Items where Year is 1963

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Number of items: 416.

Abrol, B.K. and I.C. Chopra (1963) Development of indigenous vegetable insecticides and insect-repellents. [Publication]

Adiga, P.R., S.L.N. Rao and P.S. Sarma (1963) Some structural features and neurotoxic action of a compound from Lathyrus sativus seeds. [Publication]

Agrawala, V.S. (1963) Identification of Kamboja. [Publication]

Ahluwalia, A.S. (1963) Cultural patterns associated with child birth. [Publication]

Aiyer, K.N. and N. Kolammal (1963) Pharmacognosy of Ayurvedic drugs VI, VII, VIII. [Publication]

Allchin, F.R. (1963) Neolithic cattle keepers of South India. [Publication]

Andersen, D.A., S. Sriramachari and M.K. Khandagale (1963) Investigation into relationship between bladder stones and malnutrition. [Publication]

Anderson, D.A., S. Sriramachari and M.K. Khandagale (1963) Investigations into relationship between bladder stones and malnutrition. [Publication]

Anonymous (1963) A brief account of two medical manuscripts in the library of Government Nizamiah Unani Tibbi College, Hyderabad. [Publication]

Anonymous (1963) A note on a manuscript called `Maharnava'. [Publication]

Anonymous (1963) Al-Hawi (Liber continens) -- "Synopsis". [Publication]

Anonymous (1963) Ar. Razi's Al-Hawi (Introduction). [Publication]

Anonymous (1963) Introduction of vaccination into India: early pioneers and promoters of vaccination. [Publication]

Anonymous (1963) List of Arabic medical manuscripts in Government Unani Tibbia College, Hyderabad. [Publication]

Anonymous (1963) List of medical manuscripts in the Institutions in Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh). [Publication]

Anonymous (1963) Selections from Bhela Samhita. [Publication]

Anonymous (1963) Toxicity of gokhru seeds (Tribulus terrestris). [Publication]

Arora, R.B. (1963) Orientation of Indian drugs research in the present decade. [Publication]

Arora, R.B. and C.K. Arora (1963) Hypotensive and tranquillizing activity of jatamansone (valeranone), a sesquiterpene from Nardostachys jatamansi DC. [Publication]

Atal, C.K. and K.K. Kapur (1963) Evaluation of ispaghula husk. [Publication]

Athavale, A.D. (1963) Pattern of education in the Ayurvedic system of medicine. [Publication]

Ayer, A.A. and A. Girija (1963) Medical lore on plural births in the Mahabharata. [Publication]

Azeez Pasha, M. (1963) Firdausu'l Hikmat, part VII: Fourth discourse on Indian medicine. [Publication]

Azeez Pasha, M. (1963) List of Arabic and Persian medical manuscripts in the Osmania University, Hyderabad. [Publication]

Azeez Pasha, M. (1963) List of ArabicPersian and Urdu medical manuscripts in the Department of History of Medicine, Hyderabad. [Publication]

Bahadur, Premalata (1963) Surgery through the ages. [Publication]

Bala Ratnam (Ed.) (1963) Anthropology on the march: recent studies of Indian beliefs, attitudes and social institutions. [Publication]

Banerjee, S.K. and R.N. Chakravarti (1963) Stigmasterol from Herpestis monniera. [Publication]

Banerji, M.L. (1963) Outline of Nepal phytogeography. [Publication]

Bapat, P.V. (1963) \'{S}l\={\i}pada (elephantiasis) and a remedy found in a P\={a}li commentary. [Publication]

Barat, A.K. (1963) Effects of extra magnesium intake in experimental production of urinary calculi. [Publication]

Bardgett, W.E. and J.E. Stanners (1963) Delhi iron pillar -- A study of the corrosion aspects. [Publication]

Barua, B.K. (1963) Animal in the J\={a}taka stories. [Publication]

Baudon-Glanddier, Brivady (1963) Perineal lesions and asiaticoside. [Publication]

Baxi, A.J., V. Balakrishnan, J.V. Undevia and L.D. Sanghvi (1963) Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in the Parsee community, Bombay. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (1963) Lahsun -- py\={aj. [Publication]

Bergemann, H.H. (1963) Heilender Geschmack. [Publication]

Beri, R.M. and M.G. Karnik (1963) Phytosterol -- beta-sitosterol from Boswellia serrata Roxb. [Publication]

Berreman, Gerald D. (1963) Hindus of the Himalayas. [Publication]

Bharati, Agehananda (1963) Pilgrimage in the Indian tradition. [Publication]

Bhaskaran, K. (1963) A psychiatric study of paranoid schizophrenics in a mental hospital in India. [Publication]

Bhasker Rao, K. (1963) Obstetrics in India over 2000 years ago. [Publication]

Bhasker Rao, K. (1963) The Royapuram (Madras) Native Infirmary (1799--1903). [Publication]

Bhatia, B.M. (1963) Famines in India: a study in some aspects of the economic history of India, 1860--1945. [Publication]

Bhatia, B.M. (1963) Famines in India: a study in some aspects of the economic history of India with special reference to food problems. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, Abani Kumar (1963) A glimpse into soil science and agriculture in ancient India. [Publication]

Bhishagratna, Kaviraj Kunjalal (1963) An English translation of the Sushruta Samhita based on the original Sanskrit text, with a full and comprehensive introduction, additional texts, different readings, notes, comparative views, index, glossary and plates. [Publication]

Bhushan, J.B. (1963) Indian jewellery, ornaments and decorative designs. [Publication]

Bisht, B.S. (1963) Pharmacognosy of pippalimul, the root and stem of Piper longum Linn. [Publication]

Bose, B.C., A.Q. Saifi, R. Vijayavargiya and J.N. Bhatnagar (1963) Some aspects of chemical and pharmacological studies of Tribulus terrestris. [Publication]

Bose, B.C., R. Vijayvargiya, A.Q. Saifi and S.K. Sharma (1963) Chemical and pharmacological studies on Argemone mexicana Linn. [Publication]

Bose, N.K. (1963) Theory of heredity in the Manu Sa\d{m}hit\={a}. [Publication]

Boxer, C.R. (1963) Two pioneers of tropical medicine: Garcia d'Orta and Nicolás Monardes. [Publication]

Brahmachari, H.D. and K.T. Augusti (1963) Orally effective hypoglycemic principle from Coccinia indica Linn. [Publication]

Buitenen, J.A.B. van (1963) The elephant scene of the M\d{r}cchaka\d{t}ika, Act two. [Publication]

Burrow, T. (1963) On the significance of the term arma-, armaka- in early Sanskrit literature. [Publication]

Cakravarti, Candra (1963) Sex life in ancient India. [Publication]

Champion, J. (1963) Le bananier. [Publication]

Chanana, D.R. (1963) The spread of agriculture in the Ganges valley (as depicted in the R\={a}m\={a}ya\d{n}a). [Publication]

Chand, Tara (1963) Influence of Islam on Indian culture. [Publication]

Chandpuri, Kausar (1963) Distinguished physician of the Moghal period in India: Hakim Mohammad Sharif Khan. [Publication]

Chandra, Rai G. (1963) Purna ghata and the pregnant mother goddess. [Publication]

Chatterjee, A., C.P. Datta, B. Chowdhury, C. Chatterjee, P.K. Dey, C.D. Dey and S.R. Mukherjee (1963) The chemistry and pharmacology of marsilin, a sedative and anticonvulsant principle isolated from Marsilea minuta L. and M. rajasthanensis Gupta. [Publication]

Chatterjee, K.P. (1963) On the presence of an antidiabetic principle in Momordica charantia. [Publication]

Chatterjee, P.K. (1963) Annotated index of Indian mineral occurrences: Part I, Parts II and III. [Publication]

Chatterji, N., R.P. Rastogi and M.L. Dhar (1963) Chemical examination of Bacopa monniera Wettst. -- Part I: Isolation of chemical constituents. [Publication]

Chatterji, S.R. (1963) History of smallpox in Bihar. [Publication]

Chatterji, S.R. (1963) National smallpox eradication programme -- Review of the progress so far. [Publication]

Chaudhari, B. (1963) Traditional methods of treatment of disease among the Juangs of Dhenkanal. [Publication]

Chavan, A.R., S.J. Bedi and S.D. Sabnis (1963) On useful plants of Devgadh Hills, Gujarat State. [Publication]

Chopra, I.C. and L.D. Kapoor (1963) Himalayas -- a potent source of many medicinal plants. [Publication]

Choudhuri, Sibadas (1963) Select bibliography on the Indian system of medicine. [Publication]

Choudhury, B. (1963) Traditional methods of treatment of diseases among the Juangs of Dhenkanal. [Publication]

Choudhury, Mamata (1963) Science and society in the Artha\'{s}\={a}stra of Kau\d{t}ilya. [Publication]

Cleghorn, H. (1963) On the varieties of mango fruit in Southern India. [Publication]

Cobley, S. (1963) An introduction to the botany of tropical crops. [Publication]

Dandiya, P.C. and M.K. Menon (1963) Effects of asarone and b-asarone on conditioned responses, fighting behavior and convulsions. [Publication]

Das, Amal Kumar and Manis Kumar Raha (1963) The Oraons of Sunderban. [Publication]

Das Gupta, J. and B.C. Kundu (1963) Pharmacognostic studies on Xanthium strumarium Linn. [Publication]

Das Sarkar, B.K. (1963) A note on bidi leaf (Diospyros melanoxylon). [Publication]

Datta, P.K., I.C. Chopra and L.D. Kapoor (1963) Cultivation of Rauvolfia serpentina in India. [Publication]

De, W.V. and B. Mukherjee (1963) Effect of Coccinia indica (Wight et Arn.) on alloxan diabetes in rabbits. [Publication]

Deikman, Arthur J. (1963) Experimental meditation. [Publication]

Desarkar, B.K. (1963) A note on bidi leaf (Diospyros melanoxylon ). [Publication]

Deshpande, V.N. (1963) Ka\'{s}yapa. [Publication]

Dutta, A.K. and S.C. Pakrashi (1963) Studies on cardiovascular drugs. V: Pharmacological investigations of the total alkaloids from the seeds of Alangium lamarckii Thw. [Publication]

Dutta, P.K., I.C. Chopra and L.D. Kapoor (1963) Cultivation of Rauvolfia serpentina in India. [Publication]

Dutta, T. (1963) Investigation on balas. [Publication]

Dutta, T. and U.P. Basu (1963) Terpenoids: Part II: Isolation of a new triterpene saponin, monnierin, from Bacopa monniera Wettst. [Publication]

Ekvall, Robert B. (1963) Some aspects of divination in Tibetan society. [Publication]

Ellis, S. and K.R. Fell (1963) The morphology and anatomy of the leaf of Podophyllum peltatum L. [Publication]

Fabrega, G. (1963) Inni dell' Atharvaveda riguardanti la medicina. [Publication]

Figueiredo, J. M. Pacheco de (1963) Goa Pré-Portuguesa. [Publication]

Figueiredo, Ja\~{a}o Manuel Pacheco de (1963) Coloquios dos simples de Garcia d'Orta, 1563--1963. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1963) India and scientific exchanges in antiquity. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1963) La mort volontaire par le feu dans la tradition bouddhique. [Publication]

Fi\v{s}er, Ivo and O. Fi\v{s}erova (1963) Dissection in ancient India. [Publication]

Fi\v{s}erova, Olga (1963) Medicine in ancient India. [Publication]

Fly, Lillian Beaman and Iris Kiem (1963) Tests of Aloe vera for antibiotic activity. [Publication]

Fontana, E. (1963) L'Ayurveda oggi. [Publication]

Fontana, Nicholas (1963) On the Nicobar Isles and the fruit of the Mellori. [Publication]

Frade, F. (1963) Os animais e seus produtos nos Colóquios de Garcia de Orta. [Publication]

Gaind, K.N. and S.L. Sobti (1963) Antibacterial principles of Eruca sativa (seeds). [Publication]

Gaind, K.N., H.C. Mittal and S.R. Khanna (1963) A study on the purgative action of triphala. [Publication]

Ganapathy, K.G., M.P. Dwivedi, V. Nagrajan, and V.N. Dikshitulu (1963) Experiments on chicks fed on Lathyrus sativus. [Publication]

Garg, L.C. and C.K. Atal (1963) unknown. [Publication]

Gaur, Y.C. (1963) Human sacrifice in India. [Publication]

Gaur, D.S. (1963) Concept of hereditary and congenital anomalies in Ayurveda. [Publication]

Ghosh, S.S. and K. Lal (1963) Plant remains from Rangpur and other explorations in Gujarat. [Publication]

Ghosh, M.K. (1963) The Delhi iron pillar and its iron. [Publication]

Ghosh, S.S. and Krishna Lal (1963) Plant remains from Rangpur. [Publication]

Godbole, A.S. (1963) Medicine in Mahabharata. [Publication]

Goffman, E. (1963) Stigma: Notes on the management of spoiled identity. [Publication]

Goffman, E. (1963) Stigma: notes on the management of spoiled identity. [Publication]

Gonda, J. (1963) Die Religionen Indiens, II. Der jüngere Hinduismus. [Publication]

Gonda, J. (1963) The Indian mantra. [Publication]

Gonda, J. (1963) The vision of the Vedic poets. [Publication]

Goodman, John Stuart (1963) Malayalam colour categories. [Publication]

Gopal, L. (1963) Antiquity of iron in India. [Publication]

Gulati, A.N. (1963) An early history of flax in India. [Publication]

Gunasekera Owitigala (1963) Ayurveda in Ceylon. [Publication]

Gupta, C.S. (1963) Insects in the literature of K\={a}lid\={a}sa. [Publication]

Gupta, S.P. (1963) An appraisal of Chotanagpur tribal pharmacopoeia. [Publication]

Gupta, S.S. (1963) Antidiabetic effect of a few Ayurvedic bhasmas, sjilajit and Ficus bengalensis in relation to their anterior pituitary like actions. [Publication]

Gupta, S.S. (1963) Effect of Gymnema sylvestre and Pterocarpus marsupium on glucose tolerance in albino rats. [Publication]

Gupta, S.S. (1963) Experimental studies on pituitary diabetes, part III: Effect of indigenous antidiabetic drugs against acute hyperglycaemic response of anterior pituitary extract in glucose fed albino rats. [Publication]

Guthrie, D. (1963) Medical history in modern India. [Publication]

Guthrie, R.A. (1963) Hindu medicine: Ayurveda. [Publication]

Habib, Irfan (1963) The agrarian system of Mughal India 1556--1707. [Publication]

Hacker, Paul (1963) \'{S}raddh\={a}. [Publication]

Halpern, J. (1963) Traditional medicine and the role of the Phi in Laos. [Publication]

Hammermann, A.F. and B.V. Semicov (1963) Slovarj tibetsko-latino-russkich ... (Dictionary of Tibetan-Latin-Russian descriptions of medicinal plant substances which are used in Tibetan medicine). [Publication]

Hara, Minoru (1963) Note on two Sanskrit religious terms: bhakti and \'{s}raddh\={a}. [Publication]

Harper, Edward B. (1963) Spirit possession and social structure. [Publication]

Hart, M. (1963) Hazards to health -- Jequirity bean poisoning. [Publication]

Hauser, Paul (1963) Ein Rundrelief vom Stupa zu Bharhut (Indien) und seine odontologische Interpretation. [Publication]

Hauser, Paul (1963) Zur odontologischen Interpretation eines Rundreliefs vom Stupa zu Bharhut (Indien). [Publication]

Hitchcock, John T. and Leigh Minturn (1963) The R\={a}jp\={u}ts of Khalapur. [Publication]

Hoch, E.M. (1963) Ripe old age? or senile deterioration? [Publication]

Hoch, Erna (1963) Psychotherapy in India. [Publication]

Hodgson, R.W., R. Singh and D. Singh (1963) Some little known Indian Citrus spp. [Publication]

Hoffmann, Karl (1963) AV takmán. [Publication]

Hora, S.L. (1963) Glimpses of evolutionary thoughts among the ancient Hindus. [Publication]

Huard, P. (1963) Histoire de la médecine, I: La médecine Khmère populaire. [Publication]

Huard, P. (1963) Histoire de la médecine, II: Structure de la médecine cambodgienne. [Publication]

Huard, P. (1963) La médecine cambodgienne traditionnelle. [Publication]

Iyengar, M.A. and G.S. Pendse (1963) Studies on the pharmacognosy of the root bark of Streblus asper Lour. and its tincture. [Publication]

Jain, S.K. (1963) Magico-religious beliefs about plants among adivasis of Bastar dist. [Publication]

Jain, S.K. (1963) Native plant remedies for snake bite among adivasis of Central India. [Publication]

Jain, S.K. (1963) Observations on the ethnobotany of the tribals of Madhya Pradesh. [Publication]

Jain, S.K. (1963) Studies in Indian ethnobotany -- Less known uses of fifty common plants from the tribal areas of Madhya Pradesh. [Publication]

Jain, S.K. (1963) Studies in Indian ethnobotany II: plants used in medicine by the tribals of Madhya Pradesh. [Publication]

Jain, S.K. (1963) Studies in Indian ethnobotany: magico-religious beliefs about plants among the tribals of Bastar, Madhya Pradesh. [Publication]

Jain, S.K. (1963) Studies in Indian ethnobotany: wild plant foods of the tribals of Bastar, M.P. [Publication]

Jain, S.K. (1963) The origin and utility of some vernacular plant names. [Publication]

Jain, S.K. (1963) Wild edible plants of Bastar. [Publication]

Jain, S.K. and C.R. Tarafder (1963) Native plant-remedies for snake-bite among the Adivasis of Central India. [Publication]

Jamwal, K.S., O.P. Sethi and I.C. Chopra (1963) Pharmacodynamic effects of a volatile fraction from seseli sibiricum. [Publication]

Joglekar, G.V., G.K. Chitale and J.H. Balwani (1963) Protection by indigenous drugs against hepatotoxic effects of carbon tetrachloride in mice. [Publication]

Joglekar, G.V., D.S. Shrotri, R. Aiman and J.H. Balwani (1963) A study om Ficus bengalensis Linn. [Publication]

Joglekar, G.V., G.K. Chitale and J.H. Balwani (1963) Protection by indigenous drug against hepatotoxic effects of carbon-tetrachloride in mice. [Publication]

Johnson, Irving S., James G. Armstrong, Marvin Gorman and J. Paul Burnett, Jr. (1963) The Vinca alkaloids: a new class of oncolytic agents. [Publication]

Jones, H.A. and L.K. Mann (1963) Onions and their allies. [Publication]

Joshi, M.J. (1963) Indian contribution to world medicine. [Publication]

Joshi, S.B. and K.C. Varma (1963) Isolation, preliminary chemical and pharmaceutical studies of the gum of Cassia tora and Cassia obovata. [Publication]

Jyotirmitra (1963) \'{S}alya \'{s}\={a}stra k\={a} itih\={a}s. [Publication]

Kangle, R.P. (1963) Bh\={a}radv\={a}ja: an ancient teacher of political science. [Publication]

Kapadia, K.M. (1963) Marriage and family in India. [Publication]

Kapoor, L.D. (1963) Herbal resources of Jammu and Kashmir. [Publication]

Karandikar, S.M., G.V. Joglekar, G.K. Chitale and J.H. Balwani (1963) Protection by indigenous drug against hepatotoxic effects of carbon-tetrachloride -- a long term study. [Publication]

Keswani, N.H. (1963) The concepts of generation, reproduction, evolution and human development as found in the writings of Indian (Hindu) scholars during the early period (up to 1200 A.D.) of Indian history. [Publication]

Khanolkar, V.R. (1963) Progress of medical science: fifty years of science in India. [Publication]

Khare, R.S. (1963) Folk medicine in a North Indian village. [Publication]

Khosla, G.D. (1963) The murder of the Mahatma: and other cases from a judge's notebook. [Publication]

Kishore, Hari (1963) Crotalaria spectabilis Roth -- a new green manufacturing crop for Northern India. [Publication]

Kohlmeyer, W.A. and X. Fernandes (1963) Psychiatry in India: family approach in the treatment of mental disorders. [Publication]

Kosambi, D.D. (1963) Staple `grains' in the Western Deccan. [Publication]

Kosambi, D.D. (1963) The beginning of the iron age in India. [Publication]

Krishnamurthy, K. (1963) Horticulture in ancient India. [Publication]

Kunhan Raja, C. (1963) The C\={a}rv\={a}ka system. [Publication]

Kurup, P.N.V. (1963) Sandhigata v\={a}ta. [Publication]

Kutumbiah, P. (1963) Gastroenterology of ancient Indian medicine. [Publication]

Kutumbiah, P. (1963) History of Indian medicine from the ancient times to 1200 A.D. [Publication]

Lahiri, A.K., T. Banerjee and B.R. Nijhwan (1963) Some observations on corrosion resistance of ancient Delhi iron pillar and present-time Adivasi iron made by primitive methods. [Publication]

Lakshminarayana, G., R.L. Badhwar and J.G. Kane (1963) Some selected minor Indian oilseeds and their oils. [Publication]

Lal, M.B. (1963) Anthelmintics in ancient India. [Publication]

Law, B.C. (1963) Historical geography of ancient India: supplement. [Publication]

Legris, Pierre (1963) La végétation de l'Inde: écologie et flore. [Publication]

Lehmann, F.K. (1963) The structure of Chin society. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1963) Über indische Farben. [Publication]

Machado, J.P. (1963) Lexicologia cientifica de origen oriental nos Colloquios das simples e drogas. [Publication]

Mahabale, T.S. and M.V. Parthasarathy (1963) The genus Phoenix Linn. in India. [Publication]

Mah\={a}r\d{n}ava (1963) A note on a manuscript called Mah\={a}r\d{n}ava. [Publication]

Mahdihassan, S. (1963) Identifying Soma as Ephedra. [Publication]

Maheshwari, J.K. (1963) The flora of Delhi. [Publication]

Maheshwari, P. and R.N. Kapil (1963) Fifty years of science in India -- Progress of botany. [Publication]

Maiti, P. C. and R. M. Beri (1963) Chemical examination of Canarium bengalense Roxb. [Publication]

Maity, Pradyot K. (1963) A note on the snake cult in ancient India. [Publication]

Malhotra, J.C. (1963) Yoga and psychiatry: a review. [Publication]

Malik, Naseer Ahmad (1963) A pharmacognostic study of Withania radix. [Publication]

Mallmann, Marie-Thérèse de (1963) Les enseignements iconographiques de l'Agni-purana. [Publication]

Mameesh, M.S., L.M. El-Hakim and A. Hasan (1963) Reproductive failure in female rats fed the fruit or seed of Jatropha curcas. [Publication]

Maneksha, R.J. (1963) Harelip surgery -- past, present and future. [Publication]

Manuscripts (1963) A list of medical a in the Sanskrit Academy. [Publication]

Manuscripts (1963) A note on an unnoticed Sanskrit manuscript called \={A}yurved\={a}bdhis\={a}ra. [Publication]

Manuscripts (1963) Short notes on two Sanskrit medical manuscripts (R\={a}macandrik\={a}; Dravyaratn\={a}val\={\i}). [Publication]

Mathur, R.B. (1963) Mercurial samskaras: their scientific background. [Publication]

McPhail, J.E.B. (1963) A study of the working of Primary Health Centres in U.P. [Publication]

Mehra, K.L. (1963) Considerations on the African origin of Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn. [Publication]

Mehra, P.N. and Jolly, S.S. (1963) Identity and pharmacognosy of the adulterant of Nardostachys jatamansi DC. [Publication]

Mehra, P.N. and S.M.J.S. Qadry (1963) Pharmacognostic study of the fruit of Terminalia belerica Roxb. [Publication]

Mehta, C.R., Y.P. Datta and N.G. Rana (1963) Studies on the seeds of Aristolochia bracteata Retz. [Publication]

Mehta, D.R., J.S. Naravane and R.M. Desai (1963) Vasicinone, a bronchodilator principle from Adhatoda vasica. [Publication]

Mencher, J. (1963) Growing up in South Malabar. [Publication]

Menon, M.K. and P.C. Dandiya (1963) Tranquilizing properties of asarone and beta-asarone, active constituents of Acorus calamus. [Publication]

Minturn, L. and J.T. Hitchcock (1963) The Rajputs of Khalapur, India. [Publication]

Mishra, B. (1963) The agriculture system, diet and dietary habits of the Konds, a tribe of Orissa. [Publication]

Misra, A.K. and O.P. Sharma (1963) Distribution of catechin in khair tree. [Publication]

Mitra, C.R. (1963) Neem. [Publication]

Mitra, Haridas (1963) Fireworks and fire festivals in ancient India. [Publication]

Moulvi, M.V. (1963) Lactogenic properties of leptaden. [Publication]

Mukherjee, D.K., A.K. Barua and P.K. Bose (1963) Chemical investigation of Ougeinia dalbergioides Benth. [Publication]

Mukherjee, Girindranath (1963) Veterinary surgeons in ancient India. [Publication]

Mukherjee, Sudhindra Nath (1963) Medicine in the Puranas. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1963) Über das Herabsteigen des Keimes (zun Embryologie-Beginn im \'{S}\={a}r\={\i}rasth\={a}na vom A\d{s}\d{t}\={a}\.{n}gasa\d{m}graha des V\={a}gbha\d{t}a. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1963) Ein altes Besteck für Hindu Chirurgie. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1963) Medizingeschichtliche Bemerkungen zum Agnipur\={a}\d{n}a. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1963) Nirukti indischer Ärzte. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1963) Über indische Beziehungen zu Geschmacksarten und zu Fehlerbegriffen. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1963) Zusammenfassungen einiger derzeitiger Beurteilungen indischer Medizin. [Publication]

Müller, Reinhold F.G. (1963) Amputations-Lehren in altindischer Medicin? [Publication]

Muthu, C. (1963) Therapeutics in ancient India. [Publication]

Nair, A.G.R. and S. Sankara Subramanian (1963) Chemical examination of the flowers of Lannea coromandelica. [Publication]

Narasimhachari, K. (1963) Early English doctors of Madras. [Publication]

Nath, B. (1963) Animal remains from Brahmagiri (Mysore State, India). [Publication]

Neelameghan, A. (1963) Documentation of the history of medicine in India. [Publication]

Neelameghan, A.B. (1963) Development of medical societies and medical periodicals in India 1780--1920. [Publication]

Neogi, N.C., P.A. Baliga and R.K. Srivastava (1963) In vitro anthelmintic activity of some indigenous drugs. [Publication]

Neogi, N.G. et al. (1963) In vitro anthelmintic activity of some indigenous drugs. [Publication]

Newcomb, Robert M. (1963) Botanical source-areas for some Oriental spices. [Publication]

Nordal, A. (1963) The medicinal plants and crude drugs of BurmaI: Collection of research material from indigenous sources during the years 1957--1961. [Publication]

Oberhammer, G. (1963) Ein Beitrag zu den V\={a}da-Traditionen Indiens. [Publication]

Obeyesekere, Gananath (1963) Pregnancy cravings (dola-duka) in relation to social structure and personality in a Sinhalese village. [Publication]

Opler, Morris E. (1963) The cultural definition of illness in village India. [Publication]

Orta, Garcia da (1963) Número especial comemorativo do quarto centenário da publica\c{c}a\~{o} dos colóquios dos simples. [Publication]

Owitigala, Gunasekera (1963) Ayurveda in Ceylon. [Publication]

Padoux, A. (1963) Recherches sur la symbolique et l'énergie de la parole dans certains textes tantriques. [Publication]

Pai, D.N. (1963) Socio-economic and health survey of Narli-Agripada village -- A preliminary report. [Publication]

Pandeya, L.K. (1963) Modern inoculation is an offshoot of what has been practised in ancient India. [Publication]

Pandit, M.P. (1963) Guru \'{s}i\d{s}ya tradition. [Publication]

Panigrahi, G. (1963) Gandhamadan Parbat, Orissa -- A potential source of important indigenous drugs. [Publication]

Pant, Ghan\={a}nand (1963) Bhelasya samayo janmabh\={u}mi\'{s} ca. [Publication]

Parthasarathy, N.R. (1963) Prevalence of active trachoma in rural India. [Publication]

Patel, Bhulabhai (1963) Mineralien und Chemikalien der indischen Pharmazie. [Publication]

Patel, M.C. (1963) Styplon in gynaecological bleeding disorders. [Publication]

Pathak, R.R. (1963) Pandu roga. [Publication]

Payne, R.B. (1963) Nutmeg intoxication. [Publication]

Peiris, William (1963) \={A}yurveda, its origin and history. [Publication]

Pendse, G.S., M.A. Iyengar and V.A. Bedekar (1963) Studies in Indian medicinal plants used in Ayurveda: Psoralea corylifolia Linn., Plumbago zeylanica Linn. [Publication]

Pingree, David (1963) Astronommy and astrology in India and Iran. [Publication]

Poonking, T. (1963) Myocarditis from scorpion stings. [Publication]

Poshakrishna, U. (1963) Geschichte der Chirurgie in Thailand. [Publication]

Pradhan, V.G. (1963) Evaluation of dashamoolarishta. [Publication]

Prasad, G.C. and K.N. Udupa (1963) Effect of Cissus quadrangularis on the healing of cortisone-treated fractures. [Publication]

Prasad, G.C. and K.N. Udupa (1963) Effect of Cissus quadrangularis on the healing of cortisone treated fractures. [Publication]

Qadry, S. M. J. S. (1963) A note on Plantago major seeds: a substitute for ispaghula. [Publication]

Qadry, S. M. J. S. (1963) A preliminary note on chaksu and its adulterants. [Publication]

Qadry, S. M. J. S. and C. K. Atal (1963) Studies on some umbelliferous fruits -- Part {II}. Pharmacognosy of the fruits of Cyminum cyminum Linn. [Publication]

Qazilbash, N. H. (1963) Ephedra of the Rigveda. [Publication]

Rai Chaudhuri, H.N. (1963) Comparative pharmacognostic studies on the leaves of Cataranthus roseus (Linn.) G.Don and Cataranthus pusillus (Murr.) G.Don. [Publication]

Rai Chaudhuri, H. N. (1963) Comparative pharmacognostic study on the root bark and stem bark of Punica granatum. [Publication]

Rai Chaudhuri, H.N. (1963) Pharmacognostic studies on the stem bark of Annona reticulata Linn. [Publication]

Rai Chaudhuri, H.N. (1963) Pharmacognostical studies on the stem bark of Michelia champaca Linn. [Publication]

Rajput, A.B. (1963) Among the Murungs in Bandarban Forest. [Publication]

Rama Rao, B. (1963) A note on a manuscript called "Maharnava". [Publication]

Rama Rao, B. (1963) A note on an unnoticed Sanskrit medical manuscript called "Ayurvedabdhisara". [Publication]

Rama Rao, B. (1963) A.s. of Vagbhata (historical introduction). [Publication]

Rama Rao, B. (1963) List of Ayurvedic medical manuscripts in Andhra Pradesh (Department of History of Medicine, Hyderabad; Arsha Rasayana Sala, Muktyala; Telugu Academy, Kakinada and Andhra University, Waltair). [Publication]

Rama Rao, B. (1963) List of medical manuscripts in the Sanskrit Academy, Osmania University, Hyderabad. [Publication]

Rama Rao, B. (1963) Medical lore in the writings of K\={a}lid\={a}sa. [Publication]

Rama Rao, B. (1963) On Bhela Samhita (historical introduction). [Publication]

Rama Rao, B. (1963) Short notes on two Sanskrit medical manuscripts (Ramachandrika and Dravyaratnavali). [Publication]

Rama Rao, B. and D.V.S. Reddy (1963) On Kashyapa Samhita. [Publication]

Ramakrishna Ayyar, T.V. (1963) Handbook of economic entomology for South India. [Publication]

Ramasarma, G.B. (1963) History of the Indian Journal of Pharmacy. [Publication]

Randhawa, M.S. (1963) Role of science and technology in Indian agriculture. [Publication]

Rao, A. R., Vimala K. Menon and Manju Malviya (1963) The laticifers and latex of Euphorbia tirucalli Linn. [Publication]

Rao, G. Bhasker (1963) Obstetrics in India over 2000 years ago. [Publication]

Rao, G. Bhasker (1963) The Royapuram Native Infirmary (1799--1903). [Publication]

Rao, S.R. (1963) Excavations at Rangpur and other explorations in Gujarat. [Publication]

Rastogi, R.P. and M.L. Dhar (1963) Chemical examination of Centella asiatica Linn., part 2: brahmoside and brahminoside. [Publication]

Raychaudhuri, S.P. et al. (1963) Soils of India. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1963) Early days of modern medicine in Secunderabad and its environs. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1963) Jacob Bontius and his writings on diseases and herbs of East Indies. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1963) Memoirs of James Annesley, the author of monumental reports and works on the diseases of India (A sketch with extracts). [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1963) On Firdausu'l-Hikmat of Ali b. Rabban-al-Tabari (historical and biographical). [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. and M. Azeez Pasha (1963) Firdausu'l-Hikmat of Ali b. Rabban al-Tabari (historical and biographical). [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. and P. Radhakrishna Murthi (1963) Garcia da Orta and his work on 'Simples and drugs of India', 1563, Goa. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V. Subba and B. Rama Rao (1963) A note on an unnoticed Sanskrit medical manuscript called Ayurvedabdhisara (with the photostats of first and last pages of the manuscript). [Publication]

Reddy, D.V. Subba and B. Rama Rao (1963) Kashyapa Samhita. [Publication]

Renou, L. (1963) Sur le genre du s\={u}tra dans la littérature sanskrite. [Publication]

Report (1963) Report of the Vyas Committee -- Mohanlal P. Vyas, Report of the Shuddha Ayurvedic Education Committee. [Publication]

Robyns, A. (1963) Essai de monographie du genre Bombax s.l. (Bombacaceae). [Publication]

Rotter, Ji\v{r}i (1963) Die Warane (Varanidae). [Publication]

Roy, D.N., V. Nagarajan and C. Gopalan (1963) Production of neurolathyrism in chicks by the injection of Lathyrus sativus concentrates. [Publication]

Roy, Mira (1963) Scientific information in the R\={a}m\={a}ya\d{n}a. [Publication]

Roy, Siddhesvari Narain (1963) Early Pur\={a}\d{n}ic account of sun and solar cult. [Publication]

Ruben, W., V. Struve and G. Bongard-Levin (Eds.) (1963) History and culture of ancient India. [Publication]

Samboo, Gopaljee (1963) La médecine de l'Inde autrefois et aujourd'hui. [Publication]

Sankaran, P.S., S.N. Pathak, K.P. Shukla and S.P. Sen (1963) The treatment of diabetes mellitus with the indigenous herb Premna integrifolia. [Publication]

Sanyal, A.K., C.R. Banerjee and P.K. Das (1963) Banana and restraint ulcers in albino rats. [Publication]

Sanyal, A.K., K.K. Gupta and N.K. Chowdhury (1963) Banana and experimental peptic ulcer. [Publication]

Sanyal, Biswa Mahan (1963) A peep into the history of Ayurveda. [Publication]

Sarin, Y.K. and L.D. Kapoor (1963) Some additons to the essential oil bearing plants from north west Himalayas. [Publication]

Sarin, Y.K., L.D. Kapoor and I.C. Chopra (1963) Physochlaina praealta Miers -- a hyoscyamine yielding plant important in Lahul's economy. [Publication]

Sarma, M. V. Sridatta (1963) Worship of the sun. [Publication]

Sastry, M.S., V. Mahadevan and Ram Prakash (1963) Studies on Lathyrus sativus: non-toxic character of Lathyrus sativus seeds and their nutritive value. [Publication]

Satyanarayana, M.N. and S.B. Kadkol (1963) Carotene, riboflavine, and nicotinic acid content of some Indian foods. [Publication]

Saxena, V.B. and B.G. Prasad (1963) Epidemiological study of yaws in Madhya Pradesh: historical and geographical, social and cultural aspects, economic aspects. [Publication]

Schaaffhausen, Reimar v. (1963) Dolichos lablab or hyacinth bean: its uses for feed, food, and soil improvement. [Publication]

Schafer, E.H. (1963) The golden peaches of Samarkand: a study of T'ang exotics. [Publication]

Schmidt, Hanns-Peter (1963) Die Kobra im \d{R}gveda. [Publication]

Schultes, R.E. (1963) The widening panorama in medical botany. [Publication]

Seal, S.C. and K.C. Patnaik (1963) A short study of plague in Madras and Mysore with referene to plague in India. [Publication]

Sen, S.N. (1963) Transmission of scientific ideas between India and foreign countries in ancient and medieval times. [Publication]

Sen, P.K. (1963) The present position of medical education in India (including a brief history). [Publication]

Sen, S.N. (1963) Transmission of scientific ideas between India and foreign countries in ancient and medieval times. [Publication]

Sen, S.P. (1963) Chemical study of the indigenous plant Saraca indica (asoka). [Publication]

Seshadri, T.R. and M.S. Sood (1963) Photodynamically active plant products. [Publication]

Shah, B. (1963) Drugs and pharmaceuticals industry of India. [Publication]

Shah, J.C. and K. Kashinathan (1963) Histamine action of the latex of Calotropis gigantea Ait. [Publication]

Shah, N.C. (1963) Indian Drugs, vols. 1--16. [Publication]

Shankaran, P.S., S.P. Pathak, K.N. Shukla and S.P. Sen (1963) The treatment of diabetes mellitus with the indigenous herb Premna integrifolia. [Publication]

Shanmuga Velan, A. (1963) Siddhar's science of longevity and kalpa medicine of India. [Publication]

Shanmuganvelan, A. (1963) Siddhar's science of longevity and Kalpa medicine of India. [Publication]

Shanmugavelan, A. (1963) Siddhar's science of longevity and Kalpa medicine of India. [Publication]

Sharma, P.L. (1963) Mechanism of atrial flutter and fibrillation induced by aconitine in the dog, with observations on the role of cholinergic factors. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1963) \={A}yurved\={\i}ya anusandh\={a}n k\={\i} p\d{r}\d{s}\d{t}habh\={u}mi II and III. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1963) Sth\={u}l \'{s}ar\={\i}r ke up\={a}d\={a}n: pa\~{n}camah\={a}bh\={u}t. [Publication]

Sharma, S. Vishwanatha (1963) Historical value of Bheda Sa\d{m}hit\={a}. [Publication]

Sharma, Shiv (1963) Indo-U.A.R. inter-medical relations in ancient times. [Publication]

Shastry, Vijayendra Ramakrishna (1963) Science in the Vedas. [Publication]

Sheth, Shantilal, N.S. Tibrewala, U.R. Warerkar and V.S. Karande (1963) Therapy of anorexia with Liv.52. [Publication]

Sheth, U.K., A. Vaz, C.V. Deliwala and R.A. Bellare (1963) Behavioural and pharmacological studies of a tranquilising fraction from the oil of Celastrus paniculatus (malkanguni oil). [Publication]

Shihata, I.M. and M.I. Elghamry (1963) Experimental studies in the effect of Glycyrrhiza glabra. [Publication]

Shivpuri, D.N. and K.L. Dua (1963) Allergy to papaya tree (Carica papaya Linn.). [Publication]

Shrotri, D.S., M. Kelkar, V.K. Deshmukh and R. Aiman (1963) Investigations of hypoglycemic properties of Eugenia jambolana, Vinca rosea and Cassia auriculata. [Publication]

Shrotri, D.S., Meena Kelkar, V.K. Deshmukh and Ranita Aiman (1963) Investigations of the hypoglycemic properties of Vinca rosea, Cassia auriculata and Eugenia jambolana. [Publication]

Shukla, H.C. (1963) A modern approach to the tanm\={a}tras of Hindu medicine. [Publication]

Shulgin, A.T. (1963) Concerning the pharmacology of nutmeg. [Publication]

Siddiqui, H.H. (1963) A note on Butea superba seeds. [Publication]

Siddiqui, H.H. (1963) Studies on Terminalia belerica Roxb.: effect on bile secretion and pharmacodynamic properties. [Publication]

Siddiqui, H.H. and M.C. Inamdar (1963) Preliminary pharmacological examination of Butea superba seeds. [Publication]

Singh, P. (1963) Pharmacognostical studies of the roots of Streblus asper Lour. [Publication]

Singh, S.P. (1963) Morphological studies in some members of the family Pedaliaceae II: Pedalium murex Linn. [Publication]

Singh, Shyam, S. Krishnamurthi and S.L. Katyal (1963) Fruit culture in India. [Publication]

Singhal, G.D. and Damodar Sharma Gaur (1963) Surgical ethics in Ayurveda. [Publication]

Singhal, G.D. and Damodar Sharma Gaur (1963) The concept of hereditary and congenital anomalies in Ayurveda. [Publication]

Sinia, H.R. (1963) Analysis of two arrow poisons. [Publication]

Sircar, D.C. (1963) More inscriptions from Nagarjunikonda. [Publication]

Sircar, D.C. (1963) The land of the Kambojas. [Publication]

Sörensen, S. (1963) An index to the names in the Mah\={a}bh\={a}rata, with short explanations and a concordance to the Bombay and Calcutta editions and P.C. Roy's translation. [Publication]

Srivastava, Balram (1963) Weights and measures in ancient India. [Publication]

Stephens, W.N. (1963) The family in cross-cultural perspective. [Publication]

Stracey, P.D. (1963) The wildlife of India: its conservation and control. [Publication]

Subba Rao, A. (1963) Antiquity of Ayurvedic science and the origin of Ayurveda. [Publication]

Subrahmanyam, B.R. (1963) Appearance and spread of iron in India -- An appraisal of archaeological data. [Publication]

Tayal, J.N. and V.B. Tandon (1963) Pharmacopoeial standards for medicinal plants and their preparations. [Publication]

Thaker, J.P. (1963) Peacock: the national bird of India. [Publication]

Thakur, Upendra (1963) The history of suicide in India; an introduction. [Publication]

Thieme, Paul (1963) "Jungfrauengatte", Sanskrit kaum\={a}ra\d{h} pati\d{h}. [Publication]

Thieme, Paul (1963) Agastya and Lop\={a}mudr\={a}. [Publication]

Tiwari, Chitra (1963) \'{S}\={u}dras in Manu. [Publication]

Torre, M.P., J.M. Donnadieu and J.L. Braditch (1963) Healing activity of asiaticoside in obstetrical lesions of the perineum. [Publication]

Tripathi, M.P. (1963) Climatology and meteorology in ancient India. [Publication]

Trivedi, C.P. (1963) Observation on the effect of some indigenous drugs on blood sugar level of normal and diabetic rabbits. [Publication]

Tucci, Giuseppe (1963) Animadversiones Indicae. [Publication]

Turner, T.D. and J. Malcolm Davies (1963) The morphology and histology of the seeds of Strychnos nux-vomica Linn., and its adulterants Strychnos nux-blanda, Hill, and Strychnos potatorum, Linn. [Publication]

Turrill, William Bertram (1963) Joseph Dalton Hooker: botanist, explorer, and administrator. [Publication]

Udupa, K.N. and G.C. Prasad (1963) Effect of Cissus quadrangularis in cortisone treated fractures. [Publication]

Vahia, N.S. (1963) Cultural differences in the clinical picture of schizophrenia and hysteria in India and the United States. [Publication]

Varadarajan, P.D. (1963) Climate and soil conditions of Rauwolfia serpentina inIndia. [Publication]

Varma, K.C. and R.K. Sharma (1963) Antimicrobial activity of essential oil of Plectranthus incanus Link. [Publication]

Varthema, Ludovico de (1963) Travelers in disguise. Narratives of Eastern travel by Poggio Bracciolini and Ludovico de Varthema. English translation by John Winter Jones. Revised, with an introduction, by Lincoln Davis Hammond. [Publication]

Vasavada, A.V. (1963) The changing culture and mental disorders in India. [Publication]

Vaudeville, Charlotte (1963) R\=am=aya\d{n}a studies I: the krau\~{n}ca-vadha episode in the V\=alm\={\i}ki R\=am\=aya\d{n}a. [Publication]

Vidyarthi, L.P. (1963) The Maler -- Study in nature-man-spirit complex of a hill tribe in Bihar. [Publication]

Vogel, C. (1963) On Bu-ston's view of the eight parts of Indian medicine. [Publication]

Vohra, M.M. and N.N. De (1963) Comparative cardiotonic activity of Carissa carandas L. and Carissa spinarum A.DC. [Publication]

Vohra, M. M. and N. N. De (1963) Comparative cardiotonic activity of Carissa carandas {L}. and Carissa spinarum {A}.Dc. [Publication]

Voth, H. J. (1963) Zur Bedeutung des konvergenten Schielblicks in der indischen Kunst. [Publication]

Vul'fson, N. S. (1963) The natural pigments. [Publication]

Vyas, K.J. (1963) Clinical and histopathological evaluation of Liv.52 in cirrhosis of liver. [Publication]

Wagle, C.S. (1963) Ancient Indian pediatrics. [Publication]

Waldschmidt, Ernst (1963) The Upasenas\={u}tra: a charm against snake-bites from the Sa\d{m}yukt\={a}gama. [Publication]

Walter, J. (1963) Bibliographia principal (of `Colloquios dos simples' by Garcia da Orta). [Publication]

Walter, Jaime (1963) Dimas Bosque, fisico-mor da India a as sereias. [Publication]

Watermann, R. (1963) Europäische Hofärzte in Indien. [Publication]

Watermann, R. (1963) Menschen und Medizin in Portugiesisch Indien. [Publication]

Watermann, R. (1963) Skizze der medizinischen Systeme Indiens. [Publication]

Watermann, Rempert (1963) Von altindischer Medizin (1498--1836). [Publication]

Wayman, Alex (1963) Outline of the Thob yig gsal ba\d{h}i me lo\.{n}. [Publication]

Wayman, Alex (1963) The stages of life according to Var\={a}hamihira. [Publication]

Wells, H.W. (1963) The classical drama of India. [Publication]

Wells, H. W. (1963) The classical drama of India. [Publication]

Whiting, Beatrice B. (Ed.) (1963) Six cultures: studies of child rearing. [Publication]

Whiting, Marjorie Grant (1963) Toxicity of Cycads. [Publication]

Whiting, Marjorie Grant (1963) Toxicity of Cycads. [Publication]

Williams, R. (1963) Jaina Yoga: a survey of the mediaeval \'{s}r\={a}vak\={a}c\={a}ras. [Publication]

Williams, R. (1963) Jaina Yoga: a survey of the mediaeval \'{s}r\={a}vak\={a}c\={a}ras. [Publication]

Winters, Harold F. (1963) Ceylon spinach (Basella rubra). [Publication]

Winters, Harold F. (1963) Ceylon spinach (Basella rubra). [Publication]

Yalman, N. (1963) On the purity of women in the castes of Ceylon and Malabar. [Publication]

Zahuri, Abdul Wahab (1963) A rare medical manuscript of Mohammed Tuglaq Shah's period: Majmua-e-Ziyae. [Publication]

Zahuri, M.A.W. (1963) Hakim Wali Silani. [Publication]

Zeuner, Frederick E. (1963) A history of domesticated animals. [Publication]

This list was generated on Mon Mar 10 17:19:36 2025 CET.