Items where Year is 1907

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Number of items: 40.


Aitken, E.H. (Ed.) (1907) Gazetteer of Sind. [Publication]

Anonymous (1907) A collection of forest rules of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province. [Publication]


Beyer, D. (1907) About Siamese medicine. [Publication]

Burkill, I.H. and R.S. Finlow (1907) Three varieties of Corchorus capsularis Linn. which are eaten. [Publication]


Coblentz, V. (1907) History and uses of camphor in pharmacy and medicine. [Publication]


Davis, Nathan Smith (1907) History of medicine and code of medical ethics. [Publication]


Emanuel, A.E.L. (1907) `The Tulsi plant' -- Anthropological scraps. [Publication]


Fernow, B.E. (1907) A history of forestry. [Publication]


Gammie, G.A. (1907) The Indian cottons. [Publication]


Hoernle, A.F. Rudolf (1907) Itsing and V\={a}gbha\d{t}a. [Publication]

Hooper, D. (1907) The fats of Garcinia species. [Publication]

Hooper, David and Harold Hart Mann (1907) Earth-eating and the earth-eating habit in India. [Publication]

Hopkins, E.W. (1907) The Buddhistic rule against eating meat. [Publication]

Hopkins, E.W. (1907) The sniff-kiss in ancient India. [Publication]

Hornell, J. (1907) Report on the operations on the Ceylon pearl banks during the fishery season of 1907. [Publication]


Jayne, Walter Addison (1907) The medical gods of ancient India. [Publication]

Jolly, J. (1907) Indische Prioritätsansprüche. [Publication]

Jolly, J. (1907) Itsing and V\={a}gbha\d{t}a. [Publication]


Kirtikar, K.R. (1907) A note on an edible fungus from Lahore. [Publication]

Kirtikar, K.R. (1907) A note on an edible puffball from the Thana district. [Publication]


Lüders, Heinrich (1907) Das Würfelspiel im alten Indien. [Publication]

Lüders, H. (1907) Eine indische Speiseregel. [Publication]

Lydekker, R. (1907) The game animals of India, Burma, Malaya and Tibet -- Being a new and revised edition of `The great and small game of India, Burma and Tibet'. [Publication]


Mukerji, N.G. (1907) Handbook of Indian agriculture. [Publication]


Phillott, D.C. (1907) Note on the lagar falcon (Falco jugger). [Publication]

Phillott, D.C. (1907) Notes on the Shahin falcons (Falco peregrinator and F. Barbarus Blanford). [Publication]

Phillott, D.C. (1907) Notes on the saker or Cherrug falcon (F. Cherrug). [Publication]

Pizzagalli (1907) N\={a}stika C\={a}rv\={a}ka e Lok\={a}yatika; contributo alla storia del materialismo nell'India antiqua. [Publication]


Roberts, Emmanuel (1907) Ipomea digitata (Sinh. kiribadu). [Publication]

Roberts, Emmanuel (1907) Vitex negundo (Sinh. nika). [Publication]

Rose, Horace A. (1907) Hindu birth observances in the Panjab. [Publication]

Rose, Horace A. (1907) Muhammadan birth obsrvances in the Panjab. [Publication]


Shah, P.G. (1907) The tulsi plant -- Anthropological scraps. [Publication]

Smith, H. (1907) The work of the Jullundur Civil Hospital in 1906. [Publication]

Storey, H. (1907) Hunting and shooting in Ceylon. [Publication]


Troup, R.S. (1907) Indian forest utilization. [Publication]


Waring, E.J. (1907) Remarks on the uses of some of the bazaar medicines and common medicinal plants of India with a full index of diseases indicating their treatment by these and other agents procurable throughout India, to which are added directions for treatment in cases o. [Publication]

Watanabe, K. (1907) A Chinese text corresponding to part of the Bower Manuscript. [Publication]

Watt, G. (1907) Tea and the tea plant. [Publication]

Watt, G. (1907) The wild and cultivated cotton plants of the world. [Publication]

This list was generated on Sat Feb 15 17:26:53 2025 CET.