Items where Year is 1934

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Number of items: 115.


Agarwal, R.R. and S. Dutt (1934) A preliminary note on the chemical investigation of roots of indrayan. [Publication]

Altekar, A.S. (1934) Education in ancient India. [Publication]


Bedi, R. and R. Bedi (1934) Indian wildlife. [Publication]

Bergmann, E. (1934) Die chemische Erforschung der Naturfarbstoffe II. [Publication]

Bernier, F. (1934) Travels in the Mogul Empire, AD 1656--1668. [Publication]

Bhadran, C.P. (1934) The Manas Game Sanctuary, Assam. [Publication]

Bhat, S.S. (1934) The origin of the Santra orange. [Publication]

Biswas, Praphullachandra (1934) Concepts of disease among the primitive people of India. [Publication]

Bor, N.L. (1934) The flora of Assam. [Publication]

Britton, S.C. (1934) Ancient Indian iron. [Publication]

Brohier, R.L. (1934) Ancient irrigation works in Ceylon. [Publication]

Buchanan, F. (1934) An account of the district of Shahabad in 1809--10. [Publication]


Carvalho, S. (1934) Garcia d'Orta. [Publication]

Champion, F.W. (1934) The preservation of wildlife in India, No. 4: The United Provinces. [Publication]

Champion, F.W. (1934) The jungle in sunlight and shadow. [Publication]

Chatterjee, D.N. (1934) Drugs of India. [Publication]

Chatterjee, Prabhakar (1934) Indian science of pulse. [Publication]

Cheema, G.S. and S.S. Bhat (1934) A study of the Citrus varieties of the Bombay Presidency. [Publication]

Cheema, G. S., Bhat and Naik (1934) Commercial fruits of India. [Publication]

Chen, K.K. and A. Ling Chen (1934) The action of crystalline thevetin, a cardiac glucoside of Thevetia neriifolia. [Publication]

Chhibber, H.L. (1934) The mineral resources of Burma. [Publication]

Chopra, R.N. and G.S. Chopra (1934) Administration of opium to infants in India. [Publication]

Chopra, R.N. and S. Ghosh (1934) Some common indigenous remedies. [Publication]

Clapp, Clyde A. (1934) Cataract - Its etiology and treatment. [Publication]

Constable, Archibald (translator) (1934) Travels in the Mughal Empire by Fran\c{c}ois Bernier. [Publication]

Coomaraswamy, A.K. (1934) The technique and theory of Indian painting. [Publication]


Das Gupta, Nalini Nath (1934) A note on the term 'antara\.{n}ga'. [Publication]

Davis, Tenney L. (1934) Obituary of Prafulla Chandra Ray. [Publication]


Esser, A. Albert M. (1934) Die altindische Kataraktoperation. [Publication]

Esser, A.A.M. (1934) Die theoretischen Grundlagen der altindischen Medizin und ihre Beziehungen zur griechischen. [Publication]

Esser, A. Albert M. (1934) Altindisches Arzttum. [Publication]

Esser, A. Albert M. (1934) Die Lehre vom Auge bei Su\'{s}ruta. [Publication]

Esser, A. Albert M. (1934) Die Ophthalmologie des Su\'{s}ruta, textkritisch bearbeitet, übersetzt und mit Concordanz-tabellen zu Bh\={a}vaprak\={a}\'{s}\={a} versehen. [Publication]


Filliozat, J. (1934) La médecine indienne et l'expansion bouddhique en Extrême-Orient. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1934) Les documents médicaux indiens au département des Mss. de la Bibliothèque Nationale. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1934) Liste des manuscrits sanskrits, bengalis et tibétains de la collection Palmyr Cordier, conservés à la Bibliothèque Nationale. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1934) Un chapitre de la H\={a}r\={\i}tasa\d{m}hit\={a} sur la rétribution des actes. [Publication]


Gaudebert, G.L. (1934) Notes sur l'histoire de l'opération de la cataracte en Orient. [Publication]

Ghatak, Narendranath (1934) The colouring matter of the seedcoat of Abrus precatorius Linn. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1934) A manuscript of Rasasindhu: a rare work on alchemy and its probable date. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1934) A manuscript of the Rasasindhu of Pu\d{n}\d{d}ar\={\i}ka {R}\={a}me\'{s}vara and the probable date of the work (about the beginning of the 15th century). [Publication]

Guha, B.C. and A.R. Ghosh (1934) Vitamin C in Indian food stuffs. [Publication]

Gupta, B.L. (1934) The original home of Achyranthes aspera L. [Publication]


Hill, W.C.O. (1934) A monograph on the purple-faced leaf monkey (Pithecus vetulus). [Publication]


Jacob, K. Cherian (1934) South Indian bananas. [Publication]

Jacquemont, V. -- see: Pierre Maes (1934) Le monde du sorcier en Inde. [Publication]

Jayatilaka, D.B. (1934) Saranankara: the last Sangharaja of Ceylon. [Publication]

Jeanselme, E. (1934) Des maladies régnantes aux Indes Portugaises a la fin du XVIe siècle d'après Garcia d'Orta. [Publication]


Kanjilal et al. (1934) Flora of Assam. [Publication]

Kapadia, Hiralal R. (1934) Some references pertaining to agriculture in Jaina literature. [Publication]

Kapadia, H.R. (1934) A note on Jaina hymns and magic squares. [Publication]

Kellogg, W.N. (1934) A further note on the "wolf-children" of India. [Publication]

Konow, Sten (1934) Note on Taksha\'{s}il\={a} and its name. [Publication]

Körbler, Juraj (1934) Schmerzlinderung bei Krebskranken durch Schlangengift. [Publication]

Korke, Vishnu T. (1934) Observations on filariasis in some areas in British India, part X. [Publication]


Laufer, Berthold (1934) The lemon in China and elsewhere. [Publication]

Lewis, F. (1934) The vegetable products of Ceylon. [Publication]

Lidén, E. (1934) Zur indogermanischen Terminologie der Milchwirtschaft. [Publication]

Lipmann, E. von (1934) Nachträge und Ergänzungen zur `Geschichte des Zuckers'. [Publication]


Mahdihassan, S. (1934) Priority in lac research. [Publication]

Maheshwari, P. (1934) The Indian mango. [Publication]

Majumdar, Girija Prasanna (1934) Man's indebtedness to plants: -- Dress and other personal requisites in ancient India -- Food -- Toilet. [Publication]

Mariadassou, Paramananda (1934) Médecine traditionnelle de l'Inde. [Publication]

Menon, T. Bhaskara (1934) Splenic enlargement in South India; a study based on post-mortem records. [Publication]

Milroy, A.J.W. (1934) Game preservation in India -- Assam. [Publication]

Mitra, S.C. (1934) Note on the cult of the agricultural deities Sama and Chako in north Bihar. [Publication]

Mitra, S.C. (1934) On plant lore from Bihar. [Publication]

Mukerjee, G.N. (1934) Mahesvara (1111 A.D. or Saka 1033). [Publication]

Mukherjee, Girindra Nath (1934) Bhagavat Govindapada. [Publication]

Mukherjee, Girindra Nath (1934) Bhattaraka Hariscandra. [Publication]

Mukherjee, Girindra Nath (1934) Brahmadeva. [Publication]

Müller. Reinhold F.G. (1934) Über {\sl pitta} oder Galle, unter Bezug zur {\sl Trido\d{s}a}-Lehre der altindischen Medizin. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1934) On sattva, rajas and tamas in the old Indian medicine. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1934) Über altindische Anschauungen von Erbkrankheiten. [Publication]

Müller, Reinhold F.G. (1934) Zur anatomischen Systematik im Yajus. [Publication]

Munn, L. (1934) [on ancient gold workings]. [Publication]


Narang, K.S. and J.N. Ray (1934) Vasicin. [Publication]

Needham, Joseph (1934) A history of embryology. [Publication]


Ostroom, S.J. van (1934) A monograph of the genus Evolvulus. [Publication]

Otto, R. (1934) N\=ar\=ayana, seine Herkunft und seine Synonyme. [Publication]


Patnaik, M. (1934) The iodine content of Indian food-stuffs. [Publication]


Raghu Vira (1934) Implements and vessels used in Vedic sacrifice. [Publication]

Raichaudhuri, H. N., D. D. Datta and S. C. Datta (1934) Comparative pharmacognostic studies on the stem and root of black and white Datura grown in Bengal. [Publication]

Ray, Mahamahopadhyaya Nirmal Kumar (1934) Pox, its origin, development, early symptoms, treatment, and diet. [Publication]

Ruben, W. (1934) Zur altindischen Psychologie. [Publication]


Sahte, R.V., N.G. Talwalkar and S.S. Ajgaonkar (1934) [on the beneficial effect of silajeet on diabetes]. [Publication]

S\={a}\.{n}k\d{r}ty\={a}yana, R\={a}hula (1934) Recherches bouddhiques: I. Les origines du Mah\={a}y\={a}na; II. L'origine du Vajray\={a}na et les 84 Siddhas. [Publication]

Sastri, Subrahmanya P.P. (1934) Gaja-\'{s}\={a}stra or the science of the elephants from the Sanskrit manuscripts in the Tanjore Mah\={a}r\={a}ja Serfoji P. Sarasvati Mahal Palace Library, Tanjore. [Publication]

Singh, Bahadur (1934) The seeds of Tinospora cordifolia Miers (and reply by A.C. Joshi). [Publication]

Singh, S.N. (1934) Shree Bhagvat Sinhjee -- The maker of modern Gondal. [Publication]

Sivaramamurti, C. (1934) The artist in ancient India. [Publication]

Srinath, K.V. (1934) Life history of Herpestis monniera H.B. et K. [Publication]

Stein, O. (1934) Moriz Winternitz zum 23. Dezember 1933. [Publication]

Stein, Otto (1934) Yavanas in early Indian inscriptions. [Publication]

Stein, Otto and Wilhelm Gampert (1934) Bibliographie Moriz Winternitz 1884--1933. [Publication]

Stott, H. and S.P. Gupta (1934) The distribution of goitre in the United Provinces, parts IV and V. [Publication]


Tar-chin (Ed.) (1934) The Tibetan art of treating disease in horses. [Publication]

Thomas, F.W. (1934) Tibetan documents concerning Chinese Turkestan, VII: Government and social conditions, 7. Medicine. [Publication]


Ui, H. (1934) A complete catalogue of the Tibetan Buddhist canons (Bka\d{h}-\d{h}gyur and Bstan-\d{h}gyur). [Publication]

Unkrig, W.A. (1934) Das Kapitel vom praktischen Arzt (eine Übersetzung aus dem Mongolischen). [Publication]

Unkrig, W.A. (1934) Mönche und Mediziner im Kampfe. [Publication]

Unkrig, W.A. (1934) Zur Gegenwartswertung der lamaistischen Heilkunde und über ihr Instrumentarium. [Publication]


Valkenburg, Samuel van (1934) Agricultural regions of Asia. Part V -- India: regional description. [Publication]


Waldschmidt, Ernst (1934) Das Paritta: eine magische Zeremonie der buddhistischen Priester auf Ceylon. [Publication]

Willman-Grabowska, H. (1934) Le chien dans l'Awesta et dans les {V}\'{e}das. [Publication]

Willman-Grabowska, H. (1934) Le chien dans l'Awesta et dans les Védas. [Publication]

Winternitz, Moriz (1934) Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, vol. II, begun by M. Winternitz, continued and completed by A.B. Keith. [Publication]

Winternitz, Moriz -- see on him: Otto Stein (1934) Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library. [Publication]

Wolffe, J. B. and J. C. Munch (1934) Aconite {IV}. Electrocardiographic and pharmacological studies of aconite and its constituents. [Publication]

Wolffe, J.B. and J.C. Munch (1934) Aconite IV. Electrocardiographic and pharmacological studies of aconite and its constituents. [Publication]

Wood, Lt. Col. H.S. (1934) Shikar memories. [Publication]

Wood, Casey A. (1934) Sinhalese and South Indian ceremonials in the prevention and treatment of disease. [Publication]

Wood, Casey A. (1934) Sinhalese and South Indian ceremonials in the prevention and treatment of disease. [Publication]

Wulfften Palthe, P. M. van (1934) Koro -- een eigenaardige angstneurose. [Publication]

Wulfften Palthe, P.M. van (1934) Koro -- een eigenaardige angstneurose. [Publication]

This list was generated on Wed Feb 12 05:29:32 2025 CET.