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Bhi\d{s}ag\={a}c\={a}rya, G.M. (1923) History of Indian medicine. [Publication]
Brown, J.C. (1923) India's mineral wealth; a guide to the occurrences and economics of the useful minerals of India, Pakistan and Burma. [Publication]
Carey, S.P. (1923) William Carey. [Publication]
Chakraberty, Chandra (1923) A comparative study of Hindu Materia Medica. [Publication]
Chakraberty, Chandra (1923) An interpretation of ancient Hindu medicine. [Publication]
Chopra, R.N., S. Ghosh, P. Dey and B.N. Ghosh (1923) Pharmacology and therapeutics of Boerhaavia diffusa (punarnava). [Publication]
Chopra, R.N. (1923) The pharmacology and therapeutics of Boerhaavia diffusa (punarnava). [Publication]
Chopra, R.N., B.N. Ghosh and P. De (1923) The pharmacology and therapeutics of Boerhaavia diffusa. [Publication]
Chopra, R.N., S. Ghosh, B.N. Ghosh and P. De (1923) The pharmacology and therapeutics of Boerhaavia diffusa (punarnava). [Publication]
Das, Kedarnath (1923) Midwifery in India. [Publication]
Das, S.K. (1923) Medicinal, economic and useful plants of India. [Publication]
Dixon, W.E. (1923) Smoking of Indian hemp and opium. [Publication]
Dunbar Brander, A.A. (1923) Wild animals in central India. [Publication]
Fenton, L.L. (1923) The rifle in India. [Publication]
Güntert, Hermann (1923) Der arische Weltkönig und Heiland; bedeutungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zur Indo-iranischen Religionsgeschichte und Altertumskunde. [Publication]
Ghosh, H.N. (1923) Ayurvedic system of medicine and the question of its adaptability. [Publication]
Gibson, A. (1923) Cinnamon and Frangipanni. [Publication]
Gordon, D.H. (1923) Some notes on possession by bh\={u}ts in the Punjab. [Publication]
Harris, H. (1923) Native manufacture wrought iron in small blast furnaces in India. [Publication]
Hehir, Maj.Gen. Sir Patrick (1923) The medical profession in India. [Publication]
Heir, Patrick (1923) The medical profession in India. [Publication]
Hingston, R.W.G. (1923) A naturalist in Hindustan. [Publication]
Hoatson (1923) Hoatson's Sinhalese practice of medicine and materia medica, with introduction and notes by T. Petch. [Publication]
Hora, S.L. (1923) Certain local names of the fishes of the genus Garra. [Publication]
Howard, A., J.L. Simonsen and L.A.P. Anderson (1923) A preliminary note on lathyrism. [Publication]
Hutton, J.J. (1923) Sacrifice by hurling from the roof. [Publication]
Hutton, J.H. (1923) Some economic plants of the Naga Hills. [Publication]
Ivanow, W. (1923) A "witch-case" in medieval India. [Publication]
Joachinowitz, M. (1923) Pluchea lanceolata as adulterant of senna. [Publication]
Kritiker, D.B. (1923) Some important drugs of India, their chemical constituents, therapeutics and native uses. [Publication]
Lewin, L. (1923) Die Pfeilgifte: nach eigenen toxicologischen und ethnologischen Untersuchungen. [Publication]
Majumdar, Dhirendra Nath (1923) Customs and tabus observed by an East Bengal woman from pregnancy to childbirth. [Publication]
Mellor, E.M. (1923) The countries our drugs come from VI: India. [Publication]
Mitra, Sarat Chandra (1923) On the cult of the godlings of disease in Eastern Bengal. [Publication]
Mitra, Sarat Chandra (1923) Supplementary remarks on the Jessore and the East Bengal forms of the G\={a}r\'{s}\={\i}-cult. [Publication]
Müller, R.F.G. (1923) Ein Beitrag zur ärztlichen Graphik aus Zentralasien (Turfan). [Publication]
Müller, R.F.G. (1923) Über Votive aus Osttibet (Kin-tschwan). [Publication]
Oldenberg, Hermann (1923) Die Religion des Veda. [Publication]
Parkinson, C.E. (1923) A forest flora of Andaman Islands. [Publication]
Pertold, O. (1923) A protective ritual of the Southern Buddhists. [Publication]
Pillai, C.T. Arumugam (1923) Report of the Committee on the Indigenous System of Medicine. [Publication]
Przyluski, J. (1923) La légende de l'empereur A\c{c}oka (A\c{c}oka-avad\={a}na) dans les textes indiens et chinois. [Publication]
Przyluski, J. (1923) Les vidy\={a}r\={a}ja -- Contribution à l'histoire de la magie dans les sectes mah\={a}y\={a}nistes. [Publication]
Ross, R. (1923) Memoirs. [Publication]
Ruska, Julius (1923) Sal ammoniacus, Nus\={a}dir und Salmiak,. [Publication]
S\={a}ny\={a}l, Am\={u}lya Ratan and Sarat Chandra Mitra (1923) On the cult of the goddess G\={a}r\'{s}\={\i}. [Publication]
Schoff, W.H. (1923) Nard. [Publication]
Soares, A.X. (1923) Garcia d'Orta, a little known owner of Bombay. [Publication]
Thorndike, Lynn (1923) A history of magic and experimental science during the first thirteen centuries of our era. [Publication]
Vallauri, M. (1923) Il brano della \'{S}\={a}r\.{n}gadharasa\d{m}hit\={a} sull'anatomia. [Publication]
Vallauri, M. (1923) L'India e la storia delle scienze. [Publication]
Vallauri, M. (1923) La patologia indiana. [Publication]
Vallée Poussin, Louis de la (1923) L'Abhidharmako\'{s}a de Vasubandhu, traduction et annotations. [Publication]
Viehoever, Arno and Ruth G. Capen (1923) New sources of santonin. [Publication]
Walker, E.L. (1923) Elephant hunting and shooting in Ceylon. [Publication]
Wardrop, Maj. General A.E. (1923) Days and nights with Indian big game. [Publication]
Wilson, Guy Fleetwood (1923) Letters to nobody, 1908--13. [Publication]