Items where Year is 1913

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Number of items: 63.


Agrawala, Vasudeva S. (1913) India as known to P\={a}\d{n}ini (a study of the cultural material in the A\d{s}\d{t}\={a}dhy\={a}y\={\i}). [Publication]

Anonymous (1913) Report of the Forest Committee, vol. I. [Publication]

Anonymous (1913) The Wallich herbarium. [Publication]


Bell, C.F. (1913) Working plan report for the reserved forests of the Nimar District in the CPs. [Publication]

Bloomfield, Maurice (1913) The character and adventures of M\={u}ladeva. [Publication]

Bolling, G.M. (1913) The \c{C}\=antikalpa of the Atharvaveda. [Publication]

Bosworth Smith, P. (1913) Report on the Woolagiri Block, Nanjangud mine, Mysore District. [Publication]

Bower, F.O. (1913) Sir William Hooker, 1785--1865. [Publication]

Bower, Faubion (1913) Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker. [Publication]


Chambers, A.C. (1913) Enteric fever in Indians, with special reference to its occurrence in the Indian army. [Publication]


Decourdemanche, Jean-Adolphe (1913) Traité des monnaies, mesures et poids anciens et modernes de l'Inde et de la Chine. [Publication]

Dirnroth, Otto and Stephan Goldschmidt (1913) Über den Farbstoff des Stocklacks. [Publication]


Fick, R. (1913) Gotra. [Publication]


Gildemeister, E. and F. Hoffmann (1913) The volatile oils. [Publication]

Grierson, G.A. (1913) Gorakhn\={a}th. [Publication]


Hehir, P. (1913) Hygiene and diseases of India. [Publication]

Hoernle, A.F. Rudolf (1913) Introduction to the Bower Manuscript. [Publication]

Hoernle, A.F. Rudolf (1913) The discovery of the Bower Manuscript: its date, locality, circumstances, importance, etc. [Publication]

Hübotter, F. (1913) Beiträge zur Kenntnis der chinesischen sowie der tibetisch-mongolischen Pharmakologie. [Publication]


Jacobi, H. (1913) Hemacandra. [Publication]

Jolly, J. (1913) Food (Hindu). [Publication]

Jolly, J. (1913) Review of A.F. Rudolf Hoernle's edition of the Bower Manuscript, Calcutta 1893--1912. [Publication]


Kennedy, J. (1913) Sidelights on Kani\d{s}ka. [Publication]

Kern, H. (1913) Verspreide geschriften, onder zijn toezicht verzameld. Tweede deel: Voor-Indië, tweede gedeelte: The B\d{r}hat-Sa\d{m}hit\={a} or Complete system of natural astrology of Var\={a}hamihira. Translated, from Sanskrit into English. , 1--154 (Chapters L--CVI). [Publication]

Kunja Lal, B.M. (1913) The surgical instruments of the Hindus. [Publication]


Lami, J. (1913) L'Ayurveda et la médecine au pays des brahmanes. [Publication]

Laufer, B. (1913) Dokumente der indischen Kunst. Erstes Heft: Malerei -- Das Citralaksha\d{n}a nach dem Tibetischen Tanjur herausgegeben und übersetzt. [Publication]

Lévi, S. (1913) Le "Tokharien B", langue de Koutcha. [Publication]

Love, H.D. (1913) Vestiges of old Madras. [Publication]


MacNaughton, Marjory (1913) The action of protoveratrine and aconitine on the neuro-muscular apparatus of the frog. [Publication]

Mariadassou, Paramananda (1913) Le jardin des simples de l'Inde. [Publication]

Mehta, S.S. (1913) Aswattha or tree worship. [Publication]

Mehta, Sumant (1913) The Ayurvedic system of medicine. [Publication]

Mitra, Sarat C. (1913) A note on the worship of the pipal tree in Bengal. [Publication]

Mitra, Sarat Chandra (1913) Further notes on sorcery in ancient, mediaeval and modern India. [Publication]

Moore, William (1913) A manual of family medicine and hygiene for India. [Publication]

Mukhop\={a}dhy\={a}ya, Girindran\={a}th (1913) The surgical instruments of the Hindus, with a comparative study of the surgical instruments of the Greek, Roman, Arab and the modern European surgeons. [Publication]

Munson, A. (1913) Jungle days: being the experiences of an American woman doctor in India. [Publication]

Muthu, D.C. (1913) A short review of the history of ancient Hindu medicine. [Publication]


Nellappar, M.A. (1913) Dravyagu\d{n}aratn\={a}kara. [Publication]


Oliver, F.W. (Ed.) (1913) Makers of British botany. [Publication]


Pargiter, F.E. (1913) Visvamitra and Vasistha. [Publication]

Peters, John P. (1913) "The cock". [Publication]


Salomons, H.J.W. (1913) Het Hindoesche huisritueel volgens de school van Bh\={a}radv\={a}ja. [Publication]

Schoff, W.H. (1913) The name of the Erythraean Sea. [Publication]

Shamasastry, R. (1913) The a\.{n}gula of six yavas. [Publication]

Sheepshanks, E. (1913) Forest settlement report for Jagir forests of the Rajas of Goler, Dada Siba, Nadaun and Kutlehr in Kangra District, Simla. [Publication]

Silva, W.A. de (1913) The medical literature of the Sinhalese. [Publication]

Sprinkmeyer, H. and A. Diedrichs (1913) Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Kapoksamens und des daraus gewonnenen Öles. [Publication]

Sprinkmeyer, H. and A. Diedrichs (1913) Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Kapoksamens und des daraus gewonnenen Oles. [Publication]

Stockley, Col. V.M. (1913) Big game shooting in India, Burma and Somali Land. [Publication]

Suali, Luigi (1913) Introduzione allo studio della filosofia indiana. [Publication]


Thomas, F.W. (1913) The date of Kani\d{s}ka. [Publication]

Thurston, E. (1913) The number seven in southern India. [Publication]

Tobler-Wolff, Gertrud (1913) Baumwollersatzstoffe. [Publication]

Tobler-Wolff, G. (1913) Baumwollersatzstoffe. [Publication]

Troup, R.S. (1913) Forestry in India. [Publication]


Vallauri, M. (1913) Saggio di versione del "M\={a}dhavanid\={a}na". [Publication]

Var\=ahamihira (1913) Var\=ahamihira-- B\d{r}hajj\={a}taka: text and English translation by Suryanarain Rao, rev. ed. by B. Lakshminarain Rao, ed. by V. Raman. [Publication]


Wall, F. (1913) A popular treatise on the common Indian snakes. [Publication]

Weissenberg, S. (1913) Medizinisches aus Zentralasien. [Publication]

Weissenberg, S. (1913) Medizinisches aus Zentralasien. [Publication]


Zumbro, W.M. (1913) Religious penances and punishments self-inflicted by the holy men of India. [Publication]

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