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Barbosa, Duarte (1866) A description of the coasts of East Africa and Malabar in the beginning of the sixteenth century (transl. H.E.J. Stanley). [Publication]
Cleghorn, H. (1866) On some economic plants of India. [Publication]
Cleghorn, H. (1866) Principal plants of the Sutlej valley: together with approximate elevations and remarks. [Publication]
Dey, Kanny Lal (1866) Hindu social laws and habits viewed in relation to health. [Publication]
Forbes Watson, J. (1866) Index to the native and scientific names of Indian and other Eastern economic plants and products. [Publication]
Hasskarl, J.K. (1866) Neuer Schlüssel zu Rumph's Herbarium Amboinense. [Publication]
Hooker, W.J. (1866) An examination of the leaves of Gymnema sylvestre. [Publication]
MacPherson, John (1866) Cholera in its home with a sketch of the pathology and treatment of the disease. [Publication]
MacPherson, John (1866) De cholera en hare bakermat, met eene korte beschrijving van de pathologie en de behandeling der ziekte, door John MacPherson, uit het Engelsch vertaald door Doctor G. Vrolik. [Publication]
Murchison, Sir Roderick [with the asistance of J.D. Hooker] (1866) Hooker obituary. [Publication]
Pellarin, Charles (1866) Le choléra et le typhus indien -- Épidémie de 1865 -- Prophylaxe et traitement. [Publication]
Roth, R. von (1866) Über die Vorstellung vom Schicksal in der indischen Spruchweisheit. [Publication]
Rudolphy, John (1866) Pharmaceutical directory of all the crude drugs now in general use: their etymology and names in alphabetical order. [Publication]
Silva, Pedro José da (1866) Elogio historico e noticia completa de Tomé Pires, pharmaceutico e primeiro naturalista da India. [Publication]
Trendelenburg, F. (1866) De veterum Indorum chirurgia. [Publication]
Yule, Henry (1866) Cathay and the way thither; being a collection of medieval notices of China, translated and edted; with a preliminary essay on the intercourse between China and the Western nations previous to the discovery of the Cape route. [Publication]