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`Abd al-`Az\={\i}z (1947) Arms and jewellery of the Indian Mu\b{g}\b{h}uls. [Publication]
Agrav\={a}l\={a}, V\={a}. \'{S}a. (1947) Har\d{s}a-carit, ek s\={a}\d{m}sk\d{r}tik adhyayan. [Publication]
Agrawala, V.S. (1947) Current proper names (manu\d{s}yan\={a}ma) in P\={a}\d{n}ini. [Publication]
Ahmad, S.K. (1947) Psychoanalysis of supernatural factor in a personality. [Publication]
Archer, W.G. (1947) Santal treatment of witchcraft. [Publication]
Ayyar, K.R. Venkatarama (1947) Medieval trade, craft, and merchant guilds in South India. [Publication]
Basu, N.K., S.B. Lal and S.N. Sharma (1947) Investigations on Indian medicinal plants. [Publication]
Basu, N.K. and G.B. Singh (1947) Investigations on Indian medicinal plants, II. Vitex negundo. [Publication]
Basu, N.K. and P.R. Pabrai (1947) Investigations on Indian medicinal plants -- part II: Monniera cuneifolia. [Publication]
Basu, N.K., P.P. Lamsal and G.B. Singh (1947) Investigation of Indian medicinal plants Hydrocotyle asiatica, Vitex negundo and Monniera cunifolia. [Publication]
Basu, N.K., S.B. Lai and S.N. Sharma (1947) Investigations on Indian medicinal plants. [Publication]
Basu, N.M., G.K. Ray and N.K. De (1947) On the vitamin C and carotene content of several herbs and flowers used in Ayurvedic system of medicine. [Publication]
Bhattacharya, A. (1947) The tiger cult and its literature in Lower Bengal. [Publication]
Bhattacharyya, Dinesh Chandra (1947) Date and works of V\={a}gbha\d{t}a the physician. [Publication]
Bhattacharyya, Dinesh Chandra (1947) New light on Vaidyaka literature (from Ni\'{s}calakara's Ratnaprabh\={a}). [Publication]
Biswas, K. (1947) Lichen flora of India. [Publication]
Bose, G. (1947) All or none attitude in sex. [Publication]
Boulogne, P. (1947) Médecine de l'Inde. [Publication]
Burang (1947) Tibeter über das Abendland -- Stimmen aus dem geheimnisvollen Tibet. [Publication]
Carré, Abbé (1947) The travels of the Abbé Carré in India and the Near East 1672--1674, translated from the manuscript journal of his travels in the India Office by Lady Fawcett and edited by Sir Charles Fawcett, with the assistance of Sir Richard Burn, 3 vols. [Publication]
Castiglioni, Arturo (1947) A history of medicine. [Publication]
Chatterjee, Asima and Anil Bhattacharyya (1947) On the active principles isolated from the leaves and the bark of Skimmia laureola Hook. [Publication]
Chatterji, D. (1947) Influence of East Mediterranean regions flora on that of India. [Publication]
Cheesman, E.E. (1947) Classification of the bananas. I. The genus Ensete Horan; II. The genus Musa L.; III. Critical notes on species: Musa balbisiana Colla; Musa acuminata Colla; Musa paradisiaca L. and Musa sapientum L.; Musa banksii F. Muell.; Musa basjoo Siebold; Musa n. [Publication]
Chevalier, A. (1947) Les jujubiers ou ziziphus de l'ancien monde et l'utilisation de leurs fruits. [Publication]
Chopra, R.N. (1947) Indian medicinal and poisonous plants -- A brief review (1921--1946). [Publication]
Chopra, R.N., L.D. Kapoor, K.L. Handa and I.C. Chopra (1947) Vegetable drug resources of Jammu and Kashmir. [Publication]
Chopra, R.N., L.D. Kapur et al. (1947) Vegetable drug resources of Jammu and Kashmir. [Publication]
Condit, I.J. (1947) The fig. [Publication]
Corbett, JIm (1947) The man-eating leopard of Rudraprayag. [Publication]
Correia, Alberto Germano da Silva (1947) História do ensino médico na Ã�ndia portuguesa nos séculos XVII, XVIII, XIX. [Publication]
Correia, Germano (1947) Os percursores do ensino da medicina e cirurgia em Goa. [Publication]
Curasson, G. (1947) Le chameau et ses maladies. [Publication]
Daly, C.D. (1947) The mother complex in literature. [Publication]
Dare, P. (1947) Magie blanche et magie noire aux Indes. [Publication]
Das Gupta, Dhirendra Chandra (1947) Characteristic Materia Medica. [Publication]
Dasa Rao, C.J. and S. Sankara Subramanian (1947) Chemical examination of the seeds of Derris scandens. [Publication]
Dharmendra, R. (1947) Leprosy in ancient Indian medicine. [Publication]
Dutta, A. and S. Ghosh (1947) Daemia extensa R.Br. [Publication]
Fahmy, I.R. and H. Abu-Shady (1947) Ammi majus Linn. -- pharmacognostical study and isolation of cristalline constituent ammoidin. [Publication]
Filliozat, J. (1947) La médecine. [Publication]
Filliozat, J. (1947) Le sommeil et les rêves selon les m;edecins indiens et les physiologues grecs. [Publication]
Fitch. K.S. (1947) A medical history of the Bengal famine 1943--44. [Publication]
Geddes, A. (1947) The social and psychological significance of variability in population change with examples from India, 1871--1941. [Publication]
Geoge, M., P.R. Venkatraman and K.M. Pandalai (1947) Investigations on plant antibiotics, part II - A search for antibiotic substances in some Indian medicinal plants. [Publication]
George, M., P.R. Venkataraman and K.M. Pandalai (1947) Investigations on plant antibiotics, part II: a search for antibiotic substances in some Indian medicinal plants. [Publication]
Gode, P.K. (1947) Date of the A\'{s}vacikitsita of Nakula -- Before A.D. 1000. [Publication]
Gode, P.K. (1947) History of mend\={\i} or henna (Between B.C. 2000 and A.D. 1850). [Publication]
Gode, P.K. (1947) Quotations from the commentaries of K\={a}rtika or K\={a}rtikaku\d{n}\d{d}a recorded by \d{D}alla\d{n}a (c.A.D. 1100), Vijayarak\d{s}ita (c.A.D. 1240) and \'{S}r\={\i}ka\d{n}\d{t}hadatta (c.A.D. 1275). [Publication]
Gode, P.K. (1947) References to Persian oil in Bilha\d{n}a's Vikram\={a}\.{n}kadeva-carita and in the \={A}ryama\~{n}ju\'{s}r\={\i}-m\={u}lakalpa -- Between c. A.D. 500 and 1100. [Publication]
Gode, P.K. (1947) Some Karh\={a}\d{d}e Brahmin families at Benares between A.D. 1550 and A.D. 1660. [Publication]
Gode, P.K. (1947) Some notes on the history of soap-nuts, soap and washermen in India -- Between B.C. 300 and A.D. 1900. [Publication]
Gode, P.K. (1947) Some notes on the invention of spectacles and the history of spectacles in India between A.D. 1500 and 1800. [Publication]
Gode, P.K. (1947) Some notes on the manuscripts of medical works by Jain authors. [Publication]
Gode, P.K. (1947) Some recipes about perfumes and cosmetics in the Gandhav\={a}da section of the Rasaratn\={a}kara of Nityan\={a}tha Siddha (13th century A.D.). [Publication]
Gode, P.K. (1947) Studies in the history of Indian plants -- The reference to Candana forest on the Malaya mountain in the R\={a}m\={a}ya\d{n}a and its bearing on the history of white sandal (Santalum album) in India. [Publication]
Gode, P.K. (1947) Studies in the history of Indian plants -- The role of yava and ca\d{n}aka (gram) in regimen of Indian horses as disclosed in the A\'{s}v\={a}yurveda of V\={a}gbha\d{t}a, son of Vikrama. [Publication]
Gode, P.K. (1947) The description of thermal springs at Kampanagara given in the Ras\={a}r\d{n}ava (c. 12th century A.D.) and its bearing on the history of mineral springs in India. [Publication]
Gode, P. K. (1947) The mosquito-net in Egypt (c. B.C. 500) and the mosquito-curtain in India (between B.C. 500 and A.D. 1800). [Publication]
Gode, P.K. (1947) The mounted bowman on Indian battle-fields -- >From the invasion of Alexander (B.C. 326) to the battle of Panipat (A.D. 1761). [Publication]
Gode, P.K. (1947) The plant lore of ancient India. [Publication]
Gode, P.K. (1947) Use of wax-moulds for casting metal images mentioned in the Caraka-sa\d{m}hit\={a} and the texts on architecture. [Publication]
Gode, P.K. (1947) `Var\={a}nna', an article of diet mentioned in the Var\={a}\.{n}gacarita of the 7th century A.D. and its subsequent history in Sanskrit and Marathi sources up to A.D. 1800. [Publication]
Handa, K.L., L.D. Kapoor and I.C. Chopra (1947) Indian henbane. [Publication]
Henry, René (1947) Ctésias, le Perse, l'Inde: les sommaires de Photius. [Publication]
Hocking, George M. (1947) Henbane -- Healing herb of Hercules and of Apollo. [Publication]
Hutchinson, J.B., R.A. Silow and S.G. Stephens (Eds.) (1947) The evolution of Gossypium. [Publication]
Iyer, K. Balasubrahmanya (1947) A note on N\={a}satyau and Dasrau. [Publication]
Jafar, M. and M.O.T. Iyengar (1947) The incidence of malaria in a Deltaic area of Lower Bengal between the Damodar and the Hooghly rivers. [Publication]
Jain, Jagdish Chandra (1947) Life in ancient India as depicted in the Jain canons (with commentaries) -- An administrative, economic, social and geographical survey of ancient India based on the Jain canons. [Publication]
Joshi, P. (1947) Monographs on Himalayan drugs, vol. 1. [Publication]
Karambelkar, V.W. (1947) Atharvan witch-craft. [Publication]
Katre, Sadashiva L. (1947) Exact date of R\={a}ma V\={a}japeeyin's N\={a}\d{d}\={\i}par\={\i}k\d{s}\={a}. [Publication]
Kessler, A. (1947) Lathyrismus. [Publication]
Lebrun, Georges (1947) Betel chewing. [Publication]
Mahdihassan, S. (1947) Stick-lac as illustrated in 1567. [Publication]
Mantell, C.L. (1947) The water-soluble gums. [Publication]
Mariadassou, Paramananda (1947) Médecine traditionnelle de l'Inde -- Hygiène nationale -- Préface de Prof. Laignel-Lavastine. [Publication]
Mitra, G.C. and S.N. Bal (1947) Pharmacognosy of the root bark of Abroma augusta Linn. [Publication]
Mukerji, A.K. and N.V. Bhaduri (1947) The treatment of intestinal worms with the indigenous drugs Butea, Embelia and Kamala. [Publication]
Nayar, K.K. (1947) Descriptions of plant galls from Travancore. [Publication]
Patel, C.S., C.C. Shah and H.P. Parikh (1947) Chemical examination of the leaves of Adenanthera pavonina Linn. [Publication]
Pazzini A. (1947) Storia della medicina. [Publication]
Phadke, Bhaskar Nagesh (1947) History of dyes and dyeing in the Bombay Presidency. [Publication]
Platt, A.J. (1947) Madras garden handbook. [Publication]
Prasad, S. (1947) Pharmacognostical studies of brahmi -- Stem and leaf characteristics of Herpestis monniera H.B. et K. and Hydrocotyle asiatica Linn. [Publication]
Puntambekar, S.V. (1947) Effect of storage on the alkaloidal content of Strychnos nux-vomica seeds. [Publication]
Renou, L. (1947) Les écoles védiques et la formation du Veda. [Publication]
Renou, Louis et Jean Filliozat, avec le concours de Pierre Meile, Anne-Marie Esnoul, Liliane Silburn (1947) L'Inde classique. Manuel des études indiennes. Tome I. [Publication]
Report (1947) Commission on Indigenous Medicine, Sessional Paper 24. [Publication]
Report (1947) Report of the Assam Scheme Committee. [Publication]
Row, D.N. (1947) What is Ayurveda. [Publication]
Sengupta, P.C. (1947) History of kala-azar in India. [Publication]
Shah, M.M., N.L. Phalnikar and B.V. Bhide (1947) A note on the chemical investigation of the fruits of Celastrus paniculata Willd. (N.O. Celastraceae). [Publication]
Sharma, P.V. (1947) Nid\={a}npa\~{n}cak k\={\i} rogj\~{n}\={a}ns\={a}dhant\={a}. [Publication]
Sharma, Priyavrat (1947) \={A}yurved k\={a} vaij\~{n}\={a}nik \'{s}re\d{s}\d{t}hat\={a}. [Publication]
Shirazi, A.M.J. (1947) Studies on Leucas aspera. [Publication]
Si\d{m}ha, Dalj\={\i}t (1947) \={U}n\={a}n\={\i} Siddhayoga Sangraha. [Publication]
Singh, \d{T}h\={a}kur Balvant (1947) Vanau\d{s}adhidar\'{s}ik\={a}. [Publication]
Smith, M. (1947) A physician at the court of Siam (1946). [Publication]
Sternbach, Ludwik (1947) India as described by European travellers. [Publication]
Stoll, A. and E. Seebeck (1947) \"{U}ber Allicin, die genuine Muttersubstanz des Knoblauch\"{o}ls. [Publication]
Subba Rao, V. (1947) Quality of commercial kamala and its treatment. [Publication]
Subrahmanyam, V. and S.S. De (1947) The vanaspati problem. [Publication]
Subramanian, S. Sankara and S. Rangaswamy (1947) Chemical examination of the flowers of Melia azadirachta. [Publication]
Venkatakrishna Rao, U. (1947) "Piper betle or betel-leaves and betel nuts" or "chewing", a peculiar South Indian custom. [Publication]
Vreese, K. de (1947) Skt. k\={u}\d{t}\={a}g\={a}ra. [Publication]
Wallis, T.E. and P.K. Sanyal (1947) Valerian: European and Indian. [Publication]
Wijerama, E. M. (1947) Historical background of medicine in Ceylon. [Publication]
Wijerama, E.M. (1947) Historical background of medicine in Ceylon. [Publication]