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Asiatic Society of Bengal (1885) Centenary review of the Asiatic Society of Bengal: from 1784 to 1883. [Publication]
Ball, V. (1885) On the identification of the animals and plants of India which were known to early Greek authors. [Publication]
Barras, Col. Julius (1885) India and tiger hunting. [Publication]
Bellew, H.W. (1885) The history of cholera in India from 1862 to 1881. [Publication]
Bonavia, E. (1885) The date palm of India. [Publication]
Burnell, A.C. and P.A. Thiele (1885) The voyage of John Huyghen van Linschoten to the East Indies. [Publication]
Burrell, A.C. and P.A. Tiele (eds. and translators) (1885) The voyage of Johann Huygen van Linschoten. [Publication]
Burton, E.F. (1885) Reminiscences of sport in India. [Publication]
Crooke, W. (1885) Egg-plant -- potatoes -- onions -- unlucky. [Publication]
Gram, Christian (1885) Ueber die wirksamen Bestandteile von Asclepias curassavica, Asclepias incarnata und Vincetoxicum officinale. [Publication]
Gribble, J.M.D. (1885) Outlines of medical jurisprudence for Indian Criminal Courts. [Publication]
Grierson, George A (prepared, under Orders of the Government of Bengal by) (1885) Bihar peasant life -- Being a discursive catalogue of the surroundings of the people of that province, with many illustrations from photographs taken by the author. [Publication]
Harting, P. (1885) George Everhard Rumphius. [Publication]
Hornady, William T. (1885) Two years in the jungle: Experiences of a hunter and naturalist. [Publication]
Liétard, G. (1885) Fragments d'histoire et de bibliographie {III}: Une nouvelle traduction de l'Ayurvéda de Su\c{c}ruta. [Publication]
Nevill, Hugh (1885) On Aloe vera in Ceylon, its uses, names and localities. [Publication]
Oldenberg, H. (1885) \^{A}khy\^{a}nahymnen im \d{R}gveda. [Publication]
Pringle, R. (1885) Ancient and modern methods pf treating small-pox epidemics in India. [Publication]
Raghunathji, K. (1885) Omens from the falling of house lizards. [Publication]
Semmelink (1885) Geschiedenis der cholera in Oost-Indië vóór 1817. [Publication]
Semmelink (1885) Histoire du choléra aux Indes Orientales avant 1817. [Publication]
Steel, J.H. (1885) A manual of the diseases of the elephant. [Publication]
Steel, J.H. (1885) A manual of the diseases of the elephant and its management and uses. [Publication]
Varthema, Ludovico di (1885) Itinerario di Ludovico di Varthema. Nuovamente posto in luce da Alberto Bacchi della Lega. [Publication]
Weber, A. (1885) Die Garu\d{d}opanishad. [Publication]