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Abel Theodora M and Rhoda Metraux (1974) Culture and psychotherapy. [Publication]

Adiceam, E. (1974) Le cheptel bovin du Tamilnad et son utilisation. [Publication]

Afaq, S.H., A.K. Dutta and C.K. Atal (1974) Pharmacognosy of the commercial caraways III -- Pharmacognostic study of the fruit of Bunium cylindricum. [Publication]

Agarwal, S.K. and R.P. Rastogi (1974) Ergometrine and other constituents of Argyreia speciosa Sweet. [Publication]

Agrawal, D.P. (1974) Alloying in the copper hoards. [Publication]

Ahluwalia, A. (1974) Sociology of medicine: a trend report. [Publication]

Ahmed, Yehya Y., M. Noor El-Din, A.H. Mohamed and Fatma A. Moustafa (1974) Effect of cobra venom on the chick embryo. [Publication]

Aiyar, V.N., R. Seshadri and T.R. Seshadri (1974) Chemistry of Putranjiva roxburghii. [Publication]

Ali, Usman S. (1974) Contribution to the botanical identity of commercial vidari in Madras raw drug trade. [Publication]

Allchin R. and Allchin, B. (1974) Some new thoughts on Indian cattle. [Publication]

Amondikar, S.D., J.R. Vakil and R.G. Modak (1974) Antibacterial activity of plumbagin against Staphylococcus albus and Vibrio cholerae. [Publication]

Anand, R.M. (1974) Nasya karma in ancient times. [Publication]

Anjaria, J.V., S.H. Kamboya, V.N. Vaishnav and O.D. Gulati (1974) Studies on Leptadenia reticulata -- Lactogenic effects in Gir-cows. [Publication]

Anonymous (1974) Annual Report, Pharmacognosy. [Publication]

Ansari, M.A. (1974) Social life of the Moghal emperors. [Publication]

Askenasy, Alexander R. (1974) Attitudes toward mental patients, a study across cultures. [Publication]

Askenasy, Alexander R. (1974) Attitudes towards mental patients: a study across cultures. [Publication]

Azeez Pasha, M. (1974) Brief biographies of eminent Unani hekeems of India based on Nuz-hatul-khwatir (Pleasure of hearts) by Allama-Abdul-Hayy. [Publication]

Azeez Pasha, M. (1974) Muheet-a-Azam (A great Unani pharmacopeia) -- A short note on the author and the book, followed by: Translation of an account of a drug (as a specimen of writing) from the above treatise -- Akitmakit (bandic nut). [Publication]


Bagchi, Asoke Kumar (1974) Concept of neurophysiology in ancient India. [Publication]

Bahulkar, S.S. (1974) Traces of medical science in the Kau\'{s}ika-S\={u}tra. [Publication]

Bakshi, J.S. and R.S. Rana (1974) Barley. [Publication]

Balint, G.A. (1974) Ricin: the toxic protein of castor oil seeds. [Publication]

Bandaranayake, W.M., S.C. Weerasekara and S. Balasubramaniam (1974) A glossary of Sinhala and Tamil names of plants of Sri Lanka. [Publication]

Banerjee, D.K. (1974) Magico-religious beliefd about plants amomg some Adibasis of India. [Publication]

Banerjee, D.K. (1974) Observation on ethnobotany of Arku valley, Visakhapatanam District, A.P. [Publication]

Banerjee, Bireswar and Jayatri Hazra (1974) Geoecology of cholera in West Bengal: a study in medical geography. [Publication]

Banerjee, D.K. (1974) Magico-religious beliefs about plants among some Adibasis of India. [Publication]

Banerji, D. (1974) Family planning in India. [Publication]

Banerji, Debabar (1974) Social and cultural foundations of the health services systems of India. [Publication]

Bapat, G.V. (1974) Hunting - A royal sport in ancient India. [Publication]

Bapat, G.V. (1974) Hunting -- a royal sport in ancient India. [Publication]

Barbosa, M.B. and J. Caria Mendes (1974) Garcia d'Orta, pioneer of tropical medicine and his descriptions of cholera in his Col\'{o}quios (1563). [Publication]

Barrow, M.V., C.F. Simpson and E.J. Miller (1974) Lathyrism -- a world review. [Publication]

Barua, Dhiman and William Burrows (Eds.) (1974) Cholera. [Publication]

Batra, O.P (1974) Role of Ayurvedic medicine in the management of pittashmari (cholelithiasis). [Publication]

Bhagwan Dash, Vaidya (1974) Ayurvedic treatment for common diseases. [Publication]

Bhagwan Dash, Vaidya (1974) Har\={\i}tak\={\i} -- A comparative study of literature in Ayurveda and Tibetan medicine. [Publication]

Bhandari, M.M. (1974) Famine foods in Rajasthan desert. [Publication]

Bhandari, M.M. (1974) Famine foods in the Rajasthan desert. [Publication]

Bharadwaj, S.L., S.C. Kapoor, L. Gupta and R.B. Arora (1974) Some pharmacological studies on Carum roxburghianum. [Publication]

Bhardwaj, S.L., S.C. Kapoor, Lalit Gupta and R.B. Arora (1974) Some pharmacological studies on Carum roxburghianum Benth. [Publication]

Bhargava, K.K. and T.R. Seshadri (1974) Chemistry of medicinal plants: Eclipta alba and Wedelia calendulacea. [Publication]

Bhargava, K.K. and T.R. Seshadri (1974) Chemistry of medicinal plants: Eclipta alba and Wedelia calandulaceae. [Publication]

Bhargava, K.K., Rameshwar Dayal and T.R. Seshadri (1974) Chemical components of Eugenia jambolana stem bark. [Publication]

Bharilla, R.K. (1974) \={A}yurved\={\i}ya sn\={a}takottar \'{s}ik\d{s}a\d{n} k\={\i} aitih\={a}sik p\d{r}\d{s}\d{t}habh\={u}mi (Historical background of Ayurvedic post-graduate education). [Publication]

Bhat, R.N. (1974) Viperine snake bite poisoning in Jammu. [Publication]

Bhatia, J.C., Dharam Vir, A. Timmappaya and C.S. Chuttani (1974) Role of practitioners of indigenous medicine in the family planning programme. [Publication]

Bha\d{t}n\={a}gar, R\={a}jendraprak\={a}\'{s} (1974) \d{D}alha\d{n}a -- Aitih\={a}sik m\={u}ly\={a}\.{n}kan (\d{D}alha\d{n}a -- A historical discussion). [Publication]

Bha\d{t}n\={a}gar, R\={a}jendraprak\={a}\'{s} (1974) Kavi Bopadev aur unk\={\i} vaidyak k\d{r}tiy\={a}\d{m}. [Publication]

Bha\d{t}n\={a}gar, R\={a}jendraprak\={a}\'{s} (1974) K\={a}yasthac\={a}mu\d{n}\d{d}a aur unk\={\i} vaidyak k\d{r}tiy\={a}\d{m}. [Publication]

Bha\d{t}n\={a}gar, R\={a}jendraprak\={a}\'{s} (1974) \'{S}ivad\={a}s Sen -- Aitih\={a}sik m\={u}ly\={a}\.{n}kan. [Publication]

Bhatt, G.K. and R.D. Dixit (1974) A preliminary study on extensive cultivation of guggul at Mangliawas herbal farm, Ajmer, Rajasthan. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, Asok K. (1974) On the identification of the colour called \'{s}y\={a}ma. [Publication]

Billore, K.V. and M.R. Uniyal (1974) On the study of the group `mansi-traya' in Ayurveda. [Publication]

Bisset, N.G. (1974) The Asian species of Strychnos -- Part III -- The ethnobotany. [Publication]

Biswas, T.K. and P.K. Debnath (1974) A\'{s}vattha (Ficus religiosa Linn.) -- a cultural and medicinal observation. [Publication]

Bodhankar, L.L., S.K. Garg and V.S. Mathur (1974) Antifertility screening of plants, part IX: effect of five indigenous plants on early pregnancy in female albino rats. [Publication]

Bordia, A., H.C. Bansal, S.K. Arora, A.S. Rathore, R.V.S. Ranawat and S.V. Singh (1974) Effect of the essential oil (active principle) of garlic on serum cholesterol, plasma fibrinogen, whole blood coagulation time and fibrinolytic activity in alimentary lipemia. [Publication]

Bose, Ashish, P.B. Desai, Asok Mitra, J.N. Sharma (Eds.) (1974) Population in India's development 1947--2000. [Publication]

Brunner, Hélène (1974) Un tantra du nord: le Netra Tantra. [Publication]


Caillat, Colette (1974) Sur les doctrines médicales du Tandulavey\={a}liya. [Publication]

Chaddha, A.N. (1974) Clinical and experimental studies on prameha (diabetes mellitus) with special reference to oral hypoglycemic action of C. Tamala. [Publication]

Chakrabarti, M.M. and S.K. Ghosh (1974) Essential oils from plants grown in West Bengal. [Publication]

Chakraborti, S.K., B.K. De and T. Bandyopadhyay (1974) Variations in the antitumor constituents from Withania somnifera. [Publication]

Chandrahas, R.K., A.K. Krishnaswami and C.K. Rao (1974) Studies in the epidemiology and control of plague on a South India plague focus. [Publication]

Chaturvedi, G.N. (1974) Studies on ischaemic heart disease and its management by indigenous drugs. [Publication]

Chaturvedi, G.N. (1974) Studies on panch karm therapy. [Publication]

Chaudhary, Ravindrachandra (1974) \'{S}r\={\i}la\.{n}k\={a} me\d{m} \={A}yurved. [Publication]

Chauhan, N.S. (1974) Medicinal plants of Una forest division, Una district, Himachal Pradesh, lying in the Sivalik range. [Publication]

Chen, K.K. (1974) Half a century of ephedrine. [Publication]

Choudhry, V.P., T.S. Jain and R.N. Srivastava (1974) Retinal hemorrhages in a child with epidemic dropsy. [Publication]

Chowdhury, K.A. (1974) History of timber plants, fibres and pulses. [Publication]

Conard, Roswith (1974) The domestic animals in the cultures of India. [Publication]


Dadoomiyan (1974) Acupuncture and all that: medical practice in India and China. [Publication]

Dandiya, P.C. and J.S. Bapna (1974) Pharmacological research in India. [Publication]

Darrah, Helen H. (1974) Investigation of the cultivars of the basils (Ocimum). [Publication]

Das, P.K., R.S. Rathor, R. Lal, R.M. Tripathi, A.K. Ram, and M. Biswas (1974) Anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activity of Crataeva nurvala Buch-Ham (varuna); Pharmacognostic study on varun leaves. [Publication]

Dayal, R.S., K. Kalra, V.P. Mital and Sharan Rajiv (1974) Liv.52 therapy in cases of malnutrition, infective hepatitis, infantile cirrhosis and anorexia. [Publication]

De, D.N. (1974) Pigeon pea. [Publication]

Deb, D.B., B. Krishna, K. Mukherjee, S. Bhattacharya, A.N. Chaudhury, H.B. Dao and T. Singh (1974) An edible alga of Manipur (Lemana australis): presence of silver. [Publication]

Dem'yanenko, V.G. and L.I. Dranik (1974) Hydroxycinnamic acids of Cichorium intybus. [Publication]

Desai, Jai Dev Bhai K. (1974) \={A}yurved\={\i}ya grantho\d{m} me\d{m} bh\={a}rat\={\i}ya sa\d{m}sk\d{r}ti sambandh\={\i} s\={a}hitya (literature pertaining to Indian culture in Ayurvedic treatises). [Publication]

Desai, Mrs.A.B. (1974) Liv.52 in malnutrition and sub-optimal growth. [Publication]

Deshpande, R.S. (1974) Acute infectious hepatitis with fulminant hepatic failure -- a study of 289 cases. [Publication]

Dewan, B.D., K.C. Malhotra and S.P. Gupta (1974) Epidemiological study of coronary heart disease in rural community in Haryana. [Publication]

Dhananjayan, R., C. Gopalakrishnan and L. Kameswaran (1974) Pharmacological action of Tylophora indica. [Publication]

Dhar, Durga Nath and Ramesh Chand Munjal (1974) Flavonoid constituents of the leaves of Cinchona ledgeriana. [Publication]

Dhar, M.L. et al. (1974) Screening of Indian plants for biological activity, part V. [Publication]

Dhavalikar, M.K. (1974) Subsistence pattern of an early farming community of western India. [Publication]

Dixit, R.D. (1974) Fern - A much neglected group of medicinal plants. [Publication]

Dixit, H. (1974) Medicine in Nepal. [Publication]

Dixit, O.P. (1974) Takrarishta in the management of secondary malabsorption (grahani). [Publication]

Dixit, R.D. (1974) Ferns -- a much neglected group of medicinal plants. [Publication]

Dixit, S.P. (1974) Studies on immunological aspects of bala rasayanas. [Publication]

Dubey, I.G. and N. Padmanabhan (1974) Studies on the hypotensive effect of Carica papaya Linn. [Publication]

Dubey, M.P., R.C. Srimal, G.K. Patnaik and B.N. Dhawan (1974) Hypotensive and spasmolytic activities of coleonol, active principle of Coleus forskohlii Briq. [Publication]

Dutt, A.K. (1974) The botanical identity of ajmod. [Publication]

Dutt, Dharma (1974) Modern concept of tridosh. [Publication]

Dvived\={\i}, R\={a}m\={a}nand (1974) Bh\={a}rat\={\i}ya ny\={a}ya vaidyak k\={a} pr\={a}c\={\i}n svar\={u}p. [Publication]

Dwivedi, Ramanath (1974) Paramedicine in the classical Indian medical literature (Ayurveda). [Publication]

Dwivedi, Ramanand (1974) Bh\={a}rat\={\i}ya ny\={a}ya vaidyak k\={a} pr\={a}c\={\i}n svar\={u}p (Ancient Indian medical jurisprudence). [Publication]

Dwivedi, V.N., C.V. Dube, Y.N. Sharma et al. (1974) \={A}yurved s\={a}hitya k\={a} ek chip\={a} abhinav ratna (An unknown jewel of \={A}yurvedic literature -- Gu\d{n}aratnam\={a}l\={a} of Bh\={a}vami\'{s}ra). [Publication]


Eaton, R.L. (1974) The cheetah: the biology, ecology and behaviour of an endangered species. [Publication]

Egnor, Margaret Trawick (1974) Principles of continuity in three Indian sciences: psychology of Samkhya and Yoga, biology of Ayurveda, sociology of dharma-sastra and their concentric domains. [Publication]

Eichinger Ferro-Luzzi, Gabriella (1974) Women's pollution periods in Tamilnad (India). [Publication]

Emmerick, R.E. (1974) A propos Sanskrit m\={a}l\={a}kanda. [Publication]

Emmerick, R.E. (1974) New light on the Siddhas\={a}ra. [Publication]


Farmer, B.H. (1974) Agricultural colonization in India since Independence. [Publication]

Fernandez, R.R. and M.B. Yelne (1974) Notes on the Jawarharlal Nehru Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants Garden, Poona, parts I and II. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1974) Laghu-prabandh\={a}\d{h} -- Choix d'articles d'Indologie. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1974) Préface. [Publication]

Forte, Antonino, Luigi Polese Remaggi and Maurizio Taddei (Eds.) (1974) Gurur\={a}jama\~{n}jarik\={a} -- Studi in onore di Giuseppe Tucci. [Publication]

Freire-Maia, L., G.I. Pinto and I. Franco (1974) Mechanism of the cardiovascular effects produced by purified scorpion toxin in rat. [Publication]

Fürer-Haimendorf, Christoph von (Ed.) (1974) Contributions to the anthropology of Nepal. [Publication]


Gadgil, M. and V.D. Vartak (1974) Sacred groves of India -- A plea for continued conservation. [Publication]

Gaitonde, B.B., H.J. Kulkarni and S.D. Nabar (1974) Diuretic activity of punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa). [Publication]

Gaitonde, B.B. (1974) Diuretic activity of punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa). [Publication]

Gale, U.T. (1974) Burmese timber elephant. [Publication]

Gangadharan (1974) Epidemiology of cancer of the oesophagus in India. [Publication]

Garg, S.K. (1974) Effect of Curcuma longa (rhizomes) on fertility in experimental animals. [Publication]

Garg, S.C. (1974) Antifungal activity of some essential oils. [Publication]

Garg, S.K. (1974) Effect of Curcuma longa (rhizomes) on fertility in experimental animals. [Publication]

Gau\d{r}, D\={a}modar \'{S}arm\={a} (1974) Abhinava\'{s}\={a}r\={\i}ram ({A} treatise representing a synthesis of Ayurvedic and allopathic theories), vol. I. [Publication]

Gautam, M.P. and R.M. Purohit (1974) Antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of the leaves of Murraya koenigii. [Publication]

Geist, V. and F. Walther (Eds.) (1974) The behaviour of ungulates and its relation to management. [Publication]

Gershevitch I. (1974) An Iranianist's view of the soma controversy. [Publication]

Gignoux, Ph. and A. Tafazzoli (Eds.) (1974) Mémorial Jean de Menasce. [Publication]

Gokhale, B.G. (1974) Tobacco in seventeenth-century India. [Publication]

Gonda, J. (1974) Nimitta. [Publication]

Gonda, J. (1974) The dual deities in the religion of the Veda. [Publication]

Gopalan, C., D. Krishnamurthi, I.S. Shenolikar and K.A. Krishnamachari (1974) Myocardial changes in monkeys fed mustard oil. [Publication]

Goutam, M.P. and R.M. Purohit (1974) Amino-acid content of seeds of Diospyros montana Roxb. [Publication]

Goutam, M.P. and R.M. Purohit (1974) Antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of the leaves of Murraya koenigii (Linn.) Spreng. (Indian curry leaf). [Publication]

Gupta, S.P. (1974) Tribes of Chotanagpur Plateau, An Ethno-nutritional and pharmacological cross-section. [Publication]

Gupta, Bhupendra and Mahak Singh (1974) M\={a}nav prak\d{r}t\={\i} vimar\'{s}a. [Publication]

Gupta, L.P. (1974) Studies on cardiac muscle regeneration under the influence of certain indigenous drugs. [Publication]

Gupta, L., G. Tayal, S.S. Agarwal and S.L. Bhardwaj (1974) Toxicity studies on Cannabis indica. [Publication]

Gupta, M.C. et al. (1974) An unconvential legume: Prosopis cineraria. [Publication]

Gupta, Mithilesh, S.N. Tripathi and B. Prasad (1974) Effect of extract of gum guggulu on estrogen induced hyperlipidemia in chicks. [Publication]

Gupta, R. (1974) Wild occurring senna from Kutch-Gujarat. [Publication]

Gupta, R.C. And L.D. Kapoor (1974) Pharmacognostic study on `sirish' -- III: Albizzia procera Benth. stem bark. [Publication]

Gupta, R.C. and V. Mudgal (1974) Antifungal effect of Convolvulus pluricaulis (shankhpushpi). [Publication]

Gupta, S.P. (1974) H\d{r}daya us ke k\={a}rya k\={\i} aitih\={a}sik sam\={\i}k\d{s}\={a}. [Publication]

Gupta, S.S. (1974) Talismans, magic and folk-remedies. [Publication]

Guru, L.V. (1974) \={A}yurved\={\i}ya n\={a}\d{d}\={\i} par\={\i}k\d{s}\={a} vij\~{n}\={a}n k\={a} itih\={a}s. [Publication]


Hagenow, Gerd (1974) Die Bedeutung der Küchenzwiebel (Allium cepa L.) als Nahrung und Heilmittel im Altertum: Erfahrung und Aberglaube. [Publication]

Hambly, Gavin (1974) A note on the trade in eunuchs in Mughal Bengal. [Publication]

Hameed, A. Abdul (1974) Unani. [Publication]

Handa, D.K. (1974) Hary\={a}n\={a} me\d{m} Revant p\={u}j\={a}. [Publication]

Hasan, M. et al. (1974) [on Himcolin]. [Publication]

Heathcote, T.A. (1974) The Indian army: The garrison of British Imperial India 1822--1922. [Publication]

Hellekant, G., E.C. Hagstrom, Y. Kasahara et al. (1974) On the gustatory effects of miraculin and gymnemic acid in the monkey. [Publication]

Hershman, P. (1974) Hair, sex and dirt. [Publication]

Hoch, Erna M. (1974) Pir, faqir and psychotherapist. [Publication]

Höfer, András (1974) A note on possession in South Asia. [Publication]

Höfer, András (1974) Is the bombo an exstatic? Some ritual techniques of Tamang shamanism. [Publication]

Hopkins, E. Washburn (1974) Epic mythology. [Publication]

Hutchinson, J. B. (1974) Crop plant evolution in the Indian subcontinent. [Publication]


Indapurkar, N.R., R.S. Rathore, V.K. Bhargava and K. Kaur (1974) Preliminary study of hypotensive activity of an Indian medicinal plant. [Publication]

Ishay, J., Y. Lass, D. Ben-Schachar, S. Gitter and U. Sandbank (1974) The effects of hornet venom sac extract on the electrical activity of the brain. [Publication]

Israili, A.H. (1974) Surma (collyrium) -- its place and scope as a Unani drug. [Publication]

Issar, R.K. (1974) The botanical identification of market sample of badaward. [Publication]

Issar, R.K. (1974) The botanical identification of market sample of brahamdandi. [Publication]

Iyengar, M.A. (1974) Pharmacognosy of powdered crude drugs. [Publication]


Jai, S.R., P.R. Jai and M.R. Jain (1974) Anti-bacterial evaluation of some indigenous volatile oils. [Publication]

Jain, R\={a}jkum\={a}r (1974) Bh\={a}rat\={\i}ya dar\'{s}an \'{s}\={a}stra aur \={a}yurved. [Publication]

Jain, S.C. (1974) Phyllemblin, an antimicrobial substance from Emblica officinalis. [Publication]

Jain, S.K. and Deb Kumar Banerjee (1974) Preliminary observations on the ethnobotany of the genus Coix. [Publication]

Jain, S.R., P.R. Jain and M.R. Jain (1974) Antibacterial evaluation of some indigenous volatile oils. [Publication]

Jain, Su\'{s}\={\i}l\={a} Dev\={\i} (1974) Vaidik v\={a}\.{n}may me\d{m} \={a}yurved. [Publication]

Jha, Mangna Nand (1974) Sacred performances at Kashi. [Publication]

Johnston, E.H. (1974) Early S\={a}\.{m}khya -- an essay on its historical development according to the texts. [Publication]

Jopa\d{t}, Puru\d{s}ottam D\={a}s (1974) \={A}ndhra Prade\'{s} ke \={A}yurved nide\'{s}\={a}lay k\={\i} kah\={a}n\={\i}. [Publication]

Joshi, Damodar and U.V. Pandey (1974) Importance of ratnas (gemstones) as described in Ayurveda. [Publication]

Jo\'{s}\={\i}, D\={a}modar (1974) \'{S}\={a}r\.{n}gadhar k\={a} rasa\'{s}\={a}str\={\i}ya j\~{n}\={a}n eva\d{m} us ke \={a}dh\={a}r srot. [Publication]

Jo\'{s}\={\i}, S\={\i}t\={a}r\={a}m Ra\.{n}gan\={a}th (1974) \={A}yurved ma\d{n}i mantrau\d{s}adhi prayog. [Publication]

Jyotir Mitra (1974) Bauddha v\={a}\.{n}may (Tripi\d{t}aka) me\d{m} nihit \={a}yurved k\={\i} s\={a}magr\={\i}. [Publication]

Jyotir Mitra (1974) History of Indian medicine from Pre-Mauryan to Ku\d{s}\={a}\d{n}a period. [Publication]

Jyotir Mitra (1974) Lord Buddha -- A great physician. [Publication]

Jyotir Mitra (1974) V\={a}lm\={\i}k\={\i}ya R\={a}m\={a}ya\d{n} me\d{m} \={a}yurved. [Publication]


Kajale, M.D. (1974) Ancient grains from India. [Publication]

Kakar, S. (1974) Aggression in Indian society: an analysis of folk tales. [Publication]

Kakar, S. (1974) Indische Kultur und Psychoanalyse. [Publication]

Kalesaraj, R. (1974) Screening of some indigenous plants for anthelmintic action against human Ascaris lumbricoides, parts I and II. [Publication]

Kapferer, Bruce (1974) First class to Maradana: the sacred and the secular in Sinhalese exorcism rituals. [Publication]

Kaplinsky, E., J. Ishay and S. Gitter (1974) Oriental hornet venom: effects on cardiovascular dynamics. [Publication]

Kapoor, M., S.K. Garg and V.S. Mathur (1974) Antiovulatory activity of five indigenous plants in rabbits. [Publication]

Kapoor, S.L., R. Mitra and L.D. Kapoor (1974) Pharmacognostic studies of the root and rhizome of Parnassia nubicola Wall. ex Royle, the mamira of Kedarnath area. [Publication]

Kapp, Dieter B. (1974) Der Str\={\i}bhedavar\d{n}ana-kha\d{n}\d{d}a in der Padum\={a}vat\={\i} des Malik Mu\d{h}ammad J\={a}yas\={\i}. [Publication]

Kapur, R.L., Malavika Kapur and G.M. Carstairs (1974) Indian Psychiatric Survey Schedule (IPSS). [Publication]

Kapur, R.L., Malavika Kapur and G.M. Carstairs (1974) Indian Psychiatric Survey Schedule (IPSS). [Publication]

Karnick, C.R. (1974) On comparative values of Indian and Chinese medicinal plants. [Publication]

Karnick, C.R. (1974) Pharmacognostical studies on a few barks of Cinnamomum species occurring in India. [Publication]

Karnick, C.R. (1974) Studies on the cultivation of Indian medicinal drug plants, part II. [Publication]

Kasture, Harid\={a}s \'{S}r\={\i}dhar (1974) Carak k\={a}l\={\i}n bh\={a}rat\={\i}ya sa\d{m}sk\d{r}ti. [Publication]

Keswani, N.H. (1974) Medical heritage of India. [Publication]

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Rao, A.T. and A.R.K. Sastry (1974) An outline of the coastal vegetation of India. [Publication]

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Sharma, P.V. (1974) \={A}yurved\={\i}ya anusandh\={a}n: si\d{m}h\={a}valokan. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1974) \={A}yurved\={\i}ya nid\={a}n-paddhati: at\={\i}t aur vartam\={a}n. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1974) K\={u}pma\d{n}\d{d}\={u}kat\={a} se ham \={u}par u\d{t}he\d{m}. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1974) Pa\d{n}\d{d}ita Satyan\={a}r\={a}ya\d{n}a\'{s}\={a}strism\={a}rakavy\={a}khy\={a}nam. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. and G.P. Sharma (1974) B\d{r}haccatu\d{s}\d{t}ay\={\i} me\d{m} ras\={a}yan eva\d{m} bhall\={a}tak kalp. [Publication]

Sharma, Priyavrat (1974) \={A}yurved me\d{m} anusandh\={a}n k\={a} lak\d{s}ya. [Publication]

Sharma, Priyavrat (1974) \={A}yurved\={\i}ya anusandh\={a}n-si\d{m}h\={a}valokan. [Publication]

Sharma, Priyavrat (1974) Madhuko\'{s}a me\d{m} dravyagu\d{n} k\={a} madhu. [Publication]

Sharma, R.S. (1974) Iron and urbanization in the Ganga basin. [Publication]

Sharma, S.N. and V.B. Saxena (1974) An epidemiological study of rural leprosy problem in Dharsiwar block of Raipur District (MP). [Publication]

Sharma, Umesh Chandra (1974) Vasi\d{s}\d{t}ha in the Pur\={a}\d{n}as. [Publication]

Shastry, S.V.S. and S.D. Sharma (1974) Rice. [Publication]

Shaw, B.P. (1974) Treatment of tropical pulmonary eosinophilia with Ayurvedic drug. [Publication]

Shenolikar, I.S., C. Rukmini, K.A. Krishnamachari and K. Satyanarayan (1974) Sanguinarine in the blood and urine of cases of epidemic dropsy. [Publication]

Shirole, D.B., Miss Mohini Chandnani, Arun Ghaiye and N.D. Wagh (1974) Bonnisan -- Digestive corrective and anabolic tonic for newborns and infants (an observation on 135 children). [Publication]

Shrivastava, D.N. (1974) Phytochemical analysis of japakusum. [Publication]

Shrivastava, P.N., D.N. Shrivastava and A. Ahmad (1974) Pharmacological studies on indigenous drugs: Leptadenia reticulata, Breynia patens and leptaden. [Publication]

Shukla, Jai Shanker (1974) Management of skeletal tuberculosis by Ayurvedic drug. [Publication]

Simoons, Frederick (1974) The purificatory role of the five products of the cow in Hinduism. [Publication]

Simoons, Frederick J. (1974) Fish as forbidden food: the case of India. [Publication]

Singh, G., R.D. Joshi, S.K. Chopra and A.B. Singh (1974) Late quaternary history of vegetation and climate of the Rajasthan desert, India. [Publication]

Singh, Baldev and G.S. Chhina (1974) Some reflections on ancient Indian physiology. [Publication]

Singh, G., H.S. Bajpai and J.K. Ojha (1974) A simple method for the anti-inflammatory and anti-histaminic activity of indigenous drugs. [Publication]

Singh, Gurdip and G.N. Chaturvedi (1974) Anticoagulant and fibrinolytic effects of garlic (Allium sativum and Allium ascalonicum) -- an experimental study. [Publication]

Singh, Harkrishna and A.S. Chawla (1974) Study of the bark of Erythrina arborescens and Erythrina stricta. [Publication]

Singh, J. (1974) Resins and their combinations occurring in Indian medicinal plants. [Publication]

Singh, N., N. Chand and R. P. Kohli (1974) Pharmacological studies on Celastrus paniculata (m\={a}lk\={a}ngni). [Publication]

Singh, N., V.K. Kulshresth, N. Misra and R.P. Kohli (1974) An experimental study of drug interaction between piperine and phenobarbitone by isobols. [Publication]

Singh, R.B. (1974) Cities and parks in ancient India. [Publication]

Singh, R.H. and K.N. Udupa (1974) The historical considerations. [Publication]

Singh, R.H., R.L. Khosa and B.B. Upadhyaya (1974) On the antibacterial activity of some Ayurvedic drugs. [Publication]

Sinha, B.N. (1974) Medhya rasayana therapy in psychosomatic disorders. [Publication]

Sinha, Malabika (1974) Studies on the pharmacological actions of Curcuma longa with special reference to the effects on experimental gastric ulcer. [Publication]

Sinha, Malabika, B.P. Mukherjee, and B. Mukherjee (1974) [on Curcuma longa Linn. and gastric ulcer]. [Publication]

Sircar, Dines Chandra (1974) The M\=agar\=ajapaddhati and Vaidyah\d{r}day\=ananda. [Publication]

Sircar, Dines Chandra (1974) Studies in the Yugapur\={a}\d{n}a and other texts. [Publication]

Sivaramamurti, Calembur (1974) Birds and animals in Indian sculpture. [Publication]

Smit, Pieter (1974) History of the life sciences -- An annotated bibliography. [Publication]

Smith, R. Morton (1974) The early heresies in the development of Indian religion. [Publication]

South Coblin, W. (1974) An early Tibetan word for "horse". [Publication]

Spiro, Melford E. (1974) The Oedipus complex in Burma. [Publication]

Srivastava, G.N., S.P.S. Duhan and B.C. Gulati (1974) A comparative seed morphology of some Ocimum species raised in Nainital Tarai of Uttar Pradesh. [Publication]

Srivastava, K. and V. Chandra (1974) Pharmacognostical studies of some species of genus Cymbopogon grown at Lucknow -- I. [Publication]

Srivastava, Sahab Lal (1974) Folk culture and oral tradition. [Publication]

Srivastava, T.N. and S.C. Sankhyadhar (1974) Cultivation of Crocus sativus Linn. (kesar) in Jammu. [Publication]

Sternbach, Ludwik (1974) Camphor in India. [Publication]

Sternbach, Ludwik (1974) Subh\={a}\d{s}ita, gnomic and didactic literature. [Publication]

Stevenson, Ian, Jamuna Prasad, L.P. Mehrotra, K.S. Rawat (1974) The investigation of cases of the reincarnation type in India. [Publication]

Stokes, Eric (1974) The peasant and the Raj: Studies in agrarian society and peasant rebellion in colonial India. [Publication]

Stuntz Converse, Hyla (1974) The agnicayana rite: Indigenous origin? [Publication]

Subbarao, V.V. and M.L. Gupta (1974) Anabolic and hepatoprotective actions of an indigenous drug Liv.52. [Publication]

Subrahmanya Sastry, V.V. (1974) A brief account of the writers and books on Indian herbs, drugs and bazaar medicines in English and other European languages. [Publication]

Surange, K.R. et al. (Eds.) (1974) Aspects and appraisal of Indian palaeobotany. [Publication]

Surange, S.R., R.D. Pataskar, P.S. Dange and G.S. Pendse (1974) Identification of a commercial sample of vriksh\={a}dani as Dendrophthoe falcata (Linn.f.) Ettings. [Publication]


Tamiya, Nobuo and H. Puffer (1974) Lethality of sea snake venoms. [Publication]

Taneja, S.C. and H.P. Tiwari (1974) Chemical constituents of Actiniopteris radiata (Sw.) Link. [Publication]

Tewari, P.N. (1974) A study of medical material in the Dharmas\={u}tras. [Publication]

Tewari, P.V. (1974) Artava and classification of its disorders as described in Ayurvedic classics. [Publication]

Tewari, P.V., P.B. Sahu, S.P. Agarwal and Sastry (1974) Preliminary pharmacological studies on Hedychium spicatum Buch.-Ham. [Publication]

Tewari, P.V., P.V. Sharma, D.N. Prasad, C. Chaturvedi and V.B. Pandey (1974) Pharmacological studies on saponins of Costus speciosus Sm. [Publication]

Thakar, H.C. (1974) M\={a}nav utpatti ke \d{s}a\d{d} graho\d{m} k\={a} sa\d{m}bandha. [Publication]

\d{T}h\={a}kar, V. J. (1974) \'{S}r\={\i} {V}\={\i}rendra Kum\={a}r \'{S}arm\={a} likhit pustak {"}{M}\={a}nasarog{"} tulan\={a}tmak adhyayan par sammati. [Publication]

Thakur, Upendra (1974) K\={a}rtikeya in literature, art and coins. [Publication]

Thomas, P.J., S. Satakopan, H.J. Thakkar and R.C. Mehta (1974) Evaluation of triphala churna, part I: Microscopy, part II: Chemistry. [Publication]

Thomas, P.K. (1974) Zoological evidence from pre-historic India with special reference to domestication. [Publication]

Thothathri, K. (1974) Interesting and useful plants of the Andaman and Nicobar islands. [Publication]

Thyagarajan, S.P. and K. Palanichamy (1974) The life sketch of Veerama Muniver (Rev. Beschi) and his Siddha works. [Publication]

Tiwari, K.C. and H.C. Joshi (1974) Economics of medicinal herbs cultivation in hills (Kumaon and Uttarkhand). [Publication]

Tiwari, K.C., V.P. Tewari and P. Joshi (1974) Valeriana in Indian medicine vis-a-vis modern medicine. [Publication]

Tiwari, L.K. (1974) Concept of krimi in Ayurveda with special reference to therapeutics. [Publication]

Tiwari, P.V. (1974) Preliminary clinical trial on flowers of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis as an oral contraceptive agent. [Publication]

Tosi, M. (1974) The problem of turquoise in protohistoric trade on the Iranian Plateau. [Publication]

Tosi, Maurizio (1974) The lapis lazuli trade across the Iranian plateau in the 3rd millennium B.C. [Publication]

Trip\={a}\d{t}h\={\i}, Brahm\={a}nand (1974) Kavir\={a}j Lolimbar\={a}j aur unk\={a} aprasiddha k\={a}vya Camatk\={a}racint\={a}ma\d{n}i. [Publication]

Trip\={a}\d{t}h\={\i}, Div\={a}kar Pras\={a}d (1974) Su\'{s}rutasa\d{m}hit\={a} me\d{m} svapna vij\~{n}\={a}n. [Publication]

Tripathi, R.D. (1974) Pandu roga: haematological and clinical studies in relation to its Ayurvedic classification. [Publication]

Tripathi, R.M., R.S. Rathor, A.K. Ram and P.K. Das (1974) A corticosteroid like activity of Crataeva nurvala. [Publication]

Tripathi, S.N., K.N. Udupa et al. (1974) Effect of a ketosteroid of C. mukul on thyroid gland in laboratory animals. [Publication]

Tripathi, S.N., M. Gupta, L.D. Dwivedi and K.N. Udupa (1974) Effect of a ketosteroid of C. mukul on thyroid gland in laboratory animals. [Publication]

Tripathi, S.N., S.K. Srivastava and K. Chandrasekhar (1974) Experimental production of mal-absorption syndrome and assessment of gastro-intestinal and thyroid functions. [Publication]

Trivedi, B.T., H.K. Oza, P.S. Rajan and . A.D. Pathanwala (1974) Cystone in crystalluria and urolithiasis. [Publication]

Trivedi, C.P., S.P. Saxena and J. Emmanuel (1974) Pharmacological studies of Acacia farnesiana Willd. (gand babul). [Publication]

Trivedi, V. P. (1974) Preliminary studies of garur buti (Parkinsonia aculeata) as an antirabic agent. [Publication]

Trivedi, V.P., R.S. Dixit, V.K. Lal and P. Joshi (1974) Clues for identification of a controversial drug (mu\.{m}j\={a}taka) from ancient literature. [Publication]

Tsujimoto, A., T. Doi, M. Ikeda and T. Nishikawa (1974) Studies on some possible mechanisms of potentiation of hexobarbital hypnosis by pilocarpine. [Publication]


Uniyal, M.R. (1974) A folklore indigenous drug (Saussurea gossypiphora) for mental disorder. [Publication]

Uniyal, M.R., A.V. Bhat and P.N. Chaturvedi (1974) A folk-lore indigenous drug (Saussurea gossyphiphora Don) remedy for mental disorder. [Publication]

Uniy\={a}l, M\={a}y\={a}r\={a}m (1974) Sa\d{m}hitokt sa\d{m}bh\={a}vya j\={a}tukand k\={a} v\={a}naspatik adhyayan. [Publication]

Uniy\={a}l, M\={a}y\={a}r\={a}n, P.N. Caturved\={\i} and A.V. Bha\d{t}\d{t}a (1974) Vaidik soma eva\d{m} \={a}yurvedik soma k\={a} sam\={\i}k\d{s}\={a}tmak adhyayan. [Publication]


Vakil, B.J., N.J. Dalal, M.Y. Lele, B.V. Sathe and B.R. Dixit (1974) Evaluation of Adhatoda vasica (v\={a}s\={a}) in the treatment of infective hepatitis. [Publication]

Valyasevi, Aree and Sakorn Dhanamitra (1974) Studies of bladder stone disease in Thailand. XVII. Effect of exogenous source of oxalate on crystalluria. [Publication]

Varma, L.P. (1974) Some ancient Indian concepts on mental health. [Publication]

Venkataratnam, R. (1974) A history of western medicine in India (1664--1945). [Publication]

Venkatasubramania Sastri, V.S. and C. Rajarajeswara Sarma (1974) Sarabhendra Vaidya Ratnavali -- Synopsis. [Publication]

Venkitaraman, S. and N. Radhakrishnan (1974) Antibacterial activity of Oxalis corniculata Linn. [Publication]

Venkoba Rao, A. and S. Parvathi Devi (1974) Bhagavad Gita treats body and mind. [Publication]

Venkoba Rao, A. and S. Parvathi Devi (1974) Body and mind in the Bhagavad Gita. [Publication]

Verghese, Abraham and Ahmed Beig (1974) Neuroses in Vellore town -- an epidemiological study. [Publication]

Verghese, Abraham and Ahmed Beig (1974) Psychiatric disturbance in children -- an epidemiological study. [Publication]

Verghese, Abraham and Ahmed Beig (1974) Public attitudes towards mental illness -- The Vellore study. [Publication]

Verma, D.P., H.K. Gupta and N.R. Gupta (1974) Folk medicine -- Orthosiphon pallidus Benth. (dimangari). [Publication]

Verma, R.L. and N.H. Keswani (1974) The physiological concepts of \={U}n\={a}n\={\i} medicine. [Publication]

Verma, R.L. and N.H. Keswani (1974) \={U}n\={a}n\={\i} medicine in medieval India -- its teachers and texts. [Publication]

Vidyarthi, L.P. and Makhan Jha (Eds.) (1974) Symposium on the sacred complex in India. [Publication]

Vishnu-Mittre (1974) Neolithic plant economy at Chirand, Bihar. [Publication]

Vishnu-Mittre (1974) Palaeobotanical evidence in India. [Publication]

Vishnu-Mittre and R. Savithri (1974) Ancient plant economy at Noh. [Publication]

Vohora, S. B. and M. S. Y. Khan (1974) Antifertility studies on Unani herbs. [Publication]


Wahi, S.P., A.K. Wahi and D.K. Jaiswal (1974) Pharmacognostical studies on Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn. [Publication]

Wahi, S.P., A.K. Wahi and Ranvir Kapoor (1974) Chemical study of the leaf of Justicia gendarussa Burm. [Publication]

Wahi, S.P., A.K. Wahi and Ranvir Kapoor (1974) Pharmacognostical studies on Justicia gendarussa Burm. [Publication]

Wahia, N.S. (1974) Twenty-five years of psychiatry in a teaching general hospital (in India). [Publication]

Walli, Koshelya (1974) The concept of ahi\d{m}s\={a} in Indian thought (according to Sanskrit sources). [Publication]

Warmington, E.H. (1974) The commerce between the Roman empire and India. [Publication]

Wasson, R. Gordon (1974) Qu'était le Soma des Aryens? [Publication]

Waxler, N.E. (1974) Culture and mental illness: A social labeling perspective. [Publication]

Wei, Chin Hsuan, Fred C. Hartman, Peter Pfuderer and Wen-Kuang Yang (1974) Purification and characteristics of two major toxic proteins from seeds of Abrus precatorius. [Publication]

Wei, Chin Hsuan, Fred C. Hartman, Peter Pfuderer and Wen-Kuang Yang (1974) Purification and characteristics of two major toxic proteins from seeds of Abrus precatorius. [Publication]

Whitaker, R. (1974) Gharial Survey Report. [Publication]

Whyte, R.O. (1974) An environmental interpretation of the origin of Asian cereals. [Publication]

Whyte, R. O. (1974) An environmental interpretation of the origin of Asian cereals. [Publication]

Wig, N. N. and Salman Akhtar (1974) Twenty-five years of psychiatric research in India. [Publication]

Wig, N.N. and Salman Akhtar (1974) Twenty-five years of psychiatric research in India. [Publication]

Wilkins, W. J. (1974) Hindu mythology. [Publication]

Wilkins, W.J. (1974) Hindu mythology, Vedic and Pur\={a}nic. [Publication]

Wittern, Renate (1974) Die hippokratische Schrift De Morbis {I}: Ausgabe. [Publication]

Wittern, Renate (1974) Die hippokratische Schrift De Morbis I: Ausgabe, Übersetzung und Erläuterungen. [Publication]

Wojtilla, J. and A. Wojtilla (1974) Ammonius Saccas and India. [Publication]


Yadava, B.B.L., K.C. Tiwari and V.P. Tiwari (1974) A scientific study on Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. [Publication]

Yoganarasimhan, S.N., R.S. Venkataram and V.S. Togunashi (1974) Standard specimen -- its need and advantages for Ayurvedic drugs. [Publication]


Zaehner, R.C. (1974) Zen, drugs and mysticism. [Publication]

Zimmer, Heinrich (1974) Myths and symbols in Indian art and civilization. [Publication]

Zvelebil, K. (1974) Tamil literature. [Publication]

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