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Abdul Hameed, Hakim (1995) History of drugs with special reference to Indian contribution. [Publication]

Abdulla, M., S.B. Vohora and M. Athar (1995) Trace and toxic elements in nutrition and health. [Publication]

Abramson, P. and S. Pinkerton (1995) Sexual nature, sexual culture. [Publication]

Abramson, Paul R. and Steven D. Pinkerton (Eds.) (1995) Sexual nature, sexual culture. [Publication]

Abramson, Paul and Steven Pinkerton (Eds.) (1995) Sexual nature, sexual culture. [Publication]

Acal, Ayodhy\={a} Pras\={a}d (1995) Adhiv\d{r}kka granthiy\={a}\d{m}. [Publication]

Achola, K.J., J.W. Mwangi and R.W. Munenge (1995) Pharmacological activity of Oxalis corniculata. [Publication]

Adams, Carol J. and Josephine Donovan (Eds.) (1995) Animals and women: Feminist theoretical explorations. [Publication]

Adewusi, S.R.A., A.J. Udio and B.A. Osuntogun (1995) Studies on the carbohydrate content of breadfruit (Artocarpus communis Forst.) from south-western Nigeria. [Publication]

Adler, Leonore L. and Runi B. Mukherjee (Eds.) (1995) Spirit versus scalpel: traditional healing and modern psychotherapy. [Publication]

Agalzew, Grigori (1995) rGyud-bzhi: Band III: Man-ngag rgyud: Unterweisungstantra. [Publication]

Agarwal, Bina (1995) Gender and legal rights in agricultural land in India. [Publication]

Agrav\={a}l, K\d{r}\d{s}\d{n}a Mur\={a}r\={\i} (1995) Vibandha -- upek\d{s}it na samajhe\d{m}. [Publication]

Agrawal, Arun (1995) Dismantling the divide between indigenous and scientific knowledge. [Publication]

Agrawal, D.P. et al. (1995) Was Kumaon the source of early iron in North India ? [Publication]

Agricultural Finance Corporation Ltd. (1995) Sacred groves of Kurukshetra. [Publication]

Ahmad, G., K.M.Y. Amin, N.A.Khan and Tajuddin (1995) The antistress effect of a compound mineral-origin Unani preparation. [Publication]

Ahmad, A. (1995) Drugs of plant origin as used by certain tribes of eastern UP (part IV). [Publication]

Ahmad, F. and S. Hashmi (1995) Adulteration in commercial kamila (Mallotus philippensis Muell.), an anthelmintic drug of repute. [Publication]

Ahmad, I., F. Ahmad and F. Hussain (1995) In vitro antimicrobial activity of leaf and bark extracts of Azadirachta indica A.Juss. [Publication]

Ahmad, M., N. Ismail and Z. Ismail (1995) Pharmacognostic profile of Trigonella seed and its hypoglycemic activity. [Publication]

Ahmed, Behzad and Jay Samant (1995) Aspect of human dimension of wildboar hunting. [Publication]

Ahmed, S.P., M. Ahmed, S.I. Ahmed, A. Najam and S.J. Khursid (1995) Evaluation of some pharmacological actions of Syzygium cumini seeds extract. [Publication]

Aich, B.A., P.S. Patki, D.N. Doiphode, S.D. Deshmukh, R.S. Ranade, P.M. Bulakh and R. Yegnanarayan (1995) Hypolipidaemic effect of hydro-alcoholic extract of fenugreek seeds -- an experimental study. [Publication]

Akhtar, Abdul Hameed and Kamal Uddin Ahmad (1995) Anti-ulcerogenic evaluation of the methanolic extracts of some indigenous plants of Pakistan in aspirin-ulcerated rats. [Publication]

Akula, Vikram K. (1995) Grassroots environmental resistance in India. [Publication]

Al Faraj, S. (1995) Haemorrhagic colitis induced by Citrullus colocynthis. [Publication]

Al-Lafi, T. and H. Ababneh (1995) The effect of the extract of the miswak (chewing sticks) used in Jordan and the Middle East on oral bacteria. [Publication]

Alagesaboopathi, C. and S. Balu (1995) Andrographolide content of some therapeutically important species of Andrographis Wall. [Publication]

Alam, M.M., T. Susan and J. Suganthan (1995) Application of biochemical parameters in the standardisation of Siddha medicine. [Publication]

Alam, M. Sarwar, Neeraj Chopra and K.K. Pillai (1995) Anti-inflammatory activity of Vitis elongata. [Publication]

Alarcón de la Lastra, C., M.J. Mart\ín, V. Motilva, M. Jiménez, C. La Casa and A. López (1995) Gastroprotection induced by silymarin, the hepatoprotective principle of Silybum marianum, in ischemia-reperfusion mucosal injury: role of neutrophils. [Publication]

Ali, B.H., A.K. Bashir, N.R. Banna and M.O.M. Tanira (1995) The central nervous sytem activity of Rhazya stricta in mice. [Publication]

Ali, Liaqat, Abdul Kalam Azad Khan, Zahid Hassan, Mohammed Mosihuzzaman, Nilufar Nahar, Tahmina Nasreen, Muhammad Nur-e-Alam and Begum Rokeya (1995) Characterization of the hypoglycemic effects of Trigonella foenum graecum seed. [Publication]

Aljunid, S. (1995) The role of private medical practitioners and their interactions with public health services in Asian countries. [Publication]

Allchin, Raymond and Bridget Allchin (Eds.) (1995) South Asian Archaeology, vol. 2. [Publication]

Almas, K. and T.R. Al-Lafi (1995) The natural toothbrush. [Publication]

Alok, K., M.C.E. Gwee and P. Gopalakrishnakone (1995) Neurotoxic effects of the venom of Bungarus caeruleus in the isolated chick biventer cercicis muscle. [Publication]

Alphen, Jan van and Aris Anthony (1995) Oriental medicine; an illustrated guide to the Asian arts of healing. [Publication]

Alter, Joseph S. (1995) The celibate wrestler: sexual chaos, embodied balance and competitive politics in North India. [Publication]

Amalraj, V.A. and K.A. Shankaranarayan (1995) Fruit development in Balanites roxburghii Pl. [Publication]

Amatya, K.R. and G. Amatya (1995) Medicinal plants in Gorkha District. [Publication]

Amin, K.M.Y., M.A. Faridi, M. Asif and N.A. Khan (1995) The efficacy and safety of Euphorbia nerifolia -- Unani antiarthritic drug. [Publication]

Amit-Talia, V. and H. Wulff (Eds.) (1995) Youth cultures: A cross-cultural perspective. [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (1995) \={A}mv\={a}t -- ek \={a}yurved\={\i}ya parikalpan\={a}. [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (1995) Bih\={a}r k\={a} rahasyamay jvar -- ek carc\={a} (sa\d{m}ny\={a}s sannip\={a}t sandarbha me\d{m}). [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (1995) Ebola virus eva\d{m} raktasr\={a}v\={\i} jvar parikalpan\={a}. [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (1995) Gha\d{t}\={\i}yantra graha\d{n}\={\i} -- ek vic\={a}r. [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (1995) Hal\={\i}mak -- ek vic\={a}r. [Publication]

A\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}n, P.S. (1995) Vi\d{s}am jvar. [Publication]

Anand, R.K. (1995) Biodiversity and tribal association of Boerhaavia diffusa in India-Nepal Himalayan Terai Region. [Publication]

Anand, L.V. and G. Kuttan (1995) Use of Withania somnifera as an adjuvant during radiation therapy. [Publication]

Anand, R., G.K. Patnaik, D.K. Kulshrestha and B.N. Dhawan (1995) Antiurolithiatic activity of aqueous decoction of Crateva nurvala in rats. [Publication]

Anand, R., G.K. Patnaik, K. Roy and A.P. Bhaduri (1995) Antioxaluric and and anticalciuric activity of lupeol derivatives. [Publication]

Anandan, T. and G. Veluchamy (1995) Humoral classification of diseases in Siddha system of medicine. [Publication]

Anantharaman, T.R. (1995) The iron pillar at Delhi. [Publication]

Anderson, Warwick (1995) Excremental colonialism: Public health and the poetics of pollution. [Publication]

Andrade, Chittaranjan, Jerry Joseph, B.V. Venkataraman and M.A. Naga Rani (1995) BR-16A enhances learning in Sprague-Dawley rats. [Publication]

Anonymous (1995) An alternative medicine treatment for Parkinson's disease: results of a multicenter clinical trial. HP-200 in Parkinson's disease study group. [Publication]

Ansari, M.A. and R.K. Razdan (1995) Relative efficacy of various oils in repelling mosquitoes. [Publication]

Anturlikar, S.D., S. Gopumadhavan, B.L. Chauhan and S.K. Mitra (1995) Effect of D-400, a herbo-mineral formulation, on blood sugar of normal and alloxan-induced diabetic rats. [Publication]

Apisariyakul, Amphawan, Nongnuch Vanittakom and Duang Buddhasukh (1995) Antifungal activity of turmeric oil extracted from Curcuma longa (Zingiberaceae). [Publication]

Appadurai, Arjun and Carol A. Breckenridge (1995) Public modernity in India. [Publication]

Apte, K.G. and D.S. Shrotri (1995) Studies on antifertility effect of seeds of Crotalaria juncea Linn. [Publication]

Aquil, R. (1995) Miracles in early Chishti literature: a historical analysis. [Publication]

Arai, K., R. Ishima, S. Morikawa, A. Miyasaka, T. Imoto, S. Yoshimura, S. Aimoto and K. Akasaka (1995) Three-dimensional structure of gurmarin, a sweet taste-suppressing polypeptide. [Publication]

Araseratnam, S. (1995) Maritime trade, society and European influence in Southern Asia, 1600--1800. [Publication]

Arora, R.K. (1995) Ethnobotanical studies on plant genetic resources -- national efforts and concerns. [Publication]

Arora, R.C., N. Agarwal, S. Arora and S.N. Kanchan (1995) Evaluation of CTI (cardioprotective drug) in subjects of coronary artery disease, hypertension and diabetes mellitus. [Publication]

Arora, R.K. (1995) Ethnobotanical studies on plant genetic resources -- national efforts and concern. [Publication]

Arunachalam, Subbiah (1995) Ethnobotany and the search for new drugs. [Publication]

Askari, A.M.S. Solangi and S.I. Ahmed (1995) Autecological studies of exotic plant Hibiscus sabdariffa L. (roselle), a multipurpose plant, for its introduction and culture. [Publication]

Assayag, J. (1995) Au confluent des deux rivières: Musulmans et Hindous dans le Sud de l'Inde. [Publication]

Asthana, S., K.C. Raffaele, N.H. Greig, A. Berardi, P.P. Morris, M.B. Schapiro, S.I. Rapoport, M.R. Blackman and T.T. Soncrant (1995) Neuroendocrine responses to intravenous infusion of arecoline in patients with Alzheimer's disease. [Publication]

\={A}\'{s}ubh\={a}\={\i} (1995) \'{S}ar\={\i}r lak\d{s}a\d{n} vij\~{n}\={a}n. [Publication]

Audu, J.A. (1995) Studies on the effectiveness of medicinal herbs used as anthelmintics by traditional medical practitioners in south of Baluchi State I, II. [Publication]

Augusti, K.T., P. Joseph and T.D. Babu (1995) Biologically active principles isolated from Salacia oblonga Wall. [Publication]

Avasth\={\i}, A\'{s}ok Kum\={a}r (1995) Phakka rog. [Publication]

Avasth\={\i}, A\'{s}ok Kum\={a}r (1995) V\={a}tik h\d{r}drog -- sampr\={a}pti vivecan. [Publication]

Awasthi, Awadh Bihari Lal (1995) Garu\d{d}a Pur\={a}\d{n}a: ek adhyayan. [Publication]

Awasthi, P.K., K.C. Singhal and N. Singh (1995) Cyperus rotundus (yotha) -- A clinical trial in some forms of arthritis. [Publication]

Azmi, Altaf Ahmad (1995) Basic concepts of Unani medicine -- A critical study. [Publication]

Azmi, Khurshid Ahmed Shafqat (1995) Development of Unani system of medicine during Asafjahi period. [Publication]

al-Dakan, A.A., M. al-Tuffail and M.A. Hannan (1995) Cassia senna inhibits mutagenic activities of benzo[a]pyrene, aflatoxin B1, shamma and methyl methanesulfonate. [Publication]


Bäumer, Bettina (1995) Lines of fire, lines of water: the elements in \'{S}ilpa\'{s}\={a}stra. [Publication]

Babu, P.S. and K. Srinivasan (1995) Hypolipidemic action of curcumin, the active principle of turmeric (Curcuma longa), in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. [Publication]

Babu, T.D. and J. Padikkala (1995) Centella asiatica extracts on chemotherapeutic drug-induced toxicity in mice. [Publication]

Babu, T.D., G. Kuttan and J. Padikkala (1995) Cytotoxic and anti-tumour properties of certain taxa of Umbelliferae with special reference to Centella asiatica (Linn.) Urban. [Publication]

Badam, L. (1995) In vitro studies on the effects of Acorus calamus extract and beta-asarone on herpes viruses. [Publication]

Bagchi, Asoke K. (1995) Unani Tibbi and Ayurveda are complimentary [sic]. [Publication]

Bagchi, S.K. (1995) The interaction and dissemination of knowledge. [Publication]

Baj\={a}j, Lak\d{s}ma\d{n} (1995) Asgandha ke prayog. [Publication]

Bajaj, M. and J.T. Williams (1995) Healing forests, healing people. [Publication]

Bajpai, A., J.K. Ojha and H.R. Sant (1995) Medicobotany of the Varanasi District, Uttar Pradesh, India. [Publication]

Bajpai, A., J.K. Ojha and H.R. Sant (1995) Medicobotany of the Varanasi district, Uttar Pradesh, India. [Publication]

Bakhiet, A.O. and S.E. Adam (1995) An estimation of Citrullus colocynthis toxicity for chicks. [Publication]

Balachandran, B. and V.M. Sivaramkrishnan (1995) Induction of tumours by Indian dietary constituents. [Publication]

Balachandran, B. and V.M. Sivaramkrishnan (1995) Induction of tumours by Indian dietary constituents. [Publication]

Balaji Rao, N.S., D. Rajasekhar and D. Chengal Raju (1995) Folk medicine of Rayalaseema region, Andhra Pradesh, II: Blood purifiers. [Publication]

Balaji Rao, N.S., D. Rajasekhar, D. Chengal Raju and N. Nararaju (1995) Folk medicine of Rayalaseema region, Andhra Pradesh, I: Dental protectors. [Publication]

Balaji Rao, N.S., D. Rajasekhar, K.V.N. Raju and D.C. Raju (1995) Ethnomedical therapy among the Chenchus of Nallamalai hills forest of AP. [Publication]

Balakrishnan, P. (1995) Kalarippayattu: the ancient martial art of Kerala. [Publication]

Balasubramaniam, R. (1995) Studies on the corrosion resistance of the Delhi iron pillar. [Publication]

Balasubramanian, A.V. (1995) Ethnopharmacological research: Towards a new perspective based on Indian knowledge systems. [Publication]

Balgir, R.S. (1995) Population ecology and epidemiology of the sickle cell disease in Orissa. [Publication]

Balu, S. and C. Alagesaboopathi (1995) Antivenom activities of some species of Andrographis Wall. [Publication]

Balu, S. and C. Alagesaboopathi (1995) Nomenclatural confusion of some species of Andrographis Wall. [Publication]

Banerjee, M. (1995) Power, culture and medicine: a study with special reference to Ayurvedic pharmaceuticals in India. [Publication]

Banerjee, T., and G. Banerjee (1995) Determinants of help-seeking behavior in cases of epilepsy attending a teaching hospital in India -- An indigenous explanatory model. [Publication]

Banerjee, A. (1995) Ethobotany of some trees in the Santhal villages of Birbhum -- a survey 1974--94. [Publication]

Barman, S. (1995) Switra and its treatment in Veda. [Publication]

Barthakur, N.N., N.P. Arnold and L. Alli (1995) The Indian laburnum (Cassia fistula L.) fruit: an analysis of its chemical constituents. [Publication]

Bartholomew, T.T. (1995) Spirit king, demon, and god of wealth: Ganesh in East Asia. [Publication]

Barua, P. and S.S. Bist (1995) Changing patterns in the distribution and movement of wild elephants in north Bengal. [Publication]

Basheer, S. (1995) Two prominent Sufis of Hyderabad, Yusuf Sahan and Sharif Sahab. [Publication]

Baskaran, N., M. Balasubramanian, S. Swaminathan, and A.A. Desai (1995) Home range of elephants in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. [Publication]

Baskaran, N. et al. (1995) Crop raiding by Asian elephants in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, South India. [Publication]

Baskaran, N. et al. (1995) Home range of elephants in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, South India. [Publication]

Basu, Subrata (1995) Atharvanic medicine -- illusory or genuine. [Publication]

Basu, R. and P.K. Mukherjee (1995) Plant uses practised by the Mahalis of Purulia. [Publication]

Bates, D.M., R.W. Robinson and C. Jeffrey (Eds.) (1995) Biology and utilization of the Cucurbitaceae. [Publication]

Bates, David M. and Richard W. Robinson (1995) Cucumbers, melons and water-melons -- Cucumis and Citrullus (Cucurbitaceae). [Publication]

Bates, David M., Laura C. Merrick and Richard W. Robinson (1995) Minor cucurbits -- Benincasa, Lagenaria, Luffa, Sechium, and other genera (Cucurbitaceae). [Publication]

Bates, Don (Ed.) (1995) Knowledge and the scholarly medical traditions. [Publication]

Baum, David A. (1995) A systematic revision of Adansonia (Bombacaceae). [Publication]

Baviskar, Amita (1995) In the belly of the river: tribal conflicts over development in the Narmada Valley. [Publication]

Baxi, Upendra and Bhikhu Parekh (Eds.) (1995) Crisis and change in contemporary India. [Publication]

Becela-Deller, Christine (1995) Ruta graveolens L. -- Weinraute -- Kulturhistorisches Portrait einer traditionellen Heilpflanze. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (1995) Carak sa\d{m}hit\={a} ke j\={\i}v-jantu. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (1995) Kakubha. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (1995) Lail\={a} k\={\i} a\.{n}guliy\={a}\d{m} aur Majn\={u}\d{m} k\={\i} pasaliy\={a}\d{m}: karka\d{t}\={\i}. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (1995) Laplap\={a}t\={\i} j\={\i}bh v\={a}le vilak\d{s}a\d{n} s\={a}\d{m}p. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (1995) Ve\d{n}iy\={a}\d{m} ky\={a} hai? [Publication]

Berkson, Carmel (1995) The divine and the demonic: Mahi\d{s}a's struggle with Durg\={a}. [Publication]

Bermawie, N. and P.A. Pool (1995) Clove -- Syzygium aromaticum (Myrtaceae). [Publication]

Berrios, German E. and Roy Porter (Eds.) (1995) A history of clinical psychiatry: the origin and history of psychiatric disorders. [Publication]

Bhagwat, B.K. (1995) Triphala-guggul in sthoulya. [Publication]

Bhandari, U., S.S. Rathi and J.K. Grover (1995) Comparative effects of guar gum and glibenclamide on carbohydrate and protein metabolism in albino rats. [Publication]

Bhandary, M.J, K.R. Chandrashekar and K.M. Kaveriappa (1995) Medical ethnobotany of the Siddis of Uttara Kannada district, Karnataka, India. [Publication]

Bhanusinh, Divya (1995) The end of a trail: the cheetah in India. [Publication]

Bharani, A., A. Ganguly and K.D. Bhargava (1995) Salutary effect of Terminalia arjuna in patients with severe refractory heart failure. [Publication]

Bhardwaj, S.K. and K.K. Srivastava (1995) Effect of a composite Indian herbal preparation, CHIP-III on avoidance learning during endurance performance of rats. [Publication]

Bhardwaj, S.K. and K.K. Srivastava (1995) Effect of a composite Indian herbal preparation CIHP (III) on avoidance learning during endurance performance of rats. [Publication]

Bharti, Mrs. and R.H. Singh (1995) Constitutional study of patients of diabetes mellitus vis-a-vis madhumeha. [Publication]

Bharti, Mrs., Krishna Mohan and S.K. Tewari (1995) The effect of vasa (Adhatoda vasica Nees) on amlapitta. [Publication]

Bhaskar Rao, M. (1995) Post operative wound healing with kshaarasutra -- A new approach in high anal fistula. [Publication]

Bha\d{t}n\={a}gar, Manoj (1995) Ul\d{t}\={\i} hon\={a} (vomiting). [Publication]

Bhatnagar, Vinod Kumar, S.A. Hussain and Momin Ali (1995) Eminent Ayurvedic physicians of Nizam dynasty. [Publication]

Bhatt, A.D., D.G. Dalal, S.J. Shah, B.A. Joshi, M.N. Gajjar, R.A. Vaidya, A.B. Vaidya and D.S. Antarkar (1995) Conceptual and methodological challenges of assessing the short-term efficacy of guggulu in obesity: data emergent from a naturalistic clinical trial. [Publication]

Bhattacharji, Sukumari (1995) Fatalism in ancient India. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, France (1995) La secte des N\=ath et le Manas\=ama\.ngal. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, G. (1995) The dual role of Ganesh in the Buddhist art of South Asia. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, R.K. (1995) Witchcraft and medicine traditionally used among tribes. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, S.K. (1995) Activity of shilajit on alloxan-induced hyperglycaemia in rats. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, S.K. (1995) Anxiogenic action of centrally administered scorpion (Mesobuthus tamulus) venom in rats. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, S.K., A. Kumar and A.K. Jaiswal (1995) Effect of mentat, a herbal formulation, on experimental models of Alzheimer's disease and central cholinergic markers in rats. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, S.K., A. Kumar and S. Ghosal (1995) Effects of glycowithanolides from Withania somnifera on an animal model of Alzheimer's disease and perturbed cholinergic markers of cognition in rats. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, Salil K. (1995) Shilajit attenuates streptozotocin induced diabetes mellitus and decrease in pancreatic islet superoxide dismutase activity in rats. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, Salil K., Ananda P. Sen and Shibnath Ghosal (1995) Effects of shilajit on biogenic free radicals. [Publication]

Bhattacharyya, Amitabha (1995) Early Indian society: medical education and medical profession. [Publication]

Bhattacharyya, G. (1995) Studies on weed flora of Saurashtra, India. [Publication]

Bhattarai, S. (1995) Medicinal orchids of Nepal. [Publication]

Bhusari, D.D. (1995) A report on the effect of sookshma triphala on anjananamika. [Publication]

Bishayee, Anupam and Malay Chatterjee (1995) Mechanism of anti-stress activity of Mikania cordata root extract in albino mice. [Publication]

Bishayee, Anupam, A. Sarkar and M. Chatterjee (1995) Hepatoprotective activity of carrot (Daucus carota L.) against carbon tetrachloride intoxication in mouse liver. [Publication]

Bode, Maarten (1995) Empirie en dogma in een Ayurvedische praktijk in Kathmandu -- Een pleidooi voor verlicht etnocentrisme in de medische antropologie. [Publication]

Bomb\={a}\={\i}, D.T., Jayant Gulh\={a}ne, Kannan Ma\d{n}\={\i} and Vandan\={a} De\'{s}mukh (1995) H\d{r}drog -- ek rug\d{n}a itiv\d{r}tta. [Publication]

Bombardelli, E. and P. Morazzoni (1995) Vitis vinifera L. [Publication]

Borthakur, S.K. and N. Goswami (1995) Herbal remedies from Dimoria of Kamrup district of Assam in North-Eastern India. [Publication]

Botto, C. (1995) L'alimentation dans le Bouddhisme ancien. [Publication]

Bourdier, Frédéric (1995) Sickness and health in the village -- An assessment of health conditions in South India (Coimbatore District). [Publication]

Bourinbaiar, A.S. and S. Lee-Huang (1995) Attenuation of anti-HIV activity of anti-influenza drugs, dexamethasone and indomethacin by MAP-30, the antiviral agent from bitter melon. [Publication]

Bouthet, Catherine F., Virgil R. Schirf and Wendell D. Winters (1995) Stimulation of neuron-like cell growth by Aloe substances. [Publication]

Brüggemann, B. and R. Rudolph (1995) Lokale Therapie der atopischen Dermatitis: Cardiospermum halicacabum und Bufexamac im Vergleich. [Publication]

Brac de la Perrière, Bénédicte (1995) La bufflesse de Pégou: un exemple d'incorporation de rituel dans le culte de possession birman. [Publication]

Brazzelli, V., E. Romano, A. Balduzzi and G. Borroni (1995) Acute irritant contact dermatitis from Agave americana L. [Publication]

Breckenridge, Carol A. (Ed.) (1995) Consuming modernity: Pubic culture in a South Asian World. [Publication]

Brockington, Mary (1995) The sword as a symbol in Indian literature and folk tales. [Publication]

Brouwer, Jan (1995) The makers of the world: caste, craft and mind -- South Indian artisans. [Publication]

Brückner, H. (1995) Fürstliche Feste -- Texte und Rituale der Tulu-Volksreligion an der Westküste Südindiens. [Publication]

Burapadaja, Siriporn and Atchima Bunchoo (1995) Antimicrobial activity of tannins from Terminalia citrina. [Publication]

Burkhard, P.R., Karin Burkhardt, Charles-Antoine Haenggeli and Theodor Landis (1995) Plant-induced seizures: reappearance of an old problem. [Publication]

Burra, Neera (1995) Born to work: child labour in India. [Publication]


Cabezón, José Ignacio and Roger R. Jackson (Eds.) (1995) Tibetan literature -- Studies in genre: Essays in honor of Geshe Lhundrup Sopa. [Publication]

Cahv\={a}n, K.R. (1995) Karka rog se grast rug\d{n}o\d{m} k\={\i} j\={\i}van denev\={a}l\={\i} \={a}yurved\={\i}ya upac\={a}r paddhati. [Publication]

Cahv\={a}n, K\={a}\'{s}\={\i}n\={a}th R\={a}. (1995) Gal\={a}rbuda par \={a}yurved\={\i}ya saphal cikits\={a}. [Publication]

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Zimmermann, Francis (1995) The scholar, the wise man, and universals: three aspects of Ayurvedic medicine. [Publication]

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Zysk, Kenneth Gregory (1995) A\d{s}\d{t}\={a}\.{n}gasa\.{n}graha, Kalpasth\=ana III: translation and notes. [Publication]

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