Items where Year is 1950

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Number of items: 168.


Hocart, A.M. (1950) Caste: a comparative study. [Publication]

Acharya, Paramananda (1950) A note on l\={a}k\d{s}\={a} in R\={a}ja\'{s}ekhara's K\={a}vyam\={\i}m\={a}\d{m}s\={a}. [Publication]

Agrawal, V.S. (1950) Games and amusements in P\={a}\d{n}ini's A\d{s}\d{t}\={a}dhy\={a}y\={\i}. [Publication]

Agrawala, V.S. (1950) Soma. [Publication]

Aiyer, A.K.Y.N. (1950) Dairying in ancient India. [Publication]

Antia, M.B. and R. Kaushal (1950) Essential oil from the flowers of camphire or henna plant. [Publication]

Auboyer, J. and M.-T. de Mallmann (1950) {S}\^{\i}tal\^{a}-la-froide, déesse indienne de la petite vérole -- à propos d'une récente acquisition du Musée Guimet. [Publication]

Bailey, D.R. Shackleton (1950) Notes on the Divy\=avad\=ana, Part 1. [Publication]

Balansard, J. and L.M. Giboin (1950) Le droguier indien. [Publication]

Balansard, J. and L.M. Giboin (1950) Panorama de la pharmacie dans l'Union indienne. [Publication]

Ball, J.D. (1950) Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia. [Publication]

Ball, S.H. (1950) A Roman book on precious stones -- including an English modernization of the 37th Booke of the Historie of the World by E. Plinius Secundus. [Publication]

Bapat, P.V. (1950) T\={a}mb\={u}la. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\=ame\'s (1950) Mirc. [Publication]

Bhatt, Sudhir Bimal (1950) Antiquity of Ayurveda. [Publication]

Bhattacharyya, Asutosh (1950) On the cult of the plantain tree and its ethnographical significance in Bengal. [Publication]

Bhishagratna, Achanta Lakshmi Pathi (1950) Mind in health and disease. [Publication]

Bhunvara, N.B. and M.K. Khorana (1950) Plantago mucilage. [Publication]

Bigot, A. (1950) Le jardin botanique de Yanaon. [Publication]

Biswas, K. (1950) The Roysl Botanic Garden, Calcutta. [Publication]

Biswas, K.P. (Ed.) (1950) The original correspondence of Sir Joseph Banks relating to the foundation of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta, and the summary of the 150th Anniversary Volume of the Garden. [Publication]

Biswas, K. and M.A. Sampal Kumaran (1950) Indian Dioscoreas and their role in dietary. [Publication]

Bose, G. (1950) The genesis of homosexuality. [Publication]

Bouquet, R.J. (1950) Cannabis. [Publication]

Burton, R.W. (1950) A bibliography of big game hunting and shooting in India and the East. [Publication]

Burton, R.W. (1950) Knowledge of ancient Hindus on animal life. [Publication]

Chakravarti, R.N., R.N. Chaudhuri and N.K. Chakravarti (1950) Epidemic dropsy -- A new test for Argemone oil. [Publication]

Chakravarti, Tapo Nath (1950) Some flora mentioned in the early medical literature of Bengal and some popular taboos about the use of certain fruits and vegetables. [Publication]

Chapekar, N.G. (1950) Bh\={a}radv\={a}ja. [Publication]

Chapekar, N.G. (1950) The \d{R}gvedic \d{R}sis: Vi\'{s}v\={a}mitra and Ku\'{s}ika. [Publication]

Chaudhuri, R.N. and N.K. Chakravarty (1950) Treatment of epidemic dropsy. [Publication]

Chopra, I.C., J.D. Kohli and K.L. Handa (1950) Indian cascara. [Publication]

Costello, C.H. and E.V. Lynn (1950) Estrogenic substances from plants. I. Glycyrrhiza. [Publication]

Dandekar, R. N. (1950) {H}\d{r}d in the Veda. [Publication]

Datta, A. and D.D. Datta (1950) Pharmacognostic studies on margosa bark and its adulterants. [Publication]

Datta, S.C. and B. Mukerji (1950) Pharmacognosy of Indian root and rhizome drugs. [Publication]

Datta, S.C. and D.D. Datta (1950) Pharmacognostic studies of Vitex negundo Linn. [Publication]

Dave, K.N. (1950) Lac and the lac-insect in the Atharvaveda. [Publication]

Daver, S.R. (1950) A novel method of destroying man-eaters and cattlelifters without fire-arms. [Publication]

Davis, Kingsley (1950) The population of India and Pakistan. [Publication]

Dawkins, J.M. (1950) Zinc and spelter; notes on the early history of zinc from Babylon to the +18th century, compiled for the curious. [Publication]

De, N.N. (1950) Observations on some common deficiency diseases in India. [Publication]

Des\={a}\={\i}, Ra\d{n}jit R\={a}y (1950) Do\d{s}o\d{m} tath\={a} \={a}j k\={\i} dravyar\={u}pat\={a}. [Publication]

Dutta, A.T., B.K. Ghosh and J.C. Gupta (1950) The seasonal variation of alkaloids in different parts of Holarrhena antidysenterica and the alkaloid content in the bark at different ages. [Publication]

Eichbaum, F.W., D. Koch-Wesner and A.T. Leao (1950) Activity of cashew (Anacardium occidentale) nutshell oil in human ancylostomiasis. [Publication]

Esser, A. Albert M. (1950) Zur Frage des ältesten Datums altgriechischer Kenntnis der Staroperation. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1950) Avalokite\c{c}vara d'après un livre récent. [Publication]

Gangolly, S.R. and D. Singh (1950) Distribution of the mango (Mangifera indica L.) and its varieties. [Publication]

Gee, E.P. (1950) Wild Life Reserves in India: Assam. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1950) Date of V\={a}sudeva's commentary on the V\={a}savadatt\={a} of Subandhu -- Between A.D. 1500 and 1700. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1950) History of tin-coating of metallic utensils in India (between A.D. 1300 and 1900). [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1950) P\={a}k\={a}r\d{n}ava, an anonymous medical work and its date -- Between c. A.D. 1650 and 1800. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1950) Recipes for hair-dyes in the N\={a}van\={\i}taka (c. 2nd century A.D.) and their close affinity with the recipes for ink-manufacture (after A.D. 1000). [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1950) Some further notes on the history of the fig (a\~{n}j\={\i}ra) -- between 2500 B.C. and A.D. 1900. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1950) Some references to the sugar-cane in poetic imagery and in other contexts. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1950) Studies in the history of t\={a}mb\={u}la -- Use of t\={a}mb\={u}la outside India between A.D. 650 and 1900. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1950) The history and chronology of a N\={a}gara Brahmin family of physicians in Gujar\={a}t -- A.D. 1275--1475. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1950) The history of maize (mak\={a}) in India -- Between A.D. 1500 and 1900. [Publication]

Gopalan, C. (1950) The lathyrism syndrome. [Publication]

Gupta, J.C., P.K. Roy and G.K. Ray (1950) Pharmacological action of an active constituent isolated from Daemia extensa (Linn.) R.Br. (syn. Pergularia extensa). [Publication]

Hammett, Frederick S. (1950) Agricultural and botanic knowledge of ancient India. [Publication]

Haskar, C.N. and S.G. Kendurkar (1950) Study of nirmali (Strychnos potatorum) seeds, I. [Publication]

Hill, E.G. (1950) Colouring principle of the flowers of Nyctanthes arbor-tristis. [Publication]

Hoffman, H. (1950) Quellen zur Geschichte der tibetischen Bon-Religion. [Publication]

Hora, S. L. (1950) Knowledge of the ancient Hindus concerning fish and fisheries of India. [Publication]

Howes, F.N. (1950) Age-old resins of the Mediterranean region and their uses. [Publication]

Huard, P. (1950) Sciences et techniques de l'Eurasie. [Publication]

Huberman, M.A. (1950) Asian and Pacific forestry. [Publication]

Hummel, Siegbert (1950) Der Medizin-Buddha und seine Begleiter im lamaistischen Pantheon. [Publication]

Hummel, Siegbert (1950) Der Medizin-buddha und seine Begleiter im lamaistischen Pantheon. [Publication]

Husain, Syed Khaja Mahboob (1950) Medicines among Gonds, Kolams and Chenchus. [Publication]

Jain, Jyoti Prasad (1950) Jaina gurus of the name of P\={u}jyap\={a}da. [Publication]

Jain, Jyoti Prasad (1950) Ugr\={a}ditya's Kaly\={a}\d{n}ak\={a}raka and {R}\={a}magiri. [Publication]

Jayaram, K.C. (1950) Some observations on the knowledge of the ancient Hindus regarding animal life during the early Jain and Buddhist period (c.600 B.C.). [Publication]

Kadambi, K. (1950) Lannea grandis Engl. (Odina wodier Roxb.). [Publication]

Karve, Irawati (1950) A Marathi version of the Oedipus story. [Publication]

Kashikar, C.G. (1950) review of the A\d{s}\d{t}\={a}\.{n}gah\d{r}dayasa\d{m}hit\={a} with the {V}\={a}kyaprad\={\i}pik\={a} commentary of Parame\'{s}vara, part 1, ed. by Vayaskara N.S. Mooss. [Publication]

Ker Cross (1950) Ancient mines and miners of India. [Publication]

Khorana, M.L. and M.B. Vangikar (1950) Ocimum basilicum, Part II -- Antibacterial properties. [Publication]

Kosambi, D.D. (1950) On the origin of Brahmin gotras. [Publication]

Krishnamoorthy, K. (1950) The conception of personality in the Caraka-Sa\.{m}hit\={a} and the concept of praj\~{n}\={a}par\={a}dha. [Publication]

Krishnan, P.P. and P.C. Guha (1950) Mysore cardamom oil. [Publication]

Kunhan Raja, C. (1950) Some aspects of education in ancient India. [Publication]

Kurup, P.A. and P.L. Narasimha Rao (1950) Antibiotic principles from Moringa pterygosperma. [Publication]

Lakshmipathi, Achanta (1950) Mind in health and disease. [Publication]

Limuksorn, U., P. Hutangura and C. Suvagondha (1950) Identification and preparation of Holarrhena antidysenterica. [Publication]

Lommel, Herman (1950) Bh\d{r}gu im Jenseits. [Publication]

MacDonald, D. (1950) Surgeon Twoe and a barber -- Being some account of the life and work of the Indian Medical Service 1600--1947. [Publication]

Mahdihassan, S. (1950) The Chinese origin of the word "rice". [Publication]

Majumdar, D.C. (Ed.) (1950) Encyclopaedia of Indian physical culture: a comprehensive survey of the physical education in India profusely illustrating various activities of physical culture, games, exercises, etc., as handed over to us from our forefathers and practised in India,. [Publication]

Malaviya, Pandit Mahavirprasad (1950) B\={a}larog cikits\={a}. [Publication]

Mantell, C. L. (1950) The natural hard resins -- their botany. [Publication]

Marshall, Edison (1950) Shikar and safari. [Publication]

Marudarajan, D. (1950) Note on Orobanche cernua Loeft. [Publication]

McDonald, D. (1950) Surgeons Twoe and a barber -- being some account of the life and work of the Indian Mediacl Service (1600--1947). [Publication]

Mcdonald, Donald (1950) Surgeons two and a barber. History of the Indian Medical Service 1600--1947. [Publication]

Mitra, G.C. and S.N. Bal (1950) Pharmacognostic studies of the leaves and stems of Andrographis paniculata Nees. [Publication]

Mooney, H.F. (1950) Supplement to the Botany of Bihar and Orissa. [Publication]

Mooss, N.S. (1950) The Lalit\={a} Vy\={a}khy\={a} on A\d{s}\d{t}\={a}\.{n}ga-h\d{r}daya. [Publication]

Mukerji, B. and J.N. Karkun (1950) Indian Aloes. [Publication]

Mukherjee, Charulal (1950) Bratas in Bengal: A cult of beauty. [Publication]

Mukherjee, S.K. (1950) Wild mangoes of India. [Publication]

Mukherji, S.K. (1950) Survey and collection of wild sugarcane relatives from India. [Publication]

Müller, Reinhold F.G. (1950) Zum Blaseneinschnitt beim Weibe in der altindischen Medizin. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1950) Zur Aufnahme der Altmedizin in die grossen Sammelwerke der indischen Ärzteschulen. [Publication]

Naik, K.C. and S.R. Gangolly (1950) A monograph on classification and nomenclature of South Indian mangoes. [Publication]

Nair, P.V. and K.S. Madhavan Pillai (1950) Indigenous drugs I -- Preliminary chemical examination of the roots of Rhabdia lycioides Mart. [Publication]

Namjoshi, A.N. (1950) Ayurveda and its future development in the country. [Publication]

Narayana Rao, D. (1950) Ayurvedaa survey; being a brief historical and scientific outline of the indigenous system of medicine,. [Publication]

Nebesky-Wojkowitz, René de (1950) The use of thread-crosses in Lepcha Lamaist ceremonies. [Publication]

Pal, N. and R.J. Irani (1950) The antibacterial principle of betel leaf -- A preliminary note. [Publication]

Patel, I.S. and P.C. Guha (1950) Indian rosin oil from Pinus excelsa Wall. [Publication]

Patwardhan, Gangadhar G. (1950) Wrestling. [Publication]

Pendse, G.S., G.G. Kane and S.N. Yeravdekar (1950) Loha bhasma. [Publication]

Prasad, S. and P.N. Prabhu (1950) A pharmacognostical study of stem and leaf of Adhatoda vasica Nees. [Publication]

Rai Chaudhuri, H.N. and S.C. Datta (1950) Pharmacognostic studies on ayapana. [Publication]

Ram, S. (1950) Karela and diabetes. [Publication]

Ranganathan, S.R. (1950) Source materials for the history of medicine. [Publication]

Rao, S. Raghunandana and S. Natarajan (1950) On "morellin", the antibacterial principle of the seeds of Garcinia morella Desrous. [Publication]

Ravi Varma, L.A. (1950) Alcoholism in Ayurveda. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1950) A note on "Carucarya" of Bhoja. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1950) Ante-natal care and neo-natal rituals in ancient India (based on Bana's Kadambari (a Sanskrit romance of 7th century A.D.). [Publication]

Renou, L. (1950) The Vedic schools and epigraphy. [Publication]

Renou, L. (1950) Un thème littéraire en sanskrit: les saisons. [Publication]

Renou, L. (1950) Védique \d{r}t\'{u}-. [Publication]

Report (1950) Commission on the ancient system of medicine, Sessional Paper 17. [Publication]

Ribeiro, D.J. (1950) Camphor production from Ocimum kilimandscharicum Guerke. [Publication]

Roy, A.C. (1950) A simple method for removal of the toxic alkaloids from mustard oil adulterated with Argemone. [Publication]

Roy, P.K. (1950) Effects of Rauwolfia serpentina on maniac patients. [Publication]

Ruggles Gates, R. (1950) Genetics and taxonomy of the cultivated Brassicas and their wild relatives. [Publication]

Santapau, H. (1950) The genus Dioscorea in Bombay State. [Publication]

Sanyal, P.K (1950) Argemone and nustard seeds. [Publication]

Sanyal, S.N. (1950) Sterility effect of the oil of Pisum sativum. [Publication]

S\={a}rasvata, Somadeva \'{S}arm\={a} (1950) Caraka muni. [Publication]

\'{S}arm\={a}, Raghuv\={\i}r\'{s}ara\d{n} (1950) Dhanvantari-paricaya. [Publication]

\'{S}arm\={a}, Raghuv\={\i}r\'{s}ara\d{n} (1950) Dhanvantari-paricaya. [Publication]

Savnur, H.V. (1950) Ayurvedic Materia Medica with principles of pharmacology and therapeutics. [Publication]

Sen Gupta K.K. and J. Sen Gupta (1950) On some abandoned mines in Nilgiri and Waynaad and their economic possibilities. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1950) \={A}yurvedamahatvam. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1950) Development of Ayurveda in Bihar. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1950) Do\d{s}o\d{m} k\={\i} k\={a}ra\d{n}atvam\={\i}m\={a}\d{s}\={a}. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1950) Rogi-par\={\i}k\d{s}\={a}vidhi. [Publication]

Shende, N.J. (1950) A\.{n}giras in the Vedic literature. [Publication]

Shrivastava, R.C., R.S. Krishnamurthy and C.R. Athawale (1950) Oil from the seed of gokhru (Xanthium strumarium Linn.). [Publication]

Si\d{m}ha, Dalj\={\i}t (1950) Y\={u}n\={a}n\={\i} vaidyak ke \={a}dh\={a}rbh\={u}t siddh\={a}nt (kulliy\={a}t). [Publication]

Sircar, Nityendra Nath (1950) An introduction to the V\d{r}k\d{s}\={a}yurveda of Par\={a}\'{s}ara. [Publication]

Srivastava, R.C., R.S. Krishnamurthy and C.R. Athawale (1950) Oil from the seed of gokhru (Xanthium strumarium Linn.). [Publication]

Subramanian, R. (1950) Analysis of ancient glass beads. [Publication]

\'{S}ukla, Hak\={\i}m Mans\={a} R\={a}m (1950) {Y}\={u}n\={a}n\={\i} Cikits\={a} {S}\={a}gara. [Publication]

\'{S}ukla, Hak\={\i}m Mans\={a} R\={a}m (1950) Y\={u}n\={a}n\={\i} Cikits\={a} S\={a}gara. [Publication]

S\={u}rya K\={a}nta (1950) Was the commentator of the AV. identical with S\={a}ya\d{n}a of the RV. ? [Publication]

Syed, K.M.H. (1950) Medicines among Gonds, Kolams and Chenchus. [Publication]

Symposium, National, on `Emerging Trends in Indian Medicinal Plants', Symposium Report in: Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 3, 1, 116--120. Symposium on the history of sciences in South Asia, Proceedings of the National Institute of Sciences of Ind (1950) Sir Joseph Hooker and the rhododendrons of Sikkim-Himalaya. [Publication]

Thomas, L. Jr. (1950) Out of this world: across the Himalayas to forbidden Tibet. [Publication]

Vallauri, M. (1950) Medicina indiana e indologia nelle lettere del Sassetti. [Publication]

Varshneya, Y.P. (1950) Glass in ancient India. [Publication]

Vishva Bandhu (1950) An Atharvan hymn to lac (l\={a}k\d{s}\={a}). [Publication]

Vishva Bandhu (Ed.) (1950) Siddha-Bh\={a}rat\={\i} or The Rosary of Indology, presenting 108 original papers on Indological subjects in honour of the 60th birthday of Dr. Siddheshwar Varma, Part I. [Publication]

Vishwanathan, D.K. (1950) Malaria and its control in Bombay State. [Publication]

Vi\'{s}v\={a}s, K\={a}l\={\i}pad (1950) Bh\={a}rat\={\i}ya Vanau\d{s}adhi. [Publication]

Weber, Thomas (1950) Hugging the trees: the story of the Chipko movement. [Publication]

Whitaker, Thomas W. and G. W. Bohn (1950) The taxonomy. [Publication]

Whitaker, Thomas W. and G.W. Bohn (1950) The taxonomy, genetics, production and uses of the cultivated species of Cucurbita. [Publication]

Williams, J.H. (1950) Elephant Bill. [Publication]

Williams, A. Hyatt (1950) A psychiatric study of Indian soldiers in the Arakan. [Publication]

Williams, A. Hyatt (1950) A psychiatric study of Indian soldiers in the Arakan. [Publication]

Wynter-Blyth, A.M. (1950) History of the Gir lion in Junagarh state. [Publication]

Yegnanarayanan, A.K. (1950) Field crops of India. [Publication]

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