Items where Year is 1933

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Number of items: 97.


Acton, H.W. and R.N. Chopra (1933) The treatment of chronic intestinal amoebiasis with the alkaloids of Holarrhena antidysenterica (kurchi). [Publication]

Archibald, R.G. (1933) The use of the fruit of Balanites aegyptiaca in the control of schistosomiasis in Sudan. [Publication]

Bapat, P.V. (1933) Unidentified sources of the Vimuttimagga (Some Indian medical works). [Publication]

Bapat, P.V. (1933) Unidentified sources of Vimuttimagga (Some Indian medical works). [Publication]

Bhat, S.S. (1933) The leaf, flower and fruit characters of the Santra orange. [Publication]

Bhatia, B.B. and S. Lal (1933) The pharmacological action of Plumbago zeylanica and its active principle (plumbagin). [Publication]

Biswas, K. (1933) Notes on Ficus indica Linn. and closely allied American species, Ficus laurifolia Hort. et Lam. and Ficus anthelmitica Martius. [Publication]

Burton, R.W (1933) The book of the tiger. [Publication]

Chopra, R.N. (1933) Indigenous drugs of India; their medical and economical aspects. [Publication]

Chopra, R.N. and G.S. Chopra (1933) Some country beers of India. [Publication]

Chopra, R.N., J.C. Gupta and B. Mukerjee (1933) The pharmacological action of an alkaloid obtained from Rauwolfia serpentina Benth.: a preliminary note. [Publication]

Esser, A. Albert M. (1933) Die Therapie in der Ophthalmologie des Bh\={a}vaprak\={a}\'{s}a. [Publication]

Filchner, H. (1933) Kumbum Dschamba Ling: das Kloster der hunderttausend Bilder Maitreyas; ein Ausschnitt aus Leben und Lehre des heutigen Lamaismus. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1933) La force organique et la force cosmique dans la philosophie médicale de l'Inde et dans le Veda. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1933) La théorie grecque des humeurs et la médecine indienne. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1933) Les gaja\c{c}\={a}stra et les auteurs grecs à propos de deux livres récents. [Publication]

Freise, Fred W. (1933) Gesundheitssch\"{a}digungen durch Verarbeitung pflanzlicher Drogen. [Publication]

Gammermann, A.F. and B.V. Semichov (1933) Tibetische Arzneistoffe. [Publication]

Ganguly, D.C. (1933) History of the Param\^{a}ra Dynasty. [Publication]

Gee, E.P. (1933) Note on the Indo-Burmese pied hornbill. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1933) Hem\={a}dri's commentary on the Raghuva\d{m}\'{s}a (called Darpa\d{n}a) and its probable date (first half of the fifteenth century). [Publication]

Gonda, J. (1933) Agastyaparwa: een Oud-Javaansch proza-geschrift. Eenige beschouwingen over inhoud, compositie, aard en herkomst van het Agastyaparwa. Agastyaparwa, vertaling. [Publication]

Govil, J.N., V.K. Singh and Shamima Hashmi (1933) Medicinal plants: New vistas of research (part 1) (part 2). [Publication]

Hammermann, A. and B. Semicov (1933) Zametka ... translation of: W.A. Unkrig, Tibetische Arzneistoffe. [Publication]

Handley, L.M.H. (1933) Hunter's moon. [Publication]

Hardinge, Lord (1933) On hill and plain. [Publication]

Hardinge, Lord (1933) On hill and plain. [Publication]

Higgins, J.C. (1933) Shooting in Manipur. [Publication]

Hora, S.L. (1933) Rains of fishes in India. [Publication]

Hora, S.L. (1933) Worship and propitiation of wild animals at Uttarbhag, Lower Bengal. [Publication]

Hora, Sunder L. (1933) Worship of the deities Ol\={a}, Jhol\={a} and B\u{o}n B\={\i}b\={\i} in Lower Bengal. [Publication]

Iyengar, M.O.T. (1933) Filariasis in Trivandrum. [Publication]

Iyer, T.G. Ramamurthi (1933) The handbook of Indian medicine: the gems of Siddha system. [Publication]

Jhala, G.C. (1933) The A\'{s}vina in the \d{R}gveda. [Publication]

Johri, Brij Mohan (1933) The life history of Limnophyton obtusifolium Miq. [Publication]

Kapadia, H.R. (1933) Prohibition of flesh-eating in Jainism. [Publication]

Kaviratna, Kaviraj A.C. (1933) Fever in Ayurveda. [Publication]

Korke, Vishnu T. (1933) Observations on filariasis in some areas in British India, part IX. [Publication]

Krishna, S. and B.G. Varma (1933) Indian Artemisias (A biochemical report). [Publication]

Lal, J.B. and S.J. Dutt (1933) Constitution of the colouring matter of Lawsonia alba (or Indian mehndi). [Publication]

Law, Bimala Churn (1933) Geographical data from Sanskrit Buddhist literature. [Publication]

Lindner, Paul (1933) Das Geheimnis um Soma, das Getränk der alten Inder und Perser. [Publication]

Majumdar, D.N. and P.C. Guha (1933) Indian medicinal plants part 1. Withania somnifera. [Publication]

Majumdar, D.N. (1933) Disease, death and divination in certain primitive societies in India. [Publication]

Majumdar, D.N. and P.C. Guha (1933) Indian medicinal plants, part I: Withania somnifera. [Publication]

Meyer, J.J. (1933) Die Baumzuchtkapitel des Agnipur\={a}\d{n}a in textgeschichtlicher Beleuchtung. [Publication]

Meyerhof, Max (1933) Die Operation des Stars in der griechischen Medizin. [Publication]

Mhaskar, K.S. (1933) Gynaecology, obstetrics, and pediatrics of the ancient Ayurvedists. [Publication]

Miles, Arthur (1933) The land of the lingam. [Publication]

Mitra, Haridas (1933) Sadsiva worship in early Bengal: a study in history, art and religion. [Publication]

Mitra, Kalipada (1933) Ahiv\={a}ta-roga. [Publication]

Mitra, Sarat C. (1933) Studies in plant-myths. [Publication]

Mitra, Sarat Chandra (1933) On a few ancient Indian amulets and charms. [Publication]

Mitra, Sarat Chandra (1933) Studies in bird-myths. [Publication]

Mukherjee, G.N. (1933) King Bhoja (977 A.D. or 1030 A.D.). [Publication]

Mukherjee, G.N. (1933) The Tibetan surgical instruments. [Publication]

Mukherjee, Girindra Nath (1933) Vararuci and Candra Gomin. [Publication]

Mukhtar, Jugalkishore (1933) Samantabhadra's date and Dr. Pathak. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1933) On an origin of the Caraka and Su\'{s}ruta Sa\d{m}hit\={a}s. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1933) Über den Bau des Körpers nach der alten indischen Medizin. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1933) Vom Körperaufbau in der altindischen Medizin. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1933) Zur Lehre vom Stoffwechsel in der altindischen Medizin. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1933) Zur Zusammensetzung des Anfanges der Su\'{s}ruta-Sa\d{m}hit\={a}. [Publication]

Nadkarni, S.K. (1933) A cyclopaedia of Indian vegetable drugs and their preparations and combinations with appendices of useful information. [Publication]

Napier, L. Everard and K.V. Krishnan (1933) Kala-azar in Madras and its bearing on epidemiology of the disease in India. [Publication]

Narasimha Murthy, S.K. (1933) Studies on the life-history of Limnophyton obtusifolium (Miqquel). [Publication]

Olteanu, Rodica (1933) Étude monographique sur Hibiscus esculentus (Abelmoschus esculentus). [Publication]

Orr, Ian Morison (1933) Oral cancer in betel nut chewers in Travancore, its aetiology, pathology, and treatment. [Publication]

Stein, Otto and Wilhelm Gampert (Eds.) (1933) Festschrift Moriz Winternitz 1863--23.Dezember--1933. [Publication]

Parker, R.N. (1933) Forty common Indian trees and how to know them. [Publication]

Peacock, E.H. (1933) A game book for Burma and adjoining territories. [Publication]

Przyluski, J. (1933) La théorie des éléments et les origines de la science. [Publication]

Pusey, Allen (1933) The history of dermatology. [Publication]

Raghavan, V. (1933) Some Sanskrit texts on painting. [Publication]

Rahder, Johannes (1933) Levensbericht van Prof.Dr. Willem Caland. [Publication]

Ramamurthi Iyer, T.G. (1933) The handbook of Indian medicine, or: The gems of Siddha system. [Publication]

Raman, A. (1933) A case report. [Publication]

Ray, J.C. (1933) Food and drink in ancient India. [Publication]

Santos, S.R. (1933) The shrine of Our Lady of Vailankanni. [Publication]

Sastri, P.P.S. (1933) A descriptive catalogue of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the Tanjore Mah\={a}r\={a}ja Serfoji's Sarasvat\={\i} Mah\={a}l Library, Tanjore. [Publication]

Scheftelowitz, I. (1933) Die Mithra-Religion der Indoskythen und ihre Beziehung zum Saura- und Mithras-Kult. [Publication]

Sen, Probhash Chandra (1933) Pu\d{n}\d{d}ravardhana -- its site. [Publication]

Shaw, F.J.F., A.R. Khan and H. Singh (1933) Studies in Indian pulses 3. The types of Cajanus indicus Spreng. [Publication]

Sivaramamurti, C. (1933) K\={a}lid\={a}sa and painting. [Publication]

Sivaramamurti, C (1933) \'{S}r\={\i} Har\d{s}a's observations on painting with special reference to the Nai\d{s}adh\={\i}yacarita. [Publication]

Sleeman, J.L. (1933) Thug or a million murders. [Publication]

Stein, O. (1933) References to alchemy in Buddhist scriptures. [Publication]

Stolkind, E. (1933) History of bronchial asthma. [Publication]

Tavadia, Jehangir C. (1933) An Iranian text on the act of dreaming: a new parallel to Indian wisdom. [Publication]

Tschirch, A. and E. Stock (1933) Die Harze -- Die botanischen und chemischen Grundlagen unserer Kenntnisse über die Bildung, die Entwicklung and die Zusammensetzung der pflanzlichen Exkrete. [Publication]

Tucci, Giuseppe (1933) The travels of Ippolito Desideri. [Publication]

Tucci, Giuseppe (1933) Indo-Tibetica II: Rin c'en bza\.{n} po e la rinascita del Buddhismo nel Tibet intorno al mille. [Publication]

Unkrig, Wilhelm Alexander (1933) Von der Heilkunde und den praktischen Lebensregeln des Lamaismus. [Publication]

Vaidya, C.V. (1933) Epic India. [Publication]

Vallauri, M. (1933) L'introduzione del Samar\={a}\.{n}ga\d{n}as\={u}tradh\={a}ra. [Publication]

Verma, R.L. (1933) Berberine sulphate in chronic trachoma. [Publication]

Wales, H.G.Q. (1933) Siamese theory and ritual connected with pregnancy, birth and infancy. [Publication]

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