Items where Year is 1936

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Number of items: 119.


Aiyappan, A. (1936) Primitive medicine at a Malabar temple. [Publication]

Appadorai, A. (1936) Economic conditions in Southern India (1000-1500 A.D.). [Publication]


Barua, B.M. (1936) Bhela-Sa\d{m}hit\={a} -- its antiquity and importance as a medical treatise. [Publication]

Benedict, F.G. (1936) The physiology of the elephant. [Publication]

Bernet Kempers, A.J. (1936) Oogheelkunde in een indisch reliëf. [Publication]

Bh\=ag\={\i}ratha Sv\=am\={\i} (1936) Sandigdhanir\d{n}aya (Vanau\d{s}adhi\'s\=astra). [Publication]

Biswas, K. (1936) Resume of the literature of Indian medicinal plants. [Publication]

Bose, P.K. and S.K. Ghose (1936) On the constitution of ayapin. [Publication]

Brachwitz, Richard (1936) Das Shoso-in Museum der Ksl. Schatz-kammer zu Nara und seine Heilmittel. [Publication]

Brandes, E.W. and G.B. Sartoris (1936) Sugarcane: its origin and improvement. [Publication]


Caius, J.F. (1936) The medicinal and poisonous Aroids of India. [Publication]

Caius, J.F. (1936) The medicinal and poisonous grasses of India. [Publication]

Caius, J.F. (1936) The medicinal and poisonous orchids of India. [Publication]

Caland, Willem (1936) Roberto de' Nobili and the Sanskrit language and literature. [Publication]

Camp, W.H. (1936) The antiquity of hemp as an economic plant. [Publication]

Chakraborty, H.L. (1936) Bengal medicine flora -- Eclipta alba. [Publication]

Champion, H.G. (1936) A preliminary survey of the forest types of India. [Publication]

Chopra, R.N. (1936) Report on medicinal plants and food poison inquiry. [Publication]

Chopra, R.N., B. Mukerji and I.C. Chopra (1936) A treatise on tropical therapeutics. [Publication]

Chopra, R.N., S. Ghosh and A.T. Dutt (1936) Some inorganic preparations of the Indian indigenous medicine, part II: banga bhasma (calcined tin). [Publication]

Chopra, R.N., S. Ghosh and A.T. Dutt (1936) Some inorganic preparations of the Indian indigenous medicine, part III: lauha bhasma (calcined iron). [Publication]

Ciba Zeitschrift (1936) Die Entwicklung der indischen Medizin. [Publication]

Codrington, K. de B. (1936) The use of counter-irritants in the Deccan. [Publication]


Das Gupta, Nalini Nath (1936) The Vaidyaka literature of Bengal in the early mediaeval period. [Publication]

Davis, Tenney L. (1936) The problem of the origin of alchemy. [Publication]

Dawkins, R.M. (1936) The semantics of Greek names for plants. [Publication]

Demaitre, Edmund (1936) Fakirs et yogis des Indes. [Publication]

Deshpande, G.A. Kamalabhai (1936) The child in ancient India. [Publication]

Deshpande, Kamalabai (1936) The child in ancient India. [Publication]

Doreau, J.L. (1936) Les bains dans l'Inde antique: monuments et textes médicaux. [Publication]


Filliozat, J. (1936) Les états typhoides et comateux dans la médecine et les croyances populaires indiennes. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1936) Médecine indoue; médecine des Iraniens. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1936) review of A.A.M. Esser (1934). [Publication]

Ford-Robertson, F.C. (1936) Our forests. [Publication]


Getty, A. (1936) Ganesha: a monograph on the elephant-faced god. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1936) Aru\d{n}adatta and Hem\={a}dri, the commentators of the A\d{s}\d{t}\={a}\.{n}gah\d{r}daya. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1936) Date of Ked\={a}rabha\d{t}\d{t}a's V\d{r}ttaratn\={a}kara -- Before A.D. 1000. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1936) Date of {R}\={a}ghavabha\d{t}\d{t}a, the commentator of K\={a}lid\={a}sa's Abhij\~{n}\={a}na \'{S}\={a}kuntala and other works -- last quarter of the 15th century (1475--1500 A.D.). [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1936) Date of Rasapaddhati by Bindu and its commentary by Mah\={a}deva Pa\d{n}\d{d}ita -- 1st quarter of the 17th century. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1936) Date of Subh\={u}ticandra's commentary on the Amarako\'{s}a -- Between A.D. 1062 and 1172. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1936) Date of Va\.{n}gasena, the author of the Cikits\={a}s\={a}ra-sa\.{m}graha -- Before A.D. 1200. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1936) Identity of a manuscript of Dhanurveda in the Govt. Mss. Library at the B.O.R. Institute. [Publication]

Gonda, J. (1936) Zur Homonymie im Altindischen. [Publication]

Gorrie, M. (1936) Holy groves. [Publication]


Hemneter, E. (1936) Indiens medizinische Mythologie. [Publication]

Hemneter, Ernst (1936) Die Entwicklungsstufen der alt-indischen Medizin. [Publication]


Jacquemont, V. (1936) Letters from India 1829--1832, being a selection from the correspondence of Victor Jacquemont; translated with an introduction by C.A. Phillips. [Publication]

Jha, Ganganatha (1936) Some rare works on `Vaidyaka'. [Publication]

Johnson, Helen M. (1936) Botanical references in Hemacandra. [Publication]

Johnson, Helen M. (1936) The lemon in India. [Publication]

Johnston, E.H. (1936) Bird names in the Indian dialects. [Publication]

Jorge, Ricardo (1936) La médecine et les médecins dans l'expansion mondiale des Portugais. [Publication]


Kawiratne, E.M.S. (1936) Poisonous snakes of Ceylon and remedies for their bites. [Publication]

Kohl, Joseph (1936) Zum indischen Steinkult. [Publication]

Kunhan Raja, C. (1936) I-tsing and Bhartrhari's Vakyapadiya. [Publication]


Lalou, Marcelle (1936) Notes a propos d'une amulette de Touen-Houang. [Publication]

Lévi, Sylvain (1936) Alexander and Alexandria in Indian literature. [Publication]

L\'{e}vi, Sylvain (1936) Kani\d{s}ka et \'{S}\={a}tav\={a}hana: deux figures symboliques de l'Inde au premier siècle. [Publication]

Lipmann, Edmund O. von (1936) Zur Kenntnis der sog. Alchemie des alten Indiens. [Publication]

Littlewood, R.W. (1936) Livestock of southern India. [Publication]


Macht, David I. (1936) Comparison of cobra venom and morphine as analgesics. [Publication]

Majumdar, Girija Prasanna (1936) Hearth and home. [Publication]

Mariadassou, Mangala (1936) Des spiritueux indigènes dans l'Inde fran\c{c}aise. [Publication]

Mariadassou, Paramananda (1936) Médecine traditionnelle de l'Inde -- Guide-formulaire de thérapeutique ayulvédique. [Publication]

Mehendra, Beni Charan (1936) The snakes of India: a historical review. [Publication]

Mehta, Ratilal N. (1936) Crime and punishment in the J\={a}takas. [Publication]

Merrill, E.D. (1936) On the application of the binomial Amaranthus viridis Linnaeus (Amaranthaceae). [Publication]

Mitra, S.C. (1936) On the fire-walking ceremony of the Dus\=ads of Bih\=ar. [Publication]

Mitra, Sarat Chandra (1936) On the firewalking ceremony of the Dusadhs of Bihar. [Publication]

Muir, Ernest (1936) Native ideas and practices regarding leprosy. [Publication]

Müller, Reinhold F.G. (1936) Vom unverbrennbaren Herz in der altindischen Medizin. [Publication]

Munn, L. (1936) Observations and notes on the method of ancient gold mining in southern India. [Publication]


Obeyesekere, Donald (1936) Provision for the relief of the sick and afflicted by the ancient kings of Ceylon. [Publication]


Paniskar, K.L.S. and Soman, K.V. (1936) Spacious notes on Nighantu Ratnakara. [Publication]

Patkar, M.M. (1936) The exact date of Harivil\={a}sa and its author. [Publication]

Prasad, B. (1936) Animal remains from Harappa. [Publication]

Prashad, B. (1936) Animal remains from Harappa. [Publication]

Przyluski, J. and C. Régamey (1936) Les noms de la moutarde et du sésame. [Publication]

Przyluski, Jean (1936) Études indiennes et chinoises, II: les empalés. [Publication]

Przyluski, Jean (1936) Les A\'{s}vins et la Grande Déesse. [Publication]


Rangacharya, V., C.S. Srinivasachari and V.R.R. Dikshitar (1936) Dr.S. Krishnaswami Aiyangar Commemoration Volume. [Publication]

Ray, Manmatha Nath (1936) Notices of some of the Vidy\={a}s mentioned in the Pur\={a}\d{n}as. [Publication]

Raychaudhuri, S.P. (1936) K\d{r}\d{s}i-sa\d{m}graha, translated into English. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1936) Antiquity of syphilis (veneral diseases) in India. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1936) Medical education in ancient India. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1936) Pediatrics in ancient Indian archaeology (A note on Hariti, protector of children),. [Publication]

Reddy, D.V.S. (1936) Studies in the history of medicine in Andhra Desa. [Publication]

Rhys Davids, C.A.F. (1936) The birth of Indian psychology and its development in Buddhism. [Publication]

Rönnow, Kasten (1936) Kir\={a}ta: a study on some ancient Indian tribes. [Publication]


Saletore, B.A. (1936) The submarine fire in Indian history. [Publication]

Sarkar, Jagadish Narayan (1936) The cotton trade of Patna in early seventeenth century. [Publication]

Sastri, K.A. Nilakanta (1936) Agastya. [Publication]

Sayeeduddin, M. (1936) Some of the common flowering plants of Hyderabad State. [Publication]

Schayer, Stanislav (1936) Über den Somatismus der indischen Psychologie. [Publication]

Shah, R.C., C.R. Mehta and T.S. Wheeler (1936) Identity of oroxylin with baicalein. [Publication]

Shah, R.C., C.R. Mehta and T.S. Wheeler (1936) The constitution of oroxylin. [Publication]

Sharma, Har Dutt (1936) Lak\d{s}ma\d{n}otsava - An important work on medicine; its date, authorship and contents. [Publication]

Singh, Avadesh Narayan (1936) The history of magic squares in India. [Publication]

Skyrme, E.W. and T.E. Wallis (1936) Psyllium, ispaghula and related seeds. [Publication]

Smythies, E.A. (1936) The Hailey National Park. [Publication]

Snowden, J.D. (1936) The cultivated races of Sorghum. [Publication]

Srinivasan, Mudambi (1936) Ascorbic acid oxidase from drumstick, Moringa pterygosperma. [Publication]

Staël-Holstein, Baron A. (1936) Avalokita and Apalokita. [Publication]

Stein, Otto (1936) Artha\'s\=astra and \'Silpa\'s\=astra II, III. [Publication]

Stein, Otto (1936) Das indische Pferdeopfer bei Philostratos. [Publication]

Stein, Otto (1936) The numeral 18. [Publication]

Stein, Otto (1936) The quotations in the N\={\i}tiv\={a}ky\={a}m\d{r}ta commentary. [Publication]

Subba Rao, P. (1936) Vedic parasitology. [Publication]

Sukthankar, V.S. (1936) Epic studies: VI. The Bh\d{r}gus and the Bh\={a}rata: A text-historical study. [Publication]

Sundar Rao, S. (1936) Filariasis in Ratnagarh (Orissa Feudatory State). [Publication]

Sundaram, V.A. (Ed.) (1936) Benares Hindu University 1905--1935. [Publication]

Swami, B. (1936) Sandigdha nir\d{n}aya vanau\d{s}adhi\'{s}\={a}stra. [Publication]


Thomas, P.J. (1936) The pepper trade of India in early times. [Publication]


Unkrig, W.A. (1936) Zur Terminologie der lamaistischen Medizin, besonders ihrer Arzneien. [Publication]


Vaidya, K. M. (1936) The Ashtanga Hridaya Kosha with the Hridaya Prakasha (a critical and explanatory commentary). [Publication]


Wallich (1936) Coptis Teeta. [Publication]

Weller, F. (1936) Who were the Bh\d{r}guids. [Publication]

Weller, F. (1936) Who were the Bh\d{r}guids. [Publication]


Zeki Validi (1936) [on`Damaststahl']. [Publication]

This list was generated on Sat Feb 15 22:51:16 2025 CET.