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Öztürk, Y., S. Aydin, R. Beis, K.H.C. Baser and H. Berberoglu (1996) Effects of Hypericum perforatum L and Hypericum calycinum L. extracts on the central nervous system in mice. [Publication]


Aaronson, A. (1996) Claviceps paspali, a psychoactive compound-producing fungus, found in the grains of Paspalum scrobiculatum in India. [Publication]

Abena, A.A., J.M. Ouamba and A. Keita (1996) Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic activities of essential oil of Ageratum conyzoides. [Publication]

Abirami, V., R.L. Khosa, S.K. Dhar and M. Sahai (1996) Investigation on Fagonia cretica -- its effect on hormonal profile and immunomodulation in rats. [Publication]

Abrahams, P.W. and J.A. Parsons (1996) Geophagy in the tropics: a literature review. [Publication]

Acal, Ayodhy\={a} Pras\={a}d (1996) Aids -- svar\={u}p, nid\={a}n eva\d{m} upac\={a}r (`Aids -- symptomatology, aetiology and treatment'). [Publication]

Acharya, Jayaraj (1996) Sati was not enforced in ancient Nepal. [Publication]

Acharya, R.K., B.N. Upadhyay and L.D. Dwivedi (1996) Dietary management in prameha. [Publication]

Acharya, S.K. (1996) Folk uses of some medicinal plants of Pawan Nagar, Dang District. [Publication]

Adams, V. (1996) Tigers of the snow and other virtual Sherpas: an ethnography of Himalayan encounters. [Publication]

Adegunloye, B.L. et al. (1996) Mechanisms of the blood pressure lowering effect of the calyx extract of Hibiscus sabdariffa in rats. [Publication]

Adhikari, K.S. and M.K. Adhikari (1996) Collection and consumption of wild edible mushrooms sold in Kathmandu valley, Nepal. [Publication]

Adithan, C. (1996) Pharmacological research in India 1972--1995 -- an analysis based on IPS Conferences. [Publication]

Aftab, K., S.B. Usmani, S.I. Ahmad and K. Usmanghani (1996) Naturally occurring calcium channel blockers -- II. [Publication]

Agarwal, P., V. Ravi and R.B. Sing (1996) Randomized placebo-controlled single blind trial of holy basil leaves in patients with noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. [Publication]

Agarwal, R.G. et al. (1996) Studies on standardization of tribhuvanakirti rasa. [Publication]

Aggleton, P. (Ed.) (1996) Bisexualities and AIDS. [Publication]

Agnihotri, Indu (1996) Ecology, land use and colonisation: the canal colonies of Punjab. [Publication]

Agnihotr\={\i}, Ram\={a}k\={a}nt J. (1996) Mad\={a}tyaya-cikits\={a}. [Publication]

Agnihotri, S. and A.D. Vaidya (1996) A novel approach to study antibacterial properties of volatile components of selected Indian medicinal herbs. [Publication]

Agrav\={a}l, Caitanyasvar\={u}p (1996) `Si\.{n}gh\={a}\d{r}\={\i}' -- ek v\={\i}ryavardhak phal. [Publication]

Agrawal, P., V. Rai and R.B. Singh (1996) Randomized placebo-controlled single-blind trial of holy basil leaves in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. [Publication]

Agrawal, V.K., S.S. Deshpande and S.S. Gambhir (1996) Pharmacognostical studies on the leaves of Salvadora persica Linn. [Publication]

Agrawal, P., V. Rai and R.B. Singh (1996) Randomized placebo-controlled, single blind trial of holy basil leaves in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. [Publication]

Agrawal, R.G., P.C. Joshi, M.J. Pandey and G. Pandey (1996) Studies on standardisation of tribhuvanakirti rasa. [Publication]

Agrawal, S.S. and R. Gulati (1996) Hepatoprotective studies on Solanum nigrum Linn. against country made liquor induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats fed on controlled calorie diet. [Publication]

Agrawal, S.S. and S.S. Malik (1996) Hepatoprotective effects of Withnia somnifera. [Publication]

Ahmad, A. (1996) Drugs of plant origin as used by certain tribes of eastern (Purvanchal) UP., part V. [Publication]

Ahmed, S. et al. (1996) Cathartic activity in Aloe vera Linn. [Publication]

Ahsan, Monira and S.N. Islam (1996) Garlic: a broad spectrum antibacterial agent effective against common pathogenic bacteria. [Publication]

Ahuja, Mukesh (1996) Widows: role adjustment and violence. [Publication]

Akah, Peter A. (1996) Antidiarrheal activity of Kigelia africana in experimental animals. [Publication]

Akhtar, A.H., K.D. Ahmad, S.N. Gilani and A. Nazir (1996) Antiulcer effects of aqueous extracts of Nigella sativa and Pongamia pinnata in rats. [Publication]

Al Najar, H.A., J. Sadiq et al. (1996) Effect of Chrysanthemum indicum alkaloids on carrageenan induced edema and abdominal constriction response. [Publication]

Al, S.D.A.A. and B.N.H. Al (1996) A study of the antimicrobial activity of the miswak ethanolic extract in vitro. [Publication]

Al-Harbi, M.M., S. Qureshi, M.M. Ahmed, M. Raza, M.Z.A. Baig and A.H. Shah (1996) Effect of camel urine on the cytological and biochemical changes induced by cyclophosphamide in mice. [Publication]

Al-Samawi, A.A. and E.M. Shokrala (1996) An investigation into an indigenous natural coagulant. [Publication]

Al-Zuhair, H., B. El-Sayeh, H.A. Ameen and H. Al-Shoora (1996) Pharmacological studies of cardamom oil in animals. [Publication]

Alagesaboopathi, C. and S. Balu (1996) Phytochemical observations on some species of Andrographis Wall. [Publication]

Alagesaboopathi, C., S. Balu and P. Dwarakan (1996) Edible fruit yielding plants of Shevaroy hills in Tamil Nadu. [Publication]

Alam, M.I. and A. Gomes (1996) Indian medicinal plants active against Elapidae and Viperidae snake venoms. [Publication]

Alam, M.I., B. Auddy and A. Gomes (1996) Viper venom neutralization by an Indian medicinal plant (Hemidesmus indicus and Pluchea indica) root extracts. [Publication]

Alam, M.K., J. Chowdhury and M.A. Hassan (1996) Some folk formularies from Bangladesh. [Publication]

Alexander, M.P. (1996) An experiment on dehasiddhi with mercury. [Publication]

Alexides, M.N. and J.W. Sheldon (1996) Selected guidelines for ethnobotanical research: A field manual. [Publication]

Ali, Z., R.A. Meyer and J.N. Campbell (1996) Secondary hyperalgesia to mechanical but not heat stimuli following a capsaicin injection in hairy skin. [Publication]

Ali, M. (1996) Chemical and medicinal evaluation of Lawsonia inermis (henna). [Publication]

Alok, K., P. Gopalakrishnakone, M.C.E. Gwee and R.Y. Yuen (1996) Neurotoxic and myotoxic effects induced by Bungarus caeruleus: pharmacological and pathological observations. [Publication]

Alter, Joseph S. (1996) Gandhi's body, Gandhi's truth: nonviolence and the biomoral imperative of public health. [Publication]

Amatya, G. (1996) Ethno-medicinal use of plants of Bara District, Nepal. [Publication]

Amatya, S.M. (Ed.) (1996) Proceedings of the Third Regional Workshop on Community Based NTFP management. [Publication]

Ambasht, P.K. and V.K. Joshi (1996) Kumaun Himalaya -- a repository of medicinal plants. [Publication]

Ameri, A., J. Gleitz and T. Peters (1996) Inhibition of neuronal activity in rat hippocampal slices by Aconitum alkaloids. [Publication]

Ameri, A., Q. Shi, J.C. Aschoff and T. Peters (1996) Electrophysiological effects of aconitine in rat hippocampal slices. [Publication]

Amin, Shahid and Dipesh Chakrabarty (Eds.) (1996) Subaltern Studies IX. [Publication]

Amin, K.M.Y., G. Ahmad and S. Yasmin (1996) Adaptogenic activity of gems. [Publication]

Amin, K.M.Y., M.N. Khan, S. Zillur-Rehman and N.A. Khan (1996) Sexual function improving effect of Mucuna pruriens in sexually normal male rats. [Publication]

Aminuddin, R.D. Girach (1996) Native phytotherapy among the Paudi Bhuinya of Bonai hills. [Publication]

Ammon, H.P.T. (1996) Salai guggal -- Boswellia serrata: from a herbal medicine to a specific inhibitor of leukotriene biosynthesis. [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}\d{n}, P.S. (1996) \={A}yurved\={\i}ya puru\d{s} yaun rog eva\d{m} yaun svasthav\d{r}tta -- ek carc\={a}. [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (1996) Dengue fever (ek \={a}yurved\={\i}ya sandarbha). [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (1996) Jvarjanya manovik\={a}r eva\d{m} m\={a}nasik jvar. [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (1996) K\d{s}aya (tuberculosis): ek sa\d{m}k\d{s}ipt cikits\={a} vivara\d{n}. [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (1996) Me\d{d} k\={a}\={u} \d{d}ij\={\i}j janya sv\={a}sthya samasy\={a} -- \={a}yurved\={\i}ya sandarbha. [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (1996) M\={u}\d{s}ak d\={u}\d{s}\={\i} vi\d{s} -- vartam\={a}n sandarbha me\d{m}. [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (1996) Schizophrenia (\={a}yurved\={\i}ya cikits\={a}k\d{r}ta\d{h} kuch \={a}turv\d{r}tta). [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (1996) Tamak--pratamak--sa\d{m}tamak \'{s}v\={a}s (sa\d{m}k\d{s}ipt cikits\={a} vivara\d{n}). [Publication]

Anantharaman, T.R. (1996) The rustless wonder: a study of the iron pillar at Delhi. [Publication]

Anderson, E.N. (1996) Ecologies of the heart: emotion, belief, and the environment. [Publication]

Anderson, Warwick (1996) Immunities of empire: race, disease, and the new tropical medicine. [Publication]

Andrade, C. (1996) The herbal treatment of Parkinson's disease: a possible role for BR-16A (Mentat). [Publication]

Anjali, R.J., A.R. Nazeer, K.M. Pathan and B. Manivannan (1996) Effect of Azadirachta indica leaves on testis and its recovery in albino rats. [Publication]

Anmad, J.L. (1996) Garlic -- a panacea for health and good taste ? [Publication]

Anonymous (1996) Herbal treatment of corneal opacity in cattle and buffaloes: a report. [Publication]

Anonymous (1996) Illustrated manual of herbal drugs used in Ayurveda. [Publication]

Anonymous (1996) Pharmacological investigations of certain medicinal plants and compound formulations used in Ayurveda and Siddha. [Publication]

Anto, R.J., G. Kuttan, K.V.D. Babu, K.N. Rajasekharan and R. Kuttan (1996) Anti-inflammatory activity of natural and synthetic curcuminoids. [Publication]

Aqel, Mahmoud and Rola Shaheen (1996) Effects of the volatile oil of Nigella sativa seeds on the uterine smooth muscle of rat and guinea pig. [Publication]

Arnold, David (1996) The problem of nature: environment, culture and European expansion. [Publication]

Arnold, David (Ed.) (1996) Warm climates and Western medicine: the emergence of tropical medicine 1500--1900. [Publication]

Arora, R.K. and Anjula Pandey (1996) Wild edible plants of India: diversity, conservation and use. [Publication]

Arora, R.K. (1996) Role of ethnobotany in the conservation and use of plant genetic resources in India. [Publication]

Arora, R.K. and Anjula Pandey (1996) Wild edible plants of India: diversity, conservation and use. [Publication]

Arora, Vimal Kumar and K. Shankar Rao (1996) Contribution of Sushruta with special reference to srotas shariram. [Publication]

Artizzu, N., L. Bonsignore, F. Cottiglia and G. Loy (1996) Studies on the diuretic and antimicrobial activity of Cynodon dactylon essential oil. [Publication]

Aruna, K. and V.M. Sivarama Krishnan (1996) Anticarcinogenic effects of the essential oils from cumin, poppy and basil. [Publication]

Aschoff, Jürgen C. (1996) Annotated bibliography of Tibetan medicine (1789--1995)/Kommentierte Bibliographie zur tibetischen Medizin (1789--1995). [Publication]

Aschoff, Jürgen C., Thies Peters, T.Y. Tashigang, N. Batth (1996) Tibetan traditional medicine for migraine prophylaxis. [Publication]

Asha, V.V. (1996) Ethnobotany, pharmacognosy, and ethnopharmacology of hepatoprotective agents employed by the folk practitioners and tribal physicians of South India. [Publication]

Asham, Borang (1996) Studies on certain ethnozoological aspects of Adi tribes of Siang district, Arunachal Pradesh. [Publication]

Asmarai, A.M., P.B. Addis, R.J. Epley and T.P. Krick (1996) Wild rice hull antioxidants. [Publication]

Assayag, J. (1996) Déjà lu: l'héritage colonial de l'anthropologie en Inde. [Publication]

Assayag, J. (1996) Le crime était presque parfait. Meurtre, colère et désir des dieux dans un panthéon du Sud de l'Inde (Karnataka). [Publication]

Asthana, O.P., J.S. Srivastava, A. Ghatak, S.P.S. Gaur and B.N. Dhawan (1996) Safety and tolerability of bacosides A and B in healthy human volunteers. [Publication]

Asthana, S., N.H. Greig, H.W. Holloway, K.C. Raffaele, A. Berardi, M.B. Schapiro, S.I. Rapoport and T.T. Soncrant (1996) Clinical pharmacokinetics of arecoline in subjects with Alzheimer's disease. [Publication]

\={A}\'{s}ubh\={a}\={\i} (1996) Svapna vij\~{n}\={a}n. [Publication]

Aswal, B.S. (1996) Conservation of ethnomedicinal plant diversity of Garhwal Himalayas in India. [Publication]

Aswal, B.S., A.K. Goel, D.K. Kulshrestha, B.N. Mehrotra and G.K. Patnaik (1996) Screening of Indian plants for biological activity, part XV. [Publication]

Athavale, V.B. (1996) Mechanism of anorexia and effect of Liv.52 on food intake. [Publication]

Augusti, K.T. (1996) Therapeutic values of onion (Allium cepa L.) and garlic (Allium sativum L.). [Publication]

Augusti, K.T. and C.G. Sheela (1996) Antiperoxide effect of S-allyl cysteine sulfoxide, an insulin secretagogue, in diabetic rats. [Publication]

Avashthi, A., A. Sharma, N. Gupta, P. Kulhara and V.K. Varma (1996) Seasonality and unipolar recurrent mania: preliminary findings from a retrospective study. [Publication]

Avasth\={\i}, A\'{s}ok Kum\={a}r (1996) \={A}mv\={a}t -- nid\={a}n cikits\={a} vimar\'{s}. [Publication]

Avasth\={\i}, A\'{s}ok Kum\={a}r (1996) `\={A}ntrik jvar' -- nid\={a}ncikits\={a}tmak vimar\'{s}. [Publication]

Avasth\={\i}, A\'{s}ok Kum\={a}r (1996) "\={A}vara\d{n}'' -- saiddh\={a}ntik vimar\'{s}. [Publication]

Avasth\={\i}, A\'{s}ok Kum\={a}r (1996) B\={a}l \'{s}o\d{s}. [Publication]

Avasth\={\i}, A\'{s}ok Kum\={a}r (1996) V\={a}tik h\d{r}drog (stable angina) me\d{m} do \={a}yurved\={\i}ya au\d{s}adhi yogo\d{m} ke prabh\={a}v k\={a} tulan\={a}tmak adhyayan. [Publication]

Avasth\={\i}, A\'{s}ok Kum\={a}r (1996) Vik\={a}rvigh\={a}t bh\={a}v\={a}bh\={a}v me\d{m} nid\={a}nado\d{s}ad\={u}\d{s}yavai\'{s}i\d{s}\d{t}yam. [Publication]

Awasthi, A.K., K. Kothari and R K. Sharma (1996) Role of haritakyadi vati in management of stable angina. [Publication]

Axelrod, Paul and Michelle A. Fuerch (1996) Flight of the deities: Hindu resistance in Portuguese Goa. [Publication]

Azam, Afzal, A. Rahamatullah, Sapna Raveendran and Rajeev Dube (1996) Formulation and evaluation of polyherbal haircare powders. [Publication]


Baber, Zaheer (1996) The science of empire: scientific knowledge, civilization, and colonial rule in India. [Publication]

Badhe, P.D., L.K. Sharma, B.N. Sharma and V.K. Pandey (1996) Some significant medicinal uses of palash and lata palash. [Publication]

Bajpayee, Kaptain Kishore and Gopal Dixit (1996) Ethnobotanical studies on food-stuffs of tribals of Tarai region, Uttar Pradesh. [Publication]

Bakhiet, A.O. and S.E.I. Adam (1996) Toxicity to Bovans chicks of Cassia italica seeds. [Publication]

Balaji Rao, N.S., D. Rajasekhar and D. Chengal Raju (1996) Folklore remedies for dandruff from Tirumala hills of Andhra Pradesh. [Publication]

Balaji Rao, N.S., D. Rajasekhar, D.C. Raju and N. Nagaraju (1996) Ethnomedicinal notes on some plants of Tirumala hills for dental disorders. [Publication]

Balaji, K., V. Venkateshwarlu and V.M. Reddy (1996) Hypoglycaemic activity of extracts of Ficus glomerata. [Publication]

Balakrishna, K., R. Hamsaveni Gopal, V. Ramkumar, R. Bhima Rao, Sarada Vasanth and D. Narayanappa (1996) Antibacterial activity of the essential oil of Lippia nodiflora. [Publication]

Balakrishnan, N.P. (1996) Phytogeographic divisions: General considerations. [Publication]

Balakrishnan, N.P. and J.L. Ellis (1996) Phytogeographic divisions: Andaman and Nicobar Islands. [Publication]

Balasubramanian, P. and S.N. Prasad (1996) Ethnobotany and conservation of medicinal plants by Irulas of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. [Publication]

Balasubramanian, P. and S. Narendra Prasad (1996) Medicinal plants among the Irulars of Attappady and Boluvampatti forest in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. [Publication]

Balbir, Nalini, Georges-Jean Pinault and Jean Fezas (Eds.) (1996) Langue, style et structure dans le monde indien -- Centenaire de Louis Renou. Actes du Colloque International (Paris, 25--27 janvier 1996). [Publication]

Balfour, Edward Green (1996) Frictional fire-making with a flexible sawing-thong. [Publication]

Balick, M.J., E. Elisabetsky and S.A. Laird (Eds.) (1996) Medicinal resources of the tropical forest. [Publication]

Balick, Michael and Paul Alan Cox (1996) Plants, people, and culture: the science of ethnobotany. [Publication]

Bandyopadhyay, Lalita (1996) Lymphatic filariasis and the women of India. [Publication]

Banerjee, Archana (1996) Medicinal uses of some flowers by Santhals of West Bengal. [Publication]

Banerjee, D.K. and D.C. Pal (1996) Plants used by the tribals of North Indian plains for hair and scalp preparation. [Publication]

Banerjee, R.N. and Chhabi Ghora (1996) On the domestic use of some unreported plants of West Dinajpur district (West Bengal). [Publication]

Banerjee, S., R. Prashar, A. Kumar and A.R. Rao (1996) Modulatory influence of alcoholic extract of Ocimum leaves on carcinogen-metabolizing enzyme activities and reduced glutathione levels in mouse. [Publication]

Bani, S., D. Chand, K.A. Suri, O.P. Suri and O.P. Sharma (1996) Antiinflammatory effects of an ethyl acetate extract of Euphorbia royleana. [Publication]

Bapat, Jyotsana (1996) Devadasi cult: a sociobiological mortality. [Publication]

Baranwal, Deepshika (1996) Perception and diagnosis of illness among Bhoksas in India. [Publication]

Barnett, R. A. and J. Barone (1996) Ayurvedic medicine: ancient roots and modern branches. [Publication]

Barua, Parbati (1996) Elephant capturing in North-Eastern India. [Publication]

Barua, Parbati (1996) Image and profession of mahouts in North Eastern India. [Publication]

Barua, Parbati (1996) Sick and injured elephants: care and cure. [Publication]

Barua, Parbati and S.S. Bist (1996) Cruelty to elephants -- A legal and practical view. [Publication]

Baruah, C.C., P.P. Gupta, G.K. Patnaik, D.K. Kulshreshtha and B.N. Dhawan (1996) Further studies on anti-allergic activity of Albizzia lebbeck (Benth). [Publication]

Basu, K. and S. Subramanyam (Eds.) (1996) Unravelling the nation. [Publication]

Basu, R. and P.K. Mukherjee (1996) Plants used in hamlets of `Sarars' in the district Purulia (W.B.). [Publication]

Basu, Ramsankar and Prasanta Kumar Mukherjee (1996) Ethnobotany to the practice of piggery by the "Savars" in the district of Purulia in West Bengal. [Publication]

Bayly, Christopher (1996) Empire and information: intelligence gathering and social communication in India, 1780--1870. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (1996) \={A}yurved k\={\i} alpaj\~{n}\={a}t vanaspati: k\={a}r\={\i}. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (1996) Brahmav\={a}din\={\i}, ek\'{s}rutidhar: main\={a}. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (1996) Goha k\={a} m\={a}\d{m}s -- balprada aur m\={a}\d{m}savardhak. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (1996) Sundar pa\.{n}kho\d{m} k\={a} gaurav aur samm\={a}n jise pr\={a}pt hai: surkh\={a}b. [Publication]

Benoit, F., A. Valentin, Y. Pelissier, F. Diabouka, C. Marion, D. Kone-Bamba, M. Kone, M. Mallie, A. Yapo and J.M. Bastide (1996) In vitro antimalarial activity of vegetal extracts used in West African traditional medicine. [Publication]

Berglie, Per Arne (1996) Spirit mediums and the epic. Remarks on Gesar and the epic among spirit mediums in Tibet and Ladakh. [Publication]

Bergvall, V., J. Bing and A. Freed (Eds.) (1996) Rethinking language and gender research: theory and practice. [Publication]

Bhakare, H.A., A.S. Kulkarni, R.R. Khotpal, R.C. Selokar and H.S. Sapkal (1996) Studies on lipids from two medicinal plant seed oils of Vidarbha region. [Publication]

Bhalla, Suman, J.R. Patel and N.P. Bhalla (1996) Ethnomedicinal observations on some Asteraceae of Bundelkhand region, Madhya Pradesh. [Publication]

Bhan, A. and H.S. Rathore (1996) Prevention of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCL)-induced changes in selected reproductive organs of mice with a herbal drug Speman in acute exposure. [Publication]

Bhandary, M.J., K.R. Chandrashekar and K.M. Kaveriappa (1996) Ethnobotany of Gowlis of Uttara Kannada district, Karnataka. [Publication]

Bharat, Shalini (Ed.) (1996) Family measurement in India. [Publication]

Bharati, R.H. Singh and J.P.N. Chansouria (1996) Hypoglycaemic property of shilajeet and yashada bhasma. [Publication]

Bharti, R.H. Singh and J.P.N. Chansouria (1996) Hypoglycaemic activity of Melia azadirachta Linn. bark. [Publication]

Bharti, Mrs., C.M. Maheshwari and S.K. Tewari (1996) A clinical study of parinamasula and its treatment with satavari (Asparagus racemosus Willd.). [Publication]

Bharucha, Z.S. (1996) Current status of transfusion medicine in India. [Publication]

Bhaskar, R.,M. L. Malini et al. (1996) Effect of lupeol isolated from Crataeva nurvala stem bark against free radical induced toxicity in experimental urolithiasis. [Publication]

Bhat, P.N. Mari (1996) Contours of fertility decline in India: A district level study based on the 1991 census. [Publication]

Bhat, R. (1996) Regulation of the private health sector in India. [Publication]

Bhatia, Jagdish C. and John Cleland (1996) Obstetric morbidity in south India: results from a community survey. [Publication]

Bha\d{t}n\={a}gar, Manoj (1996) Kabja (constipation): samasy\={a} eva\d{m} sam\={a}dh\={a}n. [Publication]

Bhatt, A.D. and N.S. Bhatt (1996) Indigenous drugs and liver disease. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, A.K., P.N. Kaul and B.B.R. Rao (1996) Essential oils of Ocimum gratissimum L. and Ocimum tenuiflorum L. (Syn. Ocimum sanctum L.) grown in Andhra Pradesh. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, N. N. (1996) Ancient Indian rituals and their social contents. [Publication]

Bhattacharyya, Goutam (1996) Medico-ethno-botanical value of Saurashtra weeds. [Publication]

Bhattacharyya, N.N. (1996) Ancient Indian rituals and their social contents. [Publication]

Bhattacharyya, P.C. (1996) Herbal drugs. [Publication]

Bhattarai, N.K. (1996) Some endangered medicinal plants of Nepal. [Publication]

Bhattarai, N.K. and J. Chraucher (1996) Viability of local commercialization of non-timber forest products as a strategy for promoting biodiversityconservation. [Publication]

Bhatti, M.A., M.T.J. Khan, B. Ahmad, M. Jamshaid and W. Ahmad (1996) Antibacterial activity of Trigonella foenum-graecum seeds. [Publication]

Bhugra, Dinesh (1996) Hinduism and Ayurveda: implications for managing mental health. [Publication]

Bhugra, Dinesh (Ed.) (1996) Psychiatry and religion: context, consensus and controversies. [Publication]

Bikshapathi, T., S.N. Tripathi and B.L. Pandey (1996) Clinical evaluation of Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth. (kutki) in the management of chronic obstructive airway disease. [Publication]

Bikshapathi, T., S.N. Tripathi and B.L. Pandey (1996) Clinical evaluation od Picrorhiza kurroa in the management of chronic obstructive air way diseases. [Publication]

Binoj Kumar, M.S. and N.P. Balakrishnan (1996) Ethnobotanical studies of the genus Euphorbia L. (Euphorbiaceae). [Publication]

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Jeannotat, Fran\c{c}oise (1996) De la quête de la santé à la quête du salut -- Réflexions sur le recours aux pratiques thérapeutiques alternatives: l'exemple de l'Ayurveda. [Publication]

Jeffery, P. and R. Jeffery (1996) Don't marry me to a ploughman! Women's everyday lives in rural North India. [Publication]

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Jha, S.S. and D. Ohri (1996) Phylogenetic relationships of Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. (pigeonpea) and its wild relatives based on seed protein profiles. [Publication]

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Jha, Pramod K., Krishna K. Shrestha, Madhusudan P. Upadhyay, Dennis P. Stimart and David M. Spooner (1996) Plant genetic resources of Nepal: a guide for plant breeders of agricultural, horticultural and forestry crops. [Publication]

Jha, R.R. and S.K. Varma (1996) Ethnobotany of Sauria Paharias of Santhal Pargana, Bihar -- I. Medicinal plants. [Publication]

Jha, Vidyanath, Sunita Mishra, A.N. Kargupta and Abha Jha (1996) Leaves and flowers utilized as supplementary vegetables in Darbhanga (north Bihar) and their ethnobotanical significance. [Publication]

Johari, Harish (1996) Ayurvedic massage: traditional Indian techniques for balancing body and mind. [Publication]

John, T.J., M.V. Jesudason, M.K. Lalitha, A. Ganesh, V. Mohandas, T. Cherian et al. (1996) Melioidosis in India: the tip of the iceberg? [Publication]

Johnson, Peyton, M. Kashio, Patrick B. Durst and Narong Chomchalow (1996) Non-wood forest products of Bhutan. [Publication]

Jose, J.K., G. Kuttan, J. George and R. Kuttan (1996) Antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic activity of Emblica officinalis Gaertn. [Publication]

Joseph, G.V.R. (1996) Histomorphological and pharmacognostic studies in some Euphorbiaceae. [Publication]

Joshi, M.C. (1996) Additions to the flora of Gujarat State with special reference to plants of medicinal interest. [Publication]

Joshi, M.C. (1996) Botanical identity of some substitutes of Ayurvedic drugs. [Publication]

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Joshi, A.R., R.N. Ahamed, K.M. Pathan and B. Munivannan (1996) Effect of Azadirachta indica leaves on testis and its recovery in albino rats. [Publication]

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Jost, C.C., D.M. Sherman, E.F. Thomson and R.M. Hesselton (1996) Kamala (Mallotus philippinensis) fruit is ineffective as an anthelmintic against gastrointestinal nematodes in goats indigenous to Balochistan, Pakistan. [Publication]

Juleff, Gill (1996) An ancient wind-powered iron smelting technology in Sri Lanka. [Publication]


Kadgaonkar, S.B. (1996) Migrant animals of trade and commerce. The two-humped camel in early Indian art. [Publication]

Kaith, B.S., N.S. Kaith and N.S. Chauhan (1996) Anti-inflammatory effect of Arnebia euchroma root extracts in rats. [Publication]

Kakar, Faizullah and A. Verster (1996) Iodine deficiency in Afghanistan. [Publication]

Kakar, Sanjeev (1996) Leprosy in British India, 1860--1940: Colonial politics and missionary medicine. [Publication]

Kakar, Sanjiv (1996) Leprosy in British India, 1860--1940: colonial politics and missionary medicine. [Publication]

Kakar, Sanjiv (1996) Leprosy in British India 1860--1940: colonial politics and missionary medicine. [Publication]

Kakar, Sudhir (1996) The Indian psyche: comprising "The inner world', "Shamans, mystics and doctors'', and "Tales of love, sex and danger'' (with John M. Ross). [Publication]

Kakar, Sudhir (1996) The colors of violence: cultural identities, religion, and conflict. [Publication]

Kakar, Sudhir (1996) The construction of a new Hindu identity. [Publication]

Kakkar, S. (1996) Leprosy in British India, 1860--1940: colonial politics and missionary medicine. [Publication]

Kamble, S.M., G.S. Jyotishi, P.L. Kamalakar and S.M. Vaidya (1996) Efficacy of Coccinia indica W. & A. in diabetes mellitus. [Publication]

Kamble, S.M., G.S. Jyotishi, P.L. Kamlakar and S.M. Vaidya (1996) Efficacy of Coccinia indica W. et A. in diabetes mellitus. [Publication]

Kang, J.Y., C.H. Teng and F.C. Chen (1996) Effect of capsaicin and cimetidine on the healing of acetic acid induced gastric ulceration in the rat. [Publication]

Kani, T. (1996) Socio-religious ceremonies of Arunachal Pradesh. [Publication]

Kapadia, G.J., H. Tokuda, T. Konoshima and H. Nishino (1996) Chemoprevention of lung and skin cancer by Beta vulgaris (beet) root extract. [Publication]

Kapadia, Karin (1996) Dancing the goddess: possession and class in Tamil South India. [Publication]

Kapur, Ratna (Ed.) (1996) Feminist terrains in legal domains: interdisciplinary essays on women and law in India. [Publication]

Kapur, Ratna and Brenda Cossman (1996) Subversive sites: feminist engagements with law in India. [Publication]

Kapur, S.K. (1996) Traditionally important medicinal plants of Bhaderwah hills, Jammu Province -- III, IV. [Publication]

Kapur, S.K. and Paviter Singh (1996) Traditionally important medicinal plants of Udhampur District (Jammu Province) -- part I. [Publication]

Kapur, S.K. and S. Nanda (1996) Traditionally important medicinal plants of Bhaderwah hills (Jammu Province) -- Part II. [Publication]

Kapur, S.K. and T.N. Srivastava (1996) Traditionally important medicinal plants of Udhampur district (Jammu Province) -- part II. [Publication]

Kapur, S.K., S. Nanda and T.N. Srivastava (1996) Ethnobotanical uses of RRL-herbarium -- III. [Publication]

Kar, Anukul Chandra, B.N. Upadhyaya and D. Ojha (1996) Role of sadvritta (good conducts) in prevention of disease and promotion of primary health care. [Publication]

Karnick, C.R. (1996) Ayurvedic narcotic medicinal plants. [Publication]

Karnick, C.R. (1996) Pharmacology of Ayurvedic medicinal plants. [Publication]

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Karthikeyan, S. (1996) Phytogeographic divisions: Northern Western Ghats and Northern West coast. [Publication]

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Kasture, V.S., S.B. Kasture and S.C. Pal (1996) Anticonvulsant activity of Albizzia lebbeck leaves. [Publication]

Kataria, S.R., K.K. Sharma, M. Wadhwa and P. Kataria (1996) Prevalence of goitre in selected school children of Himachal Pradesh. [Publication]

Katz, J.G. (1996) Dreams, sufism and sainthood. [Publication]

Kaul, P.N., A.K. Bhattacharya and B.R. Rajeswara Rao (1996) Seasonal variation in the composition of the essential oil of cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume) leaves. [Publication]

Kaul, A., U. Zutshi and M.L. Sharma (1996) Immunostimulatory and immunorestorative properties of Cryptolepis buchanani. [Publication]

Kavimani, S. et al. (1996) Antitumour activity of plumbagin against Dalton's ascitic lymphoma. [Publication]

Kaw, Mushtaq A. (1996) Famines in Kashmir, 1586--1819: the policy of the Mughal and Afghan rulers. [Publication]

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Khajuria, A., M.L. Sharma, J.L. Suri and O.P. Sharma (1996) Immunorestorative effect of Ocimum sanctum extract in immunosuppressed mice. [Publication]

Khalid, H.S., A.K. Bashir, A.H. Mohamed and M.B. Ali (1996) Histamine-like activity of Albizia anthelmintica. [Publication]

Khan, S. (1996) Under the blanket: Bisexuality and AIDS in India. [Publication]

Khan, Shivananda (1996) Under the blanket: Bisexualities and AIDS in India. [Publication]

Khan, B.A., A. Abraham and S. Leelamma (1996) Murraya koenigii and Brassica juncea -- alterations on lipid profile in 1-2 dimethyl hydrazine induced colon carcinogenesis. [Publication]

Khan, B.A., A. Abraham and S. Leelamma (1996) Role of Murraya koenigii (curry leaf) and Brassica juncea (mustard) in lipid peroxidation. [Publication]

Khan, Beena A., Annie Abraham and S. Leelamma (1996) Biochemical response in rats to the addition of curry leaf (Murraya koenigii) and mustard seeds (Brassica juncea) to the diet. [Publication]

Khan, M.A. and V.K. Singh (1996) A folklore survey of some plants of Bhopal district forests, Madhya Pradesh, India, described as antidiabetics. [Publication]

Khan, M.H. (1996) Phytosociological studies of Babusar Valley, Diamer District, Pakistan. [Publication]

Khanna, A.K., Ramesh Chander and N.K. Kapoor (1996) Terminalia arjuna: an ayurvedic cardiotonic regulates lipid metabolism in hyperlipaemic rats. [Publication]

Khanna, K.K., G. Shukla and V. Mudgal (1996) New traditional medicinal uses of plants from Jalaun district, Uttar Pradesh. [Publication]

Khanna, K.K., P.K. Srivastava and V. Mudgal (1996) Noteworthy medicinal plant uses from rural folklore of Raebareli district, Uttar Pradesh. [Publication]

Khanna, K. K., V. Mudgal, G. Shukla and P. K. Srivastava (1996) Unreported ethnomedicinal uses of plants from Mirzapur district, Uttar Pradesh. [Publication]

Khare, R.S. (1996) "Dava" in Daktar and Dua: anthropology of practised medicine in India. [Publication]

Khongsdier, R. and D. Basu (1996) A study of food and nutrient intakes among the Dimasa of North Cachar Hills. [Publication]

Khurana, K.L., Balvinder Kumar, S. Khanna and A. Manuja (1996) Effect of herbal galactagogue payapro on milk yield in lactating buffaloes. [Publication]

Kimura, I., M. Takada, H. Nojima and M. Kimura (1996) Aconitine, a main component of aconite, increases spontaneous acetylcholine release from the frontal cerebral cortex of freely moving rats. [Publication]

Kishore, Jugal, V.P. Reddaiah, Vinay Kapoor and J.S. Gill (1996) Characteristics of mental morbidity in a rural Primary Health Centre of Haryana. [Publication]

Kishore, N., J.P.N. Chansouria and N.K. Dubey (1996) Antidermatophytic action of the essential oil of Chenopodium ambrosioides and an ointment prepared from it. [Publication]

Knaus, U. and H. Wagner (1996) Effects of Boswellia serrata and other triterpenic acids on the complement system. [Publication]

Koch, H.P. and L.D. Lawson (1996) The science and therapeutic application of Allium sativum L. and related species. [Publication]

Köhler-Rollefson, I. (1996) The one-humped camel in Asia: origin, utilization and mechanisms of dispersal. [Publication]

Kohler-Rollefson, I. and H.S. Rathore (1996) Ethnoveterinary medicine: a new perspective for livestock health services. [Publication]

Kohli, Y.P. (1996) Herbal medicines in Arunachal Pradesh. [Publication]

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Kolev, S.T., P. Leman, G.C. Kite, P.C. Stevenson, D. Shaw and V.S. Murray (1996) Toxicity following accidental ingestion of Aconitum containing Chinese remedy. [Publication]

Kooij, K.R. van (1996) Lichaam in beeld -- Kunst van India in iconologisch en vergelijkend perspectief. [Publication]

Kothari, A., N. Singh and S. Suri (1996) Conservation in India: a new direction. [Publication]

Kothari, A. (Ed.) (1996) People and protected areas -- towards participatory conservation in India. [Publication]

Kothari, M.J. and S. Moorthy (1996) Ethnobotany in human welfare of Raigad district in Maharashtra State, India. [Publication]

Kothavade, R.J., S.N. Joglekar and S.A. Barodavalla (1996) Protective effect of an indigenous drug livomyn on ketoconazole induced hepatotoxicity. [Publication]

Krauskopff, G. and M. Lecomte-Tilouine (Eds.) (1996) Célébrer le pouvoir. Dasaï, une fête royale au Népal. [Publication]

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Krishna Kumar, P.R. (1996) Editorial: Can Ayurveda cure cancer? [Publication]

Krishna Murthy, K. (1996) Dictionary of medical archaeology. [Publication]

Krishna, Nanditha and V. Bhawani Shankar (1996) Conserving our ecological heritage -- Sacred groves of Tamil Nadu. [Publication]

Krishna Rao, R. V., T. Satyanarayana and Ranjit Jena (1996) Comparative pharmacognosy of medicinally important Indian Vitex species. [Publication]

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Krottenthaler, Robert (1996) Die Jagd im alten Indien unter Berücksichtigung des m\d{r}gay\={a}vinoda-Kapitels im M\={a}nasoll\={a}sa. [Publication]

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Kulkarni, D.K. and M.S. Kumbhojkar (1996) Pest control in tribal areas of western Maharashtra -- an ethnobotanical approach. [Publication]

Kulkarni, D.K., M.B. Kulkarni and M.S. Kumbhojkar (1996) Quantification of tree resources utilized for medicinal purpose by Mahadeo Koli of Western Maharashtra, India. [Publication]

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Kulkarni, S.K. (1996) BR-16A, a herbal psychotropic preparation with deaddiction profile against benzodiazepines and opiate. [Publication]

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Kumar, Deepak (1996) The "culture" of science and colonial culture: India 1820--1920. [Publication]

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Kumar, Kaushal, O.P. Upadhyay and R.K. Tiwari (1996) Ethno-medico studies on 'motha' -- a folk-lore name used by tribal community for different sps. of Cyperaceae family. [Publication]

Kumar, Naresh and Anil Kumar (1996) Skin diseases -- Management with reference to Ranbir Prakash. [Publication]

Kumar, P., R. Kuttan and G. Kuttan (1996) Radioprotective effects of Rasayanas. [Publication]

Kumar, S.R., S.Z. Hussain, K.K. Pillai and D.K. Balani (1996) Evaluation of anti-atherosclerotic effect of Lipotab forte in cholesterol fed rabbits. [Publication]

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Lin, Song-chow, Chih-jung Yao, Chun-ching Lin and Yun-ho Lin (1996) Hepatoprotective activity of Taiwan folk medicine: Eclipta prostrata Linn. against various hepatotoxins induced acute hepatotoxicity. [Publication]

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Mitra, S.K., S. Gopumadhavan, T.S. Muralidhar and SJ. Seshadri (1996) Effect of D-400, a herbomineral preparation on liver glycogen content and microscopic structure of pancreas and liver in streptozotocin-induced diabetes in rats. [Publication]

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Singh, S. and D.K. Majumdar (1996) Effects of routes of administration on the anti-inflammatory activity of fixed oil of Ocimum sanctum Linn (tulsi). [Publication]

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Singh, V.K., Z.A. Ali, S.T.H. Zaidi and M.K. Siddiqui (1996) Ethnomedicinal uses of plants from Gonda district forests of Uttar Pradesh, India. [Publication]

Singh, V. and R.P. Pandey (1996) Ethnomedicinal plants used for venereal and gynaecological diseases in Rajasthan (India). [Publication]

Singh, Virendra (1996) Ethnomedicobotany of Dards tribe of Gurez valley in Kashmir Himalaya. [Publication]

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Ukani, M.D., N.K. Mehta and D.D. Nanavati (1996) Aconitum heterophyllum (ativisha) in Ayurveda. [Publication]

Uma Devi, P. (1996) Withania somnifera Dunal (Ashwagandha) -- Potential plant source of a promising drug for cancer chemotherapy and radiosensitization. [Publication]

Uma Devi, P., A.C. Sharada and F.E. Solomon (1996) In vivo growth inhibitory and radiosensitizing effects of withaferin A on mouse Ehrlich ascites carcinoma. [Publication]

Uma Devi, P., K. Akagi, V. Ostapenko, Y. Tanaka and T. Sugahara (1996) Withaferin A: a new radiosensitiser from the Indian medicinal plant Withania somnifera. [Publication]

Unbescheid, G. (1996) Dépendance mythologique et liberté rituelle. La célébration de la fête du Dasaï au temple de K\=al\={\i}k\=a à Gorkha. [Publication]

Unbescheid, G. (1996) Faire couler le sang. [Publication]

Uniy\={a}l, M\={a}y\={a}r\={a}m (1996) \={A}yurved me\d{m} v\d{r}kkarog eva\d{m} cikits\={a}. [Publication]

Uniy\={a}l, M\={a}y\={a}r\={a}m (1996) Him\={a}lay me\d{m} ja\d{r}\={\i}-b\={u}\d{t}iyo\d{m} k\={\i} saphal khet\={\i} ke up\={a}y eva\d{m} sa\d{m}stutiy\={a}\d{m}. [Publication]

Uniy\={a}l, M\={a}y\={a}r\={a}m (1996) N\={a}n\={a}tmaja vy\={a}dhiyo\d{m} eva\d{m} \={a}yurved k\={\i} mahau\d{s}adhi -- guggulu. [Publication]

Uniy\={a}l, M\={a}y\={a}r\={a}m (1996) R\={a}jasth\={a}n ke Jodhpur-B\={a}\d{r}mer \={a}di pa\'{s}cim\={\i} marubh\={u}mi me\d{m} san\={a}y (son\={a}mukh\={\i}) k\={\i} saphal khet\={\i}. [Publication]

Uniy\={a}l, M\={a}y\={a}r\={a}m (1996) Sarva\'{s}re\d{s}\d{t}ha sv\={a}sthya k\={a} m\={u}l -- nidr\={a} (n\={a}nd). [Publication]

Uniy\={a}l, M\={a}y\={a}r\={a}m (1996) Uttar\={a}kha\d{n}\d{d} ke janapado\d{m} me\d{m} ku\d{t}\={\i}r udyog eva\d{m} kh\={a}dya-s\={a}magr\={\i} va au\d{s}adha upayog\={\i} vanaspatiy\={a}\d{m}. [Publication]

Upadhyay, O.P., R.H. Singh and S.K. Dutta (1996) Studies on antidiabetic medicinal plants used in Indian folk-lore. [Publication]

Up\={a}dhy\={a}y, Yadunandan -- see on him: Editorial (1996) M\={u}tra ke nirm\={a}\d{n} tath\={a} tadgat rogo\d{m} ke vi\d{s}ay me\d{m} \={a}yurved k\={a} siddh\={a}nt (nid\={a}n eva\d{m} cikits\={a}pak\d{s}). [Publication]

Upadhye, A.S. and M.S. Kumbhojkar (1996) Ethnobotany of genus Crataeva L. [Publication]

Upadhye, Anuradha and M. S. Kumbhojkar (1996) Ethnobotany of genus Sterculia L. from India. [Publication]

Upreti, D.K. (1996) Studies in Indian ethnobotany -- An overview. [Publication]

Upreti, D.K. and H.R. Negi (1996) Folk use of Thamnolia vermicularis (Swartz) Ach. in Lata village of Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve. [Publication]


Vaidya, A.B. et al. (1996) Picrorrhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth. as a hepatoprotective agent: experimental and clinical studies. [Publication]

Vaidya, A.B., S.M. Sirsat, J.C. Doshi and D.S. Antarkar (1996) Selected medicinal plants and formulations as hepato-biliary drugs -- An overview. [Publication]

Vaidya, T\={a}r\={a} \'{S}a\.{n}kar (1996) Aids y\={a} phira\.{n}g rog. [Publication]

Vajravelu, E. and K. Vivekananthan (1996) Phytogeographic divisions: Lakshadweep. [Publication]

Vajravelu, E. and K. Vivekananthan (1996) Phytogeographic divisions: Southern Western Ghats -- south of Goa. [Publication]

Vajravelu, E. and K. Vivekananthan (1996) Phytogeographic divisions: Southern-West coast. [Publication]

Valsaraj, R., P. Pushpangadan, U. Nyman, V.W. Smitt, A. Andersen and L. Gudiksen (1996) Screening of Indian medicinal plants for antimicrobial activity. [Publication]

Valsaraj, R., V.W. Smitt, A. Andersen, S.B. Christensen, P. Pushpangadan and U. Nyman (1996) New lignans from Terminalia bellirica with antimicrobial activity. [Publication]

Vanisree, A.J., K. Mitra and C.S. Shyamala Devi (1996) Antiulcerogenic effect of UL-409 against experimentally induced gastric ulcer in rats. [Publication]

Varghese, Earaplackal (1996) Applied ethnobotany: a case study among the Kharias of Central India. [Publication]

Varthema, Ludovico de (1996) Ludovico de Varthema -- Reisen im Orient, eingeleitet, übersetzt und erläutert von Folker Reichert. [Publication]

Vázquez, Beatriz, Guillermo Avila, David Segura and Bruno Escalante (1996) Antiinflammatory activity of extracts from Aloe vera gel. [Publication]

Ved Prakash and B.N. Mehrotra (1996) Attributes on utility and scarcity of Valerianaceae in India. [Publication]

Vedavathy, S. and V. Mrudula (1996) Herbal folk medicine of Yanadi of Andhra Pradesh. [Publication]

Venkata Raju, R.R. (1996) Preliminary phytochemical studies of some folk medicines among Chenchus of Andhra Pradesh. [Publication]

Venu, P., G.V.S. Murthy and M. Sanjappa (1996) Geology. [Publication]

Venugopal Acharya, M. (1996) Clinical study of kiratatiktadi yoga in kitibha (psoriasis). [Publication]

Verma, D.M. (1996) Phytogeographic divisions: Central India. [Publication]

Verma, P.R.P., Aparna Shrivastava and Ashwani Pathria (1996) In vitro evaluation of some Ayurvedic antacids. [Publication]

Vijayalakshmi, T., V. Muthulakshmi and P. Sachdanandam (1996) Effect of the milk extract of Semecarpus anacardium nut on adjuvant arthritis -- a dose-dependent study in Wistar albino rats. [Publication]

Vijayalakshmi, K.M., N.V. Nanda Kumar and M.K.D. Pagala (1996) Confirmatory in vivo electrodiagnostic and electromyographic studies for meuromuscular junctional blocking action of Cleistanthus collinus leaf extract in rat. [Publication]

Vijayalakshmi, T., V. Muthulakshmi and P. Sachidanandam (1996) Effect of the milk extract of Semecarpus anacardium nut on adjuvant arthritis -- A dose dependent study in Wistar albino rats. [Publication]

Viollon, C. et al. (1996) In vitro antagonistic activity of essential oils and natural volatile compounds against culture of Trichomanas vaginalis. [Publication]

Visen, P.K.S., Binduja Saraswat, G.K. Patnaik, D.P. Agarwal and B.N. Dhawan (1996) Protective activity of picroliv isolated from Picrorhiza kurroa against ethanol toxicity in isolated rat hepatocytes. [Publication]

Vishnu Rao, G., H.G. Shivakumar and G. Parthasarathi (1996) Influence of aqueous extract of Centella asiatica (Brahmi) on experimental wounds in albino rats. [Publication]

Viswanathan, M. V. and H. B. Singh (1996) Plants used as household remedies in India. [Publication]

Vogel, Claus (1996) Zum Aufbau altindischer Sanskritw\"{o}rterb\"{u}cher der vorklassichen Zeit. [Publication]

Vyas, Anju and Meena Usmani (1996) The child in India: a bibliographic compendium of academic research submitted to Indian universities. [Publication]


Wadekar, Mukund Lalji (1996) Devalasm\d{r}ti -- Reconstruction and critical study. [Publication]

Wakhle, D.M. (1996) Scope of forest honey in India. [Publication]

Wakimura, Kohei (1996) Famines, epidemics and mortality in Northern India, 1870--1921. [Publication]

Walter, M.L. (1996) Jabir, the Buddhist yogi, part two: "winds" and immortality. [Publication]

Walter, Michael (1996) J\=abir, the Buddhist yogi, part two: "winds" and immortality. [Publication]

Wang, C.-K. and C.-H. Peng (1996) The mutagenicities of alkaloids and N-nitrosoguvacoline from betel quid. [Publication]

Wang, M., L. Lagrange and J. Tao (1996) Hepatoprotective properties of Silybum marianum herbal preparation in ethanol-induced liver damage. [Publication]

Wannissorn, B., S. Jarikasem and T. Soontorntanasart (1996) Antifungal activity of lemon grass oil and lemon grass oil cream. [Publication]

Warrell, D.A. (1996) Clinical features of envenoming from snakebites. [Publication]

Warrell, David A. (1996) The clinical problems caused by saw-scaled or carpet vipers (genus Echis) in Africa and Asia. [Publication]

Wayman, Alex (1996) The Buddhist Tantras: Light on Indo-Tibetan esotericism. [Publication]

Weiss, Mitchell G., R. Raguram and S.M. Channabasavanna (1996) Cultural dimensions of psychiatric diagnosis: a comparison of DSM-III-R and illness explanatory models in South India. [Publication]

Wescoat, Jr., James L. and Joachim Wolschke-Bulmahn (1996) Mughal gardens: sources, places, representations, and prospects. [Publication]

Westphal, J., M. Horning and K. Leonhardt (1996) Phytotherapy in functional upper abdominal complaints. [Publication]

Westphal, J.,M. Horning and K. Leonhardt (1996) Phytotherapy in functional upper abdominal complaints. [Publication]

Wheatly, D. N., A. B. Carre, J. M. Stowers and J. Lamb (1996) Areca nut extract. [Publication]

Wheatly, D.N., A.B. Carre, J.M. Stowers and J. Lamb (1996) Areca nut extract, arecoline, and catechin: 1. Toxic actions on human and mouse cultures ameliorated by antioxidants. [Publication]

White, David Gordon (1996) The alchemical body: Siddha traditions in medieval India. [Publication]

Whittaker, A. (1996) Birthing, the post-partum and development: ideology and practice in Northeast Thailand. [Publication]

Wickramasinghe, Anoja, Manuel Lu\'{\i}z P\'{e}rez and Jill M. Blockhus (1996) Nontimber forest product gathering in Ritigala forest (Sri Lanka): household strategies and community differentiation. [Publication]

Wickramasinghe, Anoja, Manuel Luíz Pérez and Jill M. Blockhus (1996) Nontimber forest product gathering in Ritigala forest (Sri Lanka): household strategies and community differentiation. [Publication]

Williams, M.S., M. Burk, C.L. Loprinzi, M. Hill, P.J. Schomberg et al. (1996) Phase III double-blind evaluation of an Aloe vera gel as a prophylactic agent for radiation-induced skin toxicity. [Publication]

Williams, Lawrence A. D. and Ajai Mansingh (1996) The insecticidal and acaricidal actions of compounds from Azadirachta indica ({A}.Juss.) and their use in tropical pest management. [Publication]

Williams, Lawrence A.D. and Ajai Mansingh (1996) The insecticidal and acaricidal actions of compounds from Azadirachta indica (A.Juss.) and their use in tropical pest management. [Publication]

Wilson, Liz (1996) Charming cadavers -- Horrific figurations of the feminine in Indian Buddhist hagiographic literature. [Publication]

Wilson-Moore, Margot (1996) Servants and daughters: out of wedlock pregnancy and abandonment of women in Bangladesh. [Publication]

Wilson-Moore, Margot (1996) Servants and daughters: out of wedlock pregnancy and abandonment of women in Bangladesh. [Publication]

Winkelman, Michael (1996) Review-essay: Shamanism and consciousness: metaphorical, political and neurophenomenological perspectives. [Publication]

Winters, W.D. and P.B. Yang (1996) Polypeptides of the three major medicinal Aloes. [Publication]

Winters, W. D. and P. B. Yang (1996) Polypeptides of the three major medicinal Aloes. [Publication]

Witzel, Michael (1996) Little dowry, no sat\={\i}. The lot of women in the Vedic period. [Publication]

Wolf, Manfred (1996) Missing front teeth in exile Tamils -- an unresolved phenomenon. [Publication]

Wolf, Manfred (1996) Missing front teeth in exile Tamils -- an unresolved phenomenon. [Publication]

Wolinsky, L.E., S. Mania, S. Nachnani and S. Ling (1996) The inhibiting effect of aqueous Azadirachta indica (neem) extract upon bacterial properties influencing in vitro plaque formation. [Publication]

Wolinsky, L. E., S. Mania, S. Nachnani and S. Ling (1996) The inhibiting effect of aqueous Azadirachta indica (neem) extract upon bacterial properties influencing in vitro plaque formation. [Publication]

Wüster, Wolfgang (1996) Taxonomic changes and toxinology: systematic revisions of the Asiatic cobras (Naja naja species complex). [Publication]

Wüster, Wolfgang and Alan Harvey (1996) Reviews of venomous snake systematics in Toxicon. [Publication]

Wyatt, T.A. (1996) Betel nut chewing and selected psychophysiological variables. [Publication]


Yadava, R.K. and R.H. Singh (1996) A clinical and experimental study on medhya effect of aindri (Bacopa monnieri Linn.). [Publication]

Yamada, Takako (1996) The Ladakhi shaman's communication with his patient: folk etiology reproduced. [Publication]

Yanagisawa, H. (1996) A century of change: caste and irrigated lands in Tamil Nadu1860s--1970s. [Publication]

Yang, Yong-Man, Jin-Won Hyun, Min-Sook Sung, Ha-Sook Chung, Byong-Kak Kim, Woo-Hyun Paik, Sam-Sik Kang and Jae-Gahb Park (1996) The cytotoxicity of psoralidin from Psoralea corylifolia. [Publication]

Yano, S. et al. (1996) Antiallergic activity of extracts from Curcuma longa -- active components and mechanisms of action. [Publication]

Yelne, M.B. and P.C. Sharma (1996) Pharmacognosy of root and seed of mulaka (Raphanus sativus L.). [Publication]

Yi, Hong, Izumi Nakashima and Ken-icji Isobe (1996) Enhancement of nitric oxide production from activated macrophages by glycyrrhizin. [Publication]

Yoganarasimhan, S.N. (1996) Medicinal plants of India, volume I, Karnataka. [Publication]

Yong-Xiao, W., Z. Yun-Min and Z. Xiao-Bao (1996) Inhibitory effects of berberine on ATP-sensitive $K_{+}$ channels in cardiac myocytes. [Publication]

Yonzone, G.S., Aruna Yonzone and R.B. Bhujel (1996) Contribution to the ethnobotany of Darjeeling district, India. [Publication]

Yukawa, T.A., M. Kurokawa, H. Sato, Y. Yoshida, S. Kageyama, T. Hasegawa, T. Namba, M. Imakita, T. Hozumi and K. Shiraki (1996) Prophylactic treatment of cytomegalovirus infection with traditional herbs. [Publication]


Zhang, C.Y. and B.K.H. Tan (1996) Cardiovascular activity of Andrographis paniculata in the anaesthetized rat. [Publication]

Zhang, C.Y. and B.K.H. Tan (1996) Hypotensive activity of aqueous extract of Andrographis paniculata in rats. [Publication]

Ziauddin, Mohammed, Neeta Phansalkar, Pralhad Patki, Sham Diwanay and Bhushan Patwardhan (1996) Studies on the immunomodulatory effects of ashwagandha. [Publication]

Zvelebil, Kamil V. (1996) The Siddha quest for immortality. [Publication]

Zwaving, J.H. and R. Bos (1996) Composition of the essential fruit oil of Vitex agnus-castus. [Publication]

Zwilling, L. and M.J. Sweet (1996) "Like a city ablaze": the third sex and the creation of sexuality in Jain religious literature. [Publication]

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