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Baldwin, Capt. J.H. (1883) The large and small game of Bengal. [Publication]
Beddome, R.H. (1883) Handbook to the ferns of British India, Ceylon and the Malay Peninsula. [Publication]
Bouillet, J. (1883) Précis d'histoire de la médecine. [Publication]
Burton, Richard and F.F. Arbuthnot (1883) The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana. [Publication]
Candolle, A. de (1883) L'origine des plantes cultivées. [Publication]
Chevers, Norman (1883) Medico-topographical health histories for districts and towns. [Publication]
Dymock, W. (1883) The vegetable Materia Medica of Western India. [Publication]
Dymock, W. and N.K. Gadgil (1883) A glossary of the vernacular names of the principal plants and drugs (indigenous and imported) found in Bombay and on the Western coasts of India. [Publication]
Fabricius, B. (1883) Der Periplus des Erythräischen Meeres von einem Unbekannten. [Publication]
Flückiger, F.A. (1883) Pharmakognosie des Pflanzenreiches. [Publication]
Hessler, F. (1883) Ueber die Materia medica des ältesten indischen Arztes Tscharaka. [Publication]
Hewlett (1883) Report on enteric fever. [Publication]
Kielhorn, F. (1883) On the grammarian Bhartrihari. [Publication]
Liétard, G. (1883) Su\c{c}ruta. [Publication]
M'Cann, H.W. (1883) Report on the dyes and tans of Bengal. [Publication]
Mason, F. (1883) Burmah, its people and natural productions. [Publication]
Mukherji, T. N. (1883) A handbook of Indian products. [Publication]
Nanjio, Bunjiu (1883) A catalogue of the Chinese translation of the Buddhist Tripi\d{t}aka, the sacred Canon of the Buddhists in China and Japan. [Publication]
Oldenberg, H. (1883) Das altindische \^{A}khy\^{a}na, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf das Supar\d{n}\={a}khy\={a}na. [Publication]
Watt, George (1883) Economic products of India exhibited in the Economic Court, Calcutta International Exhibition, 1883--1884. [Publication]