Items where Year is 1899

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Number of items: 37.


Acworth, H.A. (1899) Leprosy in India. [Publication]

Adams, Archibald (1899) The western Rajputana States: a medico-topographical and general account of Marwar, Sirohi, Jaisalmir. [Publication]

Bilgrami, H.A. (1899) Iron idustry in the territory of Nizam of Hyderabad. [Publication]

Bloch (1899) (About phira\.{n}garoga). [Publication]

Caland, W. (1899) Zur Exegese und Kritik der rituellen S\=utras. XVIII. Zum Kau\'sikas\=utra. [Publication]

Caland, W. (1899) Zur Exegese und Kritik der rituellen S\=utras. XXVIII. Zum Kau\'sikas\=utra. [Publication]

Caland, W. (1899) Zur Exegese und Kritik der rituellen S\={u}tras. [Publication]

Cordier, Henri (1899) Deux voyageurs dans l'Extrême-Orient au XVe et au XVIe siècles. Essai bibliographique: Nicolà de'Conti--Lodovico de Varthema. [Publication]

Cordier, P. (1899) Médecins et médecine au Bengale. [Publication]

Cordier, P. (1899) Quelques données nouvelles à propos des traités médicaux sanscrits antérieurs au XIIIe siècle. [Publication]

Dhargalkar, L.B. (1899) Notes on the therapeutics of indigenous vegetable drugs. [Publication]

Ewer, L. (1899) Einiges aus der Medizin der alten Inder. [Publication]

Feer, Léon (1899) Le Bodhisattva et la famille de tigres. [Publication]

Gracias, C.F.X. (1899) Os legumes e os cerães de Goa e Damão. [Publication]

Hankin, E.H. (1899) The bubonic plague. [Publication]

Hillebrandt, A. (1899) Materialisten und Skeptiker. [Publication]

Hirschberg, J. (1899) Geschichte der Augenheilkunde im Althertum; in: von Graefe-Saemisch. [Publication]

Höfler, M. (1899) Zur Volksmedicin Ceylon's vor 200 Jahren. [Publication]

Jolly, J. (1899) review of A.F.R. Hoernle's edition of the Bower Manuscript, 1893--97. [Publication]

King, G. (1899) The early history of Indian botany. [Publication]

King, G. (1899) A sketch of the history of Indian botany. [Publication]

Liétard, G. (1899) review of P. Cordier (1899). [Publication]

Mitra, Sarat C. (1899) On rain ceremony in the district of Murshidabad, Bengal. [Publication]

Reynolds, G.F. (1899) Blackwater fever: some cases and notes. [Publication]

Rhys Davids, T.W. and C.A.F. Rhys Davids (1899) Dialogues of the Buddha, translated from the Pali. [Publication]

Ross, Ronald (1899) Report on the nature of kala-azar. [Publication]

Ryley, J.H. (Ed.) (1899) Ralph Fitch: England's pioneer to India and Burma. [Publication]

Sambon, L.W. (1899) The etiology and treatment of blackwater fever. [Publication]

Sarkies, C.J. (1899) Report on plague operations in Ahmednagar and District during the year of 1899. [Publication]

Tawney, C.H. (1899) The Prabandhacint\={a}ma\d{n}i or Wishingstone of narratives, composed by Merutu\.{n}ga \={A}c\={a}rya, translated from the original Sanskrit. [Publication]

Thibaut, G. (1899) Astronomie, Astrologie und Mathematik. [Publication]

Whiteway, R. S. (1899) The rise of Portuguese power in India. [Publication]

Whiteway, R.S. (1899) The rise of Portuguese power in India 1497--1550. [Publication]

Winternitz (1899) Witchcraft in ancient India. [Publication]

Winternitz, M. (1899) Witchcraft in ancient India. [Publication]

Woolbert, H. R. (1899) A medico-topographical account of Deoli. [Publication]

Woolbert, H.R. (1899) A medico-topographical account of Deoli, Rajputana, with a medical history of the Deoli Irregular Force. [Publication]

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