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Barber, G.A. (1915) Studies in Indian sugarcanes. [Publication]
Blennerhassett, A. (1915) The cotton fabrics of the Central Provinces. [Publication]
Crooke, W. (1915) The Dasahra: an autumn festival of the Hindus. [Publication]
compiled by {P}\={a}rthas\={a}rathi {K}\d{r}\d{s}\d{n}am\={a}c\={a}rya (1915) Bhi\d{s}agbh\={u}\d{s}a\d{n}a with Telugu interpretation, Part I,. [Publication]
Elmore, Wilber Theodore (1915) Dravidian gods in modern Hinduism: a study of the local and village deities of Southern India. [Publication]
Finot, Louis (1915) Note additionnelle sur l'édit des hôpitaux. [Publication]
Fleet, J.F. (1915) The ancient Indian water-clock. [Publication]
Geddes, P. (1915) Universities in Europe and India. [Publication]
Hill, Arthur W. (1915) The history and functions of botanic gardens. [Publication]
Hornell, J. (1915) Recent pearl fishery in Palk Bay with biological notes upon pearl oysters. [Publication]
Hornell, James (1915) The Indian conch (Turbinella pyrum Linn.) and its relation to Hindu life and religion. [Publication]
Lévi, Sylvain (1915) Le catalogue g;eographique des yak\d{s}a dans la Mah\={a}m\={a}y\={u}r\={\i}. [Publication]
Lushington, A.W. (1915) Vernacular list of trees, shrubs and woody climbers in the Madras Presidency. [Publication]
MacKenna, James (1915) Agriculture in India. [Publication]
Macdonell, A.A. (1915) Lotus (Indian). [Publication]
Macdonell, A.A. (1915) Magic (Vedic). [Publication]
McCarrison, R. (1915) The distribution of goitre in India. [Publication]
Meyer, J.J. (1915) Das Weib im altindischen Epos; ein Beitrag zur indischen und zur vergleichenden Kulturgeschichte. [Publication]
Mitra, Sarat Chandra (1915) North-Indian folk-medicine for hydrophobia and scorpion sting. [Publication]
Mitra, Sarat Chandra (1915) On North-Indian charms for securing immunity from the virus of scorpion-stings. [Publication]
Pagel, J.L. and Karl Sudhoff (1915) Einführumg in die Geschichte der Medizin in 25 akademischen Vorlesungen. [Publication]
Pargiter, F.E. (1915) The telling of time in ancient India. [Publication]
Pilcher, J.D. and T. Sollmann (1915) Studies on the vasomotor centre. VII. The action of aconite. [Publication]
Rose, H.A. (1915) Magic (Indian). [Publication]
Roy, Sarat Chandra (1915) Birth and childhood ceremonies amongst the Oraons. [Publication]
Roy, Sarat Chandra (1915) The Oraons of Chota Nagpur: Their history, economic life, and social organization. [Publication]
Sastri, Hirananda (1915) Recent additions to our knowledge of the Copper Age antiquiies of the Indian Empire. [Publication]
Schoff, W.H. (1915) The Eastern iron trade of the Roman empire. [Publication]
Schoff, Wilfred H. (1915) Some aspects of the overland oriental trade at the Christian era. [Publication]
Senart (1915) Rajas et la théorie indienne des trois gu\d{n}as. [Publication]
Shamasastry, R. (1915) Kau\d{t}ilya's Artha\'{s}\={a}stra, translated into English. [Publication]
Sinks, M.J. (1915) Indisch natuuronderzoek. [Publication]
Sirks, M.J. (1915) Indisch natuuronderzoek. [Publication]
Stevenson, Mrs. Sinclair (1915) The heart of Jainism. [Publication]
Sutthoff, W. (1915) Zusammensetzung einiger seltener Gew\"{u}rze. [Publication]
Vallauri, M. (1915) La medicina indiana. [Publication]
Vallée Poussin, Louis de la (1915) Materialism (Indian). [Publication]
Wayland, E.J. (1915) Stones of the Nawaratna: their mythical significance and superstitious lore. [Publication]