Items where Year is 1906

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Number of items: 46.


Anonymous (1906) A manual of forest law compiled for the use of the students at the Imperial Forest College, Dehra Dun. [Publication]

Anonymous (1906) Gir Forest lions. [Publication]

Anonymous (1906) The depreciation of the attractions of the Indian Medical Service and its remedies. [Publication]


Berthenson, L. (1906) Über russische Buddhisten und die sogenannte Tibetische Medizin. [Publication]

Berthenson, L.B. (1906) Ueber russische Buddisten und die sogenannte tibetanische Medizin. [Publication]

Brandis, D. (1906) Indian trees. [Publication]

Britten, J. (1906) Hardwicke's botanical drawings. [Publication]


Chakravarti, Monmohan (1906) Animals in the inscriptions of Piyadasi. [Publication]

Crooke, W. (1906) Things Indian: being discursive notes on various subjects connected with India. [Publication]


Elliot, R. H. (1906) title unknown. [Publication]


Felix (1906) Recollections of a bison and tiger hunter. [Publication]

Fink, G.H. (1906) Food of the natives of India. [Publication]

Frere, J. (1906) A new account of travels in the East India and Persia being nine years travels (1672--1681). [Publication]


Gurdon, P.R. (1906) The Khasis. [Publication]


Hagemann, E. (1906) Zur Hygiene der alten Inder. [Publication]

Harris, James Rendel (1906) The cult of the heavenly twins. [Publication]

Henry, Victor (1906) Sôma et Haoma. [Publication]

Hoernle, A.F. Rudolf (1906) Studies in ancient Indian medicine. I. The commentaries on Su\'{s}ruta. [Publication]

Hoernle, A.F. Rudolf (1906) Studies in ancient Indian medicine. II. On some obscure anatomical terms. [Publication]

Hooker, J.D. (1906) A sketch of the flora of British India. [Publication]

Hutchinson, R.H. Sneyd (1906) An account of the Chittagong Hill Tracts. [Publication]


Jolli, Z.B. (1906) Su\'{s}ruta on mosquitoes. [Publication]

Jolly, J. (1906) Zur Quellenkunde der indischen Medizin, 4: Die Cikits\={a}kalik\={a} des T\={\i}sa\d{t}\={a}c\={a}rya. [Publication]


Laufer, B. (1906) Historical jottings on amber in Asia. [Publication]


Maclaren, J.M. (1906) Notes on some auriferous tracts in Southern India. [Publication]

Mariadassou, Paramananda (1906) Moeurs médicales de l'Inde et leurs rapports avec la médecine européenne. [Publication]

Maxwell-Lefroy, H. (1906) Indian insect pests. [Publication]

McCarrison, Robert (1906) Observations on endemic goitre in the Chitral and Gilgit valleys. [Publication]

Moberley, A.N. (1906) Amulets as agents in the prevention of disease in Bengal. [Publication]

Moberly, A.N. (1906) Miniature tank worship in Bengal. [Publication]


Ray, J.C. (1906) On the Hindu method of manufacturing spirit from rice and its scientific explanation. [Publication]

Rhenius (1906) A Tirunelveli pelicanry. [Publication]

Roberts, Ernest (1906) Enteric fever in India and other tropical and sub-tropical regions: a study in epidemiology and military hygiene. [Publication]

Roberts, Emmanuel (1906) Plectranthus zeylanicus (Sinh. iriweriya); Cyperus rotundus (Sinh. kalanduru). [Publication]

Roberts, Emmanuel (1906) Smilax ovalifolia (Sinh. mahakabarasa). [Publication]


Siegling, Wilhelm (1906) Die Rezensionen des {C}\={a}ra\d{n}avy\={u}ha. [Publication]

Smith, Vincent A. (1906) Is tobacco indigenous in India ? [Publication]

Stapf, O. (1906) The oil grasses of India and Ceylon. [Publication]

Sutherland, W.D. (1906) Einiges ueber das Alltagsleben und die Volksmedizin unter den Bauern Britisch Ostindiens. [Publication]


Temple, R.C. (1906) The thirty seven Nats, a phase of spirit worship prevailing in Burma. [Publication]

Thurston, Edgar (1906) Ethnographic notes in southern India. [Publication]


Valentino, C. (1906) Notes sur l'Inde -- Serpents, hygiène, médecine -- Aper\c{c}us économiques sur l'Inde fran\c{c}aise. [Publication]

Vogel, J. P. (1906) The Sanskrit pratoli and its New-Indian derivatives. [Publication]


Watson, E.R. (1906) Preliminary note on the chemical examination of the milk and butter-fat of the Indian buffalo. [Publication]

Wilson, W.W. (1906) The Soma offering in a fragment of Alkman. [Publication]

Wilson, W. W. (1906) The Soma offering in a fragment of Alkman. [Publication]

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