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Indian Journal of Pharmacology 10, 1, 1978, 45--104 Abstracts of papers presented at the Decennial Conference of Indian Pharmacological Society, December 29--31, 1977, Calcutta. [Publication]
Atané. Isabelle and Jacques Véron (Eds.) Gender discriminations among young children in Asia. [Publication]
Azeez Pasha, M. (Compiler in charge) List of Persian medical manuscripts compiled in India (and preserved in the Department of History of Medicine (Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad). [Publication]
Bacopa Bacopa monniera -- Monograph. [Publication]
Bartold, P.M., I. Ishikawa and M. Sirirat Progress of research and practice in Asian Pacific countries. [Publication]
Beekman, E. M. The poison tree -- Selected writings of Rumphius on the natural history of the Indies, edited and translated. [Publication]
Bhatnagar, L.S. (Ed.) Research Papers presented at Ayurvedic Research Seminar, October 1976. [Publication]
Bha\d{t}\d{t}\={a}c\={a}rya, R\={a}m\'{s}a\.{n}kar P\={a}\d{n}inism\d{r}t \'{s}i\'{s}ukrand\={\i}ya: ek vaidyak grantha,. [Publication]
Bhattacharya, Anil (Ed.) Acharya Prafulla Chandra -- portrait of a man, vol. 2: Homage to Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray. [Publication]
Bhattacharya, S.C., V.D. Misra, J.N. Pandey and J.N. Pal (Eds.) Peeping through the past. [Publication]
Brindavanam, N.B., R.M. Dobriyal, Nilanjana, C.K. Katiyar and D.B.A. Narayana (Eds.) Chyawanprash: from Vedic to genomic era. [Publication]
Bringi, N.V. (Ed.) Non-traditional oilseeds and oils in India. [Publication]
Broadrick, H.A. (Ed.) Animals in archaeology. [Publication]
Brockington, Mary and Peter Schreiner (Eds.) Composing a tradition: concepts. [Publication]
Brogyanyi, Bela and Reiner Lipp (Eds.) Comparative historical linguistics: Indo-European and Finno-Ugric. [Publication]
Bronkhorst, Johannes and Madhav Deshpande (Eds.) Aryan and non-Aryan in South Asia. [Publication]
Caturved\={\i}, Um\={a}\'{s}a\.{n}kar \'{S}r\={\i}mat\={\i} H\d{r}day rogo\d{m} k\={\i} adravyabh\={u}t cikits\={a}. [Publication]
Caturved\={\i}, Um\={a}\'{s}a\.{n}kar, \'{S}r\={\i}mat\={\i} \={A}\'{s}ay\={a}pakar\d{s}a k\={a} \={a}tur\={\i}ya adhyayan. [Publication]
Caturved\={\i}, \'{S}r\={\i}mat\={\i} Udar rog -- ek vivecan\={a}tmak adhyayan. [Publication]
Caudill, William and Tsung-Yi Lin (Eds.) Mental health research in Asia and the Pacific. [Publication]
Chakravarty, Kalyan Kumar (Ed.) The Indian family. [Publication]
Chatterjee, Asima and Satyesh Chandra Pakrashi (Eds.) The treatise on Indian medicinal plants. [Publication]
Chattopadhyaya, D.P. (Ed.) History of science, philosophy and culture in Indian civilization, vol. X, part 3: Historical perspectives of warfare in India. [Publication]
Chaudhuri, Buddhadeb (Ed.) Tribal health: socio-cultural dimensions. [Publication]
Condrau, G. (Ed.) Medard Boss zum 70. Geburtstag. [Publication]
Conermann, Stephan (Ed.) Der Indische Ozean in historischer Perspektive. [Publication]
Conrad, Lawrence I. and Dominik Wujastyk (Eds.) Contagion: perspectives from pre-modern societies. [Publication]
D'Arcy, William G. Solanaceae -- Biology and systematics. [Publication]
Dak, T.M. (Ed.) Sociology of health in India. [Publication]
Dallapiccola, Anna Libera (Ed.) Shastric traditions in Indian arts. [Publication]
Dargavel, J., K. Dixon and N. Semple (Eds.) Changing tropical forests: historical perspectives on today's challenges in Asia, Australia and Oceania. [Publication]
Das, A.P. (Ed.) Perspectives of plant biodiversity. [Publication]
Edelstein, Ludwig (Ed.) Hindu medicine. [Publication]
Eichinger Ferro-Luzzi, Gabriella Rites and beliefs in modern India. [Publication]
Emmerick, R.E. see on him: W. Sundermann (2003) and M. Maggi (2003). [Publication]
Erdosy, George (Ed.) The Indo-Aryans of ancient South Asia: language, material culture and ethnicity. [Publication]
Feldhaus, Anne (Ed.) Images of women in Maharashtrian society. [Publication]
Filippi, Gian Giuseppe and Bruno Marcolongo K\={a}mpilya: quest for a Mah\={a}bh\={a}rata city. [Publication]
Fitch, Ralph See: BIHM 2, 1, 1972, 25--26, W. Foster (1968) and R.C. Prasad (1980), 23--62. [Publication]
Ford, R.I. (Ed.) The nature and status of ethnobotany. [Publication]
Forssman, B. and Robert Plath (Eds.) Indoarisch, Iranisch und die Indogermanistik: Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft vom 2. bis 5. Oktober 1997 in Erlangen. [Publication]
Gaborieau, M. and A. Thorner (Eds.) Asie du Sud. [Publication]
Garrido, G., D. González, Y. Lemus, D. García, L. Lodeiro, G. Quintero, C. Delporte, A.J. Nú\~nez-Sellés and R. Delgado In vivo and in vitro anti-inflammatory activity of Mangifera indica L. extract (Vimang). [Publication]
Gombrich, R.F. (Ed.) Oxford University Papers on India, vol. 2, part 1: Indian ritual and its exegesis. [Publication]
Goudriaan, T. (Ed.) The Sanskrit tradition and Tantrism. [Publication]
Grundler, M.J.E. Medicus malabaricus seu brevis relatio de statu artis medicae inter gentes malabaricas, etc. [Publication]
Guha, S. Early propaganda for vaccination in India: Thomas Coats' Gaichya devichi utpatti va guna tyacha tapshil. [Publication]
Hardwick, Thomas Description of a substance called Gez or Manna, and the insect producing it. [Publication]
Hastings, James (Ed.) Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics. [Publication]
Heinze, Thomas (Ed.) Polysaccharides: structure, characterization and use. [Publication]
Hewa, Soma Colonialism, tropical disease and imperial medicine: Rockefeller philanthropy in Sri Lanka. [Publication]
Hoernle, A.F.R. see on him: G.A. Grierson, JRAS 1919, 114--114 (necrology) and F.E. Pargiter, JRAS 1923, 551--558: Dr. Hoernle's ms.papers, and JRAS 1925, 110--111: The Late Dr. Hoernle's mss. [Publication]
Hunter, W. Remarks on the species of pepper which are found on Prince of Wales's Island. [Publication]
Hunter, William Narrative of a journey from Agra to Oujein. [Publication]
Hunter, William On the plant Morinda and its uses. [Publication]
Jaswanth, A., Akilendeswari, V. Loganathan, S. Manimaran and K. Ruckmani" [on Aegle marmelos (Linn.) Correa and wound healing]. [Publication]
Josephson, Folke Categorisation and interpretation. [Publication]
Joshi, Binod Kumar and Ram Lal Shah Vedic health care system -- Clinical practice of Sushrutokta marm chikitsa and siravedhan highlighting acupuncture. [Publication]
Joshi, Damodar An attempt on the standardisation of some kwaths (decoctions) with special reference to their method of preparation. [Publication]
Kameshwara Rao et al. (Compilers) Red list of threatened vascular plant species in India, compiled from the 1997 IUCN red list of threatened plants. [Publication]
Kaul, H.K. Travellers' India: an anthology. [Publication]
Khan, I.A. and A. Khanum (Eds.) Role of biotechnology in medicinal and aromatic plants, vols. XI and XII. [Publication]
Khan, Irfan Ali and Atiya Khanum (Eds.) Herbal therapy for diabetes. [Publication]
Kölver, Bernhard Aspects of Nepalese traditions -- Proceedings of a Seminar held under the auspices of Tribhuvan University Research Division and the German Research Council, March 1990. [Publication]
Maesen, L.J.G. van der and Sadikin Somaatmdja (Eds.) Plant resources of South-East Asia No. 1: Pulses. [Publication]
Mah\={a}praj\~{n}a, \={A}c\={a}rya Jain \={a}gam: vanaspati ko\'{s} -- V\={a}can\={a} pramukh Ga\d{n}\={a}dhipati Tulas\={\i}. [Publication]
Majumdar, R.C. (Gen. Ed.) The history and culture of the Indian people, Vols. I, II, IV, V, VI. [Publication]
M\={a}lava\d{n}iy\={a}, Dalmukh and Mohanl\={a}l Meht\={a} (Gen. Eds.) Jain s\={a}hitya k\={a} b\d{r}had itih\={a}s. [Publication]
Mallavarapu, G.R., S. Ramesh, R.S. Chandrasekhara, B.R.R. Rao, P.N. Kaul and A.K. Bhattacharya Investigation of the essential oil of cinnamon leaf grown at Bangalore and Hyderabad. [Publication]
Mikuriya, T.H. (Ed.) Excerpts from the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission report with centennial thoughts on Indian hemp and the dope fiends of Old England -- Indian Hemp Drug Commission Report Centennial Volume, vol. 1: Policy, social and religious customs. [Publication]
Narasimha Murthy, A. V. and K. V. Ramesh (Eds.) Essays on Indology: Dr.G.S. Dikshit Felicitation Volume. [Publication]
Nene, Y.L. et al. (Eds.) The pigeonpea. [Publication]
Onaivi, E.S. (Ed.) Biology of marijuana: from gene to behaviour. [Publication]
Ponti, F. de and R. de Giorgio The cathartic colon ? [Publication]
Ramana Rao, K.V., M.A. Rahim, S.C. Jena and H. Das Skin test reactivity to local allergens in brochial asthma. [Publication]
Randhawa, N.S. and B.S. Parmar (Eds.) Neem research and development. [Publication]
Roberts, Charlotte and Keith Manchester The archaeology of disease. [Publication]
Roberts, Margaret F. and Michael Wink (Eds.) Alkaloids: biochemistry, ecology, and medicinal applications. [Publication]
Rumphius, G.E. Het Amboinsche Kruid-Boek -- Herbarium Amboinense, plurimas conplectens arbores, frutices, herbas, plantas terrestres et aquaticas, quae in Amboina, et adjacentibus reperiuntur insulis, adcuratissime descriptas juxta eor. [Publication]
Ríos, J.L., E. Bas and M.C. Recio Effects of natural products on contact dermatitis. [Publication]
Bose, D. M. A concise history of science in India. [Publication]
Sachitra Ayurved 27, 5, 71--81 Jain s\={a}hitya me\d{m} \={a}yurved. [Publication]
Sachitra Ayurved, December issue; repr. in: S. D. Dubey and A. N. Singh (Eds.) Sharma. [Publication]
Sahu, Bhairabi Prasad Land system and rural society in early India. [Publication]
Sam\={\i}k\d{s}\={a} 3, 222--240; also in: Correspondence regarding psychoanalysis, vol. 10, Samiksha Trust, 1956, and in: T.G. Vaidyanathan and J.J. Kripal (Eds.) 38. Bose. [Publication]
Saraswat, Binduja, P.K.S. Visen, Anticholestatic effect of combination of picroliv and andrographolide the active material. [Publication]
\'{S}arm\={a}, Anil Kum\={a}r and \'Sr\={\i}mat\={\i} A\~njal\={\i} \'Sarm\=a Rog pratirak\d{s}a\d{n} (immunisation) me\d{m} \={a}yurved k\={a} yogd\={a}n. [Publication]
Sharma, P.V. Dh\={a}tus\={a}mya. [Publication]
Sharma, G.P. (Ed.) \={A}c\={a}rya Priyavrata \'{S}arm\={a} -- Racan\={a}vali (1941--1976). [Publication]
Sharma, P. V. Caraka-sam\={\i}k\d{s}\={a}. [Publication]
Singh, J. S. and C. Shastri (Eds.) Science and rural development in mountains. [Publication]
Sircar, N.N. and Roma Sarkar (Eds.) V\d{r}k\d{s}\={a}yurveda of Par\={a}\'{s}ara (a treatise on plant science). [Publication]
Stcherbatsky, Th. The central conception of Buddhism and the meaning of the word "dharma". [Publication]
Stewart, J.L. Ed.) Select papers of the Agri-Horticultural Society of the Punjab from its commencement to 1862. [Publication]
B. H. U., Varanasi The scientific study of nasya karma. [Publication]
Thite, G.U. (Ed.) Subh\={a}\d{s}i\d{n}\={\i} -- Dr. Saroja Bhate Felicitation Volume. [Publication]
Trivedi, Pravin Chandra and N.K. Sharma (Eds.) Ethnomedicinal plants. [Publication]
Tsomo, K.L. Buddhist women across cultures. [Publication]
Twigden, T.W. and J. Armstrong (Eds.) Acta Horticulturae -- 2nd International Symposium on Edible Alliaceae, 10--13 November 1997, Adelaide. [Publication]
Udupa, K.N. and R.H. Singh (Eds.) Science and philosophy of Indian medicine. [Publication]
Unithiri , N. .P. (Ed.) Indian scientific traditions -- Prof.K.N.N. Elayath Felicitation Volume. [Publication]
Unnithan-Kumar, M. On the empowerment of midwives in Rajasthan: implications for healthcare policy. [Publication]
Vagh, V.T., H.D. Kapadia and (Miss) D.N. Pavri Clinical evaluation of an indigenous geriatric tonic. [Publication]
Vandiver, Pamela B., James Druzik and George Segan Wheeler (Eds.) Materials issues in art and archaeology II. [Publication]
Varadarajan, Lotika (Ed.) Studies in Indian textiles --A socio-cultural survey. [Publication]
Wuthi-Udomlert, W., S. Prathanturarug and N. Soonthornchareonnon Antifungal activities of Senna alata extracts using different methods of extraction. [Publication]