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Adhya, G.C. (1966) Early Indian economics: studies in the economic life of Northern India and Western India c. 200 B.C.--A.D. 300. [Publication]

Agnihotri, A.B.L., G.L. Sharma and V.A. Shastri (1966) G\d{r}dhras\={\i} k\={\i} cikits\={a} me\d{m} era\d{n}\d{d}b\={\i}jmajj\={a}kalp. [Publication]

Agrawala, Prithvi Kumar (1966) Skanda in the Pur\=a\d{n}s and classical literature. [Publication]

Amber, R.B. and A.M. Babey-Brooke (1966) The pulse in Occident and Orient: its philosophy and practice in India, China, Iran and the West. [Publication]

Ammal, E.K.J., S.D. Singh and S.D. Dhar (1966) On the occurrence of natural populations of Rauwolfia serpentina (Apocynaceae) in Jammu. [Publication]

Angers, Paul, Mario C. Morales and James E. Simon (1966) Basil seed oils. [Publication]

Atal, C.K. and A.K. Dutta (1966) Pharmacognosy of caraway and its adulterants. [Publication]


Bahl, P.N. (1966) Dermatoses due to irritant and sensitizing plants. [Publication]

Bandyopadhyay, N.G. (1966) A study of bhallataka as rasayan. [Publication]

Banerjee, P. (1966) Naga cult in ancient India. [Publication]

Banerjee, S.P. and P.C. Dandiya (1966) Preliminary chemical and pharmacological investigation on fruits of Piper aurantiacum. [Publication]

Bangar, G.P. and K.C. Varma (1966) Antimicrobial activity of some leaves. [Publication]

Bangar, G.P., R.E. Rao and K.C. Varma (1966) Antimicrobial activity of leaves and oil of Piper betle Linn. [Publication]

Bannerjee, J.N. (1966) History of medical teaching in India from the preliterary period up to modern times. [Publication]

Bedekar, V.M. (1966) A hymn to the sun in the Mah\={a}bh\={a}rata 3.3: its analysis and implications. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (1966) Khair. [Publication]

Behl, P.N., R.M. Captain, B.M.S. Bedi and S. Gupta (1966) Skin irritant and sensitizing plants found in India. [Publication]

Bergemann, H.H. (1966) Die Mutter des Arztes weilt im Paradies. [Publication]

Berlin, Brent, Dennis E. Breedlove, Peter H. Raven (1966) Folk taxonomies and biological classification. [Publication]

Bhatnagar, J.K. and C.K. Atal (1966) Some comments on the botanical source of `ustukhudus'. [Publication]

Bhatnagar, J.K. and S.S. Shant (1966) Jiwak -- its botanical sources and pharmacognostic characters. [Publication]

Bhowmick, P.K. and B. Chowdhury (1966) Some aspects of the magico-religious beliefs and practices of the Mundas. [Publication]

Bhrara, S.C. and T.R. Seshadri (1966) Chemical components of Vateria indica seeds. [Publication]

Bhutani, S.P., S.S. Chibber and T.R. Seshadri (1966) Chemical examination of the leaves of Cassia javanica Linn. [Publication]

Bigot, A. (1966) La médecine fran\c{c}aise à Pondichéry aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. [Publication]

Birendra, N. and M.D. Prasad (1966) Leucoderma in ancient Indian medicine. [Publication]

Bisset, N.G. and M.C. Woods (1966) The arrow and dart poisons of south-east Asia, with particular reference to the Strychnos species used in them. Part II. Burma, Thailand, and Malaya. [Publication]

Bole, P.V. (1966) Botanical drugs of indigenous medical practice (some problems and perspectives). [Publication]

Bose, G. (1966) A new theory of mental life. [Publication]

Braganca, B.M. and V.G. Khandeparkar (1966) Phospholipase A activity of cobra venom and lysis of Yoshida sarcoma cells. [Publication]

Bremer, G. (1966) The origin of the North Indian sugarcanes. [Publication]

Bullock, A.A. (1966) On the correct name for the Indian coral tree. [Publication]


Chakraborti, Haripada (1966) Trade and commerce of ancient India (c. 200 B.C. -- c. 650 A.D.). [Publication]

Chakraborty, Ajita and Amal Mallick (1966) Headache (a cross-cultural study). [Publication]

Chandra, Rai G. (1966) Purna ghata -- symbol of the mother goddess. [Publication]

Chatterjee, Prabhakar (1966) A note on Ayurvedic Nighantus. [Publication]

Chaturvedi, G.N. and R.B. Singh (1966) Treatment of leucoderma and vitiligo with some indigenous drugs. [Publication]

Chaturvedi, G.N. and R.H. Singh (1966) Jaundice of infectious hepatitis and its treatment with an indigenous drug, Picrorhiza kurrooa (A review of thirty cases and clinical trial). [Publication]

Chaturvedi, G.N., R.K. Sharma and S.P. Sen (1966) Hypotensive effect of certain indigenous drugs with special reference to shankhapuspi (C. pluricaulis) in anaesthetised dogs. [Publication]

Chaudhury, R.R. (1966) Plants with possible antifertility activity. [Publication]

Chavan, A.R. and G.M. Oza (1966) The flora of Pavagadh. [Publication]

Choudhury, R.R. (1966) Plants with possible antifertility activity. [Publication]

Cohen, Marvin and George B. Sumyk (1966) Cardiovascular and respiratory effects of cobra venom and a venom fraction. [Publication]

Conrad, R. (1966) Die Haustiere in den frühen Kulturen Indiens. [Publication]


Damle, V.B. and K.J. Deshpande (1966) Anabolic effect of Liv.52. [Publication]

Dandiya, P.C. and R.R. Varma (1966) Indigenous drug research in India. [Publication]

Dandiya, P.C. and Y.M. Chopra (1966) Pharmacological actions of the extract of fruits of Piper aurantiacum and the identification of its oxytocic principle. [Publication]

Dandiya, P.C., Y.M. Chopra and S.P. Banerjee (1966) Preliminary phytochemical and pharmacological investigations of the bark of Symplocos paniculata. [Publication]

Dasgupta, B. (1966) Chemical investigations of Alangium lamarckii. II. Isolation of choline from the leaves. [Publication]

Dasgupta, B. and S. Sharma (1966) Chemical investigations of Alangium lamarckii - 3. Isolation of steroids and terpenoids from the leaves. [Publication]

Day, A.C. (1966) Folklore of medicinal plants of the Bhagirathi Valley (Himalayas). [Publication]

De Souza, J.P. (1966) The serpent as a symbol of life and immortality. [Publication]

Deikman, Arthur J. (1966) Implications of experimentally induced contemplative meditation. [Publication]

Derasari, H.R. and J.H. Khalsa (1966) Preliminary pharmacological investigations of the roots of Andrachne aspera Linn. [Publication]

Desai, V.B. and M. Sirsi (1966) Antimicrobial activity of Abrus precatorius Linn. [Publication]

Desai, V.B., M. Sirsi, M. Shankarappa and A.R. Kasturibai (1966) Studies on the toxicity of Abrus preacatorius L. I. Effect of aqueous extracts of seeds on mitosis and meiosis in grasshopper Poecilocera picta. [Publication]

Desai, V.P. and E.N. Rupawala (1966) I. Antifertility activity of the steroidal oil derived from the seed of Abrus precatorius Linn. on rats and mice; II. Antimicrobial activity. [Publication]

Desai, V.P. and M. Sirsi (1966) Chemical and pharmacological investigations of Abrus precatorius. [Publication]

Deshmukh, V.K. and U.H. Pandit (1966) Pharmacognostical study of Bragantia wallichii R.Br. [Publication]

Deshpande, P.J. and S.N. Pathak (1966) Comparative study of healing in experimental burns under the influence of ghee and Jasmena medicated ghee used topically. [Publication]

Deshpande, P. J. et al. (1966) A review of 40 cases of fistula-in-ano treated with kshara sutra. [Publication]

Deshpande, P.J., Gurucharan Prasad, S.D. Rai and P.S. Sankaran (1966) The effect of poorva karma (pre-operative preparation) on the convalescence of surgical patients. [Publication]

Deshpande, P.J., S.N. Pathak, I. Sanjeeva Rao and P.S. Shankaran (1966) A review of 40 cases of fistula-in-ano treated with kshara sutra. [Publication]

Dey, P.K. and B.K. Chatterjee (1966) Effect of marsilin on the behavioural and other changes in the central nervous system induced by psychotropic agents. [Publication]

Dey, P.K. and C. Datta (1966) Effect of psychotropic phytochemicals on the cerebral amino acid level in mice. [Publication]

Dhillon, M.S. and J.R. Yadav (1966) Dietary habits and beliefs during pregnancy and lactation in rural Bengal. [Publication]

Dixit, D.T. (1966) Night blindness in third trimester of pregnancy. [Publication]

Dixit, S.A. and H. Dixit (1966) Allopathic medicine in Nepal. [Publication]

Douglas, M. (1966) Purity and danger: an analysis of concepts of pollution and taboo. [Publication]

Douk, P. (1966) Contribution à l'étude des plantes médicinales du Cambodge. [Publication]

Dubey, C.B. (1966) Treatment of bronchial asthma with arkabhasma. [Publication]

Dumont, Louis (1966) Marriage in India. The present state of the question, III. North India in relation to South India. [Publication]

Dvived\={\i}, Vi\'{s}van\={a}th (1966) \={A}yurved k\={\i} au\d{s}adhiy\={a}\d{m} va unk\={a} varg\={\i}kara\d{n} (Drugs in Ayurveda and their classification). [Publication]

Dvived\={\i}, Vi\'{s}van\={a}th (1966) Kriy\={a}tmak au\d{s}adhiparicayavij\~{n}\={a}n. [Publication]

Dwivedi, V. N. (1966) Drugs in Ayurveda and their classification. [Publication]


Eggermont, P.H.L. (1966) The Murundas and the ancient trade route from Taxila to Ujjain. [Publication]


Filliozat, J. (1966) Charaka Samhita -- A review. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1966) La médecine de l'Inde. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1966) L'esprit de la science indienne: astronomie, physiologie, psychologie. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1966) L'esprit scientifique. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1966) Médecines empiriques, magiques et scientifiques d'Asie Orientale. [Publication]

Freed, Ruth S. and Stanley A. Freed (1966) Unity in diversity in the celebration of cattle-curing rites in a North Indian village: a study in the resolution of conflict. [Publication]


Gabor, M. and E. Eperjessy (1966) Antibacterial effect of fisetin and fisetinidin. [Publication]

Gaind, K.N., R.D. Budhiraja and R.N. Kaul (1966) Antibiotic activity Cassia occidentalis Linn.]. [Publication]

Gambhir, S.S., A.K. Sanyal, S.P. Sen and P.K. Das (1966) Studies on Daucus carota Linn., I -- Pharmacological studies with the water soluble fraction of the alcoholic extract of the seeds -- A preliminary report. [Publication]

Ganapathi, M.N. and A. Venkoba Rao (1966) A study on suicide in Madurai. [Publication]

Gandhi, R.N., T R. Rajagopalan and T.R. Seshadri (1966) Alkaloidal constituents of Crotalaria grahamiana. [Publication]

Gandhi, R.N., T.R. Rajagopalan and T.R. Seshadri (1966) Chemical examination of Crotalaria medicaginea. [Publication]

Gargi, Balwant (1966) Folk theater of India. [Publication]

Gaur, D.S. (1966) Convertability among certain psychological traits in the light of Ayurvedic theory of personality. [Publication]

Gelfand, H.M. (1966) A critical examination of the Indian Smallpox Eradication Ptogram. [Publication]

Ghori, S. A. K. and A. Rahman (1966) Paper technology in medieval India. [Publication]

Ghosh, S. and S.K. Kar (1966) Clinical trial on Brahmi. II. Psychological investigations with normals. [Publication]

Ghurye, G.S. (1966) Indian costume. [Publication]

Godbole, S.R., G.S. Pe\d{n}\d{d}se and V.A. Bedekar (1966) Glossary of vegetable drugs in V\={a}gbha\d{t}a. [Publication]

Gode, J.D., Gurucharan Prasad and K.N. Udupa (1966) The phytogenic anabolic steroid in the management of fracture cases. [Publication]

Gooneratne, B.W. (1966) Massive generalized alopecia after poisoning by Gloriosa superba. [Publication]

Guerra, F. (1966) Drugs from the Indies and the political economy of the sixteenth century. [Publication]

Gupta, N.N., R.M.L. Malhotra and A.G. Sircar (1966) Effect of onion on serum cholesterol, blood coagulation factor and fibrinolytic activity in in alimentary lipaemia. [Publication]

Gupta, S.S. (1966) Effect of shilajit, Ficus bengalensis and anti-pituitary extract on glucose toelrance in rats. [Publication]

Gupta, I. and M.M. Nauriyal (1966) Acacia leucophloea (Roxb.) Willd (Raunja) poisoning in livestock. [Publication]

Gupta, K. and Nawal Kishore (1966) A clinical trial with leptaden, a herbal drug. [Publication]

Gupta, M. (1966) Prafullachandra Ray -- A biography. [Publication]

Gupta, N.N., R.M.L. Mehrotra and A.R. Sircar (1966) Effect of onion on serum cholesterol, blood coagulation factors and fibrinolytic activity in alimentary lipemia. [Publication]

Gupta, R. (1966) Orchis latifolia Linn. -- A little known economic plant of North Western Himalaya. [Publication]

Gupta, R.K., Y.D. Gaur, S.P. Malhotra and B.K. Dutta (1966) Medicinal plants of the arid zone. [Publication]

Gupta, Raj Kumar (1966) Botanical explorations of Victor Jacquemont (1801--1832). [Publication]

Gupta, S.C. (1966) Family health care at the urban health centre, Alambagh. [Publication]

Gupta, S.S. (1966) Experimental studies on pituitary diabetes, part V: effect of shilajit, Ficus bengalensis and anterior pituitary extract on glucose tolerance in rats. [Publication]

Gupta, S.S., C.B. Seth, V.S. Mathur, C. Ghooi and R.K. Verma (1966) CNS effects of some indigenous antiasthmatic drugs (Nardostachys jatamansi and Rhus succedanea). [Publication]

Gupta, S.S., S.C. Verma, C.M. Singh and Mrs. P. Khandelwal (1966) Cardiac stimulating effects of kantakari (Solanum xanthocarpum). [Publication]

Guru, L.V. and D.N. Mishra (1966) Effect of alcoholic and aqueous extractives of Embelia ribes in the patients parasitized by ascarides. [Publication]

Guru, L.V. and D.N. Mishra (1966) Effect of the alcoholic and aqueous extractives of Embelia ribes (Burm) in patients infested by ascarides -- Certain clinical studies. [Publication]

Guru, L.V. and P.V. Tewari (1966) A brief report on the antifertility effect of pippali-vidang yoga in experimental albino rats. [Publication]

Guru, L.V. and P.V. Tewari (1966) Special anatomical features of the females (as described by ancient scholars of Indian medicine). [Publication]


Haekel, J. and C.B. Tripathi (1966) Eine Besessenheits-Séance der Rathva-Koli in Gujarat (Indien). [Publication]

Hanif, M., J. Rahman, I. Ahmad, M.K. Bhatty and Karimullah (1966) Antioxidant factor of amla fruit. [Publication]

Hara, H. (1966) The flora of Eastern Himalayas. [Publication]

Haravey, S. Krishnan (1966) A preliminary experimental study of the diuretic activity of some indigenous drugs. [Publication]

Hariharan, V. and S. Rangaswami (1966) Chemical investigation of the bark of Rhododendron arboreum Sm. [Publication]

Harris, Marvin (1966) The cultural ecology of India's sacred cattle. [Publication]

Harvey, S.K. (1966) A preliminary experimental study of the diuretic activity of some indigenous drugs. [Publication]

Hawkey, C. and C. Symons (1966) Coagulation of primate blood by Russell's viper venom. [Publication]

Heinrich, S. (1966) Auf Forschungsexpedition zum Dach der Welt; ärztliche Eindrücke aus Nepal. [Publication]

Henson, J.B. and J.W. Dollahite (1966) Toxic myodegeneration in calves produced by experimental Cassia occidentalis intoxication. [Publication]

Higuchi, H. and L. Lendle (1966) Zur Frage der zentralnervösen Wirkungen von toxischen Atropindosen. [Publication]

Hoch, E.M. (1966) Some notes on problems of alcoholism in India. [Publication]

Hunt, P.F. and V.S. Summerhayes (1966) Notes on Asiatic orchids: IV. [Publication]


Iyengar, M.A., G.S. Pendse and N. Narayana (1966) Bioassay of Cassia fistula L. (aragvadha). [Publication]

Iyengar, M.A. and G.S. Pendse (1966) Plumbago zeylanica L. (chitrak) -- A gastrointestinal flora normalizer. [Publication]

Iyengar, M.A., G.S. Pendse and N. Narayana (1966) Bioassay of Cassia fistula L. (aragvadha). [Publication]

Iyer, M.A. and G.S. Pendse (1966) Plumbago zeylanica L. (chitraka) - a gastrointestinal flora normaliser. [Publication]


Jaggi, O.P. (1966) Scientists of ancient India and their achievements. [Publication]

Jain, S.K. (1966) Observations on ethnobotany of Purulia. [Publication]

Jain, S.K. and J.N. De (1966) Observations on ethnobotany of Purulia District, West Bengal. [Publication]

Janick, J. (Ed.) (1966) Progress in new crops. [Publication]

Jayal, Shakambari (1966) The status of women in the Epics. [Publication]

Jeejeebhoy, K.N., H.G. Desai, J.M. Noronha, F.P. Antia, D.V. Parekh (1966) Idiopathic tropical diarrhea with or without steatorrhea (tropical malabsorption syndrome). [Publication]

Jest, C. (1966) Les Chepang - ethnie népalaise de langue tibéto-birmane. [Publication]

Jetmalani, M.H. and B.B. Gaitonde (1966) Pharmacology of Asparagus racemosus (shatavari). [Publication]

Jetmalani, M.H., P.B. Sabnis and B.B. Gaitonde (1966) Anti-inflammatory activity of C. bonducella Flem. (putikaranja). [Publication]

Jolly, S.S. (1966) Pharmacognostical aspects of the stem bark of Soymida febrifuga A.Juss. [Publication]

Jones, S.R. and J.A. Lamberton (1966) Cassytha alkaloids. I. New aporphine alkaloids from Cassytha filiformis L. [Publication]

Jyotir Mitra (1966) Carakasa\d{m}hit\={a}y\={a}\d{m} katicid bhr\={a}makasthal\={a}n\={\i}ti bhramas tasya nir\={a}sa\d{h}. [Publication]


Kahlo, Gerhard (1966) Randbemerkungen zu V\={a}tsy\={a}yana und seinen Nachfolgern. [Publication]

Kale, A.K., Mrs. S.D. Kulkarni, G.V. Jay and J.H. Balwani (1966) Effect of Liv.52 on growth and alcohol induced hepatic dysfunction in rats. [Publication]

Kameswaran, Lalitha (1966) Medicine in Tamil literature. [Publication]

Kapadia, B.H. (1966) The Garu\d{d}a Pur\={a}\d{n}am. [Publication]

Karnick, C.R. (1966) Some medicinal plants from Satpura mountains. [Publication]

Kaviraj, G. (1966) The system of cakras according to Gorak\d{s}an\={a}th. [Publication]

Kazmi, S.M.A. (1966) Preliminary survey of medicinal plants of Baluchistan. [Publication]

Keswani, N.H. (1966) Embryology in ancient Hindu texts. [Publication]

Khan, A.H., B. Gul and M.A. Rahman (1966) The interactions of the erythrocytes of various species with agglutinins of Abrus precatorius Linn. [Publication]

Khanna, U., S. Handa and R.R. Choudhary (1966) The effect of Butea monosperma (Lam.) Kuntze on the fertility of female rats. [Publication]

Khare, R.S. (1966) A case of anomalous values in Indian civilization: meat-eating among the Kanya-Kubja Brahmans of Katyayan Gotra. [Publication]

Kishore, P. and S.N. Tripathi (1966) Dalbergia lanceolaria (gaurakha) in the management of rheumatoid arthritis: a clinical and experimental evidence. [Publication]

Knipe, David M. (1966) The heroic theft: myths from \d{R}gveda {IV} and the ancient Near East. [Publication]

Krishan, Y. (1966) The hair on Buddha's head and u\d{s}\d{n}\={\i}\d{s}a. [Publication]

Krishna Murthy, K. (1966) Weapons of war in the sculptures of Nagarjunakonda. [Publication]

Krishna Rao, R.V. (1966) Some adulterants of mustard and vidang. [Publication]

Krishnamurthy, K.H. (1966) Ayurvedic names and pharmacognosy. [Publication]

Kulkarni, A.R. (1966) Marriage invitations to the dead. [Publication]

Kumar, Pal (1966) Yoga and psychoanalysis: a comparative study of Indian systems of Yoga and western schools of psychotherapy. [Publication]

Kurup, P.A. (1966) Action of phospholipase A on human red cell ghosts and intact erythrocytes. [Publication]

Kurup, P.A. (1966) Phospholipase A of the venom of South Indian scorpion, Heterometrus scaber. [Publication]

Kutumbiah, P. (1966) Cardiology of ancient Indian medicine. [Publication]


Lahiri, A. (1966) Indian and Babylonian demonology: a comparative study. [Publication]

Lalitkar, M.M. and M.R. Rajarama Rao (1966) Pharmacology of the hypoglycaemic principle isolated from the fruit of Momordica charantia. [Publication]

Lamotte, \'{E}tienne (1966) Le trait\'{e} de la grande vertu de sagesse de N\={a}g\={a}rjuna (Mah\={a}praj\~{n}\={a}p\={a}ramit\={a}\'{s}\={a}stra) -- Tome I, Chapitres I--XV. [Publication]

Lauer, H.H. (1966) On tradition of exotic drugs: faufal (Areca catechu L.), the betel nut. [Publication]

Laumas, K.R. and J.P. Uniyal (1966) A preliminary report on the antiestrogenic activity of the petals of Butea frondosa flowers. [Publication]

Levey, M. (1966) Medieval Arabic toxicology; the book on poisons of Ibn Wahshiya and its relation to early Indian and Greek texts. [Publication]

Lokesh Chandra (1966) Exhibition of the history of Indian medicine and its spread in Asia. [Publication]

Lolitkar, M.M. and M.R.R. Rao (1966) Pharmacology of a hypoglycaemic principle isolated from the fruits of Momordica charantia Linn. [Publication]

Lotlikar, M.M. and M.R.R. Rao (1966) Pharmacology of hypoglycaemic principle isolated from the fruits of Momordica charantia. [Publication]

Lourteig (1966) L'Herbier de Paul Hermann base du Thesaurus Zeylanicus de Johan Burman. [Publication]


Macdonald, A.W. (1966) Le monde du sorcier au Népal. [Publication]

Madan, C.L., B.M. Kapur, U.S. Gupta (1966) Saffron. [Publication]

Mahdihassan, S. (1966) The genesis of the four elements, air, water, earth and fire. [Publication]

Maheshwari, J.K. (1966) Parthenium hysterophorus. [Publication]

Maity, Pradyot Kumar (1966) Historical studies in the cult of the goddess Manas\={a} -- A socio-cultural study). [Publication]

Malhotra, P. and B.G. Prasad (1966) A study of morbidity among children below 5 years of age in an urban area of Delhi. [Publication]

Mann, I. (1966) Culture, race, climate and eye disease: an introduction to the study of geographical ophthalmology. [Publication]

Manson-Bahr, Sir Philip H. (1966) Manson's tropical diseases; A manual of the diseases of warm climates. [Publication]

Markman, A.L. and L.A. Shustanova (1966) Investigation of the fatty oil of the seeds of Prangos pabularia Lindl. [Publication]

Mathur, K.S., S.C. Mathur and R.D. Sharma (1966) Bengal gram proteins -- their effects on experimentally induced high levels of cholesterol in tissues and serum in albino rats. [Publication]

McCully, B.T. (1966) English education and the origins of Indian nationalism. [Publication]

Mehta, P.M. (1966) Hospitals in ancient India. [Publication]

Mehta, R.K. and G.C. Parashar (1966) Effect of Butea frondosa, Vernonia anthelmintica and Carica papaya against oxyurids in mice. [Publication]

Mekawi, M. (1966) Effect of berberine alkaloid on cholera Vibrio and its endotoxin. [Publication]

Mishra, M.B., J.P. Tewari and S.S. Mishra (1966) Studies in indigenous uterotonic drugs. [Publication]

Mishra, S.K. and Y.N. Upadhyaya (1966) Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia. [Publication]

Mishra, Shiva Shekhar (1966) Some\'{s}vara's M\={a}nasoll\={a}sa: a cultural study. [Publication]

Misra, M.B. and R.K. Misra (1966) Preliminary pharmacological screening of Abroma augusta Linn. [Publication]

Misra, M.B., J.P. Tewari and S.K. Bapat (1966) Preliminary pharmacological screening of Plumbago rosea Linn. [Publication]

Misra, M.B., J.P. Tewari and S.S. Misra (1966) Studies in indigenous uterotonic drugs. [Publication]

Misra, M.B., J.P. Tiwari and R.K. Misra (1966) Preliminary pharmacological screening of Premna integrifolia. [Publication]

Mittal, B.M. and V.D. Gupta (1966) Study of the mucilage of ispaghula seed husk. [Publication]

Modak, A.K. and M.R. Rajaram Rao (1966) Hypoglycaemic activity of a non-nitrogenous principle from the leaves of Adhatoda vasica Nees. [Publication]

Modak, B.R. (1966) Employment of the Atharvaveda mantras. [Publication]

Moza, B.K. and D.K. Basu (1966) Investigations on Stephania hernandifolia. [Publication]

Mukerjee, G.D. and C.D. Dey (1966) Clinical studies on brahmi. [Publication]

Mukherjee, G.D. and C.D. Dey (1966) Clinical trial on Brahmi. I. [Publication]

Mukherjee, S.K. and S.S. Mukerjee (1966) Therapeutic advance in diabetes mellitus through ages. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1966) Eine indische Lehre über Zunahme und Abnahme bei körperlichen Umsetzungen. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1966) Zu dem "Fremdling im \d{R}gveda". [Publication]

M\={u}sat\={u}, K.V. (1966) \={A}tmakath\={a}. [Publication]


Nagaraja, Jaya (1966) Seven years of child psychiatry in Hyderabad -- a review. [Publication]

Naidu, K.V. (1966) Medicinal plants of Tirupati Hills and environs. [Publication]

Nair, N.C. (1966) A note on the nomenclature of Amaranthus polygamus of Hooker's "Flora of India". [Publication]

Nara, Y. (1966) A study of citta and manas in the three Dohas of Saraha. [Publication]

Nath, V., K.D. Gode and P.K. Das (1966) Preliminary pharmacological studies on Selaginella rupestris Spreng. [Publication]

Navmed, D.C. (1966) Poisonous snakes of the world -- A manual for use by U.S. amphibious forces. [Publication]

Nayar, P.S. (1966) Studies on the aetiology and management of ashmari by gokshuru. [Publication]

Nayar, S. (1966) Ancient heritage of Indian medicine -- Need to maintain spirit of scientific inquiry. [Publication]

Negi, K.S. (1966) Wild food plants of the Uttar Pradesh hills. [Publication]

Neog, Maheswar and Mukunda Madhawa Sharma (Eds.) (1966) Professor Birinchi Kumar Barua Commemoration Volume. [Publication]

Niyogi, S.C. (1966) The anticholesterol activity of safflower oil. [Publication]


Ojha, D. (1966) Nimbadi-lepa in the treatment of leprosy -- A preliminary report. [Publication]

Ojha, D. and G. Singh (1966) The role of Ayurvedic "samshodhan-karm" in treatment of leprosy. [Publication]

Ojha, D., S.N. Tripathi and G. Singh (1966) Role of an indigenous drug (Achyranthes aspera) in the management of reactions in leprosy -- Preliminary observations. [Publication]

Ojha, J.K. (1966) Effect of jatmansi on mental diseases. [Publication]

Olschak, B.C. (1966) Traditional therapies of ancient India. [Publication]


Padmanabha Rao, C. (1966) Medicinal fern flora of Tirumalai hills (India). [Publication]

Pakrashi, S.C. (1966) Chemical investigation of root-bark and stem-bark of Alangium lamarckii Thwaites -- a correction. [Publication]

Pandey, P.N. (1966) Anaemia; its management in Ayurveda. [Publication]

Pandey, V. N. (1966) Clinical and experimental studies on certain liver diseases with special reference to an indigenous drug - kutaki (Picrorrhiza kurroa) in the treatment of jaundice (kamala roga). [Publication]

Pandey, V.N. (1966) Clinical and experimental studies on certain liver diseases with special reference to an indigenous drug, kutaki (Picrorrhiza kurroa), in the treatment of jaundice (kamala roga). [Publication]

Pant, Radha and S.C. Srivastava (1966) Proteolytic activity of some plant latex. [Publication]

Paradkar, M.D. (1966) Kav\={\i}ndr\={a}c\={a}rya Sarasvat\={\i} -- a native of Maharashtra. [Publication]

Patel, M.R., R.A. Bellare and C.V. Deliwala (1966) Antitubercular action of Caesalpinia digyna Rottl. roots. [Publication]

Patel, R.P. and R.N. Patel (1966) Antimicrobial activity of ratanjot, the roots of Arnebia nobilis Reichb.f. [Publication]

Pathak, R.C. and K.R. Mital (1966) The distribution of the total alkaloids in the different organs of some Datura species varieties. [Publication]

Penner, Hans H. (1966) Cosmogony as myth in the Vishnu Pur\={a}\d{n}a. [Publication]

Petri, Winfried (1966) Uigur and Tibetan lists of the Indian lunar mansions. [Publication]

Pharmacopoeia (1966) The Pharmacopoeia of India. [Publication]

Pines, Shlomo and Tuvia Gelblum (1966) Al-B\={\i}r\={u}n\={\i}'s Arabic version of Pata\~{n}jali's Yogas\={u}tra: a translation of his first chapter and a comparison with related Sanskrit texts. [Publication]

Poulain, J.B. (1966) Étude de la faune. [Publication]

Prasad, B.N. (1966) Leucoderma in ancient Indian medicine. [Publication]

Prasad, C.R. and K. Kar (1966) Effect of atropine alone and in combination with tranquillisers on morphine-induced analgesia. [Publication]

Prasad, D.N. and G. Achari (1966) A study of anti-arthritic action of Vanda roxburghii in albino rats. [Publication]

Prasad, D.N. and G. Achari (1966) Study of anti-arthritic action of Vanda roxburghii in albino rats. [Publication]

Prasad, D. N., K. D. Gode, P. S. Sinha and P. K. Das (1966) Preliminary phytochemical and pharmacological studies on Euphorbia dracunculoides Lam. [Publication]

Prasad, D.N., P.K. Das and R.S. Singh (1966) Pharmacological investigations on Crataeva nurvala Buch-Ham. [Publication]

Prasad, D.N., S.K. Bhattacharya and P.K. Das (1966) A study of anti-inflammatory activity of some indigenous drugs in albino rats. [Publication]

Prasad, S. and A. Prakash (1966) Pharmacognostical studies on root and stem bark of Stereospermum suaveolens. [Publication]

Prasad, S. and M.S. Ansari (1966) Pharmacognostical studies on Desmodium gangeticum DC. [Publication]

Prasad, S., R.S. Singh and I. Sundaresh (1966) Pharmacognostical studies on varun bark -- Crataeva nurvala Ham. [Publication]

Prem Kishore and S.N. Tripathi (1966) Bhallataka in the management of rheumatoid arthritis (amavata): a clinical and experimental evidence (preliminary observations). [Publication]


Rahman, A. and B.V. Subbarayappa (1966) A note on the native method of bar iron production in South India (Salem region). [Publication]

Rai. M. and S.S. Gupta (1966) Anti-inflammatory studies on Tinospora cordifolia. [Publication]

Rai, Jagmohan and K.A. Thakar (1966) Chemical investigation of Enicostemma littorale Blume. [Publication]

Raichaudhuri, H.N. (1966) Comparative pharmacognostic studies on the stem bark of Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr. and Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Poir. [Publication]

Raizada, M.B. (1966) Nomenclatural changes in Indian plants. [Publication]

Ramachandra Rao, L., S. Sankara Rao and T. Sundara Ramaiah (1966) The chemical examination of Diospyros species. [Publication]

Ramachandran, P.R. (1966) Pharmacological actions of Caesalpinia pulcherrima -- Preliminary observation. [Publication]

Ramaswami, S. (1966) Medicine indigenous and modern: a judicious synthesis. [Publication]

Rangaswami, S. and V. Subramoni Iyer (1966) Chemical investigation of the leaves of Gliricidia maculata (H.B. and K.) Steud. [Publication]

Rangaswamy, S. and V. Subramoni Iyer (1966) Chemical examination of the leaves of Rhododendron vaccinioides Hook. [Publication]

Rao Krishna, R.V. (1966) Some adulterants of mustard and vidang. [Publication]

Rao, A. (1966) Depression: a psychiatric analysis of thirty cases. [Publication]

Rao, Sharadamba (1966) Caste and mental disorders in Bihar. [Publication]

Rao, Sharadamba (1966) Culture and mental disorders: a study in an Indian mental hospital. [Publication]

Ratra, O.P. (1966) Lac and its antiquity. [Publication]

Rây, Priyadaranjan (1966) The theory of chemical combination in ancient Indian philosophies. [Publication]

Raychaudhuri, S.P. (1966) Land classification in ancient India (2500 B.C. -- A.D.600). [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1966) Peep into the medical care on the battle fields in India. [Publication]

Reddy, D. V. Subba (1966) Glimpses of health and medicine in Mauryan empire. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V. Subba (1966) Western epitomes of Indian medicine. [Publication]

Rensch, B. (1966) Problems of biological philosophy with regard to the philosophy of the Upanishads. [Publication]

Roia, F.C. (1966) Use of plant in hair and scalp preparations. [Publication]

Roy, Mira (1966) Methods of sterilization and sex-determination in the Atharvaveda and in the B\d{r}had\={a}ra\d{n}yakopani\d{s}ad. [Publication]

Roy, S.K. and H.D. Kumar (1966) Occurrence of Helminthostachys zeylanica Hook. in Gorakhpur. [Publication]

Roychoudhury, R. (1966) Plants with possible antifertility activity. [Publication]


Saini, A.D. (1966) Alkaloidal content of Solanum khasianum Clarke. [Publication]

Sandermann, W. (1966) Holzinhaltstoffe -- ihre Chemie und Biochemie. [Publication]

Sandesara, B.J. and J.P. Thaker (1966) Some important vocables from Sanskrit commentaries on Jaina canonical texts. [Publication]

Santapau, H. (1966) Common trees. [Publication]

Santapau, H. (1966) The story of Indian tea. [Publication]

Sanyal, A.K., B. Dasgupta, S.S. Gambhir and P.K. Das (1966) Studies of Alangium lamarckii Thw. II -- Chemical and pharmacological studies with a quaternary base from the leaves. [Publication]

Sarachchandra, E.R. (1966) The folk drama of Ceylon. [Publication]

Satyavati, G.V. and S.N. Tripathi (1966) Effect of an indigenous drug (guggulu) on disorders of lipid metabolism with special reference to atherosclerosis and obesity. [Publication]

Schindler, Jochem (1966) Bemerkungen zum idg. Wort für "Schlaf". [Publication]

Schwanitz, F. (1966) The origin of cultivated plants. [Publication]

Sen, R.K. (1966) Aesthetic enjoyment, its background in philosophy and medicine. [Publication]

Sen, S.N. (1966) The character of the introduction of Western science in India during the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries. [Publication]

Sen, S.N. (1966) The impetus theory of the Vai\'{s}e\d{s}ikas. [Publication]

Sen, S.P. (1966) Studies on the active constituents of Cissus quadrangularis -- II. [Publication]

Senewiratne, S.T. and R.R. Appadurai (1966) Field crops of Ceylon. [Publication]

Seshadri, M. (1966) Roman contacts with South India. [Publication]

Seyfort Ruegg, D. (1966) The life of Bu ston Rin po che; with the Tibetan text of the Bu ston rNam thar. [Publication]

Shah, L.P., M.P. Vasavda, V.H. Bagadia and U.K. Sheth (1966) Further experience with a stable fraction of harik -- Paspalum scrobiculatum. [Publication]

Shah, C. S. and N. S. Shah (1966) Pharmacognosy of Ephedra nebrodensis Tineo. [Publication]

Shah, L. P., M. P. Vasavda, V. H. Bagadia and U. K. Sheth (1966) Further experience with a stable fraction of `harik'. [Publication]

Shakya, Min Bahadur (1966) Hariti temple of Swayambhu. [Publication]

Shanmugavelan, A. (1966) Varma or the vital point of the nervous system. [Publication]

Sharma, D.D., S.S. Negi and G.S. Sidhu (1966) Chemical composition and nutritive value of biul (Grewia oppositifolia Roxb.) tree leaves. [Publication]

Sharma, R.K. (1966) Clinical and experimental studies on arterial hypertension with special reference to hypotensive effect of an indigenous drug shankhapushpi, Convolvulus pluricaulis. [Publication]

Sharma, A.P. (1966) Pharmacognosy of Ayurvedic drugs -- pashanabheda -- Bergenia spp. [Publication]

Sharma, Brij Narain (1966) Social life in Northern India (A.D. 600--1000). [Publication]

Sharma, P.V., C. Chaturvedi and N.G. Bandhopadhyaya (1966) A study on dosage and toxicity of bhallataka (Semecarpus anacardium. [Publication]

Sharma, Priyavrat (1966) Sn\={a}takottar \'{s}ik\d{s}a\d{n} aur anusandh\={a}n. [Publication]

Sharma, R.S. (1966) Irrigation in Northern India during the post-Maurya period. [Publication]

Sharma, T.N. (1966) Ayurvedic concept of putas. [Publication]

Sharma, T.N., Damodar Joshi and S.P. Sen (1966) Effect of tamra bhasma on ascorbic acid content of adrenal glands in the experimental animals. [Publication]

Shastri, Ajay Mitra (1966) Var\={a}hamihira on the exploration of sub-soil water veins. [Publication]

Shrivastava, M.P., S.S. Gupta and V.P. Garg (1966) Anti-inflammatory studies on Tinospora cordifolia (guduchi). [Publication]

Shulgin, Alexander T. (1966) Possible implication of myristicin as a psychotropic substance. [Publication]

Sierksma, F. (1966) Tibet's terrifying deities: sex and aggression in religious acculturation. [Publication]

Simmonds, N.W. (1966) Bananas. [Publication]

Singh, A., S.N. Srivastava and L.D. Kapoor (1966) Paris polyphylla -- a new source of diosgenin. [Publication]

Singh, I.P. (1966) The study of ojas in relation to body resistance and effect of ojovardhak drug. [Publication]

Singh, P. (1966) Pharmacognosy of Bragantia wallichii. [Publication]

Singh, R.H. and G.N. Chaturvedi (1966) Certain biological and therapeutic studies on panchkarma therapy. [Publication]

Singh, R.H. and G.N. Chaturvedi (1966) Further studies on the anti-arthritic effect of an indigenous drug, Dalbergia lanceolaria. [Publication]

Singh, R.H. and G.N. Chaturvedi (1966) Inhibition of formaldehyde induced arthritis by certain indigenous drugs. [Publication]

Singh, R. H. and G. N. Chaturvedi (1966) Studies on the anti-arthritic effect of an indigenous drug Vitex negundo -- a clinical and experimental study. [Publication]

Singh, R.H. and G.N. Chaturvedi (1966) Treatment of leucodermas and vitiligo with some indigenous drugs (review of 30 cases and clinical trial). [Publication]

Singh, R.S. (1966) A note on the Indian Hellebore. [Publication]

Singh, R.S. (1966) The identity of some indigenous drugs: phytochemistry, medicinal and economic importance. [Publication]

Singh, R.S. and I. Sundaresh (1966) Pharmacognostical studies on varun bark (Crataeva nurvala Ham.). [Publication]

Singh, R.S. and K.D. Gode (1966) Ipomoea petaloidea Chois -- its medicinal and economic importance. [Publication]

Singh, R.S. and R.K. Gupta (1966) Identity of the market drug vidhara of Kanpur. [Publication]

Sinha, T.C. (1966) Development of psycho-analysis in India. [Publication]

Sinha, T.C. (1966) Psychoanalysis in India. [Publication]

Sinha, T.C. (1966) Development of psychoanalysis in India. [Publication]

Sinha, T.C. (1966) Psychoanalysis in India. [Publication]

Sinnatamby, A. (1966) History of medicine in Ceylon -- Obstetrics and gynaecology in Ceylon in the 16th century. [Publication]

Soliman, M.A., A.M. Elwi, S.H. Kamel and H. el-Kateb (1966) The prophylaxis of carbon tetrachloride hepatotoxicity by total belladonna alkaloids. [Publication]

Spiro, Melford E. (1966) The psychological function of witchcraft: The Burmese case. [Publication]

Srinivas, M.N. (1966) Social change in modern India. [Publication]

Srivastava, J.G. (1966) The soma plant. [Publication]

Stietencron, H. von (1966) Indische Sonnenpriester. S\={a}mba und die \'{S}akadv\={\i}p\={\i}ya-Br\={a}hma\d{n}a. Textkritische und religionsgeschichtliche Studie zum indischen Sonnenkult. [Publication]

Subbarayappa, B.V. (1966) The Indian doctrine of five elements. [Publication]

Subramanian, S. Sankara (1966) Chemical examination of the barks of Delonix elata and {D}. regia. [Publication]

Subramaniyam, P.R. (1966) Clinical and experimental studies on an indigenous oral hypoglycaemic drug, arani (Clerodendron phlomidis). [Publication]

Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro (1966) The Lankavatara Sutra -- A Mahayana text, translated for the first time from the original Sanskrit. [Publication]


Takakusu, J. (1966) A record of the Buddhist religion as practised in India and the Malay archipelago (A.D. 671--695) by I-tsing. [Publication]

Tewari, A., S.P. Sen and L.V. Guru (1966) Preliminary study on the effect of pippali rasayana (Piper longum) on serum protein in relation to natural resistance, part 1. [Publication]

Tewari, P.V., D.N. Prasad and P.K. Das (1966) Preliminary studies on uterine activity of some Indian medicinal plants. [Publication]

Thapa, J.K. (1966) Primitive maize with the Lepchas. [Publication]

Thothathri, K. (1966) The `Tonyoge' plant of Little Andamans. [Publication]

Tiagi, Y. D. (1966) A contribution to the morphology and vascular anatomy of Ephedra foliata Boiss. [Publication]

Tiwari, P. and L.P. Guru (1966) The concept of phlegmasia alba dolens as described in Ayurveda. [Publication]

Toussaint, A. (1966) A history of the Indian ocean. [Publication]

Tyler Jr., Varro E. (1966) The physiological properties and chemical constituents of some habit-forming plants: soma-homa, divine plant of the ancient Aryans. [Publication]


Uniyal, M.R. and R.K. Issar (1966) Botanical studies of a\d{s}\d{t}avarga. [Publication]

Unnikrishnan, K.P. (1966) Research in Ayurvedic psychiatry. [Publication]

Upadhyaya, H.S. (1966) Sitala: la diosa de Sarampion en la India en versos Bhojpuri. [Publication]


Vahia, N.S., S.L. Vinekar and D.R. Doongaji (1966) Some ancient Indian concepts in the treatment of psychiatric disorders. [Publication]

Vasaniya, P.C. (1966) Palm sugar -- a plantation industry in India. [Publication]

Veith, Ilza and Atsumi Minami (1966) A Buddhist prayer against sickness. [Publication]

Venkoba Rao, A. (1966) Depression: a psychiatric analysis of thirty cases. [Publication]

Venkoba Rao, A. (1966) Dreams -- some gleanings from Upanishads. [Publication]

Vick, J.A., H.P. Ciuchta, C. Broomfield and B.T. Currie (1966) Isolation and identification of toxic fractions of cobra venom. [Publication]

Vishnu-Mittre (1966) Kaundinyapura plant economy in prehistoric and historic times. [Publication]


Wadia, Meher D.N. (1966) Minerals of India. [Publication]

Wahi, P.N., B. Lahiri and U. Kehar (1966) Epidemiology of oral and oropharyngeal cancer: a study of regional factors in Uttar Pradesh. [Publication]

Walia, B.N.S., J.K. Sidhu and B.N. Tondon (1966) Coeliac disease in North Indian children. [Publication]

Wallnöfer, H. (1966) Der Arzt in der indischen Kultur. [Publication]

Wallnöfer, H. (1966) Wissen vom langen Leben -- Indische Heilkunst. [Publication]

Watt, Sir George (1966) The commercial products of India, being an abridgment of "The dictionary of the economic products of India". [Publication]

Webb, W.E. (1966) Land capacity classification and land use planning in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of East Pakistan. [Publication]

Weil, A.T. (1966) The use of nutmeg as a psychotropic agent. [Publication]

Weil, A. T. (1966) The use of nutmeg as a psychotropic agent. [Publication]

West, A. T. (1966) The use of nutmeg as a psychotropic agent. [Publication]

Whiting, Marjorie, Maria Spatz and Hiromu Matsumoto (1966) Research progress on Cycads. [Publication]

Whiting, Marjorie, Maria Spatz and Hiromu Matsumoto (1966) Research progress on Cycads. [Publication]

Wilhelm, Friedrich (1966) Die Beziehungen zwischen K\={a}mas\={u}tra und Artha\'{s}\={a}stra. [Publication]

Wilhelm, Friedrich (1966) Die Beziehungen zwischen {K}\={a}mas\={u}tra und Artha\'{s}\={a}stra. [Publication]

Wilson, P. (1966) Science in South Asia. [Publication]

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Woods, James Haughton (1966) The Yoga-system of Pata\~{n}jali or the ancient Hindu doctrine of concentration of mind. [Publication]

Woods, James Haughton (1966) The Yoga-system of Pata\~{n}jali or the ancient Hindu doctrine of concentration of mind, embracing the mnemonic rules, called Yoga-s\={u}tras, of Pata\~{n}jali and the comment, called Yoga-bh\={a}shya, attributed to Veda-vy\={a}sa and the explanation, cal. [Publication]

Wulff, H.E. (1966) The traditional arts and crafts of Persia, their development, technology, and influence on Eastern and Western civilizations. [Publication]


Yün-hua, Jan (1966) Buddhist relations between India and Sung China. [Publication]

Yanaga, T., M. Ito, K. Saeki, M. Arita, M. Tanoue and H. Mashiba (1966) Studies on aconitine-induced arrhythmias. I. The ectopic pacemaker formation in the left superior vena cava proximal to the heart and the genesis of cardiac arrhythmias. [Publication]

Yeo, P.F. (1966) A revision of the genus Bergenia Moench. [Publication]


Zahuri, Hakim Abdul Wahab (1966) The Nizamia Tibbi College, Hyderabad, Deccan. [Publication]

Zaretsky, I. (1966) Bibliography on spirit possession and spirit mediumship. [Publication]

Zaunick, Rudolph (1966) Reinhold F.G. Müller 16. April 1882--22. Februar 1966. [Publication]

This list was generated on Sat Feb 15 01:00:31 2025 CET.