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Atchley, E.G. and F. Cuthbert (1909) A history of incense in divine worship. [Publication]
Avaisa, D.N. (1909) Lac and lac cultivation from practical experiences of the same. [Publication]
Bidyabinod, Binoda Bihari (1909) An illustrated note on an Indian deity called Revanta. [Publication]
Brunton Lauder (Ed.) (1909) On the poison of venomous snakes and the methods of preventing death from their bite. [Publication]
Brunton, T. Lauder and J. Fayrer (1909) On the nature and physiological action of the poison of Naja tripudians and other Indian venomous snakes, parts I and II. [Publication]
Burkill, I.H. (1909) Drug astukhudus, nowadays Lavandula dentata, and not Lavandula stoechas. [Publication]
Burkill, I.H. (1909) On Coptis. [Publication]
Charpentier, Jarl (1909) Über Rudra-\'{S}iva. [Publication]
Clercq, F.S.A. de (1909) Nieuw plantkundig woordenboek voor Nederlandsch Indië, met korte aanwijzingen van het nuttig gebruik der planten en hare beteekenis in het volkslevn en met registers der inlandsche en wetenschappelijke benamingen; na het overlijden van den schrijver voor. [Publication]
Collins, G.N. (1909) A new type of Indian corn from China. [Publication]
Coomaraswamy, A.K. (1909) The Indian craftsman. [Publication]
Cordier, P. (1909) Catalogue du fonds tibétain de la Bibliothèque Nationale, IIe et IIIe partie: Index du Bstan-\d{h}gyur (Tibétain 108--179 et 180--332). [Publication]
Dixit, Renu, V.K. Joshi and K.V. Vijaya Bhasker Reddy (1909) Arjuna kshirapaka in hrid roga (heart disease). [Publication]
Donovan, C. (1909) Kala-azar in Madras. [Publication]
Firminger, W.K. (1909) The diaries of three surgeons of Patna \ - 1763. [Publication]
Fryer, John -- see BDHM 2, 1964, 241--250; W. Crooke (1909) Voyages to the East Indies: Christopher Fryke and Christopher Schweitzer. [Publication]
Ghosal, L.M. (1909) Terminalia arjuna. [Publication]
Greene, Edward Lee (1909) Landmarks of botanical history. [Publication]
Hendley, T.H. (1909) Indian jewellery. [Publication]
Hillebrandt, A. (1909) Birth (Hindu, literary). [Publication]
Hoernle, A.F. Rudolf (1909) [revised translation of parts I--III of the Bower Manuscript]. [Publication]
Hoernle, A.F. Rudolph (1909) Studies in ancient Indian medicine. V. The composition of the Caraka Samhita in the light of the Bower manuscript (An essay in historical and textual criticism). [Publication]
Hornell, J. (1909) Report to the Government of Baroda on the prospects of establishing a pearl fishery and other marine industries on the coast of Okhamandel. [Publication]
Hutchinson, R.H. Sneyd (1909) Eastern Bengal and Assam District Gazetteer. Chittagong Hill Tracts. [Publication]
Jacobi, H. (1909) Abode of the blest (Hindu). [Publication]
James, S.P. (1909) Smallpox and vaccination in British India. [Publication]
James, S.P. (1909) Small-pox and vaccination in British India. [Publication]
Kaistha, D.S. (1909) Some traces of homoeopathy in the ancient Hindu medicine. [Publication]
Kulkarni, L.B. (1909) The drugs of Sirsi and Kappat hills. [Publication]
Le Coq, A. von (1909) Köktürkisches aus Turfan (Manuskriptfragmente in köktürkischen "Runen" aus Tuyoq und Idiqut-Schähri ). [Publication]
Leersum, E.C. van (1909) Préparation du calomel chez les anciens Hindous. [Publication]
MacPherson, H. (1909) Final report on the survey and settlement operations in the district of Santhal Parganas, 1898--1907. [Publication]
Maxwell, H.M. (1909) Indian insect life --A manual of the insects of the plains. [Publication]
Maxwell-Lefroy, H. (1909) Indian insect life -- A manual of the insects of the Plains (tropical India) -- Assisted by F.W. Howlett. [Publication]
Michael, W. (1909) Indian indigenous dyes. [Publication]
Mukherjee, Rajkrishna (1909) Anatomy or Shareer-Tattwa, designed for the use of vernacular medical students. [Publication]
Obeyesekere, Donald (1909) Medical science among the Sinhalese: smallpox and its treatment. [Publication]
Oppert, G. (1909) Mitteilungen zur chemisch-technischen Terminologie im alten Indien: (1) Ueber die Metalle, besonders das Messing, (2) Der indische Ursprung der Kadmia (Calaminaris) und der Tutia. [Publication]
Pearson, G.F. (1909) The degeneration of tigers. [Publication]
Perkin, A.G. (1909) The colouring matters of the flowers of Hibiscus sabdariffa and Thespesia lampas. [Publication]
Pinchot, G. (1909) Sir Dietrich Brandis. [Publication]
Ram Bhishagratna, T.S. (1909) In defence of Ayurveda. [Publication]
Ray, Ganapati (1909) Was tobacco in vogue in 1600? [Publication]
Report (1909) Second Report of the Indigenous Drugs Committee. [Publication]
Rogers, Alexander (translator) and Henry Beveridge (editor) (1909) The T\=uzuk-i-Jah\=ang\={\i}r\={\i} or Memoirs of Jah\=angir. [Publication]
Schmidt, R. (1909) Das Rati\'{s}\={a}stra des N\={a}g\={a}rjuna. [Publication]
Schroeder, L. von (1909) Nachträge zum Ap\={a}l\={a}-Lied. [Publication]
Shore, R. (1909) Medico-topographic account of Mewar. [Publication]
Sieg, E. (1909) Bh\d{r}gu. [Publication]
Stebbing, E.P. (1909) Game rules of the Nilgiris. [Publication]
Stebbing, E.P. (1909) The Nilgiri Game and Fish Association. [Publication]
Sutherland, W.D. (1909) Birth (Hindu, popular). [Publication]
Talbot, W.A. (1909) Forest flora of Bombay Presidency and Sind. [Publication]
Thurston, E. and K. Rangachari (1909) Castes and tribes of Southern India. [Publication]
Troup, R.S. (1909) Indian woods and their uses. [Publication]
Vallée Poussin, L. de la (1909) Avalokite\'{s}vara. [Publication]
Vallée Poussin, L. de la (1909) Bodhisattva (in Sanskrit literature). [Publication]
Winstedt, E. O. (1909) The Christian topography of Cosmas Indicopleustes. [Publication]
Winstedt, E.O. (1909) The Christian topography of Cosmas Indicopleustes, ed. with geographical notes. [Publication]
Winternitz, M. (1909) Dialog. [Publication]
Winternitz, M. (1909) Dialog, \={A}khy\={a}na und Drama in der indischen Literatur. [Publication]
Wissowa, Georg (1909) Febris. [Publication]
Wissowa, Georg (1909) Febris. [Publication]