Items where Year is 1967

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A. Sharaf, M.B.E. Fayez and S.A.R. Negm (1967) Pharmacological properties of Punica Granatum L. [Publication]

Abou Shouusha, E.S. and H.A. Khalil (1967) Effect of asiaticoside (Madecassol) on the healing process in cataract surgical wounds and retinal detachment operations (clinical and experimental study). [Publication]

Adiceam, Emmanuel (1967) La canne à sucre au pays tamoul. [Publication]

Adicéam, Marguerite E. (1967) Contribution à l'étude d'Aiyan\=ar - \'S\=ast\=a. [Publication]

Agarwal, S.L. and S. Shinde (1967) Studies on Hibiscus rosa-sinensis II. Preliminary pharmacological investigations. [Publication]

Agrawal, S.L. and S. Shinde (1967) [on Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn.]. [Publication]

Agrawala, Prithvi Kumar (1967) Skanda-K\=arttikeya (A study in the origin and dvelopment). [Publication]

Ahluwalia, Aneeta (1967) Sociology of medicine in India: an approach. [Publication]

Ahmed, S.I., F. Asad and S.S. Husain (1967) Anatomical studies of Commiphora mukul Engl. and the localization of gums, resins, tannins. [Publication]

Ali, S.I. and S. Quraishi (1967) A taxonomic study of the genus Albizzia Durazz. from West Pakistan. [Publication]

Ali, Usman S. (1967) Nagakeshara as known in South India. [Publication]

Allan, M. (1967) The Hookers of Kew, 1785--1911. [Publication]

Allen, Mea (1967) The Hookers of Kew. [Publication]

Almast, S.C. (1967) Plastic surgery in ancient India. [Publication]

Ambike, S.H. and M.R. Rajarama Rao (1967) Studies of a phytosterolin from the bark of Ficus religiosa. [Publication]

Anant, S.S. (1967) Child training and caste personality. [Publication]

Anjaria, J.V. and I. Gupta (1967) Studies on lactogenic property of Leptadenia reticulata (jivanti) and leptaden tablets in goats, sheep, cows and buffaloes. [Publication]

Anonymous (1967) Effect of kamal-kand and lodhra ch\={u}rna in dysfunctional uterine bleeding. [Publication]

Anonymous (1967) Indigenous drugs and research on medicinal plants in India. [Publication]

Appa Rao, M.V.R., S.P. Usha, S.S. Rajagopalan and R. Sarangan (1967) Six months results of a double blind trial to study the effect of mandookaparni and punarnava on normal adults. [Publication]

Arif Hasan, K. (1967) The cultural frontier of health in village India: case study of a North Indian village. [Publication]

Arora, R.B., J.N. Sharma and M.L. Bhatia (1967) Pharmacological evaluation of peruvoside, a new cardiac glycoside from Thevetia neriifolia, with a note on its clinical trials in patients of congestive cardiac failure. [Publication]

Arora, R.B., N. Bagchi and J.N. Sharma (1967) Effectiveness of ajmaline, serpajmaline and some esters of ajmaline in ectopic ventricular tachycardia resulting from 2-stage coronary ligation in dogs. [Publication]

Atal, C.K. and N.M. Sood (1967) Study of Indian caraway and its substitutes, part I: Essential oil of Carum carvi Linn. [Publication]

Azeemoddin, G. and S.D. Thirumala Rao (1967) Seed fat of Momordica tuberosa or Luffa tuberosa. [Publication]

Bajpai, K.D. (1967) The geographical encyclopaedia of ancient and medieval India, Part I A--D. [Publication]

Balfour, Surgeon General Edward (1967) The Cyclopaedia of India and of Eastern and Southern Asia: commercial, industrial and scientific; products of the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms, useful arts and manufactures. [Publication]

Banerjee, S.P. and P.C. Dandiya (1967) Studies on indigenous drugs used in uterine disorders, I -- Pharmacological actions of the extract of the fruits of Piper aurantiacum and an attempt for the identification of the oxytocic principle. [Publication]

Baquar, S.R. (1967) Pharmacognostic studies of Mentha spicata L. in relationship to two of its hybrids, M. piperita L. and M. gentilis L. [Publication]

Basalla, G. (1967) The spread of Western sciene: a three-stage model describes the introduction of modern science into any non-European nation. [Publication]

Basu, N., R.P. Rastogi and M.L. Dhar (1967) Chemical examination of Bacopa monniera Wettst. -- part III: Bacoside B. [Publication]

Baveja, S.K., M.L. Garg and M.P. Juneja (1967) Investigation of Machilus macrantha Nees (Lauraceae). [Publication]

Bedekar, V.M. (1967) The legend of the churning of the ocean in the Epics and Pur\=a\d{n}as. [Publication]

Bedi, Ramesh (1967) Alectra parasitica var. chitrakutensis. [Publication]

Bennett, John W. (1967) On the cultural ecology of Indian cattle. [Publication]

Bennett, John W. (1967) On the cultural ecology of Indian cattle. [Publication]

Bergemann, Hugo (1967) Die Medizinschule auf dem Eisenberg zu Lhasa. [Publication]

Bergemann, H.H. (1967) Die Anatomie des Kopfes und der Mundhöhle in der tibetischen Medizin des 17. Jahrhunderts. [Publication]

Bergemann, H.H. (1967) Die Bedeutung der lamaistischen Heilkunde. [Publication]

Berger, Hermann (1967) Türkische Pferdewörter bei einem Sanskrit-Lexicographen? [Publication]

Bernot, Lucien (1967) Les paysans Arakanais du Pakistan oriental: L'histoire, le monde végétal et l'organisation sociale des réfugiés Marma (Mog). [Publication]

Bhaduri, B., C.R. Ghose, A.N. Bose, B.K. Moza and U.P. Basu (1967) Search for antifertility principles of Indian medicinal plants part I preliminary observations on 15 drugs. [Publication]

Bhagwan Dash and R. Bedi (1967) Indigenous drugs for import substitution. [Publication]

Bhargava, A.K., S.M. Ali and C.S. Chauhan (1967) Pharmacological investigation of the essential oil of Daucus carota Linn. var. sativa DC. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, Bhabatosh (1967) The sanitary regulations prescribed by Ca\d{n}\d{d}e\'{s}vara in his G\d{r}hastharatn\={a}kara. [Publication]

Bhatty, Muhammed Akram (1967) Cholera in South Asia 1961--1966. [Publication]

Bhide, V.V. (1967) Cock in Vedic literature. [Publication]

Bista, D.B. (1967) People of Nepal. [Publication]

Biswas, K. (1967) Plants of Darjeeling and the Sikkim Himalayas, vol. I. [Publication]

Blümchen, G., V. Gazert, B. Kubanek (1967) Über die Medizin in Nepal. [Publication]

Bosch, F.D.K. (1967) De A\'{s}vin-goden en de epische tweelingen in de Oudjavaanse kunst en literatuur. [Publication]

Bose, B.C., V.S. Mathur and R. Vijayavargiya (1967) Study of chemical and pharmacological properties of Semecarpus anacardium Linn. [Publication]

Bose, H.K. (1967) Copper mining in India. [Publication]

Bragança, B.M., N.T. Patel and P.O. Badrinath (1967) Isolation and properties of a cobra venom factor selectively cytotoxic to Yoshida sarcoma cells. [Publication]

Bulmer, R. (1967) Why is the cassowary not a bird? A problem of zoological taxonomy among the Karam of the New Guinea Highlands. [Publication]

Cakravarti, C. (1967) Our cultural heritage -- The Vedic gods Agni-fuel-electricity-philosophy-medicine-contraceptive devices in ancient India. [Publication]

Chacko, Rose (1967) Family participation in the treatment and rehabilitation of the mentally ill. [Publication]

Chandra, V. (1967) Epidermal studies on some Solanum plants. [Publication]

Chatterjee, Prabhakar (1967) Mahamahopadhyaya Kaviraj Bijoy Ratna Sen: his life and technique of treatment. [Publication]

Chattopadhyay, Aparna (1967) Ancient Indian practice of drinking and smoking as found in the Caraka-Samhita. [Publication]

Chattopadhyay, Aparna (1967) Ancient Indian practice of eating peacock's flesh. [Publication]

Chattopadhyay, Aparna (1967) Peacock's flesh -- the favourite dish of Emperor Asoka. [Publication]

Chattopadhyay, Aparna (1967) Problem of poison in ancient India in the light of Caraka-Samhita. [Publication]

Chattopadhyay, Aparna (1967) Some rules for public health in Kautilya. [Publication]

Chattopadhyay, Aparna (1967) Women and family life in Caraka-Samhita. [Publication]

Chattopadhyay, Parna (1967) Gambling in the Kath\={a}sarits\={a}gara. [Publication]

Chaturvedi, G.N. (1967) A study on the effect of an indigenous drug T. arjuna on ischaemic heart disease. [Publication]

Chaturvedi, P.N. (1967) A study on the effect of an indigenous drug arjuna (Terminalia arjuna W. et A.) on arterial thrombosis and ischemic heart disease. [Publication]

Chaudhary, B. (1967) Vegetables. [Publication]

Chaudhuri, B. (1967) Magic vs. medicine in a tribal village. [Publication]

Chaure, P.S. (1967) An experimental and clinical study on the effect of an indigenous drug bhringaraja, Eclipta alba Hassk., in the treatment of arterial hypertension. [Publication]

Choudhury, B. (1967) Vegetables. [Publication]

Choudhury, Mamata (1967) The embryonic development and the human body in the Y\={a}j\~{n}avalkya Sm\d{r}ti. [Publication]

Chunekar, K.C. and K. Raghunathan (1967) Pharmacognostical studies on Clerodendrum phlomidis (agnimanth or tekar) Linn.f. leaves. [Publication]

Clark, H.H. (1967) The origin and early history of the cultivated barleys -- a botanical and archaeological synthesis. [Publication]

Collias, Nicholas E. and Elsie C. Collias (1967) A field study of the red jungle fowl in North-Central India. [Publication]

Cook, T., D. Venkata Rao, E. Venkata Rao and N. Viswanadham (1967) Chemical examination of the stems and leaves of Marsdenia volubilis. [Publication]

Cookson, F.B., R. Altschul and S. Gedoroff (1967) The effects of alfalfa on serum cholesterol and in modifying or preventing cholesterol induced atherosclerosis in rabits. [Publication]

Cooray, M.P.M. (1967) Scientific medicine in Ceylon from Portuguese times and the problem of Ayurveda. [Publication]

Coursey, D. G. (1967) Yams: an account of the nature. [Publication]

Crane, Robert I. (Ed.) (1967) Regions and regionalism in South Asian studies. [Publication]

Crane, R.I. (Ed.) (1967) Regions and regionalism in South Asian Studies. [Publication]

Das Gupta, Ashin (1967) Malabar in Asian trade, 1740--1800. [Publication]

Das, P.K. and M.K. Raina (1967) Preliminary pharmacological studies on the roots of Picrorrhiza kurroa. [Publication]

Dasgupta, B. (1967) Cholinergic principle of Indian medicinal plants. [Publication]

Davis, R.B., S. Kumar and Ritabari Roy Chowdhury (1967) The first five thousand (patients admitted to a private mental hospital in India and their treatment in 2 eras). [Publication]

Davis, R., S. Kumar and R. Chowdhury (1967) The first five thousand patients admitted to a private mental hospital in India and their treatment in two eras. [Publication]

Deshmukh, V.K. and U. Pandit (1967) A pharmacognostic study of Woodfordia fruticosa Kurz. [Publication]

Deshpande, S.M. and R.R. Upadhyay (1967) Chemical studies of Jasminum auriculatum (Vahl) leaves. [Publication]

Dessigane, R., P.Z. Pattabiramin and J. Filliozat (1967) La légende de Skanda selon le Ka\d{n}\d{d}apur\={a}\d{n}am tamoul et l'iconographie. [Publication]

Devgan, O.N. and M.M. Bokadia (1967) Chemical examination of the essential oil of Cyathocline lyrata (Cass.). [Publication]

Dey, A.C. (1967) Folklore of medicinal plants of the Bhagirathi Valley (Himalayas). [Publication]

Dey, P.K. and B.K. Chatterjee (1967) Effect of glycosine on the higher nervous activity. [Publication]

Diwekar, H.R. (1967) Bha\d{t}\d{t}a D\={a}rila's commentary on Kau\'{s}ika S\={u}tra. [Publication]

Dixit, B.S. and P.V. Tewari (1967) Concept of gandmala and apachi. [Publication]

Dotevall, G., A. Walan and A. Weinfeld (1967) Effect of l-hyoscyamine on gastric secretion of acid and intrinsic factor in man. [Publication]

Dubey, G.P. and R.H. Singh (1967) A preliminary study on certain psychosomatic factors in cases of different types of arthritis. [Publication]

Dwarakanath, C. (1967) Digestion and metabolism in Ayurved. [Publication]

Edward, M.G. (1967) Pharmacological and clinical studies of garlic. [Publication]

Effler, K. and A.H. Staib (1967) About the radioprotective effect of some cholinomimetics. [Publication]

Efron, Daniel (Ed.) (1967) Ethnopharmacologic search for psychoactive drugs. [Publication]

El-Hamidi, A., S. Negm and A. Sharaf (1967) An investigation of Glinus lotoides. [Publication]

Epstein, Scarlett (1967) A sociological analysis of witch beliefs in a Mysore village. [Publication]

Figueiredo, J. M. Pacheco de (1967) The practice of Indian medicine in Goa during the Portuguese rule, 1510--1699. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1967) Agastya et la propagation du brahmanisme en Sud-Est Asiatique. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1967) La logique théorique des médecins. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1967) L'abandon de la vie par le sage et les suicides du criminel et du h;eros dans la tradition indienne. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1967) Le bouddhisme et le suicide. [Publication]

Fujiwara, M. and T. Natata (1967) Induction of tumour immunity with tumour cells treated with extract of garlic (Allium sativum). [Publication]

Gaind, K.N. and R.D. Budhiraja (1967) Antibacterial and anthelmintic activity of Withania coagulans Dunal. [Publication]

Gaind, K.N. and S.C. Bapna (1967) Antibacterial activity of Thespesia populnea Corr. [Publication]

Gandhi, R.N., T.R. Rajagopalan and T R. Seshadri (1967) The major alkaloid of Crotalaria laburnifolia seeds. [Publication]

Ganguly, D.C. and C.L. Malhotra (1967) Some neuropharmacological and behavioural effects of an active fraction from Herpestis monniera Linn. (brahmi). [Publication]

Ganguly, D.K. and C.L. Malhotra (1967) Some behavioural effects of an active fraction from Herpestis monniera Linn. (brahmi). [Publication]

Gaur, D.S. (1967) Dhatusamya and Ayurvedic concept of constancy of milieu interieur (homoeostasis). [Publication]

Gaur, D.S. (1967) Fundamental concepts of drug research in Ayurveda. [Publication]

Glacken, C.J. (1967) Traces on the Rhodian shore: nature and culture in western thought from ancient times to the end of the eighteenth century. [Publication]

Goldstücker, Th. (1967) Remarks on the A\'{s}vins. [Publication]

Goto, M. and I. Imanaga (1967) Roles of the cell membrane in producing cardiac arrhythmia; with special reference to the ectopic pacemaker potential and block of excitation conduction produced by aconitine. [Publication]

Griffiths, Sir Percival (1967) The history of the Indian tea industry. [Publication]

Guerini, Vincenzo (1967) History of dentistry from the most ancient times until the end of the eighteenth century. [Publication]

Gupta, O.P. and Ray B.J. Ghatak (1967) Pharmacological investigations on Saussurea lappa (Clarke). [Publication]

Gupta, S.S., J.R.E. Valendares, V.P. Garg and Mahesh Rai (1967) Further observations on antidiabetic effects of Tinospora cordifolia and Casearia esculenta. [Publication]

Gupta, L.P., S.P. Sen and D.S. Gaur (1967) Study of para-ojas in relation to a cardiotonic principle lodged in the heart. [Publication]

Gupta, M.P. and D.K. Santra (1967) Isolation of solasodine from Solanum xanthocarpum Schrad and Wendl. [Publication]

Gupta, R.K. and B.K. Dutta (1967) Vernacular names of the useful plants of north-west Indian arid regions. [Publication]

Gupta, S. (1967) Pharmacognosy of leaves of different species of Ocimum (tulsi). [Publication]

Gupta, S.S. and N.K. Gupta (1967) Effect of Solanum xanthocarpum and Clerodendrum serratum (L.) Moon on histamine release from tissue. [Publication]

Gupta, S.S., M. Rai and N.K. Gupta (1967) Pharmacological studies of Tinospora cordifolia. [Publication]

Gupta, S. S., Mahesh Rai and N.K. Gupta (1967) Histamine releasing effects of a few Indian medicinal plants used in bronchial asthma. [Publication]

Gupta, S.S., S.C.L. Verma, V.P. Garg and Mahesh Rai (1967) Anti-diabetic effects of Tinospora cordifolia, part I: effect on fasting blood sugar level, glucose tolerance and adrenaline induced hyperglycaemia. [Publication]

Gurunatham, T., P.V. Chandrasekaran, S.P. Usha and R. Sarangan (1967) Preliminary study of the assessment of prakriti. [Publication]

Gurunatham, T., S.P. Usha, M.V.R. Appa Rao, S. Venkataraghavan and R. Sarangan (1967) Preliminary study on doshic set-up in tamaka swasa. [Publication]

Guruswami, M.N. (1967) Pharmacological action of Cerbera odollam Gaertn. [Publication]

Hall, M.P. (1967) Buddhism and psychotherapy. [Publication]

Haravey, S.K. (1967) A brief comparative pharmacognostic study of certain indigenous drugs. [Publication]

Hare, Ronald (1967) The antiquity of diseases caused by bacteria and viruses: a review of the problem from a bacteriologist's point of view. [Publication]

Harnath, P.S.R.K., K. Ranganath Rao, C.R. Anjaneyalu and J.D. Ramanathan (1967) Antidiabetic effect of Tinospora cordifolia. [Publication]

Harris, Marvin (1967) Reply to John W. Bennett (1967). [Publication]

Hartwell, J.L. (1967) Plants used against cancer -- A survey. [Publication]

Hasan, Khwaja Arif (1967) The cultural frontier of health in village India: case study of a North Indian village. [Publication]

Hassan, Ikram (1967) Some folk uses of Peganum harmala in India and Pakistan. [Publication]

Hitchcock, John T. (1967) A Nepalese shamanism and the classic Inner Asian tradition. [Publication]

Hoch, E.M. (1967) The changing pattern of family in India. [Publication]

Hoch, Erna M. (1967) Indian children on a psychiatrist's playground: observations on Indian children examined and treated at Nur Manzil psychiatric centre, Lucknow, 1956--61. [Publication]

Hoffman, H. (1967) Symbolik der tibetischen Religionen und Schamanismus. [Publication]

Hoffmann, Helmut (1967) Symbolik der tibetischen Religionen und des Schamanismus. [Publication]

Hohenberger, Adam (1967) Das Bhavi\d{s}yapur\={a}\d{n}a. [Publication]

Hunday, A. and S. Banerjee (1967) Geology and mineral resources of West Bengal. [Publication]

Husain, Kazi Zaker (1967) Expedition to Chittagong Hill Tracts. [Publication]

Ibrahim, S.A. (1967) Phospholipase A in scorpion venoms. [Publication]

Iyengar, M.A. and G.S. Pendse (1967) The effect of the seed of Musa superba Roxb. on small-pox virus. [Publication]

Jain, S.K. (1967) Ethnobotany -- its scope and study. [Publication]

Jain, S.K. (1967) Plants in Indian medicine and folklore associated with healing of bones. [Publication]

Jain, S.R. and S.N. Sharma (1967) Hypoglycaemic drugs of indigenous origin. [Publication]

Jain, Sudh\={a}\d{m}\'{s}ukum\={a}r (1967) Vanaspati ko\'{s}a (Upayog\={\i} paudho\d{m} k\={a} hind\={\i}-latin ko\'{s}a). [Publication]

Jancso, N., A. Jancso-Gabor and J. Szolcsanyi (1967) Direct evidence for neurogenic inflammation and its prevention by denervation and by pretreatment with capsaicin. [Publication]

Jeffrey, C. (1967) On the classification of the Cucurbitaceae. [Publication]

Jetmalani, M.H., P.B. Sabnis and B.B. Gaitonde (1967) A study on the pharmacology of various extracts of shatavari -- Asparagus racemosus (Willd). [Publication]

Jha, B.K. (1967) Fate of criminal mental patients in India. [Publication]

Jhala, H.I. (1967) W.M.W. Haffkine, bacteriologist -- A great saviour of mankind. [Publication]

Joglekar, G.V. and J.H. Balwani (1967) Antipruritic activity of Rumex maritimus Linn., an indigenous plant. [Publication]

Joglekar, G.V. and J.H. Balwani (1967) Certain central nervous system effects of the polyester of Celastrus paniculatus (malkanguni oil). [Publication]

Joglekar, G.V. and J.H. Balwani (1967) Effect of Eclipta alba, an indigenous drug, against allyl alcohol and carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in rats. [Publication]

Joglekar, G.V., R.H. Ahuja and J.H. Balwani (1967) Galactagogue effect of Asparagus racemosus -- Preliminary communication. [Publication]

Joseph, George and B.G. Prasad (1967) An epidemiological study of filariasis in the coastal belt of Kerala State. [Publication]

Joshi et al. (1967) Chemical and pharmacological investigation of the roots of Wagatea spicata Dalzell. [Publication]

Jyotir Mitra (1967) A study of philosophical material in Caraka and Su\'{s}ruta. [Publication]

Jyotir Mitra (1967) Mantradra\d{s}\d{t}\={a} N\={a}r\={a}ya\d{n} k\={a} Carak Sa\d{m}hit\={a} me\d{m} yogd\={a}n. [Publication]

Jyotir Mitra (1967) Science of veterinary medicine as practised in ancient India. [Publication]

Jyotir Mitra and S. P. Gupta (1967) Status of military medicine in ancient India. [Publication]

Kapoor, V.K. and Harkishan Singh (1967) Investigation of Achyranthes aspera Linn. [Publication]

Kaul, S. and S.L. Verma (1967) Oxalate contents of foods commonly used in Kashmir. [Publication]

Keswani, N.H. (1967) Ancient Hindu orthopaedic surgery. [Publication]

Khan, M.S.Y. (1967) Chemical investigation of the seeds of Sisymbrium irio 'Linn'. [Publication]

Khare, R.S. (1967) Prediction of death among the Kanya-Kubja Brahmans: a study of predictive narratives. [Publication]

Khorana, M.L. and T.N.Vasudevan (1967) Kurchi bark and kutajarishta -- Distribution of alkaloids and assay. [Publication]

Kirfel, W. (1967) Die Kosmographie der Inder. [Publication]

Kohli, R.P., P.R. Dua, K. Shanker and R.C. Saxena (1967) Some central effects of an essential oil of Apium graveolens (Linn.). [Publication]

Kolenda, Pauline (1967) Regional differences in Indian family structure. [Publication]

Kooger, J.P. (1967) Het raadsel van de heilige Soma-plant der Indo-Iraniërs. [Publication]

Krishna Rao, R.V. (1967) Adulterants of styrax benzoin. [Publication]

Krishnan, Y. (1967) The N\={a}ga cult in Indian art and literature. [Publication]

Kulshreshtha, D.K. and M.P. Khare (1967) Chemical investigation of the seeds of Clitoria ternatea 'Linn'. [Publication]

Kumari, G.S. and G.Y. Iyer (1967) Preliminary studies on the diuretic effects of Hygrophila spinosa and Tribulus terrestris. [Publication]

Kundu, B.C. and B. Gupta (1967) Importance of taxonomic studies of medicinal plants. [Publication]

Kutumbiah, P. (1967) The pulse in Indian medicine. [Publication]

Lahiri, A.L., T. Banerjee and B.R. Nijhwan (1967) Some observations on ancient iron. [Publication]

Lahiri, S.C. and N.K. Dutta (1967) Berberine and chloramphenicol in the treatment of cholera and severe diarrhoea. [Publication]

Lal, Kanwar (1967) The cult of desire: An interpretation of the erotic sculpture of India. [Publication]

Lamberg-Karlovsky, C.C. (1967) Archeology and metallurgical technology in prehistoric Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan. [Publication]

Laufer, Berthold (1967) Sino-Iranica; Chinese contributions to the history of civilization in ancient Iran, with special reference to the history of cultivated plants and products. [Publication]

Lawrence, J.C. (1967) The effect of asiaticoside on guinea pig skin. [Publication]

Lawrence, J.C. (1967) The morphological and pharmacological effects of asiaticoside upon skin in vitro and in vivo. [Publication]

Leibowitz, J.O. (1967) Studies in the history of alcoholism II -- Acute alcoholism in ancient Greek and Roman medicine. [Publication]

Lele, S.R. (1967) Glass-making in ancient India. [Publication]

Leslie, Charles (1967) Professional and popular health cultures in South Asia: needed research in medical sociology and anthropology. [Publication]

Levenson, Joseph (1967) European expansion and the counter example of Asia. [Publication]

Levey, M. and Noury al-Khaledy (1967) The medical formular of al-Samarqand\={\i} and the relation of early Arabic simples to those found in the indigenous medicine of the Near East and India. [Publication]

Litchfield, Carter, Earline Miller, R.D. Harlow and Raymond Reiser (1967) The triglyceride composition of 17 seed fats rich in octanoic, decanoic, or lauric acid. [Publication]

Lukefahr, M.J. and Paul A. Fryxell (1967) Content of gossypol in plants belonging to genera related to cotton. [Publication]

Ly-Tio-Fane, M. (1967) Pierre Poivre et l'expansion fran\c{c}aise dans l'Indo-Pacifique. [Publication]

Macdonell, A.A. and A.B. Keith (1967) Vedic Index of Names and Subjects. [Publication]

Macfarlane, R.G. (1967) Russell's viper venom, 1934--64. [Publication]

Mahato, S.B., S.K. Banerjee and R.N. Chakravarti (1967) Constituents of the leaves of Artocarpus integrifolia. [Publication]

Mahato, S.B., S.K. Banerjee and R.N. Chakravarti (1967) Taraxerol from Careya arborea. [Publication]

Mahesh Bai, S.S. Gupta and N.K. Gupta (1967) Further observations on the anti-inflammatory effects of a few indigenous drugs in relation to histamin and 5-HT depletion. [Publication]

Maiti, P.C. (1967) Rich sources of solasodine. [Publication]

Malhotra, A., V.V.S. Murti and T.R. Seshadri (1967) Chemical components of Dalbergia lanceolaria (flowers and leaves). [Publication]

Malhotra, S.L. (1967) Epidemiological sudy of peptic ulcer in the South of India. [Publication]

Mann, R.S. (1967) Concepts of disease and change in a Delhi village. [Publication]

May, D.G. and M.K. Carter (1967) Unilateral diuresis by infusing arecoline into renal portal systems of hens. [Publication]

McKinnon, J.R. (1967) Health problems of Khumbu. [Publication]

Mehra, K.L. (1967) History of sesame in India and its cultural significance. [Publication]

Mehra, K.L. (1967) History and ethnobotany of mustard in India. [Publication]

Mehra, K.L. (1967) History of jujube in India. [Publication]

Mehra, K.L. (1967) History of sesame in India and its cultural significance. [Publication]

Mehra, P.N. and H.S. Puri (1967) Pharmacognosy of Aconitum chasmanthum Stapf ex Holmes. [Publication]

Mehra, P.N. and S.S. Handa (1967) The identity of saptarangi. [Publication]

Menon, M.K. and P.C. Dandiya (1967) The mechanism of the tranquillizing action of asarone from Acorus calamus Linn. [Publication]

Mercer, H.D., F.C. Neal, J.A. Himes and G.T. Edds (1967) Cassia occidentalis toxicosis in cattle. [Publication]

Middleton, John (Ed.) (1967) Magic, witchcraft, and curing. [Publication]

Miglani, B.D., H.L. Dhar and D. Dhawan (1967) Purgative action of an oil expressed from Terminalia belerica. [Publication]

Minocha, Aneeta (1967) Sociology of medicine in India. [Publication]

Mishra, P. (1967) Preventive ophthalmology in Indian medicine. [Publication]

Misra, R.C., N. Krishnan, V. Ramalingaswami, H.K. Chuttani (1967) Tropical sprue in Northern India. [Publication]

Misra, M.B. and Raj Kumari Misra (1967) A preliminary pharmacology of Uraria lagopoides DC. [Publication]

Misra, M.B., M.K. Sharma and R.K. Misra (1967) Preliminary pharmacological investigation of Eclipta erecta Linn. [Publication]

Misra, M.B., M.K. Sharma, A.K. Gupta and R.K. Misra (1967) Phytopharmacology of Stereospermum chelonoides DC. [Publication]

Misra, P.K., M.B. Misra, M.K. Sharma, T.R. Mishra, V.K. Nigam and K.B. Saxena (1967) Preliminary pharmacology of Luffa echinata Roxb. var. longistyla Cl. [Publication]

Mithal, B. M. and B. R. Bhutiani (1967) Disintegrant properties of Plantago ovata seed husk. [Publication]

Mitra, C.R. and G. Misra (1967) Constituents of fruit and seed of Mimusops elengi. [Publication]

Morse, D. (1967) Tuberculosis. [Publication]

Morton, Julia F. (1967) The balsam pear -- an edible, medicinal, and toxic plant. [Publication]

Moza, B.K. and A.K. Bose (1967) Investigations on Stephania hernandifolia. [Publication]

Moza, P.N. and Jaswant Singh (1967) A simple method for estimation of total alkaloids in aswagandha. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1967) Über verschiedene Ergebnisse indischer Textuntersuchungen durch Sprachwissenschaftler oder einen Medizingeschichtler. [Publication]

Müller, Reinhold F.G. (1967) Über Abort oder Fehlgeburt mach indischen Bewertungen. [Publication]

Murthy, K.R. Srikanta (1967) Medical heritage of Karnataka. [Publication]

Nair, K.K. (1967) Forestry development in India. [Publication]

Nair, N.C. (1967) On the identity of Boerhaavia punarnava Saha and Krishnamurthy -- a short communication. [Publication]

Nair, S., M.J. Modak and A. Venkataraman (1967) Vibriostatic action of berberine. [Publication]

Narain, P. and T.N. Khoshoo (1967) An indigenous source of colchicine. [Publication]

Narayanaswami, V. and Usman S. Ali (1967) Pashanabheda. [Publication]

Narayanaswami, V., V.N. Sundararajan and S. Saradambal (1967) Analytical study of \={a}savas and arishtas. [Publication]

Narayanaswami, V., V.N. Sundararajan and S. Saradambal (1967) Chemical investigation of calcium group of bhasmas. [Publication]

Nieschulz, O. (1967) Zur Pharmakologie der Wirkstoffe des Betels. 1.Mitteilung: Zentrale Wirkungen des Arecolin. [Publication]

Nieschulz, O. and P. Schnersahl (1967) Zur Pharmakologie der Wirkstoffe des Betels. 2.Mitteilung: Umwandlung des Arecolin in Arecaidin. [Publication]

Norman, K.R. (1967) Notes on Asoka's fifth pillar edict. [Publication]

Oberhammer, Gerhard (1967) Notes on the tantrayukti-s. [Publication]

Ojha, D. (1967) An indigenous drug `bhallataka' (Semecarpus anacardium) in the treatment of leprosy. [Publication]

Ojha, D. and G. M. Singh (1967) An indigenous drug bhallataka (Semecarpus Anacardium) in the treatment of leprosy. [Publication]

Ojha, J.K., R.S. Singh and R.K. Gupta (1967) Preliminary study of the use of neem oil in diabetes mellitus. [Publication]

Palit, T.K., A.C. Roy and M.P. Khare (1967) Chemical investiigation of the root bark of Tiliacora racemosa 'Colebr.'. [Publication]

Palsule, G.B. (1967) Sanskrit vigraha: body, form, figure. [Publication]

Pande, B.D. (1967) The wealth of medicinal plants of Nepal. [Publication]

Pandey, G. (1967) Identity of nagbala -- an indigenous drug. [Publication]

Pandey, Gyanendra (1967) Basic study of adulteration in plant drugs. [Publication]

P\={a}\d{n}\d{d}eya, R\={a}macandra (Ed.) (1967) Yuktid\={\i}pik\={a}: an ancient commentary on the S\={a}\d{m}khya-k\={a}rik\={a} of \={I}\'{s}varak\d{r}\d{s}\d{n}a. [Publication]

Pant, Radha and Pushp Lata Bishnvi (1967) Chemical composition of some wild Indian leguminous seeds. [Publication]

Patel, R.P. and R.M. Alex (1967) Antimicrobial activity of Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. [Publication]

Patnaik, K.C. and P.N. Kapoor (1967) Statistical review of the cholera problem in India. [Publication]

Patnaik, K.C. and P.N. Kapoor (1967) Incidence and endemicity of guineaworm in India. [Publication]

Patnaik, K.C. and P.N. Kapoor (1967) Statistical review of cholera problem in India: with particular reference to endemicity and epidemicity. [Publication]

Patwardhan, A.V. (1967) Unusual presentation following a snake bite. [Publication]

Payens, J.P.D.W. (1967) A monograph of the genus Barringtonia (Lecythidaceae). [Publication]

Phadia, E.G. and M.D. Sharma (1967) On methods of discrimination of constitutional types (prakritis). [Publication]

Pierce, K.P. and P.J. O'Hara (1967) Toxic myopathy in Texas cattle (Cassia occidentalis poisoning). [Publication]

Poleman, H.I. (1967) A census of Indic manuscripts in the United States and Canada. [Publication]

Prasad, S., V.K. Jain and R. Mitra (1967) Pharmacognostical studies on bark of rohitak-dadima puspa, Tecomella undulata, Seem. [Publication]

Prasad, Birendra N. and B. Chowdhury (1967) Pharmacodynamics of extracts of Piper longum Linn and its amides piper longumine and piperine. [Publication]

Prasad, D. N., K. D. Tripathi and P. K. Das (1967) Anti-inflammatory activity of some indigenous drugs in carrageenin induced oedema or rats' hind paw. [Publication]

Prasad, S. and M.S. Ansari (1967) Pharmacognostical studies on the root of Uraria picta Desv (prishniparni). [Publication]

Prasad, S., R.L. Khosa, A.K. Wahi and R.C. Bhardwaj (1967) Pharmacognostic studies on bharangi root (part I): roots of Clerodendron serratum (Linn) and Clerodendron indicum Kuntze. [Publication]

Prasad, S., R. Mitra and V.K. Jain (1967) Pharmacognostic study of Tecomella undulata, rohitak - dadim pushpa. [Publication]

Prasad, S., V.K. Jain and R. Mitra (1967) Pharmacognostical studies on bark of rohitak -- dadima pushpa, Tecomella undulata Seem. [Publication]

Qadry, S. M. J. S. and C. K. Atal (1967) Studies on some umbelliferous fruits -- Part {III}. Pharmacognosy of the fruits of Trachyspermum ammi Linn. [Publication]

Raghunathan, K. and P.V. Sharma (1967) History of Ayurvedic nighantus. [Publication]

Rah, R.K. and P.A. Kurup (1967) Mode of action of palasonin. I. Effect of palasonin on total glycogen and reducing sugar contents and glycogen synthetase activity of Ascaris lumbricoides; II. Effect of palasonin on some glycolytic enzymes and succinic acid production in Ascaris lumbrico. [Publication]

Rai, M., S.S. Gupta and N.K. Gupta (1967) Further observations on the anti-inflammatory activity of some indigenous drugs in relation to histamine and 5-HT depletion. [Publication]

Rai, Mahesh and S.S. Gupta (1967) Experimental evaluation of Tinospora cardifolia (guduchi) for dissolution of urinary calculi. [Publication]

Rajiv, Vijay L. (1967) The third eye of Siva. [Publication]

Ramachander, P.R. and K.V. Ahamed Bavappa (compilers) (1967) Bibliography on arecanut, up to December 1966. [Publication]

Ramachandran, Reena and Bhuwan C. Joshi (1967) Chemical examination of Bauhinia purpurea flowers. [Publication]

Ramaswamy, A.S. and M. Sirsi (1967) Anti-tubercular activity of some natural products. [Publication]

Rangaswami, S. and R. Thanu Iyer (1967) Chemical examinatium of Adiantum venustum Don. [Publication]

Rastogi, S.N., B.G. Prasad and J.K. Bhatnagar (1967) A study of epidemiology of cholera in Uttar Pradesh: a study in retrospect. [Publication]

Rawson, P.S. (1967) The Indian sword. [Publication]

Ray, Dutta S. (1967) Some problems related to psychiatric testimony in courts. [Publication]

Rây, Priyadaranjan (1967) Origin and tradition of alchemy. [Publication]

Reddy, C.R.R. and V.V. Valli (1967) Two cases of extradural abscess due to guineaworm in India. [Publication]

Reddy, D. V. S. (1967) Magic rites, healing touch and miracle cures in the Ocean of story (Katha Sarit Sagara). [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1967) Medical ethics in ancient India. [Publication]

Renou, L. (1967) Études védiques et p\={a}\d{n}inéennes, tome 16: Notes sur le \d{R}gveda -- Hymnes aux A\'{s}vin. [Publication]

Rosen, H., A. Blumenthal and J. McCallum (1967) Effect of asiaticoside on wound healing in the rat. [Publication]

Rosen, H., A. Blumenthal and J.M. Callum (1967) Effect of asiatocoside on wound healing in rats. [Publication]

Roy, Mira (1967) Anatomy in the Vedic literature. [Publication]

Roy, Mira (1967) Ras\={a}r\d{n}avakalpa of Rudray\={a}mala Tantra. [Publication]

Ruben, W. (1967) Die gesellschaftliche Entwicklung im alten Indien, Band 1: Die Entwicklung der Produktionsverhältnisse im alten Indien. [Publication]

Ruecker, G. and G. Glauch (1967) Nard, an old Asiatic drug plant. [Publication]

Russell, F.E. and P.R. Saunders (1967) Animal toxins. [Publication]

Sabnis, P.B., B.B. Gaitonde and M. Jetmalani (1967) Effects of alcohol extracts of Asparagus racemosus Willd. on mammary glands of rat. [Publication]

Sagreiya, K.P. (1967) Forests and forestry. [Publication]

Sandison, A.T. (1967) Diseases of the eyes. [Publication]

Sandison, A.T. (1967) Diseases of the skin. [Publication]

Santha Kumari, G. and G.Y.N. Iyer (1967) Preliminary studies on the diuretic effects of Hygrophila spinosa and Tribulus terrestris. [Publication]

Santhanakrishnan, S. and G. Sundara Rajulu (1967) Human schistosomiasis in India: discovery of an endemic focus in the Madras State. [Publication]

Sarin, Y.K. (1967) A survey of vegetable raw material resources of Lahul. [Publication]

Sarkar, R.M. (1967) Cult of Sital Sasthi -- A study of the legendary background. [Publication]

\'{S}arm\={a}, D\={a}modarpras\={a}d (1967) Nah\={a}muni Pata\~{n}jali. [Publication]

\'{S}arm\={a}, Tryambaka N\={a}th and D\={a}modar Jo\'{s}\={\i} (1967) {M}\={a}n-sam\={\i}k\d{s}\={a}. [Publication]

\'{S}arm\={a}, Tryambaka N\={a}th and D\={a}modar Jo\'{s}\={\i} (1967) M\={a}n-sam\={\i}k\d{s}\={a}. [Publication]

Sastry, V.V.S. (1967) Experimental and clinical studies on the effect of the oleo-gum-resin of Commiphora mukul Engl. on the thrombotic phenomena associated with hyperlipemia. [Publication]

Satakopan, S. and P.J. Thomas (1967) The identity of Ayurvedic market drugs, Part I-A: Nagkeshara (Mesua ferrea Linn.),. [Publication]

Sauer, J.D. (1967) The grain amaranths and their relatives: a revised taxonomic and geographic survey. [Publication]

Schaller, G.B. (1967) The deer and the tiger -- A study of wildlife in India. [Publication]

Schmid, T. (1967) Shamanistic practice in Northern Nepal. [Publication]

Schuphan, W. and H. Weiller (1967) Untersuchungen über die antibakterielle Wirksamkeit des ätherischen Öls der Möhre (Daucus carota L.) und seiner Bestandteile. [Publication]

Sengupta, S. and S. Parmar (1967) A bibliography of Indian folklore and related subjects. [Publication]

Sethi, B.B., S.C. Gupta and R. Kumar (1967) Three hundred Indian families : a psychiatric study. [Publication]

Sethi, B. and S. Gupta (1967) An empirical and cultural study of depression. [Publication]

Sethi, B., S.C. Gupta and R. Kumar (1967) A psychiatric study of 300 urban families. [Publication]

Shah, A.B. (Ed.) (1967) Cow-slaughter, horns of a dilemma. [Publication]

Shah, C. S. and Nila S. Shah (1967) Pharmacognosy of Trichosanthes cucumerina Linn. [Publication]

Shah, D. S. (1967) A preliminary study of the hypoglycemic action of heartwood of Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb. [Publication]

Shah, N.C. and B.B.L. Yadava (1967) Cultivation of medicinal plants in Kumaon. [Publication]

Shamachar, B.R. (1967) Use of `pashanabheda' Coleus aromaticus in ashmari (urinary calculi). [Publication]

Sharaf, A (1967) Some hormone-like properties of Allium cepa L. (onion). [Publication]

Sharaf, A., O. Lotfy and A. Geneidy (1967) The effect of a colouring matter separated from Hibiscus sabdariffa on Mycobacterium tubberculosis as compared to that of its watery extract. [Publication]

Sharma, A.L., H.N. Sapru and N.K. Chowdhury (1967) Hypoglycaemic action of Cryptostegia grandiflora R.Br. in rabbits. [Publication]

Sharma, B.P. (1967) Some psychoneurotic symptoms in Nepal. [Publication]

Sharma, M.L., G.B. Singh and B.J. Ray Ghatak (1967) Pharmacological investigations on Crotalaria agatiflora Schweinf. [Publication]

Sharma, N.L. and R.K. Sinha (1967) Minerals and metals used in ancient India. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1967) \={A}yurved k\={a} vaij\~{n}\={a}nik vik\={a}s. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1967) Bha\d{t}\d{t}\={a}ra Haricandra aur unk\={\i} Carak-vy\={a}khy\={a}. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1967) Research and its scope in Dravyavij\~{n}\={a}na. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. and C. Chaturvedi (1967) A study on the activity of different extracts of betel (leaf) on heart. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. and C. Chaturvedi (1967) An experimental study on the effects of betel leaf (Piper betle) on cardiovascular system. [Publication]

Sharma, P. V. and C. Chaturvedi (1967) {T}\={a}mb\={u}l k\={a} h\d{r}dya prabh\={a}v. [Publication]

Shohat, B., S. Gitter, A. Abramson and D. Lavie (1967) Antitumor activity of withaferin A. [Publication]

Shrivastava, M.C. and S.W. Singh (1967) Anthelmintic activity of Cucurbita maxima seeds. [Publication]

Shulgin, A.T., T. Sargent and C. Naranjo (1967) Ethnopharmacological search for psycho-active drugs. [Publication]

Simoons, Frederick J. (1967) Eat not this flesh: food avoidances in the Old World. [Publication]

Singer, Milton (1967) Traditional value systems, modern science and technology in South Asia: some suggestions for research. [Publication]

Singh, Harbans (1967) Cattle keeping in India. [Publication]

Singh, J.R. and J.S. Arora (1967) Physico-chemical differences in two varieties of `aonla' at maturity. [Publication]

Singh, P. (1967) Identification of leaves of important Solanaceous (kantkari varg) drugs. [Publication]

Singh, R.H. (1967) Concept of vayu in relation to vata vyadhi and its management with swedana. [Publication]

Singh, R.H. and G.N. Chaturvedi (1967) Studies on pancha karma therapy. VIII. Therapeutic value of snehapana in the management of peptic ulcer syndrome. [Publication]

Singh, R.S. and B.N. Singh (1967) Identification of kaleeyak and some comments about the misapplication of Coscinium fenestratum (Gaertn.) Colebr. (Menispermaceae). [Publication]

Singh, R.S., R.K. Gupta and J.K. Ojha (1967) The identity of nisoth (turpeth: Indian jalap) and its adulterants. [Publication]

Singh, R.S., R.K. Gupta, J.K. Ojha, H.S. Bajpai, J.P. Gupta (1967) Kantkari avaleh -- An antitussive agent (a comparative evaluation). [Publication]

Singh, R.S., R.K. Gupta, S.P. Sen and J.K. Ojha (1967) Studies on the absorption, excretion and toxicity of the Ayurvedic mercurials, part III. [Publication]

Sinha, A.P. (1967) Procreation among the eunuchs. [Publication]

Sinha, A.P. (1967) Procreation among the eunuchs. [Publication]

Sinha, R.K. (1967) A treatise on industrial minerals of India. [Publication]

Sircar, D.C. (1967) Cosmography and geography in early Indian literature. [Publication]

Sircar, D.C. (1967) Studies in the society and administration of ancient and medieval India. [Publication]

Sirsi, M. (1967) The effect of arecoline and some CNS drugs on 'motor learning' in rats. [Publication]

Snellgrove, D.L. (1967) The nine ways of Bon. [Publication]

Spate, O.H.K. and A.T.A. Learmonth (1967) India and Pakistan: land, people and economy. [Publication]

Spiro, Melford E. (1967) Burmese supernaturalism: a study in the explanation and reduction of suffering. [Publication]

Srikanta Murthy, K.R. (1967) Medical heritage of Karnataka. [Publication]

Srivastava, M.C. et al. (1967) Anthelmintic activity of Mallotus philippinensis (kampila) powder. [Publication]

Srivastava, J.G. (1967) Botanical studies of some Ayurvedic and Yunani drugs: 'bidhara'. [Publication]

Srivastava, M.C. and S.W. Singh (1967) Anthelminthic activity of Cucurbita maxima (kaddu) seeds. [Publication]

Srivastava, M.C., J.P. Tewari, S.W. Singh, V. Kant and K.C. Mishra (1967) Phytopharmacognosy of Piper nigrum fruits. [Publication]

Srivastava, M.C., S.W. Singh, J.P. Tewari (1967) Anthelminthic activity of Mallotus philippinensis -- kambila powder. [Publication]

Srivastava, M.C., S.W. Singh, J.P. Tewari and V. Kant (1967) Anthelmintic activity of Psoralea corylifolia (bakuchi) seeds. [Publication]

Srivastava, V.C. (1967) The solar cult as revealed by the Gupta and post-Gupta inscriptions. [Publication]

Stietencron, H. von (1967) Suicide as a religious institution. [Publication]

Stracey, P.D. (1967) Reade: Elephant hunter. [Publication]

Straczek, J.A. and B. Srikantan (1967) The geology and Zawar zinc lead area, Rajasthan, India. [Publication]

Subbaiah, T.V. and A.H. Amin (1967) Effect of berberine sulphate on Entamoeba histolytica. [Publication]

Subbarayappa, B.V. (1967) An estimate of the Vai\'{s}e\d{s}ika s\={u}tra in the history of science. [Publication]

Takagi, K., I. Takayanagi and C.K. Shih (1967) A new view on the site of action of pilocarpine and arecoline in the isolated guinea pig ileum. [Publication]

Takulia, Harbans S. et al. (1967) The Health Center doctor in India. [Publication]

Talim, Meena V. (1967) Surgery and surgical instruments in Buddhist era. [Publication]

Tamaskar, B.G. (1967) Geographical data in the Jataka tales. [Publication]

Temkin, Owsei and C. Lilian Temkin (Eds.) (1967) Ancient medicine; selected papers of Ludwig Edelstein. [Publication]

Tewari, P., D.N. Prasad, C. Chaturvedi, P.K. Das (1967) Preliminary studies on uterine activity of Gloriosa superba Linn., and its adulterant Costus speciosus Sm. [Publication]

Thakur, Chandrashekhar G. (1967) Ayurveda for you. [Publication]

Tripathi, S.N. and P. Kishore (1967) Studies on the anti-inflammatory activity of a phytogenic principle of Dalbergia lanceolaria (preliminary report). [Publication]

Truitt, E.B. (1967) The pharmacology of myristicin and nutmeg. [Publication]

Truitt, E.B. (1967) [on nutmeg]. [Publication]

Tu, Anthony T. and Somsri Ganthavorn (1967) Comparison of Naja naja siamensis and Naja naja atra venoms. [Publication]

Uniyal, M.R. (1967) Local use of some herbs from Mandakini valley of Northern Himalayas. [Publication]

Uniyal, M.R. and R.K. Issar (1967) Commercially important medicinal plants of Kanatal Forest, Tehri Garhwal. [Publication]

Upadhyaya, Hari S. (1967) Some annotated Indian folksongs. [Publication]

Usman Ali, S. (1967) Nagkeshara as known in South India. [Publication]

Vahia, N.S. (1967) Psychiatry in India. [Publication]

Vaishnava, H.P. and S.N.A. Rizvi (1967) Osteomalacia in northern India. [Publication]

Vakil, R.J. (1967) Alte indische Medizin. [Publication]

Valunjkar, T.N. and H.R. Chaturvedi (1967) Religion and illness in Hindu society. [Publication]

Valyasevi, Aree, Scott B. Halstead, Suntaree Pantuwatana and Chamnean Tankayul (1967) Studies of bladder stone disease in Thailand. IV. Dietary habits, nutritional intake, and infant feeding practices among residents of a hypo- and hyperendemic area. [Publication]

Varshney, R.K. and T.P.S. Teotia (1967) A supplementary list of the host plants of lac insects. [Publication]

Vatuk, Ved Prakash and Sylvia Vatuk (1967) Chatorpan: a culturally defined form of addiction. [Publication]

Verma, S.C.L., S. Shinde and S.L. Agarwal (1967) Studies on Hibiscus rosasinensis (preliminary chemical investigations). [Publication]

Verma, S.C.L., V.P. Garg and S.S. Gupta (1967) A new source of mannitol. [Publication]

Vogel, Claus (1967) On the meaning of skr. (pra)bhinn\=a\~njana. [Publication]

Vyas, Shantikumar Nanooram (1967) India in the {R}\={a}m\={a}ya\d{n}a age: a study of the social and cultural conditions in ancient India as described in {V}\={a}lm\={\i}ki's {R}\={a}m\={a}ya\d{n}a. [Publication]

Walton, Dobbins K. (1967) A note on the Hariti image of Sakrah Dheri year 399. [Publication]

Wayman, Alex (1967) Significance of dreams in India and Tibet. [Publication]

Weil, A.T. (Ed.) (1967) Ethnopharmacological search for psychoactive drugs. [Publication]

West, T.C. and N. Toda (1967) Cardiovascular pharmacology. [Publication]

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Wig, N.N. and Gurmeet Singh (1967) A proposed classification of psychiatric disorders for use in India. [Publication]

Wilde, W.J.J.O. de (1967) A new combination and a new species in Saraca L. (Caesalpiniaceae). [Publication]

Wilde, W. J. J. O. de (1967) A new combination and a new species in Saraca {L}. (Caesalpiniaceae). [Publication]

Zaki, O.A., A. Khogali, D. Petkovic and S.A. Ibrahim (1967) The effects of whole cobra venom (Naja naja) and its fractions on the heart. [Publication]

Zuyderhoudt, G.F.P. (1967) A revision of the genus Saraca L. (Legum. - Caes.). [Publication]

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