Items where Year is 1931

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Number of items: 114.


Ahmed, Ziauddin (1931) Al-B\={\i}r\={u}n\={\i}: his life and his works. [Publication]

Aiyappan, A. (1931) Myth of the origin of smallpox. [Publication]

Aiyappan, A. (1931) Myth of the origin of smallpox. [Publication]

Aiyar, L.V. Ramaswami (1931) Dravidic forms for `betel-leaf'. [Publication]

Alexander, Franz (1931) Buddhistic training as an artificial catatonia. [Publication]

Andel, M.A. van (Ed.) (1931) Bontius tropische geneeskunde -- Bontius on tropical medicine. [Publication]


B\={a}p\={a}l\={a}l Vaidya (1931) V\d{r}ddhatray\={\i}n\={\i} vanaspationo. [Publication]

Bates, R.S.P. (1931) Bird life in India. [Publication]

Bontius (1931) Tropische Geneeskunde -- On tropical medicine; M.A. van Andel. [Publication]

Bose, G. (1931) A new technique of psychoanalysis. [Publication]

Bose, K.C. and N.K. Bose (1931) Observation on the action and uses of Herpestis monniera, N.O. Scrophulariaceae. [Publication]

Briggs, George W. (1931) The Indian rhinoceros as a sacred animal. [Publication]


Cammiade, L.A. (1931) Man-eaters and were-tigers. [Publication]

Chaturvedi, M.D. (1931) Deer damage to Shorea robusta, sal plantations. [Publication]

Chintamani, T.R. (1931) A new commentary on the Amarako\'{s}a. [Publication]

Chopra, R.N. and B. Mukherjee (1931) Indian squills. [Publication]

Chopra, R.N. and N.N. Ghosh (1931) Addiction to `post' -- unlanced capsules of Papaver somniferum, part II: composition of lanced and unlanced capsules. [Publication]

Chopra, R.N., S. Krishna and T.P. Ghose (1931) Indian Ephedras: their chemistry and pharmacology. [Publication]

Chowdhury, K.A. (1931) Sandalwood and its Indian substitutes. [Publication]

Cunningham, J.C. (1931) Products of the Empire. [Publication]


Damrong Khun Ying (1931) Siamese midwifery in the old days. [Publication]

Dangel, Richard (1931) Siamesische Traumdeutungskunst. [Publication]

Das, Tarak Chandra (1931) The cultural significance of fish in Bengal. [Publication]

Dutt, Nalinaksha (1931) Notes on the N\=ag\=arjuniko\d{n}\d{d}a inscriptions I. N\=ag\=arjuniko\d{n}\d{d}a and N\=ag\=arjuna. [Publication]


Edgerton, Franklin (1931) The elephant-lore of the Hindus -- The elephant-sport (Matanga-lila) of Nilakantha, translated from the original Sanskrit with introduction, notes and glossary. [Publication]

Elgood, C. (1931) Translation of a Persian monograph on syphilis, entitled 'Risala-i itishak' by Imad al-Din Ma\d{h}mud Bin Mas`ud Bin Mahmud-u-Tabib. [Publication]

Emmanuel, R. (1931) Vegetable Materia Medica of India and Ceylon. [Publication]

Esser, A. Albert M. (1931) Die Augenuntersuchung im Bh\={a}vaprak\={a}\'{s}a. [Publication]

Esser, A. Albert M. (1931) Über indische Augenheilkunde mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Bh\={a}vaprak\={a}\'{s}a. [Publication]


Faddegon, J.-M. (1931) Notice critique sur le Firdausu'l-Hikmat or Paradise of Wisdom de `Al\'{\i} b. Rabban al-\d{T}abar\'{\i}. [Publication]

Filliozat, J. (1931) Sur la "concentration oculaire" dans le Yoga. [Publication]


Ganguli, R. (1931) Cultivation in ancient India: preparation and application of manure, II. [Publication]

Ghosh, Harinath (1931) Observations on the solubility in vitro and in vivo of sulphide of mercury, and also on its assimilation, probable pharmacological action and therapeutic activity. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1931) Date of "Ka\.{n}k\={a}li Grantha" attributed to "N\={a}s\={\i}rshah" -- A.D. 1500 to 1510. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1931) Date of Jvaratimirabh\={a}skara of K\={a}yastha C\={a}mu\d{n}\d{d}a and identification of R\={a}jamalla, his patron. [Publication]

Gode, P.K. (1931) Date of Vic\={a}rasudh\={a}kara of Ra\.{n}ga Jyotirvid -- \'{S}aka 1687 (= {A}.{D}. 1765). [Publication]

Griffing, E.P. and C.L. Alsberg (1931) Composition of kapok seed. [Publication]

Gupta, H.S. (1931) Sandal wood and its Indian substitutes. [Publication]


Hauer, J.W. (1931) Das IV. Buch des Yogas\={u}tra: ein Beitrag zu seiner Erklärung und Zeitbestimmung. [Publication]

Heimann, Betty (1931) Zur indischen Namenkunde. [Publication]

Heske, Franz (1931) Probleme der Walderhaltung im Himalaya. [Publication]

Hodiwala, S.H. (1931) Notes on Hobson-Jobson. [Publication]

Howard, Randolph L. (1931) Baptists in Burma. [Publication]

Hurst, G. (1931) Pardhis. [Publication]


Jacobi, H. (1931) Sind nach dem {S}\={a}\.{n}khya-Lehrer Pa\~{n}ca\'{s}ikha die Puru\d{s}as von Atomgrösse ? [Publication]

Jadassohn, J. (Ed.) (1931) Handbuch der Haut-und Geschlechtskrankheiten, Band 23. [Publication]

Jeanselme, Ed., publié sous la direction de (1931) Traité de la syphilis. [Publication]


Krishna, S. and T.P. Ghosh (1931) Indian Ephedras. [Publication]


Law, Bimala Churn (1931) "Cetiya" in the Buddhist literature. [Publication]

Lévi, Sylvain (1931) Un nouveau document sur le Bouddhisme de basse époque dans l'Inde. [Publication]

Lodge Patch, C.J. (1931) A critical review of the Punjab Mental Hospitals from 1840--1930. [Publication]

Lommel, Hermann (1931) Vedica und Avestica II: Mutter und Kind bei Mensch und Tier in einigen vedischen Vergleichen. [Publication]


Mahta, D.N. and B.B. Dave (1931) Studies in Cajanus indicus. [Publication]

Marshall, Sir John (1931) Chemical analysis of \'{s}il\={a}jit and lollingite or learucopyrite. [Publication]

Marshall, Sir John (Ed.) (1931) Mohenjo-daro and the Indus civilization. [Publication]

McCarrison, R. (1931) A lecture on the causation of stone in India. [Publication]

McCarrison, R. (1931) Further researches on stone. VIII. [Publication]

McCarrison, R. (1931) Researches on "stone". XI. The effect of milk in preventing the formation of calcium stones in the urinary tract of albino rats. [Publication]

McCarrison, Robert (1931) A lecture on the causation of stone in India. [Publication]

Meyerhof, Max (1931) `Al\={\i} ibn Rabban a\d{t}-\d{T}abar\={\i}, ein persischer Arzt des 9. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. [Publication]

Meyerhof, M. (1931) `Al\={\i} a\d{t}-\d{T}abar\={\i}'s "Paradise of Wisdom", one of the oldest Arabic compendiums of medicine. [Publication]

Mhaskar, K.S. (1931) Ophthalmology of the Ayurvedists. [Publication]

Mhaskar, K.S. and J.F. Caius (1931) Indian plant remedies used in snake bites. [Publication]

Modi, J.J. (1931) Dentistry in ancient India. [Publication]

Muir, Ernest (1931) Methods of campaign against leprosy in India. [Publication]

Mukhopadhyaya, Manmatha (1931) Some notes on Skanda-K\={a}rttikeya. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1931) Über arische Medizin nach durch Indien gelaufenen Überlieferungen. [Publication]

Müller, R.F.G. (1931) Zur Forschungsmethodik in der Geschichte indischer Medizin. [Publication]


Napier, L. Everard and C.R. Das Gupta (1931) An epidemiological investigation of kala-azar in a rural area in Bengal. [Publication]


O'Malley, L.S.S. (1931) The Indian Civil Service: 1601--1930. [Publication]


Panikkar, K.M. (1931) Malabar and the Dutch. [Publication]

Patch, C.J.L. (1931) A critical review of the Punjab mental hospitals from 1840--1930. [Publication]

Pathak, K. B. (1931) On the date of Akala\.{n}kadeva. [Publication]

Pertold, O. (1931) The liturgical use of mahu\d{d}a liquor among the Bh\={\i}ls. [Publication]

Piéry, M. and J. Roshem (1931) Histoire de la tuberculose. [Publication]

Pina, Luis de (1931) Subsídios para a história da medicina portuguesa indiana do seculo XVII. [Publication]

Pocock, R.I. (1931) The lions of Asia. [Publication]

Przyluski, J. (1931) L'influence iranienne en Grèce et dans l'Inde. [Publication]


Ray, Jogesh Chandra (1931) Fire-arms in ancient India. [Publication]

Ray, S.N. (1931) Some trees and herbs in ritual and folklore (Bengal and Orissa). [Publication]

Rele, Vasant Ga\.{n}g\={a}r\={a}m (1931) The Vedic gods as figures of biology. [Publication]

Report (1931) Third Report of the Indigenous Drugs Committee. [Publication]

Rieck, W. (1931) Persische Veterinärmanuskripte. [Publication]

Rieck, W. (1931) Zur Geschichte der Tierhospitäler. [Publication]

Roberts, E. (1931) Vegetable Materia Medica of India and Ceylon. [Publication]

Roddis, Louis (1931) Garcia da Orta -- The first European writer on tropical medicine and a pioneer in pharmacognosy. [Publication]

Roy, S.N. (1931) Herbs and trees in worship. [Publication]


Sambasivam Pillai, T.V. (1931) Tamil-English Dictionary of medicine, chemistry, botany and allied sciences. [Publication]

Santra, I. (1931) Survey reports: Leprosy surevy in the Punjab. [Publication]

Sarkar, A.K. (1931) The coins and weights in ancient India. [Publication]

Sarma, P.J. (1931) Hindu medicine and its antiquity. [Publication]

Sen, Gananath (1931) A discourse on five anatomical terms, with answers to criticism in English and Sanskrit. [Publication]

Sewell, R.B.S. and B.S. Guha (1931) Zoological remains. [Publication]

Sewell, R.B.S. and B.S. Guha (1931) Zoological remains. [Publication]

Shastri, Dakshina Ranjan (1931) The Lok\={a}yatikas and the {K}\={a}p\={a}likas. [Publication]

Shortt, H.E., R.O.A. Smith and C.S. Swaminath (1931) Transmission of kala-azar through Phlebotomus argentipes by the oral route. [Publication]

Siddiqi, M.T. (1931) An early Arabian author on the Indian system of medicine. [Publication]

Siddiqui, S. and R.H. Siddiqui (1931) Chemical examination of the roots of Rauwolfia serpentina Benth. [Publication]

Si\d{m}ha, Dalj\={\i}t (1931) Sarpavi\d{s}a-vij\~{n}\={a}n. [Publication]

Si\d{m}ha, Prat\={a}p (1931) \={A}yurved\={\i}ya khanij vij\~{n}\={a}n. [Publication]

Sinha, J.C. (1931) Jute in early British days. [Publication]

Smith, Malcolm Arthur (1931) The fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma: Reptilia and Amphibia Vol. I: Loricata Testudines Vol II: Sauria; Vols III and IV. [Publication]

Stahl, Günther (1931) Die Geophagie. [Publication]

Stein, Aurel (1931) On the Ephedra, the H\={u}m plant and the Soma. [Publication]

Sticker, G. (1931) Entwurf einer Geschichte der ansteckenden Geschlechtskrankheiten. [Publication]

Stott, H., B.B. Bhatia, R.S. Lal and K.C. Rai (1931) The distribution and cause of endemic goitre in the United Provinces. [Publication]


Vallée Poussin, Louis de la (1931) Le Bouddha et les Abhij\~{n}\={a}s. [Publication]

Viswanathan, G. (1931) A handbook of (systematic) forest botany for Madras. [Publication]


Waley, A. (1931) The travels of an alchemist -- The journey of Taoist Ch'ang-ch'un from China to the Hindukush at the summons of Chingiz Khan, recorded by his disciple, Li Chih-ch'ang, translated from the Chinese with introduction. [Publication]

Wesendonk, O. G. von (1931) The k\={a}lav\={a}da and the Zervanite system. [Publication]

Wesendonk, O.G. von (1931) The k\={a}lav\={a}da and the Zervanite system. [Publication]

Wüst, Walther (Ed.) (1931) Studia Indo-Iranica. [Publication]


Yaneske, B. (1931) The history of iron and steel manufacture and its development in India. [Publication]


Banerjee, Dhirendranath (1931) Antiquity of the Indian and Greek medicine. [Publication]

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