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Adhya, P. C. and R. B. Roy (1940) [on the oxytocic activity of an a\'soka extract]. [Publication]

Agrawala, Vasudeva S. (1940) Maireya in P\={a}\d{n}ini. [Publication]


Bal, S.N. (1940) An outline of pharmacopoeial drugs of vegetable origin. [Publication]

Banerjee, D.N. (1940) A rapid survey of the evolution of Hindu medicine during the last 6000 years with a review of contemporary history of the world. [Publication]

Biswas, K. (1940) The Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta. [Publication]

Bor, N.L. (1940) Recent changes in the names of Indian grasses. [Publication]

Bose, S.R. and A.B. Bose (1940) An account of edible mushrooms of India. [Publication]

Butenandt, Adolf (1940) Zur Charakterisierung des oestrogen wirksamen Tokokinins aus Butea superba. [Publication]


Caius, J.F. (1940) The medicinal and poisonous Composites of India. [Publication]

Caius, J.F. (1940) The medicinal and poisonous Composites of India: Compositae. [Publication]

Caius, J.F. (1940) The medicinal and poisonous flaxworts of India. [Publication]

Caius, J.F. (1940) The pomegranate. [Publication]

Chandra, Moti (1940) Cosmetics and coiffure in ancient India. [Publication]

Chandra, Moti (1940) Costumes and coiffure in ancient India. [Publication]

Chopra, R.N. (1940) Use of hemp drugs in India. [Publication]

Chopra, R.N., C.L. Pasricha and K. Banerjee (1940) Outbreak of epidemic dropsy. [Publication]

Chopra, Sir Ram Nath, Rattan Lall Badhwar and Sudhamoy Ghosh (1940) Poisonous plants of India. [Publication]

Coedès, George (1940) Les hôpitaux de Jayavarman VII. [Publication]

Coomaraswamy, A.K. (1940) Manas. [Publication]


Dare, P.M. (1940) Indian underworld -- A first-hand account of Hindu saints, sorcerers, and superstitions. [Publication]

De, S.K. (1940) On the word ga\d{d}\d{d}arik\={a}. [Publication]

De, S.K. (1940) P\=alak\=apya. [Publication]

Dogra, J.R. (1940) Studies on peptic ulcer in South India, part I: introduction and clinical study of 258 cases. [Publication]

Dogra, J.R. (1940) Studies on peptic ulcer in South India, part II: a statistical survey. [Publication]


Eliade, Mircea (1940) La mandragore et les mythes de la `naissance miraculeuse'. [Publication]


Filliozat, J. (1940) N\={a}g\={a}rjuna et Agastya, médecins, chimistes et sorciers. [Publication]


Ghosh, J.C. (1940) Indigenous drugs of India, their scientific cultivation and manufacture, with numerous suggestions intended for educationists and capitalists, with a Foreword by Colonel R.N. Chopra. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1940) Bernier and Kav\={\i}ndr\={a}c\={a}rya Sarasvat\={\i} at the Mughal court. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1940) Date of the Ha\d{t}hayogaprad\={\i}pik\={a} of Sv\={a}tm\={a}r\={a}ma Muni. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1940) Dates of the works of K\={a}yastha C\={a}mu\d{n}\d{d}a -- I. Date of Rasasa\.{n}ketakalik\={a} of K\={a}yastha C\={a}mu\d{n}\d{d}a and his reference to an anecdote about king Si\.{m}ha\d{n}a; II. Date of Var\d{n}anigha\d{n}\d{t}a of K\={a}ya. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1940) Mamma\d{t}a and Hemacandra. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1940) References to nose-ornament in some works ascribed to \'{S}a\.{m}kar\={a}c\={a}rya and their effect on the authorship and chronology of these works. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1940) Some notes on the history of tea. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1940) The Indian bullock-cart: its pre-historic and Vedic ancestors. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1940) The K\={a}masam\={u}ha of Ananta, a N\={a}gara Brahmin, composed in A.D. 1457. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1940) Use of Ganges water by Muslim rulers from A.D. 1300 to 1800. [Publication]

Gokhle, G.D., M.S. Patel and R.C. Patel (1940) The constitution of anacardic acid, the principal constituent of cashew-nut shell oil. [Publication]

Gottdenker, F. and M. Wachstein (1940) Circulatory effects of the venom of the Indian cobra (Naja naja). [Publication]

Grewal, K.S. and B.D. Kochhar (1940) Chemical assay of `rassaut' and `hing' from the Punjab market. [Publication]

Gupta, R.D. and H. Krall (1940) Indian honey. [Publication]


Hare, K.P. (1940) Clinical investigations into anaemia in Assam, parts I--VII. [Publication]

Howard, H. W. (1940) The nomenclature of Brassica species. [Publication]


Jacob, M.C. (1940) The forest resources of Assam. [Publication]

Jurriaanse, M.W. (1940) The Ceylon elephant in Dutch times. [Publication]


Kibe, M.V. (1940) The science of medicine and surgery in India. [Publication]

Kremer, Edward and George Udang (1940) History of pharmacy. [Publication]

Krishnamurthy, R. and J.C. David (1940) A pharmacognostical study of Adhatoda vasica. [Publication]

Krishnaswamy, R. and J.C. David (1940) A pharmacognostical study of Adhatoda vasica. [Publication]

Kümmel, geb. Bender, Auguste (1940) Mahe\'{s}vara's \'{S}abdabhedaprak\={a}\'{s}a mit dem Kommentar des J\~{n}\={a}navimalaga\d{n}i. [Publication]


Laignel-Lavastine, M. (1940) Le pouls d'après l'Hédou dans la médecine traditionnelle de l'Inde. [Publication]

Laignel-Lavastine, M. (1940) Premier aper\c{c}u de la médecine traditionnelle de l'Inde. [Publication]

Lal, R.B., S.P. Mukherji, A.C. Das Gupta and S.R. Chatterji (1940) Investigations into the epidemiology of epidemic dropsy, part IX. [Publication]

Law, B. C. (1940) Ancient Indian tribes. [Publication]

Law, B. C. (1940) Drugs and diseases known to the early Buddhists. [Publication]

Law, Bimala Churn (Ed.) (1940) D.R. Bhandarkar Volume (\={A}ch\={a}rya-Pu\d{s}p\={a}\~{n}jali Volume). [Publication]

Lüders, Heinrich (1940) Philologica Indica. [Publication]


Mariadassou, Paramananda (1940) Médecine traditionnelle de l'Inde -- Astrologie hindoue. [Publication]

Mariadassou, Paramananda (1940) Médecine traditionnelle de l'Inde -- Tome 1: Us et coutumes de l'Inde et hygiène alimentaire locaux; tome 2: Us et coutumes de l'Inde et matière médicale usuelle. [Publication]

Mukerjee (1940) Revision of the Labiatae of the Indian Empire. [Publication]

Müller, Reinhold F.G. (1940) Über die Pocken in Indien. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1940) Erblehren aus altindischen Nachrichten. [Publication]


Napier, L. Everard (1940) Anaemia in pregnancy in India: the present position. [Publication]

Narahari, H.G. (1940) A variant version of the Hari-vil\={a}sa of Lolimbar\={a}ja. [Publication]

Narasimhaswamy, R.L. (1940) Varieties of cardamom in cultivation in Mysore: Elettaria cardamomum Maton. vars. laxiflora, mysorensis and major. [Publication]

Narayana Pillai, V. (1940) \'{S}\={a}sta, the forest deity of Travancore. [Publication]


Ort, W.G. (1940) Armed religious ascetics in Northern India. [Publication]


Pfleiderer, I. (1940) Glimpses into the life of Indian plants -- An elementary Indian botany. [Publication]

Pillai, V. Narayana (1940) \'{S}\={a}sta, the forest deity of Travancore. [Publication]

Prabhu, P.H. (1940) Hindu social organization: A study in socio-psychological and ideological foundations. [Publication]

Prater, S.H. (1940) The number of tigers shot in the reserved forests of India and Burma during the year 1937--38. [Publication]

Przyluski, J. (1940) Le problème du soma. [Publication]

Przyluski, Jean (1940) Les confréries des loups-garous dans les sociétés indo-europ\'{e}ennes. [Publication]


Raghavan, M.S. (1940) A note on the possibilities of camphor cultivation in South India. [Publication]

Raghavan, V. (1940) Kav\={\i}ndr\={a}c\={a}rya Sarasvat\={\i}. [Publication]

Raman, Regmi Delhi (1940) The control of liquor in ancient India. [Publication]

Raman, T.K. (1940) Pellagra in India: a study of twenty-five cases in Vizagapatam. [Publication]

Rangaswami, S. and T.R. Seshadri (1940) Pongamol, a new crystalline compound from Pongamia oil. [Publication]

Rapson, E.J. (1940) Lord of horses lord of elephants, lord of men,. [Publication]

Ravi Varma (1940) Ayurveda and technical sciences. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1940) An account of Indian medicine by John Fryer. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1940) Ancient Indian medicine as described by early Greek writers. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1940) Early descriptions of syphilis in Sanskrit medical texts. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1940) Fainting and collapse as illustrated in ancient Indian sculpture. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1940) Fran\c{c}ois Bernier, French physician at the Moghul court in India in the 17th century and his impressions of Indian medicine. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1940) Historical material on Garcia da Orta's book "Colloquies on simples and drugs of India" printed in Goa in 1563. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1940) Medical notes from the diaries of the three surgeons of Patna -- 1763. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1940) Medicine at the Moghul court -- Humayun and his interest in relief of human suffering. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1940) Medicine in India in the middle of the XVIth century. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1940) Medicine in J\={a}taka tales: a peep into the beliefs and practices of pre-Buddhistic India. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1940) Medicine in medieval India -- The advent of Arabic medicine. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1940) Nicholas Manucci (1639--1717 A.D.), a pioneer private practitioner of Madras. [Publication]

Regni, Delli Roman (1940) The control of liquor in ancient India. [Publication]

Renou, L. (1940) L'acception première du mot sanskrit y\'{o}ni. [Publication]

Renou, L. (1940) On the identity of the two Pata\~{n}jali's. [Publication]

Rottmann, A. (1940) Wirkungsweise und Indikationsgebiet von Schlangengiften insbesondere des Giftes der Brillenschlange. [Publication]

Ruben, Walter (1940) Schamanismus im alten Indien. [Publication]


Sarma, C.S. (1940) On urine analysis in Siddha medicine. [Publication]

Sarma, K. Madhava Krishna (1940) The R\={a}jam\d{r}g\={a}\.{n}ka of Bhoja. [Publication]

\'{S}\={a}str\={\i}, Vardham\={a}n P\={a}r\'{s}van\={a}th (1940) Introd. ed. Kaly\={a}\d{n}ak\={a}raka. [Publication]

\'{S}\={a}str\={\i}, Vardham\={a}n P\={a}r\'{s}van\={a}th (1940) Introd. ed. Kaly\={a}\d{n}ak\={a}raka. [Publication]

Satyasray, Ranjit Singh (1940) A\.{n}giras. [Publication]

Schoeller, W., M. Dohrn and W. Hohlweg (1940) Über eine oestrogene Substanz aus der Knolle der siamesischen Schlingpflanze Butea superba. [Publication]

Schroff, M.L., S.N. Bal and M.L. Dhir (1940) Preliminary pharmacognostical studies of kurchi bark. [Publication]

Sengupta, P.C. and L.E. Napier (1940) Haematological changes in epidemic dropsy. [Publication]

Seshadri, T.R. and S. Rangaswami (1940) A convenient way of preparing the active principle of Psoralea corylifolia. [Publication]

Shirlaw, L.H. (1940) A short history of Ayurvedic veterinary literature. [Publication]

Shivanath Rai (1940) Foodstuffs of India. [Publication]

Singh, Fatah (1940) Agni and soma -- The soma, celestial and terrestrial. [Publication]

Somervell, T. Howard (1940) Knife and life in India: The story of a surgical missionary at Neyoor, Travancore. [Publication]

Srinivasa Murti, G. (1940) Scientific methodology in Ayurveda and modern medicine: similarities and dissimilarities. [Publication]

Steinbrocker, Otto, George C. McEachern, Emanuel P. La Motta, and Peter Brooks (1940) Experience with cobra venom in the arthralgias and related conditions. [Publication]

Subba Rao, N.V. and T.R. Seshadri (1940) Variations in the quality of the Pongamia oil with reference to the occurrence of karanjin. [Publication]

Sukavattana, T. (1940) Oestrogenic principle of Butea superba: preliminary report. [Publication]

Sundar Rao, S. (1940) Study of filarial infection in Ratanpur (Central Provinces). [Publication]

Sureshcandra, Babu (1940) Le culte des ancêtres (pit\d{r}) dans l'Inde antique d'après les Pur\={a}\d{n}a. [Publication]


Trotter, H. (1940) Manual of Indian forest utilization. [Publication]

Tucci, G. (1940) Travels of Tibetan pilgrims in the Swat valley. [Publication]


Vai\'{s}ya, R. (1940) Sacitra Abhinava B\={u}\d{t}\={\i}darpa\d{n}a. [Publication]

Venkatiswaran, S.L. and M. Sreenivasaya (1940) The "tyrosinase" from Dolichos lablab. [Publication]

Volkonsky, M. (1940) The acridifuge action of an extract from leaves of Melia azedarach. [Publication]


Warsi, Sharifuddin Ahmad (1940) A note on the chemical examination of Celastrus paniculatus. [Publication]

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