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Baillie, W.R. (1852) Summary of papers relating to the Tenasserim forests. [Publication]
Barker, W. (1852) Notes from a clinical journal -- cholera. [Publication]
Burton, Richard F. (1852) Falconry in the Valley of the Indus. [Publication]
Cleghorn, H., F. Royle, R. Baird-Smith and R. Strachey (1852) Report of the committee appointed by the British Association to consider the probable effects in an economical and physical point of view of the destruction of tropical forests. [Publication]
Government of Bengal (1852) Report on the teak forests of the Tenasserim Provinces, with the other papers on the teak forests of India. [Publication]
Government of Bengal (1852) Summary of papers relating to Madras and Bombay forests. [Publication]
Hessler, F. (1852) Commentarii et annotationes in Su\c{c}rutae \^{A}yurvedam, continens notas ad totum Su\c{c}rutae Âyurvedam. [Publication]
Heusinger, C.F. (1852) Die sogenannte Geophagie oder tropische Chlorose als Krankheit aller Länder und Klimate. [Publication]
Honigberger, John Martin (1852) Thirty-five years in the East -- Adventures, discoveries, experiments and historical sketches, relating to the Punjab and Kashmere; in connection with medicine, botany, pharmacy, etc., together with an original Materia Medica, and a medical vocabulary, in. [Publication]
Hooker, W.J. (1852) On the camphor-tree of Borneo and Sumatra, Dryobalanops camphora Colebr. [Publication]
Skipwith, F.C. (1852) Homoeopathy and its introduction into India. [Publication]
Thomson, T. (1852) Western Himalaya and Tibet: a narrative of a journey through the mountains of Northern India during the years 1847-8. [Publication]
Vriese, W. H. de (1852) On the camphor-tree of Sumatra (Dryobalanops camphora Colebr.). [Publication]
Weber, A. (1852) Akademische Vorlesungen über indische Literaturgeschichte. [Publication]
Wise, T.A. (1852) On insanity in Bengal. [Publication]
Wise, T.A. (1852) Practical remarks on insanity as it occurs among the inhabitants of Bengal. [Publication]