Items where Year is 1949

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Number of items: 99.

Agrawal, V.S. (1949) The fauna in Pa\d{n}ini's A\d{s}\d{t}\={a}dhy\={a}y\={\i}. [Publication]

Aiyar, A.K.Y.N. (1949) Agricultural and allied arts in Vedic India. [Publication]

Aiyer, A.K.Y.N. (1949) Mixed cropping in India. [Publication]

Aiyer, A.K.Y.N. (1949) Agriculture and allied arts in Vedic India. [Publication]

Andrews, Alfred C. (1949) The bean and Indo-European totemism. [Publication]

Balansard, J. and L.M. Giboin (1949) L'évolution historique et les tendances actuelles de la médecine traditionnelle dans l'Union indienne. [Publication]

Balendra, W. (1949) The effect of betel chewing on the dental and oral tissues and its possible relationship to buccal carcinoma. [Publication]

Bed\={\i}, R\={a}me\'{s} (1949) \'{S}ahad. [Publication]

Bertsch, Karl and Franz Bertsch (1949) Geschichte unserer Kulturpflanzen. [Publication]

Bhargava, B.S. (1949) The criminal tribes: a socio-economic study of the principal criminal tribes and castes in northern India. [Publication]

Biswas, Dilip Kumar (1949) The Maga ancestry of Var\={a}hamihira. [Publication]

Boiteau, P.,A. Buzas, E. Lederer and J. Polonsky (1949) Derivatives of Centella asiatica used against leprosy. [Publication]

Boussel, Patrice (1949) Histoire illustrée de la pharmacie. [Publication]

Boyd, Willam C. and Rose M. Reguera (1949) Hemagglutinating substances for human cells in various plants. [Publication]

Boyd, William C. and Rose M. Reguera (1949) Hemagglutinating substances for human cells in various plants. [Publication]

Chakravarty, H.L. (1949) A revision of the Indian Passifloraceae. [Publication]

Chatterjee, R. (1949) Rasanjana of the Hindus. [Publication]

Chatterjee, R. and J.K. Lahiri (1949) Studies on Indian belladonna. [Publication]

Chi Hsien-Lin (1949) Indian physiognomical characteristics in the Official Annals of the Three Kingdoms, Chin, and Southern and Northern Dynasties. [Publication]

Crane, Julian C. (1949) Roselle -- A potentially important plant fiber. [Publication]

Das, S.B. (1949) On the economic importance of Phyllanthus emblica. [Publication]

Datta, D. (1949) Identity of A. calamus Linn. of the Indian market. [Publication]

Datta, D. D. (1949) Identity of Acorus calamus of Indian market. [Publication]

Datta, S.C. (1949) Pharmacognostic studies on commercial varieties of roots of Rauwolfia. [Publication]

Datta, S.C., V.L.N. Rao and D.D. Datta (1949) Pharmacognostic identification of leaves of Lobelia inflata L., L. nicotianifolia Heyne and L. excelsa Lesch from commercial samples. [Publication]

Decaux, F. (1949) Uricolytic properties of madder. [Publication]

Deerr, Noel (1949) The history of sugar. [Publication]

Desai, C.M. and M.T. Vyas (1949) Chemical investigation of the seeds of Jatropha curcas Linn. [Publication]

Dharma, P.C. (1949) The status of women during the Epic period. [Publication]

Diepgen, Paul (1949) Geschichte der Medizin, Band I. [Publication]

Emeneau, M.B. (1949) The strangling figs in Sanskrit literature. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1949) L'Inde Classique -- Manuel des Etudes indiennes (en collaboration avec L. Renou, etc.). [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1949) La doctrine classique de la médecine indienne; ses origines et ses parallèles grecs. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1949) Les échanges de l'Inde et de l'empire romain aux premiers siècles de l'ère chrétienne. [Publication]

Forsdike, J.L. and B. Johnson (1949) Indian henbane, part I. [Publication]

Gayatonde, N.S., K.C. Chatterjee and M.L. Khorana (1949) Pharmacognostic studies of Symplocos racemosa Roxb. and S. beddomei C.B. Clarke. [Publication]

George, Mariam and K.M. Pandalai (1949) Investigations on plant antibiotics, part IV: further search for antibiotic substances in Indian medicinal plants. [Publication]

Ghosh, B.N. (1949) Pharmacology, materia medica and therapeutics. [Publication]

Giboin, L.M. (1949) Épitomé de botanique et de matière médicale de l'Inde et spécialement des établissements fran\c{c}ais dans l'Inde (Contribution à l'étude de la pharmacopée et de la médecine ayurvédique. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1949) History of ambergris in India -- Between about A.D. 700 and 1900. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1949) Notes on the history of glass-vessels and glass-bangles in India, South-Arabia and Central Asia. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1949) Some cultural gleanings from the J\~{n}\={a}nak\={a}\d{n}\d{d}a of the K\={a}\'{s}yapasa\.{m}hit\={a} of the Vaikh\={a}nasas. [Publication]

Gordon, Benjamin Lee (1949) Medicine throughout antiquity. [Publication]

Govindaswamy, M.V. (1949) Need for research in systems of Indian philosophy and Ayurveda with special reference to psychological medicine. [Publication]

Govindswamy, M.V. (1949) Need for research in systems of Indian philosophy and Ayurveda with special reference to psychological medicine. [Publication]

Gowda, M.H.M. (1949) Early history of the botanic garden, Bangalore. [Publication]

Goyal, J. R. (1949) Guide to indigenous drugs. [Publication]

Greenberg, D. (1949) Mucilage in psyllium seeds. [Publication]

Grégoire, Henri, avec la collaboration de R. Goossens et de M. Mathieu (1949) Asklèpios, Apollon Smintheus et Rudra: Études sur le dieu à la taupe et le dieu au rat dans la Grèce et dans l'Inde. [Publication]

Hancie, Sir Bennett (1949) The development and goal of western medicine in the Indian sub-continent. [Publication]

Handiqui, Krishna Kanta (1949) Ya\'{s}astilaka and Indian culture or Somadeva's Ya\'{s}astilaka and aspects of Jainism and Indian thought and culture in the 10th century. [Publication]

Harris, Hubert A. (1949) Antibacterial activity of seedling extracts of cultivated plants. [Publication]

Kehra, N.D. and S.S. Nagi (1949) Neem leaves as a feed for livestock. [Publication]

Keith, A. Berriedale (1949) The S\={a}\d{m}khya System -- A history of the Samkhya philosophy. [Publication]

Kirfel, W. (1949) Die Leistungen der altindischen Chirurgie. [Publication]

Krishna, S. and K.L. Badhwar (1949) Aromatic plants of India, part IX. [Publication]

Leach, E.R. (1949) Tree-fern sago. [Publication]

Lohuizen-de Leeuw, J.E. van (1949) The "Scythian" period: an approach to the history, art, epigraphy and palaeography of North India from the 1st century B.C. to the 3rd century A.D. [Publication]

Luzio, Leopoldina (1949) La fortuna dell'`Itinerario' di Ludovico De Varthema bolognese nella letteratura e nella cartografia contemporanea. [Publication]

Majumdar, G.P. (1949) Plants in erotics. [Publication]

Mandelbaum, David G. (1949) The family in India. [Publication]

Mantell, C.L. (1949) The water-soluble gums -- their botany, sources and utilization. [Publication]

Milward, R.C. (1949) The Indian Forest Service: its origin and progress. [Publication]

Mooss, Vayaskara (1949) The All India Ayurvedic Directory, No. 5. [Publication]

Mukherjee, S.K. (1949) A monograph on the genus Mangifera L. [Publication]

Mukherjee, S.K. (1949) The mango and its relatives. [Publication]

Mukherji, S. (1949) A monograph on the genus Mangifera L. [Publication]

Müller, Reinhold F.G. (1949) Altindische Lehren von den Knochenbrüchen. [Publication]

Naik, K.C. (1949) South Indian fruits and their culture. [Publication]

Nigam, Ram Ghulam Singh, K.C. Pandya and Jagat Narayan Tayal (1949) Chemical examination of the seeds of Luffa graveolens Roxb. and Luffa echinata Roxb. [Publication]

Pathak, Ramraksha (1949) Marmavij\~{n}\={a}n. [Publication]

Pattanaik, Shyamananda (1949) A comparative studu of the catalase activity of the petal and leaves of Hibiscus rosasinensis. [Publication]

Raghu Vira and K. N. Dave (1949) Indian scientific nomenclature of the birds of India, Burma and Ceylon. [Publication]

Ramaswami Reddiar, O.P. (1949) Hindu system of medicine and the spirit of service: an address by the premier of Madras. [Publication]

Rao, K.N.A. and S.L. Kabra (1949) Tick-borne relapsing fever in Kashmir. [Publication]

Rastogi, R.P., V.N. Sharma and S.M. Siddiqui (1949) Chemical examination of Picrorrhiza kurroa. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1949) Medical books in Tippoo Sultan's library. [Publication]

Roy, A.C. (1949) Lecithin and venom haemolysis. [Publication]

Sen, Surendranath (Ed.) (1949) Indian travels of Thevenot and Careri: being the third part of the travels of M. De Thevenot into the Levant and the third part of a voyage round the world by Dr. John Francis. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1949) \={A}yurvedamahatvam. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1949) Bih\={a}r me\d{m} \={a}yurved. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1949) Bih\={a}r me\d{m} \={a}yurved\={\i}ya patra-patrik\={a}ye\d{m}. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1949) Bih\={a}r me\d{m} \={a}yurved\={\i}ya \'{s}ik\d{s}\={a} k\={a} si\d{m}h\={a}valokan. [Publication]

Sharma, P.V. (1949) Sark\={a}r k\={\i} sv\={a}sthya-n\={\i}ti aur \={a}yurved. [Publication]

Shende, N.J. (1949) The foundations of the Atharva\d{n}ic religion. [Publication]

Shivarama Krishnan, P.R. (1949) Studies on the preparation of ascorbic acid from the Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica). [Publication]

Singh, Thakur Balwant (1949) Pr\=arambhik udbhid\'s\=astra. [Publication]

Sinha, T.C. (1949) Some psychoanalytical observations on the Siva linga. [Publication]

Sircar, D.C. (1949) K\={a}yastha. [Publication]

Sternbach, Ludwik (1949) Juridical studies in ancient Indian law 14. Legal position of physicians in ancient India. V. Legal responsibility of physicians for improper medical treatment. [Publication]

Stoner, C.R. and E. Anderson (1949) Maize among the hill people of Assam. [Publication]

Stracey, P.D. (1949) Rhino horn. [Publication]

Theophilus, F. and R. Arulanantham (1949) Analysis of some edible green leaves in South India. [Publication]

Tucci, Giuseppe (1949) Tibetan painted scrolls -- An artistic and symbolic illustration of 172 Tibetan paintings preceded by a survey of the historical, artistic, literary and religious development of Tibetan culture, with an article of P. Pelliot on a Mongol edict, the transla. [Publication]

Vakil, R.J. (1949) A clinical trial of Rauwolfia serpentina in essential hypertension. [Publication]

Verghese, James, K.C. Gulati and M.L. Joshi (1949) Production of thymol from ajowan seeds. [Publication]

Vierzig, Katharina (1949) Beiträge zur Kenntnis tibetischer Pharmakologie. [Publication]

Wallis, T.E. and S. Rohatgi (1949) The pharmacognosy of Rauwolfia. [Publication]

Yashpal (1949) Surgery and medicine in the days of Gautama. [Publication]

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