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UNSPECIFIED (1925) S\={a}dhanam\={a}l\={a}. [Publication]
Aiyar, C.S. Narayaswami (1925) Ancient Indian chemistry and alchemy of the chemico-philosophical Siddh\={a}nta system of the Indian mystics. [Publication]
Akbar Alikha, Hakim (1925) Tibb-e-Akbar -- Munshi Sitalprasadji Munshi Deviprasad dv\={a}r\={a} anuv\={a}dit. [Publication]
Anderson, L.A.P., A. Howard and J.L. Simonsen (1925) Studies on lathyrism I. [Publication]
Balfour, Henry (1925) Navigation and fishing on the Ganges. [Publication]
Banerjee, Harimohan (1925) The pharmacopoeia of Life. [Publication]
Barrington, A.H.M. (1925) Forest development in Burma. [Publication]
Bentley, C.E. (1925) Malaria and agriculture in Bengal. [Publication]
Bhattacharyya, Rajendra K. and Sarat C. Mitra (1925) On some rain-compelling and rain-stopping rites from the district of Chittagong in Eastern Bengal. [Publication]
Bhattacharyya, Rajendra Kumar and Sarat Chandra Mitra (1925) On the worship of the sun-deity in Bihar, Western and Eastern Bengal. [Publication]
Blanford, H.R. (1925) Highlights of one hundred years of forestry in Burma. [Publication]
Bloch, J. (1925) Le nom du riz. [Publication]
Bodding, P.O. (1925) Studies in Santal medicine and connected folklore: 1. The Santals and disease; 2. Santal medicine; 3. How the Santals live. [Publication]
Chandler, Asa C. (1925) The epidemiology of hookworm and other helminth infections on Assam tea estates. [Publication]
Chatterji, K.K. (1925) A note on margosa oil in the treatment of cancer. [Publication]
Chopra, R.N. and J.P. Bose (1925) Cephalandra indica (telakucha) in diabetes. [Publication]
Chopra, R.N. and S. Ghosh (1925) A preliminary note on the pharmacology and therapeutics of Adhatoda vasica (basak). [Publication]
Chopra, R.N. and Sudhamoy Ghosh (1925) Some observations on the pharmacological action and therapeutic properties of Adhatoda vasica (bas\={a}k) (Indigenous drug series No. 6). [Publication]
Copleston, W.E. (1925) The Bombay forests. [Publication]
Crawley, A.E. (1925) Anointing (Hindu). [Publication]
Esser, A. Albert M. (1925) Modern-europäische und alt-indische Embryologie. [Publication]
Farquhar, J.N. (1925) The fighting ascetics of India. [Publication]
Frauwallner, E. (1925) Untersuchungen zum Mok\d{s}adharma -- Die s\=a\d{m}khyistischen Texte. [Publication]
Ghatak, J. (1925) Sarala and devadaru. [Publication]
Ghosh, E.N. (1925) The Nadi system in Ayurvedic medicine, Upanishads and Tantrik literature. [Publication]
Ghosh, Ekendranath (1925) A study of the Nadi Chakra system in Ayurvedic works. [Publication]
Gudger, E.W. (1925) Stitching wounds with the mandibles of ants and beetles: a minor contribution to the history of surgery. [Publication]
Gupta, Kishori Mohan (1925) The land-system and agriculture of the Vedic age. [Publication]
Hunger, F.W.T. (1925) Nature and origin of coco-nut pearls. [Publication]
Iyengar, P.T.S. (1925) The trade of India from the earliest times till the second century A.D. [Publication]
Jayne, Walter Addison (1925) The healing gods of ancient civilizations. [Publication]
Johnson, G.L. (1925) A plea for reviving the operation of couching. [Publication]
Lal, Hira (1925) Vows to propitiate the goddess of smallpox. [Publication]
Majumdar, D.N. (1925) The birth ceremonies of the Hos of Kolhan. [Publication]
Majumdar, U.N. and Sarat C. Mitra (1925) Tree worship in the district of Dinajpur in northern Bengal. [Publication]
Mazumdar (1925) Medicinal science in ancient India. [Publication]
Mitra, Kalipada (1925) The bird and serpent myth. [Publication]
Mitra, Sarat Chandra (1925) On the cult of the jujube-tree. [Publication]
Mukerjee, G.N. (1925) Bh\={a}skara. [Publication]
Mukerjee, G.N. (1925) K\={a}rtika Ku\d{n}\d{d}a. [Publication]
Mukerjee, G.N. (1925) Ravi Gupta and Vi\d{s}\d{n}u Gupta. [Publication]
Mukerji, G. (1925) \'{S}\={a}lihotra. [Publication]
Mukhop\={a}dhy\={a}ya, G. (1925) Midwifery in India. [Publication]
Müller, R.F.G. (1925) Über Skelettdarstellungen in Asia Major. [Publication]
Müller, R.F.G. (1925) Die Skelett-Darstellung und ihre Verbreitungswege in Asien. [Publication]
Penzer, N.M. (1925) Indian eunuchs. [Publication]
Penzer, N.M. (1925) Note on cross-roads. [Publication]
Penzer, N.M. (1925) Note on the power of entering another's body. [Publication]
Phadke, N.S. (1925) Birth control: Theory and practice. [Publication]
Pisharoti, K. Rama (1925) Naga worship in Kerala. [Publication]
Ponder, E. (1925) The reputed medicinal properties of precious stones. [Publication]
Printz (1925) Buddhas Geburt. [Publication]
Rao, B.S., Sudborough and H.E. Watson (1925) Notes on some Indian essential oils. [Publication]
Ray, Manmotho Nath (1925) Food and drink in the R\={a}m\={a}ya\d{n}ic age. [Publication]
Rogers, Sir Leonard (1925) Climate and disease incidence in India with special reference to leprosy, phthisis, pneumonia and smallpox. [Publication]
Roy, Manmotho Nath (1925) Food and drink in the R\={a}m\={a}yanic age. [Publication]
Roy, S.L. (1925) The Birhors: a little known jungle tribe of Chota Nagpur. [Publication]
Roy, Satindra N. (1925) Some popular superstitions of Orissa. [Publication]
Russell, A.J.H. (1925) The epidemiology of cholera I, II. [Publication]
Santos, Sebasti\~{a}o da Costa (1925) A Escola de Cirurgia do Hospital Real de Todos os Santos, 1565--1775. [Publication]
Sastri, H.P. (1925) Lok\={a}yata. [Publication]
Saunders, Virginia (1925) Magic in the Sanskrit drama. [Publication]
Schayer, Stanislav (1925) Die Struktur der magischen Weltanschauung nach dem Atharva-Veda und den Br\=ahma\d{n}a-Texten. [Publication]
Schayer, Stanislav (1925) Die Struktur der magischen Weltanschauung nach dem Atharva-Veda und den Br\={a}hma\d{n}a-Texten. [Publication]
Sen, G. (1925) The science of Ayurveda. [Publication]
Sinha, S.C. (1925) On the antiquity and therapeutic uses of the Indian spikenard. [Publication]
Steinschneider, M. (1925) Gesammelte Schriften, herausgegeben von H. Malter und A. Marx. [Publication]
Tavernier, J.-B. (1925) Travels in India. [Publication]
Tucci, G. (1925) A sketch of Indian materialism. [Publication]
Uhl, L.L. (1925) A contribution towards the identification of the Soma plant of Vedic times. [Publication]
Vallauri, M. (1925) La scienza nell'India antica. [Publication]
Woolner, A.C. (1925) Sanskrit names of drugs in Kuchean. [Publication]
Woolner, A. C. (1925) Sanskrit names of drugs in Kuchean. [Publication]