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1893) -- Pharmacographia Indica, a history of the principal drugs of vegetable origin met with in British India, vols. I (0000) {VII}: contents) and 599 p. [Publication]
Gharpurey, K. G. (0000) The snakes of India and Pakistan. [Publication]
Abraham, Leena (0000) Indigenous knowledge systems, institutions and practices: Ayurveda education in contemporary India. [Publication]
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Acal, Ayodhya Prasad (0000) Pr\={a}c\={\i}n bh\={a}rat\={\i}ya manovik\={a}r vij\~{n}\={a}n. [Publication]
Achyuthan, K.E. (0000) - Enzymes in the venoms of two species of Indian scorpion -- Heterometrus bengalensis and Buthus tamulus. [Publication]
Agarwal, S.L., B.S. Deshmankar, C.L. Verma and S.P. Saxena (0000) Studies on Leptadenia reticulata, part I: pharmacological actions of aqueous extract. [Publication]
Aggimarangsee, N., N. Sitasuwan, C. Trisonthi and W.Y. Brockelman (0000) Diversity of medicinal plants at Khao Lommuak in Prachuap Khiri Khan province, Thailand. [Publication]
Ahmed, J. and A. Qadeer (0000) Unani, the science of Greco-Arabic medicine. [Publication]
Ahmed, Zia Uddin, Syed Md. Humayun Kabir et al. (0000) Encyclopedia of flora and fauna of Bangladesh. [Publication]
Akbar, S. (0000) Phytochemical and pharmacological studies on behman surkh, Salvia haematodes Wall. [Publication]
Akhtar, Husain et al. (0000) Major essential oil-bearing plants of India. [Publication]
Alfred, J.R.B., A.K. Das and A.K. Sanyal (Eds.) (0000) Faunal diversity in India: A commemorative volume in the 50th year of India's independence. [Publication]
Allchin, F. Raymond and Dilip K. Chakrabarti (Eds.) (0000) A source-book of Indian archaeology, vol. I: Background, early methods, geography, climate and early man, domestication of plants and animals. [Publication]
Alternative (0000) Alternative approaches to health care: Report of a symposium. [Publication]
Altheim, F. (0000) Weltgeschichte Asiens im griechischen Zeitalter, vol. I. [Publication]
Anand, Satish et al. (0000) Dictionary of drugs. [Publication]
Anell, B. and S. Lagercrantz (Eds.) (0000) Geophagical customs. [Publication]
Anjaria, Jayvir Vishnuprasad, Shailendra Kumar Dwivedi and Minoo Parabia (0000) Ethnovet heritage: Indian ethnoveterinary medicine -- an overview. [Publication]
Annual Reports (0000) Annual Reports of the Central Council for Research in Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy. [Publication]
Anonymous -- Edited by the Director of the Zoological Survey of India (0000) Fauna of Valmiki Tiger Reserve. [Publication]
Anonymous (0000) Handicrafts of India. [Publication]
Anonymous (0000) Wassergeschwür, gewöhnlich genannt wunde Füsse der Kulis von Assam. [Publication]
Ardussi, John and Lawrence Epstein (0000) The saintly madman in Tibet. [Publication]
Arora, R.B. (0000) Development of Unani drugs from herbal sources and the role of elements in their mechanism of action. [Publication]
Arya Vaidya Sala (0000) Our progress: a bird's eye view, 1902--1982. [Publication]
Association for Prevention and Control of Rabies in India (0000) Assessing burden of rabies in India -- A multicentric survey. [Publication]
Athavale, V.B. (0000) Basic principles of \={A}yurveda. [Publication]
Atiqur Rahman, M. and M.H. Rashid (0000) Medicinal plant diversity in the flora of Bangladesh, 1: a preliminary report on eight plant families. [Publication]
\={A}yurved Mah\={a}sammelan Patrik\={a} 64, 1, 24--27 (0000) Agnipur\={a}\d{n} me\d{m} var\d{n}it vanau\d{s}adhi dravya. [Publication]
\={A}yurved Mah\={a}sammelan Patrik\={a} 70, 9, 13--15 (0000) Pariv\={a}r kaly\={a}\d{n} aur \={A}yurved. [Publication]
\={A}yurved Vik\={a}s 16, 2, 9--19 (0000) \={A}yurved v\={a}\.{n}maya me\d{m} bhall\={a}tak. [Publication]
\={A}yurved Vik\={a}s 16, 6, 38--40 (0000) Garu\d{d}pur\={a}\d{n}okt svasthav\d{r}tta k\={\i} s\={a}magr\={\i}. [Publication]
UNSPECIFIED (0000) Bhaktik\={a}l me\d{m} ras\={a}yan. [Publication]
UNSPECIFIED (0000) B\d{r}hattray\={\i} me\d{m} \'{s}il\={a}jatu. [Publication]
UNSPECIFIED (0000) \={A}treya Punarvasu: aitih\={a}sik vyaktitva. [Publication]
UNSPECIFIED (0000) \d{R}gved\={\i}ya soma. [Publication]
Azeez Pasha, M. (Compiler-in-charge) (0000) List of Arabic medical manuscripts compiled in India and not printed so far. [Publication]
Azeez Pasha, M. (Compiler-in-charge) (0000) Yusrul Ilaj (A brief account of a Persian medical manuscript in the Department of History of Medicine). [Publication]
Baerheim Svendsen, A. and J.J.C. Scheffer (Eds.) (0000) Essential oils and aromatic plants. [Publication]
Bagchi, U.N. (0000) The law of minerals of ancient India -- Importance of minerals in ancient Indian social life. [Publication]
Bai, Bapulal (0000) Makk\={a} (History of maize). [Publication]
Balami, N.P. (0000) Ethnomedicinal uses of plants among the Newar community of Pharping village of Kathmandu district, Nepal. [Publication]
Balfour, E.G. (0000) The influence exercised by trees on the climate and productiveness of the Peninsula of India. [Publication]
Bandyopadhyay, Arun (0000) Towards an understanding of the environmental history of India. [Publication]
Banerjee, S.C. (0000) Folklores in Buddhist and Jaina literature. [Publication]
B\=ap\=al\=al Vaidya (0000) \=Ayurved viha\.ng\=avalokan. [Publication]
B\=ap\=al\=al Vaidya (0000) \=Ayurved vy\=akhy\=anam\=al\=a. [Publication]
Barminas, J.T., Milam Charles and D. Emmanuel (0000) Mineral composition of non-conventional leafy vegetables. [Publication]
Barnes, Ruth and Joanne B. Eicher (0000) Dress and gender: making and meaning in cultural contexts. [Publication]
Barua, B(eni) M(adhab) (0000) The antiquity and importance of the Bhelasa\d{m}hit\={a}. [Publication]
Basham, A. L. (0000) The chronology of Ayurveda and its bearing on the possibility of mutual influence of Indian and Greek medicine. [Publication]
Basu, K.C. (0000) Bh\=arat\={\i}ya Bhai\d{s}ajyaratn\=aval\={\i}. [Publication]
Basu, K.C. (0000) Pharmacopoeia indica. [Publication]
Basu, K. C. (0000) Bh\={a}rat\={\i}y\={a} Bhai\d{s}ajyaratn\={a}val\={\i}. /begin{C}/ Checked: No /end{C}/ Basu. [Publication]
Baxa, Jakob und Guntwin Bruhns (0000) Zucker im Leben der V\"{o}lker - Eine Kultur- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte. [Publication]
Bechert, Heinz and Petra Kieffer-Pulz (0000) Indian Studies: Selected Papers by Gustav Roth. [Publication]
Beck, J. Le (0000) An account of the pearl fishery in the gulph of Manar in March and April, 1797. [Publication]
Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (0000) Bargad. [Publication]
Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (0000) Deh\={a}t k\={\i} dav\={a}e\d{m}. [Publication]
Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (0000) {N}\={\i}m: bak\={a}yan. [Publication]
Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (0000) Sarpagandh\={a}. [Publication]
Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (0000) So\d{m}\d{t}h. [Publication]
Bedi, Ramesh (0000) Floral spectrum of India. [Publication]
Bergaigne (0000) Hippocrates und die indische Medizin. [Publication]
Berry, A. (0000) An account of the male plant which furnishes the medicine generally called Columbo, or Columba root. [Publication]
Berti, D. and G. Tarabout (Eds.) (0000) Land, territory and society in India. [Publication]
Bh\={a}g\={\i}ratha Sv\={a}m\={\i} (0000) Laghu \={A}yurvedavij\~{n}\={a}na. [Publication]
Bhagwan Dash, Vaidya (0000) Ayurvedic and Tibetan literature on har\={\i}tak\={\i}. [Publication]
Bhagwan Dash, Vaidya (0000) Arthritis and rheumatism. [Publication]
Bhagwan Dash, Vaidya (0000) Asthma and cough. [Publication]
Bhagwan Dash, Vaidya (0000) Constipation. [Publication]
Bhagwan Dash, Vaidya (0000) Diabetes. [Publication]
Bhagwan Dash, Vaidya (0000) High blood pressure and sleeplessness. [Publication]
Bhagwan Dash, Vaidya (0000) Peptic ulcer and gastritis. [Publication]
Bhakuni, D.S. et al. (0000) Screening of Indian plants for biological activity, part XIII. [Publication]
Bharadwaj, O.P. (0000) The Rgvedic Drsadvati. [Publication]
Bhardwaj, H.C. (0000) A note on the chemical composition of some glass beads from Rajghat, Varanasi. [Publication]
Bhatia, Pramod Lal (0000) \'{S}\={a}l\={a}kya vij\~{n}\={a}n. [Publication]
Bhatt, N. S. (0000) Ayurvedic drug industry: challenges of today and tomorrow. [Publication]
Bhatt, Narendra (Ed.) (0000) Proceedings First National Symposium of Ayurvedic Drug Industry (Challenges of Today and Tomorrow), August 27th, 28th, 29th, 1998 at Hotel Taj Mahal, New Delhi. [Publication]
Bhatta, B.R. (0000) Study of the effect of kampillaka and vidanga in Giardia. [Publication]
Bhattacharya (0000) English-Hindi medical dictionary. [Publication]
Bhattacharya (0000) Hindu castes and sects. [Publication]
Bhattacharya, S. and B. Pati (Eds.) (0000) Imperialism and medicine in South Asia. [Publication]
Bhattacharya, S. K. (0000) Handbook of medicinal plants. [Publication]
Bhattarai, Basundhara and Hemant R. Ojha (0000) Who is benefiting from Nepal's community forests? [Publication]
Bhattathiripad, P. Vinod, K.D. Nambudiripad and V.M.N. Nambudiripad (0000) Somalatha and somakrayam. [Publication]
Bha\d{t}\d{t}i, Devadatta (0000) Vaidik bhai\d{s}ajy\={a}. [Publication]
Bhuju, D.R., A.P. Sharma, B.N. Prashad, K.K. Joshi, K.R. Rajbhandary, P.K. Jha, S.D. Joshi and S.B. Karmacharya (0000) Proceedings of the First National Botanical Conference, August 11--12, 1992. [Publication]
Biardeau, Madeleine (Ed.) (0000) Autour de la déesse hindoue. [Publication]
Bidie (0000) Paris exhibition catalogue of raw products of Southern India. [Publication]
Birdwood, G. (0000) Catalogue of Matheran and Mahabaleswar plants. [Publication]
Bishokarma, B.K., C.K. Kinsey, D.R. Dangol and P. Chaudhary (0000) Folk use of plant resource at Madi valley of Chitwan district, Nepal. [Publication]
Bisht, G., H. Sandhu and L.S. Bisht (0000) Chemical constituents and antimicrobial activity of Achyranthes bidentata. [Publication]
Biswas, A.K. (Ed.) (0000) History, science and society in the Indian context. [Publication]
Biswas, K. (0000) Vegetable drugs in the treatment of leucoderma. [Publication]
Bitter, Wilhelm (Ed.) (0000) Abendländische Therapie und östliche Weisheit -- Ein Tagungsbericht. [Publication]
Blaikie, P.M. and S.Z. Sadeque (0000) Policy in high places. Environment development in the Himalayan region. [Publication]
Bloch, I. (0000) Indische Medizin. [Publication]
Bloomfield, Maurice (0000) Hymns of the Atharva-Veda together with extracts from the ritual books and the commentaries. [Publication]
Bode, Maarten (0000) Ayurvedic pharmaceutical products: government policy, marketing rhetorics, and rational use. [Publication]
Bond, Ruskin (Ed.) (0000) Omnibus of hunting stories. [Publication]
Bonnefoy, Yves (Ed.) (0000) Dictionnaire des mythologies et des religions des sociétés traditionnelles et du monde antique, A--J. [Publication]
Bose, Pramatha Nath (0000) The iron industry of the Western portion of the District of Raipur. [Publication]
Bose, Sukla (0000) Health situation and problems of health development: a study of a village in Bengal. [Publication]
Botto, O. (0000) Letterature antiche dell' India. [Publication]
Bouillier, V. and G. Tarabout (Eds.) (0000) Le corps en Inde. [Publication]
Bouillier, Véronique and Gilles Tarabout (Eds.) (0000) Images du corps dans le monde hindou. [Publication]
Bristi Prabodh (0000) Indian meteorology -- Bh\={a}rat k\={a} v\={a}yu \'{s}\={a}stra. [Publication]
Brower, Barbara (0000) Sherpa of Khumbu: people, livestock and landscape. [Publication]
Bruin, Hanne M. de (0000) Cultural concepts of leprosy in South India. [Publication]
Buchanan, F. (0000) An account of the district of Bihar and Patna in 1811--12. [Publication]
Burger, Maya and Peter Schreiner (Eds.) (0000) The perception of the elements in the Hindu traditions / La perception des éléments dans les traditions hindoues. [Publication]
Burghart, R. (0000) Hinduism in Great Britain: the perpetuation of religion in an alien cultural milieu. [Publication]
Bushell, W.C., E.L. Olivo and N.D. Theise (Eds.) (0000) Longevity, regeneration, and optimal health: integrating eastern and western perspecives. [Publication]
Caius, J.F. and K.S. Mhaskar (0000) Notes on Indian scorpions. [Publication]
Cantwell, Cathy and Samuel Geoffrey, with assistance from Robert Mayer and P. Ogyan Tanzin (0000) The seed of immortal life: contents and meanings of a Tibetan longevity practice. [Publication]
Case, Margaret H. (Ed.) (0000) Heinrich Zimmer coming into his own. [Publication]
Casserley, Major Gordon (0000) Life in an Indian Outpost. [Publication]
Cerulli, Anthony (0000) Religio-medical perspectives on the body, self, and embodiment in \=Ayurveda. [Publication]
Chakraberty, C, (0000) The common Indian plants: their origin, dietetic and therapeutic uses. [Publication]
Chakravarty, H.L. (0000) UNSPECIFIED [Publication]
Chand, Khazan (0000) Indian sexology. [Publication]
Chansakaow, S., P. leelapompisid, K. Yosprasit and P. Tharavichitkul (0000) Antibacterial activity of Thai medicinal plant extracts on the skin infectious microorganisms. [Publication]
Chatterjee, Prabhakar (0000) D\d{r}\d{s}\d{t}a-phala-cikits\=a. [Publication]
Chatterjee, Prabhakar (0000) Rasa-cikits\=a. [Publication]
Chatterjee, S.K. (0000) Utilisation of ethnobotanical resources and serving the declining bodiversity in tropical wet evergreen forests of India. [Publication]
Chatterjee, Prabhakar (0000) \={A}rya sv\={a}sthya vij\~{n}\={a}n. [Publication]
Chatterjee, Prabhakar (0000) Ayurvedic treatment of modern diseases. [Publication]
Chatterjee, Prabhakar (0000) Short history of Hindu chemistry. [Publication]
Chattopadhyay, R.R., S.K. Sarkar, S. Ganguly and T.K. Basu (0000) Hepatoprotective activity of Ocimum sanctum leaf extract against paracetamol induced hepatic damage in rats. [Publication]
Chaturvedi, C. and P.V. Tewari (0000) Obstetric surgery in Ayurveda. [Publication]
Chaudhuri, Sibadas (0000) Select bibliography on the Indian system of medicine. [Publication]
Chaussinand, Roland (0000) La lèpre. [Publication]
Chopra, A., P. Lavin, B. Patwardhan et al. (0000) Randomized double blind trial of an ayurvedic plant derived formulation for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. [Publication]
Chopra, V.L. (0000) Oilseed and vegetable Brassicas -- Indian perspective. [Publication]
Chowdhary, Radha Krishna (0000) Some traces of the system of agriculture in the Vedic age. [Publication]
Cisboe, J. C. (0000) Bombay grasses and their uses. Citte. [Publication]
Cline Horowitz, Maryanne (Ed.) (0000) The new dictionary of the history of ideas. [Publication]
Collieri, P. and L. Colliva (Eds.) (0000) South Asian Archaeology. Ravenna 2007. [Publication]
Coomaraswamy, A.K. (0000) On the Indian and traditional psychology or rather pneumatology. [Publication]
Cracker, L.E., A.F. Chadwick and J.E. Simon (0000) Herbs, spices and medicinal plants -- Recent advances in botany, horticulture and pharmacology, vol. 1. [Publication]
Craker, Lyle E. and James E. Simon (Eds.) (0000) Herbs, spices, and medicinal plants -- Recent advances in botany, horticulture, and pharmacology, vol. 3. [Publication]
Crawford, D.G. (0000) Notes on the history of the Bengal Medical Service. [Publication]
Crosby, Jr., Alfred W. (0000) The early history of syphilis: A reappraisal. [Publication]
Dadhich, L. K. and A. P. Sharma (0000) Biodiversity: strategies for conservation (S.K. Agarwal Commemoration Volume). [Publication]
Damodaran, T. D. (0000) Prameham -- Diabetes: articles on the Ayurvedic appproach to diabetes. [Publication]
Dandekar, S.V., K.N. Watave and R.N. Gaudre (Eds.) (0000) Principal Karmarkar Commemoration Volume (containing essays on numerous topics of Indology). [Publication]
Daniel, E. Valentine and Judy F. Pugh (Eds.) (0000) South Asian systems of healing. [Publication]
Daniel, J.C. (Ed.) (0000) A century of natural history. [Publication]
Dannenfeldt, Karl H. (0000) Leonhard Rauwolf, sixteenth-century physician, botanist, and traveler. [Publication]
Danratna, Kaviraj Bajracharya (0000) Use of Butea monosperma (Lam. Kuntze and Mallotus philippinensis Muell.-Arg. in treatment of helminthies. [Publication]
Daremberg, Ch. (0000) Su\c{s}ruta. [Publication]
Datta, S.C. and D. Datta (0000) Pharmacognostic studies on commercial samples of cinnamon barks sold in the Indian market. [Publication]
Datta, Bibhutibhusan and Awadhesh Narayan Singh (0000) Magic squares in India. [Publication]
Datta, Hirendra Nath, Meghnad Saha, Jnan Chandra Ghosh, Rajsekhar Bose, Charu Chandra Bhattacharyya, Satya Churn Law, Satyendra Nath Sen-Gupta (Eds.) (0000) Acharyya Ray Commemoration Volume. [Publication]
Dave, K.N. (0000) Discoveries in Vedic medicine. [Publication]
De, S.K. (0000) Indian erotics (kama-sastra) in its origin and development. [Publication]
De Sousa, Alan and Mrs. D. A. De Sousa (0000) Psychiatry in India. [Publication]
Delage, Rémy (0000) Pilgrimage and environment in South India: a research of compatibility between conflicting ideologies. [Publication]
Dermot Shields, Ian Hill (0000) Incentives for joint forest management in India: analytical methods and case studies. [Publication]
Deshpande, Madhav M. and S.S. Deshpande (0000) Indian essential oils. [Publication]
Deshpande, R.R. (0000) Sandhishoola -- sandhishotha and amrutadi guggulu. [Publication]
Devi, R. (0000) Study of hypolipidaemic effect of Clerodendron colebrookianum Walp. (Nefafu). [Publication]
Dey, Kanny Lall, assisted by William Mair (0000) The indigenous drugs of India: short descriptive notices of the principal medicinal products met with in British India. [Publication]
Dharmananda, S. (0000) The Ayurvedic medicine industry in India. [Publication]
D\={\i}k'\d{s}it, R\=aje\'s (0000) A\~nj\={\i}r ke gu\d{n} tath\=a upayog. [Publication]
D\={\i}k\d{s}it, R\=amsaneh\={\i} (0000) Ara\d{n}\d{d} ke gu\d{n} tath\=a upayog. [Publication]
D\={\i}k\d{s}it, R\=amsaneh\={\i} (0000) G\=ajar ke gu\d{n} tath\=a upayog. [Publication]
D\={\i}k\d{s}it, R\=amsaneh\={\i} (0000) Kadd\=u ke gu\d{n} tath\=a upayog. [Publication]
D\={\i}k\d{s}it, R\=amsaneh\={\i} (0000) Ka\d{t}el\={\i} (svar\d{n}ak\d{s}\={\i}r\={\i}) ke gu\d{n} tath\=a upayog. [Publication]
D\={\i}k\d{s}it, R\={a}je\'{s} (0000) Ajav\={a}yan ke gu\d{n} tath\={a} upayog. [Publication]
D\={\i}k\d{s}it, R\={a}je\'{s} (0000) A\'{s}ok ke gu\d{n} tath\={a} upayog. [Publication]
D\={\i}k\d{s}it, R\={a}msaneh\={\i} (0000) An\={a}r ke gu\d{n} tath\={a} upayog. [Publication]
D\={\i}k\d{s}it, R\={a}msaneh\={\i} (0000) A\.{n}g\={u}r ke gu\d{n} tath\={a} upayog. [Publication]
D\={\i}k\d{s}it, R\={a}msaneh\={\i} (0000) Dah\={\i} ke gu\d{n} tath\={a} upayog. [Publication]
D\={\i}k\d{s}it, R\={a}msaneh\={\i} (0000) Gh\d{r}ta (gh\={\i}) ke gu\d{n} tath\={a} upayog. [Publication]
D\={\i}k\d{s}it, R\=amsaneh\={\i} (0000) Indr\=aya\d{n} (ga\d{d}umb\=a) ke gu\d{n} tath\=a upayog. [Publication]
D\={\i}k\d{s}it, R\={a}msaneh\={\i} (0000) Kadd\={u} ke gu\d{n} tath\={a} upayog. [Publication]
D\={\i}k\d{s}it, R\={a}msaneh\={\i} (0000) Kau\d{m}\d{d}h\={\i} ke gu\d{n} tath\={a} upayog. [Publication]
D\={\i}k\d{s}it, R\=amsaneh\={\i} (0000) Tamb\=ak\=u ke gu\d{n} tath\=a upayog. [Publication]
D\={\i}k\d{s}it, R\={a}msaneh\={\i} (0000) Tarb\={u}j ke gu\d{n} tath\={a} upayog. [Publication]
Donden, Yeshi (0000) Healing from the source: the science and lore of Tibetan medicine. [Publication]
Dumont, Louis (0000) A structural definition of a folk deity of Tamil Nad: Aiyanar, the lord. [Publication]
Dutt, Purnima C. (0000) Loops and roots: the conflicts between official and traditional family planning in India. [Publication]
Dutt, Sukumar (0000) Buddhist monks and monasteries of India - Their history and their contribution to Indian culture. [Publication]
Duvaucel, A. (0000) On the black deer of Bengal. [Publication]
Dvived\={\i}, Vi\'svan\=ath (0000) Bh\=arat\={\i}ya Bhai\d{s}ajyakalpan\=avij\~n\=an. [Publication]
Dvived\={\i}, Vi\'svanath (0000) Pratyak\d{s}a Au\d{s}adhinirm\=a\d{n}. [Publication]
Dvived\={\i}, Vi\'svanath (0000) Trido\d{s}\=aloka. [Publication]
Dvived\={\i}, Vi\'{s}van\={a}th (0000) Abhinava netrarogavij\~{n}\={a}n. [Publication]
Dvived\={\i}, Vi\'{s}van\={a}th (0000) N\={a}\d{d}\={\i}vij\~{n}\={a}n. [Publication]
Dvived\={\i}, Vi\'{s}van\={a}th (0000) Tailasa\d{m}graha. [Publication]
Dwarakanath, C. (0000) Lectures on physiological concepts of Ayurveda. [Publication]
Dwivedi, Sanjai K., T. Parimelazhagan, Shashi Bala Singh and Z. Ahmed (Eds.) (0000) Seabuckthorn -- Hippophae spp.: the golden bush. [Publication]
Dwivedi, K.K. (0000) A study on psychiatric symptoms of geriatric patients and response to Ayurvedic therapy. [Publication]
Dwivedi, R.N. (0000) A scientific interpretation of the prognostication of Indian origin. [Publication]
Dymock, W. (0000) Catalogue of Indian drugs. [Publication]
Edsman, C.M. (Ed.) (0000) Studies in shamanism. [Publication]
Edwards, J.T. (0000) The present position of veterinary research in India. [Publication]
Eggleston, Karen (Ed.) (0000) Pharmaceuticals in Asia-Pacific: manufacturers, prescribing cultures, and policy. [Publication]
Eifring, Halvor (Ed.) (0000) Dimensions of meditation. [Publication]
Elvin-Lewis, M. (0000) The therapeutic potential of plants used in dental folk medicine. [Publication]
Emmerick, Ronald E. and Maria Macuch (Eds.) (0000) Persian Literature. Companion Volume I. The literature of pre-Islamic Iran. [Publication]
Erndl, Kathleen M. (0000) Playing with the Mother: women, goddess possession, and power in Kangra Hinduism. [Publication]
Ernst, Waltraud (Ed.) (0000) Plural medicine: tradition and modernity, 1800--2000. [Publication]
Fürer-Haimendorf, Chr. von (Ed.) (0000) Asian highland societies in anthropological perspective. [Publication]
Farhat, Parveen (0000) Poverty and health in colonial India 1808--1914. [Publication]
Fergusson, James (0000) Tree and serpent worship: or illustrations of mythology and art in India in the first and fourth centuries after Christ; from the sculptures of the Buddhist topes at Sanchi and Amravati, prepared under the authority of the Secretary of State for India in. [Publication]
Ferrari, Fabrizio M., Thomas D\"{a}hnhardt (Eds.) (0000) Roots of wisdom, branches of devotion: Plant life in South Asian religions and culture. [Publication]
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Rai, Ramkumar (0000) Theories of personality types in Indian thought. [Publication]
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Rajagopalan, K. (0000) A brief history of physical education in India from earliest times to the end of Moghul period. [Publication]
Rajpal, V. and D.P.S. Kohli (Eds.) (0000) Herbal drug industry. [Publication]
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Ram, R.L. and V. Saha (0000) Ethnobotanical wealth of Ranchi, district Bihar, part I: Herbal medicinal plants used against dysentery. [Publication]
Ramachandra Dikshitar, V.R. (0000) \'{S}iva Tattva Ratn\={a}kara. [Publication]
Ramamurti, T.G. (0000) Handbook of Indian medicine. [Publication]
Raman, B. V. (0000) Ayurveda or Hindu system of medicine. [Publication]
Ramaswamy, A.S., S.M. Periyasamy and Mrs. N.Basu (0000) Pharmacological studies on Centella asiatica Linn (brahma manduki) (N.O. Umbelliferae). [Publication]
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Ranade, S.B. (0000) Fundamental principles of Ayurveda. [Publication]
Ranade, Subhash and M.H. Paranjpe (0000) Ayurveda -- Oriental healing science. [Publication]
Ranade, Subhash, Avinash Lele and Rajan Rawat (0000) Massage and marma therapy. [Publication]
Rangarajan, Mahesh (0000) Political environmentalist: selected writings of Dunu Roy. [Publication]
Rani, Vijaya (0000) Vij\~{n}\={a}na-s\={a}rathi\d{h} -- Proceedings of the National Seminar on Science and Technology in Sanskrit Sastraic Tradition, held on 1--3 September, Delhi 2005. [Publication]
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Rao, Mohan et al. (0000) Abstract bibliography on senna (Cassia angustifolia Vahl and C. acutifolia Delile), 1907--1974. [Publication]
Rao, P.T. (0000) Infant upbringing habits in India. [Publication]
Rao, P.T. (Ed.) (0000) Pediatric problems in developing countries: Dr.S.T. Achar Commemoration Volume. [Publication]
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Rao, Vipul (0000) Ayurvedic treatment for common diseases. Rao. [Publication]
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Richards, J.F. and R.P. Tucker (Eds.) (0000) World deforestation in the twentieth century. [Publication]
Rizvi, M.A. (0000) Medicinal flowers of Pakistan, part III. [Publication]
Romieux, Y. (0000) De la hune au mortier ou l'histoire de la Compagnie des Indes: leurs apothécaires et leurs remèdes. [Publication]
Roth, Gustav (0000) Rituelles Zubereiten des Haschisch-Getränkes `bhang'. [Publication]
Roxburgh, W. (0000) A botanical and economical account of Bassia butyracea or East India butter tree. [Publication]
Roxburgh, W. (0000) An account of a new species of Delphinus, an inhabitant of the Ganges. [Publication]
Roy, Jogesh Chandra (0000) Ancient Indian life. [Publication]
Roy, K. (0000) Philosophy of Ayurveda. [Publication]
Roy, Mira (0000) Agriculture and meteorology in ancient India. [Publication]
Royle, J.F. (0000) Articles of Materia Medica obtained in the bazars of India. [Publication]
Ryan, G.M. (0000) The wild plantain (Musa superba Roxb.). [Publication]
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Sachan, S.C. (0000) Studies on dagdha vrana. [Publication]
Sada Shiva Tirtha, Swami (0000) The Ayurveda Encyclopaedia: natural secrets to healing, prevention and longevity. [Publication]
Sahgal, Bhittu and Anish Andheria (0000) India naturally. [Publication]
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Said, H. M. (Ed.) (0000) Ibn al-Haitham -- Proceedings of the celebrations of 1000th anniversary held under the auspices of Hamdard National Foundation, Pakistan. [Publication]
Said, Hakim Mohammed (0000) Pakistan Encyclopaedia -- Planta Medica. [Publication]
Said, Hakim Mohammed (Ed.) (0000) Proceedings of the International Congress of the History and Philosophy of Science, Islamabad, 8--13 December, 1979. [Publication]
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Samuel, Geoffrey (0000) Amitayus and the development of Tantric practices for longevity and health in Tibet. [Publication]
Samuel, Geoffrey (0000) Tibetan longevity meditation: technique and structure in the 'Chi-med srog-thig (Immortal life-essence) practice. [Publication]
Sankhala, Kailash (0000) Sankhala's India. [Publication]
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Sarangi, Akulananda (0000) Snakes of medical importance and snake bite treatment. Sarangi. [Publication]
Saraswathy, A., Mohan Girija Rani and Veluchamy (0000) Chemical analysis of maka vallati ilekiyam. [Publication]
Sardeshmukh, S.P. (0000) Contribution of Atharvaveda to kaychikitsa. [Publication]
\'Sarm\=a, Gurupras\=ad (Ed.) (0000) \=Ac\=arya Priyavrata \'Sarm\=a: vyaktitva eva\d{m} k\d{r}titva (1941--1976). [Publication]
\'{S}arm\={a}, Anil Kum\={a}r and (0000) Aupasargik oja-k\d{s}aya (Aids) -- ek \={a}yurvedik d\d{r}\d{s}\d{t}iko\d{n}. [Publication]
\'{S}arm\={a}, Anil Kum\={a}r and (0000) Ras\={a}yan k\={\i} upayogit\={a}. [Publication]
\'{S}arm\={a}, Anil Kum\={a}r and (0000) Rog pratirak\d{s}a\d{n} (immunisation) me\d{m} \={a}yurved k\={a} yogd\={a}n. [Publication]
\'{S}arm\={a}, Ca\~{n}cal Kum\={a}r, (0000) Pr\={a}k\d{r}tik cikits\={a} va svasthav\d{r}tta -- laghuk\={a}y sm\d{r}tiyo\d{m} me\d{m} \={a}yurved -- ek vivecan. [Publication]
\'{S}arm\={a}, Durg\={a} Pras\={a}d (0000) Haij\={a} aur usk\={\i} cikits\={a}. [Publication]
\'{S}arm\={a}, Gurupras\={a}d (0000) \={A}c\={a}rya Priyavrata \'{S}arm\={a} vyaktitva eva\d{m} k\d{r}titva (1941--1976). \'{S}arm\={a}. [Publication]
Sarma, I.K. (0000) Alampur temples -- Rare evidences on constructional modes and consecrational rites. [Publication]
\'{S}arm\={a}, Jagad\={\i}\'{s}pras\={a}d (0000) Vaidyar\={a}j -- Pa\d{n}\d{d}it Jagad\={\i}\'{s}pras\={a}d \'{S}arm\={a} Abhinandan Grantha. [Publication]
\'{S}arm\={a}, Jagad\={\i}\'{s}pras\={a}d (0000) Vaidyar\={a}j -- Pa\d{n}\d{d}it Jagad\={\i}\'{s}pras\={a}d \'{S}arm\={a} Abhinandan Grantha. \'{S}arm\={a}. [Publication]
\'{S}arm\={a}, Raghuv\={\i}r\'{s}ara\d{n} (0000) \={A}yurved pravartak devat\={a}. [Publication]
\'{S}arm\={a}, Raghuv\={\i}r\'{s}ara\d{n} (0000) \={A}yurved pravartak devat\={a}. [Publication]
\'{S}arm\={a}, R\={a}jendra and (0000) Adh\={a}ra\d{n}\={\i}ya vego\d{m} k\={\i} mahatt\={a} -- \={a}dhunik k\={a}l ke pariprek\d{s}ya me\d{m}. [Publication]
\'{S}arm\={a}, R\={a}mn\={a}r\={a}ya\d{n} (0000) \={A}yurved\={a}nusandh\={a}n k\={\i} sah\={\i} di\'{s}\={a} ky\={a}. [Publication]
\'{S}arm\={a}, R\={a}mn\={a}r\={a}ya\d{n} -- see on him: Sachitra Ayurved 38, 1, 1985, in particular 80--85: Pa\d{m}. R\={a}mn\={a}r\={a}ya\d{n} \'{S}arm\={a}: Sa\d{m}k\d{s}ipt j\={\i}van-v\d{r}tta (0000) Vi\d{s}am jvar k\={a} uttam up\={a}y -- k\={a}lmegh\={a}sav. [Publication]
\'{S}arm\={a}, S\={a}r\={a}candra (0000) Pr\={a}rambhik ras paricay eva\d{m} ras\={a}yan \'{s}\={a}stra (Bh\={a}rat\={\i}ya cikits\={a} kendr\={\i}ya pari\d{s}ad dv\={a}r\={a} sv\={\i}k\d{r}t p\={a}\d{t}hyakram\={a}nus\={a}r). [Publication]
\'{S}arm\={a}, S\={a}r\={a}candra (0000) Pr\={a}rambhik ras paricay eva\d{m} ras\={a}yan \'{s}\={a}stra (Bh\={a}rat\={\i}ya cikits\={a} kendr\={\i}ya pari\d{s}ad dv\={a}r\={a} sv\={\i}k\d{r}t p\={a}\d{t}hyakram\={a}nus\={a}r). [Publication]
Sarma, Sreeramula Rajeswara (0000) Historical notices on gem cutting in India. [Publication]
\'{S}arm\={a}, \'{S}r\={\i} R\={a}ma (0000) Bibliography of Mughal India (see Jvarapar\={a}jaya. [Publication]
\'{S}arm\={a}, \'{S}r\={\i} R\={a}ma (0000) Bibliography of Mughal India (see Jvarapar\={a}jaya, 17th cent.). [Publication]
\'{S}arm\={a}, T\={a}r\={a}candra (0000) Pr\={a}rambhik ras paricay eva\d{m} ras\={a}yan \'{s}\={a}stra (Bh\={a}rat\={\i}ya Cikits\={a} Kendr\={\i}ya Pari\d{s}ad dv\={a}r\={a} sv\={\i}k\d{r}t p\={a}\d{t}hyakram\={a}nus\={a}r). [Publication]
\'{S}arm\={a}, T\={a}r\={a}candra (0000) Pr\={a}rambhik ras paricay eva\d{m} ras\={a}yan \'{s}\={a}stra (Bh\={a}rat\={\i}ya Cikits\={a} Kendr\={\i}ya Pari\d{s}ad dv\={a}r\={a} sv\={\i}k\d{r}t p\={a}\d{t}hyakram\={a}nus\={a}r). [Publication]
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Sarmandal, Bhushan A. (0000) Visarpam -- concept and approach. [Publication]
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\'{S}\={a}str\={\i}, Haridatta (0000) Dehadh\={a}tvagnivij\~{n}\={a}n. /begin{C}/ Checked: No /end{C}/ \'{S}\={a}str\={\i}. [Publication]
\'{S}\={a}str\={\i}, Mahendrakum\={a}r (0000) Basic concepts of Ayurveda. [Publication]
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\'{S}\={a}str\={\i}, Mahendrakum\={a}r (0000) {B}\d{r}haddravyagu\d{n}\={a}dar\'{s}a. [Publication]
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\'{S}\={a}str\={\i}, Mahendrakum\={a}r (0000) Philosophy of Ayurveda. [Publication]
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\'S\=astr\={\i}, Mahendrakumar (0000) Sacitra udbhid\'s\=astra. [Publication]
\'{S}\={a}str\={\i}, Mahendrakum\={a}r (0000) Tr\={a}yam\={a}\d{n}avini\'{s}caya. [Publication]
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\'{S}\={a}str\={\i}, V. V. Raman (0000) The doctrinal culture and tradition of the Siddhas. [Publication]
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Sathye, S.M. (0000) Ayurvedic treatment of myopia. [Publication]
Schlich, William (1891--1925) (0000) Manual of forestry. [Publication]
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Seamon, K.B. and J.W. Daly (0000) Forskolin: its biological and chemical properties. [Publication]
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Sempa Dorjee (0000) The biography of eighty-four saints of Acarya Abhayadattasri, critical ed. of Tibetan text and Hind\={\i} translation. [Publication]
Sen, Hemchandra (0000) Original researches in the treatment of tropical diseases with indigenous drugs. [Publication]
Sen, Pranab Kumar (Ed.); associate editors: Prabal Kumar Sen, Srilekha Datta, Amita Chatterjee and Rupa Bandyopadhyay (0000) Philosophical concepts relevant to sciences in Indian tradition, vol. III, part 5 of PHISPC. [Publication]
Sen, Gananath (0000) The spirit and culture of Ayurveda. [Publication]
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Seymour, Susan (0000) Women, family and child-care in India: a world in transition. [Publication]
Shafi, Mohammad (0000) Food systems of the world. [Publication]
Shah, A. M. (0000) A note on the Hijadas of Gujarat. [Publication]
Shah, C. S., J. S. Qadry and (0000) Intraspecific variability in Indian dill. [Publication]
Shah, C. S., R. S. Medora and G. C. Bhavsar (0000) Pharmacognostic comparison and botanical identity of white and black turpeth (nisoth). [Publication]
Shah, Devendra K. (0000) Panchkarma Samhita. [Publication]
Shanmugham, N.K. (0000) Dictionary of medicinal plants: Materia medica of the Siddha system in India. [Publication]
Sharan, B.R. (0000) Status of Indian women: a historical perspective. Sharan. [Publication]
Sharma, P.V. (0000) Do\d{s}a-k\={a}ra\d{n}atva-m\={\i}m\={a}\d{m}s\={a}. [Publication]
Sharma, Ramkaran (Ed.) (0000) Encyclopaedia of Indian wisdom -- Prof. Satya Vrat Shastri Felicitation Volume, volume I. [Publication]
Sharma, A. (0000) Clinical evaluation of the role of samsodhana and bhargee sarkara in the management of tamaka swasa (bronchial asthma). [Publication]
Sharma, Durga Prasad (0000) Treatise on thirty important. [Publication]
Sharma, Durgaprasad (0000) Vanau\d{s}adhi-\'{s}ataka (in Hind\={\i}). [Publication]
Sharma, Gurupras\={a}d (0000) \={A}c\={a}rya Priyavrata \'{S}arm\={a} vyaktitva eva\d{m} k\d{r}titva (1941--1976). Sharma. [Publication]
Sharma, J.R. (0000) Scientific tradition in India (in Hind\={\i}). [Publication]
Sharma, O.D. (0000) Clinical and experimental studies on tamaksvasa and its management with Albizia lebbeck. [Publication]
Sharma, P.V. (0000) \={A}yurved k\={a} sa\d{m}k\d{s}ipt itih\={a}s. [Publication]
Sharma, P.V. (0000) Facets of the history of Indian medicine. [Publication]
Sharma, Radha Kant (0000) Roga vij\~{n}\={a}na. [Publication]
Sharma, S.S. (0000) Studies on post-operative physiological response in relation to prakriti. [Publication]
Sharma, Shiv (0000) Fundamental union of religion, philosophy and science in Ayurveda. [Publication]
Shastri, A. M. (0000) Nagnajit and his Citralak\d{s}a\d{n}a. [Publication]
Shastri, Ajay Mitra (0000) A note on vedha and bodha -- the two processes in the manufacture of cosmetics. [Publication]
Shastri, Ajay Mitra (0000) A study of the Ratna-par\={\i}k\d{s}\={a} section of Var\={a}hamihira's {B}\d{r}ihatsa\.{m}hit\={a}. [Publication]
Shastri, Ajay Mitra (0000) Bha\d{t}\d{t}otpala: his date. [Publication]
Shastri, Ajay Mitra (0000) Fresh light on the reign of {Y}\={a}dava Si\.{n}gha\d{n}a. [Publication]
Shastri, Ajay Mitra (0000) Var\={a}hamihira's place in the history of {V}\={a}stuvidy\={a}. [Publication]
Shastri, Hari Prasad (0000) Lokayata and vratya. /beginOn{SD}/ On Short Description: on Lok\={a}yata and Vr\={a}tya /endOn{SD}/ Shastri. [Publication]
Shastri, S. K. (0000) The problems of Ayurvedic research. [Publication]
Shastri, S. K. and D. P. Sharma (0000) Basic principles of Ayurveda. [Publication]
Sheel, Kamal and Vijaya Deshpande (0000) Mediaeval Chinese and Indian alchemy: a note on comparative study of parallels in Chinese text Chun Ji Wen (Record of things heard at Spring Islands) and contemporary Sanskrit text. [Publication]
Shitre, A.R. (0000) Effect of sadritu on deha prakrutee. [Publication]
Shukla, Brahma Kumar (0000) The Daflas of the Subansiri region. [Publication]
Shukla, Hajari Lal (0000) Rasendra samprad\={a}ya. [Publication]
Shyam Sundar, K.M. (0000) Treatment of poisons in traditional medicine. [Publication]
Sievewright (0000) Medicin. chirurgische Kenntnisse der Hindus. [Publication]
Sikarwar, R.L.S. (0000) Ethnobotany of Sahariya tribe, Madhya Pradesh, India -- A review. [Publication]
Si\d{m}ha, \d{T}h\=akur Balwant (0000) see obituary in Sachitra Ayurved 31, 4, 446 and 31, 5, 525--526 (by Priyavrat \'Sarm\=a). [Publication]
Si\d{m}ha, R\={a}mj\={\i}t and Hak\={\i}m Dalj\={\i}t Si\d{m}ha (0000) \={A}yurved\={\i}ya Vi\'{s}vako\'{s}a , vol. IV (k\={a} se girik\={a}\d{n} tak). [Publication]
Singh, Brijendra, Bittu Sahgal, Bikram Grewal (0000) The Corbett inheritance. [Publication]
Singh, Sadul (0000) The big game diary of Sadul Singh, Maharajkumar of Bikaner, 1910--1936. [Publication]
Singh, B. and O.P. Chaurasia (0000) Medicinal flora of Indian cold desert. [Publication]
Singh, D. (0000) A clinical study of snehana, svedana and rasnadi guggulu in the management of sandhigata vata with special reference to osteo-arthritis. [Publication]
Singh, Gian, H.B. Singh and T.K. Mukherjee (Eds.) (0000) Ethnomedicine of North-East India -- Proceedings of National Seminar on traditional knowledge based on herbal medicines and plant resources of North-East India -- Protection, utilization and conservation, 13-15 March 2001, Guwahati, Assam. [Publication]
Singh, Gyan (0000) Studies on etiopathogenesis of ashmari (urolithiasis). [Publication]
Singh, Indra Deo (0000) A study on the effects of certain Ayurvedic formulations in skin diseases (with special reference to eczema). [Publication]
Singh, M.B. (0000) Clinical and epidemiological studies on certain rheumatic diseases (an Ayurvedic approach). [Publication]
Singh, N.,, (Mrs.) R. Nath, S.N. Tripathi, V.K. Sharma and R.P. Kohli (0000) Pharmacological studies on Inula racemosa (Hook) -- pushkar moola. [Publication]
Singh, R.H., U.K. Jha, S.N. Singh, Y.N. Upadhyaya and K.N. Udupa (0000) Endocrine and metabolic studies on a comprehensive swedana therapy in certain rheumatic diseases. [Publication]
Singh, R.P. et al. (0000) Neem and environment. [Publication]
Singh, R.S. (0000) On the identity and critical appraisal of the Vedic flora. [Publication]
Singh, R.S. and A.N. Singh (0000) On the identity and economico-medicinal uses of hastikar\d{n}apal\={a}\'{s}a (Leea macrophylla Roxb., Family: Ampelidaceae) as evinced in the ancient (Sanskrit) texts and traditions. [Publication]
Singh, Ram Sewak (0000) Clinical and experimental studies on oral hypoglycemic (pramehaghna) drugs of Indian medicine. [Publication]
Singh, V.K. and Z.A. Ali (0000) Some common herbal drugs from Udaipur district of Rajasthan -- a review. [Publication]
Sinha, B.P. et al. (0000) Dr. Satkari Mookerji Felicitation Volume. [Publication]
Sinha, R.K. (0000) The concept of srotas in relation to hypertension and its treatment with shankhapuspi compound. [Publication]
Sircar, D.C. (0000) More inscriptions from N\={a}g\={a}rjuniko\d{n}\d{d}a. [Publication]
Sircar, Mahendralal (0000) English translation of some chapters of the Carakasa\d{m}hit\={a}. [Publication]
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Sivaraja Pillai, K.N. (0000) Agastya in the Tamil land. [Publication]
Smith, Atreya (0000) Secrets of Ayurvedic massage. [Publication]
Somasundaram, O. (0000) Tamil culture and psychiatry. [Publication]
Southworth, F.C. (0000) Proto-Dravidian agriculture. [Publication]
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Sreedharan, T.P. (0000) Biological diversity of Kerala: a survey of Kalliasseri panchayat: Kannur district. [Publication]
Sreekumar, K. (0000) Diagnostic methods of Ayurveda. [Publication]
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Srivastava, S. (0000) An education of the passions: Sexuality, consumption and class in India. [Publication]
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Stone, Linda (0000) Illness beliefs and feeding the dead in Hindu Nepal. [Publication]
Strickland, C. (0000) Abridged report on malaria in the Assam tea gardens. [Publication]
Subbarayappa, B.V. (0000) Dimensions of iron technology in India up to the end of the 18th century A.D. [Publication]
Subrahmanyam, Sanjay (0000) Money and market in India 1100--1700. [Publication]
Subramanian, S. Sankara, S. Nagarjuna and Mrs. N. Sulochana (0000) Flavonoids of Millingtonia hortensis. [Publication]
Sudarshan, S.R. (0000) The diagnosis and treatment of svasa (asthma). [Publication]
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Sundar, Nandini, Roger Jeffery and Neil Thin (0000) Branching out: joint forest management in India. [Publication]
Suryanarayanan, J. and P. Malhotra (0000) Regenerating forests, traditional irrigation and agro-biodiversity: community based conservation in Jardhargaon, Uttar Pradesh, India. [Publication]
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Swami, Brahmananda (Ed.) (0000) Common medicinal plants of India -- A complete guide to home remedies. [Publication]
Syrkin, A. (0000) On ancient Indian symbolism of dreams. [Publication]
Tewari, D.N. (0000) Monograph on gamari (Gmelina arborea Roxb.). [Publication]
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Thatte, Dinakar Govind (0000) M\={a}nava\'{s}\={a}r\={\i}ra. [Publication]
Theodoru, N.A. (0000) Management of intestinal amoebiasis by an indigenous drug kantakaranja (Caesalpinia crista L. [Publication]
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Thornton, J.H. (0000) Memories of seven campaigns: a record of thirty-five years' service in the Indian Medical Department in India, China, Egypt and the Sudan. [Publication]
Torri, Davide (0000) Il lama e il pombo: tradizioni sciamaniche e buddhismo presso gli Hyolmo del Nepal. [Publication]
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Trilok, C.M. (0000) Wild is beautiful -- Introduction to fauna and wild life of Nepal. [Publication]
Tripathi, Rama Narayana (0000) Svapnavimar\'sa. [Publication]
Tripathi, J.S. (0000) A clinical study on personality factors in cases of residual schizophrenia and its Ayurvedic management. [Publication]
Trip\={a}\d{t}h\={\i}, Lak\d{s}m\={\i}pati (0000) Tuls\={\i}-vij\~{n}\={a}n (tuls\={\i} ke 343 par\={\i}k\d{s}it prayog). [Publication]
Tripathi, Vibha (Ed.) (0000) Age of iron in South Asia (Legacy and tradition). [Publication]
Trived\={\i}, Raghuv\={\i}rpras\={a}d (0000) Abhinava vik\d{r}ti vij\~{n}\={a}na (sacitra). [Publication]
Trived\={\i}, Raghuv\={\i}rpras\={a}d (0000) R\={a}jak\={\i}ya-o\d{s}adhiyogasa\d{m}graha\d{h} kalpavij\~{n}\={a}nasa\d{m}milita\d{h}. [Publication]
Trivedi, Surabhi H. (0000) Garu\d{d}a-Pur\={a}\d{n}a and A\d{s}\d{t}\={a}\.{n}gah\d{r}daya. [Publication]
Tseng, Wen-Shing and John F. McDermott, Jr. (0000) Culture, mind and therapy. An introduction to cultural psychiatry. [Publication]
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Turner, Victor (Gen. Ed.) (0000) Symbol, myth, and ritual series. [Publication]
Turner, Samuel (0000) Description of the Yak of Tartary called soora-goy, or the bushy-tailed bull of Tibet. [Publication]
Tyagi, D.D. (0000) Septilin in suppurative and other conditions. [Publication]
Tytler, John (0000) Memorial of Surgeon John Tytler of the Bengal establishment, addressed to the court of directors of the EIC. L. No. IX. [Publication]
Udayan, P.S. and Indira Balachandran (0000) Medicinal plants of Arya Vaidya Sala Herb Garden. [Publication]
Udayan, P.S. and Indira Balachandran (0000) Medicinal plants of Arya Vaidya Sala herb garden. [Publication]
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Vacek, Jaroslav (0000) Natural symbolism in Indian literatures. [Publication]
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Vallely, Anne and Aaron Gross (0000) Animal others -- Explorations of the nonhuman for human self-understanding. [Publication]
Vanisree, A.J. and C.S. Shyamala Devi (0000) Biochemical studies evaluating the antiulcerogenic potential of UL 409, a herbal drug formulation, on experimental peptic ulcers in rats. [Publication]
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Ved Prakash (0000) Studies on etiopathological factors of arshas (piles). [Publication]
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Veena (0000) Preventive effect of some indigenous drugs on experimental goitre in rats. [Publication]
Velayudhan, C.K. (0000) Kalarippayattu and Marma Cundaniyum. [Publication]
Venkataraman, K.R. (0000) Skanda cult in South India. [Publication]
Venkitasubramonia Iyer, S. (0000) Technical literature in Sanskrit. [Publication]
Verma, G.S. (0000) Miracles of neem tree. [Publication]
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Verma, R.L. and V. Bijlani (0000) Sult\={a}n F\={\i}r\={u}z Sh\={a}h Tughluq: his place in medical history of medieval India. [Publication]
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Vijayalakshmi, K., K.S. Radha and Vandana Shiva (0000) Neem -- A user's manual. [Publication]
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Vogel, Claus (0000) {J}\~{n}\={a}namukt\={a}val\={\i} -- Commemoration Volume in honour of Johannes Nobel. [Publication]
Vogel, Claus (0000) Zachariae's Opera Minora. [Publication]
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Wall, Frank (0000) Ophidia Taprobanica or the snakes of Ceylon. [Publication]
Walleser, M. (0000) The life of N\={a}g\={a}rjuna from Tibetan and Chinese sources. [Publication]
Waring, F.J. (0000) Notes on some of the principal indigenous tonics, anthelmintics, etc., of India. [Publication]
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Westphal-Hellbusch, Sigrid and Heinz Westphal (0000) Hinduistische Viehz\"{u}chter im Nord-Westlichen Indien -- {I}. Die Rabari; rev.by{G}\"{u}nter Tiemann. [Publication]
Wezler, Albrecht and Shujun Motegi (0000) Yuktid\={\i}pik\={a}: the most significant commentary on the {S}\={a}\d{m}khyak\={a}rik\={a}. [Publication]
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Whiting, Beatrice B. (0000) Six cultures: studies of child rearing. [Publication]
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Williams, Thomas R. (0000) Socialization and communication in primary groups. [Publication]
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Wilson, H.H. (0000) Indian physicians at Bagdad. [Publication]
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Yoganand, K., Clifford G. Rice and A.J.T. Johnsingh (0000) Sloth bear -- Melursus ursinus. [Publication]
Zachariah, Benjamin (0000) Prafulla Chandra Ray -- The chemistry of a national life. [Publication]
Zimmermann, Francis (0000) Poétique et matériau du savoir -- Les dictionnaires dans l'Inde classique. [Publication]
Zysk, Kenneth G. (0000) In wider fields. [Publication]
Zysk, Kenneth G. and Georgia Tetlow (0000) Traditional Ayurveda. [Publication]