Items where Year is 1911

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Number of items: 59.


Assmann, Fritz (1911) Beiträge zur Kenntnis pflanzlicher Agglutinine. [Publication]

Aubert, L. (1911) The manufacture of palm sugar in upper Burma. [Publication]

Aubert, L. (1911) The manufacture of palm sugar in upper Burma. [Publication]


Bentley, Charles (1911) An investigation into the causes of malaria in Bombay and the measures necessary for its control. [Publication]

Bhandarkar, D.R. (1911) Foreign elements in the Hindu population. [Publication]

Blatter, E. (1911) A bibliography of the botany of British India and Ceylon. [Publication]

Bolling, G.M. (1911) Disease and medicine (Vedic). [Publication]

Bolling, G.M. (1911) Divination (Vedic). [Publication]

Braidwood, H.S. and W. Crooke (1911) The meaning of "meriah". [Publication]

Burkill, I.H. (1911) Determination of the prickly pears now wild in India. [Publication]


Caland, W. (1911) Over het bijgeloof der haarwervels op het paard. [Publication]

Charpentier, Jarl (1911) Kleine Beiträge zur indoiranischen Mythologie. [Publication]

Chavannes, \'{E}douard (1911) S\={u}tra prononcé par le Buddha au sujet de l'Avad\={a}na concernant Fille-de-Manguier (\={A}mrap\={a}li) et K'i-yu (J\={\i}vaka). [Publication]

Christophers, S.R. (1911) Malaria in the Punjab. [Publication]

Crooke, W. (1911) Demons and spirits (Indian). [Publication]


Decourdemanche, Jean-Adolphe (1911) Note sur l'ancien système métrique de l'Inde. [Publication]


Evans, Major G.P. (1911) Big-game shooting in Upper Burma. [Publication]


Fühner, Hermann (1911) Über den toxikologischen Nachweis des Aconitins. [Publication]

Fleet, J.F. (1911) The standard height of an Indian man. [Publication]

Fletcher, F.W.F. (1911) Sport on the Nilgeris and in Wynaad. [Publication]

Fletcher, F.W.F. (1911) Sport in the Nilgiris and in Wynad. [Publication]

Fraser, A.H.L. (1911) Among Indian Rajahs and Ryots -- A civil servant's recollections and impressions of 37 years of work and sport in the CPs and Bengal. [Publication]


Galletti, A., A.J. van der Burg and P. Groot (1911) The Dutch in Malabar. [Publication]

Gammie, G.A. (1911) Millets of the genus Setaria in Bombay Presidency and Sind. [Publication]


Hehir, P. (1911) Historical note on cholera in India. [Publication]

Hooper, D. (1911) Asiatic milk-products. [Publication]


Jacobi, H. (1911) Cow (Hindu). [Publication]

Jacobi, H. (1911) Daitya. [Publication]

Jacobi, H. (1911) Demons and spirits (Jain). [Publication]

Jacobi, H. (1911) Divination (Indian). [Publication]

Jacobi, H. (1911) Zur Frühgeschichte der indischen Philosophie. [Publication]

Jolly, J. (1911) Crimes and punishments. [Publication]

Jolly, J. (1911) Disease (Hindu). [Publication]


Lévi, S. (1911) Mélanges d'indianisme offerts par ses élèves à m. Sylvain Lévi le 29 janvier 1911 à l'occasion des vingt-cinq ans écoulés. [Publication]

Lévi, Sylvain (1911) Étude des documents tokhariens de la mission Pelliot I, Les bilingues. [Publication]


MacCulloch, J.A. (1911) Cross-roads. [Publication]

Maspéro, H. (1911) Sur la date et l'authenticité du Fou fa tsang yin yuan tchouan. [Publication]

Meunier, L. (1911) Histoire de la médecine depuis ses origines jusqu'à nos jours. [Publication]


Ray, Ganapati (1911) Is tobacco indigenous to India? [Publication]

Rheede, Hendrik Adriaan van (1911) Memoir written in the year 1677 A.D. by Hendrik Adriaan van Rheede...for his successor; selections from the Records of the Madras Government. [Publication]

Rhys Davids, T.W. (1911) Crimes and punishments (Buddhist). [Publication]

Rose, H.A. (1911) The tribes and castes of the Panjab and North West Frontier Province. [Publication]


Schrader, F.O. (1911) The translation of the term bhagavat. [Publication]

Seligman, C.G. and B.Z. Seligman (1911) The Veddas. [Publication]

Shakespear, John (1911) Rain-stopping in Manipur. [Publication]

Sirks, M.J. (1911) G.E. Rumphius, de grondlegger van het natuuronderzoek in onze koloniën. [Publication]

Sitaramaiya (1911) The plant kurinji (Strobilanthus) and the worship of Kattaikkavalar. [Publication]

Skinner, C.M. (1911) Myths and legends of flowers, trees, fruits and plants in all ages and in all climates. [Publication]

Stebbing, E.P. (1911) Jungle by-ways in India: Leaves from the notebook of a sportsman and a naturalist. [Publication]

Strauss, Otto (1911) Ethische Probleme aus dem "Mah\={a}bh\={a}rata". [Publication]


Vallée Poussin, L. de la (1911) Councils (Buddhist). [Publication]

Vernede, R.E. (1911) An ignorant in India. [Publication]


Waddell, L.A. (1911) Ancient Indian anatomical drawings from Tibet. [Publication]

Waddell, L.A. (1911) Demons and spirits (Buddhist). [Publication]

Waddell, L.A. (1911) Demons and spirits (Tibetan). [Publication]

Waddell, L.A. (1911) Divination (Buddhist). [Publication]

Wilmot, S. Eardley (1911) Forest life and sport in India. [Publication]

Wilmot, S. E. (1911) Forest life and sport in India. [Publication]

Wilson, Lady (1911) Letters from India. [Publication]

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