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"Papageno" (1896) De Indische Plinius. [Publication]
Bahadurji, K.N. (1896) The medical needs of India. [Publication]
Baunack, Theodor (1896) Über einige Wunderthaten der A\'{s}vin. [Publication]
Bloomfield, M. (1896) Contributions to the interpretation of the Veda -- Seventh Series. [Publication]
Bose, P.N. (1896) Technical and scientific education in Bengal. [Publication]
Cordier, P. (1896) Études sur la médecine hindoue. N\={a}g\={a}rjuna et l'Uttaratantra de la Su\c{c}rutasa\d{m}hit\={a}. [Publication]
Cordier, P. (1896) Études sur la médecine hindoue. V\={a}gbha\d{t}a et l'A\d{s}\d{t}\={a}\.{n}gah\d{r}dayasa\d{m}hit\={a}. [Publication]
Crooke, William (1896) The tribes and castes of the North-Western Provinces and Oudh. [Publication]
Crooke, W. (1896) The popular religion and folklore of Northern India. [Publication]
Dalgado, D.G. (1896) Vires plantarum Malabaricarum ou Virtudes das plantas do Malabar extrahidas do "Hortus Indicus Malabaricus'' de Nenrique van Rheede. Com classifica\c{c}ão das plantas segundo o moderno systema da nomenclatura botanica; clssifica\c{c}\~{a}o therapeutica. [Publication]
Dorveauz (1896) Consultation médicale donnée en 1748 à un fran\c{c}ais habitant les Indes Orientales. [Publication]
Egerton, W. (1896) Indian and oriental armour. [Publication]
Finot, Louis (1896) Les lapidaires indiens. [Publication]
Gamble, J.S. (1896) The Bambuseae of British India. [Publication]
Hadi, Saiyid Muhammad (1896) A monograph on dyes and dyeing in the North-Western Provinces and Oudh. [Publication]
Haffkine, W.M.W. (1896) On the inoculation of coolies. [Publication]
Harshberger, J.W. (1896) The purposes ofv ethnobotany. [Publication]
Henry, Victor (1896) Les Livres X, XI et XII de l'Atharvaveda -- Traduits et commentés. [Publication]
Horder, E. (1896) Monograph on dyes and dyeing in the Madras Presidency. [Publication]
Jacobi, Hermann (1896) Nochmals uber das Alter des Veda. [Publication]
Kern, H. (1896) Manual of Indian Buddhism. [Publication]
Kiliani, H. (1896) Über den Milchsaft von Antiaris toxicaria. [Publication]
Latour, E. (1896) Adulterants of senna. [Publication]
Laufer, Berthold (1896) Indisches Recept zur Herstellung von R\"{a}ucherwerk. [Publication]
Lersch, B.M. (1896) Geschichte der Volksseuchen nach und mit den Berichten der Zeitgenossen, mit Berücksichtigung der Thierseuchen. [Publication]
Lévi, Sylvain (1896) Notes sur les Indo-Scythes. [Publication]
Liétard, G. (1896) La littérature médicale de l'Inde. [Publication]
Middleton, Jr., Robert Morton (1896) On a remarkable use of ants in Asia Minor. [Publication]
Nathan, R. (1896) The plague in India. [Publication]
Pavolini, P. E. (1896) Vicende del tipo di M\={u}ladeva. [Publication]
Raasch, Chr. (1896) Zur geographischen Pathologie Siams. [Publication]
Renel, Ch. (1896) L'évolution d'un mythe: A\c{c}vins et Dioscures. [Publication]
Roth, R. (1896) Vom Baum Vibh\={\i}\d{d}aka. [Publication]
Watch, George T. (1896) The engineering works of the Godavari Delta: a descriptive and historical account. [Publication]