Items where Year is 1903

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Number of items: 42.


Bingham, C.T. (1903) Hymenoptera -- Vol. II. Ants and cuckoo-wasps. [Publication]


Cash, J. Theodore and Wyndham R. Dunstan (1903) The pharmacology of pseudaconitine and japaconitine considered in relation to that of aconitine. [Publication]

Cordier, P. (1903) Introduction \`{a} l'\'{e}tude des trait\'{e}s m\'{e}dicaux sanscrits inclus dans le Tanjur tib\'{e}tain. [Publication]

Cordier, P. (1903) Récentes découvertes de mss. médicaux sanscrits dans l'Inde (1898--1902). [Publication]

Crawford, D.G. (1903) Hooghli Medical Gazetteer. [Publication]

Crawford, D.G. (1903) Notes on the early hospitals of Calcutta. [Publication]


Dewar, F. (1903) Silk fabrics of the Central Provinces. [Publication]

Donovan, C. (1903) On the possibility of the occurrence of trypanosomiasis in India. [Publication]

Duthie, J.F. (1903) Flora of the Upper Gangetic Plain and of the adjacent Siwalik and Sub-Himalayan tracts. [Publication]


Eberwein, R. (1903) Zur Anatomie des Blattes von Borassus flabelliformis. [Publication]

Edwardes, S.M. (1903) The silk fabrics of the Bombay presidency. [Publication]

Enthoven, R.E. (1903) Cotton fabrics of the Bombay Province. [Publication]


Finot, Louis (1903) L'inscription sanskrite de Say Fong. [Publication]


Gammie, G.A. (1903) A note on plants used during famines and seasons of scarcity in the Bombay Presidency. [Publication]

Gerrard, M. (1903) Letters from the diary of a soldier and sportsman. [Publication]


Herdman, W.A. (1903) Report to the Government of Ceylon on the pearl oyster fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar. [Publication]

Hooper, David (1903) Silajit: an ancient eastern medicine. [Publication]

Huizinga, J. (1903) Over eenige euphemismen in het Oud-Indisch. [Publication]


Kirtikar, K.R. (1903) The poisonous plants of Bombay. [Publication]


Lanman, C. R. (1903) Atharva-veda: Critical notes; with some account of Whitney's commentary. [Publication]

Leishman, W.B. (1903) On the possibility of the occurrence of trypanosomiasis in India. [Publication]

Liétard, G. (1903) review of J. Jolly (1901). [Publication]

Lydekker, R. (1903) Mostly mammals. [Publication]


Maynard, F.P. (1903) After-results of sixty-three operations for depression of the lens performed by Indian {"}cataract-prickers{"}. [Publication]

Menon, C. Karunakara (1903) Some agricultural ceremonies in Malabar. [Publication]

Meyer, Johann Jacob (1903) Das Zauberbuch der Hetären. [Publication]

Mukherjee, N.G. (1903) A monograph on the silk fabrics of Bengal. [Publication]


Ott, A. (1903) Geschichte der Tuberkulose. [Publication]


Park, Roswell (1903) An epitome of the history of medicine. [Publication]

Pelliot, Paul (1903) Le Bhai\d{s}ajyaguru. [Publication]


Schmidt, Richard (1903) Die vyadhanayog\={a}\d{h} im K\={a}mas\={u}tra. [Publication]

Schmidt, Richard (1903) Harihara's \'{S}\d{r}\.{n}g\={a}rad\={\i}pik\={a}. [Publication]


Tagore, Raja Sir Sourindro Mohun (1903) Dh\'{a}tum\'{a}l\'{a} or a Garland of metals, compiled and translated into English from various Sanskrit works. [Publication]

Thomas, F.W. (1903) Deux collections sanscrites et tibétaines de s\={a}dhanas. [Publication]


Venkayya, V. (1903) Irrigation in Southern India in ancient times. [Publication]

Vierordt, Hermann (1903) Die klinisch wichtigen Parasiten. [Publication]

Vierordt, Hermann (1903) Geschichte der Herzkrankheiten. [Publication]

Vierordt, Hermann (1903) Lungenkrankheiten (ausschliesslich Tuberkulose). [Publication]


Wallace, G.B. (1903) On nutmeg poisoning. [Publication]

Walton, Henry G. (1903) A monograph on tanning and working in leather in the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh. [Publication]

Wangerin, A. (1903) Ueber Piperaceen-Drogen. [Publication]


Zachariae, Theodor (1903) Zum altindischen Hochzeitsritual. [Publication]

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