Items where Year is 1956

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Number of items: 215.

Acheson, R.M. (1956) The anthocyanins of some Himalayan flowers. [Publication]

Agarwal, Sohan L., P.C. Dandiya, P.K. Singh, and R.B. Arora (1956) A note on the preliminary studies of certain pharmacological actions of Acorus calamus L. [Publication]

Agrawal, S.L., P.C. Dandiya, P.K. Singh and R.B. Arora (1956) A note on the preliminary study of certain pharmacological actions of Acorus calamus. [Publication]

Agrawala, V.S. (1956) The Mah\={a}bh\={a}rata: a cultural commentary. [Publication]

Aiyer, A.K. Yagnanarayana (1956) Antiquity of some field and forest flora. [Publication]

Ajgaonkar, S.S. (1956) The use of minerals in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. [Publication]

Arora, R.B. (1956) Antiveratrinic action of Rauwolfia serpentina alkaloids. [Publication]

Arora, R.B. and B.R. Madan (1956) Antiarrhythmics VI. Ajmaline and serpentine in experimental cardiac arrhythmias. [Publication]

Arora, R.B. and B.R. Madan (1956) Antiarrhythmics VI: ajmaline and serpentine in experimental cardiac arrhythmias. [Publication]

Arora, R.B. and B.R. Madan (1956) Antiarrhythmics, part III: antiarrhythmic activity of Nardostachys jatamansi (an Indian indigenous drug). [Publication]

Arora, R.B. and B.R. Madan (1956) Studies in indigenous drugs. Part VI. Ajmaline and serpentine in experimental auricular fibrillation. [Publication]

Asthana, Hari Shanker (1956) Some aspects of personality structuring in Indian (Hindu) social organization. [Publication]

Atal, C.K. and A.E. Schwarting (1956) Pharmacognostic studies of Rauvolfia decurva. [Publication]

Atrideva, Vidy\={a}la\.{n}k\={a}ra (1956) Sa\d{m}sk\d{r}t s\={a}hitya me\d{m} \={a}yurved. [Publication]

Auboyer, Jeannine (1956) Archery - A royal sport and sacred game in ancient India. [Publication]

Awati, P.R. and B. Tembe (1956) Buthus tamulus (Fabr.) -- the Indian scorpion; morphology, anatomy, and bionomics. [Publication]

Aykroyd, W.R. (1956) Nutritive values of Indian foods and the planning of satisfactory diets. [Publication]

Bagchi, P.C. (1956) The cult of the Buddhist Siddh\=ac\=aryas. [Publication]

Bal, S.N. (1956) Pharmacognostic standards of Rauvolfia serpentina Benth. [Publication]

Bal, S.N. and B. Gupta (1956) Morphology of roots of Aristolochia indica L. [Publication]

Banerji, Paresh (1956) Snake-bite (with a system of treatment and reported cases and notes). [Publication]

Barua, A.K., D. Chakravarti and R.N. Chakravarti (1956) Steroid sapogenins from Indian Dioscorea species -- II. [Publication]

Basu, A. (1956) A specific for leucoderma. [Publication]

Basu, K. (1956) Common medicinal plants of Darjeeling and Sikkim. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (1956) Tuvarak aur c\={a}lmogr\={a}. [Publication]

Bhasker Rao, K. (1956) Gynaecology in ancient India. [Publication]

Bhatnagar, S.S. (1956) The Rauvolfia problem. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, Benoytosh (1956) The cult of the deified dead in Bengal. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, S.C. (1956) Constituents of Centella asiatica Linn. I -- Examination of the Ceylonese variety. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, S.C. (1956) Constitution of Centella asiatica L. III -- Examination of the Indian variety. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, S.C. and S. Dutta (1956) Classification of Citrus fruits of Assam. [Publication]

Bhattacharyya, Asutosh (1956) The serpent in folk-belief in Bengal. [Publication]

Bhende, Y.M. (1956) Vascular changes produced by Argemone oil, II: changes in rats given injection of the oil. [Publication]

Biswas, K. (1956) Common medicinal plants of Darjeeling and the Sikkim Himalayas. [Publication]

Bos, S.N. (1956) \={A}c\={a}ryaj\={\i} ke deh\={a}vas\={a}n -- k\={a}rak sa\d{m}ny\={a}s rog par vic\={a}r. [Publication]

Bose, B.C. and C.P. Trivedi (1956) Pharmacological studies on Terminalia arjuna. [Publication]

Bossand, J. and E. Boll (1956) The large family structure in Indian (Hindu) social organization. [Publication]

Brown, C.J. and A.K. Dey (1956) The mineral wealth of India. [Publication]

Buchanan, F. (1956) Journey through the northern parts of Canara. [Publication]

Buitenen, J.A.B. van (1956) Studies in S\=a\d{m}khya (I). [Publication]

Caley, E.R. and J.F.C. Richards (1956) Theophrastus on stones. [Publication]

Carstairs, George Morrison (1956) Hinjra and Jiryan: two derivatives of Hindu attitudes to sexuality. [Publication]

Chakravarti, R.N., A.N. Chakraborty, A. Rao and A.K. Banerjee (1956) Psoralen in leucoderma. [Publication]

Champion, H.G. (1956) The spread of Indian forestry experience and ideas. [Publication]

Chandra, V. (1956) Studies in Psoralea corylifolia L. [Publication]

Chandra, V. (1956) Studies on Rauvolfia -- III. Morphological studies of Rauvolfia canescens L. [Publication]

Chandra, V. (1956) Studies on Rauvolfia serpentina Benth. [Publication]

Chaudhuri, A.K.R. (1956) A psycho-analytic study of the Hindu mother goddess (Kali) concept. [Publication]

Chaudhuri, I.I. (1956) Medicinal plants of West Pakistan: Podophyllum emodi L. [Publication]

Chopra, I.C., K.L. Handa and S.N. Sobti (1956) Need for the cultivation of vegetable drugs used in Ayurvedic and Unani medicines. [Publication]

Chopra, I.C., R.N. Chopra and K.L. Handa (1956) Need for the cultivation of vegetable drugs used in Ayurvedic and Unani medicines. [Publication]

Chopra, I.C., S.N. Sobti and K.L. Handa (1956) Cultivation of medicinal plants in Jammu and Kashmir. [Publication]

Chopra, R.N., S.L. Nayar and I.C. Chopra (1956) Glossary of Indian medicinal plants. [Publication]

Chowdhury, Dipti Kalyan and Rabindranath Bagchi (1956) Composition of the seed fat of Amaranthus gangeticus. [Publication]

Das, P. (1956) Experimental evaluation of an indigenous product for dissolution of urinary calculi. [Publication]

Datta, D.D. (1956) Pharmacognostic studies of the plant Coleus aromaticus Benth. [Publication]

Datta, S.C. (1956) Investigation of some species of Rauvolfia for finding a new source of reserpine. [Publication]

Davey, T.H. and W.P.H. Lightbody (1956) The control of disease in the tropics. [Publication]

Davies, R. (1956) Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia. [Publication]

Desai, I.P. (1956) The joint family in India -- an analysis. [Publication]

Dharmadatta, Shri (1956) Ayurvedic interpretation of medicine. [Publication]

Dixit, S.N. and S.M. Tripathi (1956) Occurrence of Helminthostachys zeylanica Hook. in Lakshmipur forest (Gorakhpur). [Publication]

Dutta, Dharm (1956) Ayurvedic interpretation of medicine. [Publication]

Eliade, Mircea (1956) Forgerons et alchimistes. [Publication]

Esser, A. Albert M. (1956) Weiteres zur ältesten Kenntnis der Kataraktoperation. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1956) \={A}yurveda and foreign contacts. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1956) Les relations extérieures de l'Inde: 1. Les échanges de l'Inde et de l'Empire romain aux premiers siècles de l'ère chrétienne; 2. La doctrine brahmanique à Rome au IIIe siècle. [Publication]

Foster, G.M. (1956) Pottery making in Bengal. [Publication]

Frketic, J. (1956) [ case of medical poisoning with aconitine]. [Publication]

Giri, K.V. and T. Ramasarma (1956) Glycolytic enzymes in green gram (Phaseolus radiatus). [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1956) The history of tobacco in India and Europe between A.D. 1500 and 1800. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1956) The oldest dated paper manuscript of Va\.{n}gasena's Cikits\={a}-s\={a}rasa\.{m}graha in the Government Manuscripts Library at the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona. [Publication]

Gonda, J. (1956) Additions to a study on Skt. anta-, antara-, etc. [Publication]

Gujral, M.L. and P.N. Saxena (1956) An experimental investigation of antiarthritic effect of some indigenous and modern remedies. [Publication]

Gupta, B. and S.N. Bal (1956) Pharmacognostic studies of Tylophora indica (Burm.f.) Merr. [Publication]

Gupta, B. (1956) Adulteration of the roots of Rauvolfia serpentina Benth. [Publication]

Gupta, K.C. and R. Viswanathan (1956) Antitubercular substances from plants. [Publication]

Gupta, Nitya N. (1956) Influence of Hindu culture and social customs on psychosomatic disease in India. [Publication]

Guruswami, M.N., T.R. Krishnamurthy and T.S. Vaidyanathan (1956) A preliminary note on the pharmacology of evolvine. [Publication]

Hamid, K.A., B.K. Bhattacharya and T. De'Lima (1956) A comparative pharmacological study of the antihypertensive activity and hypnotic and sedative action of a certain fraction of Rauwolfia and reserpine. [Publication]

Head, Jr., W.F. and W.M. Lauter (1956) Phytochemical examination of the leaves of Carica papaya L. [Publication]

Helm, J. (1956) Die zu Würz- und Speisezwecken kultivierten Arten der Gattung Allium L. [Publication]

Hodson, Geoffrey (1956) The seven human temperaments. [Publication]

Hoffmann, Helmut (1956) Die Religionen Tibets. [Publication]

Holttum, R.E. (1956) The typification of the generic name Bambusa and the status of the name Arundo bambos L. [Publication]

Indian systems of medicine and homoeopathy in India, 1985, VI and 248 p., Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi 1987. Indian systems of medicine and homoeopathy in India, 1991, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Governm (1956) Estrogenic activity, antibacterial action and some pharmacodynamic properties of Cyperus rotundus Linn. (Cyperaceae). [Publication]

Indira, M., M. Sirsi, S. Radomir and Sukhdev (1956) The occurrence of some estrogenic substances in plants, part I: Estrogenic activity of Cyperus rotundus (Linn.). [Publication]

Indra, M., P.S.M. Murthy et al. (1956) Estrogenic activity, antibacterial action and some pharmacodynamic properties of Cyperus rotundus Linn. [Publication]

Irvine, F.R. (1956) The edible cultivated and semi-cultivated leaves of West Africa. [Publication]

Jain, S.K. (1956) On a botanical trip to Nainital. [Publication]

Janaki Ammal, E.K. (1956) Introduction to the subsistence economy of India. [Publication]

Kapadia, K.M. (1956) Rural family patterns: a study in urban-rural relations. [Publication]

Karunaratna, Wijesinha Saddhamangala (1956) Some references to veterinary science in ancient Ceylon. [Publication]

Kaul, K.N. (1956) Observations on the natural occurrence and cultural methods of Rauvolfia serpentina Benth. [Publication]

Khan, M.A. (1956) Kitabu Ta'bir-ir-Ruya of Abu Ali Ibn Sina. [Publication]

Khandige, S.B., N. Balakrishna and N.R. Adyanthaya (1956) Some facts about Areca nut. [Publication]

Kihara, H. (Ed.) (1956) Land and crops in Nepal Himalaya: Scientific results of the Japanese expeditions of Nepal Himalaya 1952--1953. [Publication]

Kimura, K. and A. Akabori (1956) Drugs. [Publication]

Kirfel, W. (1956) Was verdankt das ältere Abendland Indien? [Publication]

Kohl, J.F. (1956) Das physikalische und biologische Weltbild der indischen Jaina-sekte. [Publication]

Krishnan, M. (1956) A sanctuary for birds -- Life and death at Vedanthangal. [Publication]

Krishnan, M. (1956) The vanishing cheetah. [Publication]

Kulkarni, D.H. (1956) Heartwood volumes and katha yields by indigenous method from dry khair of Central India. [Publication]

Kurup, P.A. (1956) Antibiotic principles of the leaves of Withania somnifera. [Publication]

Kurup, P.A. (1956) Antibiotic principle of the leaves of Withania somnifera. [Publication]

Kurup, P.A. (1956) Studies on plant antibiotics: screening of some Indian medicinal plants. [Publication]

Kutumbiah, P. (1956) The Hindu medical theories. [Publication]

Kutumbiah, P. (1956) The concept of heart and blood vessels in ancient Hindu medicine. [Publication]

Luce, G.H. (1956) The 550 Jatakas in old Burma. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1956) Exkus I} (zu kl\={\i}ta-/kl\={\i}taka). [Publication]

Malhotra, C.L. and R.K. Sidhu (1956) The antiemetic activity of alkaloids of Rauvolfia serpentina. [Publication]

Mehra, J.D. (1956) Snake worship among the Nayars of South India. [Publication]

Mital, V. K. and H. Muhlemann (1956) [On the differential evaluation of Aconitum tuber and its preparations]. [Publication]

Mitra, S.N., Chatterjee and D.K. Mukherjee (1956) Analysis of asafetida (hing). [Publication]

Mukerji, B. (1956) Concluding remarks on Rauvolfias in modern therapy. [Publication]

Mukerji, B. (1956) Psoralea and other indigenous drugs used in leucoderma. [Publication]

Mukherjee, T.D. and R.L. Tripathi (1956) Studies on indigenous insecticidal plants, I. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1956) Einige Bemerkungen zu den sogenannten "Elementen" im Mah\={a}bh\={a}rata. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1956) Ueber begriffliche Bewertungen altindischer Aerzte. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1956) Yak\d{s}ma. Medizingeschichtliche Untersuchungen zur Entwicklungswertung der indischen Krankheitslehre. [Publication]

Nagaraja Rao, A. (1956) Life-history of Shorea robusta Gaertn. [Publication]

Naik, R.M. and J.R. Merchant (1956) Chemical investigation of Cocculus hirsutus (Linn.) Diels. [Publication]

Nanjio, B. (Ed.) (1956) The La\.{n}k\={a}vat\={a}ra S\={u}tra. [Publication]

Narayana Sv\={a}mi (1956) Pharmacopoeia of Hospital of Integrated Medicine, Madras. [Publication]

Narayana, C.S. and S. Rangaswami (1956) Isolation of three crystalline substances from the seeds of Cassia tora Linn. [Publication]

Neogi, N.C. and M.C. Bhatia (1956) Biological investigation of Vinca rosea Linn. [Publication]

Osmani, Z.H. and M.B. Naidu (1956) Pongamia glabra (karanja) as insecticide. [Publication]

Pailer, M., L. Belohlav and E. Simonitsch (1956) Pflanzliche Naturstoffe mit einer Nitrogruppe. 1. Die Konstitution der Aristolochiasäure. [Publication]

Patel, R.P. and K.C. Patel (1956) Antibacterial activity of Cassia fistula. [Publication]

Pattnaik, H. (1956) Some useful weeds in and around Cuttack. [Publication]

Paymaster, J.C. (1956) Cancer of the buccal mucosa -- A clinical study of 650 cases in Indian patients. [Publication]

Prasad, S. and P.N. Kaul (1956) Pharmacognostical studies of Holarrhena antidysenterica and Wrightia tomentosa barks. [Publication]

Pratap Singh (1956) Pharmacognosy of leaf of Cocculus villosus DC. [Publication]

Pratap Singh (1956) Pharmacognosy of leaf of Melaleuca leucodendron. [Publication]

Pratap Singh (1956) Pharmacognosy of root and rhizome of Cocculus villosus DC. [Publication]

Radhalaxmi, K.K. and M.N. Rao (1956) Nursing under ancient Indian systems. [Publication]

Radomir, Senich, Sukh Dev and M. Sirsi (1956) Chemistry and antibacterial activity of nut grass. [Publication]

Raghavan, V. (1956) Two Ayurvedic anecdotes. [Publication]

Raghavan, V. (1956) Yantras or mechanical contrivances in ancient India. [Publication]

Raizada, M.B. and R.N. Chatterjee (1956) World distribution of bamboos with special reference to Indian species and their more important uses. [Publication]

Ramaswamy, M. N. (1956) The essential oil resources of Mysore. [Publication]

Ramprasad, C. and M. Sirsi (1956) Studies on Indian medicinal plants: Curcuma longa L. -- Effect of curcumin and essential oil of Curcuma longa L. on bile secretion. [Publication]

Ramprasad, C. and M. Sirsi (1956) Studies on Indian medicinal plants: Curcuma longa Linn. -- In vitro antibacterial activity of curcumin and the essential oil. [Publication]

Ranade, R.M. (1956) Oil pressing as home industry among Bhils and Bhilalas. [Publication]

Rangaswami, S. and B.V. Rama Sastry (1956) Chemical examination of the root-bark of Tephrosia hirta Ham. [Publication]

Rao, Ch. Bheemasankara and V. Venkateswarlu (1956) Vitexin from Vitex peduncularis Wall. [Publication]

Rao, G. Bhasker (1956) Gynaecology in ancient India. [Publication]

Ravi Varma, L.A. (1956) Surgical instruments of ancient India. [Publication]

R\={a}y, P. (Ed.) (1956) History of chemistry in ancient and medieval India, incorporating the History of Hindu Chemistry by Acharya Prafulla Chandra R\={a}y. [Publication]

R\={a}y, Ra\d{n}jit (1956) \={A}c\={a}rya Y\={a}davj\={\i} mah\={a}parinirv\={a}\d{n}. [Publication]

R\={a}y, Ra\d{n}jit (1956) A\d{m}\'{s}\={a}\d{m}\'{s}a kalpan\={a}: \={A}yurved k\={a} sarvasva. [Publication]

Reddy, D. V. S. (1956) Buddha's discourses on medicaments, treatment and nursing. [Publication]

Reddy, N.S. (1956) The role of betel and tobacco in the life of the lower castes of Andhra. [Publication]

Report (1956) Dayashankar Trikamji Dave -- Report of the Dave Committee -- Interim Report of the Committee appointed by the Government of India to study and report on the question of establishing standards in respect of education practice of Vaidyas, Hakims and Homoeop. [Publication]

Rieppel, F.W. (1956) Zur Frühgeschichte der Rauwolfia. [Publication]

Rindani, T.H. (1956) Rauwolfia in stress. [Publication]

Ritter, Hellmut (1956) Al-Biruni's Übersetzung des Yoga-s\={u}tra des Pata\~{n}jali. [Publication]

Ro\c{s}u, Arion (1956) Les noms de la pupille en sanskrit. [Publication]

Saha, M.N. (1956) Fuel in India. [Publication]

Santapau, H. (1956) The poisonous qualities of Calotropis gigantea R.Br. [Publication]

Santapau, H. (1956) Note on the nomenclature of Rauwolfia. [Publication]

Santapau, H. (1956) The botanical aspects of Rauvolfia serpentina Benth. [Publication]

Santapau, H. (1956) The poisonous qualities of Calotropis gigantea R.Br. [Publication]

Santapau, H. (1956) Correct spelling with a note on Rauwolfia. [Publication]

Sanyal, P.K. and H.K. Das (1956) Pharmacological study of the tincture of rakta-karabi (Nerium odorum Soland) flowers. [Publication]

Sapha, G.C. and S.N. Bose (1956) Clinical observation of antidiabetic properties of Pterocarpus marsupium Eugenia jambolana. [Publication]

\'{S}\={a}str\={\i}, Ramgopal (1956) Vedo\d{m} me\d{m} \={a}yurved. [Publication]

\'{S}\={a}str\={\i}, Ramgopal (1956) Vedo\d{m} me\d{m} \={a}yurved. [Publication]

Sastry, M. Visweswara (1956) Training for medical practice in ancient India. [Publication]

Schenk, G. (1956) The pharmacognosy of Acalypha indica. [Publication]

Sealy, J.R. (1956) The Roxburgh Flora Indica drawings at Kew. [Publication]

Sen, J. and D. Banerjee (1956) A pollen analysis of Indian honey. [Publication]

Sen, Sukumar (1956) Some folk-rites after child-birth in Bengal. [Publication]

Sen, Sukumar (1956) The N\={a}tha cult. [Publication]

Sengupta, K.P., N.C. Ganguli and B. Bhattacharjee (1956) Bacteriological and pharmacological studies of a vibriocidal drug derived from an indigenous source. [Publication]

Sengupta, S. (1956) Food prohibitions in Sm\d{r}ti texts. [Publication]

Sepaha, G.C. and S.N. Bose (1956) Clinical observations on the antidiabetic properties of Pterocarpus marsupium and Eugenia jambolana. [Publication]

Shah, C. S. and B. C. Mehta (1956) Pharmacognostic comparison of Terminalia arjuna {W}. et {A}. and Terminalia tomentosa {W}. et {A}. barks. [Publication]

Shah, C. S. and G. C. Bhavsar (1956) Pharmacognosy of the bark of Terminalia tomentosa {W}. et {A}. and comparison with Terminalia arjuna {W}. et {A}. bark. [Publication]

Shah, U.P. (1956) The Jay\={a} group of goddesses. [Publication]

Shah, Umakant Premanand (1956) A reference to toys in the K\={a}\'{s}yapa Sa\.{m}hit\={a}. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1956) Var\d{s}\={a}k\={a}l k\={a} saras v\d{r}k\d{s}a -- kadamba. [Publication]

Sheth, U.K. and M.S. Kakre (1956) Pharmacological studies on Nardostachys jatamansi. [Publication]

Siddiqui, Salimuzzaman, Georg Hahn, Vishwa Nath Sharma and Ahmad Kamal (1956) Constitution of chaksine. [Publication]

Si\d{m}ha, Prat\={a}p (1956) G\d{r}\d{s}\d{t}ik\={a} (ge\d{n}\d{t}h\={\i}). [Publication]

Singh, Lal Behiri and Ram Nath Singh (1956) A monograph on the mangoes of Uttar Pradesh. [Publication]

Singh, P. (1956) Pharmacognostic study of root of Ricinus communis Linn. [Publication]

Singh, P. (1956) Pharmacognosy of Melaleuca leucodendron. [Publication]

Singh, P. (1956) Pharmacognosy of leaf of Cocculus villosus DC. [Publication]

Singh, P. (1956) Pharmacognosy of root and rhizome of Cocculus villosus. [Publication]

Sirsi, M. and R.R. Rao (1956) Studies on Indian medicinal plants; Anisochilus carnosus in anaphylactic reactions of guinea-pig. [Publication]

Sirsi, M., R. Raman Rao and Mrs. M. Indra (1956) Effect of Rauwolfia alkaloids on some endocrine functions. [Publication]

Srinivasan, M.M. (1956) Host plants of lac insects. [Publication]

Srinivasan, M.M. (1956) Lac, its cultivation and manufacture in India, chapter IV -- Host plants of the lac insect. [Publication]

Srivastava, G.P. and N.K. Basu (1956) Studies on Abroma augusta Linn., I: Chemical examination, II: Pharmacological examination. [Publication]

Strachey, P.D. (1956) The development of forestry in Assam in the last fifty years. [Publication]

Subba Rao, N.V. (1956) Chemical components of the pods of Tephrosia purpurea var. maxima Baker. [Publication]

Subbarao, Bendapudi (1956) The personality of India: a study in the development of material culture of India and Pakistan. [Publication]

Sukumaran, P.K., L.D. Sanghvi and G.N. Vyas (1956) Sickle cell trait in some tribes of Western India. [Publication]

Sule, C.R., P.M. Sathe, M.C. Koshy and M.S. Deshpande (1956) Ascitis due to liver deficiency treated with an indigenous drug. [Publication]

Sundar Rao, Y. (1956) Scilla indica in India. [Publication]

Tiggelman-van Krugten, V.A.H., C.M. Ostendorf-Doyer and W.A. Collier (1956) Über Haemagglutinine in Pflanzenextracten. [Publication]

Trivedi, C.P. (1956) The study of certain indigenous antidiabetic drugs, Pterocarpus marsupium, Gymnema sylvestre and Coccinia indica. [Publication]

Trivedi, S.B. (1956) Can lactation be stimulated? [Publication]

Tucci, G. (1956) To Lhasa and beyond -- Diary of the expedition to Tibet in the year MCMXLVIII with an appendix on Tibetan medicine and hygiene by R. Moise. [Publication]

Vakil, R.J. (1956) Early contributions to the study of pulse. [Publication]

Vakil, R.J. (1956) The clinical applications and uses of Rauwolfia preparations. [Publication]

Visweswarasastry, M. (1956) Training for medical practice in ancient India. [Publication]

Wallace, Anthony F.C. (1956) Revitalization movements. [Publication]

Wasson, R. Gordon (1956) Lightning-bolt and mushrooms: an essay in early cultural exploration. [Publication]

Webster, G.L. (1956) A monographic study of the West Indian species of Phyllanthus. [Publication]

Wheller, James Talboys and Michael Macmillan (1956) European travellers in India. [Publication]

William Jr., L.T. (Ed.) (1956) Man's role in changing face of the earth. [Publication]

Wills, E.D. (1956) Enzyme inhibition by allicin, the active principle of garlic. [Publication]

Wills, E.D. (1956) Enzyme inhibition by allicin, the active principle of garlic. [Publication]

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