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Abraham, Z. (1978) Ethnobotanical notes on the Todas, the Kotas and the Irulas of Nilgiris. [Publication]
Acal, Ayodhy\={a} Pras\={a}d (1978) \={A}yurved me\d{m} gu\d{n}-nir\={u}pa\d{n}. [Publication]
Acal, Ayodhy\={a} Pras\={a}d and Vimal\={a} Acal (1978) Somrog -- nid\={a}n eva\d{m} cikits\={a}. [Publication]
Acal, Vimal\={a} (1978) An\={a}rtav-do\d{s}. [Publication]
Acal, Vimal\={a} (1978) Yonika\d{n}\d{d}\={u}. [Publication]
Adhikari, S.R. and P.R. Shakya (1978) Essential oil bearing plants of Nepal. [Publication]
Afaq, S.H., M. Zafarullah and M. Tariq (1978) Pharmacognostical and chemical standardization of Convolvulus arvensis Linn. (hirankhuri). [Publication]
Agarwal, S. and S.S. Gupta (1978) Effect of Croton tiglium in alopecia areata. [Publication]
Agrawal, V.K., S.P. Wahi and A.K. Wahi (1978) Pharmacognostical study of the rhizome and root of Saccharum munja Roxb. [Publication]
Agrawal, V.K., S.P. Wahi and A.K. Wahi (1978) Pharmacognostical study of the rhizome and root of the Saccharum spontaneum Linn. [Publication]
Agrawala, I.P. and H.S. Sharma (1978) Galactagogue action of roots of viran, shali, kush, kans, and katrin. [Publication]
Ahmed, Javed (1978) Medicinal uses of dry and common fruits used in indigenous system of medicine, part I. [Publication]
Akhtar Husain (1978) Achievements in the research of medicinal plants -- their present and future value in India. [Publication]
Akhtar, R. (1978) Geography of cancer in India. [Publication]
Akhtar, R. (1978) Goitre zonation in the Kumaon region: a geomedical study. [Publication]
Akhtar, R. (1978) Spatial distribution and growth of health facilities in Rajasthan. [Publication]
Amma, K.M., N. Malhotra, R.K. Suri, O.P. Arya, H.M. Dani and K. Sareen (1978) Effect of oleoresin of gum guggul (Commiphora mukul) on the reproductive organs of female rat. [Publication]
Anand, K.K., M.L. Sharma, B. Singh and B.J. Ray Ghatak (1978) Anti-inflammatoryantipyretic and analgesic properties of bavachinin, a flavone isolated from seeds of Psoralea corylifolia L. [Publication]
Ananth, J. (1978) Psychopathology in Indian females. [Publication]
Anonymous (1978) Hypocholesterolemic effect of bark of Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb. (bijaka). [Publication]
Anonymous (1978) Management of intestinal amoebiasis by an indigenous drug kantakikaranja (Caesalpinia crista L.). [Publication]
Anonymous (1978) Preliminary economical survey of natural resources and herbal wealth of Ladakh. [Publication]
Anonymous (1978) Tribal pockets of Nilgiris -- Recording of the field study on medical flora and health practices. [Publication]
Anthony, E. James and Colette Chiland (Eds.) (1978) The child and his family in social change. [Publication]
Apte, M. L. (Ed.) (1978) Mass culture, language and arts in India. [Publication]
Arora, R.K. (1978) Concept of Nadis in the Adigranth. [Publication]
Asif, M., M. Tariq (1978) Preliminary studies on the standardisation majnoon-e-flasfa, a Unani polypharmaceutical drug. [Publication]
Asundi, R.K. and R.M. Dixit (1978) Spectrographic and X-ray fluorescence analysis of a class of Ayurvedic medicines: calcium bhasmas. [Publication]
Atal, C.K., J.B. Srivastava, B.K. Wali, R.B. Chakravarty, B.N. Dhavan and R.P. Rastogi (1978) Screening of Indian plants for biological activity, part VIII. [Publication]
Atrideva Vidy\={a}la\.{n}k\={a}ra (1978) \={A}yurved k\={a} itih\={a}s (Vaidik k\={a}l se \={a}j tak p\={a}\d{t}hyakram k\={\i} d\d{r}\d{s}\d{t}i se). [Publication]
Ayurvedic Formulary (1978) Ayurvedic Formulary of India, The. [Publication]
Badola, D.P. and U.C. Srivastava (1978) Khesari dal that causes lathyrism, a nervous disease. [Publication]
B\={a}gch\={\i}, A\'{s}oke Kum\={a}r (1978) Sanskrit and modern medical vocabulary: a comparative study. [Publication]
Bajracharya, D., S.J.B. Rana and A.K. Shrestha (1978) A general survey and biochemical analysis of fodder plants found in Nagarjun Hill Forest of Kathmandu Valley. [Publication]
Balaraman, R. and K.P.S. Raj (1978) Gastric secretion and ulceration as affected by garlic in albino rats. [Publication]
Banerjee, A. and S.S. Nigam (1978) Antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Curcuma longa. [Publication]
Banerjee, Anup and S.S. Nigam (1978) Antifungal efficacy of the essential oils derived from the various species of the genus Curcuma Linn. [Publication]
Bannerman, R.H., A. Cummins, V. Djukanovic and U. Ko Ko (1978) Indigenous systems of medicine: Ayurvedic medicine in India (A Joint Unicef W.H.O. Study). [Publication]
B\={a}p\={a}l\={a}l Bh\={a}\={\i} (1978) V\d{r}ddhatray\={\i} k\={\i} vanaspatiy\={a}\d{m} -- Vivara\d{n} sahit prast\={a}van\={a}. [Publication]
Bapalal G. Vaidya (1978) Perspective studies in Indian medicine. [Publication]
Baranwal, A.K., P. Kumar and V.P. Trivedi (1978) A preliminary study of Streblus asper Lour. (shakhotak) as an anti-lymphoedematous agent. [Publication]
Barthó, L. and J. Szolcsányi (1978) The site of action of capsaicin on the guinea-pig isolated ileum. [Publication]
Basham, A.L. (1978) Indien. [Publication]
Bassa, D.M. (1978) From the traditional to the modern: Some observations on changes in Indian child-rearing and parental attitudes, with special reference to identity formation. [Publication]
Bassa, D.M. (1978) From the traditional to the modern: some observations on changes in Indian child rearing and parental attitudes, with special reference to identity formation. [Publication]
Bathak, Nityanand (1978) T\={a}lasind\={u}r aitih\={a}sik pariprek\d{s}ya me\d{m}. [Publication]
Becker-Pfleiderer, B. and Virchand Dharamsey (1978) Merkmale traditionellen Heilens in Gujarat. [Publication]
Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (1978) Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia in permanent residents of Punjab. [Publication]
Bedi, S.I. (1978) Ethnobotany of the Raton Mahal hills, Gujarat, India. [Publication]
Bedi, S.J. (1978) Ethnobotany of Ratna Mahal hills, Gujarat, India. [Publication]
Bedi, S.J. (1978) Ethnobotany of the Ratan Mahal Hills, Gujarat, India. [Publication]
Bedi, Sri Ramesh (1978) Herbal wealth of Bhutan. [Publication]
Behl, P.N. and B.K. Pradhan (1978) Report on clinical and experimental work done on an indigenous herbal preparation Septilin in dermatology. [Publication]
Bennet, S.S.R. (1978) Ethno-botanical studies in Nagarhaveli forests -- Some interesting native drugs. [Publication]
Bennet, S.S.R. (1978) Ethnobotanical studies in Nagar Haveli forests -- some interesting native drugs. [Publication]
Bennett, Lynn (1978) Sitting in a cave: an analysis of ritual seclusion at menarche among Brahmans and Chhetris in Nepal. [Publication]
Berglie, Per-Arne (1978) On the question of Tibetan shamanism. [Publication]
Berreman, G.D. (1978) Ecology, demography and domestic strategies in the Western Himalayas. [Publication]
Bhagat, N. R., S. P. Mital and M. W. Hardas (1978) A decade of research work on certain medicinal and aromatic plants at NBPGR. [Publication]
Bhagwan Dash, Vaidya (1978) Fundamentals of Ayurvedic medicine. [Publication]
Bhagwan Dash, Vaidya (1978) Las medicinas tradicionales en la India: el Ayurveda. [Publication]
Bhandari, M.M. (1978) Flora of the Indian desert. [Publication]
Bharati, Agehananda (1978) Great tradition and little traditiona -- Indological investigations in cultural anthropology. [Publication]
Bhargava, N.C. and O.P. Singh (1978) Fortege: an indigenous drug in common sexual disorders in males. [Publication]
Bh\={a}rilla, R.K. (1978) Mah\={a}bh\={a}rat me\d{m} \={a}yurved\={\i}ya maulik siddh\={a}nt sa\d{m}bandh\={\i} vivara\d{n}. [Publication]
Bhashkaran, K.P., P.P.N. Bhattathiri, R.J. Agnihotri, S. Venkataraghavan and B.V. Holla (1978) Effect of KH DH in vipadika. [Publication]
Bhaskaran Nair, R., K. Rathinam and G. Santhakumari (1978) [on scorpion poison]. [Publication]
Bhatia, B.P.R. and V.K. Tayal (1978) Septilin in recurrent tonsillitis. [Publication]
Bha\d{t}n\={a}gar, R\={a}jendra Prak\={a}\'{s} (1978) \={A}yurved\={\i}ya manovij\~{n}\={a}n k\={\i} r\={u}prekh\={a}. [Publication]
Bha\d{t}n\={a}gar, R\={a}jendraprak\={a}\'{s} (1978) Alber\={u}n\={\i} aur ras\={a}yana\'{s}\={a}stra. [Publication]
Bha\d{t}n\={a}gar, R\={a}jendraprak\={a}\'{s} (1978) Divy\={a}vad\={a}n me\d{m} \={a}yurved-s\={a}magr\={\i}. [Publication]
Bha\d{t}\d{t}\={a}c\={a}rya, Jayant\={\i} (1978) Garu\d{d}pur\={a}\d{n}okt maulik siddh\={a}nt k\={\i} s\={a}magr\={\i}. [Publication]
Bhattacharjee, Amulya Kumar (1978) Agriculture in the Vedic age. [Publication]
Bhattacharjee, S. and A.R. Nair (1978) Some folklore medicines from Assam and Meghalaya. [Publication]
Bhattacharjee, S., K.C. Tiwari and R. Majumdar (1978) Some medicinal plants from Upper Assam borders. [Publication]
Bhattacharya, J., G. Guha and B. Bhattacharya (1978) Powder microscopy of bark-poison used for abortion: Moringa pterygosperma Gaertn. [Publication]
Bhattacharyya, Dipak Chandra (1978) Studies in Buddhist iconography. [Publication]
Bhattacharyya, Asutosh (1978) Folklore of Bengal. [Publication]
Bhillore, K.V. and G.K. Bhatt (1978) Ethnobotanical lores from Ajmer Forest Division (Rajasthan). [Publication]
Billore, K.V. and K.C. Audichya (1978) Some oral contraceptives -- family planning tribal way. [Publication]
Bodewitz, H.W. (1978) Vedische voorstellingen omtrent de ziel. [Publication]
Bohra, Kumari Poonam (1978) The analysis of medico-geographical data of the Ayurvedic compendia. [Publication]
Bordia, A., S.K. Sandhya, A.S. Rathore and N. Bhu (1978) Essential oil of garlic on blood lipids and fibrinolytic activity in patients of coronary artery disease. [Publication]
Bordia, A.K. and H.K. Joshi (1978) Garlic on fibrinolytic activiy in cases of acute myocardial infarction (Part II). [Publication]
Bose, A. (1978) An assessment of the rural health scheme and suggestions for improvement. [Publication]
Bose, Ranabir (1978) Therapeutic evaluation of Rumalaya in rheumatoid arthritis. [Publication]
Bourguignon, Erika (1978) UNSPECIFIED [Publication]
Brace, W.C. (Ed.) (1978) The environmental history of the Near and Middle East. [Publication]
Bricage, P. (1978) Le bissap, Hibiscus sabdariffa, Malvacée, Aspects biologiques. [Publication]
Brow, J. (1978) Vedda villages of Anuradhapura. [Publication]
Brubaker, Richard Lee (1978) The ambivalent mistress: A study of South Indian village goddesses and their religious meaning. [Publication]
Burrow, Gerard N. and Jeffrey Hopkins (1978) Goiter in Tibetan medicine. [Publication]
Burrow, G.N. and Jeffrey Hopkins (1978) Goiter in Tibetan medicine. [Publication]
Campbell, J.G. (1978) Consultations with Himalayan gods: a study of oracular religion and alternative values in Hindu Jumla. [Publication]
Carstairs, G.M. (1978) Changes in Indian village societies and their impact on child development: a personal perspective. [Publication]
Cassen, R.H. (1978) India: population, economy and society. [Publication]
Cauh\={a}n, Jah\={a}n Si\d{m}ha (1978) Visarp k\={a} \={a}dhunik vivecan. [Publication]
Chaghtai, S.A. and Javed Ahmad (1978) An ethnobotanical study of baghrendah (Jatropha curcas L.). [Publication]
Chaghtai, S.A., Aruna Garg and Javed Ahmad (1978) Studies on the occurrence of medicinal plants of Euphorbiaceae from Bhopal and its neighbourhood. [Publication]
Chakrabarti, Dilip K. (1978) Lapis lazuli in early India. [Publication]
Chakraborty, B. and N.C. Neogi (1978) Pharmacological properties of Tribulus terrestris. [Publication]
Chakravarty, R.N. (1978) Therapeutic studies on Rumalaya in orthopaedic practice. [Publication]
Chamratpan, S. and S. Homchuen (1978) Ethnobotany in Upper Northeastern Thailand. [Publication]
Chandoke, Nimmi and Sudha Gupta (1978) Estrogenic activity of DQ-1, a steroidal lactone isolated from Datura quercifolia. [Publication]
Chandoke, Nimmi, Sudha Gupta and Santosh Dha (1978) Interceptive activity of various species of Piper, their natural amides and semisynthetic analogues. [Publication]
Chandpuri, Kausar (1978) Some famous practitioners of Unani medicine from South India. [Publication]
Chandpuri, Kausar (1978) \={U}n\={a}n\={\i} medicine in the Mughal age. [Publication]
Chandra, K. (1978) Medicinally important plants of Ajmer. [Publication]
Chandra, Ramesh, S. Agrawal, S Bajaj and S. Goel (1978) A clinical trial of gasex in gastro-intestinal disorders in post-operative gastro-intestinal symptoms. [Publication]
Chatterjee, Acharya Prabhakar (1978) Pratyanga vignan -- A treatise on Ayurvedic physiognomy. [Publication]
Chatterjee, B.R. (Ed.) (1978) A window on leprosy. [Publication]
Chatterjee, S.K. (1978) Experimental studies on Datura in India. [Publication]
Chatterjee, S.K. and R.P. Nandi (1978) Experiments on cultivation of steroid yielding plants in India. [Publication]
Chattopadhyay, Aparna (1978) Life of Jivaka as found in Vinaya Pitaka -- A study. [Publication]
Chaturvedi, D.D. and K.P. Mishra (1978) Ayurvedic drugs and standardisation. [Publication]
Chaturvedi, G.N. and Gurdip Singh (1978) The herbal therapeutics. [Publication]
Chaturvedi, G.N. and Gurdip Singh (1978) The mineral therapeutics. [Publication]
Chaturvedi, G.N. and Gurdip Singh (1978) The purification therapy (panca karma). [Publication]
Chaudhuri, K.N. (1978) The trading world of Asia and the English East India Company, 1660--1760. [Publication]
Chaudhuri, S.K. (1978) Influence of Andrographis paniculata (kalmegh) on bile flow and hexobarbitone sleeping in experimental animals. [Publication]
Chaudhuri, S., S. Ghosh, T. Chakraborty, S. Kundu and S.K. Hazra (1978) Use of a common Indian herb "mandukaparni" in the treatment of leprosy: a preliminary report. [Publication]
Chaurasia, S.C. and A. Kher (1978) Activity of essential oils of three medicinal plants against various pathogenic and nonpathogenic fungi. [Publication]
Chaurasia, S.C. and P.C. Jain (1978) Antibacterial activity of essential oils of four medicinal plants. [Publication]
Chelladurai, V. (1978) Contribution to the botanical identity of "kokilaksha beeja" obtained in the Madras raw drug trade. [Publication]
Choudhary, L. and D.K. Ganguly (1978) Some cardiovascular effects of crude scorpion venom. [Publication]
Chowdhury, K.A., with the assistance of K.S. Saraswat and G.M. Buth (1978) Ancient agriculture and forestry in North India. [Publication]
Claflin, A.J., D.L. Vesely, J.L. Hudson, C.B. Bagwell, D.C. Lehotay, T.M. Lo, M.A. Fletcher, N.L. Block and G.S. Levey (1978) Inhibition of growth and guanylate cyclase activity of an undifferentiated prostate adenocarcinoma by an extract of the balsam pear (Momordica charantia abbreviata). [Publication]
Clark, Barry (1978) The wish-fulfilling tree of Tibetan medicine. [Publication]
Clothey, Fred W. (1978) Theogony and power in South Asia: Some clues from the Aiyappa\b{n} cult. [Publication]
Clothey, Fred W. (1978) The many faces of Muruka\b{n} -- The history and meaning of a South Indian god, with the poem Prayers to Lord Muruga\b{n} by A.K. Ramanujan. [Publication]
Coslovi, F. (1978) Il darg\=ah di Sh\=ah Mad\=ar a Makanpur: appunti di un viaggio in India (1977). [Publication]
Cowell, R. (Ed.) (1978) The 1st International Mungbean Symposium. [Publication]
Damodar and P. Vasanth (1978) Role of dasamula katutraya kashaya in the management of the diseases of pranavaha sroto dusti (respiratory disorders). [Publication]
Darian, Steven G. (1978) The Ganges in myth and history. [Publication]
Das, Ashok Kumar (1978) Mughal painting during Jahangir's time. [Publication]
Dassanayake, M.B. (1978) Dye-yielding plants of Sri Lanka -- A list compiled by Andreas Nell. [Publication]
Datta, S.C. and A.K. Banerjee (1978) Useful weeds of West Bengal ricefields. [Publication]
David, S.N. (1978) Effect of neem oil and its constituents on cotton pellet inflammation. [Publication]
Davidson, Glen W. (1978) Ayurveda -- not only the oldest but the most systematic. [Publication]
Davidson, Glen W. (1978) Ayurveda is not only the oldest but the most systematic. [Publication]
Davies, J.H. (1978) Abrus precatorius (rosary pea) -- The most common lethal plant poison. [Publication]
Davis, S.L. (1978) Health, nutrition and hygiene in Tibetan settlements. [Publication]
Deb, D.B. (1978) Cultivation of medicinal plants in Tripura State: notes on the plants proposed for cultivation. [Publication]
Desai, K.G., V.K. Deshmukh and A.N. Saoji (1978) Studies on diosgenin content of Balanites aegyptiaca Delile. [Publication]
Des\={a}\={\i}, Ra\d{n}jit R\={a}y (1978) Puru\d{s}\={a}rtha k\={\i} pratim\={a}: \'{S}r\={\i} B\={a}\d{m}ba\d{d}\={a}\={\i}. [Publication]
Des\={a}\={\i}, Ra\d{n}jit R\={a}y (1978) \'{S}\={\i}t aur u\d{s}\d{n}a gu\d{n}-v\={\i}rya. [Publication]
Des\={a}\={\i}, Ra\d{n}jitr\={a}y (1978) Nid\={a}n-cikits\={a} hast\={a}malak (ch\={a}tropayog\={\i} nid\={a}n-cikits\={a}): \'{s}v\={a}s aur hikk\={a}. [Publication]
Deshpande, P.J. and Lalta Prasad (1978) Role of indigenous drugs as preanaesthetic agents. [Publication]
Deshpande, P.J. and Lalta Prasad (1978) Role of indigenous drugs before anaesthesia. [Publication]
Dev, Purushottam (1978) Ayurveda and community service. [Publication]
Dev, Purushottam (1978) Prevention and control of small-pox in ancient India. [Publication]
Devi, Sathi and Shamer Singh (1978) Teratogenic and embryotoxic effect of papain in rat. [Publication]
Dharmkumarsinh (1978) The changing wildlife of Kathiawar. [Publication]
Dhoubhadel, S.P. and S.M. Tuladhar (1978) Phtochemical screening of the rhizome of Acorus calamus Linn. [Publication]
Diener, Paul, Donald Nonini and Eugene E. Robkin (1978) The dialectics of the sacred cow: ecological adaptation versus political appropriation in the origins of India's cattle complex. [Publication]
Disney, A.R. (1978) Twilight of the pepper empire: Portuguese trade in Southwest Asia in the early seventeenth century. [Publication]
Dixit, H. (Ed.) (1978) Medical bibliography of Nepal. [Publication]
Dixit, R.D., Miss Anjali Das and B.D. Kar (1978) Studies on ethnobotany III -- On some less known edible, economic and medicinal ferns of Darjeeling District, West Bengal. [Publication]
Dixit, S.P., (Miss) P.V. Tewari and (Mrs.) R.M. Gupta (1978) Experimental studies on the immunological aspects of atibala (Abutilon indicum (Linn.) Sw.), mahabala (Sida rhombifolia Linn.), bala (Sida cordifolia Linn.) and bhumibala (Sida veronicaefolia Lam.). [Publication]
Dixit, V.P., J.S. Sandher and S.K. Bhargava (1978) Effects of Malva viscus conzattii flower extract on the testicular function of dog (Canis familiaris). [Publication]
Driesch, Angela von den (1978) Hastividyarnava, eine assamesische Handschrift über Elefantologie. [Publication]
Dube, K.C. (1978) Nosology and therapy of mental illness of Ayurveda. [Publication]
Dube, C.B., Y.K. Sharma and C.M. Kansal (1978) A comprehensive study of swarna basanta malti in cases of rajayakshma (pulmonary tuberculosis). [Publication]
Dube, K.C. (1978) Nosology and therapy of mental illness in Ayurveda. [Publication]
Dube, S.C. (1978) Changing norms in the Hindu joint family. [Publication]
Dubey, G.P. (1978) Preventive medicine and personal hygiene. [Publication]
Dubey, G.P. (1978) The physiological concepts in Indian medicine. [Publication]
Dubey, G.P. (1978) The psychological concepts of Indian medicine. [Publication]
Dudani, T.G. and M.N. Natu (1978) Epidemiology of endemic goitre in Ghodegaon. [Publication]
Dusit, B. (1978) Forest policy in Northern Thailand. [Publication]
Dutta, S.C. and A.K. Banerjee (1978) Useful weeds of West Bengal rice fields. [Publication]
Dvived\={\i}, Vi\'{s}van\={a}th (1978) \={A}yurved ke maulik siddh\={a}nt par ek d\d{r}\d{s}\d{t}i. [Publication]
Dwivedi, K.K. and R.H. Singh (1978) A clinical study of medhya rasayana therapy in the management of convulsive disoreder. [Publication]
Dwivedi, R.N., D.M. Mittal and V.D.S. Jambwal (1978) Management of transverse myelitis -- a case report. [Publication]
Dwivedi, R.S., S.P. Pathak and D.B. Singh (1978) Antifungal activity of medicinal plants on stored seeds of barley. [Publication]
Dwivedi, Ram Dutta (1978) A critical study of the unpublished Ratnaprabha commentary of Nischalkara on Chakradutta of Chakarapani. [Publication]
Dwivedi, Ramanath (1978) Some unusual wounds of grave prognosis. [Publication]
Dyson, K.K. (1978) A various universe: a study of the journals and memoirs of British men and women in the Indian subcontinent, 1765--1856. [Publication]
Eastwood, M.A., A.N. Smith, W.G. Brydon and J. Pritchard (1978) Comparison of bran, ispaghula and lactulose on colon function in diverticular disease. [Publication]
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Egnor, Margaret T. (1978) The sacred spell and other conceptions of life in Tamil culture. [Publication]
Ehrenreich, J. (Ed.) (1978) The cultural crisis of modern medicine. [Publication]
Eichinger Ferro-Luzzi, Gabriella (1978) Food for the gods in South India. [Publication]
Eichinger Ferro-Luzzi, Gabriella (1978) More on salt taboos (comments on an article by Thomas W. Neumann with his response). [Publication]
Eilert, U. (1978) Antibiotic principles of seeds of Moringa oleifera. [Publication]
Ekanem, O.J. (1978) Has Azadirachta indica (dongoyaro) any anti-malarial activity? [Publication]
Emboden, William A. (1978) The sacred narcotic lily of the Nile: Nymphaea caerulea. [Publication]
Emmerick, R.E. (1978) Some lexical items from the rGyud-bzhi. [Publication]
Eranna, K. (1978) Case studies in Septilin therapy. [Publication]
Falk Moore, Sally and Barbara G. Meyerhoff (Eds.) (1978) Secular ritual. [Publication]
Fanon, F. (1978) Medicine and colonialism. [Publication]
Fisher, J.F. (Ed.) (1978) Himalayan anthropology: the Indo-Tibetan interface. [Publication]
Fisher, James (1978) Himalayan anthropology:The Indo-Tibetan interface. [Publication]
Fodstad, O. and A. Pihl (1978) Effect of ricin and abrin on survival of L1210 leukemic mice and on leukemic and normal bone-marrow cells. [Publication]
Foster, George M. and Barbara G. Anderson (1978) Medical anthropology. [Publication]
Fournier, M. (1978) Hendrik van Reede tot Drakenstein en de Hortus Malabaricus. [Publication]
Freed, Stanley A. and Ruth S. Freed (1978) Shanti Nagar: the effects of urbanization in a village in North India, 2. Aspects of economy, technology, and ecology. [Publication]
Fromtling, R.A. and G.S. Bulmer (1978) In vitro effect of aqueous extract of garlic (Allium sativum) on the growth and viability of Cryptococcus neoformans. [Publication]
Gadgil, M. and S.N. Prasad (1978) Vanishing bamboo stocks. [Publication]
Gail, Adalbert J. (1978) Der Sonnenkult im alten Indien -- Eigengewächs oder Import. [Publication]
Gaitonde, B.B., G.S. Chhatwal, A.V. Muthe and R.S. Joshi (1978) Biochemical and pharmacological studies on the venoms of Indian elapid snakes. [Publication]
Gajalakshmi, B.S., N. Ramaswamy, C. Thiagarajan and G.M. Yahya (1978) Certain observations in electrocardiogram and enzyme variation in dogs following scorpion venom injection. [Publication]
Gangadharan, V., P. Sudhakara Reddy and B.V. Subba Reddy (1978) Concept of disease and folk therapy in a village of Andhra Pradesh. [Publication]
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Ramiah, N. and G. Aravindakshan Nair (1978) Chemical examination of the fruits of Salacia fruticosa Heyne. [Publication]
Rao, M.M.R. and S.R. Parakh (1978) Effects of some indigenous drugs on the sexual behaviour of male rats. [Publication]
Rao, R.R. (1978) Medicobotany of some Mysore plants -- 2. [Publication]
Rao, T.S.S. and S.S. Nigam (1978) Antibacterial study of some Indian essential oils. [Publication]
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Raschke, M.G. (1978) New studies in Roman commerce with the East. [Publication]
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Raval, P.N. (1978) The identical dreams in \={A}yurveda and the ancient Indian epics -- Part II. [Publication]
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\'{S}\={a}h, Nira\~{n}jan Candra (1978) Sad\={a} bah\={a}r -- rakt kainsar k\={\i} v\={a}naspatik au\d{s}adha. [Publication]
\'{S}\={a}h, Nira\~{n}jancandra (1978) \={A}yurved me\d{m} v\={a}naspatik au\d{s}adhiyo\d{m} k\={a} sam\={a}ve\'{s}. [Publication]
\'{S}\={a}h, Nira\~{n}jancandra (1978) \={A}yurved me\d{m} v\={a}naspatik au\d{s}adhiyo\d{m} k\={a} sam\={a}ve\'{s}. [Publication]
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Salahuddin, S.M.S. Husain, S.H.T. Kazmi and H.M. Taiyab (1978) Clinical trial of aatrilal (Ammi majus Linn.) in vitiligo. [Publication]
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Sandhu, Hardas Singh and Jagrup Singh Kaler (1978) Rumalaya therapy in rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and periarthritis shoulder. [Publication]
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Santhakumari, G., P.G. Rathinam and C. Sheshadri (1978) Anticoagulant activity of plumbagin. [Publication]
Sarkar, Mrinal Kanti (1978) Tentex forte and Himcolin in sex disorders. [Publication]
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\'{S}arm\={a}, Anantr\={a}m (1978) Cikits\={a} me\d{m} \={a}yurved ke maulik siddh\={a}nto\d{m} k\={a} upayog. [Publication]
\'{S}arm\={a}, Durg\={a} Pras\={a}d (1978) Cikits\={a} me\d{m} \={a}yurved ke maulik siddh\={a}nto\d{m} k\={a} upayog. [Publication]
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\'{S}arm\={a}, R\={a}mn\={a}r\={a}ya\d{n} (1978) Maleriy\={a} ke lie ek mahatvap\={u}r\d{n}a cikits\={a}. [Publication]
\'{S}arm\={a}, \'{S}a\'{s}idhar (1978) Mah\={a}kavi M\={a}gha ke k\={a}vya me\d{m} \={a}yurved sa\d{m}bandh\={\i} samullekh. [Publication]
\'{S}arm\={a}, \'{S}a\'{s}idhar (1978) Mah\={a}kavi {M}\={a}gha ke k\={a}vya me\d{m} \={a}yurved sa\d{m}bandh\={\i} samullekh. [Publication]
\'{S}arm\={a}, \'{S}r\={\i}k\={a}nt (1978) {R}\={a}\d{s}\d{t}ra k\={\i} sv\={a}sthya samasy\={a}. [Publication]
\'{S}arm\={a}, \'{S}r\={\i}k\={a}nt (1978) {R}\={a}\d{s}\d{t}ra k\={\i} sv\={a}sthya samasy\={a}. [Publication]
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\'{S}\={a}str\={\i}, Bhagvat R\={a}m (1978) {K}\={a}\'{s}yap sa\d{m}hit\={a} k\={a} ek \={a}locan\={a}tmak adhyayan. [Publication]
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Sethi, B.B. and Rahul Manchanda (1978) Socio-economic, demographic and cultural correlates of psychiatric disorders with special reference to India. [Publication]
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Sharma, G.P. and P.V. Sharma (1978) Studies on some rasna drugs with regard to their anti-inflammatory activity. [Publication]
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Sharma, Keerti, Ajit S. Puri, Raghupati Sharma and A.R. Talwar (1978) Effect of onion on serum lipids and blood coagulability in ischaemic heart disease. [Publication]
Sharma, M.L., K.L. Handa, P.R. Rao, P.S. Jamwal and Y.K. Sareen (1978) Pharmacological screening of Indian medicinal plants. [Publication]
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Sharma, P.V. (1978) A\.{n}kalo\d{d}ya. [Publication]
Sharma, P.V. (1978) Carakokt vall\={\i}\d{s}a\d{t}ka. [Publication]
Sharma, P.V. (1978) Certain indigenous drugs having hypotensive action. [Publication]
Sharma, P.V. (1978) `Cikits\={a}' \'{s}abda k\={a} rahasya. [Publication]
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Sharma, P.V. (1978) K\={a}yakalp me\d{m} upayog\={\i} katipay kalp. [Publication]
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Sharma, P.V. (1978) Svarg\={\i}ya \d{T}h\={a}kur Balvant Si\d{m}ha J\={\i}. [Publication]
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Singh, I.P. (1978) Ayurveda and modern health care. [Publication]
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Singh, N. et al. (1978) An experimental evaluation of protective effects of some indigenous drugs on carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in mice and rats. [Publication]
Singh, N., R. Nath, A.K. Agarwal and R.P. Kohli (1978) A pharmacological investigation of some indigenous drugs of plant origin for evaluation of their antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities. [Publication]
Singh, N., R. Nath, N. Mishra and R.P. Kohli (1978) An experimental evaluation of anti-stress effects of Geriforte (an Ayurvedic drug). [Publication]
Singh, N., V.K. Kulshrestha, N. Mishra and R.P. Kohli (1978) Evaluation of toxicity and therapeutic potentialities of Nerium indicum. [Publication]
Singh, Pratap, G.K. Sinha and R.C. Pathak (1978) Antimicrobial activity of some essential oils. [Publication]
Singh, R.H. (1978) A critical analysis of the studies done on indigenous anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic drugs during post-independance era. [Publication]
Singh, R.H. (1978) Clinical studies on the antianxiety effect of some indigenous drugs. [Publication]
Singh, R.H. (1978) Principles of treatment. [Publication]
Singh, R.H. (1978) Psychosomatic approach of Indian medicine. [Publication]
Singh, R.H. (1978) Rejuvenation therapy. [Publication]
Singh, R.H. (1978) The psychosomatic constitution. [Publication]
Singh, R.H. (1978) Yoga and Ayurveda: Yoga of Charaka Samhita. [Publication]
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Singh, R.H. and B.N. Sinha (1978) Clinical and psychobiological studies on the effect of an indigenous compound rasayana drug in apparently normal aged persons. [Publication]
Singh, R.H. and P.C. Malviya (1978) Studies on the psychotropic effect of an indigenous ras\={a}yana drug, a\'{s}vagandh\={a} (Withania somnifera Dunal), part I: Clinical studies. [Publication]
Singh, R.H. and P.K. Srivastava (1978) Nephrology in ancient Indian system of medicine. [Publication]
Singh, R.H. and R.S. Singh (1978) Standardisation of vamana and virechana karma. [Publication]
Singh, R.H. and R.S. Singh (1978) Studies on pa\~{n}ca karma therapy (standardization of vamana and virecana karmas). [Publication]
Singh, R.S., T.N. Sharma, S.N. Pandey and S.P. Sen (1978) A note on the identity of somar\={a}ji versus vanyajirah and bakuchi. [Publication]
Singh, S.P. et al. (1978) Anti-fertility studies of some indigenous plants. [Publication]
Singh, S.P., N. Singh and R.P. Kohli (1978) Antifertility studies of some indigenous plants. [Publication]
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