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Alawi, Jameel A.H. (1939) Psychological aspects of some customs of the Sansi tribe. [Publication]

Amancio Gracias, J.B. (1939) Médicos europeus em Goa e nas cortes indianas nos séculos XVI a XVIII. [Publication]


Bal, S.N. (1939) Catalogue of food, spice, and fodder-plant exhibits. [Publication]

Bidyadhar, Nabin Kishore (1939) Susruta and his ophthalmic operations. [Publication]

Boulnois, J. (1939) Le caducée et la symbolique dravidienne indo-méditerranéenne de l'arbre, de la pierre, du serpent et de la déesse-mère. [Publication]

Breloer, B. and F. Bömer (1939) Fontes historiae religionum Indicarum. [Publication]

Buchanan, F. (1939) An account of the district of Bhagalpur in 1810--11. [Publication]

Burton, R.W. (1939) The Indian wild dog. [Publication]


Caius, J. F. (1939) Medicinal and poisonous plants of India: Capparids, mignonettes, violets, rockroses, Bixads. [Publication]

Caius, J.F. (1939) Medicinal and poisonous plants of India: Flacourtiads, Pittosporads, milkworts, seaheaths, purslanes, tamarisks. [Publication]

Caius, J.F. (1939) The medicinal and poisonous crucifers of India. [Publication]

Caius, J.F. and Miss K.S. Radha (1939) The gum arabic of the bazaars and shops of Bombay. [Publication]

Chatterji, Suniti Kumar (1939) Some etymological notes. [Publication]

Chaudhuri, Nanimadhab (1939) Cult of the Old Lady. [Publication]

Chaudhuri, Nanimadhab (1939) Rudra-\'{S}iva as an agricultural deity. [Publication]

Chopra, R.N. (1939) Indigenous drugs inquiry: A review of the work. [Publication]

Chopra, R.N. and G.S. Chopra (1939) The present position of hemp drug addiction in India. [Publication]

Chopra, R.N., C L. Pasricha, R.K. Goyal, S. Lal and A.K. Sen (1939) The experimental production of syndrome of epidemic dropsy in man. [Publication]

Cimino, H.G. (1939) Early medicine in Iran and India. [Publication]

Couvreur, A. (1939) Les produits aromatiques utilisés en pharmacie. [Publication]


De, S.K. (1939) Sanskrit literature under the P\={a}la kings of Bengal. [Publication]

De, S.K. (1939) Sanskrit literature under the Sena kings of Bengal. [Publication]

Dikshit, S.K. (1939) Chandragupta II S\={a}has\={a}\d{m}ka alias Vikram\={a}ditya and the nine jewels. [Publication]

Duensing, Friedrich (1939) Welche Wirkungen haben die Nebenalkaloide der Belladonnawurzel? [Publication]

Dutt, Nalinaksha (Ed.), with the assistance of D.M. Bhattacharya and Vidyavaridhi Shiv Nath Sharma (1939) Gilgit Manuscripts, Vol. I -- Bhai\d{s}ajya-guru-S\=utra. [Publication]

Dutt, Dr. Nalinaksha (Ed.) (1939) Bhai\d{s}ajya=guru=S\={u}tra. [Publication]


Elgood, Cyril (1939) Jundi Shapur: a Sassanian university. [Publication]

Eliade, Mircea (1939) Notes sur le symbolisme aquatique. [Publication]

Elvin, V. (1939) The Baiga. [Publication]

Elwin, Verrier (1939) The Baiga. [Publication]

Emeneau, M.B. (1939) Toda menstruation practices. [Publication]


Falk, M. (1939) Il mito psicologico nell'India antica. [Publication]

Fergusson, F.F. (1939) Famine and water supply in Western Rajputana. [Publication]

Fischer, A.N. (1939) Über die Herkunft der Gemüsearten. [Publication]

Ford Robertson, F.C. (1939) Resin tapping in Kumaon. [Publication]

Fry, C.B. (1939) Life worth living, some phases of an Englishman. [Publication]


George, A.R.K. and T.W. Wim (1939) The sapogenin of Balanites aegyptiaca. [Publication]

Gimlette, J.D. (1939) A dictionary of Malayan medicine. [Publication]

Giri, K.V. (1939) Indian gooseberries (Phyllanthus emblica Linn.) as a source of vitamin C. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1939) Antiquity of the lost medical treatise by Kh\={a}ra\d{n}\={a}di in the light of the leaf of the Kh\={a}ra\d{n}\={a}da-Ny\={a}sa newly discovered at Gilgit. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1939) Date of the grammarian Bh\={\i}masena -- Before A.D. 600. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1939) Ga\.{n}g\={a}d\={a}sa, the author of the Chandoma\~{n}jar\={\i} and his works. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1939) The antiquity of the Hindoo nose-ornament called "nath". [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1939) The nature and contents of a lost medical treatise by Kharan\={a}da or Kh\={a}ra\d{n}\={a}di. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1939) Use of guns and gunpowder in India from A.D. 1400 onwards. [Publication]

Guha, B.S. (1939) `Simphak' -- the bark cloth of the Garos of Assam. [Publication]


Harada, Yoshito (1939) The interchange of Eastern and Western culture as evidenced in the Shô-sô-in treasures. [Publication]

Hill, A.F. (1939) The nomenclature of the taro and its varieties. [Publication]

Hora, S.L. (1939) The game fishes of India. VII. The mulley or boali, {\sl Wallago attu} (Bloch and Schneider). [Publication]

Hora, Sunder Lal (1939) The game fishes of India. {IX}. The mahseers or the large-scaled barbels of India. 2. The tor mahseer, Barbus (Tor) tor (Hamilton). [Publication]

Hora, Sunder Lal (1939) The game fishes of India. VIII. The mahseers or the large-scaled barbels of India. 1. The putitor mahseer, Barbus (Tor) putitora (Hamilton). [Publication]

Hora, Sunder Lal (1939) The game fishes of India. X. The mahseers or the large-scaled barbels of India. 3. The mosal mahseer, Barbus (Tor) mosal (Hamilton). [Publication]


Jha, Ganganath (1939) Magnetism as explained by \'{S}\={a}ntarak\d{s}ita, a Buddhist writer of the eighth century. [Publication]


Kabir, S.A. and M.N. Ramaswamy (1939) Insecticidal plants. [Publication]

Karmarkar, A.P. (1939) Dr.V.S. Sukthankar's theory of the Bh\d{r}guisation of the original Bh\={a}rata and the light it throws on the Dravidian problem. [Publication]

Katre, S.M. and P.K. Gode (Eds.) (1939) A volume of Indian and Iranian studies presented to Sir E. Denison Ross. [Publication]

Katre, S.M. and P.K. Gode (Eds.) (1939) A volume of Eastern and Indian studies presented to Prof. F.W. Thomas C.I.E., on his 72nd birth-day 21st March 1939. [Publication]

Katre, S.M. and P.K. Gode (Eds.) (1939) A volume of Indian and Iranian studies presented to Sir E. Denison Ross on his 68th birth-day 6th June 1939. [Publication]

Kaul Shastri, M.S. (1939) Report on the Gilgit excavation in 1938. [Publication]

Khan, H. (1939) A note on Ferula foetida. [Publication]

Kirfel, W. (1939) Ist die Fünfzahl der symbolische Ausdruck einer bestimmten Kultur? [Publication]

Krishnaswami Ayyar, A. (1939) Tierheilkunde und tierärztliche Instrumente im alten Indien. [Publication]

Krishnaswami Ayyar, A. (1939) Veterinary surgery and surgical instruments of the ancient India. [Publication]


Lal, R.B. and S.C. Roy (1939) Investigations into the epidemiology of epidemic dropsy, part VII. [Publication]

Lal, R.B., S.P. Mukherji, S.C. Roy and G. Sankaran (1939) Investigations into the epidemiology of epidemic dropsy, part VIII. [Publication]

Laurence, L.W. de (1939) The great book of magical art and East Indian occultism and the book of secret Hindu ceremonial and talismanic magic. [Publication]

Lodge Patch, C.J. (1939) A century of psychiatry in the Punjab. [Publication]

Lommel, Herman (1939) K\={a}vya U\c{c}an. [Publication]


Mayandi Pillai, S. (1939) Preliminary studies in coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.). [Publication]

Mehra, P.N., J.K. Bhatnagar and S.S. Handa (1939) Researches in pharmacognost in India. [Publication]

Miner, Horace (1939) Parallelism in alkaloid-alkali quids. [Publication]

Mitra, Kalipada (1939) Magic and miracle in Jaina literature. [Publication]

Mitra, K. (1939) Magic and miracle in Jaina literature. [Publication]

Mitra, Kalipada (1939) Crime and punishment in Jaina literature. [Publication]

Moreland, W.H. (1939) The ships of the Arabian see about A.D.1500. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1939) Über die d\d{r}\d{s}\d{t}i oder das Sehen nach altindischen Vorstellungen. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1939) Über die Trido\d{s}a-Lehre in der altindischen Medizin. [Publication]


Neubauer, Maria (1939) Das Vitamin C in der Pflanze. [Publication]


Ohlmarks, Ake (1939) Studien zum Problem des Schamanismus. [Publication]

Orr, Ian M. and M.V. Radhakrishna Rao (1939) A contribution to the study of the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer in Indians. [Publication]


Pandey, D.P. (1939) S\={u}rya -- An iconographical study of the Indian sun-god. [Publication]

Par\={a}\d{d}kar. H. (1939) V\={a}gbha\d{t}avimar\'{s}a\d{h}. [Publication]

Paramasivan, S. (1939) Painting techniques in the temples at Badami. [Publication]

Paramasivan, S. (1939) The Pallava paintings at Conjeeveram -- an investigation into the methods. [Publication]

Paul, Pramode Lal (1939) The early history of Bengal (from the earliest times to the Muslim conquest). [Publication]

Phythian-Adams, E.G. (1939) The Nilgiri Game Association, 1879--1939. [Publication]

Poleman, Horace I. and Philip O. Roche (1939) Aspects of caesarean section in India. [Publication]

Prain, D. and I.H. Burkill (1939) An account of the genus Dioscorea in the East. [Publication]


Rai, Kaviraj Kumudranjan (1939) Philosophy of Ayurved with practical medicines. [Publication]

Ramachandra Dikshitar, V.R. (1939) A note on cow veneration in ancient India. [Publication]

Rangachariar, R. (1939) Raghun\={a}ths\={u}ri and his Bhojanakut\={u}hala. [Publication]

Ray, Joge\'{s}-chandra (1939) The soma plant. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1939) A critical note on "An eight hundred years old book of Indian medicine and formulae". [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1939) Ancient Indian medicine as described by early Greek writers. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1939) Fran\c{c}ois Bernier and his observations on veneral diseases in India. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1939) Garcia da Orta, his learned work "Colloquios dos simples e drogas he cousas medicinais da India", the first book to be printed in India, published in Goa in 1563. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1939) Garcia da Orta's treatise on simples and drugs of India. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1939) Indian medicine -- Its origin and the rise of early medical schools. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1939) Medicine in Buddhistic India -- Medical lore in Jataka stories. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1939) Nicholas Manucci on veneral diseases in India in the 17th century. [Publication]

Renou, Louis (1939) L'hymne aux A\'svin de l'\=Adiparvan. [Publication]

Renou, L. (1939) L'hymne aux A\'{s}vin de l'\={A}diparvan. [Publication]

Report (1939) Report of the Central Province and Berar Committee on Indigenous Systems of Medicine. [Publication]

Reyne, A. (1939) Coconut pearls. [Publication]

Roy, B.N. (1939) Hydrophobia from a mongoose bite. [Publication]

Roy, Tridib Nath (1939) Indoor and outdoor games in ancient India. [Publication]

Royle, J.F. (1939) Illustrations of the botany and other branches of the natural history of the Himalayan mountains and the flora of Cashmere. [Publication]

Ruben, W. (1939) Eisenschmiede und Dämonen in Indien. [Publication]


Sarkar, J.N. (1939) Silk trade of Patna in early seventeenth century. [Publication]

Sarma, P.J. (1939) The art of healing in Rigveda. [Publication]

Schlegel, Helmut (1939) Über arekanuszhaltige Wurmmittel. [Publication]

Schroff, M.L. and M.L. Dhir (1939) Assay of kurchi and kurchi bismuth-iodide. [Publication]

Scott, H. Harold (1939) A history of tropical medicine, based on The Fitzpatrick Lectures delivered before the Royal College of Physicians of London 1937--1938. [Publication]

Seligman, C.G. (1939) The Roman Orient and the Far East. [Publication]

Sharma, Har Dutt (1939) Descriptive Catalogue of the Government Collections of Manuscripts deposited at the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Vol. XVI, part I - Vaidyaka. [Publication]

Sharma, Har Dutt (1939) Nid\={a}nacint\={a}ma\d{n}i, a commentary on A\d{s}\d{t}\={a}\.{n}gah\d{r}daya of V\={a}gbha\d{t}a. [Publication]

Sharma, Har Swaroop (1939) A manual of Indian pharmacopoeia. [Publication]

Smythies, E.A. (1939) Erosion and floods: problems of soil and water conservation in the United Provinces. [Publication]

Subba Rao, N.V. and T.R. Seshadri (1939) Eugenia jambolana. [Publication]


Theunisz, Joh. (1939) Carolus Clusius -- Het merkwaardige leven van een pionier der wetenschap. [Publication]

Thieme, Paul (1939) \"{U}ber einige Benennungen des Nachkommen. [Publication]


Vishwa Nath and K. S. Grewal (1939) Cancer in India. [Publication]

Vogel, J. Ph. (1939) The N.-W. Frontier and Hellenic civilization: Taxila and Mathura. [Publication]


Waldschmidt, Ernst (1939) Beiträge zur Textgeschichte des Mah\={a}parinirv\={a}\d{n}as\={u}tra. [Publication]

Weck, Wolfgang (1939) `Kalimo Usada' -- Ein alt-balisches Lehrbuch der Pathologie und Therapie der inneren Krankheiten. [Publication]

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