Items where Year is 1954

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Number of items: 158.

Aalto, Pentti (1954) Prolegomena to an edition of the Pa\~{n}carak\d{s}\={a}. [Publication]

Ahuja, M.L. and Gurkirpal Singh (1954) Snake bite in India. [Publication]

Anonymous (1954) Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) and mace. [Publication]

Apte, V.M. (1954) Social and religious life in the G\d{r}ihya S\={u}tras. [Publication]

Ayyangar, A.A. Krishnaswami (1954) Indian magic squares. [Publication]

Banerjee, Bireswar (1954) Age of N\={a}g\={a}rjuna. [Publication]

Bhandari, M.M. (1954) On the occurrence of Ephedra in the Indian desert. [Publication]

Bhat, S.G., J.G. Kane and A. Sreenivasan (1954) The in vitro evaluation of the antibacterial activity of unchi oil (Calophyllum inophyllum Linn.). [Publication]

Bhat, J.V. and R. Broker (1954) Anticoagulase factors in some indigenous plants. [Publication]

Bigot, A. (1954) The botanic garden of Yanaon. [Publication]

Blatter, E. and W.S. Millard (1954) Some beautiful Indian trees. [Publication]

Bor, N.L. and M.B. Raizada (1954) Some beautiful Indian climbers and shrubs. [Publication]

Bovill, E.W. (1954) Musk and amber(gris). [Publication]

Carstairs, G. Morris (1954) Daru and bhang: cultural factors in the choice of intoxicant. [Publication]

Chakravarti, N.K., R.N. Chakravarti, G. Werner and R.N. Chaudhuri (1954) Toxicity of Argemone mexicana Linn. alkaloids. [Publication]

Chakravarty, H.L. and D. Chakravarti (1954) Indian Aconites. [Publication]

Chandra, Moti (1954) Some aspects of Yaksha cult in ancient India. [Publication]

Chatterjee, D. and M.B. Raizada (1954) Note onthe typification of the generic name Bombax L. [Publication]

Chopra, I.C., K.S. Jamwal and B.N. Khajuria (1954) Pharmacological action of some common essential oil-bearing plants used in indigenous medicine, part I -- Pharmacological actions of Acorus calamus, Curcuma zedoaria, Zanthoxylum alatum and Angelica archangelica; part II -- Pharmacological actons of Alpi. [Publication]

Choudhury, J.K. (1954) Camphor and camphor oil from Ocimum klimandscharicum Guerke. [Publication]

Chowdhury, K.A. and S.S. Ghosh (1954) Plant remains from Hastin\={a}pura (1950--52). [Publication]

Ciba (1954) The Rauwolfia story: from primitive medicine to alkaloidal therapy. [Publication]

Conklin, H.C. (1954) An ethnoecological approach to shifting agriculture. [Publication]

Corbett, Jim (1954) The temple tiger and more man-eaters of Kumaon. [Publication]

Dakshinamurti, K. (1954) The amino acids in the leaf of Azadirachta indica (Melia). [Publication]

Das, B.R., P.A. Kurup and P.L. Narasimha Rao (1954) Antibiotic principle from Moringa pterygosperma. [Publication]

Dave, K.N. (1954) Beekeeping in ancient India. [Publication]

Deb, Piyush Kanti (1954) A comprehensive history of jute. [Publication]

Desai, J.K. (1954) Cattle wealth of Gujarat. [Publication]

Deshpande, P.D. and M.V. Radhakrishna Rao (1954) The biologicaland supplementary nutritive value of (i) amaranth (Amaranthus gangeticus) and (ii) aconite bean (Phaseolus aconitifolius). [Publication]

Devkar, V.L. (1954) Omens on birds as described in the Citrapra\'{s}na or \'{S}akunam\={a}l\={a} MSS. in the Baroda Museum. [Publication]

Dhingra, S.N., D.R. Dhingra and G.N. Gupta (1954) Essential oil of kewda. [Publication]

Drobec, Erich (1954) Zur Pflanzenmedizin der Naturvoelker. [Publication]

Eliade, Mircea (1954) Kosmogonische Mythen und magische Heilungen. [Publication]

Elwin, Verrier (1954) Tribal myths of Orissa. [Publication]

Farooq, M.O. and G.S. Gupta (1954) Essential oil of Zataria multiflora. [Publication]

Farooq, M.O., M.S. Ahmad and M.A. Malik (1954) Seed oil of Sesbania aegyptiaca. [Publication]

Feigenbaum, Aryeh (1954) Cataract operation -- its origin in antiquity and its spread from east to west. [Publication]

Filchner, Wilhelm (1954) Kumbum: Lamaismus in Lehre und Leben, mit Originallegenden (Tibetisch, Mongolisch, Chinesisch) und 7 Bildtafeln nach Originalaufnahmen des Verfassers. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1954) Un chapitre du Rgyud-b\'{z}i sur les bases de la santé et des maladies. [Publication]

Finckh, E. (1954) Die kosmologischen Beziehungen zwischen Wunder gefässen und Jahreszeiten. [Publication]

Fulling, Edmund H. (1954) Indian oilseeds. [Publication]

Fulling, Edmund H. (1954) Luffa gourd. [Publication]

Fulling, Edmund H. (1954) Tannins of India. [Publication]

Gaeffke, Peter (1954) The snake-jewel in ancient Indian literature. [Publication]

Gee, E.P. (1954) Fishing and fish tackle. [Publication]

Gee, E.P. (1954) The management of India's National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries, Part II. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1954) References to t\={a}mb\={u}la in Indian inscriptions between A.D. 473 and 1800. [Publication]

Goitein, Solomon Dob Dritz (1954) From the Mediterranean to India: documents on the trade to India, South Arabia and East Africa from the eleventh and twelfth centuries. [Publication]

Gonda, J. (1954) Aspects of early Vi\d{s}\d{n}uism. [Publication]

Gopalakrishna, K.S., P.A. Kurup and P.L. Rao (1954) Antibiotic principle from Moringa pterygosperma, III -- Action of pterygospermin on germination of seeds and filamentous fungi. [Publication]

Gujral, M.L., K.P. Bhargava, R.S. Shrivastava and K. Kishor (1954) Pharmacological study of an indigenous drug "ajmod'', Carum roxburghianum. [Publication]

Gujral, M.L., N.K. Choudhury et al. (1954) Indigenous drugs in experimental diabetes. [Publication]

Gupta, B. and S.N. Bal (1954) Pharmacognosy of some Strophanthus seeds from India. [Publication]

Gupta, K.C. and I. C.Chopra (1954) Anti-tubercular action of Adhatoda vasica (N.O. Acanthacea). [Publication]

\d{H}az\={\i}n, Mu\d{h}ammad `Al\={\i} (1954) The treatise on the nature of pearls (1745), edited and translated by S. Khan Khatak and O. Spies. [Publication]

Hutchinson, J.A. (1954) Origin of the old world cotton. [Publication]

Ingalls, D.H.H. (1954) A Sanskrit poetry of village and field: Yoge\'{s}vara and his fellow poets. [Publication]

Ingalls, Daniel H.H. (1954) Words for beauty in classical Sanskrit poetry. [Publication]

Iswariah, V., R. Subramaniam and M.N. Guruswami (1954) Pharmacological study and clinical observations on Rauwolfia alkaloid -- A hypotensive agent, V. [Publication]

Iyengar, K.G. and K.S. Krishna Sastry (1954) Oil yielding trees of Mysore - 1. Neem and its uses. [Publication]

Jayakar, Pupul and J. Irwin (1954) Textiles and ornaments of India. [Publication]

Jayaweera, D.M.A. (1954) Indigenous and exotic drug plants grown in Ceylon -- Calamus. [Publication]

Jung, Heinz-Dieter and Horst Schroeder (1954) Zur antimykotischen Wiksamkeit pflanzlicher Extrakte. [Publication]

Kampff, W. (1954) [on acute fatal aconitine poisoning]. [Publication]

Kan, L. (1954) Six-tusked elephants on a Han bas-relief. [Publication]

Kapadia K.M. (1954) Changing patterns of Hindu marriage and family. [Publication]

Kapadia, G.A. (1954) Timber wealth of Maha Gujarat. [Publication]

Kaunat, Helmut (1954) Über die Wirkung von Antibiotika auf freilebende Infusorien (Paramaecien). [Publication]

Kennedy, B.C. (1954) Rural-urban contrasts in parent-child relations in India. [Publication]

Kimura, K\=oichi (1954) Ancient drugs preserved in the Sh\=os\=oin. [Publication]

Kirfel, Willibald (1954) Ein medizinisches Kapitel des Garu\d{d}apur\={a}\d{n}as. [Publication]

Kirfel, W. (1954) Die Lehnworte des Sanskrit aus den Substratsprachen und ihre Bedeutung für die Entwicklung der indischen Kultur. [Publication]

Kirkpatrick, K.M. (1954) Aboriginal methods employed in killing and capturing game. [Publication]

Kohl, Joseph Friedrich (1954) Einige Bemerkungen zu den Tierlisten des jinistischen Kanons. [Publication]

Krishnan, M.S. and N.K.N. Aiyengar (1954) The iron-ore deposits of parts of Salem and Trichinopoly District. [Publication]

Kulkarni, E.D. (1954) Technical terms in Syainikasastra of Rudradeva. [Publication]

Kumrappa, Bharatan (Ed.) (1954) How to serve the cow. [Publication]

Kundeji, Tara R. and M.V. Radhakrishna Rao (1954) Nutritive Internet value of some subsidiary cereals. [Publication]

Kuppuswamy, C.N. (1954) Siddha medicine, Part I. [Publication]

Kurup, P.A. and P.L.N. Rao (1954) Antibiotic principle from Moringa pterygosperma Gaertn., II -- Chemical nature of pterygospermin. [Publication]

Kurup, P.A. and P.L. Rao (1954) Antibiotic principle from Moringa pterygosperma, IV -- The effect of addition of vitamins and amino acids on the antibacterial activity of pterygospermin. [Publication]

Kurup, P.A. and P.L. Rao (1954) Antibiotic principle from Moringa pterygosperma, V -- Effect of pterygospermin on the assimilation of glutamic acid by Micrococcus pyogenes var. aureus. [Publication]

Kurup, P.A., P.L. Rao and R. Venkataraman (1954) Antibiotic principle from Moringa pterygosperma, VII -- Mechanism of antibacterial action of pterygospermin: inhibition of transaminase by pterygospermin. [Publication]

Lal, B.B. (1954) Studies in early and medieval Indian ceramics -- Some glass and glass-like artefacts from Bellary, Kolhapur, Maski, Nasik and Maheswar of the Deccan. [Publication]

Le Roy, J.F. and M. Ichac (1954) Dans l'Himalaya avec V. Jacquemont. [Publication]

Leach, E.R. (1954) Political systems of highland Burma. A study of Kachin social structure. [Publication]

Lewis, Y.S., C.T. Dwarakanath and D.S. Johar (1954) Acids and sugars in the `kamrakh' fruit, Averrhoa carambola, Linn. [Publication]

Lüders, H. (1954) Beobachtungen über die Sprache des buddhistischen Urkanons. [Publication]

Mallik, Kalyani (1954) Siddha-Siddh\={a}nta-Paddhati and other works of {N}\={a}tha Yog\={\i}s. [Publication]

Marine, D. (1954) Endemic goitre: a problem in preventive medicine. [Publication]

Mhaskar, K.S. and N.S. Batabe (1954) Health and longevity in Ayurveda. [Publication]

Mhaskar, K.S. and N.S. Batabe (1954) Svasthav\d{r}tta. [Publication]

Mhaskar, K.S. and N.S. Watwe (1954) Hygiene in Ayurveda. [Publication]

Mhaskar, V.V. and A.B. Kulkarni (1954) Sugarcane wax. [Publication]

Minyoms, Pangis and P.N. Sen Gupta (1954) Investigations into the dietary habits of the aboriginal tribes of Abor Hills (N.E. frontier), part III. [Publication]

Mithal, B.M. and M.L. Schroff (1954) Chemical and pharmacological investigations of Adhatoda vasica Nees. [Publication]

Monachino, Joseph (1954) Rauvolfia serpentina -- Its history, botany and medical use. [Publication]

Morris, R.C. (1954) Miscellaneous notes, 1. Man-eating tigers in South India. [Publication]

Morris, J.V., R.C. Mac Gillivra and Constance M. Mathieson (1954) The experimental administration of Celastrus paniculata in mental deficiency practices. [Publication]

Mukerji, B. (1954) India's wonder drug. [Publication]

Müller. R.F.G. (1954) Vom Sinn des Sehens bei den Altindern. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1954) Altindische Embryologie. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1954) Soma in der altindischen Heilkunde. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1954) Über grundsätzliche Erkenntniswertungen altindischer Ärzte. [Publication]

Murthy, H.B.N. and M. Swaminathan (1954) The nutritive value of different varieties of sweet potato. [Publication]

Murthy, N.L.N. and B.H. Iyer (1954) Oil from the seeds of Poinciana regia. [Publication]

Nadkarni, A.K. (1954) Dr. K.M. Nadkarni's Indian Materia Medica, with Ayurvedic, Unani-Tibbi, Siddha, Allopathic, Homeopathic, Naturopathic and Home Remedies, Appendices and Indexes. [Publication]

Nagaraj, M. (1954) Contribution to the floral morphology of Terminalia catappa L. [Publication]

Nair, Kizhedath Vasudevan (1954) A biography of Vaidyaratnam P.S. Varier. [Publication]

Narayanan, C.S. and S. Rangaswami (1954) A study of Vernonia anthelmintica Willd. [Publication]

Nath, Y.V.S. (1954) A note on the religion and witchcraft of the Bhils. [Publication]

Nayar, S.L. (1954) Medicinal plants of commercial importance found wild in Uttar Pradesh and their distribution. [Publication]

Nayar, S.L. (1954) Poisonous seeds of India. [Publication]

Nicholas, C.W. (1954) The Ceylon elephant in antiquity. (II) The Portuguese, Dutch and British periods. [Publication]

Nicholas, C.W. (1954) The Ceylon elephant in antiquity: (I) The Sinhalese period. [Publication]

Pathak, Sunitikumar (1954) Life of N\={a}g\={a}rjuna (from the Pag-sam-jon-zong). [Publication]

Pendse, G.S. (1954) Standardisation of `bhasma' in Ayurveda. [Publication]

Prasad, S. and V. Bhusan (1954) Pharmacognostical investigation of Enicostema littorale Blume. [Publication]

Raizada, M.B. (1954) Hortus Indicus Malabaricus. [Publication]

Rau, Wilhelm (1954) Lotusblumen. [Publication]

Ray, Gautam Sankar, Gauranga Chattopadhyay and Suhas Biswas (1954) A magico-religious ceremony in connection with the disease of a Ho boy. [Publication]

Roy, A.C., K.D. Chaudhuri and D. Achari (1954) Toxic factors of Argemone oil. [Publication]

Ruben, W. (1954) Geschichte der indischen Philosophie. [Publication]

Santapau, H. (1954) The revival of the Botanical Survey of India. [Publication]

Sarkar, H. (1954) Artefacts of fishing and navigation from the Indus Valley. [Publication]

\'{S}arm\={a}, Candrabh\={a}nu (1954) \={A}dhunik siddharasendravij\~{n}\={a}n (Ancient Oriental mercurial and metallurgical science). [Publication]

\'{S}\={a}str\={\i}, P. (1954) Pr\={a}c\={\i}n Tibbat me\d{m} \={A}yurved k\={a} prac\={a}r. [Publication]

\'{S}\={a}str\={\i}, P. (1954) Pr\={a}c\={\i}n Tibbat me\d{m} \={A}yurved k\={a} prac\={a}r. [Publication]

Schlerath, Bernfried (1954) Der Hund bei den Indogermanen. [Publication]

Schubert, Johannes and Ulrich Schneider (Eds.) (1954) Asiatica: Festschrift Friedrich Weller zum 65.Geburtstag gewidmet von seinen Freunden, Kollegen und Schülern. [Publication]

Sen, Ramendra Kumar (1954) Su\'{s}ruta, Caraka and Bharata; vyabhic\={a}ribh\={a}vas in N\={a}\d{t}ya\'{s}\={a}stra and their background in the old science of physiology and pathology of \={A}yurveda,. [Publication]

Sengupta, P.N. (1954) Investigation into the dietary habits of the aboriginal tribes of the Abor hills (North-Eastern Frontier), part II. Minyong and Pangi. [Publication]

Shafer, Robert (1954) Ethnography of ancient India. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1954) Ja\.{n}galo\d{m}-pah\={a}\d{r}o\d{m} me\d{m} vanau\d{s}adhiyo\d{m} k\={\i} khoj. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1954) \'{S}ar\={\i}rakriy\={a}vij\~{n}\={a}n (A text book of physiology). [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1954) V\={a}t\={a}mayo\d{m} k\={a} si\d{m}h\={a}valokan. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1954) Vi\d{s}amjvara. [Publication]

Sharma, V.N., J.D. Kohli and B. Mukerji (1954) The chemistry and pharmacology of Rauwolfia. [Publication]

Sitharama Rao, D.N. (1954) Alchemy in Vedic period. [Publication]

Sounders, L. (1954) Cultural differences and medical care. [Publication]

\'{S}r\={\i}ka\d{n}\d{t}ha Sastri (1954) Maru\d{l}a Siddh\={a}c\={a}rya. [Publication]

Srivastava, G.P. (1954) History of Indian pharmacy, volume I. [Publication]

Srivastava, G. P., H. Singh and S. S. Iyer (1954) Standardisation of liquid extract of aswagandha. [Publication]

Stansfield, H. (1954) Plant collecting in the Himalayas. [Publication]

Sternbach, Ludwik (1954) Juridical studies in ancient Indian law: legal, fiscal, social and penal privileges accorded to infants, aged, diseased, helpless and distressed persons according to ancient Indian law. [Publication]

Subbaratnam, A.V. (1954) Chemical examination of the bark of Tabernaemontana dichotoma Roxb. [Publication]

Subramanyan, V.L.V.L. Sastry and M. Srinivasan (1954) Asafoetida -- A review. [Publication]

Swaroop, S. and B. Grab (1954) Snake bite mortality in the world. [Publication]

Tucci, G. and L. Petech (1954) Grub-mtha \'{s}el-gyi me-lo\.{n} -- Crystall mirror of the philosophical and religious systems, translated from the Tibetan. [Publication]

Unkrig, W.A. (1954) Die Tollwut in der Heilkunde des Lamaismus nach tibetisch-mongolischen Texten im "Statens Etnografiska Museum" zu Stockholm. [Publication]

Unkrig, W. A. (1954) Kosmetika in Tibet und der Mongolei (Ein Ausflug ins Reich asiatischer Drogen). [Publication]

Vallauri, M. (1954) Ancient Indian medicine. [Publication]

Viennot, Odette (1954) Le culte de l'arbre dans l'Inde ancienne: textes et monuments brâhmaniques et bouddhiques. [Publication]

Warma, S.R. (1954) Sarpagandha -- India's wonder drug. [Publication]

Wayman, Alex (1954) Notes on the three myrobalans. [Publication]

Werner, G. (1954) The action of Rauwolfia serpentina. [Publication]

Werner, G. (1954) The action of Rauwolfia serpentina. [Publication]

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