L'oeuvre de Marcelle Lalou (1890--1967)

Filliozat, Jean (1969) L'oeuvre de Marcelle Lalou (1890--1967). [Publication]

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Item Type: Publication
Author(s): Filliozat, Jean
Author(s) order (without accents): Filliozat Jean
Title order (without accents): Loeuvre de Marcelle Lalou (1890--1967)
Type of publication: Article / Letter to editor
Language: English
Published in: Journal Asiatique, tome CCLVII, 1--10
Location: photocopy
Checked: yes
ReferenceID: 364f
Date Deposited: 07 Jul 2017 12:50
Last Modified: 07 Jul 2017 12:50
URI: http://indianmedicine.eldoc.ub.rug.nl/id/eprint/71178

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