L., I.C. Chopra and S.N. Sobti (1957) Aromatic plant resources of Jammu and Kashmir. [Publication]

Harper, E.B. (1957) Shamanism in South India. [Publication]

Heesterman, J.C. (1957) The ancient Indian royal consecration -- The r\={a}jas\={u}ya described according to the Yahus texts and annotated. [Publication]

Hiriyanna, M. (1957) Indian philosophical studies. [Publication]

Hora, S.L. (1957) Fish paintings of the 3rd millennium B.C. from Nal (Baluchistan) and their zoo-geographical significance. [Publication]

Hübotter, Franz (1957) Chinesisch-Tibetische Pharmakologie und Rezeptur. [Publication]

Hummel, K. (1957) Herkunft und Geschichte der pflanzlichen Drogen. [Publication]

Jayaweera, D.M.A. (1957) Indigenous and exotic drug plants grown in Ceylon. [Publication]

Jelliffe, D.B. (1957) Cultural blocks and protein malnutrition in early childhood in rural West Bengal. [Publication]

Joshi, D.V., R.G. Tamhane and N.K. Dutta (1957) Chemical and pharmacological investigation of the roots of Wagatea spicata Dalzell. [Publication]

Kadambi, K. (1957) Vateria indica Linn. [Publication]

Kapoor, L.D., B.K. Abrol and I.C. Chopra (1957) Medicinal plants of higher altitudes. [Publication]

King, Lawrence J. (1957) A unique reported use for the fruit of Semecarpus anacardium L.f. (Anacardiaceae) in ancient Arabian and Indian medicine. [Publication]

Kosova, V. and M. Chladek (1957) Eine pharmakognostische Studie über Datura metel Linn. und Datura innoxia Mill. [Publication]

Krenger, W. (1957) Betel. [Publication]

Krishnan, M. (1957) A lament for lost wood. [Publication]

Kutumbiah, P. (1957) The tubular system of the body: ancient Egyptian and Hindu medical views. [Publication]

Lehmann, D. Arno (1957) Alte Briefe aus Indien. [Publication]

Lin, R.C. (1957) The distribution of acetylcholine in the Malayan jack-fruit, Artocarpus integra. [Publication]

Mahdihassan, S. (1957) Alchemy and its connection with astrology, pharmacy, magic and metallurgy. [Publication]

Mahdihassan, S. (1957) Alchemy with jinn, sufi and suffa as loan-words from the Chinese. [Publication]

Maheshwari, J.K. (1957) Some name changes in the flora of India. [Publication]

Maity, S.K. (1957) Economic life of Northern India in the Gupta period (circa A.D. 300--550). [Publication]

Makhijani, H.J. (1957) Nomadic cattle breeders in India. [Publication]

Mathur, K.S. et al. (1957) Dietary fat, serum cholesterol and serum lipid phosphorus in different socio-economic groups in Uttar Pradesh. [Publication]

McDonald, D. (1957) The Indian medical service -- A short account of its achievements 1600--1947. [Publication]

Mehta, M.L. (1957) Jaina psychology -- A psychological analysis of the Jaina doctrine of karma. [Publication]

Menon, T.M. and T.C.K. Menon (1957) Essential oil from the flowers of Plumeria acutifolia Poir. [Publication]

Meyerson, Ignace (Ed.) (1957) Problèmes de la couleur. [Publication]

Mistry, Jerbanoo E. (1957) Association of Medical Women in India and its fifty years. [Publication]

Mitchell, J.D. (1957) The Sanskrit drama Shakuntala and the Oedipus complex. [Publication]

Morgenstierne, Georg (1957) `Mushroom' and `toadstool' in Indo-Iranian. [Publication]

Morgenstierne, Georg (1957) `Mushroom' and `toadstool' in Indo-Iranian. [Publication]

Mukerji, B. (1957) Indigenous Indian drugs used in the treatment of diabetes. [Publication]

Mukherjee, B. (1957) Indigenous Indian drugs used in the treatment of diabetes. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1957) Wundarzt und Priester im alten Indien. [Publication]

Murkibhavi, G.R. and U.K. Sheth (1957) Treatment of jaundice in dogs with an indigenous preparation Liv.52 (a preliminary report). [Publication]

Naik, M.G. (1957) Preliminary observations on the use of an Indian indigenous drug in certain uterine haemorrhages. [Publication]

Narain, Dhirendra (1957) Hindu character (A few glimpses). [Publication]

Narayanaswami, V. (1957) Systematic development of Ayurveda: a short survey. [Publication]

Nayer, B.K. (1957) Medicinal ferns of India. [Publication]

Nicol, Bruce M. (1957) Ascorbic acid content of baobab fruit. [Publication]

Nobel, J. (1957) UNSPECIFIED [Publication]

Noronha, R.P. (1957) The wild buffalo. [Publication]

Parsa, Ahmad (1957) Contributions to the knowledge of the useful plants and plant raw materials of Iran. [Publication]

Patel, J.R., B.B. Gaitonde, F.N. Schroff and K.P. Raikor (1957) Pharmacological studies on malkanguni (a preliminary report). [Publication]

Patel, R.P. and Bhanu M. Trivedi (1957) Antibacterial activity of colocynth. [Publication]

Patel, R.P. and K.C. Patel (1957) Antibacterial activity of Cassia tora and Cassia obovata. [Publication]

Pathak, Nagardas M. (1957) A plea against the classification of oja as para and apara. [Publication]

Patrao, S. (1957) Observations in Liv.52. [Publication]

Patwardhan, K.A. (1957) Upanishads and modern biology. [Publication]

Peiper, Albrecht (1957) J\={\i}vaka, der erste Kinderarzt. [Publication]

Perera, J.A. Will. (1957) Snake-bites: how ancient Sinhala specialists diagnosed and cured patients. [Publication]

Pillai, N.C., G.J.S. Rao and M. Sirsi (1957) Plant anticoagulants. [Publication]

Prasad, S. and K.C. Gupta (1957) A pharmacognostical study of Andrographis paniculata Nees. [Publication]

Prasad, S. and P.N. Kaul (1957) Seasonal variation in the alkaloidal content of `kurchi' bark. [Publication]

Prat\={a}pasi\d{m}ha (1957) Kalpav\d{r}k\d{s}a. [Publication]

Puri, Baij Nath (1957) India in the time of Patanjali. [Publication]

Raghavan, V. (1957) Technical sciences and fine arts. [Publication]

Rahurkar, V.G. (1957) The role of Agastya in the Vedic and post-Vedic literature. [Publication]

Rajan, K.V. (1957) A psychological evaluation of certain trends in Indian culture. [Publication]

Ramachandra Rao, S.K. (1957) The elements of early Buddhist psychology. [Publication]

Ramprasad, C. and M. Sirsi (1957) Curcuma longa and bile secretion: quantitative changes in the bile constituents induced by sodium cucurminate. [Publication]

Rao, H. Srinivasa (1957) History of our knowledge of the Indian fauna through the ages. [Publication]

Rao, S. (1957) History of our knowledge of the Indian fauna through the ages. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1957) Dar-us-Shifa (House of cures) built by Sultan Mohammad Quli in 1595 A.D. (the first Unani teaching hospital in Deccan). [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1957) Indo-British medical pioneers and classics. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1957) Medical relief and practitioners in Andhra Pradesh in medieval Hindu period. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1957) Sir William Jones (1746--1794) on ancient Indian medicine. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1957) Tippu Sultan's interest in scientific instruments and medicine. [Publication]

Regel, C. (1957) Glycyrrhiza glabra als Farbpflanze. [Publication]

Renou. L. (1957) Les divisions dans les textes sanskrits. [Publication]

Rensch, B. (1957) The intelligence of elephants. [Publication]

Report (1957) Report of the Ayurvedic Committee of the Ministry of Health. [Publication]

Report (1957) Report on the Conference held in New Delhi on 10--11th September 1956 to discuss the social and cultural factors in environmental sanitation in rural India. [Publication]

Robbins, Arthur J. (1957) Mental hospitals in India and social work services (Impressions of a visiting social worker). [Publication]

Rogers, David J. (1957) Essential oil of coriander. [Publication]

Roy, S.K. and A.K. Rao (1957) Investigations on the diets of Murias of Bastar District. [Publication]

Sachdeva, Leela (1957) Kwai (betel) among Khasis. [Publication]

Sadgopal (1957) Development of essential oil industry in India and Pakistan. [Publication]

Santapau, H. (1957) Eclipta prostrata, E. erecta or E. alba: which is the correct name? [Publication]

Sarkar, S.R. (1957) Vitamin C content of some Darjeeling fruits and vegetables. [Publication]

\'{S}\={a}str\={\i}, Mahendrakum\={a}r (1957) Sacitra laghu dravygu\d{n}\={a}dar\'{s}a. [Publication]

\'{S}\={a}str\={\i}, Mahendrakum\={a}r (1957) Sacitra laghu dravygu\d{n}\={a}dar\'{s}a. [Publication]

Schafer, E.H. (1957) Rosewood, dragon's blood, and lac. [Publication]

Sen, K.K. (1957) Transfusion of blood in ancient India. [Publication]

Sen, V. (1957) Distribution of cholera on the soil of West Bengal. [Publication]

Seshagiri Rao, D. (1957) The insecticidal property of petals of several common plants of India. [Publication]

Shah, C. S. and L. P. Aghara (1957) Pharmacognosy of Tuticorin yellow root -- {A} substitute for senega (polygala senega Linn.). [Publication]

Shah, C. S. and L. S. Vyas (1957) Pharmacognosy of Polygala senega and comparison with Polygala chinensis {I}.{P}. [Publication]

Shah, C. S., L. S. Vyas and L. P. Aghara (1957) Pharmacognostic study of Polygala chinensis. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1957) Anugraha B\={a}b\={u}: \={A}yurved ke ek kar\d{n}adh\={a}r. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1957) \={A}yurved k\={\i} aitih\={a}sik pragati me\d{m} K\={a}\'{s}\={\i} k\={a} yogd\={a}n. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1957) \={A}yurved k\={\i} parampar\={a} vaij\~{n}\={a}nik y\={a} s\={a}hityik. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1957) \={A}yurvede k\={a}lav\={a}da\d{h}. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1957) Influenza k\={\i} \={a}yurvedik cikits\={a}. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1957) R\={a}m\={a}vat\={a}r Mi\'{s}raj\={\i} ke anubh\={u}t prayog. [Publication]

Sidd\'{\i}q\'{\i}, M. Z. (1957) India as known to the ancient Arabs. [Publication]

Sidd\'{\i}q\'{\i}, M.Z. (1957) Indian medical science among the ancient Arabs. [Publication]

Simon, Gwladys Hughes (1957) More riddles from Ceylon -- Riddles about plants and animals. [Publication]

Singh, J. and N. G. S. Raghavan (1957) Dracontiasis in India, its public health importance and its control. [Publication]

Singh, P. (1957) Pharmacognosy of leaf of Argyreia speciosa Sweet. [Publication]

Smithcors, J.F. (1957) Evolution of the veterinary art: a narrative account to 1850. [Publication]

Snellgrove, David (1957) Buddhist Himalaya: travels and studies in quest of the origins and nature of Tibetan religion. [Publication]

Srinivasulu Naidu, A. (1957) Medical education and medical relief. [Publication]

Srivastava, B.P. (1957) A brief history of the Indian Forest Service. [Publication]

Stansfield, H. (1957) The missionary botanists of Tranquebar. [Publication]

Stearn, W.T. (1957) Botanical exploration to the time of Linnaeus. [Publication]

Stracey, P.D. (1957) On the status of the great Indian rhinoceros in Nepal. [Publication]

Subrahmanyan, V., V. Sreenivasamurthy, K. Krishnamurthy and M. Swaminathan (1957) Studies on the antibacterial activity of spices. [Publication]

Swaminathan, K.D. (1957) The N\={a}yakas of Ikk\={e}ri. [Publication]

Swarup, Shanti (1957) Arts and crafts of India and Pakistan. [Publication]

Tarakhovsky, M.L. (1957) On the characteristics of the central action of ganglionic blockng agents. [Publication]

Taton, R. (Ed.) (1957) Histoire générale des sciences, vol. I: La science antique et médiévale (des origines à 1450). [Publication]

Teh-Hsing, C. and Yu-Min Chang (1957) Antibiotic effect of garlic on fungus. [Publication]

Thieme, Paul (1957) P\=uj\=a. [Publication]

Thieret, John W. (1957) Drug plants of Ceylon. [Publication]

Thiers, H., J. Fayolle, P. Boiteau and A.R. Ratsimamanga (1957) Asiaticoside: active constituent of Centella asiatica, initiating agent of the new growth in the early stage of cicatrization of skin ulcers. [Publication]

Vader, Vishnu Hari (1957) Are the zodiacal signs referred to in the \d{R}gveda? [Publication]

Vader, Vishnu Hari (1957) Ursa major or Saptar\d{s}is in the Vedas. [Publication]

Valette, G. and M.L. Hureau (1957) Mechanism of action of the anthraglucosides of senna, sennosides A and B. [Publication]

Varadarajan, N. (1957) The treatment of nature in Sangam literature. [Publication]

Varma, K.M. (1957) Animal anatomy (as a branch of study of Indian art). [Publication]

Vartak, V.D. (1957) Medicinal plants from Katraj Hills. [Publication]

Venkatachalam, V. and S. Sundaram (1957) Test for mineral oil in edible oils and ghee. [Publication]

Venkataratnam, L. (1957) Horticultural wealth of Andhra Pradesh. [Publication]

Vogel, J. Ph. (1957) Errors in Sanskrit dictionaries. [Publication]

Waldschmidt, Ernst (1957) Das Upasenas\={u}tra: ein Zauber gegen Schlangenbisz aus dem Sa\d{m}yukt\={a}gama. [Publication]

Wayman, Alex (1957) Contributions regarding the thirty-two characteristics of the great person. [Publication]

Wayman, Alex (1957) The concept of poison in Buddhism. [Publication]

Weisberger, A.S. and J. Pensky (1957) Tumor-inhibiting effects derived from an active principle of garlic (Allium sativum). [Publication]

Weisberger, A. S. and J. Pensky (1957) Tumor-inhibiting effects derived from an active principle of garlic (Allium sativum). [Publication]

Whyte, R. O. (1957) The grassland and fodder resources of India. [Publication]

Whyte, R.O. (1957) The grassland and fodder resources of India. [Publication]

Wikander, Stig (1957) Nakula et Sahadeva. [Publication]

Wikander, Stig (1957) Nakula et Sahadeva. [Publication]

Wikkramatileke, Rudolph (1957) Hambegamuwa village: an example of rural settlement in Ceylon's dry zone. [Publication]

Wikkramatileke, Rudolph (1957) Hambegamuwa village: an example of rural settlement in Ceylon's dry zone. [Publication]

Woodson Jr., R.E., H.W. Younken, E. Schlitter and J.A. Schneider (1957) Rauwolfia -- Botany, pharmacognosy, chemistry and pharmacology. [Publication]

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