Items where Year is 1942

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Number of items: 86.


`Abd al-`Az\={\i}z (1942) The Imperial treasury of the Indian Mu\b{g}\b{h}uls. [Publication]

Agrawal, V.S. (1942) The meaning of bhastrika. [Publication]

Airan, J.W. and S.V. Shah (1942) The fat from the seeds of Vangueria spinosa (N.O. Rubiaceae). [Publication]

Airan, J.W. and S.V. Shah (1942) The fatty oils from the seeds of Momordica charantia and Momordica dioica (N.O. Cucurbitaceae). [Publication]


Bagchi, P.C. (1942) A fragment of the K\={a}\'{s}yapa-sa\d{m}hit\={a} in Chinese. [Publication]

Bal, S.N. (1942) Useful plants of Mayurbhanj State of Orissa. [Publication]

Bhattacharyya, D.Ch. (1942) Bharata Mallika and his patron. [Publication]

Biswas, K. (Ed.) (1942) The 150th Anniversary Volume of the Royal Botanic Garden. [Publication]

Bose, Atindra Nath (1942) Social and rural economy of northern India (c.600 B.C.--A.D. 200), I, II. [Publication]

Bose, P.K. (1942) Utilization of plant drug resources in India. [Publication]


Caius, J.F. (1942) Medicinal and poisonous mallowworts. [Publication]

Caius, J.F. (1942) The medicinal mallowworts of India. [Publication]

Carelli, A. (1942) Contributi alla storia dell'antica medicina indiana. [Publication]

Chakravarti, H.L. (1942) The identity of punarnaba. [Publication]

Chakravarty, B.K. et al. (1942) Pancreatic beta cell regeneration: a novel antidiabetic mechanism of Pterocarpus marsupium. [Publication]

Chandrasekhara, S.N. and T. Venkatarama (1942) Some common fodder-yielding trees in the Madras Presidency -- I. [Publication]

Chattopadhyay, Kshitishchandra P. (1942) Dharma worship. [Publication]

Chen, K.K. and F.A. Steldt (1942) Cerberin and cerberoside, the cardiac principles of Cerbera odollam. [Publication]

Chen, K.K. and Frank A. Steldt (1942) Cerberin and cerberoside, the cardiac principles of Cerbera odollam. [Publication]

Chopra, R.N., B.C. Bose, J.C. Gupta and I.C. Chopra (1942) A preliminary study of pharmacological action of Cerbera odollam glucoside. [Publication]

Chopra, R.N., G.S. Chopra and I.C. Chopra (1942) Cannabis sativa in relation to mental diseases and crimes in India. [Publication]

Chopra, R.N., R.L. Badhwar and S.L. Nayar (1942) Insecticidal and piscicidal plants of India. [Publication]

Chowhan, J.S. (1942) Role of venom therapy in painful conditions. [Publication]

Codellas, Pan S. (1942) The Pantocrator, the imperial Byzantine medical center of XIIth century A.D. in Constantinople. [Publication]


Dey, J.C. (1942) The East India Company's trade in arecanuts (1660--1661) and the seizure of M\={\i}r Jumla's ship. [Publication]

Dunn, J.A. (1942) The economic geology and mineral resources of Bihar Province. [Publication]

Dutt, A.T., Sudhamoy Ghosh and Ram Nath Chopra (1942) The chemical investigation of the gum resin of Balsamodendron mukul Hook. [Publication]


Elwin, Verrier (1942) The Agaria. [Publication]

Esser, A. Albert M. (1942) Die Augenheilkunde im handschriftlich frühesten medizinischen Text Altindiens. [Publication]

Esser, A. Albert M. (1942) Die Ophthalmologie im Bower-Manuskript. [Publication]

Esser, A. Albert M. (1942) Zur Frühgeschichte der Starlehre. [Publication]


Fa Chow (1942) S\={u}kara-maddava and the Buddha's death. [Publication]

Ford Robertson, F.C. (1942) Fifteen years' forest administration in the United Provinces. [Publication]

Fowler, Murray (1942) The role of sur\={a} in the myth of Namuci. [Publication]


Ganguli, K.K. (1942) Jewellery in ancient India. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1942) A topical analysis of the Bhojana-kut\={u}hala, a work on dietetics, composed by Raghun\={a}tha \ - Between A.D. 1675 and 1700. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1942) Karp\={u}r\={\i}ya \'{S}ivadatta and his medical treatises -- Between A.D. 1625 and 1700. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1942) The identification of Raghun\={a}tha, the protégé of queen D\={\i}p\={a}b\={a}\={\i} of Tanjore and his contact with saint R\={a}mad\={a}sa -- Between A.D. 1648 and 1682. [Publication]

Gore, M.S. (1942) Urbanization and family change. [Publication]


Hornell, James (1942) The Indian chank in folklore and religion. [Publication]

Hornell, James (1942) The chank shell cult of India. [Publication]


Iyengar, M.G.S. (1942) Simple remedies in Ayurveda. [Publication]


Johnston, E.H. (1942) Ctesias on Indian manna. [Publication]

Jurriaanse, M.W. (1942) The lady of Trincomalee. Fact and fiction about Francina van Reede. [Publication]


Katre, Sumitra Mangesh (1942) On some words for 'child' in Indo-Aryan. [Publication]

Kopper, W. and L. Jungblut (1942) The water buffalo and zebu in Central India. [Publication]

Kuppuswami Sastri, S. (1942) Sri Visnusahasranama Stotra (Foreword to: Sri Visnusahasranama Stotra with Sankara Bhasya and Tamil translation by Sri V. Narayanan). [Publication]


Lüders, Heinrich (1942) Von indischen Tieren. [Publication]

Lal, R.B. and A.C. Das Gupta (1942) Investigations into the epidemiology of epidemic dropsy, part XV. [Publication]

Lowe, J. (1942) Comments on the history of leprosy. [Publication]


Mariadassou, P. (1942) Histoire de la médecine hindoue. [Publication]

Mertens, R. (1942) Die Familie der Warane (Varanidae) -- Teil 1--3. [Publication]

Mukherji, P. (1942) Chemical test for the detection of Argemone oil. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1942) Grundlagen altindischer Medizin. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1942) Zu Vorstellungen altindischer Ärzte über Fortpflanzungsstoffe. [Publication]


Nolling, Theodor (1942) Lamaistische Zaubermedizin: Die 3 Essenzen im menschlichen Körper und die 400 Heilpräparate des Tibet-Arztes. [Publication]


Paramasivan (1942) Metallography of Indo-Greek bronze coins from Taxila. [Publication]

Patel, N.D. and P.A. Shah (1942) Observations on pellagra in Bombay. [Publication]

Perumalil, A.C. (1942) The India of the early Greeks and Romans from the time of Alexander's invasion till the fall of Alexandria 326 BC to AD 641. [Publication]

Puntambekar, S.V. (1942) The fatty oil from the seed of Mallotus philippinensis Muel. [Publication]


Qazilbash, N. A. (1942) Some observations on Indian Artemisia. [Publication]


Raizada, M.B. (1942) Name changes in important Indian plants. [Publication]

Rajnath and B. Prasad (1942) A note on the occurrence of shilajit. [Publication]

Ramaswami, S. (1942) Bitter principles of the neem oil. [Publication]

Rao, S.R. (1942) Some epidemiological factors of guinea-worm disease as noticed in a recent survey of the Osmanabad district. [Publication]

Report (1942) Report of the Mysore Committee on Indigenous Systems of Medicine. [Publication]

Robertson, F. (1942) Fifteen years of forest administration in the United Provinces: a short retrospect. [Publication]

Roy, S.K. (1942) Mineralogy and mining in ancient India. [Publication]


Saletore, B.A. (1942) Historical notes on the Lok\={a}yatas. [Publication]

\'{S}\={a}str\={\i}, Durg\={a}\'{s}a\d{m}kar Kevalr\={a}m (1942) \={A}yurvedno itih\={a}s. [Publication]

\'{S}\={a}str\={\i}, Durg\={a}\'{s}a\d{m}kar Kevalr\={a}m (1942) \={A}yurvedno itih\={a}s. [Publication]

Seth, H.C. (1942) Certain Vedic, Avestan and Greek traditions and the age of the \d{R}gveda. [Publication]

Shah, S.V., J.W. Airan and A.V. Rege (1942) Fatty oil from the fruit of Maertnia diandra ({N}.{O}. Pedaliaceae). [Publication]

Sharma, Har Dutt (1942) Para\'{s}ur\={a}maprat\={a}pa -- Its authorship, date and the authorities quoted in it. [Publication]

Shastri, D. K. (1942) \={A}yurvedno itih\={a}s. [Publication]

Siddiqui, S. (1942) A note on the isolation of three new bitter principles from the nim oil. [Publication]

Singh, Bawa Kartar and Brijmohan Saran (1942) The fatty oils from the seeds of Mallotus philippinensis Muell.Arg (Natural Order Euphorbiaceae). [Publication]

Sircar, N.N. (1942) Identification of indigenous drugs rasna and vandaka -- Differentiation with reference to Vanda roxburghii. [Publication]

Srinivas, M.N. (1942) Marriage and family in Mysore. [Publication]

Swaminath, C.S., H.E. Shortt and L.A.P. Anderson (1942) Transmission of Indian kala-azar to man by the bite of Phlebotomus argentipes. [Publication]


Tanaka, T. (1942) Principal Citrus fruits of India. [Publication]

Thieme, P. (1942) \'{S}i\d{m}\'{s}um\={a}ra "Schnabeldelphin". [Publication]


Vallauri, Mario (1942) La `\'{S}ivag\={\i}t\={a}'. [Publication]

Varier, Vaidyaratnam P.S. (1942) Brhacchariram: a detailed work on human anatomy and physiology in Sanskrit, combining the ancient and modern knowledge on the subject, with various illustrations and colour plates. [Publication]

Velankar, H.D. (1942) Divod\={a}sa Atithigva and the other Atithigvas. [Publication]

Vries, Jan de (1942) Rood-wit-zwart. [Publication]

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