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Campbell, Major W. (1842) The old forest ranger. [Publication]
Heatly, S.G.T. (1842) Contributions towards a history of the mineral resources of India. [Publication]
Hessler, F. (1842) Fragment aus dem S\={u}trasth\={a}na des Ayurvedas des Su\c{s}rutas, als ein Beitrag zur ältesten Geschichte der Chirurgie, aus dem Sanscrit in das Deutsche übersetzt. [Publication]
Hodgson, B.H. (1842) Notice of the mammals of the Tibet with descriptions and plates of some new species. [Publication]
McClelland, J. (1842) Botanical garden at Kew: Report of Professor Lindley upon the present condition of the botaical garden at Kew. [Publication]
O'Shaughnessy, W.B. (1842) The Bengal Dispensatory and Compendium to the Pharmacopoeia. [Publication]
Raleigh, Walter (1842) Observations on idiopathic dysentery, as it occurs in Europeans in Bengal, particularly in reference to the anatomy of that disease. [Publication]
Vigne, G.T. (1842) Travels in Kashmir, Ladak, Iskardo, the countries adjoining the mountain-course of the Indus, and the Himalaya, north of the Panjab. [Publication]
Waller, T. (1842) A letter on the fever which prevailed in Bankote in the S. Concan in 1841. [Publication]
Yule, H. (1842) Notes on the iron of Kasia Hills. [Publication]