Items where Year is 1964

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Abeywickrama, B.A., M.D. Dassanayake and R.N. Fonseka (1964) The distribution of indigenous and naturalized medicinal plants of Ceylon. [Publication]

Abraham, T.M. (1964) Handicrafts of India. [Publication]

Agrawala, V.S. (1964) The Kamboja janapada. [Publication]

Ahluwalia, K.S. (1964) Medicinal plants of Jamnagar. [Publication]

Ali, S.I. (1964) A taxonomic study of the genus Tephrosia Pers. (Leguminosae) from West Pakistan. [Publication]

Anonymous (1964) A brief account of a Persian manuscript in the Salar Jung Oriental Library, Hyderabad. [Publication]

Anonymous (1964) A medieval Sanskrit medical manuscript on "personal hygiene". [Publication]

Anonymous (1964) A tenth century Arabic treatise on fevers -- A brief account of an Arabic medical manuscript in the Salar Jung Oriental Library, Hyderabad. [Publication]

Anonymous (1964) An account of Indian medicine by Francois Bernier, a French physician of XVII century in the Moghul empire. [Publication]

Anonymous (1964) Ashtanga Sangraha. [Publication]

Anonymous (1964) Berberine in cholera (Technical note). [Publication]

Anonymous (1964) Charles Dellon, a French surgeon of XVII century, his popularity and his misfortunes in India. [Publication]

Anonymous (1964) English translation of Madan-ul-Shifa Tibbe Sikandar Shahi. [Publication]

Anonymous (1964) Health atlas of India. [Publication]

Anonymous (1964) John Fryer, M.D., F.R.S., British traveller of XVII century and his impressions of medicine in India. [Publication]

Anonymous (1964) Kalyanakaraka -- promoter of welfare and prosperity (A Sanskrit medical treatise of the Jaina's school). [Publication]

Anonymous (1964) List of Arabic medical manuscripts in the Salarjung Oriental Library, Hyderabad. [Publication]

Anonymous (1964) List of Ayurvedic manuscripts in the Raj Manuscripts Library, Darbhanga. [Publication]

Anonymous (1964) List of Persian manuscripts of Unani medicine, Salar Jung Oriental Library, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. [Publication]

Anonymous (1964) List of medical manuscripts in the B.J. Institute of Learning and Research, Ashram Road, Hyderabad. [Publication]

Anonymous (1964) List of medical manuscripts in the Bir Library, Kathmandu, Nepal. [Publication]

Anonymous (1964) List of medical manuscripts in the Oriental Manuscripts Library, University of Kerala, Trivandrum. [Publication]

Anonymous (1964) Madanu-l-Shifa by Mian Bhowa -- A medical treatise by a courtier of Sikandar Shah Lodi. [Publication]

Anonymous (1964) Manuscript records from National Archives, Delhi -- Beginnings of modern medical education in former Nizam's dominion: Abolition of Military Medical School at Bolarum and the opening of the Hyderabad Medical School, near Residency. [Publication]

Anonymous (1964) Mejmoo-a-Zia-e (A Deccani medical manuscript of the 14th century). [Publication]

Anonymous (1964) New drug for cholera (Technical note). [Publication]

Anonymous (1964) Selected readings from Ashtanga Hridaya. [Publication]

Anonymous (1964) Selected readings from Kalyanakaraka. [Publication]

Anonymous (1964) Short biographies of Indian hakeems. [Publication]

Anonymous (1964) Siddhasara -- An unpublished medical treatise nearly 1000 years old. [Publication]

Anonymous (1964) Sirajuttib -- A brief account of a Persian medical manuscript in Salar Jung Oriental Library, Hyderabad. [Publication]

Anonymous (1964) Tibb-a-Shifa Mahmood Shahi. [Publication]

Atal, C.K. and S.P. Sood (1964) Pharmacognosy of Indian Ephedras -- Part I. Pharmacognostic study of Ephedra saxatilis Royle. [Publication]

Aurora, A.L., V. Ramalingaswami and P.D. Gaitonde (1964) Bladder stone disease in children in Delhi area. [Publication]

Azeez Pasha, M. (1964) English translation of Madan-ul-Shifa Tibbe Sikandar Shahi (Sikandar Shah's Mine of Medicine). [Publication]

Bader, Clarisse (1964) Women in ancient India: moral and literary studies. [Publication]

Banerjee, A. (1964) Indian forests through the ages. [Publication]

Banerji, D. (1964) Health problems and health practices in modern India; a historical perspective. [Publication]

Banerji, D. and S. Anderson (1964) Health problems and health practices in modern India: a historical interpretation. [Publication]

Bapat, C.V. (1964) A reference to intoxicating honey in Ramayana. [Publication]

Bedekar, V.M. (1964) Mah\={a}bh\={a}rata cultural notes, 3: Things kept in the bed-chamber of a lady-in-confinement. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\=ame\'s (1964) N\=ariyal. [Publication]

Bedi, R. (1964) Bakula has many uses. [Publication]

Bergemann, H.H. (1964) Zahnärztliche Anschauungen und Massnahmen des Lama-Arztes. [Publication]

Berreman, Gerald D. (1964) Brahmins and shamans in Pahari religion. [Publication]

Beteille, A. (1964) Family and social change in India and other South Asian countries. [Publication]

Bhatia, A., G.B. Singh and N.M. Khanna (1964) Effect of curcumin, its alkali salts and Curcuma longa oil in histamine-induced gastric ulceration. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, U.C. and C.L. Malhotra (1964) Botanical exploration in Hamirpur district U.P. with special reference to Mahoba aquatics. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, B. (1964) Gem therapy. [Publication]

Biardeau, Madeleine (1964) Théorie de la connaissance et philosophie de la parole dans le brahmanisme classique. [Publication]

Blumberg, Baruch S. (1964) Goiter in Gandhara. A representation in a secnd to third century AD frieze. [Publication]

Bose, A.B., S.P. Malhotra and P.C. Saxena (1964) Problems of nomadism in Arid Zone of Rajasthan. [Publication]

Botto, Oscar (1964) Mario Vallauri (1887--1964). [Publication]

Brahmachari, H.D. and K.T. Augusti (1964) Isolation of orally effective hypoglycaemic compounds from Ficus bengalensis Linn. [Publication]

Carstairs, G.M. (1964) Cultural differences in sexual deviation. [Publication]

Chakraborty, Ajita (1964) An analysis of paranoid symptomatology. [Publication]

Chandervaker, P. (1964) Tree-cult in Saurashtra. [Publication]

Chapekar, N.G. (1964) N\={a}satya. [Publication]

Chatterjee, C.D. (1964) Forestry in ancient India. [Publication]

Chatterjee, C.D. (1964) Role of forest in defence in ancient India. [Publication]

Chatterjee, C.D. (1964) Forestry in ancient India. [Publication]

Chatterjee, C.D. (1964) Role of forest in defence in ancient India. [Publication]

Chatterjee, Chitralekha, P.K. Dey and C.D. Dey (1964) Pharmacological screening of Valeriana wallichii, Lallemantia royleana, Breynia rhamnoides and Evolvulus nummularius for sedative and anti-convulsant principles. [Publication]

Chattopadhyay, Gouranga (1964) Ranjana: a village in West Bengal. [Publication]

Chaturvedi, G.N. and R.H. Singh (1964) A clinical study on the causes of jaundice and its treatment with an indigenous drug, Picrorhiza kurroa, and its preparations. [Publication]

Chaturvedi, G.N. and R.H. Singh (1964) Certain experimental studies on the effect of an indigenous drug, Dalbergia lanceolaria, on arthritis. [Publication]

Chaturvedi, G.N. and R.H. Singh (1964) Studies on pancha karma therapy. I. Certain physiological and biochemical studies on snehana and different types of vasti therapies. [Publication]

Chaturvedi, G.N. and R.H. Singh (1964) Studies on pancha karma therapy. II. Certain experimental studies on the effect of svedana in arthritis. [Publication]

Chaturvedi, G.N. and R.H. Singh (1964) Studies on pancha karma therapy. III. A clinical study on the treatment of certain neuromuscular and articular disorders with pinda sweda. [Publication]

Chaturvedi, G.N. and R.H. Singh (1964) Studies on pancha karma therapy. IV. Role of pancha karma therapy in tamaka swasa vis-\`{a}-vis bronchial asthma with particular reference to its pathophysiological basis: a hypothesis. [Publication]

Child, R. (1964) Coconuts. [Publication]

Chopra, I.C. and B.K. Abrol (1964) Some medicinal plants suitable for cultivation in the Indian arid zone. [Publication]

Clyne, Max B. (1964) Indian patients. [Publication]

Comfort, Alex (1964) The Koka Shastra and other medieval Indian writings on love. [Publication]

Copeman, W.S.C. (1964) A short history of the gout and the rheumatic diseases. [Publication]

Crowder, John I. and Robert R. Sexton (1964) Keratoconjunctivitis resulting from the sap of candelabra cactus and the pencil tree. [Publication]

Dandekar, R. N. (1964) Literature and sciences in the age of the Guptas. [Publication]

Dandiya, P.C. and M.K. Menon (1964) Actions of asarone on behavior, stress and hyperpyrexia, and its interaction with central stimulants. [Publication]

Dandiya, P.C. and M.K. Menon (1964) Some more pharmacological actions of asarone, the active principle of Acorus calamus. [Publication]

Dange, Sadashiv A. (1964) Three stages in the advent of Soma. [Publication]

Das, Amal Kumar (1964) The Koras and some little known communities of West Bengal. [Publication]

Das, P.K. and A.K. Sanyal (1964) Studies on Cissus quadrangularis Linn. I. Acetylcholine like action of the total extract. [Publication]

Das, K. (1964) The plant in Orissan folklore. [Publication]

Das, P.K. and A.K. Sanyal (1964) Studies on Cissus quadrangularis Linn. part I. Acetylcholine like action of the total extract. [Publication]

Das, P.K., V. Nath, K.D. Gode and A.K. Sanyal (1964) Preliminary phytochemical and pharmacological studies of Cocculus hirsutus Linn. [Publication]

Das, V.S.R. and J.V.S. Rao (1964) Phenolic acids of onion plant. [Publication]

Dastur, J.F. (1964) Useful plants of India and Pakistan. [Publication]

Datturay, S.M. Mathur and Kaora (1964) A double blind trial of nuron, an Ayurvedic drug, on chronic schizophrenia. [Publication]

Dechelotte, M.J. (1964) [a case of aconitine poisoning with cardiac symptoms]. [Publication]

Desai, B.L. (1964) Tree worship in Gujarat. [Publication]

Desai, V.B. and M. Sirsi (1964) The effect of Abrus precatorius on pregnancy of mice. [Publication]

Desai, V.P. and M. Sirsi (1964) I: The effect of Abrus precatorius Linn. on pregnancy of mice; II: Immunochemical studies on the toxic proteins of Abrus precatorius Linn.; III: Chemical and pharmacological investigations of Abrus precatorius Linn. [Publication]

Deshpande, P.J., S.N. Pathak and P.S. Shankaran (1964) Comparative study of contraction in experimental wounds under the influence of indigenous drugs. [Publication]

Dey, C.D., B.N. Koley, C.P. Dutta, A. Chatterjee, P.K. Dey and S.R. Mukerjee (1964) Chemical and pharmacological properties of Centella asiatica Linn. [Publication]

Diehl, C.G. (1964) The goddess of forests in Tamil literature. [Publication]

Dikshit, Moreshwar G. (1964) Studies in ancient Indian glass -- I: glass as mentioned in Kau\d{t}ilya's Artha\'{s}\={a}stra. [Publication]

Dimock Jr. Edward C. and A.K. Ramanujan (1964) The goddess of snakes in medieval Bengali literature, part II. [Publication]

Dube, K.C. (1964) Survey of mental morbidity in India at Mental Hospital, Agra. [Publication]

Dube, K.C. (1964) Survey of mental morbidity in India at mental hospital Agra. [Publication]

Dutta-Ray, S. (1964) Obsessional states observed in New Delhi. [Publication]

Duttaray, S.M., Mathur and Kaota (1964) A double blind trial on Nuvon, an ayurvedic drug on schizophrenia. [Publication]

Dwivedi, M.P. and B.G. Prasad (1964) An epidemiological study of lathyrism in the District of Rewa, Madhya Pradesh. [Publication]

Eliade, M. (1964) Shamanism - Archaic techniques of ecstasy. [Publication]

Elwin, Verrier (1964) The tribal world of Verrier Elwin: an autobiography. [Publication]

Flecher, G. (1964) Eine Ärztin in Nepal. [Publication]

Freed, Stanley A. and Ruth S. Freed (1964) Spirit possession as illness in a North Indian village. [Publication]

F\"{u}rer-Haimendorf, Christoph von (1964) The Sherpas of Nepal: Buddhist highlanders. [Publication]

Furtado, C.X. (1964) Concerning the types of genera. [Publication]

Gadre, K.C., H.A. Shah and Miss A.P. Dehnugara (1964) Septilin inthe treatment of ear, nose and throat infections. [Publication]

Gaind, K.N., H.C. Mital and S.R. Khanna (1964) Anthelmintic activity of triphala. [Publication]

Gaind, K.N., R.N. Dhar and R.N. Kaul (1964) Anti-staphylococcal activity of seeds of Psoralea corylifolia Linn. [Publication]

Gaind, K. N., R. N. Dhar and R. N. Kaul (1964) Isolation of an anti-staphylococcal fraction from the seeds of Psoralea corylifolia Linn. [Publication]

Gau\d{r}, D\={a}modar \'{S}arm\={a} (1964) Anatomical terminology of \={A}yurveda. [Publication]

Gau\d{r}, D\={a}modar \'{S}arm\={a} (1964) {P}\={a}ri\d{s}adya\d{m} \'{S}abd\={a}rtha \'{S}\={a}r\={\i}ram. [Publication]

Gee, E.P. (1964) The wild life of India. [Publication]

Ghosh, M. (1964) Primitive iron-making in contemporary India. [Publication]

Ghosh, S. and B.K. Chakraborty (1964) Alectra parasitica A. Rich. var chitrakutensis in the treatment of leprosy. [Publication]

Gopal, Lallanji (1964) The textile industry in early medieval India (c.A.D. 700--1200). [Publication]

Gopal, Lallanji (1964) Sugar-making in ancient India. [Publication]

Gupta, R. (1964) Medicinal and aromatic plants of Bhandal ranges, Churah forest division, Chamba district, Himachal Pradesh. [Publication]

Gupta, A.S. (1964) Pur\={a}\d{n}a, itih\={a}sa and \={a}khy\={a}na. [Publication]

Gupta, R. (1964) Survey record of medicinal and aromatic plants of Chamba Forest Division, Himachal Pradesh. [Publication]

Gupta, S.L. (1964) Sacred plants in the Hindu religion. [Publication]

Gupta, S.P. (1964) An appraisal of the food habits and nutritional state among the Asur, the Korwa and the Sauria Pahariya of Chotanagpur plateau. [Publication]

Gupta, S.S. (1964) Some observations on the antidiabetic effect of Ficus glomerata and Tinospora cordifolia. [Publication]

Gupta, S.S. and M.C. Variyar (1964) Experimental studies on pituitary diabetes -- IV. Effect of Gymnema sylvestre and Coccinia indica against the hyperglycaemic rsponse of somatotropin and corticotropin hormones. [Publication]

Gupta, U.C. and V.V. Preobragenski (1964) Trachoma in India. [Publication]

Guru, L.V. and D.N. Mishra (1964) Anthelmintic activity of Embelia ribes (Burm) in vitro. [Publication]

Guru, L.V. and P.V. Tewari (1964) Certain observations on the antifertility effect of an indigenous compound in experimental animals. [Publication]

Gyani, S.D. (1964) Agni Pur\={a}\d{n}a - A study. [Publication]

Hakim, R.A. (1964) The use of malkanguni with other indigenous drugs in the treatment of depression. [Publication]

Hakim, R.A. (1964) A preliminary report on the use of malkanguni with other indigenous drugs in the treatment of depression. [Publication]

Hakim, R.A. (1964) A trial report on malkanguni oil with other indigenous drugs in the treatment of psychiatric cases. [Publication]

Harper, Edward B. (Ed.) (1964) Religion in South Asia. [Publication]

Hasan, Khwaja A. (1964) Drinks, drugs and disease in a North Indian village. [Publication]

Hasan, Khwaja Arif (1964) Folk concepts of etiology and illness in a North Indian village. [Publication]

Health Atlas of India (1964) 159 /endAdd{SD}/ Heath. [Publication]

Heiser Jr., Charles B. (1964) Sangorache: an amaranth used ceremonially in Ecuador. [Publication]

Hill, R. and R. Konig (Eds.) (1964) Families in East and West. [Publication]

Jacobs, M. (1964) The genus Crateva (Capparaceae). [Publication]

Jain, Jyoti Prasad (1964) The Jaina sources of the history of ancient India (100 B.C.--A.D. 900). [Publication]

Jain, S.K. (1964) Plant resources in tribal areas of Bastar. [Publication]

Jain, S.K. (1964) Some less known plant foods among the tribals of Purulia (West Bengal). [Publication]

Jain, S.K. (1964) The role of a botanist in folklore research. [Publication]

Jain, S.K. (1964) Wild plant foods of the tribals of Bastar (M.P.), India. [Publication]

Jain, S.K. and C.R. Tarafdar (1964) Observations on Nyctanthes arbor-tristis L. [Publication]

Jain, S.K. and J.N. De (1964) Some less known plant foods among the tribals of Purulia (West Bengal). [Publication]

Janardhanan, K.P. (1964) An enumeration of the medicinal plants of Khed Taluka (Maharashtra State). [Publication]

Jog, K.P. (1964) The A\'{s}vins in the \d{R}gveda and their traces in the later literature. [Publication]

Jong, M. de (1964) Inleiding tot het werk van Garcia da Orta. [Publication]

Joshi, S.B. and K.C. Varma (1964) Panwar gum as a suspending and emulsifying agent. [Publication]

Jung, J. (1964) Antibakterielle und antifungale Hemmstoffe in h\"{o}heren Pflanzen - Literatur\"{u}bersicht. [Publication]

Kaji, M.N. and M.L. Khorana (1964) Studies in Cassia fistula Linn. leaves. [Publication]

Kalra, S.L., L.N. Mohapatra and H.C. Gugnani (1964) Etiology of dermatomycoses in Delhi. [Publication]

Kantawala, Sureshachandra G. (1964) Cultural history from the Matsyapur\={a}\d{n}a. [Publication]

Kapadia, Hiralal R. (1964) Jaina records about birds. [Publication]

Khanna, Pushpa (1964) Some interesting observations in Euryale ferox Salisb. [Publication]

Khanna, R.N. and T.R. Seshadri (1964) Chemical components of Pongamia pinnata: seeds, flowers and stem-bark. [Publication]

Khorana, M.L. and M.M. Sanghavi (1964) Two new glucosides from Cassia angustifolia pods. [Publication]

Khuda, M.Q., A. Khaeque and N. Roy (1964) Tinospora cordifolia I -- The constituents of the plant fresh from the field. [Publication]

Kiesswetter, H. (1964) Erfahrungsbericht \"{u}ber Behandlung von Wunden mit Asiaticoside (Madecassol). [Publication]

Kottegoda, S.R. (Ed.) (1964) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Medicinal Plants, Kandy, 15th--18th December, 1964. [Publication]

Krishnamurthy, T. (1964) A note on rudraksha, Elaeocarpus sphaericus (Gaertn.) K.Schum. [Publication]

Kupchan, S.M., J.R. Knox, J.E. Kelsey, J.A. Saenzrenauld (1964) Calotropin, a cytotoxic principle isolated from Asclepias curassavica L. [Publication]

Kurup, K.K. and P.A. Kurup (1964) Antibiotic substances from the root bark of Premna integrifolia. [Publication]

Kutumbiah, P. (1964) Pediatrics in ancient India. [Publication]

Kutumbiah, P. (1964) The distinctive contributions of Indian medicine to the progress of medical thought. [Publication]

Lahiri, P.K., S.N. Pradhan (1964) Pharmacological investigation of Vasicinol -- an alkaloid from Adhatoda vasica Nees. [Publication]

Lalitha Kumari, H., A.K. Dorle and M. Sirsi (1964) Observations on the effect of Areca tannins on rat uterus. [Publication]

Lange, Kristina (1964) Eine anatomische Tafel zur lamaistischen Heilkunde. [Publication]

Levey, M. (1964) Chemistry in the Kit\={a}b al-Sumum (Book of poisons) by Ibn al-Wa\d{h}sh\={\i}ya (al-Naba\d{t}\={\i}) fl. +912. [Publication]

Lévi-Strauss, Claude (1964) Mythologiques: le cru et le cuit. [Publication]

Liebrecht, S. and N.K. Ramanathan (1964) Premiers médecins fran\c{c}ais et premiers hôpitaux de Pondichéry. [Publication]

Lindermann, G. (1964) Trigonella foenum-graecum, a nearly forgotten drug. [Publication]

Löffler, Lorenz G. (1964) Chakma und Sak. Ethnolinguistische Beiträge zur Geschichte eines Kulturvolkes. [Publication]

Lokesh Chandra (1964) Contents of two classical hippological treatises. [Publication]

M\"{u}ller, R. F. G. (1964) \"{U}ber einige indische. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1964) Einige Beurteilungen alter Denkweisen der Inder und ihrer Ärzte. [Publication]

Müller, Reinhold F.G. (1964) Über die Medizin der indischen Wundärzte. [Publication]

Mabbett, I.W. (1964) The date of the Arthasastra. [Publication]

Maiti, P.C. (1964) Andrographolide: the active principle of kalmegh. [Publication]

Maity, P.K. (1964) Tree worship and its association with the snake cult in India. [Publication]

Maity, Pradyot K. (1964) The cult of Manasa outside Bengal. [Publication]

Malhotra, S.L. (1964) Peptic ulcer in India and its etiology. [Publication]

Mansukhani, N.G. (1964) Styplon in dental haemorrhage. [Publication]

Manuscripts (1964) List of Ayurvedic manuscripts in the Raj Manuscripts Library, Darbhanga. [Publication]

Manuscripts (1964) List of Persian manuscripts of Unani medicine, Salar Jung Oriental Library Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. [Publication]

Manuscripts (1964) List of medical manuscripts in the B.J. Institute of Learning and Research, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad. [Publication]

Manuscripts (1964) List of medical manuscripts in the Bir Library, Kathmandu, Nepal. [Publication]

Manuscripts (1964) List of medical manuscripts in the Oriental Manuscripts Library, University of Kerala, Trivandrum. [Publication]

Mathe, I. and E. Papp (1964) Einige Angaben zu der Untersuchung von Withania somnifera Dun. [Publication]

Mathew, K., M. Ignatius, Meenakshiammal, S.J. Baker (1964) Tropical sprue in children. [Publication]

Mathur, K.S. (1964) Caste and ritual in a Malwa village. [Publication]

Mathur, K.S., S.S. Singhal and R.D. Sharma (1964) Effect of Bengal gram on experimentally induced high levels of cholesterol in tissues and serum in albino rats. [Publication]

Minturn, Leigh and William W. Lambert (1964) Mothers of six cultures -- Antecedents of child rearing. [Publication]

Mishra, S.S., S.K. Bapat and J.P. Tewari (1964) Preliminary phytochemical and pharmacological study of Symplocos racemosa. [Publication]

Mithal, B.M. and J.L. Kasid (1964) Evaluation of the emulsifying properties of Plantago ovata (ispaghula) seed husk. [Publication]

Mookherjee, A. (1964) The geology of the Zawar lead-zinc mine, Rajasthan, India. [Publication]

Moraes, George Mark (1964) Dr. José Gerson da Cunha. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1964) Ärztliche Lehren im Agnipur\={a}\d{n}a. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1964) Az \"{o}si indiai sebervosok h\'{e}tcsoportos betegs\'{e}gfeloszt\'{a}sa kritikai ismertet\'{e}s (Beurteilung einer Siebengliederung von Krankheiten durch indische Wund\"{a}rzte). [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1964) Die vermeintlichen "Temperamente" in den indischen Wundärtzlichen Lehren. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G (1964) Indische Würmerkrankheiten. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1964) Können die altindischen Ärzte als Materialisten gelten? [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1964) Krankheitsbeurteilungen als "constitutional" und "accidental" in der indischen Medizin. [Publication]

Murthy, V.V.S. and T.R. Sheshadri (1964) Neurotoxic compounds of the seeds of Lathyrus sativus. [Publication]

Murthy, Y.S. and V. Singh (1964) The identity of Cyathula capitata Moq. [Publication]

Murti, V.V.S., T.R. Seshadri and T.A. Venkitasubramanian (1964) Neurotoxic compounds of the seeds of Lathyrus sativus. [Publication]

Nagaraja Rao, P. (1964) Puru\d{s}\={a}rthas: the four values in Hindu thought. [Publication]

Nair, N.C. (1964) On a botanical tour to Lahaul and Spiti (Punjab Himalaya). [Publication]

Nair, N.C. and Nair, V.J. (1964) Boerhaavia punarnava Saha and Krishnamurthy -- a new record for Kerala. [Publication]

Nair, P.K.K. (1964) A pollen analytical study of Indian honeys. [Publication]

Narain, D. (1964) Growing up in India. [Publication]

Narain, D. (1964) Interpersonal relationships in the Hindu family. [Publication]

Nayar, S.L. (1964) Medicinal plants of commercial importance found wild in Uttar Pradesh and their distribution. [Publication]

Neogi, N.C. and A.K. Baliga (1964) Studies of Celastrus paniculatus Willd. [Publication]

Neogi, N.C., P.A. Balinga and R.K. Srivastav (1964) Anthelmintic activity of some indigenous drugs. [Publication]

Ojha, J. (1964) Drugs acting on mental disorders (Practical aspects of N. jatamansi). [Publication]

Orth, Hermann (1964) Die antiken Diabetes Synonyme und ihre Wortgeschichte. [Publication]

Pandey, Trilochan (1964) Tree worship in ancient India. [Publication]

Pant, N.C. (1964) Entomology in India. [Publication]

Patel, R.P., C.S. Shah, P.N. Khanna and T.P. Gandhi (1964) Pharmacognostic and pharmacological studies of Embelia ribes Burm.f. and Embelia tsjeriam-cottam A.DC. (syn. E. robusta Clarke). [Publication]

Pathak, S.N., P.S. Shankaran and J.P. Deshpande (1964) The effect of Vernonia cinerea in experimental wound healing. [Publication]

Paymaster, J.C. (1964) Cancer and its distribution in India. [Publication]

Pendse, G.S. and M.A. Iyengar (1964) Drugs normalizing the gastro-intestinal flora. [Publication]

Poumailloux, M. (1964) Qu'y a-t-il de valable dans la médecine traditionnelle de l'Inde? [Publication]

Prasad, B.N. (1964) Alectra parasitica A. Rich. var. chitrakutensis Rau -- An indigenous drug in the treatment of leprosy in Bihar -- A preliminary observation. [Publication]

Prasad, G.C., P.S. Shankaran and P.J. Deshpande (1964) Effect of Uraria picta on fracture healing. [Publication]

Prasad, S., S.P. Wahi and L.C. Mishra (1964) Pharmacognostic investigation on Indian sarsaparilla, its substitutes and adulterants -- part I, Hemidesmus indicus R.Br. [Publication]

Puri, G.S., S.K. Mukerjee, S. Sarup and M.N. Kotwal (1964) Flora of Rajasthan. [Publication]

Raghavan, D. (Ed.) (1964) Agriculture in ancient India. [Publication]

Rahurkar, V.G. (1964) The seers of the \d{R}gveda. [Publication]

Rai Chaudhuri, H.N. (1964) Pharmacognostic studies on Cassia sophera Linn. [Publication]

Rajagopalan, T.R. and T.R. Seshadri (1964) Chemical components of Alectra parasitica. [Publication]

Rama Rao, B. (1964) Kaly\={a}nak\={a}raka. [Publication]

Ramana, C.V. (1964) On the early history and development of psychoanalysis in India. [Publication]

Ramanatha Ayyar, V. and K. Parameswara Aithal (1964) K\={a}rp\={a}sa cotton: its origin and spread in ancient India. [Publication]

Ramanathan, K.R., R.C. Sawhney and J.M. Dutta (1964) Notes on the outcome of literature survey for Wealth of India -- Raw Materials. [Publication]

Ramarathinam, S. (1964) Boerhaavia punarnava Saha and Krishnamurthy, a new record for Maharashtra. [Publication]

Randhawa, M.S. (1964) The cult of trees and tree worship in Buddhist and Hindu scripture. [Publication]

Rao Balakrishna, B.N., H.N. Gupta and G.V. Ranganker (1964) Chemical composition of urinary calculi. [Publication]

Rao, L.N. (1964) Life-history of Cycas circinalis L. [Publication]

Rao, M.M.R. and H.H. Siddiqui (1964) Pharmacological studies on Emblica officinalis Gaertn. [Publication]

Rao, R.S. and R. Sundara Raghavan (1964) Capparis moonii Wt.: a reinvestigation of its identity and value as a drug. [Publication]

Rao, Rajaram and Siddiqui (1964) Studies on Emblica officinalis. [Publication]

Ray, Dutta S., S.B. Mathur and A. Kaur (1964) A double-blind trial of "Nuvon", an Ayurvedic drug on chronic schizophrenics. [Publication]

Raychaudhuri, S.P., R.K. Kaw, D. Raghavan, Krishan Kumar and J.P. Bali (Eds.) (1964) Agriculture in ancient India. [Publication]

Reddy, D.B. et al. (1964) Bibliography on plant protection in India. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1964) An account of Indian medicine by Fran\c{c}ois Bernier, a French physician of XVII century in the Moghul empire. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1964) Charles Dellon, a French surgeon of XVII century -- His popularity and his misfortunes in India. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. and B. Rama Rao (1964) A medieval Sanskrit medical manuscript on "personal hygiene". [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. and B. Rama Rao (1964) Selected readings from Ashtanga Hridaya -- Dinacharyaddhyaya (daily mode of life). [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. and B. Rama Rao (1964) Siddhasara -- An unpublished medical treatise nearly 1000 years old. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V. Subba (1964) Kalyanakaraka, promoter of welfare and prosperity (A Sanskrit medical treatise of the Jaina's school). [Publication]

Reid, H.A. (1964) Cobra bites. [Publication]

Riddle, J.M. (1964) Pomum ambrae: amber and ambergris in plague remedies. [Publication]

Rosen, Ismond (Ed.) (1964) The pathology and treatment of sexual deviation. [Publication]

Rout, S.P. (1964) Hunting among the Pauri Bhuinyas of Kuria, Sundargarh. [Publication]

Sachau, Edward C. (1964) Alberuni's India; An account of the religion, philosophy, literature, geography, chronology, astronomy, customs, laws and astrology of India about A.D. 1030, edited, with notes and indices. [Publication]

Sachdev, K.C., S.A. Vasavada and A.D. Joseph (1964) Antihistaminic activity of Clerodendron serratum (Linn) Moon. [Publication]

Sadgopal, D. (1964) Vetiver oil. [Publication]

Saikia, Padma Dhar (1964) Studies in Dafla social and religious life. [Publication]

Salgar, S.S. and J.R. Merchant (1964) Alkaloids from fruits of Alangium lamarckii (Thwaites). [Publication]

Sankaran, P.S., G.C. Prasad and P.J. Deshpande (1964) Histochemical and biochemical studies on the effect of Uraria picta Desv. on fracture healing. [Publication]

Santapau, H. (1964) The botanical Survey of India. [Publication]

Sanyal, A.K., K.K. Gupta and N.K. Chowdhury (1964) Studies on peptic ulceration. Part I -- Role of banana in phenylbutazone induced ulcers. [Publication]

Sanyal, A.K., K.K. Gupta and N.K. Chowdhury (1964) Studies on peptic ulceration, part I: role of banana in phenylbutazone induced ulcers. [Publication]

Sanyal, P.K. (1964) A story of medicine and pharmacy in India: Pharmacy 2000 years ago and after. [Publication]

Sarma, I.K. (1964) The ancient game of cock-fight in India. [Publication]

Satpathy, B. (1964) Kalami sag (Ipomoea reptans) as a new addition to our greens. [Publication]

Sauer, Jonathan (1964) Revision of Canavalia. [Publication]

Saxena, P.R., K. Kishor, M.C. Pant and K.P. Bhargava (1964) Pharmacologically active constituents of Girardinia heterophylla Decne. [Publication]

Scarpa, A. (1964) La medicina tradizionale del Siam secundo un manoscritto su scorza d'albero. [Publication]

(General Editor) Schröder, Christel Matthias; authors: Andr\'{e} Bareau, Walther Schubring, Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf (1964) Die Religionen der Menschheit, Band 13: Die Religionen Indiens, III: Buddhismus -- Jinismus -- Primitivvölker. [Publication]

Schubring, Walther (1964) Der Jinismus. [Publication]

Sen, S.P. (1964) Study of the active constituents (ketosteroids) of Cissus quadrangularis Wall. [Publication]

Sethna, K.D. (1964) The location of Kamboja. [Publication]

Seyfort Ruegg, David (1964) Sur les rapports entre le bouddhisme et le "substrat religieux" indien et tibétain. [Publication]

Shabnam, Sant Ram (1964) Medicinal plants of Chamba (H.P.). [Publication]

Shabnum, S.R. (1964) Medicinal plants of Chamba, H.P. [Publication]

Shah, A.M. (1964) Basic terms and concepts in the study of family in India. [Publication]

Shah, L.P., D.R. Doongaji, V.N. Bagadia, N.S. Vahia and U.K. Sheth (1964) Clinical observations on Paspalum scrobiculatum (Harik). [Publication]

Shankaran, P.S., S.N. Pathak and P.J. Deshpande (1964) Healing of wounds in clinical cases treated with Vernonia cinerea (sahadevi). [Publication]

Shanthakumari, G., M.L. Gujral and K. Sareen (1964) Further studies on the anti-arthritic and anti-inflammatory activities of gum guggul. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1964) Ashwins and their miracles. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1964) Objective methods for study of pharmacological principles of Ayurveda. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1964) Pr\={a}c\={\i}n k\={a}l me\d{m} vi\d{s}atantra. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1964) Vy\={a}kara\d{n}-v\={a}\.{n}may me\d{m} \={a}yurved\={\i}ya s\={a}magr\={\i}. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. and C. Chaturvedi (1964) In-vitro anthelmintic effects of Semecarpus anacardium Linn.f. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. and C. Chaturvedi (1964) Preliminary observations on the effects of Piper longum and nigrum on growth. [Publication]

Shukla, H.C. and G.P. Dubey (1964) Certain anthropometric and biochemical studies with reference to weight and body surface area. [Publication]

Shukla, H.C., G.P. Dubey and E.G. Phadia (1964) Physiological studies on human constitution. [Publication]

Shukla, H.C., G.P. Dubey and E.G. Phadia (1964) Some biochemical findings in different human groups, grouped according to Ayurvedic theory of tridosha. [Publication]

Shukla, H.C., G.P. Dubey and E.G. Phadia (1964) Studies on serum cholesterol and human constitution (dosha prakriti). [Publication]

Siddiqui, H.H. (1964) Effect of khamira abresham arshadwala on serum cholesterol levels in rabbits. [Publication]

Siddiqui, H.H., K.K. Kapur and C.K. Atal (1964) Studies on Indian seed oils -- Part II. Effect of Plantago ovata embryo oil on serum cholesterol levels in rabbits. [Publication]

Singh, Dool (1964) Land reforms in Rajasthan. [Publication]

Singh, D. (1964) Some useful cucurbits for the arid zone in Rajasthan. [Publication]

Singh, H. and V.K. Gupta (1964) Tropical eosinophilia in Punjab. [Publication]

Singh, R.H. and G.N. Chaturvedi (1964) Studies on panchkarma therapy, parts I--VII. [Publication]

Sircar, D.C. (1964) Kamboja. [Publication]

Sirsi, M. (1964) Pharmacology of Symplocos racemosa Roxb. [Publication]

Smith, R. Morton (1964) Notes on some early Indian names. [Publication]

Sopher, David E. (1964) Indigenous uses of turmeric (Curcuma domestica) in Asia and Oceania. [Publication]

Srinivasan, M.A., A.S. Aiyar, O.P. Kapur, M.G. Kokatnur, D.S. Rao et al. (1964) Effect of turmeric extract on cholesterol levels in rats. [Publication]

Srivastava, V.C. (1964) The Asvins in the Rigveda. [Publication]

Stassen, P. (1964) The use of asiaticoside in traumatology. [Publication]

Steinmetz, E.F. (1964) Psoralea corylifolia. [Publication]

Fuchs, S. (1964) Magic healing techniques among the Balahis in Central India. [Publication]

Story, Francis (1964) The place of animals in Buddhism. [Publication]

Subrahmanyam, B.R. (1964) Appearance and spread of iron in India -- An appraisal of archaeological data. [Publication]

Sudhoff, K. (1964) Geschichte der Zahnheilkunde. [Publication]

Surya, N.C. and S.S. Jayaram (1964) Some basic considerations in the practice of psychotherapy in the Indian setting. [Publication]

Surya, N.C. and S.S. Jayaram (1964) Some basic considerations of psychotherapy in the Indian setting. [Publication]

Surya, N.C., S.P. Datta, R. Gopala Krishna, D. Sundaram and Janaky Kutty (1964) Mental morbidity in Pondicherry (1962--1963). [Publication]

Suryanarayana, K.V. and K.V. Subbarao (1964) An unsual occurrence of sulphur at Chintur, Khammam District, Andhra Pradesh. [Publication]

Tewary, J.P., K.C. Datta and S.S. Mishra (1964) Phytochemical and pharmacological investigations of Ipomoea carnea leaves. [Publication]

Thomas, P. (1964) Indian women through the ages; a historical survey of the position of women and the institutions of marriage and family in India from remote antiquity to the present day. [Publication]

Tiwari, J.P., K.C. Dutta and S.S. Mishra (1964) Phytochemical and pharmacological investigations on Ipomoea carnea leaves. [Publication]

Tripathi, S.N. and K.P. Shukla (1964) Rheumatism (amavata) and its treatment with an indigenous drug, gourakh (Dalbergia lanceolaria). [Publication]

Udupa, K.N. and G.C. Prasad (1964) Biochemical and Calcium 45 studies on the effect of Cissus quadrangularis in fracture repair. [Publication]

Udupa, K.N. and G.C. Prasad (1964) Further studies on the effect of Cissus quadrangularis in accelerating fracture healing. [Publication]

Uniyal, M.R. (1964) Medicinal plants collected from Bhilangna Valley during 1963--1964. [Publication]

Unnikrishnan, K.P. (1964) Unmada (insanity). [Publication]

Upadhyaya, K.D. (1964) Indian botanical folklore. [Publication]

Upadhyaya, Y.N., K.P. Shukla, P.S. Shankaran and S.B. Pathak (1964) A clinical trial of sharapunkha (Tephrosia purpurea) in case of liver and spleen disorders. [Publication]

Uray, G. (1964) The old Tibetan verb Bon. [Publication]

Vad, B.G., S.M. Karandikar, G. Joglekar and J.H. Balwani (1964) Preliminary studies on Citrus medica. [Publication]

Vagh, V.T. (1964) Diarex in the treatment of diarrhoea. [Publication]

Valle, Pietro della (1964) The travels of Pietro della Valle in India, from the old English translation of 1664, by G. Havers, in two volumes, edited, with a life of the author, an introduction and notes, by Edward Grey. [Publication]

Venkatakrishna Rao, U. (1964) \={A}yurveda in ancient India. [Publication]

Venkateswarlu, V. and T.V. Padmanabha Rao (1964) Chemical components of the stem bark of Cassia fistula. [Publication]

Venkoba Rao, A. (1964) Some ancient Indian concepts of mind, insanity and mental hygiene. [Publication]

Verghese, Abraham (1964) Moon and mental illness. [Publication]

Verma, B.B. (1964) The cardiotonic and other pharmacological actions of Thevetia neriifolia Juss. [Publication]

Vogel-Brauer, Anneliese (1964) Die Zahn- und Zahnbetterkrankungen in der altindischen Medizin. [Publication]

Wagh, V.T. (1964) Diarex in the treatment of diarrhoea. [Publication]

Wahi, S.P. and K.C. Chunekar (1964) Pharmacognostical studies of Gymnema sylvestre R.Br. [Publication]

Watermann, Rempert (1964) Sprachliche Erforschung der indischen Medizin. [Publication]

Wilson, F. D. and M. Y. Menzel (1964) Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus). [Publication]

Wilson, F.D. and M.Y. Menzel (1964) Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) and roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa). [Publication]

Wylie, Turrell V. (1964) Ro-langs, the Tibetan zombie. [Publication]

Yalman, Nur (1964) The structure of Sinhalese healing rituals. [Publication]

Yamamoto, H.Y. (1964) Comparison of the carotenoids in yellow- and red-fleshed Carica papaya. [Publication]

Yanaga, T., M. Ito and H. Mashiba (1964) Studies on aconitine-induced ventricular fibrillation by simultaneous recording electrocardiograms and transmembrane potentials in situ. [Publication]

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