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Agharkar, S.P. and S. Govindaswamy (1951) Origin of the genus Musa and its cultivated varieties of banana. [Publication]

Aiyer, A.K. Yegna Narayan (1951) The antiquity of some field and forest flora of India. [Publication]

Aiyer, K.N. (1951) Pharmacognosy of Ayurvedic drugs of Travancore Cochin. [Publication]

Apte, M.V. (1951) The flora in K\={a}lid\={a}sa's literature. [Publication]


Banerjea, A.C. (1951) Note on cholera in the United Provinces. [Publication]

Banerjee, Dhirendra Nath (1951) \={A}yurveda Sh\={a}rira. [Publication]

Baptist, N.G. (1951) Amino acids in finger seed (ragi kurakkam) Eleusine coracana. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (1951) Triphal\={a}. [Publication]

Bhatnagar, S.S. and P.V. Divekar (1951) Pristimerin, the antibacterial principle of Pristimera indica -- Isolation, toxicity and antibacterial action. [Publication]

Bhattacharya, Benoytosh (1951) The science of Tridosha, the three cosmic elements in homoeopathy. [Publication]

. Bhattacharya, Sivaprasad (1951) The Siddhas in the Yogavasistha Ramayana and a peep into their creed. [Publication]

Bhattacharyya, Asutosh (1951) A Sora (Savara) name giving ceremony. [Publication]

Bhattacharyya, Dinesh Chandra (1951) A critical study of the prose of the Caraka Samhita. [Publication]

Bhushan, D., A. Ram and Om Prakash (1951) Mandara seed and its oil. [Publication]

Bird, G.W.G. (1951) Specific agglutinating activity for human red blood corpuscles in extracts of Dolichos biflorus. [Publication]

Burton, R.W. (1951) Wild Life Reserves in India: Uttar Pradesh. [Publication]

Bussagli, Mario (1951) Recent research on ancient Indian medicine. [Publication]


Chakravarti, R.N. and D. Chakravarti (1951) Andrographolide, the active constituent of Andrographis paniculata Nees; a preliminary communication. [Publication]

Chakravarti, Tapo Nath (1951) The number five and its association with certain plants and plant products of Bengal. [Publication]

Chakravarty, N.K. and R.N. Chaudhuri (1951) Production of epidemic dropsy in monkeys. [Publication]

Chakravarty, N.K., H.N. Rai Chaudhuri and R.N. Chaudhuri (1951) Rauwolfia serpentina in essential hypertension. [Publication]

Chandra, Moti (1951) Technical arts in ancient India. [Publication]

Chandraratna, M.F. (1951) The origin of cultivated races of banana. [Publication]

Chandraratna, M.F. and K.D.S.S. Nayanakkara (1951) Cultivated varieties of banana in Ceylon. [Publication]

Charlesworth, Martin P. (1951) Roman trade with India: a resurvey. [Publication]

Chatterjee, A. (1951) Utilisation of the medicinal plants of India in the production of drugs. [Publication]

Chatterjee, G.S. and S.R. Maitra (1951) A note on physiological and clinical findings of the active principle of Moringa pterygosperma. [Publication]

Chatterjee, R. (1951) Need for investigation of indigenous plants to find substitutes for officinal drugs. [Publication]

Chevalier, A. (1951) Victor Jacquemont (1801--1832): exploration de l'Inde, ses observations sur la biogéographie et sur les plantes cultivées. [Publication]

Chopra, I.C., K.L. Handa and L.D. Kapoor (1951) Drug resources of Himachal Pradesh. [Publication]

Chopra, R.N. and L.D. Kapoor (1951) Medicinal plants of the Himalayas. [Publication]

Chowdhury, K.A. and S.S. Ghosh (1951) Plant remains from Harappa. [Publication]

Chowdhury, K.A. and S.S. Ghosh (1951) Plant remains from Harappa. [Publication]

Colabawala, H.M. (1951) An evaluation of the cardiotonic and other properties of Terminalia arjuna. [Publication]

Colabawalla, H.M. (1951) An evaluation of the cardiotonic and other properties of Terminalia arjuna. [Publication]

Coleman Norton, P.R. (Ed.) (1951) Studies in Roman economic and social history in honor of Allan Chester Johnson. [Publication]


Das Gupta, C.R. et al. (1951) Pernicious anaemia in Asiatic Indians. [Publication]

Dasgupta, P.R. (1951) Epidemic dropsy. [Publication]

Datta, A. and S.C. Datta (1951) Pharmacognostic investigation on Lobelia pyramidalis Vahl, a substitute for Lobelia inflata Linn. [Publication]

Datta, A. and S.C. Datta (1951) Pharmacognostic investigations on Lobelia inflata Linn. [Publication]

Daver, S.R. (1951) A novel method of destroying man-eaters and cattle-lifters without firearms. [Publication]

Deraniyagala, P.E.P. (1951) Elephas maximus, the elephant of Ceylon. Part I. [Publication]

Des\={a}\={\i}, Ra\d{n}jit R\={a}y (1951) \={A}yurvedokt rogo\d{m} k\={\i} vargar\={u}pat\={a}. [Publication]

Devereux, Georges (1951) The Oedipal situation and its consequences in the epics of India. [Publication]

Dey, B.B. and H.C. Friedmann (1951) The oxalate content of gingelly (Sesamum indicum) seeds. [Publication]

Dharmakumarsinh, R.S. (1951) Birds of Saurashtra, India. [Publication]

Dighe, P.Y. and N.V. Joshi (1951) Bactericidal properties of some select plants. [Publication]

Dijon, Henri (1951) De l'influence probable de la médecine indienne sur la médecine grecque. [Publication]

Dybing, F., O. Dybing and K. Briseid Jensen (1951) Toxicity and toxicological chemistry of aconitine and lappaconitine. [Publication]


Fairbairn, J.W. and M.R.I. Saleh (1951) Synergistic effect of a third active glycoside of senna. [Publication]

Filchner, Wilhelm (1951) Wilhelm Filchner: Ein Forscherleben, mit einem Bildnis des Verfassers und f\"{u}nf Karten im Text. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1951) Al-B\={\i}r\={u}n\={\i} and Indian alchemy. [Publication]

Filliozt, J. (1951) L'apport de l'Inde à la médecine universelle. [Publication]


Gaitonde, M.K. and Kamala Sohonte (1951) Trypsin inhibitor in field bean (Dolichos lablab). [Publication]

Ganguly, A. (1951) The history of botanical research in India. [Publication]

Gh\={a}ma\d{n}kar, P.V. (1951) \={A}yurved\={\i}ya au\d{s}adhasa\d{m}\'{s}odhan. [Publication]

Ghosh, B.N. (1951) Need for pharmacognostic study of Indian plants of medicinal value. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1951) History of wax-candles in India (A.D. 1500--1900). [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1951) Indian science of cosmetics and perfumery. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1951) Rasak\={a}madhenu, a work on alchemy by C\={u}\d{d}\={a}ma\d{n}i Mi\'{s}ra and its date -- Between A.D. 1500 and 1700. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1951) Some words for the nut-cracker. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1951) Studies in the history of Indian plants -- Some references to a\'{s}vabal\={a} in the Carakasa\.{m}hit\={a} and the Su\'{s}rutasa\.{m}hit\={a}. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1951) Studies in the history of t\={a}mb\={u}la -- History of the verse about the thirteen qualities of t\={a}mb\={u}la -- Between A.D. 1200 and 1900. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1951) Studies in the history of t\={a}mb\={u}la: some beliefs about the number of ingredients in a t\={a}mb\={u}la. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1951) Two religious poems (in Marathi and Sanskrit) on the Hindu nose-ornaments. [Publication]

Gonda, J. (1951) The \d{R}gvidh\={a}na; English translation with an introduction and notes. [Publication]

Gowda, M. (1951) The story of p\={a}n-chewing in India. [Publication]

Grimes, W.F. (Ed.) (1951) Aspects of archaeology in Britain and beyond: essays presented to O.G.S. Crawford. [Publication]

Gulab Bai (1951) The conception of embryology in ancient India. [Publication]

Gupta, G.N. and Ganesh Chandra (1951) Oil of cyperiol (Cyperus scariosus). [Publication]


Hakim, S.A.E. (1951) Indian remedies for poor memory. [Publication]

Handa, K. L. et al. (1951) [on adulteration]. [Publication]

Handa, K.L., I.C. Chopra and J.D. Kohli (1951) Mitigation of Aconite -- A preliminary note. [Publication]

Handa, K.L., L.D. Kapoor and I.C. Chopra (1951) Drug resources of Himachal Pradesh. [Publication]

Handa, K.L., L.D. Kapoor and I.C. Chopra (1951) Drug resources of Kangra valley. [Publication]

Harrison, S.G. (1951) Manna and its sources. [Publication]

Hla Maw, U. (1951) Common indigenous medicinal plants of Burma. [Publication]

Hoch-Ligeti, C. (1951) Production of liver tumours by dietary means: effect of feeding chilies [Capsicum frutescens and annuum (Linn.)] to rats. [Publication]

Hora, Sunder Lal (1951) Knowledge of the ancient Hindus concerning fish and fisheries of India 3. -- Matsyavinoda or a chapter on angling in the M\={a}nasoll\={a}sa of king Some\'{s}vara (A.D. 1127). [Publication]

Hora, Sunder Lal (1951) Zoological knowledge with special reference to fish and fisheries in India before 225 B.C. [Publication]

Hora, S.L. (1951) History of science and technology in India and South-East Asia. [Publication]

Hora, S.L. (1951) Maintenance of irrigation tanks through fishery revenue in ancient India. [Publication]

Hourani, G.F. (1951) Arab seafaring in the Indian Ocean in ancient and medieval times. [Publication]


Ingle, T.R. and B.V. Bhide (1951) Chemical investigation of the gum from drum-stick plant Moringa pterospermum. [Publication]


Jones, T.W.T. (1951) Deforestation and epidemic malaria in the wet and intermediate zones of Ceylon. [Publication]


Kapoor, L.D., R.N. Chopra and I.C. Chopra (1951) Survey of economic vegetable products of Jammu and Kashmir. [Publication]

Katre, Sadashiva L. (1951) Date of Yogaratn\={a}kara, an anonymous medical compendium - after 1697 A.C. (!). [Publication]

Kazmi, S.M.A. (1951) Some observations on collecting asafoetida or hing. [Publication]

Kenkare, U.W. and Kamala Sohonie (1951) The "phenolase" from brinjal (Solanum melongena). [Publication]

Kirfel, Willibald (1951) Die fünf Elemente, insbesondere Wasser und Feuer; ihre Bedeutung für den Ursprung altindischer und altmediterraner Heilkunde; eine medizingeschichtliche Studie. [Publication]

Kretschmer, Paul (1951) Der Name des Elefanten. [Publication]

Krishnan, M.S. (1951) Mineral resources of Madras. [Publication]


Labat, René (1951) Traité akkadien de diagnostics et prognostics médicaux. [Publication]

Lal, S.B. (1951) Epidemic dropsy in Bihar. [Publication]

Lessing, F.D. (1951) Calling the soul: a Lamaist ritual. [Publication]

Losch, H. (1951) N\={\i}r\={a}jan\={a}. [Publication]

Lucas, E.H., Ardeth Lickfeldt, R.Y. Gottshall and J.C. Jennings (1951) The occurrence of antibacterial substances in seed plants with special reference to Mycobacterium tuberculosis. [Publication]


Mahalingam, T.V. (1951) The Naga cult in India. [Publication]

Mahdihassan, S. (1951) The Chinese origin of three cognate words: chemistry, elixir and genii. [Publication]

Majumdar, G. P. (1951) The history of botany and allied sciences (agriculture, medicine, arbori-horticulture) in ancient India (c. 2000 B.C. to 100 A.D.). [Publication]

Malwad, Shrimati Shantadevi (1951) S\={u}pa\'{s}\={a}stra -- an ancient work on the science and art of cooking,. [Publication]

Mankad, D.R. (1951) Puranic chronology. [Publication]

Marshall, Sir John (1951) Taxila: an illustrated account of archaeological excavations carried out at Taxila under the orders of the Government of India between the years 1913 and 1934. [Publication]

Mehra, P.N. and T.N. Khoshoo (1951) Observations on some colchicine-containing plants. [Publication]

Mukherjee, S.K. (1951) The origin of the mango. [Publication]

Mukherjee, S. and H.C. Srivastava (1951) Structure of the neem (Azadirachta indica) gum. [Publication]

Mukherji, B. and S.C. Datta (1951) Common adulterants and substitutes of crude drugs of the Indian market. [Publication]

Mukherji, S.K. (1951) Epidemic dropsy glaucoma -- Reports of some cases. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1951) Grundsätze altindischer Medizin. [Publication]

Müller, Reinhold F.G. (1951) Traum-lehren altindischer Ärzte. [Publication]


Nayar, S.L. and I.C. Chopra (1951) Distribution of British pharmacopoeial drug-plants and their substitutes growing in India. [Publication]

Needham, Joseph (1951) History of science and technology in India and South-East Asia. [Publication]

Neog, Maheshwar (1951) The worship of Dharma in Assam. [Publication]

Neog, M. (1951) Al, the smallpox goddess of Assam. [Publication]

Neog, Maheswar (1951) Serpent-lore and serpent-worship in Assam. [Publication]

Nobel, Johannes (1951) Ein alter medizinischer Sanskrit-Text und seine Deutung. [Publication]

Nobel, J. (1951) Ein alter medizinischer Sanskrit-Text und seine Deutung. [Publication]


Om Prakash, Atma Ram and Brahma Prakash (1951) Purification of mustard oil contaminated with argemone oil. [Publication]


Pandit, Vasantkumar R. (1951) Omens and portents in Vedic literature. [Publication]

Perera, B.J. (1951) The foreign trade and commerce of ancient Ceylon: I. The ports of ancient Ceylon, II. Ancient Ceylon and its trade with India, III. Ancient Ceylon's trade with the empires of the eastern and western worlds, IV. The exports and imports of ancient Ceylon. [Publication]

Pillai, G. Subramania (1951) Omens and beliefs of the early Tamils. [Publication]

Prasad, S. (1951) Adulteration and spuriousness of crude drugs sold in Indian market and detection of the same. [Publication]


Radhakrishnan, S. (1951) Indian philosophy (first published 1923). [Publication]

Raina, B.L. (1951) Introduction to malaria problem in India. [Publication]

Ramiah, K. and R.L.M. Ghose (1951) Origin and distribution of cultivated plants of South Asia -- Rice. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1951) An old list of medical works in Tamil prepared by Dr. Whitelaw Ainslie. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1951) Seventeenth-century Dutch writers on tropical medicine and tropical herbs. [Publication]

Renou, L. (1951) Sur les Nigha\d{n}\d{t}u védiques. [Publication]

Report (1951) Report of the Pandit Committee. [Publication]

Reynolds, Philip Keep (1951) Earliest evidence of banana culture. [Publication]

Roy, S.C. (1951) Monograph on the gur industry of India. [Publication]


Saikia, B., P.K. Das and B.K. Datta Roy (1951) Turpentine oil and rosin from Pinus khasya (Khasi pine, diengkseh or saral). [Publication]

Sanyal, P.K. (1951) Adulteration and spuriousness of crude drugs sold in Indian market and detection of the same. [Publication]

Sanyal, P.K. (1951) Pharmacognostic researches on Indian medicinal plants. [Publication]

Sarbadhikari, P.C. (1951) Fundamental research in plant anatomy with special reference to identification of crude drugs. [Publication]

Sarma, Jyotirmoyee (1951) Formal and informal relations in the Hindu joint household of Bengal. [Publication]

Schroff, M.L. (1951) Necessity of pharmacognostic researches on Indian medicinal plants. [Publication]

Sen Gupta, J.C. (1951) Medicinal plants and the task of the botanists. [Publication]

Sen, S.P. and J.N. Tayal (1951) A note on the chemical examination of the fruits of Terminalia belerica Roxb. [Publication]

Sengupta, P.C. (1951) A report on kala-azar in Assam. [Publication]

Shanta Devi (1951) S\={u}pa\'{s}\={a}stra, an ancient work on the science and art of cooking. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1951) Dar\'{s}ano\d{m} me\d{m} \={a}yurved. [Publication]

Siggel, Alfred (1951) Die indischen Bücher aus dem Paradies der Weisheit über die Medizin des `Al\={\i} ibn Sahl Rabban a\d{t}-\d{T}abar\={\i}, übersetzt und erläutert. [Publication]

Si\d{m}ha, Dalj\={\i}t (1951) Pr\=ac\={\i}n y\=un\=an vaidyak tath\=a Arab\={\i} hak\={\i}m. [Publication]

Si\d{m}ha, Dalj\={\i}t (1951) Un\=an\={\i} cikits\=a vij\~n\=an, p\=urv\=ardha. [Publication]

Si\d{m}ha, Dalj\={\i}t (1951) Rogan\={a}m\={a}val\={\i}ko\d{s}a tath\={a} vaidyak\={\i}ya m\={a}n-taul. [Publication]

Sinh, Dharmakumar (1951) Birds of Saurashtra. [Publication]

Sircar, N.N. and G.P. Majumdar (1951) discussion of Par\={a}\'{s}ara's V\d{r}k\d{s}\={a}yurveda. [Publication]

Sirsi, M., P.R.J. Gangadharam and N.N. De (1951) Antitubercular activity of Cucurbita pepo. [Publication]

Smith, Paul G. and Charles B. Heiser, Jr. (1951) Taxonomic and genetic studies on the cultivated peppers, Capsicum annuum L. and Capsicum frutescens L. [Publication]

Somander, S.V.O. (1951) Fire-walking in Ceylon. [Publication]

Suga, Ruth (1951) Der Abschnitt \"{u}ber die Weltzeitalter im Brahm\={a}\d{n}\d{d}a-, K\={u}rma-, Li\.{n}ga-, Matsya- und V\={a}yupur\={a}\d{n}a. [Publication]

Suri, J.C. (1951) Anti-tubercular activity of garlic (Allium sativum). [Publication]

Swaroop, Satya (1951) Endemicity of cholera in India. [Publication]

Swaroop, Satya (1951) Epidemiology of cholera in the Madras Presidency. [Publication]

Swift, H.B.N., M.S. Sethi and A. Singh (1951) Studies on hypoglycemic effect of Tephrosia purpurea, var. pumila, II: effect of rutin on blood sugar levels of rabbits. [Publication]


Thieme, P. et al. (Eds.) (1951) Beiträge zur indischen Philologie und Altertumskunde Walther Schubring zum 70.Geburtstag dargebracht von der deutschen Indologie. [Publication]


Vavilov, N.I. (1951) The origin, variation, immunity and breeding of cultivated plants, translated from the Russian by K. Starr Chester. [Publication]

Venkata Rao, C. (1951) Life-history of Muntingia calabura L. [Publication]

Verghese, J. and K.C. Gulati (1951) Turpentine oil from Pinus khasya Royle. [Publication]

Verghese, J. and K.C. Gulati (1951) Turpentine oil from Pinus longifolia Roxb. [Publication]


Wheeler, R. E. M. (1951) Roman contact with India. [Publication]

Wheeler, R.E.M. (1951) Roman contact with India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. [Publication]


Yegnanarayan Aiyer, A.K (1951) The antiquity of some field and forest flora of India. [Publication]

Yegnanarayanan, A.K. (1951) Fifty forest species yielding supplementary food. [Publication]

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