Items where Year is 1902

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Number of items: 45.


Baetson, W.B. (1902) Indian Medical Service: past and present. [Publication]

Baker, Sir Samuel White (1902) Eight years in Ceylon. [Publication]

Barker, C.A. (1902) The natural history of the sandal tree. [Publication]

Basu, K. C. (1902) Official indigenous drugs of India. [Publication]

Beveridge, H. (translator) (1902) The Akbar Nama of Abu-l-Fazl. [Publication]

Bloch, I. (1902) Neuere Darstellungen der indischen Medizin. [Publication]

Bose, Kartic Chandra (1902) The official indigenous drugs of India. [Publication]


Caland, W. (1902) Zur Exegese und Kritik der rituellen S\=utras. XXXVIII. Zum \=Apastamba \'srautas\=utra. [Publication]

Caland, W. (1902) Zur Exegese und Kritik der rituellen S\={u}tras. XXXIX: Zum Kau\'{s}ika-S\={u}tra, XLI: Noch einmal pr\={a}\d{n}a und ap\={a}na. [Publication]

Collett, H. (1902) Flora Simlensis. [Publication]

Cordier, P. (1902) L'enseignement médical dans l'Inde ancienne. Temps védico-brahmaniques. [Publication]


Dutt, Romesh (1902) The economic history of British India -- A record of agriculture and land settlements, trade and manufacturing industries, finance and administration from the rise of the British power in 1757 to the accession of queen Victoria in 1837. [Publication]


Gamble, J.S. (1902) A manual of Indian timbers. [Publication]

Goebel, K. (1902) Rumphius als botanischer Naturforscher. [Publication]

Gracias, C.F.X. (1902) Flora economica e industrial de Provincia de Pragana Nagaravely (India Portugueza). [Publication]

Greshoff, M. (Ed.) (1902) Rumphius Gedenkboek 1702--1902. [Publication]

Guérinot, A. (1902) Le J\={\i}vaviy\={a}ra de \'{S}\={a}ntis\={u}ri Un traité jaina sur les êtres vivants, texte prâcrit, traduction fran\c{c}aise, notes et glossaire. [Publication]


Haan, F. de (1902) Rumphius en Valentijn als geschiedschrijvers van Ambon. [Publication]

Haddon, A.C. (1902) Fire-walking in Southern India. [Publication]

Hadi, Saiyid Muhammad (1902) The sugar industry of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh. [Publication]

Hartwich, C. (1902) Ueber in Rumphius' "Herbarium Amboinense" erwaehnte amerikanische Pflanzen. [Publication]

Heeres, J.E. (1902) Rumphius' levensloop. Naar de mededeelingen van P.A. Leupe. [Publication]

Hoernle, A.F. Rudolf (1902) Facsimile reproduction of Weber MSS part IX, and Macartney MSS, set 1, with Roman transliteration and indexes. [Publication]

Hooker, J.D. (1902) A sketch of the life and labours of Sir William Jackson Hooker. [Publication]


Jolly, J. (1902) Zur Quellenkunde der indischen Medizin. 2. I-tsing. [Publication]


Lewis, F. (1902) A descriptive catalogue of the more useful trees and flowering plants of the Western and Sabaraganuwa Provinces of Ceylon. [Publication]

List (1902) List of qualified medical practitioners, military and civil assistant surgeons, hospital assistants, etc., serving or practising in Bengal. [Publication]

Lotsy, J.P. (1902) Over de in Nederland aanwezige botanische handschriften van Rumphius. [Publication]


Maries, C. (1902) Indian mangoes. [Publication]


Negelein, J. von (1902) Die abergläubische Bedeutung der Zwillingsgeburt. [Publication]

Neuburger, Max und Julius Pagel (Herausgeber) (1902) Handbuch der Geschichte der Medizin begründet von Th. Puschmann. [Publication]

Niblock, W.J. (1902) Cancer in India. [Publication]


Oppert, G. (1902) Der Sâlagrâma Stein. [Publication]


Prain, D. (1902) Noviciae Indicae XVIII. The Asiatic species of Dalbergia. [Publication]


R\={a}y, Praphulla Chandra (1902) A history of Hindu chemistry from the earliest times to the middle of the sixteenth century A.D. with Sanskrit texts, variants, translation and illustrations,. [Publication]

Rouffaer, G.P. and W.C. Muller (1902) Eerste proeve van een Rumphius-bibliographie. [Publication]


Schrader, F. Otto (1902) Über den Stand der indischen Philosophie zur Zeit Mah\={a}v\={\i}ras und Buddhas. [Publication]

Speyer JS (1902) Eene Indische verwante van de Germaansche godin Nerthus. [Publication]


Warburg, O. (1902) Die botanische Erforschung der Molukken seit Rumpf's Zeiten. [Publication]

Watt, G. (1902) The Indian Aconites: their varieties, their distribution and their uses. [Publication]

Webber, T. (1902) The forests of Upper India and their inhabitants. [Publication]

Webber, T.W. (1902) The forests of Upper India and their inhabitants. [Publication]

Wichmann, Arthur (1902) Het aandeel van Rumphius in het mineralogisch en geologisch onderzoek van den Indischen Archipel. [Publication]

Wichmann, Arthur (1902) Het aandeel van Rumphius in het mineralogisch en geologisch onderzoek van den Indischen Archipel. [Publication]

Witt, D. O. (1902) The destruction of game in the Central Provinces. [Publication]

This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 23:29:36 2025 CET.