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Bramley, Mountford J. (1833) Some account of the brochocele, or goitre of Nipal, and of the Cis- and Trans-Himalayan regions. [Publication]
Campbell, A. (1833) On the native alum or salajit of Nepal. [Publication]
Deville, J.J. (1833) Histoire médicale du choléra-morbus dans le quartier de l'Hôtel de Ville, suivie d'un aper\c{c}u de cette même maladie observée au Bengale et comparée à l'épidémie de Paris. [Publication]
Dietz, Fridericus Reinholdus (1833) Analecta medica ex libris Mss. Fasciculus primus in quo insunt: 1. Elenchus materiae medicae Ibn Beitharis Malacensis secundum codices Mss. Arabicos Escorialenses, Matritenses, Parisiensem, Hamburgensem, Pars prima. 2. Catalogus codicum de re medica Sansc. [Publication]
Henschel, Aug. Guil. E. Th. (1833) Vita G.E. Rumphii, Plinii Indici. [Publication]
Hodgson, B.H. (1833) On the new species of Buceros. [Publication]
Jacquemont, V. (1833) Correspondance de Victor Jacquemont avec sa famille et plusieurs de ses amis pendant son voyage dans l'Inde (1828--1832). [Publication]
Leslie, J. (1833) A sketch of the medical topography of Gowhattee. [Publication]
Mouat, J. (1833) On the climate of Bangalore and the prevalence of hepatitis at that station. [Publication]
Playfair, G. (1833) The Taleef Shereef or Indian Materia Medica, translated from the original Urdu with additions. [Publication]
Sauty, J.J.A. (1833) Sur l'état de la médecine et de la chirurgie dans l'Inde. [Publication]
Sen, Ram Comul (1833) A short account of the Charak Puja ceremony and a description of the implements used. [Publication]
Sen, Ram Comul (1833) A short account of the Charak Puja ceremonies and a description of the implements used. [Publication]
Skinner, Thomas (1833) Excursions in India. [Publication]
Soutty, J.J.A. (1833) Sur l'état de la médecine et de la chirurgie dans l'Inde. [Publication]
Twining, William (1833) A practical account of the epidemic cholera, and of the treatment requisite in the various modifications of that disease. [Publication]